reilovely-blog · 7 years
If you love me and another, do me a favor and don’t choose me.
Day 315 (via myonlywayoutofhere)
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reilovely-blog · 7 years
Family Of Mine
“Christmas is a time you spend with family, and there’s food and music, and decorations, and gifts-just a nice day to relax and show each other how much we appreciate them.”He continued, waving towards the huge tree standing proudly in the corner of the lounge, brightly wrapped presents stacked underneath, Louis’ eyes growing even larger as he took the sight in.
He clambered down Harry’s leg, scuttling across to inspect the tree carefully.
He touched the shiny baubles with feather light fingers, trailing reverently down scratchy tinsel and those magical fairy lights, before peeking curiously at the presents, several tags on them reading his name.
Who am I to spend my life alone
Forever looking for some place to call home
Louis glanced longingly around his room, the soft covers and plush toys on his bed, the framed photos adorning his walls. He strolled over to the mirror, sighing as he stared pensively at his own reflection staring back at him.
Who am I, about to meet myself
This should feel right by something don’t…
He reached for his bag, stuffing the clothes he’d owned before he’d moved here in with a sad smile.
It’d all been going so well, and he’d thought that maybe…-
I want to start again, so I’ll look within
Remember when I’d want in?
‘Cause I don’t know who I’ve become
But I will trust in it
I will trust in it.
He watched the passing cars under his window silently for a brief moment, lost in his melancholy thoughts.
It didn’t matter anymore.
This was what he’d always wanted, he thought to himself determinedly, ignoring the pangs of denial- the desperate pleas of whataboutmewhataboutmewhataboutme he wanted to scream- his heart was aching with as he took a deep breath to steady himself.
It didn’t matter.
But today, I’ve got to make the best I can of it,
‘Cause yesterday is dead and gone,
And me along with it
I want to start again.
Louis paused at the door, casting one final glance back at the room he’d called his for the past few months, hesitantly jogging back to snatch the photo frame off his bedside table and clutching it tightly to his chest, sighing sadly as he closed the door behind himself.
“Daddy?” Harry hummed distractedly, dragging his eyes away from the small screen where he’d been watching the scene they’d just filmed. He kissed Louis on the head, brushing away wayward bangs from glimmering eyes as the small male stared at him curiously.
“Why… Why is he sending him away, Daddy? Does he not want him anymore?” Louis posed tentatively, sticking his thumb in his mouth to suckle on. Harry smiled gently down at him, silent for a moment as he pondered the best way to explain this to his boy- he could understand why his on-screen character had done what he’d done, but even so, it didn’t necessarily mean that he agreed with it.
“Oh, he does, Lou. He wants him to stay so much, because he loves him. And that’s why he’s sending him away, because he wants him to be happy, and he thinks that sending him away to his real parents would make him happy.”
“But he’s happy with him too, Daddy. And those weren’t even his real parents.” Louis pouted up at him, head thumping back gently against his chest. Harry hummed softly in agreement, smiling fondly as he cuddled the younger male closer.
“But he didn’t know that, darling. He just wants what’s best for him-what he thought was best for him- even if that meant sending him away. And you’re right, darling, he is happy, but perhaps he would be even happier with his real parents, don’t you think?” The younger male turned back to the screen, musing over his words quietly.
He didn’t think so, not at all.
“I don’t think he would be, Daddy. I know that I wouldn’t be happier.” Louis finally said after a long pause, sticking a finger in his mouth to chew on.
“I think sometimes fake daddies are more… more than real daddies. More better.“ He added quietly, complete with a decisive nod. Harry gasped softly, tightening his arms around his boy as the latter squirmed to face him in his lap, leaning up on to his knees to reach his daddy.
“Oh Lou…”
“You make me the happiest, Daddy, and I love you the very bestest, so you can’t send me away, okay, Daddy?” Louis declared, eyes solemn and lips pulled into a serious line as he gazed intently into his daddy’s face cradled between his small palms.
“Never, Lou. Never.”
Harry tapped on the door softly, carefully shuffling the peacefully dozing Louis up his hip. The door cracked open, Niall’s face popping through the gap with a cheery grin, brandishing his slim figure clad in a green sweater- the body of an elf printed on the front- with a proud flourish.
Harry grinned widely at him, emerald orbs sparkling in amusement as he gave him a thumb up in approval. He smiled gratefully at the jovial blonde when he held the door open for him to slip through, carefully cradling the back of Louis head to shield him from any potential bumps as he made his way down the hallway after the merrily skipping Irishman to where Liam was lounging on the couch.
“Hey, H.” Liam greeted, shifting to allow Harry to lay the small male down on the couch. Hewrapped the soft baby fleece throw around him, gently prying his lithe fingers from where they’d been clenched in his top and cooing affectionately as he curled into the blanket with a sleepy snuffle, one small hand fisting into the material instead.
“He gonna be alright for dinner, H?”
“Yeah, I’ll wake him up soon- Just wanted to get a little nap in before he starts to get cranky. Poor dove’s been up since early this morning.”
“Darling, it’s time to wake up.” Harry called softly, rubbing warmly down Louis’ back as the small male shifted minutely, blinking blearily up at him.
“Come on, boo, it’s dinner time.” Louis nodded slowly, rubbing at his eyes with a closed fist as he yawned loudly, leaning forwards to topple into his daddy’s arms. He wanted to sleep a bit more, but the thought of food was also making him hungry, and he’d missed being with his daddy.
Louis yawned once more, a cute little mewl slipping from his lips. He snuggled into his daddy, face buried into his neck and arms wrapped loosely around his shoulders, nuzzling into the warm skin with a blissful yelp. Harry chuckled fondly, kissing the mop of tousled hair as he made his way to the restroom to help the younger male wash up, settling him against his hip once more when Louis reached for him with imploring eyes.
“Good morning, sleepy head!” Niall greeted happily when he spotted Louis, bouncing over to give the small male a tight hug. Louis giggled, stretching his arms out to Liam as well as the brunette made his way around the table to them, taking him gently into his arms in a light hug.
“Merry Christmas, Lou.”
“What’s all this, Daddy?” Louis questioned, eyes wide and curious as he stared at the table before them, laden with various rolls and cakes and little pies, and a delectable honey glazed ham taking centre stage.
“Well, it’s Christmas, sweetheart. It’s a day we usually celebrate with family,” Harry explained, giving him a soft smile as Louis turned to him, eyes still wide with awe and lit up with childish excitement.
“Family… Lili and Ni are family too.” Louis mumbled musingly, thinking back to their conversation earlier on in the day as he glanced to the other males lovingly, a shy smile on his lips. Harry laughed lowly, humming in encouragement when his baby looked back at him for confirmation.
“Yes they are, darling. They might not be blood related, like Grandma or Aunt Gemma is, or even like you are to me, but some families you choose. And sometimes, those are more important than the one you were born into.” He explained, placing emphasis on the last sentence to assure his boy, as a promise, that he was his.
He’d chosen him to be his family, and he did not-would not- regret any of it.
“The most important.” Louis nodded solemnly before squirming in his daddy’s lap so that he could keep looking at the delicious food on the table before him.
“Anyways! Christmas is a time you spend with family, and there’s food and music, and decorations, and gifts-just a nice day to relax and show each other how much we appreciate them.”He continued, waving towards the huge tree standing proudly in the corner of the lounge, brightly wrapped presents stacked underneath, Louis’ eyes growing even larger as he took the sight in.
He clambered down Harry’s leg, scuttling across to inspect the tree carefully.
He touched the shiny baubles with feather light fingers, trailing reverently down scratchy tinsel and those magical fairy lights, before peeking curiously at the presents, several tags on them reading his name.
He couldn’t believe how he’d managed to miss it when he woke up, though he supposed it wasn’t too surprising considering how muddled his brain was then.
“Gift?” Louis asked quietly, frowning when Harry nodded in reply.
“But I don’t have a present for you, Daddy.” Louis pouted sadly, scuffing his foot against the carpeted floor.
He loved his daddy so much, and he wanted to give Daddy something too, because he wanted Daddy to know how much he loved him, and how thankful he was for him.
Harry huffed out a fond laugh, scooping the dejected boy into his arms and wiggling his fingers into his side, grinning hugely as his boy shrieked in laughter.
“Silly boy. You don’t have to get me anything, Lou. You’re a gift enough- the most precious gift I could’ve ever received- and Daddy is very, very thankful to have you, darling.”
“I love you, Daddy.”
“I love you too, boo. Now, let’s eat!”
0 notes
reilovely-blog · 7 years
The Fall
“Why are you on the floor? Silly Daddy!” Louis giggled, squatting down beside the prone form of his daddy, poking it playfully. He frowned when Harry made no movement to get up as he’d expected- no jumping up with a loud roar while making to tickle him, or sweeping him up into his arms to pepper little kisses all over his face (something his daddy loved to do when Louis was upset).
“Daddy?” Louis voiced once again, worry creeping into his voice as the elder remained stoic on the ground.
“Daddy, get up, it’s not funny anymore.” He urged, voice wavering with his growing panic and fear, because this wasn’t right.
“I’m sure I left it up here somewhere…” Harry muttered to himself, digging through the various cups and dishes packed up on the very top shelf, away from his baby’s curious eyes and hands. He’d suddenly remembered the Spiderman themed sippy cup that Gemma’d found for Louis a while back, something that she felt he would love, but had wanted stored away for a special occasion (such as Louis’ birthday)- except Harry’d completely forgotten about it, and so it’d been left hidden away the entire time- till now.
“Ah! I found it!” Harry cheered, brandishing the cup proudly. He grinned to himself, so distracted by the thoughts of how happy his baby would be to receive this gift that he missed the rung he’d been absentmindedly aiming for on the ladder, gasping in shock as he tumbled down.
“Daddy?” Louis called curiously at the loud sound, peeking out and around the couch towards the kitchen from where he’d been seated watching a cartoon while his daddy did… something.
Daddy told him to remain where he was, but that didn’t sound good, and Daddy wasn’t replying, which was strange in itself, because Daddy always replied, in case he desperately needed something.
Deciding to check it out, even if just to reassure himself that Daddy was okay, Louis clambered down from the sofa, tottering across the hall to the kitchen, eyes catching on Harry’s frame on the ground.
“Why are you on the floor? Silly Daddy!” Louis giggled, squatting down beside the prone form of his daddy, poking it playfully. He frowned when Harry made no movement to get up as he’d expected- no jumping up with a loud roar while making to tickle him, or sweeping him up into his arms to pepper little kisses all over his face (something his daddy loved to do when Louis was upset).
“Daddy?” Louis voiced once again, worry creeping into his voice as the elder remained stoic on the ground.
“Daddy, get up, it’s not funny anymore.” He urged, voice wavering with his growing panic and fear, because this wasn’t right.
He brushed away the elder’s curly hair from his face, eyes widening at the sight of crimson streaking the pale skin by his temple, whimpering as he reached out with trembling fingers to touch.
Daddy was bleeding.
Daddy needed help!
Louis scrambled for Harry’s phone, unlocking it and going through the contacts book till he found Liam’s number, because if there was anyone else who would know what to do, his uncle Li would. He whined helplessly, fat tears rolling down his cheeks forlornly as the phone rang out, small fingers anxiously stabbing at the button to redial because he didn’t know what to do, because this was Daddy, and Daddy was the one who knew everything- would know what to do- not Louis.
He whimpered as he caught sight of the trickling red dripping onto the floor, flow small but steady, reaching out to place his small palm over the wound, pleading for it to stop and go back into his Daddy’s body, because nonono, that was Daddy’s blood, and Daddy needed his blood.
“Hey H, what’s up? Liam’s driving so he can’t speak right now.”
“Ni? Ni- Help! Help Lou, please!”
“Lou?? What’s wrong, love, what’s happened?” Niall asked frantically, voice tense and urgent as he listened to the panicked babblings of the distressed boy, Liam anxiously questioning in the background.
“Da- Daddy fell, I don’t- He’s not getting up, Li! Daddy won’t wake up, and there’s- blood, but it won’t- stop!” Louis choked out around a sob, breaths hitching as he dropped the phone to the ground, pressing both hands harder against the wound, and desperately willing the blood to stop- stop taking his daddy away from him.
“Oh my God.”
“Um- okay, Lou. I need to call an ambulance- just, give me one minute- stay with me, Lou, it’s going to be alright.”
“Lou? Love, they are a few minutes away. Listen, darling, they are going to take you with them to the hospital, alright? Li and I are on the way too, we’ll meet you there.”
Louis nodded mutely, sniffling distraughtly as he awkwardly leaned forward whilst still applying pressure to press a kiss to his daddy’s cheek, trying to provide some comfort to his daddy in his unconscious state, wanting to let him know that he was getting help.
You have to be okay, Daddy.
“Lou!” Louis looked up at the sound of his name, eyes watering up instantly at the sight of the two males rushing towards him, reaching for them as they dropped to their knees in front of him, wrapping him in a fierce hug.
“Shh, Lou, sweetheart, it’s okay, it’s okay.” Liam shushed gently, Niall squeezing them both even more tightly as the boy burst into brash sobs, shaking his head mutely before mewling out a quiet Da.
“Daddy’s going to be okay, Lou, it’s okay.”
“Family of Harry Styles?” Liam and Niall hurried to their feet, Louis propped on Liam’s hip as he slowly suckled on his thumb, scurrying to the doctor with anxious eyes.
“He’s alright. He has a minor concussion from when he must have hit his head as he fell, and split the skin by his temple, which accounts for the bleeding- it’s just superficial, but head wounds do tend to bleed a lot- but apart from that, he’s fine. We can probably release him tonight, provided that there is someone to wake him up every few hours to ensure it’s not worsening.”
“We’ll stay with him tonight, it’s not a problem at all, thank you so much for your help, Doctor.”
“You’re welcome. Now, he’s awake and asking for his boy, which I’m guessing is referring to this little guy here?” The doctor smiled softly at Louis, the boy not reacting apart from blinking up at him slowly with a worried look, thumb still stuck firmly in his mouth.
“If you’d just follow Miss Edwards right here, she’ll show you to his ward.”
“How are you doing, bud?” Liam asked, lightly bouncing the boy in his arms to prevent him slipping further down his hip.
“Daddy?” Louis voiced timidly, brows furrowed in trepidation as they started walking.
He didn’t know what was happening, mind too little to really understand- just that Daddy’d been taken away from him.
“We’re going to see Daddy now, Lou. The doctor says he’s okay, just a little bump on the head.” Niall explained kindly, a sympathetic smile playing on his lips as the boy simply nodded and tightened his grip on Liam’s shirt, expression still set in a worried frown.
“DADDY!” Louis squealed ecstatically as the door slid open to reveal the elder sat up on a bed, eyes brightening instantly at the sight. He squirmed in Liam’s arms, all but falling onto his feet in his haste to get to the curly haired male, throwing himself into awaiting arms.
“Hi, baby.” Harry greeted with a fond smile, hugging his boy close to him. Louis pulled back slightly gazing up at Harry with wide concerned orbs, patting at his cheek gently.
“Are you okay, Daddy? Does it hurt?”
“Daddy’s alright, darling. And I heard that it was all thanks to you, for getting help and then keeping pressure on the wound.” Harry praised softly, smoothing wide strokes down his arm as the smaller male snuggled back into his body, holding on tightly.
“It wouldn’t stop bleeding, Daddy. I wanted it to stop, but it wouldn’t.” Louis whispered into Harry’s collarbones, hiding his face in the dip as he shuddered at the memories.
“Daddy, I was so scared.”  He admitted, voice breaking on the final word.
“Poor boo. I’m sorry for scaring you, darling, but I promise you that I’m alright now. You did good, Lou. My brave boy,” Harry murmured, cradling his baby in his arms protectively as his small body shuddered with the force of his sobs, whimpering sadly as he clutched at his daddy desperately.
“Daddy.” Louis hiccupped, burying his face in his comforting warmth, calming slightly at the feeling of a large palm rubbing gentle circles into his back- just the way he liked it.
“It’s okay, sweetheart, I’m okay.”
Later, when Louis had sufficiently calmed down and crashed from the exhaustion of this very emotional day, Liam and Niall took them both home, fussing over their curly haired friend until he obediently settled down on the couch and allowed them to mother him.
He’d been so focused on the episode playing on the screen, not noticing that Louis had awoken, that he startled when a chaste kiss was pressed gently to his temple, right on the bandage over his wound.
“What are you doing, baby?” Harry questioned in amused curiosity, watching with affectionate eyes as Louis plopped back down in his lap, head cuddled against his chest, one small fist clutching at his top and rubbing his face against the soft fabric with a happy coo. Harry chuckled warmly at his reply, dropping a kiss in return onto fluffy chestnut hair, before leaning down to shower tiny kisses all over the boy’s face, eliciting a fit of hysteric giggles.
“’M kissing it better, Daddy.”
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reilovely-blog · 7 years
“Are you alright, darling?” Louis nodded sadly, burrowing himself into the comforting warmth of Harry’s embrace.
“I-I don’t like that man, Daddy.”
“I’m sorry that man was mean to you, darling.” Harry soothed, pressing a lingering kiss to his temple as he hugged the small body close to him, rubbing little circles on his back.
Seeing his boy so timid and frightened had sent flashbacks of a time long ago when Louis’d first come to live with him flickering through his mind.
Harry hummed as he glanced between the two tins in his hands, studying and comparing the contents and nutritional information of each, a short tug at his top breaking him out of his thoughts. Louis blinked up at him with wide innocent eyes, lifting his arms in a silent plea when he’d gotten his daddy’s attention.
Harry smiled fondly at his baby, placing one can into their trolley before picking the boy up, bouncing him gently against his hip as the smaller male curled into him with a cute yawn, head falling to rest against his shoulder.
“Daddy, can we get some ice cream too?” Louis asked sweetly, peeking at him from behind his plushie, the rather large toy cradled between them protectively.
“Sure, baby. You’ve been so good for Daddy, I think we should.” Harry chuckled as Louis let out a little ecstatic cheer, pressing a quick kiss to his feathery fringe before moving them on to the next section.
“Daddy, I wanna help.”
“Oh yeah? That’s very nice of you, baby. Hmm, let’s have a look… how about you go grab Daddy a box of cereal?” Louis nodded eagerly, scurrying away to the next aisle in search of Cheerios, which he knew his daddy liked to get. He wandered down the aisle, eyes glued to the numerous boxes and brands of cereals in immense concentration, completely unaware of his surroundings as he crashed into a middle aged man.
The man whirled around, expression scrunched in annoyance as he clutched his phone to his ear, glaring at the young boy while he stuttered out an apology.
“Oi, watch where you’re going! Yeah, no, carry on, someone just crashed into me-”
“Umm, e-excuse me, sir-” Louis whispered timidly.
“Oh for- hey, look, I’ll ring you back.”
“What!” The man snapped at Louis when he noticed him still standing before him, the small male flinching backwards with fright at the harshness directed at him, eyes welling up with tears.
“Come on, spit it out! Can’t you see that I’m busy? What do you want?” He stated impatiently, imposing figure looming over his rapidly shrinking frame as Louis cowered fearfully under his angry scowl, fat droplets spilling over onto his cheek.
“Oi, what the hell are you crying for? You’re a man, aren’t you? Grow up and act like it already.” The man scoffed, shooting the terrified boy a dirty look.
“Excuse me, sir.” A deep, familiar voice called from behind them just as the man made to walk away, Louis’ head whipping around to see Harry stalking towards them, scrambling for the safety of his daddy’s arms.
“Oh, what now?”
“I believe you owe my boy an apology.” Harry voiced, emerald eyes glinting with fierce determination.
“Why should I? That kid was the one who crashed into me, and then just proceeded to waste my precious time.”
