reblogstuffandstuff · 11 days
Hey uh. Am I misinterpreting something or have you been implying that the entire changeling situation sucks for more reasons than “bad things happen if the changeling gets caught”. Like am I misinterpreting something or are you saying it’s directly terrible, at least the process, for the godkid???
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Fifth Consequence of becoming a Fairy: Alterations of the Soul.
The child's body undergoes Physical Changes to become a fairy, but they also undergo a metaphysical change as well. The soul must be adjusted, shaped, broken and remade. These changes allows the child to accept magic into their body, and handle any disruptions in time or perception.
Their soul is transformed into their proper Fairy's Crown, and the child would have officially become a True Pixie! Yippiiiie!!
Thankfully, this part of the process is painless! Or, well, more like Timmy fell unconscious during it. Though Timmy says he sometimes feels strange moments of loss. Like an essential part of himself has been ripped away from where it should be.
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reblogstuffandstuff · 17 days
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[I've always had the feeling that if Timmy had a magic wand, it would be the white wand; after all, that one belongs to the chosen one...]
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reblogstuffandstuff · 18 days
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This Rita Ora song reminds me too much of Cosmo 🥲
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reblogstuffandstuff · 25 days
New FOP au!!! I call it the Don’t Wish! Au!!! Basically Timmy makes a deal with THEM to keep the memories of his Fairies, obviously if you know don’t starve then you know making a deal with THEM never goes well…. So Timmy is now stuck in the constant with strange new abilities and a whole lot more problems!!!
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reblogstuffandstuff · 26 days
Happy Psych Friday!!! We’re back baby!!
Go show some love on TikTok :)
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reblogstuffandstuff · 1 month
IN THE DISNEY VERSION OF SNOW WHITE. THEY ARE SIMILAR AGES!!! Snow White isn't 14. The Prince isn't 30!!!!!!!! They are the same age. LOOK AT THE FUCKING ORIGINAL DRAWINGS!!!!!! Snow is 16. The Prince is 18. The Buzzfeed and like articles are freaking rage bait!! They are supposed to be similar ages. He was never 30!! Even if she was 14 and he was 18. This was the like 1300s?? Where princes and princesses got married young anyway. (Nothing nefarious happened until the girl was of age. Because even then they knew that a CHILD having a baby was dangerous.)
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Also this ^ doesn't scream 30 year old. It screams freshly turned 18 year old. Meaning he was 17 less than a month ago. He's young. He's not 30!!!
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reblogstuffandstuff · 1 month
So… I'm a bit shy about this hehe, but I wanted to share a couple of ideas I have for some Disney Mirrorverse characters. They are more like headcanons for my own lore, so let's get to it…
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I'll start with Prince Florian from Snow White, because he's the one I added the most story to and who interests me the most. So… I based it on the discarded idea of him being kidnapped by the Evil Queen. Additionally, in the Mirrorverse, while the Queen is preparing her potion to kill Snow White, she accidentally spills it on herself. So I was thinking that something similar should happen to the Prince while he's in the dungeon. Not exactly the same event, but before the Queen fails the spell on Snow White.
