redpanda-mouse · 7 hours
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Declan doing his silly little black market business
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redpanda-mouse · 7 hours
Option 1: for this one I’m thinking he *dated* girls his parents or Helen wanted him to meet/be seen with at functions daughters of people his parents wanted to impress etc. they weren’t really relationships that lasted longer than they needed to for a particular campaign or venture. They might not even have *been* relationships but literally just being seen together at some event in DC. Makes sense in the context of Gansey saying when “he was dating somebody” they were different from Blue.
Option 2: pre canon Chengsey truthers can claim this one, but Gansey basically dating at Aglionby specifically rather than like, while he was constantly moving between boarding schools and other countries. Is also consistent with his remark about his dating experience not being relevant to help Adam with Blue.
Option 3: the anecdote about Gansey interviewing a boy who survived being struck by lightning on the ley line and the time they spent together… kinda sus.
Option 4: this is less an option in itself and more something I believe that could coexist with the other options but also could lead into something totally different be true, but Adam is being delusional/exaggerating Gansey’s experience levels in his head due to being horribly down bad and thinking everyone else also sees Gansey as the coolest hottest most effortlessly perfect person to evah. So I think he could have been told something along the lines of one of the first two options and heavily exaggerated them in his head or it’s possible Gansey hasn’t even dated anyone or just been with one person and Adam just thinks he’s dated so many people, because he’s Gansey.
Option 5: I don’t think anyone will vote for this because why would you? but keeping it as an option to be polite.
Other options: go crazy! tell me anything.
*also must be noted that we don’t actually know who Adam has dated pre series or if he dated anyone so that’s a context that’s missing, might do a poll on that in the future too.
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redpanda-mouse · 7 hours
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it’s where my demons hide 😞💔 or whatever
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redpanda-mouse · 1 day
Happy Maybe I dreamt you , His second secret was Adam Parrish month.
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redpanda-mouse · 1 day
Declan Lynch is never beating the #eldestdaughtersyndrome allegations.
ok so the sweetmetal that Declan drained his bank account to buy for Matthew is a delicate swan wrapped around the number 7
and he vaguely remembers a story Aurora used to tell about seven swans (and laments that he only really retained his father's stories, there's definitely something to unpack there lol)
so i went searching to see if i could find such a story irl
what i found is a german fairytale about 7 siblings. the father (a king) is tricked into a deal of marrying an evil witch but sends his children away to hide them from her. the queen manages to track them down and uses magic to turn them into swans, thinking she got all of them but really only getting the 6 brothers and missing the sister. the sister then has to spend 6 years in complete silence while she sews some fancy shirts to break the curse and restore them, during which time there's lots of drama blah blah blah she almost ends up on a pyre etc, but in the end she successfully does not speak for 6 years and thus saves her brothers.
idk i feel like that's something to think about wrt Declan, brother and protector, ultimate keeper of secrets
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redpanda-mouse · 1 day
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I know there must be 30 thousand of these but I wanted to do it anyway
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redpanda-mouse · 2 days
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Very silly ot6/polygangsey mood board made solely out of images I already had on my computer.
With thanks to Smith @fromchaos for the most important image in the world
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redpanda-mouse · 2 days
Alright everyone, tell me the song that makes you stop in your tracks and grip your chest with emotions every time it comes on, no matter how many times you’ve heard it
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redpanda-mouse · 2 days
it’s the way gansey gaslights us like whatever the fuck is wrong is him is not there. what do you mean repression? this word is not in my vocabulary. but you know what is? The Dead Welsh King ™. how do you like my miniature of a town i died in? my life is so under my control it’s ridiculous. what? do i have my epipen on me? no, no i don’t. let’s just walk through this meadow and see what happens, cause you never know, you know?
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redpanda-mouse · 3 days
happy dont you think we look like lobster tonight we do wednesday
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redpanda-mouse · 4 days
there seems to be a prevailing fandom opinion that Declan is cringefail at sex and i refuse to accept that
that boy kept getting more dates despite being an awful boyfriend with obvious commitment issues and no discernible personality
he had to have SOMETHING going for him
his head game is immaculate and no one can convince me otherwise, the henrietta girlies have a group chat about it
he might call you by the wrong name but he'll blow your fucking back out while he does it and that makes it worth the boring dysfunctional weirdness of dating him (for, like, 2-3 weeks)
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redpanda-mouse · 4 days
hi i told myself i was taking a break from writing but then i wrote this lil thing and thought i’d share 🫣 a little floofy dancing in the kitchen moment ⬇️
Adam was halfway through the second body paragraph of his final history paper, surrounded by stacks of books at the round kitchen table, when he heard the faint crackle of the record player.