“Yes, and I’m sure he’s apologized for that. As for wasting your ‘precious time’ as you put it, he was simply trying to get to the Cheerios, which, in case you haven’t noticed, you’re blocking the path to. I don’t appreciate the tone you took with him, nor your horrible attitude towards him, and especially not for scaring him- it was unnecessary, and frankly downright disgusting that you would think that it’s okay to speak to a kid this way.” Harry stated calmly, a hard edge in his voice as he stared the other man down, holding Louis firmly against his side where the boy had opted to hide himself, tiny hands wrapped around his hips.
“Now, I would appreciate if you apologized to him for the way you treated him.”  He tensed as the man glowered, muttering a sour sorry under his breath before furiously stomping away. Harry sighed, lowering himself before his teary boy, swiping under his eyes gently as Louis hiccupped, petite body jerking with the force of his quiet sobs.
“Are you alright, darling?” Louis nodded sadly, burrowing himself into the comforting warmth of Harry’s embrace.
“I-I don’t like that man, Daddy.”
“I’m sorry that man was mean to you, darling.” Harry soothed, pressing a lingering kiss to his temple as he hugged the small body close to him, rubbing little circles on his back.
Seeing his boy so timid and frightened had sent flashbacks of a time long ago when Louis’d first come to live with him flickering through his mind.
Some people were just horrible, he thought despondently, and how he wished he could protect his baby from all of them.
His boy deserved all the love and kindness in the world, it just wasn’t fair.
“Now come on, baby, let’s go get some ice cream to cheer you up, hmm?”
“Lou, did you want to watch a movie?”
A nod.
“Alright, baby, how about you choose the movie, hmm?”
Louis took a hesitant step forward as Harry lowered him to the ground, tottering unsurely before glancing back to the taller male with anxious eyes.
“It’s alright, darling, go ahead.” Louis looked at the rack of DVDs, then back to his daddy, head swiveling between the two a couple more times before turning back to Harry with large watery eyes, reaching out soundlessly for the elder.
“Oh, sweetheart.” Harry sighed, scooping the smaller male back into his arms, cradling his head against his shoulder protectively as Louis clenched tiny fists into his top, fat tears rolling silently down his cheeks.
“Why the tears, baby. It’s okay, Lou, it’s okay. No tears, alright?” Harry shushed gently, pressing warm little kisses to the top of his head.
“Look, Lou. How about Peter Pan? You like this movie, don’t you?” Louis nodded slightly, sniffling as he turned his head to look at the screen as the elder put the DVD in to play, settling on the couch with the baby nestled in his lap.
“Just sit tight, baby, I’ll be right back.” Harry mumbled distractedly, eyeing the younger male where he sat perched tensely on the couch, those baby blues wide with panic at the sudden loss of his daddy’s comforting presence as the latter made for the door.
He swung the door open, revealing a wildly grinning blonde Irish and a much tamer puppy eyed brunette, both men greeting him enthusiastically with bags of food stashed in their hands.
“Oh hey, Li, Ni. What are you guys doing here?”
“We were bored, and thought, well. We wanted to meet the little one.” Niall announced, bouncing on the balls of his feet with excitement.
“Umm- I don’t think- I’m not sure…” Harry started hesitantly, trailing off as he glanced back to the couch where Louis’d settled back slightly into the movie playing on the screen.
“Come on, H! You’ve had him for a week now, isn’t it about time we met him?” The blonde whined pleadingly, eyes imploring. Harry sighed, running a hand through his hair; it wasn’t that he didn’t want them to meet the baby- quite the opposite, in fact, he’d been dying to introduce his boy to everyone- but it was just.
Louis was still so very afraid.
And Harry was protective, very much so.
He didn’t know- didn’t really want to know- what the boy’d been through for him to be so reticent and fearful, the only time he’d really spoken being when they’d first met on set, but he was so, so grateful that Louis trusted him, and he just-
He wanted to protect that sweet little boy from everything bad in the world; wanted to shower him in hugs and kisses, and all the love in his heart and show him that he was safe now, that Harry had him.
And it wasn’t that Harry didn’t trust his friends to be gentle- he knew they would be, but even so, he couldn’t help but worry.
Harry sighed, biting his lip contemplatively as he looked back at his boy, then to his friends, and back again before finally stepping aside to let them through. Liam squeezed his shoulder once, smiling reassuringly at him with a small understanding nod as he hurried after his energetic companion, slowing Niall down before he could go too far and spook Louis.
“Lou?” The curly haired male called softly, drawing the boy’s attention from the screen, moving over to kneel before him when Louis tensed at the sight of the two intruders in his home.
“Sweetheart, these are Daddy’s friends, and they are very excited to meet you.” He murmured, wrapping his arms around Louis’ lithe frame tightly as the smaller male hastily shuffled into his lap, pressing his face into his neck in an attempt to hide.
“It’s okay, darling, Liam and Niall are very nice people. Can you say hi for me, love?” He coaxed softly. Louis whimpered, squeezing Harry’s neck more tightly as he shook his head minutely, refusing to look up from his hiding spot in the comfort of his daddy.
Harry sighed sadly, rubbing smooth circles into the soft material of Louis’ sweater, shooting Liam and Niall apologetic looks as they looked on with sympathetic smiles. Liam gestured towards the door, tilting his head questioningly.
“That’s okay, Lou. Do you want them to leave?” Louis paused briefly, as if contemplating the offer, before subtly shaking his head.
It’d be okay if they stayed, he thought, if Daddy was there too.
“Alright, darling. Do you think it would be okay if they joined us for the movie and you can say hi when you’re ready, hmm?” Harry smiled in relief, pleased that Louis wasn’t completely rejecting them, Niall grinning happily as he threw himself onto an armchair with Liam following suit.
Louis peeked out curiously over the top of his daddy’s shoulder at the sound of swords clashing and cheering from one of the two strangers- Niall, he thought his daddy’d said- ducking back down with a nervous squeak as his eyes met with those brown ones of the other male.
He worried at the hem of Harry’s soft tee, taking a deep breath before gathering the courage to steal another glance at the male- he was a baby, after all, and babies were curious- only to be met with the same doe eyes, softening into something kind as their owner smiled warmly at him, wiggling his fingers at him in semblance of a wave.
Louis stared at him silently for a long moment before slowly, extremely hesitantly offering a small wave back. Liam chuckled, the sound catching the attention of Niall, who popped his head up  and waved eagerly at the sight of Louis, eyes brightening as the younger male returned his wave, albeit much more shyly.
He slowly turned back to face his daddy, who had been watching the exchange with a fond smile and adoration in his eyes, resting his head back onto Harry’s shoulders and humming in appreciation as the elder bundled a soft fleecey throw around him, giving him a comforting squeeze around the waist and a wet kiss smacked to the top of his head.
Well, that wasn’t too bad.
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reilovely-blog · 7 years
Protector Of Mine
Harry trudged through their front door with a heavy sigh, slumping against it and running an exhausted hand through his frazzled curls. The corners of his lips twitched, the bone deep weariness lifting slightly when he hears the soft patter of footsteps running his way, their owner following soon after with an excited squeal as he spotted Harry.
“Daddy!” Louis cheered, scrambling straight into Harry’s outstretched arms as the elder knelt down to welcome the energetic male, heart softening with absolute adoration for his boy; at his infectious enthusiasm and overflowing love for his daddy, always happy to see him, and yet possibly one of the only people who never expected more from him than who he was.
Louis was precisely what he needed after the long, frustrating day he’d had- a miracle balm to soothe the soul, in the form of his spirited baby.
Harry trudged through their front door with a heavy sigh, slumping against it and running an exhausted hand through his frazzled curls. The corners of his lips twitched, the bone deep weariness lifting slightly when he hears the soft patter of footsteps running his way, their owner following soon after with an excited squeal as he spotted Harry.
“Daddy!” Louis cheered, scrambling straight into Harry’s outstretched arms as the elder knelt down to welcome the energetic male, heart softening with absolute adoration for his boy; at his infectious enthusiasm and overflowing love for his daddy, always happy to see him, and yet possibly one of the only people who never expected more from him than who he was.
Louis was precisely what he needed after the long, frustrating day he’d had- a miracle balm to soothe the soul, in the form of his spirited baby.
“Hi baby.” Harry murmured, squeezing his eyes shut and pressing his face into the caramel feathery strands as he inhaled deeply, sinking into the comforting scent of home. He sighed when he felt Louis’ wiry arms come up to give him a tight hug, one small palm tracing circles into his blouse in an offer of comfort, as if able to sense that his daddy needed it.
Harry sniffed inconspicuously, overwhelmed with the sudden onslaught of emotions at that little gesture- the stress and frustration of the day ebbing away and exhaustion fully settling in.
“What’s wrong, Daddy?” Louis poised anxiously at Harry’s demure state, moving forward to cling to long legs as the taller male stood up.
“Daddy’s alright, darling. I’ve just… had a long day.” Harry smiled softly, shuffling them towards the living room, where Niall was sat awaiting his return to resume their movie, having popped his head out to check on Louis before retreating to give them some privacy.
“Alright, H?” The blonde asked with furrowed brows, the corners of his lips tilting with sympathy at the obvious exhaustion etched on Harry’s face.
“Yeah, just... You know. PR stunts, possible romantic interests- the usual, really. Just this time, they brought Louis into the equation, ‘suggesting’ that a ‘complete’ family might be what’s best for him- not to mention the fact that it would look better, of course.” Harry let out a bitter chuckle, lips curling unhappily at the memory, Niall staring at him mouth agape, features scrunched in disgusted incredulity.
It wasn’t anything that drastic, not really- at least, not anything that he should’ve been caught unawares by, but somehow that had struck a raw nerve in him, the idea that maybe, maybe he wasn’t quite enough.
“What? Bloody hell, H, that’s the largest load of crap I’ve heard! There’s no way that’s true! You’re so amazing with Lou- anyone with eyes could see that.” The Irish spluttered angrily, eyes steeled with conviction as he gestured between him and the younger male still clinging desperately to his daddy’s legs, now whining in concerned distress at his daddy’s obvious depression.
“Not amazing enough, apparently.” Harry sighed, wiping a hand down his face.
“It’s- whatever, you know? They will say whatever they think it takes to convince me, and I know that, but it just… hurt, I guess? And like, that sucks, but. It is what it is.” He mustered the semblance of a weary grin, pulling away and pressing a quick kiss to Louis’ forehead, patting his bum encouragingly as the boy blinked up with sad eyes and bottom lip jutted out in a pout.
“Go on, baby. It’s alright, go play with Ni. I think I might just go have a little lie down.”
“Daddy?” Louis called out uncertainly, edging the bedroom door open a crack to peek in, eyes falling on the tumble of curls spilt over a pillow. He crept forward silently, hesitating briefly at the lack of response before clambering onto the large bed and slithering down beside Harry.
Poor Daddy, he thought, reaching up to smooth clumsy fingers through his daddy’s soft curls. Harry sighed contentedly, leaning into the gentle touch, eyelids fluttering lightly before slowly sliding open to reveal drowsy emeralds.
“Bear.” He acknowledged with a tiny smile, turning his head to nuzzle his face into Louis’ palm in appreciation at the soothing motions, the younger male watching him soundlessly with furrowed brows.
“Come here, boo.” Harry mumbled as he turned around fully to face his worried baby, the latter cuddling up close to him and snuggling into his warmth, kissing at his neck and murmuring into the damp skin where he’d hidden his face.  
“Everything’s going to be okay, Daddy.”
Harry hummed in reply, throat constricting around a sob as he held his boy tighter at the whispered assurance, Louis clutching back as equally fervent as him.
“I’ll protect you, Daddy.”
“Thank you, baby.”
“-Made Daddy feel bad, and that’s not okay. Daddy’s the best; he’s always taking care of me and protecting me, and- and he gives me nice cuddles, and he’s so good to me, and I love him very, very much. And I know Daddy loves me too, because he tells me all the time, even when I’m naughty, and he says he’ll never leave me, and that I’ll never have to leave him, which is good, because I love Daddy, and I don’t want to leave him.” Louis paused in his ramblings, humming agreeably between short intervals, before letting out a cheery ‘okay!’ and ‘thank you!’.
“Lou? Baby, where are you?” Harry called as he wandered out from his bedroom, following the raspy lilt of his boy’s voice, startling in surprise when he stepped around the corner to see his baby sat at the dining table with his cellphone pressed to his ear.
“Daddy!” Louis greeted happily, bounding over to give him a hug, arms raised in a silent plea to be carried.
“Good morning, darling. Who are you speaking to?” He questioned, one brow raised as Louis snuggled contentedly into his neck, cell phone forgotten where it was pressed between them.
“Oh! I forgot-” The baby giggled, lifting the phone back to his ear as Harry watched on in confused curiosity.
“Daddy’s here now, so you can talk to him, please.”
“Hello?” Harry greeted questioningly, lowering Louis back onto his feet as the excitable boy squirmed in his arms, the younger male latching on to his hips immediately and rubbing his cheek against the fabric covering his stomach with a blissful coo.
“Hey, H.”
“Z? What’s up?”
“Just thought I’d let you know that PR is not going ahead. Simon says he’ll deal with it. And also, he wanted me to tell you that he apologizes on their behalf.” The raven haired manager informed, voice tinged with amusement.
“What? I don’t understand- What happened? I mean, I’m glad, but- what?” Harry stuttered, shocked at the message- he’d never thought that they would back down on that; and that it was coming from Simon, the head of his management, no less.
“Your firecracker of a baby rang me, asked to be put through to Simon- you know how Simon has a soft spot for Lou- and told him what happened yesterday- well… that you were upset, anyways. Then he went on to tell Simon about how amazing you were with him, and how much he loved you, and how they shouldn’t have implied that you two should have anyone else in your lives’ because according to him, you were already the best- I swear Simon was just about melting with fondness for your boy, you should’ve seen his face H.”
“Lou did what?” Harry gasped, glancing down to where he’d been cradling the hidden lump against himself subconsciously, Louis having progressed to fully burying his head underneath his top, nuzzling into the warm skin of his belly.
“Yeah, took me by surprise too. But thanks to him, you’re officially free from stunts of that nature. You’ve got a good one there, H.”
“…Yeah. Yeah, I do. Thanks for letting me know, Z.” He said, eyes softening with fondness for his boy as he tapped on the latter’s head to urge him from under his top, bundling him up into his arms while peppering little kisses all over Louis’ skin, the younger male shrieking with delighted laughter.
“Thank you for doing that, baby boy.”
“You’re welcome, Daddy.”
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reilovely-blog · 7 years
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anyone please ask your crush out like this
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reilovely-blog · 7 years
Where Do Broken Hearts Go
"“If any of you has reasons why these two should not be married, speak now-…” Louis opened his eyes, slowly, carefully.
Harry was not his, and this could be-would be- friendship suicide, but-
“You have to tell him.” Liam’s words rang in his head, the conviction behind the words strong and determined.
“Before it’s too late.” He’d said, as if it wasn’t already, as if there was still hope for them, even though Louis’d never been anything more than a friend to Harry- or so he’d thought, but what if.
What if?"
Louis frowned in concentration as he adjusted the lapels of his suit, tugging at the hem to smooth it down, eyes darting critically across his appearance.
He startled as his eyes ran back up to meet his very own in the mirror, almost flinching at the piercing hurt glaring from within the swirl of his ocean blues; the underlying love and hope he could see barely hidden beneath- he sighed, running a weary hand down his face as he slumped forward, shoulders curling in defeat.
What was he thinking?
Fixing his appearance to look his best, as if that would make a difference- it wouldn’t, not anymore, not after this day.
It didn’t matter.
He didn’t matter.
“Lou? You okay, babe?” Louis planted a strained smile on his lips as he swiveled to face Liam, the puppy eyed brunette watching him woefully.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m just-”He shrugged, waving feebly at the mirror in explanation of his inner turmoil. Liam smiled sympathetically, rubbing a thumb comfortingly over his shoulder as he waited patiently for the smaller male to gather his thoughts.
“I don’t know what I’m doing, Li.” Louis whispered, voice fragile and broken as he stared helplessly at Liam, eyes pleading, begging him to help him.
“You love him.” Liam stated simply, head tilting subtly down the hallway. Louis followed the movement, turning to face where the younger male just appeared, dressed impeccably in a gorgeous fitted tux, his breath catching with awe as he took in the beauty that was Harry Styles.
“…Yes.” He admitted with a wistful smile, eyes softening with adoration as he watched the curly haired male trip over the little curled edge of the carpet.
“Then you know what you have to do, Lou.” Liam replied, squeezing Louis’ shoulder gently as he watched the entranced male and the object of his affectionate gaze.
“You have to tell him. Before it’s too late.”  
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today…” Louis took a deep breath, closing his eyes briefly as he allowed the words to wash over him, a sense of finality weighing heavily on his shoulders.
“Lou!” Harry called, striding over excitedly over to him when he caught sight of his best friend, dragging him into a tight hug, Louis letting out a quiet huff as he breathed him in.
“Heya, H. You alright?” Harry nodded enthusiastically, curls bouncing energetically against Louis’ cheek.
“I’m good, nervous, but that’s expected, I suppose- Are you alright, Lou? You look rather unwell.” Harry rambled, emerald eyes wide with concern as he cupped Louis’ face in his large palms, studying him worriedly.
“I’m fine, Haz.” Louis forced a laugh, batting his hands away jokingly as his heart clenched painfully at the sweet gesture- If only… But Harry would never mean it in the way he wanted it.
He’d long since come to terms with that.
“I’m just… nervous too, I guess. I want this to go well for you, yeah? You deserve to be happy, H.”
“Mm…” Harry hummed thoughtfully, striking orbs gazing at him earnestly for a moment.
“I am, Lou. Happy.” He murmured softly, voice tinged with a note of something- Louis frowned, eyes dancing between Harry’s as he tried to decipher the confusing mix of emotions.
Harry shook his head lightly, breaking them out of their reverie as he placed a soft kiss on his cheek with a soft ‘Thank you’, the elder blushing at the intimate action even as he willed his traitorous heart to cease its frantic pounding.
Harry was not his.
“If any of you has reasons why these two should not be married, speak now-…” Louis opened his eyes, slowly, carefully.
Harry was not his, and this could be-would be- friendship suicide, but-
“You have to tell him.” Liam’s words rang in his head, the conviction behind the words strong and determined.
“Before it’s too late.” He’d said, as if it wasn’t already, as if there was still hope for them, even though Louis’d never been anything more than a friend to Harry- or so he’d thought, but what if.
What if?
“-Or forever hold your peace.” Louis exhaled a shuddering breath, eyes steeled with determination, jaw set firmly as he stepped forward, ignoring the collective gasps from around the room (bar the boys and weirdly enough, Anne, Robin and Gemma, he distractedly noted) to tap at Harry’s shoulder softly.
Harry turned slowly, letting out a small breath as he faced Louis, forest green eyes dark and unreadable.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Haz. I know I said that you deserved to be happy, and you do, really, and I hate that I had to be so selfish as to do this to you, but- It’s my last chance, Haz, so I hope you can forgive me for this. Don’t hate me, please? I couldn’t bear that, if you did, not when- because- I love you.” Louis breathed out, the words falling rapidly, loosening the tightly bound knot in his chest as he finally said those three words- the ones he’d held in for years, always wishing he’d the courage to.
“I love you, Harry Styles. I’ve been in love with you for most of our lives, probably since we were little kids running around in diapers.” Louis laughed wetly, his vision clouding over with tears as he poured out his deepest secret to the boy before him- the only one he’d and will ever love.
“I’ve loved you back then, since then, and I know I’ll love you forever more. You’re my best friend, my partner in crime, but you’re also so much more to me, Haz. You’re my everything- You’re it for me, H. I know I probably sound crazy right now, but God. I love you so much. I love you, Haz, is the thing, and I can’t watch you marry someone else. Not before I let you know... before it’s too late. And I know it might be- probably is already, but please, H, if there’s any chance you could possibly feel the same, please don’t do this. Don’t get married, not today, not to her, and come away with me. Be mine.” He pleaded, murmuring the last word quietly, reaching up to caress his cheek softly as the taller male remained silent, those green eyes still focused intently on him.