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1. Prince Florian, a young noble known for his bravery and generosity, was searching for Snow White when he was captured by the Evil Queen. The Queen, always ambitious and eager for power, saw in Florian not only a potential husband but a way to secure her dominance over the kingdom and its riches. Knowing that Florian would never accept her willingly, she devised a dark plan to subjugate him. In her quest for absolute power, the Evil Queen sent her servants to search for mysterious ingredients in the mountains. Among the findings, a pair of diamonds caught her attention due to their unusual brilliance. She noticed that her servants behaved strangely and foolishly in the presence of these crystals. Intrigued, she took one of the crystals and immediately felt its immense power. It was a force capable of binding its possessor to a source of dark and mysterious power. Determined to harness this energy, the Queen began experimenting with the crystal. Mixing it with other substances and her own magic, she created a potion that she believed could subjugate Florian’s will and transform him into her loyal servant. Once the potion was ready, she ordered her servants to bring Prince Florian before her. Florian was brought before the Queen, feeling a chill run down his spine as he faced her. The Queen, with a sinister smile, began a monologue about how she planned to use him to destroy Snow White and consolidate her power. Upon hearing his beloved's name, Florian grew agitated and enraged, but he was trapped. The Queen showed him the artifact she had been working on, with the crystal at its center. Before Florian could understand what was happening, he felt a surge of energy course through his body, as if thousands of lightning bolts were striking him at once. When he woke up, Florian found himself back in the dungeon, now in unbearable pain and almost unable to move. With great effort, he managed to stand up and noticed that his hands and some parts of his body felt heavy. Looking at himself more closely, he saw that his skin had purple cracks, as if it were fracturing into some kind of magical rock. The Queen visited him again, reveling in his suffering and assuring him that he would soon fall under her complete control. Florian tried to attack her, but he was too weak. The Queen left, laughing, leaving Florian in his despair. Florian, too weak to resist, could barely understand what was happening. The huntsman told him he was there to help him escape. With great difficulty, Florian managed to walk with his help, as the huntsman led him out of the castle. Exhausted, he passed out and later woke up with his wounds treated as best as the huntsman could. The huntsman introduced himself and explained his remorse and desire to protect Snow White. Though Florian was initially distrustful, he eventually understood that the huntsman also wanted to stop the Queen. Despite his doubts, Florian decided to trust him. The huntsman revealed that the kingdom was being overrun by dark creatures known as fractured, corrupted by the same magic the Queen had used on him. Florian, with time, managed to regain enough strength. However, as the corruption in his body continued to increase, Florian did his best to avoid being seen by people. People would panic when they saw that he looked similar to the monsters that attacked them. He also learned that the path to his kingdom was closed off, which left him uncertain if his kingdom could survive without him. After a period of depression, seeing the huntsman's strong will to help others, even after he had also been considered a "monster" for doing certain tasks for the Queen, made him realize he shouldn't sit idly by. He would do whatever it took to help people and ultimately save Snow White from the Evil Queen.
Powers and Abilities: Being similar to the fractured allows him to infiltrate among them, as they believe he is one of them. Florian can control them as if he were their leader and even make them harm themselves. He also has magical resistance, as being almost "fractured" makes him immune to various damages or attacks from the true fractured.
The next two are shorter: Prince Eric and Prince Phillip. (The art isn't mine, but they look beautiful.)
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In Eric's case, there are already several characters from The Little Mermaid collection, but no one in their bios or story events mentions him. It's also worth noting that in the Mirrorverse, Ariel is now the protector of the sea. She even has her own trident. So, for this story, I thought that in the world of The Little Mermaid, fractured magic has already begun, deep in the sea with Atlantica. That's why Ariel, Triton, and probably her sisters are busy protecting everyone from this corrupted magic. Everyone in the sea knows about this, except for the humans. So, when the prince was celebrating his eighteenth birthday, a terrible storm occurred, ending in a terrible accident. Eric would save everyone, including Max. However, it would be a bit too late for Eric, and he would sink into the sea... This time, it wasn't Ariel who saved him. It would be the strange magic emerging from the depths of the sea. This magic would take Eric's body and teleport him to a different world. He wouldn't remember who he was or who he had been, only his name, as it would be the last thing he heard from the cries of his shipmates desperately searching for him. And so we go from the cursed prince to the lost prince. I've been thinking about which world it could be, but in the end, I decided on a world where Eric doesn't feel so out of place... just a little. And that would be the world of 'Treasure Planet'. Eric would eventually be found by someone near the coast where he was unconscious. Even though Eric had lost his memory, he was still the same humble and helpful person as always, his kindness (and obvious attractiveness) would catch the attention of these people. I'd like to continue more, but I don't remember much about Treasure Planet, so Eric would eventually meet Jim, who would introduce him to his mother, and I'm not saying they won't meet the... bad guy? whose name I can't recall? ... the chubby one. It's just that in the Mirrorverse, their adventure would be different. Perhaps what triggers this adventure is that the fractured have already reached this world. And Jim and Eric will have to go for help, and it's after that they'll meet the guy. I don't have any more ideas... but it would be interesting to see Eric in this world that's almost like his own... just more advanced in terms of technology. Powers and Abilities: Stellar magic enhances the abilities of characters, even if they are not magical or have powers. Eric could have his nautical skills improved, meaning he could use weapons like swords, harpoons, etc., to attack his enemies. Also, his 'nautical intuition' means Eric would possess a natural instinct for navigating and orienting himself in his environment, allowing him to find safe routes through turbulent seas, or even on land.