Ronan had found boxes of his parents’ old records in the attic along with the dreamt and dusty player and had been tinkering away at it all afternoon.
They had an agreement when Adam brought his homework to the Barns and it involved Ronan leaving Adam to get his work done for a while instead of distracting him. This usually meant something outside like mending the porch railing or continuing the fence line in the back field. So after hours of study Adam would wander out and find him somewhere. But it was raining today and it was one of those early summer torrential downpour kind of rains that flooded the back steps so today Ronan opted for an indoor project.
The window was open a bit, letting in the warm, humid, earthy scents of rain and summer. Adam could see the finish line if he just focused a little longer he would have all night and all of tomorrow with Ronan. He glanced at his outline and kept his head down. Focus, focus.
It was some orchestral record Ronan had put on, but it was something full and sweet. Romantic. The kind that would be background to some black and white movie with sweeping love affairs and a predictable ending. Adam had to bite his lip to stop himself from smiling.
“Get up,” Ronan was suddenly beside him, Adam hadn’t heard him come in.
“I’m almost done with this-“
“Break time.” Ronan snatched Adam’s pencil and tossed it on the other side of the table, grabbing Adam’s now empty hand and pulling him up.
And then they were… dancing?
Ronan fell into it easily, arm around Adam’s lower back, still holding his hand. Adam struggled to follow partly from the shock of the sudden dance break with Ronan Lynch and partly because he had no sense of rhythm.
“I can’t dance, Lynch.”
Ronan snorted. “No shit.”
He felt ridiculous but somehow not embarrassed. This was yet another ridiculous fact about Ronan Lynch: he could dance. A fact Adam already knew about Ronan, but no one would believe: he was a huge romantic.
They weren’t so much stepping as swaying at first because given anymore and Adam would clearly fall on his face. But then Ronan was moving his feet and Adam was concentrating, gripping his hand tighter to follow his steps albeit clumsily.
“You’re thinking so hard over there, your head might explode.” Ronan was smirking at him in the same way he did when he corrected Adam’s Latin homework.
Adam deadpanned, “I repeat: I cannot dance.”
“I’m trying to teach you,” Ronan rolled his eyes. “You’re just too tense. It’s more feeling than counting.”
“Sure yeah, feeling.” Adam stepped on Ronan’s foot only partially by accident.
The music swelled, strings high and shrill at the peak of the crescendo. Ronan pulled Adam closer in by the waist, so they were chest to chest, eye to eye.
“Close your eyes,” Ronan said, voice soft.
They stopped swaying for a minute, Adam’s gaze narrowed, debating. Eventually he closed his eyes, letting Ronan take the lead again, swaying turned into rockling turned into one step backward, then to the side, one forward, Adam lost track of the pattern. But he was keeping up, slowly his muscle memory took over and he only stepped on Ronan’s foot two more times.
He rested his chin on Ronan’s shoulder as the record crackled and began another movement, their pace slowed from stepping to rocking to swaying once more. Then they were just hugging in the kitchen, Ronan’s head tucked into Adam’s neck, arms wrapped tight around his back.
Time moved slowly, but eventually the music stopped, the record needed to be flipped and Ronan pulled back. Adam felt warm and somehow both exhausted and wide awake.
“Back to work?” Ronan ducked his head to meet Adam’s eye.
“Yeah, thanks for the break.”
Ronan hid his smile when he turned away to head back into the living room. “Whatever, nerd.”
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redpanda-mouse · 4 days
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Trying out new stuff featuring my favourite non-canonical exy lesbians
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redpanda-mouse · 5 days
Everyone agrees that Ronan saw the pride and prejudice hand scene, right? Right guys?
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redpanda-mouse · 5 days
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Will never know peace until I find another relationship like this
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redpanda-mouse · 6 days
What do you mean the big, emotionally-stoic man didn't tell you he loved you?? His eyes literally went soft when he glanced your way??
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redpanda-mouse · 7 days
Forget hot girl summer, it’s raven boy summer this year. Go make extremely codependent new friends. Go awaken an ancient evil. Go, uh… murder your Latin teacher. Have fun!!
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