“Lou, I-” Harry rasped, breaking off with a hard gulp, eyes fluttering shut as he turned his head ever so slightly to press a kiss to his palm. He lingered for a moment, lips moving silently against tanned skin- Louis shivered imperceptibly at the words breathed across his skin, breath hitching tearfully as those gorgeous eyes slid open to meet his, Harry shaking his head minutely.
I love you.
Louis sobbed, hand falling from its place on Harry’s cheek as he stepped back with a pained smile, turning on his heel and walking away from the altar, shaking with the force of his uncontrollable tears as he slipped out the door.
Harry had made his choice.
And it wasn’t him.
-One year later-
Louis sighed, running a damp cloth over the sticky counter. He winced at the slight twinge in his back as he leaned forward to reach a spillage a little ways out, shuffling backwards gently so as not to further aggravate his sore muscles, before propping himself upright and stretching his body out.
“Louis! Hurry up, will you? There’s lots of customers to serve- I’m not paying you to take a break!” Louis startled at the sudden yell from behind him, huffing out a weary sigh as he made his way back over to the main bar to help out.
“Yes, yes.” He muttered under his breath, plastering a strained smile on his lips as he looked up to greet the next lot of (more than likely inebriated and rowdy) customers.
“What can I-” He trailed off, jaw slack with shock as he took in the figure approaching the bar, head turned to face his friend, laughing loudly at something said.
He could never mistake that mop of curly hair- not when he’d always been so in love with it, with him, and the mornings he’d spend lying awake just leisurely sieving through those curls; or those lips, rosy pink petals, soft, and perfect, the way he’d always imagined they would meld against his own thinner ones; or those adorable dimples, the ones he’d always loved to poke at, carved into the side of his cheeks when he grinned…
“Oh.” Those eyes, those gorgeous emerald orbs, staring right back at him, as their owner glanced his way when he’d so abruptly cut off, face paling rapidly as he recognized him.
“Oh my God. Louis.” He- Harry- breathed reverently, eyes wide as they held his own sapphire orbs, Louis unable to look away even as his breath hitched in his throat and his eyes started to burn with unshed tears, held captive in the weight of that heavy gaze.
“Babe, what’s wrong?” The other male, a tall brunette with sharp cheekbones and deep eyes- probably a model, Louis thought bitterly; that’d used to be Harry’s type after all- asked, leaning forward to prop his chin on Harry’s shoulder, tilting to press a kiss to his cheek.
And oh.
Louis wrenched his eyes away, cheeks burning with shame as he cursed himself for his foolishness once more, his traitorous heart not easing on its relentless pounding even as it ached at the fond endearment of the other male- a reminder that Harry was not his.
Never was, never would be.
Louis blinked back those treacherous tears, muttering a halfhearted excuse before scurrying away to the stockroom, desperately pretending he couldn’t hear his name called behind him in that voice, or the stare he could feel still trained on his back, plopping himself onto an upended crate and burying his face into his hands.
Harry may never have been his, but he would always be Harry’s.
“Louis, wait!” Harry choked out, tears brimming his eyes as he pressed up urgently against the counter when the lithe male hurried away from the bar. He rushed to the side of the bar, rounding the corner to the little swing door, making to go after Louis.
“Sir, may I help you?” A blonde bartender slid before him, brow quirked questioningly at him.
“Yes, that- Louis, can you get him back? Please? I need to talk to him.” Harry pleaded, throwing desperate glances to the door where Louis’d disappeared behind.
“What do you want with him? I don’t think he wants to speak with you, considering how fast he left- why should I get him?” She frowned, pursing her red lips in thought, blue eyes narrowing at him suspiciously.
“He’s- I want- I don’t- He’s my Louis.”
“Excuse me?” She deadpanned, voice tinged with annoyance as he blustered distractedly, eyes flicking between her and the door in hopes that the small male would reappear.
Please, Lou.
“I’m not- Look, one year ago, I let him leave me, and that was the biggest regret of my life; I’ve been looking for him for the past year, and I’ve finally found him, so would you- Please?”
“…You’re Harry.” Harry flinched at the sound of his name, eyes lighting up with hope as he saw the understanding dawn in her eyes, bopping his head eagerly in response.
“Yes! Yes, I am. And he’s Louis, and I need him, so please, just-”
“Oh my God. You’re Harry.” She gasped in disbelief, voice light and airy as if in awe, before turning abruptly and darting into the backroom. She stumbled out a moment later, eyes flashing wildly, biting her lip worriedly as she hurried back to him.
“He’s not there anymore- One of the others said he left a few minutes ago ‘cause he wasn’t feeling well; you might catch him if you go now.” She rushed out, gesturing in the direction Louis’d left with a frantic hand, calling a loud good luck after him with an ecstatic grin as he dashed out of the pub.
He couldn’t- wouldn’t let Louis go.
Not again.
Louis whimpered silently as his back hit the wall of the filthy alleyway, a tall figure looming menacingly over him.
“Doesn’t a pretty boy like you know that you shouldn’t be out walking alone in this time of night?” He leered, roughing yanking Louis’ chin up to face him, the smaller male squeezing his eyes shut tight as he struggled wildly against those unfamiliar hands roaming over his body when he realized what’s about to happen.
He was Harry’s.
He felt his fist weakly make contact and he almost grinned in satisfaction nonetheless, but he’s awarded with a brutal slap that split his lip and sent his head reeling and he’s slammed harshly into the wall, and those hands are back on his body; he feels revolted, repulsed and God, please don’t let this be happening; he can’t let this man take him- not when he belongs to Harry; not when he wants to solely belong to Harry.  
Louis let out a terrified whimper, hot tears streaming down his cheeks in raging rivers as his pants were violently ripped down, and he’s struggling and struggling to no avail, kicking and biting and scratching at whatever he can because this can’t be happening.  
“You little shit!” The stranger snarled viciously, shoving him hard once more, his head thumping against the bricks and bursting into excruciating flames as his consciousness rapidly fades.
And amidst it all, Louis swore he could hear that sweet voice crying his name.
And he smiled, even as he’s snatched away by the darkness.
Louis blinked his eyes open slowly, staring up at the unfamiliar pale off white colour of the ceiling blankly before sluggishly turning to his side, startling when he sees Harry flopped over on the bed next to him, hand tightly clutching his own.
“Haz…” He rasped hoarsely, raking slim fingers through that mop of curly hair, smiling softly as Harry snuffled and pressed into his palm, lids lightly fluttering before opening to reveal that gorgeous forest green. Harry smiled sleepily at him for a moment, eyes widening in shock as they registered the sight before him, jerking upright to hover anxiously above the smaller male.
“Oh my God- Louis. You’re awake. How are you feeling?”
“Where am I?” Louis asked, casting a furtive glance around the small room. He frowned as he took in the annoying beeping machinery around him, the scratchy blanket and sterile stench in the room-
He was in the hospital.
“You’re in the hospital, Lou. What’s the last thing you remember?” Harry questioned, voice soft and soothing as he gently thumbed small circles into the back of his hand.
“Hmm? I was… working, at the bar, and you came in with- and then I left, and- There, there was a man, who was following me and he cornered me in the alleyway, and- Oh God.” Louis gasped, face blanching and frantic tears springing to his eyes at the onslaught of memories.
“Oh, Lou.”
He wrenched his hand away from Harry, flinching with wide fearful eyes when the taller male reached out to him, because he couldn’t; couldn’t let Harry touch him anymore, not after-
Louis choked back a wretched sob, curling vulnerably into himself.
God, what would Harry think of him now?
“Don’t- You can’t-” He sobbed, pressing his lips together in a tight line and shaking his head morosely. Harry raised his hands as if surrendering, eyes heavy with a swirl of unreadable emotions as he apologized.
“I’m sorry, Lou. I shouldn’t have…”
“You can leave. I’ll understand if you- You don’t have to stay, I’ll be fine on my own.” He whispered, voice hoarse and broken, because all he really wants to do in to lose himself in those strong arms; to hear that gentle voice telling him that it would be okay- that everything would be alright.
But he doesn’t.
Instead he turned onto his other side, facing away from the curly haired male, not wanting to watch him leave- because he would, and it would kill Louis, every step that took him away from him.
“Wha- I’m not leaving you! Why would I leave, Lou?” Harry spluttered incredulously, voice baffled as if he couldn’t understand why Louis would request such a ridiculous thing of him. Louis peeked back in trepidation, heart thumping with a rush of hope as he met those beautiful greens- bewildered, but strong, unwavering, not an ounce of hesitation evident in his features.
“Because- I’m not- You don’t…” Louis bit his lip timidly, shaking his head minutely as he swallowed on a sob, unable to finish voicing his thoughts- because voicing them would be confirming them, and he didn’t want to, not yet.
Not when Harry was still being so gentle, so kind with him.
“Lou? Babe, look at me.” Harry coaxed softly, hands enclosing his cheeks in a tender caress, thumbs smoothing away his traitorous tears as if he were precious, fragile.
“You didn’t… You weren’t- Nothing happened, Lou. He didn’t manage to get that far.”
“I- I wasn’t?” Louis drawled out slowly, staring dumbly as the taller male as his mind whirled, trying to comprehend the new information.
He wasn’t-
And suddenly it hit him, tears freely falling from his eyes as he threw himself into the warmth of Harry’s arms, sobbing uncontrollably.
“You’re okay, Lou. You’re okay.”
“I’m still- Harry, I’m still yours.” He choked out, savouring the rich flavor of relief blooming through him as he repeated those words over and over again.
I’m still yours.
“God, Lou. That’s not- I’d still love you. I’ll always love you.” Harry murmured quietly, furiously blinking back tears of his own as he clutched the elder close to him, arms wrapped protectively over him.
“You- You love me?” Harry pulled back, cradling Louis’ face in his palms, expression serious as he met his gaze.
“I do. Lou, I’ve always loved you, and I always will. I meant what I said that day. But it wasn’t the right time, not that I could continue after that, knowing what I did and all- I just needed time to sort it all out, Lou. But you left so quickly, and I thought- but you left me, Lou. I was so scared, I didn’t know where you were- I’ve been searching for you for the past year, just so I could tell you, again. I love you, Louis Tomlinson. I love you. It’s always only ever going to truly be you, and I will tell you that for the rest of our lives, if you’ll let me. That is, if you still want me?” Louis sniffled, smiling through his tears at Harry as he smoothed a thumb across his cheekbones, reaching up to hook his arms around his boy’s neck and burying his face into his neck.
“Of course I do, Haz. I never stopped wanting you.”
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reilovely-blog · 7 years
I Can Be No Superman, But For You I’ll Be Superhuman
"Harry sighed as he gazed at his poor boy, reaching out to smooth stray strands away from his eyes as he slumbered on peacefully.
He knew he shouldn’t have let him sleep over.
No one would treat Louis the way he deserved after all- with absolute, utmost care, and love, like he was something precious that needed to be protected with one’s life.
Because he was.
Harry sighed once again, slipping in behind the smaller male and cradling him carefully in his arms to refrain from aggravating his wound, his entire body screaming at him for failing to protect his baby."
OR The one where Baby Louis has a sleepover at his friend's but gets hurts in the process.
Harry slid the door open, shoulders slumping slightly in disappointment when the silent dark was all that greeted him.
He missed his baby boy; he’d been so busy recently at work for a new film that he’d hardly gotten any time to spend with Louis. He’d felt so awful about it that when his boy asked, he had (grudgingly) agreed for Louis to have a sleepover at a friend’s (who he’d met previously on set) house for the two nights he was meant to be filming.
And so he’d dropped Louis off the night before, and was due to pick the younger male up the following afternoon, but he just ached to be with his boy again, the time till he’d see his boy again- short as it may be- offering no comfort.
Granted, he was home much earlier than expected as well, but still.
He missed Louis.
He almost wished he said no.
He sighed, running a weary hair through his hair as he slowly made his way to his bedroom, silently chiding himself for his selfish thoughts.
Louis deserved to have fun with friends his age- it couldn’t be healthy for him to be so attached to his daddy, much as Harry loved the affection and returned the gesture.
Harry huffed, flicking the lights on and startling at the lump buried beneath his covers, a familiar mop of tousled chestnut hair peeking from the top.
“Lou?” He called concernedly, hurrying over to where his boy laid hidden, sifting gentle fingers through his hair to rouse him with furrowed brows. Louis sighed contentedly, shuffling into the touch with a cute snuffle, lids lightly fluttering to reveal sleep ridden cerulean orbs.
“Daddy!” He chirped brightly upon seeing who it was by his side, eyes lighting up gleefully as he scrambled up into Harry’s lap with open arms. Harry chuckled fondly, curling the smaller male into his arms with a pleased hum as he squeezed his baby closer, a wave of peace settling over them.
“Hi darling, what are you doing here, hmm?”
“Missed you, Daddy.” Louis murmured, tucking his face into Harry’s neck as he popped his thumb into his mouth.
“I missed you too, sweetheart, but I meant- What are you doing at home, Lou? Aren’t you meant to be at Luke’s?” Louis shrugged nonchalantly, mumbling a response around his thumb. Harry tugged his hand away gently, prompting the younger male to repeat himself.
“Luke’s daddy forgot they had somewhere else to be, so they dropped me here.”
“What? How long have you been home, Lou?” The curly haired male questioned, frown marring his features as alarm bells started ringing in his mind.
“Since morning, Daddy.”
“They left you alone for the whole day?!” Harry spluttered incredulously, anger bubbling within at the irresponsible decision behind his poor baby being left alone for the whole day.
And to think that he was originally meant to be home only the day after- he shuddered at the thought of what he could have ended up coming home to if not for the fortunate coincidence that he was finished early.
Thank God for small miracles.
“God, I can’t believe- you haven’t eaten all day, have you, Lou? Daddy’s going to make you something, alright darling?” Harry rambled as he made to stand, jerking to a halt when Louis whimpered and clung on tightly, shaking his head desperately in protest.
“Not hungry, Daddy. I had some cereal just now.”
“God, they shouldn’t have left you here alone, baby, that’s not okay. They should’ve rung me, or even Liam or Niall when they realized they had to go.”
“I didn’t want to play anymore anyway, Daddy.” Louis yawned, blinking blearily at his daddy before pressing more securely against his warmth, wincing slightly as he fidgeted uncomfortably.
“Are you feeling alright, Lou? You feel a bit warm.” Harry asked, forehead creasing deeply at the heat radiating from the younger male, prying the boy away to slide a cool palm beneath his bangs.
“Mm. Hurts, Daddy.”
“What hurts, baby?” The elder urged, frantic worry coursing through his veins at the thought of his baby boy hurting- Louis was made to be loved and cared for, never hurt.
“My chest.”
“Your chest?” Harry repeated in confusion, gasping in horror as he helped Louis lift his shirt tenderly to reveal a large red welt on his chest, the surrounding skin angry and blistered.
“What happened, baby?!”
“We were playing with Nerfs, Daddy, and one of the bullets hit me.” Louis mumbled quietly, watching his daddy with wide eyes, frightened by the panic in the elder’s voice. He hadn’t thought it was anything serious- it hurt, but he didn’t think it was anything serious.
God, Lou.
“Daddy needs to take you to the hospital, alright, sweetheart? It’s okay. Daddy just wants to help you stop hurting.”
Harry sighed as he gazed at his poor boy, reaching out to smooth stray strands away from his eyes as he slumbered on peacefully.
He knew he shouldn’t have let him sleep over.
No one would treat Louis the way he deserved after all- with absolute, utmost care, and love, like he was something precious that needed to be protected with one’s life.
Because he was.
Harry sighed once again, slipping in behind the smaller male and cradling him carefully in his arms to refrain from aggravating his wound, his entire body screaming at him for failing to protect his baby.
Harry gnawed at his bottom lip anxiously, giving Louis’ small hand a comforting squeeze as the lithe male glanced up at him in trepidation when the doctor asked for him to lift his shirt so as to be able to have a look at the wound.
“It’s alright, darling. Daddy’s here.” Louis gave a timid smile, raising his arms in a silent request for his daddy to help, fidgeting awkwardly in his seat at the doctor frowned, bushy brows coming together as he peered curiously at the injury.
“Mr. Styles, you said that this was caused by a Nerf gun bullet?” He asked, lips pursed thoughtfully when Harry hummed in agreement, nerves ratcheting as the doctor’s frown deepened.
“Uh, yes. At least, that’s what Lou told me. He was at a friend’s house when it happened, and unfortunately, I wasn’t there.”
“Well, this looks like a burn, Mr. Styles. Those bullets would have caused a bruise, but based on the colour and the blistering- I’m certain this is a burn.”
“I don’t-” Harry started, speech interrupted by Louis tugging at his sleeve to whisper into his ear, the elder’s face blanching at the smaller male’s words, head whipping around to face his boy in horrified shock.
“He what?! Oh my God.” Harry choked out, swallowing audibly as he leaned down to press a kiss to Louis’ hair, thanking the boy for telling him before turning back to the doctor with a pale face and lips pressed into a grim line.
“I-Um. Lou has just told me that the older kids had a couple of the bullets set on fire and he was hit by one of those ones.” The elderly doctor nodded solemnly, suspicions confirmed, sending them off with a nurse to get the wound bathed and bandaged before they could collect Louis’ medication from the front.
“Daddy, are you mad at me?” Louis whimpered in a small voice, looking up at Harry with wide sorrowful eyes, tears brimming as he sniffled sadly. Harry gaped, wrapping his arms gently around his boy in a comforting hug as he rubbed at his back, murmuring sweet assurances to the frightened male.
“No, baby. I’m mad for you, love. I’m mad at Luke and his brother, for that foolishness, and that you got hurt, and I’m mad that his dad just sent you home, and even more so without a word of your injury- that was not okay, Lou. Daddy can’t protect you if I don’t know about it, and it scares me to think about how hurt you could have been. But I’m not mad at you, darling, never at you. And I know you’re friends with Luke, honey, but I don’t think that you should go over to his anymore- he can come over to ours to play though, maybe. Daddy needs to talk to him first.”
“Okay, Daddy. I love you, Daddy.” Louis sniffed, laying his head on Harry’s shoulder tiredly, the latter hoisting him up into his arms as they slowly made their way back to the car.
“I love you too, baby boy. Daddy loves you very much.”
Harry had rung Luke’s house as soon as they reached home, fierce in his reprimand of his dad’s irresponsible behavior that led to his baby boy hurting for longer than was necessary, as well as the danger and neglect he’d put his boy through by leaving him alone for such a long period of time, before asking to speak with Luke, the young boy sobbing uncontrollably down the line as he apologized over and over to both Louis and Harry.
Harry’d felt bad then, not that he’d been fierce with the boy per se- stern, but soft nonetheless- but his baby had been hurt.
That was all levels of not okay.
He gently rolled Louis onto his back, tucking one arm around his waist to stop him from rolling back over and putting pressure on his injury, curling around the smaller male in a protective cocoon before finally letting himself drift into a troubled sleep.
He would keep his baby close to him for the next while.
0 notes
reilovely-blog · 7 years
Father Of Mine
“Hey there, kid.” Louis startled at the voice, glancing up quickly at the sound of approaching footsteps. He froze as he took in the other male, blanching as he catalogued the brown hair and bright blue eyes- much like his very own.
“Now, now, aren’t you going to come greet your real father? After all, I’ve missed you so much.” Louis gulped, stumbling backwards with a tiny squeak, trembles wrecking his lithe frame as the man skulked forward with a malicious smirk, reaching out to grab at him.”