Now Prince Philip is already known, thanks to the new chapter that the events of the movie have already happened. Aurora mentions several times that she is returning to Maleficent's castle. So, for them the only thing I can think of is that as prince and princess and future kings, they agree to protect their kingdom. Aurora would appoint Phillip as her royal knight, and Phillip would teach Aurora everything he knows about combat. Powers and Abilities: Phillip would be a melee guardian, and I can only imagine that as an expert with the sword, he can attack multiple enemies at once with precision.
Now Ana:
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After the death of her parents, Ana grows up in a drastically changed Arendelle. Without Elsa's presence, the natural elements begin to manifest more evidently in the kingdom, drawing Ana's attention. As she grows, she begins to feel a special connection with nature and the elementals, although she does not fully understand their meaning. When the fractured threaten Arendelle, Ana feels compelled to act beyond her role as queen. Inspired by the bravery of the knights protecting her kingdom, Ana decides to take an active role in the defense of Arendelle. With the support of her subjects and her advisors, Ana assumes leadership of the knights and becomes her primary protector. As Ana delves deeper into her role as leader and defender of Arendelle, she begins to experience mysterious visions and dreams that lead her to seek answers about her connection to the elementals. Eventually, she discovers that she has been chosen by the elementals to be her champion in the battle against the fractured, granting her special powers and abilities to confront the darkness that threatens her kingdom. Driven by the call of the elementals, Ana embarks on a quest to discover the truth about her past and her connection to Elsa. As she unravels the mysteries of her lineage and her destiny, Ana meets her long-lost sister, Elsa, and together they work to confront the threat of the Fractured and restore peace to Arendelle. In this version, Elsa. After the death of her parents she would run away and have her own adventure until the event that she is called by the elements, etc, etc...
And now, last but not least, Jenny and Oliver.
So... what I was thinking is that not all worlds could actually survive in the presence of the Fractured. Some are scarce in magic or abilities to face them. So I took a few creative liberties, and I thought it would be interesting if indeed Mickey and the other powerful wizards made a refuge for all these characters. With the help of the Stellar Mirror. Jenny would be one of these characters, she would be the same as in the movie, where eventually she meets Oliver. In this universe, Jenny would be an adventurous girl inspired by the other Guardians to want to do the same, so one day accompanied by Oliver, she decides to explore the outskirts of the refuge. Obviously, it was a dangerous mission, and because of the dangers of the Fractured, Jenny and Oliver end up separated. Jenny manages to make it back to where her parents and butler would be worried about her (I don't see sense in her parents not being there... since... they are in another universe, you know? Haha, I don't think they need meetings or anything). However, Jenny would realize that Oliver is not there and has not returned. Meanwhile, the little kitten Oliver, scared, runs for his life. He stops to drink some water. Unfortunately, this water was infected with stellar magic, so Oliver ends up turning into a giant and fearsome beast... but he's really still the same little kitten. And stories would be created about a horrible monster lurking in the forest "hunting everything in its path" (that's not true), so that's why Jenny couldn't go out because of that "terrible monster". That is until she finds a couple of Guardians who help her go after him. Oliver would recognize Jenny immediately and vice versa. And so would end the origin story of Jenny and Oliver, until they find a cure for Oliver. In the meantime, Jenny would be just another Guardian. With Oliver, of course. For their powers and abilities, Oliver could have agility, meaning he could attack and dodge enemies easily. I don't think I need to explain much because he's… you know… a giant beast… And Jenny could be a healer who heals Oliver when he gets hurt, as well as her allies.
