reallucywestenra ¡ 13 days
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reallucywestenra ¡ 18 days
There was once a middle age man who swallowed a fly.
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reallucywestenra ¡ 20 days
Ask me anything! List of sample questions below:
What is the most absurd thing you've been tricked into doing or believing?
What is something true that nobody agrees with you on?
Which instrument has the funniest sound?
Where would you relocate if you were forced to leave the country?
If you could meet anyone in this world today, who would you meet?
What’s the best type of cheese for you?
What is the greatest risk you have ever taken?
Have you ever thought of what your future baby will be named?
What are those things you're too old to do but you still enjoy?
What are your pet peeves?
Who’s the messiest person you’ve ever known?
Who is your all-time favorite Disney character?
What would you be if you had to wear one Halloween costume every day for the rest of your life?
What is one ability that you believe everybody should possess?
How many times has your heart been broken?
What is the first thing you do after getting home from a trip?
What are the things you’d spend with a billion dollars?
What are the songs that make you sing along whenever you hear t
What has been your greatest kitchen mistake?
What's the craziest bet you have ever made?
Who would you want to trade lives with?
If you were given the chance to steal something, what would it be?
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reallucywestenra ¡ 23 days
he did make a nice dinner
Dracula finding out Jonathan is trying to contact the outside world and escape after he spent all that time cleaning and cooking
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reallucywestenra ¡ 26 days
Only one of them did real drugs
lucy westerna and her three weed smoking boyfriends
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reallucywestenra ¡ 30 days
The polycule allegations will not be commented on but they're not unreasonable
"Why can't they let a girl marry three men, or as many as want her, and save all this trouble?"
And so the polycule was formed.
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reallucywestenra ¡ 30 days
Funny how I put myself in the shoes of a man trying to woo a lady in today's letter. No one needs to look into this :l
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reallucywestenra ¡ 30 days
Some notes on The Men:
Mina and I took to calling Seward the zoo keeper, it was more insulting to the patients than him. He was quite hot but too stubborn and droned on about medicine in a way that was either incredibly boring or disturbing.
Quincey was just as gun slinging rootin' tootin' as one would imagine him to be. His use of American slang still strikes me a silly. Idioms are much funnier the first time they are heard.
Arthur was really very sweet though not the brightest bulb. He seemed the nicest to share a life with though looking back I didn't really want to settle down.
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reallucywestenra ¡ 1 month
The book has taken a pause so feel free to ask me any questions!
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reallucywestenra ¡ 1 month
Lovely, so true
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reallucywestenra ¡ 1 month
If you think about it, Dracula getting Jonathan to come to his castle is just the vampire equivalent of getting door dash.
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reallucywestenra ¡ 1 month
In regards to Jonathan’s diary on the 16th these ladies were in fact gorgeous and were actually quite funny and sweet when not trying to eat you alive. Their names were Sylvia, Ara, and Kari.
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reallucywestenra ¡ 1 month
“with great wavy masses of golden hair and eyes like pale sapphires. I seemed somehow to know her face, and to know it in connection with some dreamy fear”
I haunted your dreams, huh, Jonathan? What did you think I was gonna do?
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reallucywestenra ¡ 1 month
Incorrect Dracula Part II
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Van Helsing
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(part I) (part III)
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reallucywestenra ¡ 1 month
the lizard thing is actually reallly fun fyi
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reallucywestenra ¡ 1 month
oh “undressing by the fire” actually meant fiddling with corsets for an hour. clothes are easier nowadays. so is being gay
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reallucywestenra ¡ 1 month
Ah yes time for everyone’s favorite character, me!
Oh and my boy toys 😘
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