Louis kicked at his ball, clapping happily as it bounced off the wall with a soft thud and landed right by his feet. They were at another film site, and usually Louis would be playing with his daddy, but Daddy was busy at work right now and he wanted to be good for Daddy. He’d already finished with his scenes for the moment- he shuddered thinking about the scary looking clown he’d been confronted with- and was trying to stay as quiet as he could (even though it was just so hard) as he played, just a little further down the alley from the old butcher’s shop that they were currently filming in.
He aimed another kick at the bottom of his soccer ball, letting out a little gasp as it flew up and out of the alleyway, rolling to a stop a little way from the entrance. Louis scrambled to the mouth of the alley, jerking to a halt as he peered out nervously; Daddy had said that he wasn’t to leave the area- at least, not without letting him know beforehand- but Daddy was working, and his ball…
Well, surely it was alright, he decided, peeking behind him cautiously to check that Daddy wasn’t watching him.
He was only going to be gone for a tiny little bit after all, what could happen?
“Hey there, kid.” Louis startled at the voice, glancing up quickly at the sound of approaching footsteps. He froze as he took in the other male, blanching as he catalogued the brown hair and bright blue eyes- much like his very own.
“Now, now, aren’t you going to come greet your real father? After all, I’ve missed you so much.” Louis gulped, stumbling backwards with a tiny squeak, trembles wrecking his lithe frame as the man skulked forward with a malicious smirk, reaching out to grab at him.
“God, look at you, all scared and weak- you’re still such a pathetic little boy, aren’t you. I really don’t know what everyone sees in you- but whatever, you’ve got what I want, so guess what sunshine, I want you back. You’re coming with me.” The man sneered with disgust, tugging roughly at the terrified boy to drag him along, Louis letting out small whimpers as he tried to dig his heels in.
He couldn’t go back with this man.
Not ever again.
He would rather die.
Daddy! Daddy, save me! He prayed fervently, pleading for his daddy to come for him as he struggling futilely against the tight grip he was caught in, eyes brimming with tears at the sinking realization that he wasn’t going to be able to get away.
“Hey! What are you doing?!” A familiar voice called out, Louis whipping his head around to stare desperately at his savior through teary eyes. Zayn stalked towards them, eyes narrowed in suspicion at the strange man as he glanced quickly between the two. The dark haired managed exchanged a furtive look with a passing security guard, tilting his head slightly to the man in a silent signal that he may be dangerous.
“Hey man, look, I don’t want any trouble. I just wanted to come say hi to my son, is all.” Zayn frowned at the words, brows creasing with worry as he carefully studied Louis, taking in the tears in his eyes and the obvious fear emanating from his quivering frame.
“Lou? Love, do you know this man?” He posed gently, Louis letting out a distressed whimper in response, throat still seized up with panic, tugging harshly at his arm in another attempt to yank it from his grip.
“Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to let go of him.”
“What? Why should I- he’s mine.” The other man scoffed, tightening his bruising grip around Louis as he let out a whine in protest.
“Either you let go of him, or I’m going to call the cops.” Zayn stated firmly, glaring till the man released the young boy and raising his arms in surrender as the bulky security guard stepped forward, clapping a heavy hand onto his shoulder.
“Lou, love, come here.” Zayn murmured softly, spreading his arms and scooping him into a comforting hug as the frightened male scrambled towards him, tiny fists clenching in his top.
“Sweetheart, are you alright?” Louis shook his head negatively, turning to face away from his father, voice cracking as he quietly sobbed into the manager’s ear.
“Of course, Lou, I’ll bring you to Daddy, alright love?”
“Harry!” Zayn called anxiously, catching the attention of the curly haired male from where he’d been chatting with his cast mate, the latter hurrying to them when he caught sight of his tearful baby.
“Lou? Baby, what’s wrong? Zayn, what’s happened?” He questioned urgently, taking Louis into his arms as the boy reached out towards him with a choked sob of Daddy, burying his face into Harry’s shoulder and bursting into shuddering wails the moment he was in the safety of his daddy’s comforting arms.
“There was a man, he tried to take Louis- said he was his father?” Harry paled, turning to peek down at his distraught baby.
“Oh my God. Lou, baby, are you okay? Did he hurt you?” He urged, running a frantic palm over his slim frame as if to check that he was in one piece, trying to get Louis to lift his head as the small male blubbered something incomprehensively into the skin of his neck.
“Lou, baby boy, Daddy can’t hear you when you’re speaking like that.”
“He hurt your arm?”
“He had him in a pretty tight grip when I got there. It was his right arm, I think.” Zayn supplied helpfully, returning from his phone call with the local policemen with whom he’d been explaining their situation to; Louis’ dad held in a small spare room and watched over by their own security till the officials came.
“Darling, Daddy needs to know where it hurts.” Louis shook his head stubbornly, arms wrapped desperately around Harry’s neck, a panicked whine tearing from his throat when Harry gently pried his arm away, gasping at the vivid angry red marks marring his boy’s skin- it was sure to bruise by the end of the day.
“Oh, sweetheart.” Harry rubbed at his back, murmuring gentle assurances into his ear, Louis sniffling miserably as he clutched at the taller male.
“I’m sorry he hurt you, Lou. My poor baby.”
“Don’t let him take me, please Dada. I don’t wanna be hurt again.” Harry gaped at the statement, fish mouthing in shocked silence for a brief moment before exchanging a loaded look with Zayn, the dark haired manager’s lips pulling into a taut line as he nodded briskly, marching off to meet with the policemen who’d just arrived.
What kind of monster was he, that Louis first thought of seeing him was of getting hurt?
God, what has his poor baby been through?
“Of course not, sweetheart. I’ll never let him hurt you again. You’re safe now, with me, baby.” Harry rasped throatily, cradling Louis’ head against his shoulder securely as he turned to nuzzle into those soft feathery lock, eyes squeezing shut with relief.
He couldn’t bear to think of what could have happened if Zayn hadn’t found Louis in time.
“How are you feeling, baby?” Harry whispered, rocking Louis gently in his arms as the younger male blinked up slowly at him before turning to rest his face back against his shoulder, suckling wetly at a patch of skin there- a habit he had when he was feeling particularly needy. He sighed sadly, cuddling Louis closer to him- he was going to have nightmares about this, he was sure of it.
Harry looked up at the sound of hushed voices, Zayn deep in discussion with two uniformed officers, pausing by the actor to inform him of their progress.
“We’ve filed a restraining order against him. He doesn’t technically have any rights to Louis, since you’re his legal guardian; he could claim that he didn’t give permission to adopt, but well. Considering what he said to Louis, and how he’d just treated him, as well as how scared Louis obviously is of him… I doubt that’s going to go very far.” Harry exhaled heavily in relief, bouncing Louis lightly on his hip.
“You hear that, baby? He can’t come near you anymore; you’re safe, baby.”
“Good. He’s a bad man, Daddy. Bad, bad man. I was so scared, Daddy.”
“I know you were, darling, but you’ve been very brave for Daddy, telling the nice officer what happened to you.”
“Can I- Can I tell you a secret, Daddy?”
“Of course, baby. What is it?” Louis paused hesitantly, casting an uncertain look at the officers still surrounding them before turning back to Harry with a determined look in his eyes.
“The bad man- He used to be my daddy, but a bad daddy, not a good daddy like you, Daddy. He was a horrible, horrible daddy, and he treated me bad.”
Oh Lou.
“Did he-” Harry swallowed hard, steeling himself to ask, even as his stomach flipped queasily with dread.
“Did he hurt you, Lou?”
“Mmhmm. I don’t remember some of it, because I was too small then, but once when I was older, he pushed me, and I hit the table and it really hurted, Daddy. And I had to go to the ’ospital, but he said I couldn’t tell anyone or I would get in trouble, but I think he was just saying that because he was bad, and he would get in trouble. It wasn’t okay, Daddy.” Louis told him solemnly, gazing at Harry with a childlike innocence, eyes blazing with the utmost trust and love. He clumsily pawed at his daddy’s cheeks as tears spilled from emerald eyes, Harry’s breath hitching in anguish as he listened to his story.
“No, it wasn’t, baby.” He whispered, holding his baby protectively to him, voice wavering from his tears.
“Don’t cry, Daddy. I’m okay now, because you found me, and you saved me, Daddy.”
Harry whimpered at that, trying to compose himself enough to form a reply. He took a deep breath, swallowing past the lump in his throat, and pressing a warm kiss to his forehead.
“I’ll always save you, Lou. Always.”
“God, I just couldn’t-” He cut off, shaking his head with a small sob as he hid his face in Louis’ neck, their roles reversed as the smaller male patted at his back comfortingly and wrapped his thin arms around his head in a hug.
“You’re so precious, Lou. Daddy loves you so much. You’ll always be safe with me, baby.”
“I know, Daddy. I love you too.”
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reilovely-blog · 7 years
Ohana Means Family
““…Daddy?” Harry hummed distractedly, reaching up to the cupboard above his head to dig around for Louis’ sippy cup.
“What’s- what’s a birthday?” He froze at Louis’ hesitant question, heart sinking as he slowly turned to face his confused boy.
“You- Lou, you’ve never celebrated a birthday?” The smaller male simply blinked at him, lips still guilelessly working at the pacifier, not even realizing the overwhelming sadness he’d just inflicted on Harry with his question.
“It’s the day you were born, sweetheart. And we celebrate it every year, because it’s a special day, and we want to remember that.” Harry explained gently, voice low and quiet as he turned away, not wanting Louis to see the tears in his eyes.
“… It makes Daddy happy? Today?” “
AKA The Birthday Fic
“Happy birthday, baby boy!” Harry crowed, planting several wet kisses all over his baby’s face and chuckling as the lithe male squirmed away in a fit of elated giggles.
“Birthday?” Louis asked as an afterthought, head tilted to the side in curiosity as he turned to watch Harry dancing around the kitchen to prepare breakfast.
“Well, sort of- I didn’t know when your real birthday was, but Daddy met you this day last year, remember? So I thought we could make today your birthday.” Harry shrugged, glancing over to Louis where he was sat on his high chair at the table, sucking leisurely on a baby blue pacifier with a thoughtful hum.
“…Daddy?” Harry hummed distractedly, reaching up to the cupboard above his head to dig around for Louis’ sippy cup.
“What’s- what’s a birthday?” He froze at Louis’ hesitant question, heart sinking as he slowly turned to face his confused boy.
“You- Lou, you’ve never celebrated a birthday?” The smaller male simply blinked at him, lips still guilelessly working at the pacifier, not even realizing the overwhelming sadness he’d just inflicted on Harry with his question.
“It’s the day you were born, sweetheart. And we celebrate it every year, because it’s a special day, and we want to remember that.” Harry explained gently, voice low and quiet as he turned away, not wanting Louis to see the tears in his eyes.
“… It makes Daddy happy? Today?”
Oh, Lou.
Harry rushed forward to tug the boy into his arms, clutching him to himself fiercely as he swallowed back the heavy lump burning at the back of his throat.
“Yes, darling, it makes Daddy very happy.”
“Time to wake up, my darling birthday boy!” Harry chirped enthusiastically, gathering his sleepy boy into his arms and blowing a raspberry into his neck, eliciting a string of adorable little giggles.
“Daddy, no.” Louis protested sweetly, squealing as he held his daddy’s face in his small palms, grinning happily up at him.
“No? How about this then?” Harry asked, tapping at his chin innocently as if in thought before abruptly wiggling feather light fingers into Louis’ side, the lithe male attempting to wriggle away with loud shrieks of laughter. Harry chuckled, hugging the small male gently and smoothing a large palm down his back, ending with a small pat on his bum as Louis slowly calmed down.
“Come on, Lou, it’s time for breakfast; I’m taking you somewhere special today!”
“Ready to go, baby?” Harry asked, climbing into the driver’s seat and turning to face Louis with a wide grin. Louis nodded, accepting his pacifier from Harry happily as the elder stopped him just when he made to pop his thumb into his mouth.
“Ready, Daddy.”
“Alright, let’s go! Oh yeah, we’re going to pick Liam and Niall up on the way too.” The curly haired male announced, chuckling in amusement at Louis’ happy squeaks of Li and Ni.
“…Daddy? Where are we going?” Louis asked curiously, about ten minutes into their drive. Harry hummed as he maneuvered carefully around a car parked haphazardly by the side of the street, tutting disapprovingly before glancing over to his abnormally quiet baby.
“Hmm… It’s a surprise, baby. For your birthday.” Louis worried at his pacifier for a silent moment, fidgeting uncomfortably in his seat before questioning in a tiny voice.
“Is it- is it somewhere far away, Daddy?”
“Well, it’s about an hour drive from our house, Lou.”
“That’s far, daddy.” Louis whispered quietly, curling into himself with a small whimper.
“Hmm, I guess it is. I just thought that it was perfect timing, since we were already in LA for that last film.” Harry explained, smiling apologetically at his boy. He hadn’t previously had many opportunities to take Louis on road trips (they’d mainly only flown around for work, but even so, he wasn’t sure that Louis fully understood that he was in a different country), but he knew that Louis didn’t like to sit still for long periods of time.
“Will we- Are we gonna come home later, Daddy?”
“Yes, baby. We’ll be home tonight, okay?”
“Me too?” Louis clarified, popping his pacifier out to gnaw at his finger anxiously.
“What? What do you mean? Of course you’re coming too, Lou.” Harry answered confusedly, brows raised in surprise over the rather odd question.
“You’re not- Daddy, you’re not going to leave me there, are you?” The smaller male whimpered, voice trembling as he stared at his daddy with large imploring eyes.
Daddy wouldn’t leave him, right?
“What?” Harry gasped, abruptly pulling over to the side and jerking the car to a halt, before whipping his head around to stare incredulously at Louis.
Jaw clenching with the strain of repressing unshed tears, Harry threw his door open, ignoring Louis’ frantic cries as he stalked around to the passenger seat where Louis’d broken into silent sobs. He unbuckled his seat belt, scooping the blubbering male into a tight embrace, Louis’ wiry arms wrapping around his neck in a constricting grip.
“Never, baby, never. Daddy isn’t leaving you- you’re mine, Lou, remember? You’re mine, and daddy loves you so, so much.”
“Hey, H.” Liam greeted as he climbed into the backseat with Niall, the two of them having flown out the night before to celebrate Louis’ birthday with them. They passed two large parcels to Harry for the birthday boy- Liam’s wrapped neatly and Niall’s messily.
“Aww, is Lou sleeping? I wanted to wish him a happy birthday!” Niall complained, the large grin splitting his lips betraying his words as he peered at the slumbering male.
“Ah yeah. Poor love got himself a little worked up just now, and then…” Harry shrugged, eyes softening as he stared at his boy, reaching over to brush stray bangs away from his eyes. Louis blinked his eyes open sleepily, nuzzling into Harry’s palm with a soft mewl before dozing right off again.
“He asked if I was going to leave him there, as if I could just so easily abandon him.” Harry explained in a low voice, breath hitching with emotion as Liam gasped.
“Oh. Oh, Lou.”
“And I just- He’s so precious, you know? He means so much to me, and I wish he knew that.”
“He knows, H. But he’s been abandoned once; I think he’s just confused, because he doesn’t think you would do that, but it’s all he’s known from before.”
“I get that, I do, but.” Harry sighed, running a hand down his face as Niall placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, squeezing gently.
“It’s hard. Now, come on, let’s go! Today is a happy day- let’s show our birthday boy just how special he is to us!”
“Lou, wake up darling, we’re here!” Harry murmured, shaking Louis gently to rouse him as the boy peered blearily up at him.
“Where are we, Daddy?”
“We’re at Disneyland, Lou!” Niall answered excitedly, blue eyes dancing as he hopped out of the car eagerly, spreading his arms out wide as if to present the place to him. Louis giggled at his enthusiasm, turning questioning eyes to Harry as the elder smiled softly at him.
“You remember all those Disney movies, baby? Disneyland is a theme park- like, a place with lots and lots of games and rides for us to play- with those characters from the movies.”
“Yeah! And you can meet like, Mickey and Peter Pan, and like, Cinderella and the other princesses! It’s going to be fun, babe.”
“Princes too, Li?” Louis asked, staring at Liam with curious orbs as he was led through the gates, the blonde Irishman skipping merrily ahead of the group.
“Yeah, princes too.” Louis hummed, glancing surreptitiously at Harry before tugging Liam down to whisper to him.
“I think Daddy’s a prince, Li.”
Liam threw his head back in laughter, Harry startling and staring at them with a confused smile as the brunette winked secretively at the small male.
“That means you are one too, Lou.”
“Did you have fun today, baby?” Harry murmured softly, turning to face his exhausted baby where he was perched on his back, head hooked over his shoulder. Louis nodded, leaning forward to press a kiss against Harry’s cheek.
“Yes, Daddy. I had lots of fun! Thank you for bringing me here, Daddy.”
“You’re very welcome, love. Now, we just have one more stop before we head home, okay?” Harry cooed fondly, lowering Louis onto his own two feet as the boy stared in wide eyed awe at the selection of toys around him.
“Go on, baby. You can choose your own birthday present, anything you want.”
“Birthday present? For to keep?” Louis asked hesitantly, Harry humming in confirmation. He cast another look around, turning uncertainly to Harry and lifting his arms up, a silent plea to be carried.
“What’s wrong, darling?” Harry soothed as Louis buried his face into the warm skin of his neck, rubbing at his back comfortingly.
“Just want Daddy.” Louis mumbled, pressing a kiss to the underside of Harry’s jaw before yawning cutely and laying his head back down on his daddy’s shoulder. Harry felt his heart melting at his sweet boy, Liam and Niall cooing at the affectionate display.
“I’ll pick something out for you, okay, Lou?” Harry glanced around the store, eyes lighting up as he caught sight of the perfect plush, strolling over to it and picking it up, nudging Louis gently to catch his attention.
“Hey love, look at what Daddy found for you. Do you like this?” Louis lifted his head slightly to peek out at the plush- a large adorable Spiderman Tsum Tsum plush- tentatively reaching out to hug it to his chest with a soft hum as Harry urged it between them.
“Love you, Daddy.”
“I love you too, Lou.
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reilovely-blog · 7 years
But I Know, I Won’t Be On My Own
“It wasn’t like Louis to sleep in so late- the boy was usually up and about even before him, in fact, his internal body clock waking him at the crack of dawn.
“Lou?” He called, cracking the bedroom door open and popping his head through the gap, spotting a tightly wrapped bundle on the bed.
“Honey, it’s time for breakfast.” Harry moved towards the bed, tugging away the covers to rouse the boy, breath inhaled in a horrified gasp as his eyes finally settled on his baby- Louis was pale, yet with a flush of red high on his cheekbones, a sheen of sweat covering his forehead.
Harry dashed to the bathroom, digging through the cabinets for their ear thermometer, heart pounding frantically as he read the numbers flashing on the little monitor.
41 degrees.”
Harry frowned, glancing at the clock from his station preparing breakfast at the stove. He strained his ears to listen for sounds of movement, brows furrowing even more deeply at the resounding silence.
It wasn’t like Louis to sleep in so late- the boy was usually up and about even before him, in fact, his internal body clock waking him at the crack of dawn.
“Lou?” He called, cracking the bedroom door open and popping his head through the gap, spotting a tightly wrapped bundle on the bed.
“Honey, it’s time for breakfast.” Harry moved towards the bed, tugging away the covers to rouse the boy, breath inhaled in a horrified gasp as his eyes finally settled on his baby- Louis was pale, yet with a flush of red high on his cheekbones, a sheen of sweat covering his forehead.
Harry dashed to the bathroom, digging through the cabinets for their ear thermometer, heart pounding frantically as he read the numbers flashing on the little monitor.
41 degrees.