I don't usually do this, but I used AI to give me an idea of what Oliver could look like. But I really think he should be something like a combination of a lynx, a saber-toothed tiger, and a tiger… In the end, I tried to draw a silhouette of what I wanted.
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And… yeah… I think that's all. I'm not a great artist, but I see a lot of potential in the Mirrorverse story. And I wanted to share it. Byeeeeeee!"
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reblogstuffandstuff · 1 month
Have you ever thought about Young Chris in Reprogrammed?
dude 14 year-olds are so scary, Guardianship AU Chris would beat the shit out of Diego
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reblogstuffandstuff · 1 month
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Spider Ben AU! I like the idea of Ben actually keeping the spider around, a bit like Penny. I also couldn’t resist adding in the Alien features too (admittedly to a lesser extent but still there) cause otherwise he’d just be regular ol spiderman and at that point I might as well just make regular Spider-Man fanart. Anywho…
I’m nervous about my course starting so I decided to be a little self indulgent and started generating Ben 10 AUs like crazy. This is one of the less coo-coo ones. I might post some others later ✌️ (if you can’t read my handwriting I’m sorry 😩)
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reblogstuffandstuff · 1 month
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Did somebody say Detroit Become Human au?
With Cosmo, Wanda and Timmy?
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reblogstuffandstuff · 1 month
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So some changes
1. Timmy is a lawyer. Fully
2. Tootie was his wife but she unfortunately passed away
3. She’s (tootie) the reason for them moving. As a fetch start
4. Timmy goes by Tim now
5. He’s no contact with Vickey (for obvious reasons) and has a restraining order on her cause she tried to take the twins
6. The twins have the a dipper, Mabel personality but opposite (willow is dipper and Carson being Mabel)
7. Carson and Hazel become friends first then with willow
8. Cosmo and Wanda get a little clingy trying to talk to Tim but he avoids them but he doesn’t want to. Sad face
9. When Peri finds out and goes to visit (taking human form) Tim almost slips and he kinda runs away
If you guys have more ideas love to hear them.
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reblogstuffandstuff · 2 months
I don’t know how many of y’all have seen the fop a new wish episode (I don’t have any strong opinions about the new show yet since it’s only the first episode that was leaked, but I was struck with an idea that I would love to share)  I know the idea of fairy warden Timmy isn’t a new thing, but have you considered 
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I know this is definitely not gonna happen in the show, but a girl can dream it’s me I’m the girl with a dream 
Also, I’m basing his age after the fact that his wiki has his canonical birth year being 1992 
Believe me, I will go a very in-depth rant about all of my ideas for him, timeline wise, my own personal theories, and all that nonsense but I’m saving those for later because I wanna rewatch fairly odd parents again to get my timeline and order cough cough anything past season six is NOT Canon 
Bonus for when Jordan does show up 
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reblogstuffandstuff · 2 months
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My good friend epic the musical
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reblogstuffandstuff · 2 months
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Odysseus has to deal with his dumbass crew and Athena has to deal with Odysseus
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reblogstuffandstuff · 2 months
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This is how mutiny went right
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reblogstuffandstuff · 2 months
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I think I'm funny
In case you can't read my handwriting, the text reads:
"I'm not calling you a 'good boy's Eurylocus, you killed the fucking cattle"
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reblogstuffandstuff · 3 months
another deleted scene. "wait his idea of a police investigation is to berate a child" he learned it from his father
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