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The only things I was able to capture yesterday was a very late breakfast. (Around 11) and a snackish lunch around 3 before having to head to a wake :( so many deaths lately it totally sucks. B: after rys swim lessons we headed to a local diner. I love this place for there more simpler meals. I ate all the eggs. 1 1/2 bacon strips. 1 piece of toast with a jelly packet and I are the honey dew, cantaloupe and watermelon. I have a thing against oranges :P oh and an unsweetened ice tea. L: turkey sloppy joe. D: this was very late. After the wake we headed over to a local place in walking distance. Long time standing in our town. Lol I guess I could say the exact same about the breakfast place. This town used to be very small. I ended up doing the fish n chips. It was fish fry Friday 😁. I was so set on a salad and a margarita later I was like fish n chips. Oops. One of our very best friends that moved out of state is also in town this weekend so a bunch of people met us at the restaurant and we ended up going to another local newer pub after all our families left. So there I had 2/3 of my favorite beer and chips n guac. Best damn guac ever. 😳
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Stop Having Cheat Meals
Food is not cheating. Eating is not cheating. I HATE that so many coaches/trainers have people do cheat days/meals. It associates foods you enjoy with guilt. It makes you feel guilty for having what you like. This doesn’t teach moderation. It demonizes foods even further. Educate yourself. Learn what a portion size is. Learn when you are hungry or just bored. Look at your diet as a whole and make choices that will benefit your body and mind. Get your fiber, vitamins, minerals, protein, carbs, and fats through whatever foods you enjoy eating, and find a balance between nutritionally dense food and less nutritionally dense foods. Calories are calories. Your body metabolizes protein, carbs, and fats the same way no matter whether it comes from a plain chicken breast and rice or a fast food burger. Make the best choices for your physiological functioning with foods that are nutritionally dense in vitamins and minerals, but also enjoy the foods you like.
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Remember this: Your own happiness is what matters most. You do you, love yourself unconditionally and don’t let others happiness be the focus of your own intentions…
1:56am thoughts (via jonsjourneytohappiness)
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Yesterday was a catch up on things at home day and then in the evening I headed out to lifetime to study and do homework in the cafe and then did an hour of cardio (elliptical, stair climber & cool down uphill walk on the treadmill)
B: spam and rice . I was going to have a quick protein shake before leaving for rys swim lessons but my allergies were so nasty I couldn’t down it.
L: whole grain ham and cheese sandwhich with a little mustard and olive oil mayo. And after I had my oh yeah protein bar. All with some blueberry jam tea :)
S: (not pictured) a grapefruit and water
D: southwest wrap from lifetime’s cafe. I skip out on the trail mix it comes with. And some water.
S: after workout snack. A little steak, French bread slice and sautéed onions. And of course it was national eclair day so I had two mini eclairs lol hey I had a large deficit yesterday so this was ok with me.
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You gotta accept that some people just dont want you 
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My Fitbit is Oh so happy today 😊 spent 8 hours in Chicago today wandering and playing at the parks with my son. It was awesome!
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