“Lou, baby, can you open those eyes for me, sweetheart?” He soothed, combing his fingers through the sweat matted feathery strands. Louis let out a little moan, nose scrunching slightly in discomfort as his eyelids fluttered heavily, finally sliding open a slit.
“Daddy.” He whispered weakly, blinking slowly a few times in an effort to keep his eyes open.
“Don’t feel good, Daddy.”
“Just hold on, darling. Daddy’s going to bring you to the doctors now, alright? You’re okay, baby.” Harry murmured, gathering Louis into his arms and hurrying to the car, heart clenching with fear for his sick baby.
Louis stirred, body heavy and limbs lethargic as he tried to understand what was happening around him. He wasn’t in his room, that much he could tell, and he wasn’t in his daddy’s arms- he whined quietly at the back of his throat when he was jostled slightly, frightened by those strange, unfamiliar hands on his body as they attempted to coax him into doing something.
“Daddy?” Louis whimpered, feebly jerking his head away from their touch in protest. He didn’t know what was happening, or who they were; just that he didn’t know them; didn’t trust them.
He wanted his daddy.
Daddy would make everything better, would take these yucky feelings away, because Daddy could do anything.
He heard bits of conversation through the wooly haze of his head, catches of Mr. Styles and low murmurs, and then suddenly, his daddy was there, smoothing a large palm down his back. He relaxed, melting into the touch, comforted by the knowledge that he was safe- Daddy was there.
“My poor baby boy.”
He peered up blearily at Harry, pushing weakly into his familiar warmth as the curly haired male gently eased him into his arms, pressing light kisses into his hair.
“Feels yucky, Daddy.”
“I know, baby- I’m so sorry that you don’t feel well. Come on, drink this for me, Lou, it’s going to help you get better.” Louis lifted his head, lips sucking softly at the syringe as Harry emptied it into his mouth. His head fell back wearily against his daddy’s shoulder as soon as he was done, eyes shutting in exhaustion from the slight action.
“Sleep now, Da?”
“Okay, Lou. You can sleep now; Daddy’s got you.” Harry whispered, clutching Louis tightly to his chest, tears falling as his poorly baby passed out once more, fragile frame unable to cope with the strain of his sickness.
“Daddy’s got you.”
Harry blinked, startling from his thoughts at the sharp knock on the ward door. He turned reluctantly away from Louis, where he lay so tiny and weak in that hospital bed, offering a polite smile to the nurse.
“Hiya, I brought you a cup of tea.” She announced softly, handing over the mug in her hands with a sympathetic smile before turning to her bedridden patient.
“Poor love. He must’ve given you such a scare too, with that high temperature; God knows how much I panic when my kids do so much as have a little sniffle. It’s never easy seeing your babies sick, is it?” Harry sighed, gazing soundlessly at his baby for a moment while lightly brushing caramel bangs away before speaking, voice low and quiet.
“It’s just- He’s so quiet. I never knew how quiet it would be without him, or how terrifying the silence would be… And now, I don’t know what to do- I couldn’t help thinking about what if. What if. And I-” Harry broke off with a choked sob, lips pressed together in a grim line as he shook his head minutely. The nurse- Lou, her nametag read- hummed consolingly, placing a reassuring palm on his shoulder.
“He means so much to me.”
“He’ll be alright. His temperature has come down now, and he’ll wake up soon. All that’s left after that is to get some food into the poor little thing, and we’ll take him for a blood test and then he’s free to go home.”
“B-Blood tests?” Harry gasped; face paling as he bit his lip anxiously, eyes darting to Louis once more. Lou hummed in agreement, huffing out a fond chuckle at his expression, gently explaining in simple terms the use for a blood test to the distraught father.
“Hmm? Oh yeah, we just test for any abnormalities, infections and such- it’s just a precaution, alright love? Nothing to worry about.” Harry gulped, jerking his head in semblance of a nod, reaching out to tug the blankets more snugly around his boy. Lou patted his shoulder with a small smile, leaving him slumped back in his chair with a wistful sigh as he continued to wait for those gorgeous baby blues to open.
“Daddy?” Louis whispered, eyes flickering open to reveal sleep confused but coherent sky blue orbs, Harry shooting up to lean over him with an ecstatic grin.
“Hi baby, how are you feeling?”
“Better now, Daddy, not like afore.” He mumbled, reaching out with grabby hands towards Harry, wanting to cuddle with his daddy. Harry scooped the younger male into his arms, eyes closing in relief as he hugged his baby close to him.
“I’m glad, boo.”
“Oh, look who’s awake! Hi there, little love.” Lou called cheerily, popping her head into the room. She wiggled her fingers at him, laughing when Louis shied away from her, instead burying his face into Harry’s neck.
“Don’t you want to say hi to Lou, baby? She’s got the same name as you!” Harry tried, smiling apologetically at Lou as Louis shook his head insistently, stubbornly refusing to retreat from his hiding place.
“It’s alright, my kids are the same way. They just want something familiar, you know?” Lou waved him off, plopping two trays of food onto the bedside table with a cheeky wink as Louis peeked out timidly at her.
“Anyway, it’s not much, but please eat as much as you can, and I’ll be back in an hour or so to get the little one for his blood test.”
Harry sat behind Louis on the small hospital bed, the smaller male cuddled warmly into his side, suckling on his thumb as he focused on the cartoons playing on the screen in a corner of the room. He glanced towards the door at the sound of approaching footsteps, Lou wheeling a wheelchair into the room with a bright smile.
“Lou? Darling, we need to go now. Do you want to hop into that wheelchair?” Harry murmured, running a hand through fluffy hair to draw his baby’s attention from where it’d been fixated on the cartoon, oblivious to Lou’s entrance.
Louis shook his head, looking between the wheelchair and his daddy.
“I want- Daddy, carry please?” Lou cooed adoringly at them, Harry agreeing easily as he hoisted the lithe male into his arms, standing up to follow the bubbly female through the corridors to an examination room.
“Daddy, where are we going?”
“We’re going for your blood test, baby.”
Louis turned to him, blinking in confusion at the words.
“Needles, Daddy?” He questioned, squirming anxiously around in Harry’s arms just as he sat down, glancing up at him with large uncertain eyes.
“Yes, I’m sorry, baby.”
“No! No needles, Daddy, please. I’ll be good, please, no needles.” The baby pleaded desperately, eyes filling rapidly as the taller male pulled him into a crushing hug, muttering frantic assurances to him.
“No, no, darling, it’s not- you’re good, sweetheart, so so good, I promise. This is just so we can be sure you’re okay, baby.”
“Wanna go home, Daddy. Please.”
“We can go home after this, alright Lou? Just this one last thing, Daddy promises. Can you be brave for Daddy, baby?” Louis whimpered fearfully, thrusting his arm out to the blonde nurse while burrowing his head into the crook of his daddy’s neck just as Harry made to urge him again. He sniffled at the tiny prick by his elbow, nuzzling deeper into Harry as the elder cooed sympathetically.
“That’s it, baby. You’re okay, it’s over soon. You’re being such a brave boy, darling, Daddy’s so proud of you.”
“There we go! All done, sweetheart!” Lou chirped, patting his hand lightly, reaching into her pocket to fish out a lollipop- standard fare they often used to cheer the kids up. Louis snatched his hand back as soon as she released it, clinging on tightly to his daddy with both arms.
“Look what Lou has for you, baby. Don’t you want it?” Harry tried, turning his head to plant a kiss on the younger male’s bowed head, rubbing comforting circles on his back as Louis shook his head minutely.
“Just want Daddy, please. Home now, Daddy?”
“Okay, darling. Let’s go home.”
“Thank you, Daddy.” Louis murmured from his perch in Harry’s arms, smacking a sloppy kiss on to his cheek as he clarified, “for taking the yucky feelings away.”
“I love you, Daddy.”
“I love you too, baby. So, so much.”
0 notes
reilovely-blog · 8 years
Don’t Be Going Jellyfishing
“NO! Daddy!” Louis whimpered, arms reattaching to the other male as soon as they were free and hanging on for dear life, even as Zayn tugged at him. Harry sighed, kneeling before the distressed boy and shushing him gently, smiling apologetically at his work partner as she made her way over.
“Aww, poor little thing.” Cara cooed, bopping Louis gently on the nose, laughing in amusement as the younger male growled menacingly at her.
He didn’t like her- not when she’d been taking all Daddy’s attention from him.
Daddy was his.
“Daddy!” Louis called excitedly, squirming in Liam’s arms to be let down as he spotted his daddy chatting casually with a long legged blonde female model. He hadn’t seen Harry in over a day; the elder having flown out bright and early the previous morning to Paris for a photo shoot, and only reaching home late the following evening (Louis had fallen asleep even though he’d tried his hardest to stay up to see his daddy, much to his dismay), then rushing off to the studio for yet another music video this morning before Louis had woken up.
He missed his daddy.
“Down, Li!” Louis demanded, turning wide pleading eyes towards him. Liam dutifully released Louis, the younger lad taking off towards Harry as soon as his feet touched the ground, arms flung wide as he careened into the elder’s legs with an enthusiastic squeal.
“Hi baby,” Harry greeted happily, scooping the younger male into a hug and pressing a kiss to his cheek as Louis giggled, “how are you, darling?”
“Missed you, Daddy.”
“I missed you too, Lou. Now, come and meet my friend; her name is Cara.” Harry told him, turning back to the model he’d been conversing with an apologetic grin. Louis smiled, giving a small timid wave before ducking to hide his face in Harry’s shoulder, suddenly shy as he found dark brown eyes focused on him curiously.
Louis was bored.
Harry had gone back to his conversation Cara after introductions shared between them, ignoring Louis as the baby fidgeted restlessly where he’d been propped on his hip.
Worse still, Harry had put Louis down a brief moment later, barely even glancing at him when he whined in protest and clung on to his legs, pinching at his thigh incessantly to get his attention as he waited impatiently for his daddy to pick him up again.
He wanted to be close to his daddy.
Instead, Harry had simply shot him a stern look, calling out a Louis in warning, and effectively shutting down the boy’s sulk before once again going back to his conversation.
It wasn’t fair, Louis mused, that he’d only just got his daddy back and yet wasn’t able to have his daddy time.
He settled down on top of Harry’s feet instead, agile fingers picking at the knotted laces of the elder’s shoes. He frowned, tongue peeking out in concentration as he tried to recall the song about tying shoelaces.
Over, under, around and through; Meet Mr. Bunny Rabbit, pull and through.
He clapped excitedly when he’d successfully tied Harry’s laces together, grinning up excitedly at his daddy, who groaned when he noticed that Louis had tied his laces together-opposite laces looped in the middle, a sure hazard for an already extremely clumsy Harry.
“Lou…” Harry sighed, lifting the mischievous baby from his perch on his feet and redoing his laces, batting away Louis’ further attempts to intervene.
“Behave, Louis. You know we don’t do that.”
Harry exhaled heavily, pinching at the bridge of his nose in frustration as Louis fussed beside him.
He didn’t understand what had gotten into the younger boy- he was usually so well behaved, especially when Harry was working- but today, he’d been just short of an absolute nightmare.
He’d been constantly trying to interrupt their conversation; from the pinching to the shoelaces, and later on, even mushing his vegetables into his plate and flinging little spoons of peas at Cara during lunch- something Louis knew was a rule of Harry’s, that they did not play with food. He’d even spat his pacifier to the ground when it was offered to him, turning his head defiantly away when Harry reprimanded him, plopping to the ground with a huff and kicking his feet around.
And now, Louis wasn’t letting him leave, small frame hugging onto his legs tightly, head burrowed beneath his shirt and suckling gently at a warm patch of skin to the side of his belly.
“Lou, come on, baby, Daddy needs to work.” Harry reasoned, trying to coax the younger male out from beneath his shirt, exchanging a helpless look with Zayn when Louis shook his head, as the other male hovered by them awkwardly.
“Come on buddy, let’s go.” His manager murmured, gently prying those slim fingers from Harry and heaving Louis into his arms.
“NO! Daddy!” Louis whimpered, arms reattaching to the other male as soon as they were free and hanging on for dear life, even as Zayn tugged at him. Harry sighed, kneeling before the distressed boy and shushing him gently, smiling apologetically at his work partner as she made her way over.
“Aww, poor little thing.” Cara cooed, bopping Louis gently on the nose, laughing in amusement as the younger male growled menacingly at her.
He didn’t like her- not when she’d been taking all Daddy’s attention from him.
Daddy was his.
“Lou! That’s enough from you, young man!” Harry gasped, appalled as he profusely apologized to the blonde, “I’m so sorry. He’s not usually like this.” Cara simply waved him off, dark eyes glinting.
“It’s alright, Harry. He just wants your attention- though I guess he’ll learn how to share after all, when you start dating and all,” she teased, leaning in to Louis as the small male bared his teeth at her, “who knows, I might even end up your mother. Eh, Harry?”
Louis blanched, staring wide eyed at Harry.
It couldn’t be-
He’d proposed to Daddy- Daddy was his.
Except Daddy wasn’t telling her off, or refuting her argument, instead simply chuckling along with her, jokingly quipping back a “You know you’re too female for me, Cara.”- Louis didn’t understand the words; only that his Daddy wasn’t saying no.
Louis turned and fled the scene, horrified tears building in his eyes.
“Thanks for today guys. I’ll see you all tomorrow.” Harry bade, trudging wearily back to costume to retrieve his belongings. He opened the door to the room, Liam swiveling round in his chair to greet him.
“Hey H, how was the shoot today?”
“‘Was good, but I’m looking forward to my bed so much right now, to be honest.”
“Where’s Lou?” Liam questioned, glancing curiously around him. Harry froze, hands coming to an abrupt stillness where he’d fixing his curls in the mirror, blood running cold at the inquiry.
“What do you mean- He’s not with you?”
“Uh, last I saw of him was when I brought him here, H.”
“Oh my God. Li, I haven’t seen him since an hour ago; I thought he came back to you- are you telling me that he’s been missing since then? No one knows where my baby is?” Harry pressed, voice rising in his panic as he whipped around in search of Louis, Liam hot on his trail while alerting Zayn of the situation.
He could be anywhere if the last sighting of him was an hour ago- what if he was lost; Harry could just imagine it, his poor baby sobbing as he wandered through the streets, calling for him.
What kind of Daddy was he, that he let him out of his sight?
God, what if his baby was hurt?
He should have let Louis hang on to him, never letting him go.
“Harry, Harry! H, one of the crew said they’d spotted him around the trucks before.” Zayn informed, voice crackling with concern down the line. Harry spun on his heel, dropping his phone back into his pockets with a curt thanks as he raced out to the car park, eyes darting around the people loading equipment back onto one of the trucks and pass the remaining few-
He swerved around the bustling masses, dashing towards the lone truck parked slightly further from the others, metal doors cracked just a tiny bit- Louis didn’t like the dark, especially not one in a confined space that he would be stuck in for an unforeseen period.
“Louis? Baby, are you in here?” He called with faux calmness, not wishing to throw his baby into a panic as he flung the doors open, fading rays of sunlight spilling into the truck and revealing a small hunched figure sat in the corner.
“Oh thank God,” Harry breathed, clambering forward and gathering the boy into his arms just as fat tears spilled from those baby blue orbs, Louis dampening the skin of his neck with silent sobs.
“You scared Daddy, baby. I didn’t know where you were- I was so scared.”
“Sorry, Daddy.” Louis whimpered, Harry exhaling shakily as he clutched him closer into his protective embrace.
Louis was here, safe in his arms.
“It’s okay, baby. Just don’t do that again.”
Harry sighed as he distractedly stir fried some vegetables in a pan for dinner, brow furrowed, troubled by his thoughts. Louis had been unusually docile, silent and strangely obedient for the past few days-not that he wasn’t usually good, because he was, really, but.
It’s just-
He hadn’t uttered a single word since The Scare, and even announced bath times, which would have usually provoked a huge displeased fuss from the baby, was taken swiftly and with absolute compliance.
Harry didn’t know what to do; didn’t know how to tackle his boy’s strange behavior, and had in a moment of desperation, invited Niall over in hopes that he would be able to cajole some words from the younger male.
“Uncle Li?” Harry froze at the little voice, relieved at finally hearing it and yet also feeling his heart clench at the address- Louis only called them (him and Liam) “Uncle” when he was feeling very small.
“If… Can- Can Lou live with you?” Harry gasped inaudibly, swallowing past the burning tears; Louis didn’t want to live with him anymore.
What had he done?
“Why, babe?”
“Think Dada don’t love Lou anymore- He gonna marry Car, so Lou have to go ‘way now?”
“No.” Louis’ head whipped around at his daddy’s voice, watching with teary eyes as Harry stalked into the room, gathering the boy up into his arms and holding on tightly. Niall got up quietly with a sad smile, excusing himself to give them their privacy.
“No, baby, no. Daddy loves you, always.” He assured fiercely, burying his face into those feathery caramel strands as he felt the younger male wrap his arms around his neck in a grip equally as tight, blubbering a soft Daddy through his tears.
“You’re mine, Lou. You’ll never have to go away, okay?” Harry promised with gentle words, running his palm soothingly down the ridges of Louis’ spine as his baby sobbed softly.
He simply squeezed him closer to him, whispering gentle words and never once asking to stop crying, instead letting him cry all his pent up sadness out. When his tears subsided to light sniffles, head growing heavy where it rested on his shoulder, Harry picked up the emotionally exhausted baby, strolling to his bedroom.
“Don’t leave me, Da.” Louis murmured sleepily, small fist grappling at his collar as he lowered him down beneath plush covers for a nap.
“Never, baby.”
1 note · View note
reilovely-blog · 8 years
I’d Spend All My Lives With You
“E-Excuse me?”
Harry shrieked (not very manly at all) in fright, whipping around at the timid voice from behind him, only to successfully fling himself off the bed to the sounds of a startled squeak.
“I… Um. Is, Is you alright?” That timid (and rather melodic, if he’d let himself admit it) voice rasped out, the curly brunette blinking up in shock as a fluffy head popped over the bed, peering down at him with large worried orbs.
“Oops. I’m fine. I’m Harry, by the way.” He huffed out, winded by the unexpected change of events as he cautiously leaned himself up onto his elbows, the small sweater clad figure inching back carefully on his bed.
“Hi Ha-rreh.”
Harry sighed wearily as he closed his bedroom door behind him, muting the sounds of the party going on in his living room. It’d been Liam’s- his flatmate- idea to throw the party; a small housewarming party of sorts, them being in their final year at university and finally having the funds to move to a much nicer flat from their previous ones.
Harry would have been enjoying himself immensely more if not for the fact that he had a morning (incredibly early, might he add) class, led by an absolute witch of a lecturer (who he was somewhat terrified of, sue him), the next day and would rather not be hung over for it- which had therefor led to his absolute sobriety.
It was a shitty situation to be in, considering how much fun everyone else seemed to be having, but.
It was what it was.
He sat on the edge of his bed, running an exhausted hand over his face as he exhaled heavily, making to flop himself back on his bed when suddenly-
“E-Excuse me?”
Harry shrieked (not very manly at all) in fright, whipping around at the timid voice from behind him, only to successfully fling himself off the bed to the sounds of a startled squeak.
“I… Um. Is, Is you alright?” That timid (and rather melodic, if he’d let himself admit it) voice rasped out, the curly brunette blinking up in shock as a fluffy head popped over the bed, peering down at him with large worried orbs.
“Oops. I’m fine. I’m Harry, by the way.” He huffed out, winded by the unexpected change of events as he cautiously leaned himself up onto his elbows, the small sweater clad figure inching back carefully on his bed.
“Hi Ha-rreh.”
“Hi. Um. Who are you, and what are you doing here? In my room, I mean.”
“I’s Louis. Where is Li?” Harry scrunched up his face in contemplation, mind stalling on the adorableness of the tiny, tiny man-child before realizing who the so-called ‘Li’ might be.
