realitybitescreates · 1 month
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realitybitescreates · 2 years
Doneeeeee at like 12:30ish this morning between clean up and the last finished. Totally changed the last idea when it hit 10:45. There was just no way I was gonna get the idea I had in mind in by midnight. So Haunter it was cause even after simplifying the idea Wednesday was just gonna be to much work on my half dead brain. Of course I'm up now for work and can't decide if I want an ice bath for my abused arms and hands or a lava shower. Either way it'll have to wait. 😭 The Eddie munson one is my pride and joy this year. Why oh why do I insist on carving in letters though like my handwriting is barely legible 85%of the time. So I messed up Flygon's wing a bit ergo the giant window of light.
Tumblr has been a hoe and not letting me make a post so I'm just linking the friggin Instagram post.
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realitybitescreates · 3 years
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2021′s sacrifices for the year sorry forgot to share. Inspiration is pretty straight forward Doctor Who, Among Us, and Nightmare Before Christmas. More specifically for Nightmare was Disney California Adventure Park ‘s Oogie Boogie bash sign for the year. I thought it looked really cool even if I got frustrated by all the bloody dots I did for the outline and ended up free-handing most of it. I hate a new found hatred for the letter H.
The Pumpkins were apparently impatient and attempted rebellion with a few seeds wishing to grow up and be chest busters instead.  
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realitybitescreates · 5 years
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I giveth this years sacrifices.
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realitybitescreates · 6 years
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This year’s victims. Somehow ended up doing a 5th one which was not the plan and ended up with Stitch. However, Stitch met an untimely demise and was murdered before I got the chance to see his full glory lit. Stupid bastards at work. =_=. Spent all day basically between prep, breaks, and oh shit moments. Sally and Jack literally almost died and the umbrella is being held up by toothpicks in places.
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realitybitescreates · 6 years
I can't remember what all I've shared where at this point. But here are my pumpkins from 2017. My running theme was TAZ.
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realitybitescreates · 8 years
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Day 11 Transportation I’m on time I did the thing on time lol. I absolutely love Kiki’s Delivery Service and it was probably the first Ghibli film I ever saw without realizing it. I just remember picking this vhs out for my movie choice from Blockbuster back In the day. I’ve also had witches on the brain according to a crap ton of fb quizzes I’m a witch who is apparently over 700 years old and looks like a 15 year old. Even the quizzes don’t think I look old enough to drive. =_=
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realitybitescreates · 8 years
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Day 10 Jump I’m only a day late I did this today lol so lazy no shade. I’ve got Kris Kross stuck in my head now. Why must anatomy be so ugh. I remember Kakurenbo the more I try to figure out this character. Probably one of my fave shorts.
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realitybitescreates · 8 years
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Day 9 Broken
Tbh I’m not really pleased with this I’m rather terrible at Making a vision in my head come out the way I want it to when it’s a field I’m no where near comfortable drawing in. I took liberties with this word as well I actually spent days trying to figure out what I wanted to do and how to visually form it.
I wasn’t sure how to design someone who does and doesn’t look every bit as creepy as the aura he gives off. I needed to prove he wasn’t human but just another Yokai.
One who happened to be older, stronger, and far more evil than most the others who’d try eat weaker yokai such as her. He was patient and he could wait to savor his meal and he had with some snacking along the way. He never ran but was always there in the corner of your eye creeping closer to snare you with his seemingly endless arms. An aura so dark it seemed to choke the very air around it looming.
He was done waiting but so was she years of cat and mouse were over. She only had one shot to get past once the temples barrier completely broke. One chance to lure him where she needed him to be. Inside the terrified child from the past wanted nothing more than to flee as always. She needed this to be over everything had to go as planned to get her payment; to be free from this nightmare. No the Warlock had made a deal and she was gonna earn her prize.
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realitybitescreates · 8 years
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Day 8 Rock Most of these words are super vague so the possibilities are virtually endless. Lol 4 days late but to be fair I finished it yesterday… Whisper of the Heart I think over the years has become my Ghibli bias for me. It’s probably the most relatable with Shizuku being my spirit ghibli persona. I absolutely adore this scene and haven’t really done it justice I couldn’t figure out how to layer all the shading since I hate shading so much. I may or may not come back and retrace it on marker paper and try to do it in color.
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realitybitescreates · 8 years
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Day 7 Lost
Proportions aren’t 100% but this isn’t horrendous in my book. God I hate hands. =x=
I have a soft spot for Odin and Ava so flipping through I’m like yesss I can use this.
Love love love the art work for Ava’s Demon and finally got the books in I backed on Kickstarter. God they’re so pretty and I just ugh. Reflipping through started noticing the smaller things like the shapes that represent them and stuff appearing in their eyes so that’s super neat. Totally forgot this child was wandering the woods barefoot until Gil gave him boots to wear.
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realitybitescreates · 8 years
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Day 6 Hidden
I dunno how to function without a reference so today’s heavy influence is Kagerou Days… Actually quite proud of the hands….Don’t start with the hands I’m an idiot.
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realitybitescreates · 8 years
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realitybitescreates · 8 years
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Day 5 Lonely
Bash me I’m cool I legit just threw this together 40 mins ago. I should just call this Sketchtober for me .For those of us who try but aren’t 100% dedicated like the rest of these snazzy people. :p
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realitybitescreates · 8 years
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Day 4 hungry
Fuck it I’m done I hate shoes I think I spent an hour trying to figure out how to redo the design at this angle. I hate fish lol my lovely half baked background……..I don’t even but hey like what better place to hunt for spirit fishies than an aquarium where so many died. Lol hello morbid but idk it was a cute idea I thought of earlier. Of course my nekomusume loves fish. One day I’ll figure out how to make my thoughts turn out better on paper.
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realitybitescreates · 8 years
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Day 3 collection
Randomly stares at the pile of plushies. I don’t have a problem I swear. :× I do have a perspective issue though. =_=
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realitybitescreates · 8 years
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Day 2 Noisy I'm lazy and I'm late go figure.....I don't even though the noisiest thing outside from the normal everyday things is my friggin mind. I never say half the shit I mean. Half the things end up be scenerio conversations in my head. Constantly thinking about nothing and everything all at once.
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