“Li? Oh! Do you mean Liam?”
“Yes, Li!” The little- Louis chirped, bouncing excitedly from where he was perched in a lazy crouch on the bed, sapphire orbs glittering with happy recognition at the name.
“He’s outside, you know, where the party is. Which is also where you should be, I assume.” Harry poised with an inquisitive tinge to his voice, even though he’d been sure he wouldn’t have missed the (very admittedly gorgeous) being if he’d entered through the front doors.
“Party? What is party?” Louis questioned, head tilted to the side cutely.
Harry clenched his fist tightly at his sides, fighting the overwhelming urge to dash forward to wrap the lithe figure in a huge bear hug (that, or to keel over and die from cuteness overload- either was entirely possible at this point).
He also thinks he may have accidentally let out a small growl.
“Holy crap! What-! Are those… Are those ears?!” Harry yelped incredulously as the grey beanie slipped from Louis’ head, two fluffy caramel ears popping up from beneath the ruffled mop of hair, twitching at the exclamation as their owner hummed quizzically.
“Yes? Lou has ears, so does Harry!”
“Can I touch them?” He asked hesitantly, arm frozen between them where he’d reached out instinctively to touch- to check that they were real.
“Hmm… Harry will- hurt Louis?” The younger male poised tentatively, cowering almost imperceptibly into the duvet as Harry flinched in shock.
“What? No! No, I just… they look soft. I don’t want to hurt you, I promise.”
“Okay.” The lanky male crept forward cautiously, movements slow and hand gentle as it finally slid through those feathery strands; Louis melted into the touch, curling into his lap with a happy hum as he scratched tenderly at the base of those intriguing ears.
“Hey. You’re just like a little kitty, aren’t you, love.” Harry murmured in wonder, huffing out laughter as Louis preened and pushed up eagerly into his palm with a blissful purr, practically swallowed up into Harry’s much larger frame. He frowned at the heat radiating from the kitten-boy, sweeping a cool palm under his bangs to feel for his temperature.
“Are you feeling alright, Lou? You’re burning up.”
They jumped apart, startled as the door flew open, Liam’s head popping through the gap.
“Harry? Are you in there- Louis?”
“I- what? Louis, what are you doing here?” Liam gaped, gaze flickering between Harry and Louis in bafflement as Harry shrugged, casually reaching out once more to run his long fingers along the soft fur of the latter’s ears.
“He was looking for you and somehow ended up in my room.”
“He’s my brother- well, adopted, as you can probably guess, but... What are you doing all the way out here, Lou? Did you come alone?”
“Want Li, don’t feel good.”
“Aww babe, you’re sick again? Come on, love, you can sleep in my room, okay? I’ll call Mum and Dad to let them know you’re here too.” Liam soothed sympathetically, brows pinched curiously when both Harry and the hybrid protested; Harry in somewhat displaced protectiveness, because Louis just belonged there, snuggled in the warm cocoon of his bed; the latter whining and shaking his head sadly as he burrowed beneath the warm covers of Harry’s bed.
“Wanna stay with Ha-ree, please Li.”
“No, Li, don’t- He’s fine. He can have my bed; you don’t have to move him, especially when he’s not feeling well. And you go back to the party, Li, I’ll take care of him.”
“Oh no, I couldn’t-”Liam started, wavering when Harry waved off his protests with a mock stern look, Louis peeking out at him with pleadingly hopeful eyes.
“I want to.”
“I- If you’re sure.”
“We’ll be fine, Li.”
Harry pursed his lips worriedly, reaching out to smooth down the edges of the soft gel fever reducer he’d stuck on Louis’ forehead; Liam’d stuck his head in a few moments ago to bring him some medicines he could use, and Harry had given him them accordingly, but his fever was seemingly refusing to break.
He sighed, running his fingers through the younger male’s hair soothingly, attention flickering distractedly to his laptop where they had a (long forgotten) movie still going, and then back to his side, where the hybrid had been lightly dozing with his head on Harry’s shoulder.
He wasn’t sure when they’d fallen into such familiarity with each other; even though he’d felt a strange pull towards Louis and knew he was a goner right from the very first time he’d met those gorgeous eyes (and face, and then ears), but the next thing he knew, it was all gentle touches and soft words, accompanied by a cuddly kitten right by his side.
And he was gone.
Harry smiled warmly when he noticed those bright baby blues staring up at him, reaching down to flick loose bangs away, grin widening as the other male pressed into his touch with a pleased hum.
“Hi love, how are you feeling? Can I get you anything?” Louis shook his head with a whine, pouting up adorably at Harry while tightening his grip on the curly haired male’s top, a silent signal for him not to leave.
Harry chuckled, leaning down to place a chaste kiss to his forehead, freezing at the intimate action that had come too naturally to him.
Where did that come from?? He pondered, internally freaking out at Louis’ possible reaction- there was something growing between them, for sure, but still, he couldn’t help but wonder if it was inappropriate on his part.
He was startled out of his thoughts by a sudden peck on his cheek, dimples pooling as Louis returned his affectionate gesture happily, slumping back into his comfortable perch beneath Harry’s arm with a contended purr.
He was so gone.
Liam shut the front door behind him with a strained smile, having just seen the last of his part guests out; Harry’d said that it was fine to have the party till whenever, and in return, he’d promised Harry that they would keep the noise down, considerate of the younger male’s early schedule- but he couldn’t stop worrying about Louis, now that he was here.
And sick.
It wasn’t the first time that Louis was sick- he had a rather fragile constitution after all; something to do with his biology perhaps, or maybe just years of ill treatment or somewhat resulting in his weakened system (Liam wasn’t really sure about this last point, the hybrid not having spoken of his past, but he had his suspicions)- but he did have a knack for playing things down more often than not; he made a 2 hour train journey all the way alone after all, and God knows how long his idiot of a brother was running around sick before that.
It was only natural that he worried.
Liam crept along the hallway, feet pattering silently down to Harry’s door, tapping in lieu of a knock to alert them of his presence (if they were awake, that is), before cautiously cracking the door open and sticking his head through the gap.
He smiled affectionately at the sight before him, cooing almost inaudibly as he snuck a photo to send to his parents.
Louis made a new friend! (Also his very own protector)
Harry laid sprawled on his bed, arm flung out to the side and yet still curled protectively around the tiny figure burrowed into his side, Louis’ head pillowed on his chest with two small fist clenched possessively around the larger male’s shirt, the two of them passed out with blissful smiles on their faces.
Maybe he wouldn’t have to worry so much anymore, if Harry was going to stick around.
Harry knocked on the door nervously, smoothing his hand through his curls in a futile attempt to tame them and tugging at the hem of his shirt just as the door swung open to reveal his puppy of a flat mate, one arm supporting what looked like a pile of blankets against his hip.
It’d been slightly under 3 months since he first met Louis, and a couple of months since he last saw him- one of the most excruciating periods in his life, because he wasn’t sure if he would get to see the hybrid again, and that was just.
But then Liam had rung him, a week into their winter break, inviting him over to his family home in Wolverhampton to celebrate Louis’ birthday- a Christmas Eve baby; Harry always knew the younger male was something special- citing that Louis had specifically requested for his presence.
Louis wanted to see him again.
Harry couldn’t possibly say no to that-or to Louis- and so here he was, heart thumping furiously with eagerness for their (very long awaited, in his opinion) reunion.
“Hey H, thanks for coming.” Liam greeted with a warm smile, stepping aside as he nodded for the taller male to come in.
“It’s no problem at all, ‘m happy to be here. Thanks for inviting me.” Harry smiled, raising his brows in silent query at the lump in his arms.
“This little one here has, unfortunately, gotten himself a little cold. Harry’s here, babe, don’t you want to say hi to him?” Liam sighed, gently jiggling the warmly bundled hybrid to rouse him, Louis lifting his head blearily with a tired mewl.
“Hi Harry.”
“Hi love, and happy birthday.”
Louis ducked his head into Liam’s neck shyly, whispering something into the elder’s ear. Liam laughed, grinning widely at the younger male, his brown eyes gleaming with amusement as they darted to Harry, the latter observing the unfolding scene with undisguised curiosity.
Louis missed Harry.
Granted, he hadn’t even realized how much he missed the tall male until now; knew he’d missed him from the countless dreams of forest green eyes and long curly hair, gentle touches and honey slow drawls, but now that he had the real thing right in front of him… it was as if the tightness in his chest was finally relenting, allowing him to finally breathe.
Harry was like a breath of fresh air, he mused wonderingly, nice to have and to be around, and entirely necessary for survival.
“I’m sure he will, babe. Why don’t you ask him?” Louis peeped timidly, turning huge hopeful puppy eyes to the curly haired male when his older brother nodded encouragingly.
“P-Please, can, can Harry carry Lou?”
“Oh, uh, yeah, sure.” He blinked, pleasantly surprised at the request. He shuffled closer as Louis stretched out towards him as an infant would, one arm secured beneath the hybrid’s bum and the other sliding under his arms to rub calming circles into his back as the younger boy coughed delicately.
“Miss Harry.” Louis mumbled, nuzzling into his neck. Harry pressed a lingering kiss to his temple, holding on tightly as he murmured sweet nothings into his ear.
Liam gestured for his parents with a wink, one finger pressed to his lip as they stalked over curiously, eyes softening with fondness at the heartwarming sight.
“Missed you too, kitten, more than you know.”
Louis yawned softly, oblivious to the conversation around him as he languidly played with the heart shaped paper plane necklace that Harry’d gifted him for his birthday. He hadn’t expected anything from the older male- his presence was more than enough really- but this was something Harry got him; something that he’d chosen specifically for him, while thinking of him.
Louis doesn’t think he’s ever had anyone else treat him like this before- like he mattered.
He had Liam, and Geoff and Karen, who were undoubtedly the best family he could have hoped for, and he would eternally be grateful to them for taking him in all those years ago, but no one the way Harry meant to him.
Love Harry.
He thought drowsily just as he lightly dozed off, head still wooly from his low running fever, little purrs rumbling from his chest. He nuzzled closer towards Harry’s comforting warmth in his sleep, Harry instinctively moving to wrap his arm around his small frame, allowing him to rest comfortably against his shoulder.
“-let’s get Lou to bed, he must be exhausted; he’s still sick after all, the poor thing.”
“Um, would you like me to take him? I don’t want to wake him…”
“Oh, would you, Harry? That’d be lovely, the little love is attached to you.”
“Harry…” Louis mumbled unconsciously, shifting to latch on to the tall male as he was roused a little by the rocking motions, Harry glancing down at him with a doting smile.
“Sleep, baby kitten, I’ve got you.” He whispered, tucking the hybrid into bed and smoothing his bangs away from his face.
“Cuddle, Harry?”
“I…” Harry hesitated, peeking back unsurely to the door where Liam was waiting, having shown him the way. Liam waved him off with a nod and a cheeky wink, closing the door behind him, footsteps pattering back down the hallway.
“Please, Harry? Want cuddles with Harry.”
“Okay, kitten, come here.” Harry shuffled beneath the covers, gently curling Louis into his arms and pressing a warm kiss to his forehead.
“Now go to sleep, alright, baby? You need to get better.”
“…Night, Daddy…”
“I-…” Harry froze, eye wide and body tensed with surprise at the endearment.
It wasn’t that he minded it per say- far from it, actually- but he just wasn’t sure what Louis meant by the term.
Louis curled closer with a small questioning mewl, confused by the tension in his body; Harry sighed, softening as he watched the kitten hybrid rub his cheek serenely against the inked sparrows by his chest.
“Goodnight, baby.”
“Li, when will Harry visit Lou?” Louis whined, slinking across the room from where he’d been perched by the window in their family home, watching the steady crowd littering the street below in hopes of finally, finally catching sight of a head of familiar curls.
It’s been almost a month since the last time he saw the elder, having snuck back to London to visit them (especially Harry) early in the semester and fortunately allowed to stay for the rest of the week.
The day they- Liam and him- had left for their home in Wolverhampton where Liam had originally planned to spend his break, was sad.
No, scratch that, it was downright depressing, in Louis’ mind.
Liam sighed, squatting in front of his now recovered and heavily pouting brother.
“Lou, come on, it’s time to go now.”
“But Harry?” The hybrid requested sadly, hopeful expression shuttering as Liam shook his head negatively.
“Harry can’t come with us, Lou. He has to work.”
“Then Lou’s staying. With Harry.” Louis stated determinedly, stomping his foot and crossing his arms as Liam lifted a skeptical eyebrow at his rather unusual behavior- he’d never seen his younger brother throw a tantrum, and especially not over a person (not that there ever really was anyone else in their lives).
“You can’t, babe. Now come on, we’re leaving.” Liam sighed, bending down to toss the reluctant kitten over his shoulder and practically manhandling him into the car.
“NO! HARRY!” Louis shrieked frantically, reaching out with desperate arms, grabbing towards the helplessly on looking male. Harry hurried towards the struggling brother(s), placing a hand on Liam’s shoulder to grab his attention.
“Li, let me… I’ll talk to him.”
“Hey love.” Harry murmured, kneeling before the younger male to pull him into his arm as Louis sniffled, staring up at him with distressed watery eyes, bottom lip trembling violently.
“Don’t wanna leave Harry. Please, daddy.”
“Oh Lou, baby, I don’t want you to go either, but… you have to. And maybe I can come visit you, okay?”
“Lou will miss Harry.” The hybrid blubbered, ears flattened against his hair in sorrow; Harry exhaled deeply, burying his face in the soft mop of hair as he squeezed the small male comfortingly.
“I’ll miss you too, Lou, so so much. I’ll see you as soon as I can, alright?”
And that was that, Liam getting into the driver’s seat and setting off, Louis turned around in the backseat, gazing out the window tearfully to wave at the curly haired male until he faded into a miniscule dot in the distance.
Which brought them to now.
Louis missed Harry.
Liam hummed distractedly, thumbing through the pages of his textbook in which he’d buried himself since a couple of hours ago.
University doesn’t understand the concept of a break. He mused despondently, eyes darting fervently over the heavy text in an attempt to untangle the strings of technical terms. He sighed, rubbing at his eyes wearily as he slumped forward to rest his head against the table, the loud cry of Liiiiiii his only warning before he was ambushed by a sudden weight on his back.
“Lou!” The elder groaned, shifting marginally to peer at his little brother through the corner of his eye, the mischievous hybrid wedged precariously in the gap between the top of his armchair and his hunched back.
“What do you want, Lou?”
“When will Harry visit Lou, Li?” Louis repeated, lips pursing into an unhappy pout. Liam sighed once more, the hybrid hopping off elegantly as he sat up and turned to face him with a solemn expression.
“Lou, who is Harry to you?”
“Harry is Lou’s friend!” The slim male exclaimed, tail swishing happily behind him as he thought of his curly haired friend.
“Just friends, love? Or do you like him? I mean, do you want to be more than friends with him?” Liam pressed, delicately, watching as the enthusiastic grin dimmed, thin lips pulling down sadly in its wake. Louis paused; tail drooped low as he fixed his gaze to the ground, voice low and soft as he answered.
“Lou doesn’t… Lou loves Harry very much, because Harry is nice and gentle, and warm, and gives the best cuddles, but knows that Harry cannot love Lou the way Lou loves Harry.”
“Why do you think that he cannot love you, babe?”
“Because Louis is Louis.” The kitten hybrid stated simply- as if it was a fact that he could not be loved, was unlovable just because of what (who? Liam considered silently, heart panging with sorrow for his adopted brother, unsure if Louis’ low self-perception ran deeper than just his genetic makeup) he was.
“Oh babe…”
“’Sokay, Li. Lou always knew that so, Lou will love Harry, quietly.” Louis smiled, eyes bright; Liam engulfed him into a tight embrace, heart breaking at the little tremors running through that lithe frame.
He wasn’t sure what Louis’d been through to make him think that way; to make him believe that that was the undeniable truth, but fuck if they weren’t going to change that- him and Harry both, because he saw them together and just knew.
“Oh Lou, you’re wrong. You’re so wonderful and lovely and anybody who can’t see that- anyone who doesn’t love you is absolutely daft and just doesn’t know what they will be missing out on.” Liam muttered fiercely, huffing through the tears he could feel burning at the back of his eyes as the small male sniffled pitifully.
“And Harry, he’s not like that, babe. He’s one of the greatest people I know, and he can love you, Lou, and you do deserve that- you deserve someone as great as him. It’s weird coming from me, I know, since I’m meant to be your big bro, but I just- I know Harry, and I know that he won’t hurt you; I trust him with you- and I want you to trust him with you too, okay love?”
“Okay, Li.” Louis agreed.
He wasn’t sure if he could, but he would try at least, and that’s all he knew his older brother was wanting of him.
But first…
“…Li? When will Harry visit?” Liam threw his head back, guffawing at the question, ruffling Louis’ hair as he squealed and duck under his arms to escape.
“I don’t know, Lou… I’m not sure that he’ll make it… But tell you what, how about I talk to Mum and Dad for you to come stay with us for a bit?”
“Oh, yes! Yes, yes, please, Li!”
Louis sighed wistfully, flopping onto his back as he pouted up at the ceiling.
He missed Harry.
And his cuddles.
And his warmth.
And his smell, and his pretty, pretty eyes, and the slow drawl of his voice whenever he spoke, and his gentle touches (always gentle with Louis, Harry was, and Louis missed it), and the way he would rub between his ears and smooth down his tail, and-
Louis missed Harry.
Louis sighed again, rolling onto his side to face the window pensively.
He couldn’t.
Or rather, he shouldn’t, really, but.
Decision made, Louis threw the covers off, scrambling to pull on a large hoodie before sliding the window open and stealthily dropping to his feet on the other side- there were definitely benefits to being part cat after all.
Harry stirred, brows wrinkling slightly as he let out a deep exhale, lids fluttering lightly before sluggishly slipping open to reveal bleary emerald orbs.
It was definitely not the late afternoon he’d expected to have awoken in, faint tendrils of barely there sunlight trickling through the curtains, but he wasn’t sure what it was exactly that woke him up, just the feeling of something not-quite-right settling in his gut.
Harry frowned as his phone vibrated on his nightstand with an incoming call- why on earth was Liam calling him at arse o’ clock in the morning?
“’Lo?” He mumbled sleepily, eyes falling back shut.
“H, have you seen Louis by any chance? I can’t find him; he’s not in his room.”
“What do you mean you can’t find him, Li? Have you checked around the house? I haven’t-”
His back was (rather oddly) hot, he suddenly realized, a compact but comfortable weight attached to it, wiry arms snaked around his waist and clung on tightly, little contented purrs rumbling against his skin as-
Harry’s eyes flew open once more, mind racing at the fact that someone was in his bed, purring while acting as the big spoon to his little one. He turned his head to face his intruder, suspicions confirmed at the sight of fluffy caramel hair and triangular ears peeking up cutely at him.
“He’s here, Li; very happily sleeping too, in fact.”
He smiled, carefully shifting on to his other side and gently easing the peacefully sleeping hybrid into his arms, heart melting with fondness as he snuggled closer into his warmth with a quiet mewl.  
“Oh thank God! That idiot had me all worried but I had a feeling… He missed you, you know? Been asking about you all day, so I guessed he might have gone to you.”
“He missed me? Really?” Harry checked, surprise coloring his voice.
“Yeah, oh my God, wouldn’t stop bugging me about when you were going to visit. You don’t mind if he stays with us for a bit, do you? Promised him I would since he was so upset about not being able to see you.”
“Oh, yeah, no, of course not; I’d love for him to, Li.” He yawned, lowering himself onto his side and pulling the smaller male even closer to him.
“Great! Well, I’ll let you get back to sleep, I guess. Just… take care of Lou, alright?”
“Of course, Li.”
When Harry next awoke, at a more appropriate time this round, it was to the sounds of gentle snuffling. Familiar cat ears tickled the soft dusting of stubble beneath his chin as their owner slept on peacefully, lithe body balling up to fit perfectly into the curves of his body. He smiled fondly at the hybrid, carefully extracting himself from his tight grip to prepare breakfast for them.
He loaded a tray up with the plates, feet padding softly on the carpet as he made his way back to the bedroom, peeking in to see the younger male sat up and searching around him desolately, small hands patting confusedly at the groove where he’d lay just moments ago.
“Good morning sunshine.” Harry greeted pleasantly, voice still low and rough with sleep as he lowered the tray before the curious kitten. He chuckled as Louis squeaked happily, leaning forward to lick a broad stripe along his nose.
“Heard you missed me, huh?”
“Lou always miss Harry.” Louis stated simply in response to Harry’s gentle tease, a tinge of cherry pink bloomed across his cheeks as his ears twitched shyly.
Harry melted, leaning forward to place a warm kiss on his forehead.
“I missed you too, kitten. Don’t tell Li this, but I’m glad you snuck out. Now come on, let’s eat before I have to run off to work.”
“Can… Can Lou come to work with Harry?”
“Um? I don’t- I mean, I guess so? I’m sure it’ll be fine, it’s just that it can be quite crowded at times with, you know, people and I didn’t think you would want to?”
“Lou wants to be with Harry.”
“Okay then, kitten, we’ll go together.”
Harry pushed through the door of the bakery with a loud greeting, fingers tangled with Louis’, tenderly leading the hybrid on, the younger male gazing around with bright eyes and eager curiosity.
Barbara bustled through the small door leading to the back, eyes widening momentarily in surprise when she caught sight of the other male, before crinkling with a welcoming smile.
“Morning Harry, and who is this little love here?”
“This is Louis; he’s Liam’s younger brother. Lou, this is Barbara, she’s the owner of this bakery.” Harry introduced while nudging Louis from where he’d been hiding slightly behind him, presenting the beanie clad kitten like a proud parent would. Louis mumbled a shy hi, ducking beneath Harry’s arm to wrap both of his own around the tall male’s waist bashfully as Barbara cooed fondly at them.
“Hello, sweetie, it’s lovely to meet you.”
“I hope it’s okay that he came in to work with me; I didn’t want to leave him alone at home…” Harry asked with a sheepish smile, Barbara swatting at him with rolled eyes as Louis squeaked timidly with hopeful eyes.
“Don’t be silly, hun, it’s fine. I’ll be delighted to have him around.”
Bells tinkled lightly to signal the arrival of a customer, Harry popping his head up at the back where he’d been preparing the dough for a tray of scones while chuckling heartily at the disgruntled expression on Louis’ face when flour puffed up in his face as he tried to help.
He was a great help, even though Harry (or Barbara) had to teach him every single technique- the kitten didn’t even know how to whisk- but he tried, and Harry felt his heart melting every time he beamed widely, looking up at him with excited eyes when he got something right.
Harry wasn’t sure how much longer he could take it before his heart gave out on him, but if it was to the sound of Louis’ giggles, then, he thought, it would be worth it.
“I’ll be right back, Lou, just keep working at the dough for me?”
“Hi, what can I get you- Oh.” Harry faltered, plastering on a strained smile when he saw the blonde girl leaned against the counter, red lips tilting into a flirtatious grin.
“Um, hi Taylor. What would you like?”
“How about your number?”
Harry thought with a hidden grimace, flinching internally (and probably externally too judging by the look on her face) as the blonde pressed forward even more, half on the counter, cleavage pushed together rather obscenely.
Harry was more of a bum guy.
Louis has a nice bum, his brain supplied unhelpfully, which.
He did, but that wasn’t the point right now.
Harry needed an out from this situation, mind whirling as he fumbled through an uncomfortable response to Taylor’s advances. He did try telling her that he was gay, but she had either not known the meaning of the word, or simply didn’t care.
He’s got a pretty good inkling that it’s the latter, and that she- honest to God- was convinced that she could persuade him.
“I, um, well. Look I don’t think that’s such a good idea.” He started, nearly letting out a frightened squeal as he stumbled painfully into the corner of the pastry fridge when her lips pouted together (Louis’ was much, much cuter) and she leaned over (on top of?) the counter even more with a whined why.
As if sensing his cry for help, the little back door swung open, Louis sticking his head through cutely.
Harry spun to face him, relief evident on his face as the lithe male bounced over happily to him, hair dusted with sugar.
“Who is that?”
Harry had almost forgotten about her, lost in the little giggles emanating from his kitten as he combed the white powder from his hair.
“Wait is that- Is he your boyfriend?” she cried disbelievingly, finger pointed at Louis, the small male cowering minutely under her harsh glare. Harry pushed himself to his full height, stepping forward to shield Louis from her, his eyes flashing dangerously as he hissed lowly.
“That’s none of your business, and I’ll thank you to stop frightening him. He’s done nothing to deserve that, and we’d like it if you left now, actually.” He looked over at the warm weight hovering behind him, Louis fisting at the hem of his shirt and cuddling up in his protective arms, reaching up to kiss his cheek in thanks.
“But-” Taylor protested, Harry repeating his demand with his eyes still trained on Louis, stomping her foot brattily as she marched from the bakery.
“Are you alright, baby kitten? I’m sorry that she wasn’t nice to you.”
“It’s okay. Lou has Harry.”
It was dark when he opened his eyes- the kind that was an absolute black just closing in on him, gnawing at his bones and sinking into his veins.
He rolled up further into himself.
He wasn’t sure where he was, or why he was here, though there was familiarity in the darkness; something far and vague, as if from a lifetime ago.
Dredging up his courage, Louis slowly uncurled himself, testing out his strength (weak, but existent), before carefully shuffling forward on his palms and knees. He made it a couple of steps before he was jerked backwards slightly, startled by the tug on his ankles; he gasped, heart racing, the sounds of his blood rushing in his ears breaking the otherwise suffocating silence as he waited for whoever-whatever- it was to drag him back.
To punish him.
He gasped, panting heavily as the realization struck him.
And suddenly, he knew where he was.
Louis reached out behind him, trembling fingers feeling around his ankle with growing dread, a sob tearing from his throat as they touched cold metal.
He was back there.
The facility.
He didn’t know what he did to land him in the cell this time, or where Harry was-
Oh God.
Louis whimpered, panicked thoughts flooding his mind as he struggled helplessly against the chain binding him to the wall- he needed to find Harry.
Oh God, what if they hurt him?
He tugged harshly at the chain, a frustrated growl falling from his lips when it refused to budge, the hard steel biting into his skin; he slumped against the wall in defeat, violent sobs wrecking his small frame as he buried his head into crimson stained hands, accepting the horrific truth of his situation.
He wasn’t going to get out, and worse- he wasn’t going to be able to save Harry; all because he was too weak.
“Harry!” Louis threw himself upright with a strangled cry, cool sweat soaking the back of his tee as he panted heavily, body trembling with the impact of his nightmare. He felt strong arms slip around his waist, the elder whispering soft assurances into his ear as he was pulled into a warm embrace.
“Hey, hey, Lou, it’s alright. Breathe for me, baby, you’re alright.”
“Daddy…” Louis whimpered, head stuffed into the crook where Harry’s neck met shoulder, taking in the sweet homely scent of the other male as he tried to calm his jagged breaths.
It was just a nightmare; he was alright- Harry was alright.
They were safe.
Harry shushed him, one large palm smoothing down his back in calming circles, the other cradling his head protectively as he sniffled pathetically.
“Daddy, safe?”
“Yes, baby, you’re safe. You’re okay, darling, it was just a nightmare.” Harry frowned, puzzled as Louis shook his head vehemently, burrowing deeper into him, clutching at his top desperately as he repeated his question over and over again.
He wasn’t sure how to respond; wasn’t sure if Louis was warning him of danger, of something he couldn’t sense, or-
“Lou, kitten, I’m okay. I’m here, I’m okay.” He whispered, heart aching as the hybrid finally settled at his words, nodding slowly against his neck- Louis wasn’t asking for himself, he was scared for him.
“Lou? Do you…” Harry voiced hesitantly when Louis finally calmed, even though he was still clinging tightly to him.
“Do you want to tell me what your nightmare was about?” Louis’ breath hitched, large watery sapphire orbs staring up at him as their owner nodded timidly.
He took a deep breath, lacing his small fingers through Harry’s for courage before beginning his tale, starting with a recount of his nightmare- of being trapped back there, unable to break free to help Harry, and how terrified he was.
Harry listened attentively, squeezing Louis’ hand in his to offer comfort, eyes growing wet and breaths catching in horror as Louis went on to tell of his past at the facility- the place he was brought up in; the place he was experimented on.
He told him of their experiments; of how on good days, they would only do tests like forcing him to run until his legs gave out and he passed out from exhaustion; of how on bad days, they would force him into a cage with angry, vicious dogs, and expect him to fight, only pulling him out when he was severely mauled, fatally close to bleeding out.
Louis told him about the cell; of how he was thrown into the tiny cramped space if he didn’t pass certain tests, food and water withheld for days on end as he was locked and chained in the darkness; of how he begged and cried, and pleaded for them to let him out, for someone to save him- but no one did.
No one ever did.
Until that one fateful day, when the police had somehow gotten wind of a suspicious experimental lab and raided the place, and Louis had fled amid the chaos, knowing that he was finally free.
He’d no idea where he was going, only that he had to run; and so he did, the sweet taste of fresh air and freedom fuelling him, but then he’d stumbled into relatively crowded park, and terrified by the noise and people, he’d hidden among the bushes.
And that was where Liam’d found him (he’d been chasing after his soccer ball, he’d later told him), shivering and cowering in his torn clothing and scratched up feet, ears flattened against his head.
He’d looked surprised, blinking owlishly at him for a few moments, and Louis was so, so afraid, but then the older male had simply smiled at him, sticking out his hand for a handshake and then pulling his jacket and beanie over the hybrid, stealthily sneaking him out of the bushes and giving him a piggy back all the way home.
And the rest, as they say, was history.
“God…Lou, baby.” Harry breathed tearfully, reaching out to press frantic kisses all over Louis’ face, as if to reassure himself that the hybrid was indeed there, before gently but firmly securing the younger male into his arms.
He was never going to let go.
I’ll protect you.
Harry slumped back in his chair, giving up on the text he’d been futilely trying to read for the past few hours. He chewed on his bottom lip nervously, stealing furtive glances at his room where Louis’d been snoozing peacefully when he left him, then to Liam where he was sat, hunched over his laptop as he worked steadily on his assignment.
“Hey Li?” Harry hedged cautiously, wavering with uncertainty as the other male hummed distractedly in response.
“Do you… Would it be okay with you if I asked Lou to be my boyfriend?” Liam paused, fingers drawing to an abrupt halt. He turned slowly, brow lifted skeptically at the curly haired male as Harry stared back with wide eyed trepidation.
“Harry, are you asking me for permission to date my brother?” Liam deadpanned, lips tipping into an amused smirk as the younger male blushed.
“Well, I mean, yeah?”
“Of course, you idiot; I trust you. ‘Sides, I think Lou would kill me in my sleep if I dared to say no.” Liam rolled his eyes at him, swiveling back to his work, not bothering to suppress the manic grin he knew he was sporting.
It’s just- he was so happy.
It wasn’t as if he was surprised- anyone who saw them together wouldn’t be, really, not once they saw the way they look at each other; the way they revolved around each other, as if instinctually- and frankly speaking, he’d been waiting a long time for this to happen, ever since that very first time he’d seen Louis wrapped up in Harry’s arms, warm and peaceful.
He was glad that Louis had Harry, someone to love him and protect him, and to show him that it was okay- that he was able to be loved too, cat bits and all.
Louis beckoned at one of the shyer kittens surrounding him, cooing as he scooped it up into his arms, bopping it affectionately on its little nose. Harry sat beside him, heart melting with adoration as he watched Louis interact with the tiny fluff balls.
He’d thought that Louis would like this place- a small, lesser known cat café that he’d stumbled across one day while wandering- perfect for this very important occasion.
“Lou? I was wondering, if you would, maybe, that is…” He fidgeted, looking away momentarily before inhaling deeply, shoulders set with determination. He stared up into the hybrid’s large innocent orbs, beguiled by the absolute trust he saw there as Louis waited patiently for him to continue.
“Do you want to be my boyfriend?”
“Boyfriend? Lou? Harry likes Lou?” Louis blinked, head tilted with a confused frown, finger pointing needlessly at himself. Harry chuckled, pulling his small hand into his own larger palm, pressing a tender kiss to his knuckles.
“I do, kitten. I like you very, very much.”
“Okay?” Harry repeated, lips stretching into an ecstatic grin- he’d thought that maybe the kitten hybrid did return his feelings; that he wasn’t the only one who felt the connection between them, right from that very first meeting.
He’d certainly hoped, but actually hearing it-
It was far gone beyond a dream come true.
Louis shrugged somewhat nonchalantly, as if it were obvious that he would say yes, lowering the kitten back onto the ground and burrowing into Harry’s side with a contented sigh.
“Lou likes Harry too.”
Harry thanked the driver, hooking an arm beneath Louis’ thighs and lifting him easily out of the cab, the other arm wrapped around the kitten’s back and supporting his head against his shoulder as the younger male continued to nap peacefully.
He climbed the stairs to their apartment, deliberating in front of their door before softly kicking at the wood with his foot. Liam peeked out curiously at them, smiling in understanding as he stepped aside to let Harry in. He chuckled at how tiny Louis looked, the way he was clinging onto the tall male just as an infant would.
“How was your date?”
“Oh, it was fantastic, thanks. He agreed, by the way.” Harry sighed blithely, dimples pooling as he beamed widely at the other male, emerald eyes dancing with obvious elation.
“Of course he did, H. I’ll be surprised if he didn’t- Lord knows how infatuated he is with you.”
“…Daddy…” Louis murmured sleepily, rubbing his cheek against Harry’s shoulder, the elder freezing as Liam whirled around with narrowed eyes.
“Did he just-?”
“Yeah, but it’s not- I didn’t- he’s called me that a couple of times, but I honestly don’t know why, I didn’t…” Harry fumbled, words jumbled in his rush to placate his flat mate. Liam laughed, shaking his head at the flustered male.
“I know- well, I don’t but I’d hoped you wouldn’t defile my baby brother quite so soon. I was just messing with you.”
“I- I’m just going to bed now.”
With that, Harry spun around, face flushed with mortification as he all but sprinted into his room, Liam cackling evilly behind him.
“Here you go, baby.” Harry lowered a plate of full English in front of Louis, the younger male chirping a happy thank you Daddy at him.
Right in front of Liam.
And there went his hopes that the issue would be put at rest, Harry thought, sighing in resignation as he caught the amused gleam in his flat mate’s eyes.
“Why is Harry daddy, Lou?” Harry choked, spluttering senselessly as Liam grinned cheekily at him.
“Harry calls Lou baby, so Harry must be Daddy.” Louis stated simply, more involved in poking at his eggs and shoveling little bits of sausage into his mouth, oblivious to the sounds of Harry choking (again) at his answer and his brother guffawing obnoxiously at his furiously red face.
“Besides, Daddy takes care of Lou. Lou loves Daddy.”
Harry barged into their flat with an excited squeal, startling the two brothers from their lazy sprawl on the couch. He picked Louis up as he jumped into his arms in greeting, spinning him around in circles as the hybrid giggled in delight from his infectious excitement.
“They want me! Li, they are going to record my songs!”
“Holy shit, really? That’s great, Harry!” Liam leapt up, clapping Harry on his back with a thrilled grin.
“I know! Oh my God, it’s like a dream come true.” Harry sighed happily, humming mindlessly as he stroked his thumb along the pointy bone of Louis’ shoulder, his small boyfriend purring blissfully.
“I know! Seriously, congrats on that, I’m so proud of you!”
“What is Daddy and Li talking about?” Louis wondered aloud, ears perked up cutely with interest at their obvious exhilaration.
“You know how Harry writes songs, babe? Well, there’s a record label that wants to record his songs. You’re gonna be proper famous, aren’t you, H!” Liam teased; Harry and him both missing the way Louis frowned at his words.
It’s not till later that night, both of them settled snugly with a movie in bed, that Louis brings the topic up again.
“Daddy?” He called quietly, slim fingers tracing the outline of Harry’s butterfly tattoo idly.
“Yes baby?” Harry replied, eyes still focused on the movie even as he shivered under the feather light touches. Louis remained silent, thinking through his words carefully.
“Will Daddy forget Lou?” Harry whipped around, curls sent flying from the force, jaw slack as he gaped at Louis, horrified.
“What? No! No, baby, of course not!”
“But… but Daddy will meet lots of people. Maybe, Daddy will find someone else?” Louis posed timidly, small body curled as if to protect himself.
And it hurt.
It hurt to see his love so unsure about himself, about his worth that he thought that Harry would just- could possibly just- leave him.
Harry hurt.
Harry lunged towards Louis, tugging the small hybrid into a tight embrace as he whispered fierce assurances to him, promises intertwined with every kiss he painted across his skin.
“No! Lou, I don’t want anyone else, I promise. There won’t be anyone else. It’s just you, kitten, just you and me.”
“Lou? Baby, are you awake?” Harry whispered, fingers tracing gently across the hybrid’s arm, leaving a trail of goose bumps in its wake as Louis shivered from the feather light touch.
“Yes, Daddy.”
“I was thinking… I wanna show you something, kitten.” Harry murmured softly, ignoring the confused whine of protest from behind him as he slipped out of bed; digging through their closet, he pulled out his worn pair of boots, fishing out a small box hidden within.
“I-I got this for you a while back, but I just wasn’t sure- about timing, and all that, you know? But after tonight, I just thought- Well, it just seemed like the perfect time.” The tall male trailed off awkwardly, thumb smoothing over the velvet cover of the box in a tender caress. Louis pushed into a sitting position, slim fingers reaching out carefully.
“W-What is it, Daddy?”
Harry sighed, inhaling deeply to gather his courage before lifting his head and meeting his kitten’s curious but somewhat timid gaze. He flipped the lid open, eyes darting back down to stare fondly at the ring nestled within- a simple white gold band, traced with an intricate woven design- as Louis gasped in surprise.
“It’s a promise ring, baby; and one day, I hope that I will be able to replace it with a more official one- but for now, this is a promise from me to you, that no matter what happens from here on; no matter what job I find, or who I meet, you’re going to be the one I want. You’re always going to be my number one, Lou, and that’s not going to change.”
“Lou- I- D-Daddy.” Louis choked out in a silent whimper, eyes filling rapidly with the mess of overwhelming emotions swirling within him, shaky arms reaching to grasp at the hem of Harry’s shirt as the elder enclosed him into warm arms.
“Shh, it’s alright, baby. You’re okay; I love you so much, Lou. I just wanted you to know that.”
“Lou loves Daddy too- So much, very, very much.”
“Then I hope you will agreed to my next request, kitten; I know it might be a bit soon considering that we’ve only been dating for a few months, but… please move in with me, Lou?” Harry breathed, heart thudding with anticipation.
Louis smiled, tipping his head to seal their lips together in a gentle kiss.
“Of course, Daddy.”
21 notes · View notes
reilovely-blog · 8 years
Cookie Time
Otherwise known as the pointless fluff that is Baby Louis making cookies for his favourite people, while being an absolute sweetheart at it.
Harry sighed, bending to fish out a lone shirt which had somehow just found itself lodged between two couch cushions. He glanced back towards their dining room, brows furrowing at the worrying silence.
He’d left Louis there with a tray of cooled gingerbread men (he’d made sure they were cooled before even letting the curious baby anywhere near it; he shuddered even thinking about the chaotic aftermath if he’d done otherwise), along with a cup of various brushes and other utensils, as well as a variety of colored icing pens.
“Lou? You okay in there?” He called, popping his head around the dividing wall to cast a suspicious eye over his focused baby when the boy simply hummed in distracted agreement, tongue poked out in concentration as he carefully piped icing over his cookie- everything looked well, at least.
Harry sighed again, returning to his task on hand; on any other day, he would have been sat at that table supervising (would not have been allowed to leave, in fact), but when he’d tried to peek at his boy’s creations before, the younger male had whined and all but threw his entire little body over the cookies, eyeing his daddy with narrowed eyes and pouty lips.
“Surprise, Daddy.” The small male had dismissed, refusing to unfold himself and settle back into his chair until the older male had gotten up and left the room, a final uncertain look cast over his shoulder.
“Daddy’s going to do the laundry, alright, baby? Call me if you need help, or anything.”
“Okay, Daddy.” Louis chirped, lifting his head momentarily to beam widely at his daddy, pouting his lips in a mimic of a kiss with a loud muah, the elder chuckling in fond surprise.
His baby was just so cute sometimes.
“Dadddddddddddyyyy.” Louis sang, clambering down from his seat and scurrying eagerly to the laundry room, ramming his little frame into long legs as he peered up with unconcealed excitement.
“Oof. Hi baby.” Harry grunted at the impact, smiling down affectionately at his baby boy clinging onto his legs. He scooped Louis up into his arms, Louis shrieking with delight and clapping his small hands together enthusiastically at the movement, balancing him on one hip as he made his way back to the dining room.
“Daddy, Daddy, I’m done with the cookies!”  
“Oh? Can I see them now then, baby?” He asked with an amused grin, laughing at the expression on Louis’ face as he stared with exaggerated incredulity.
“Of course you can! Silly Daddy!”
“Wow, they are done really well! Good job baby.” Harry praised, marveling at the incredibly detailed gingerbread men as Louis preened happily, bouncing to be put down so that he could introduce them to his daddy.
“This one is for Lili.” He explained, pointing towards one designed clearly to be batman in its black and grey costume, complete with the logo on its chest and a pointed mask on its head. Harry hummed agreeably, knowing how Louis had decided on that- it was rather self-explanatory, really; Liam’s love for the superhero was well known after all.
“And this one is for Zee.” He said, pointing to a quiffed brunette Superman. Harry laughed, pressing a warm kiss to Louis’ hair as he remembered the last meeting they had- it now made sense why Louis had been so curious about the fact he’d interrupted the meeting just to ask what their raven haired manager’s favourite superhero was; Zayn’d blinked at him, hazarding a confused “Uh, Superman?” before carrying on with the rest of the meeting.
“Those are great choices, darling, I’m sure they will love them! What about this one?” Harry questioned curiously, gesturing to a rather oddly decorated incredible hulk- it was slightly larger than the others (as per Louis’ request) with blonde hair and blue eyes and weirdly enough, a little green hat on its head.
“Mm. That’s for Ni.” Louis stated simply, gnawing contentedly on a finger as he cuddled closer to Harry’s larger frame. Harry pulled his finger away gently, reminding the younger male that biting was not allowed, before turning back to the cookie in an attempt to distract Louis before he could start sulking.
“Why is that for Niall, baby? He’s not green, is he?” Harry fake gasped, drawing giggles from his baby boy at his silly horrified expression.
“No!” Louis squealed childishly, head tilted as he studied his creation curiously, “’s big. Ni likes to eat, Daddy.”  
Harry threw back his head in laughter, choking for air in his glee when Louis continued innocently.
“And I gave him a little green hat too, Daddy, see? Like Lucky!”
“Like Lucky- The leprechaun! Oh my God, this is too good!” Harry chortled heartily, eyes watering as he hiccupped lightly from where he was bent over, head resting on the table as he tried to catch his breath.
How fitting.
“This one is you, Daddy.” Louis brandished softly, eyes glimmering with pride as he stared down at the Spiderman one he’d spent a particularly long time on- while clad in the intricate web design of his suit, this cookie remained unmasked, tumbles of wavy black icing weaved down the side of its face, a wide dimpled smile present and kind green eyes greeting its onlookers.
“For me?”
“Yea, because Daddy saved me. You’re my hero, Daddy, and you’re my favourite.” Harry swallowed raggedly, all previous amusement gone, eyes stinging and heart squeezing tight from the overwhelming emotions as he tried to breathe past the sudden clog in his throat.
Louis squeaked in surprise when he was abruptly tugged into a fierce hug, his daddy’s arms tight around him but silent otherwise.  He hugged back tightly, small palms wiping gently at Harry’s tears as the taller male pulled back, sniffling with a quiet murmur of thanks.                                                                                                                                    
“Are you okay, Daddy?”              
“I’m good, baby. These are all perfect; I love them so much. And thank you for mine, baby.”
“Love you, Daddy.”
“I love you too, my darling.” Louis screamed, squirming with laughter as Harry dug his fingers into his sides relentlessly, laughing at the flood of giggles bubbling from his happy boy.
“Daddy- Daddy, noooo!” He protested sweetly, hiding his face in Harry’s chest when the latter finally stopped, muffled titters slowly petering out into the comfortable silence as Harry rubbed at his back soothingly.
“You’re my favourite too, baby.”
Harry glanced over at Louis, checking that his overtired baby was safely buckled but not liable to be choked on his seatbelt as he dozed off. Satisfied, he waved out the window to Niall, the Irishman being the last person on their short visit to gift them their cookies.
Liam had accepted his with a gentle smile and genuine appreciation, kneeling to give Louis a warm hug in thanks; Zayn with astonishment, disbelief softening to fondness as he gazed at his thoughtfully crafted gingerbread man, leaning over to press a quick kiss to Louis’ cheek- much to both his and Harry’s surprise.
(They both also shared a laugh at Niall’s expense, Harry explaining the reason behind the larger cap wielding green hulk cookie with an amused glint in his eyes.)
He smiled, feeling his heart warm at the little snuffles and snores emitted from his exhausted boy.
Louis might think that Harry was his hero, but Harry thought that he’d received so much more from accepting his sweet little baby into his life that he could have ever imagined.
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reilovely-blog · 8 years
Daddy Of Mine
Harry remembered the first time he’d met Louis- the very same day he’d somehow found himself as a daddy, a helpless man-boy in his care.
He’d been in the middle of filming a scene for a war movie, dodging and ducking behind crumbling walls and peeking out among the chaotic screaming masses as explosions ripped the town apart, open gunfire raining down around him.
He’d been scanning the area studiously, trying to comprehend the situation as much as he could, when a flash of caramel hair caught at the edge of his vision.
He’d whipped his head around, eyes darting across the piles of fallen bodies and wreckage, before finally landing on him- a young boy trembling in the middle of the street, clothing tattered and large baby blue eyes wide with terror.
Harry crumpled to the ground with a pained gasp of breath, hand clutching disbelievingly at his stomach where bright crimson was blooming.
He’d gotten shot.
He sighed as he held his (rather uncomfortable) position, face pressed into the rough gravel and leg bent at an awkward angle, grimacing inwardly when he felt the sticky blood soak through his top, pooling at his side.
Harry wondered what Louis was doing; if he was having fun with Liam, the elder having offered to babysit while Harry was off at work.
He sighed heavily at the thought of his baby boy; he’d left the younger male asleep in bed as he headed off to work at a ridiculously early hour this morning, wishing he could be there when Louis woke up.
He missed him.
Harry frowned (internally) as the scene kept rolling; was something wrong, he wondered, or had he missed his cue-
“NO! Daddy!” A shrilled scream pierced the air, Harry startling (imperceptibly, he hoped) at the familiar voice as a small body was abruptly flung over his back, tiny hands pushing at him as their owner begged for him to respond.
“Wake up, Daddy! Daddy, open your eyes! Please, Daddy, you can’t leave Lou, please, please!”
He felt his heart break, shattering into a million shards at the fear and desperation he could hear in Louis’ voice; peeking inconspicuously, he could see a few of the crew wiping at their tears from the heart breaking display.
He willed the director to yell cut, each passing moment torturous as his heart ached desperately to comfort his hysterical baby, the younger male sobbing pitifully where he’d thrown himself down over his fallen body.
Harry sprung up the instant he heard the call, pulling his miserable boy into his arms and whispering calm assurances into his ear, peppering chaste kisses all over his tear stained skin.
“Hey, hey, it’s alright, darling. Daddy’s okay, see? It’s just acting, baby, I’m okay.”
“Daddy’s not- No pain?” Louis asked anxiously, little palms reaching up to cradle Harry’s face.
“No, baby, it doesn’t hurt at all.”
“Okay.” Louis sniffled dolefully, arms tight around his shoulders as he buried his face into his daddy’s neck.
Harry chuckled fondly as he picked up the younger male securely in his arms and nodding in acknowledgment to the crew, a very sheepish Liam greeting him at the door to his dressing room.
“It’s okay, Li. Thanks for offering to watch him anyway.”
Harry remembered the first time he’d met Louis- the very same day he’d somehow found himself as a daddy, a helpless man-boy in his care.
He’d been in the middle of filming a scene for a war movie, dodging and ducking behind crumbling walls and peeking out among the chaotic screaming masses as explosions ripped the town apart, open gunfire raining down around him.
He’d been scanning the area studiously, trying to comprehend the situation as much as he could, when a flash of caramel hair caught at the edge of his vision.
He’d whipped his head around, eyes darting across the piles of fallen bodies and wreckage, before finally landing on him- a young boy trembling in the middle of the street, clothing tattered and large baby blue eyes wide with terror.
Harry felt his heart clench at the fear he could see in those teary eyes; taking another quick glance around, he inhaled deeply, knowing what he had to do.
And in that moment, Harry forgot that they were filming; forgot that he could be potentially ruining the scene by doing what he did; forgot that there wasn’t actually supposed to be any children in this scene.
All he saw was an innocent child caught in the middle of a battlefield, lost amidst the blood and dead bodies scattered around him, wide guileless eyes pleading for help as they met his own forest green orbs.
Harry dashed out, scooping the petite male onto one protective arm as he raced for shelter, the slim male clinging desperately to him, muffled whimpers tearing from his throat.
“Are you alright?” Harry asked urgently, lowering the younger male- he wasn’t quite a boy, but more a man, Harry realized, shocked as he managed to take a proper look at the other’s appearance- onto his own two feet as he blubbered pitifully.
“Shh, sweetheart, you’re okay. I need you to take deep breaths; can you do that for me?” He soothed, rubbing light circles into his back as he choked up, ragged breaths slowing marginally at the touch.
“That’s good, love, can you tell me your name?”
“L-Louis.” The man- Louis- stuttered timidly, eyes trusting as he peered up childishly at him.
Harry smiled, kneeling before him as he gently thumbed away the tears from his flushed face.
“Louis? That’s a lovely name. You’ve been so brave for me, Louis-”
“-Cut! That’s a wrap!” Harry startled at the yell, turning wide eyed towards the crew as they applauded, the director stalking towards him with an ecstatic grin.
“Harry, that was great! It was so natural, what you did; absolutely perfect.” James praised, clapping him on the back. Harry glanced back curiously as he was led away, frowning in disappointment when he realized that Louis was no longer standing where he’d left him.
Harry sighed wearily, smiling as he made his way towards the exit, calling out his goodbyes and thanks to the bustling crew.
He hadn’t seen Louis since he’d last left him, and strange as it may be, he was worried.
There was just something about the other male, he mused, strolling through the corridor to find the subject of his thoughts sat angelically at the corner. One of the production assistants was knelt before him, futilely attempting to speak with him.
The tall male smiled warmly, waving at the adorable male as Louis watched him with curious eyes.
Harry pushed through the doors, soft pattering footsteps his only warning before he was stumbling slightly at the sudden weight attached to his legs. He glanced down in surprise, emerald meeting sapphire as Louis stared up at him, arms wrapped tightly around his hips.
“Hi sweetheart, you alright?”
Harry smiled, lifting him easily into his arms when Louis wordlessly reached up to him, curling naturally into him before popping a thumb between his cherry pink lips and slowly suckling on it. He wandered back to the lady, greeting her politely.
“Do you know him, Mr. Styles?”
“No, actually; I’ve only met this little one on set today,” Harry laughed, rocking the man-boy in his lightly as he turned away from them, hooking his chin over Harry’s shoulder, “that’s what I was coming over to ask you actually, to see if you knew who he was with.”
“Unfortunately not, I’ve been trying to figure that out myself, so I can sign him out, but he’s not speaking…”
“Well, if it helps, he told me his name is Louis?” The young lady pursed her red tinged lips thoughtfully, flipping through various pages before shaking her head with a deep frown.
“That’s weird… There’s no Louis here. In fact, all the extras have been accounted for, and he’s definitely not main cast, so…” Harry hummed, brows raised in surprise as he gazed at the quiet boy nuzzling against his shoulder.
“Huh. Lou, who did you come with, buddy?” He sighed, exchanging helpless shrugs with the production assistant as Louis remained silent, determinedly ignoring them as he sucked on his thumb.
“I guess we might just have to ask around, see if the crew knows of anything…?” Harry poised unsurely, almost missing the whispered Daddy among the soft slurping.
“Who’s daddy, love?” The curly haired actor questioned softly, frowning in confusion as Louis lifted his head to blink at him owlishly, eyes expectant as he repeated the endearment.
“…Oh. You mean-” Harry gaped, pointing to himself incredulously.
“But, I don’t- What about your family, Lou?”
Louis shook his head.
And oh.
Harry inhaled deeply, swallowing past the sudden tightness in his throat at the quiet admission.
Louis was alone.
“What about- What about your home?” He asked carefully, heart squeezing painfully as the younger male tilted his head curiously, as if the word was a foreign concept- and perhaps it was, Harry realized, when Louis simply blinked at him.
“I- Alright, baby. Do you want to come home with me, then?” Harry breathed, hugging the small male tightly while smoothing a large palm over a slightly protruding spine, tears stinging at the back of his eyes as Louis rubbed one small palm between his shoulder blades, mimicking the comforting gesture in the way children did.
Louis patted his cheek lightly, before resting his head back down against his shoulder and sticking his thumb back into his mouth.
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reilovely-blog · 8 years
Baby Of Mine
Harry hummed softly as he plated the last pancake and flicked the stove off, swaying his hips to the song blasting from the radio as he sashayed around the kitchen to fetch juice from the fridge. He shuffled towards their dining table, leaning down to press a chaste kiss to the top of feathery hair as large baby blue eyes stared up at him with doe eyed wonder, mouth sucking furiously at the pacifier trapped between thin lips.
“How’s my baby today? Good?” Harry smiled at the innocent male as he lowered a smaller stack of pancakes in front of the smaller male, chuckling fondly when he received no reply save for the steady suckling of plastic, one small hand reaching up to paw fascinatedly at the rough stubble decorating his chin. He nuzzled into Louis’ palm, turning to smack a loud wet kiss on the smooth skin before nipping playfully at those lithe fingers, dimpling at the melodic giggles bubbling from his little boy.
“You’re so cute, baby.” He muttered under his breath, glancing up just to catch the mischievous baby flooding his pancakes with chocolate sauce.
“Lou, no!” Harry chided, hurriedly snatching the bottle from nimble fingers as Louis shot him a curious look, head tilted inquisitively at his actions.
“No, Da?”
Harry hummed softly as he plated the last pancake and flicked the stove off, swaying his hips to the song blasting from the radio as he sashayed around the kitchen to fetch juice from the fridge. He shuffled towards their dining table, leaning down to press a chaste kiss to the top of feathery hair as large baby blue eyes stared up at him with doe eyed wonder, mouth sucking furiously at the pacifier trapped between thin lips.
“How’s my baby today? Good?” Harry smiled at the innocent male as he lowered a smaller stack of pancakes in front of the smaller male, chuckling fondly when he received no reply save for the steady suckling of plastic, one small hand reaching up to paw fascinatedly at the rough stubble decorating his chin. He nuzzled into Louis’ palm, turning to smack a loud wet kiss on the smooth skin before nipping playfully at those lithe fingers, dimpling at the melodic giggles bubbling from his little boy.
“You’re so cute, baby.” He muttered under his breath, glancing up just to catch the mischievous baby flooding his pancakes with chocolate sauce.
“Lou, no!” Harry chided, hurriedly snatching the bottle from nimble fingers as Louis shot him a curious look, head tilted inquisitively at his actions.
“No, Da?”
“Not that much, Lou, or you’ll be bouncing off the walls later and you still have filming, remember baby?” Harry sighed, smiling gently at the younger boy as he pondered that statement, lips still working at the pacifier.
“Yes, the movie. You’ll be my good baby and listen to the director, won’t you, Lou?” Louis nodded decisively, eyes flashing with childish determination as he jiggled excitedly in his seat.
“Good baby.”
“I know you’ll be, boo. Now take out that pacifier for daddy and let’s eat; we’ll just have enough time before we have to leave.”
Harry pinched at the bridge of his nose in frustration as the director called cut yet again; he’d known giving in to those wide baby blues and letting Louis have all that sugar would be a bad idea- bad being an understatement.
He’d known from experience (countless, countless instances) that a sugar high baby was never a good idea, especially when the scene required a melancholic, abandoned, sad baby; known that it would come back to bite him in the ass- quite literally in this particular moment as he felt a small body crash into his from the side, skinny arms wrapping around his waist and a sharp nip at his bum as his baby giggled mischievously.
“Behave, Lou.”
Harry sighed in fond exasperation (always fond, because how could he not, when his baby was just so cute), exchanging a meaningful look with Zayn, from where his manager was engaged in a discussion with the director.
“But Daddy!”
“No, Lou. Are you going to behave for Daddy or am I going to have to leave?”
“Alright. I’m going to leave now.”
Louis stared, horrified, eyes filling up rapidly as his daddy set him down on his own two feet and stood up, strolling calmly across the studio. He watched silently, counting down the steps left from the door till his daddy turned around and came back to him (hopefully), because Daddy said that he’d always love him and that he wouldn’t leave him behind- Louis was just a little baby after all, and little babies weren’t meant to be able to care for themselves the way Daddies could.
Two steps.                                            
He let out a low whimper, bottom lip trembling worryingly as his daddy continued through, steps unfaltering as he pushed through the double doors- never once looking back.
Daddy’s gone.
Louis started bawling, fat teardrops rolling down his flushed cheeks, heavy wails ripping from his little frame as he shakily struggled to breathe through the thickness of his throat.
His daddy didn’t want him anymore- he was bad, and wouldn’t listen to Daddy, and disappointed Daddy and now Daddy didn’t want him anymore- didn’t love him anymore.
Oh God.
Daddy left him.
Louis shook as the realization hit him, breaths stuttering as he choked on the panic clawing up his lungs, almost hyperventilating as the implications started sinking in. He didn’t know what he was meant to do now; he didn’t have a home anymore after all, now that Daddy didn’t want to have him, and he didn’t know how to take care of himself- though maybe he could call Uncle Li or Uncle Ni, but they were both busy at work, and what if they didn’t want him anyway?
Because of course they didn’t- not even Daddy wanted him.
And that’s it, wasn’t it? No one wanted him, because he was bad enough to chase away the one person who did and now he was just getting what he deserved, he supposed.
Louis was all alone.
He wondered at the very back of his mind why he’d never planned for this- he’d always known that it was going to happen anyhow, but perhaps he’d (foolishly) hoped that it would come later rather than sooner (and maybe even not at all).
He was so occupied with the tirade of complicated thoughts flooding his mind that he missed the ‘Cut’ called across the room, violent trembles wrecking his otherwise catatonic state where he stood with rivers of tears still rushing down his stained cheeks. He stared blankly at a blonde lady crouching down before him, barely registering her presence and unable to decipher the words he could see her lips mouth, but couldn’t hear through the cotton filled haziness of his mind.
He could see her brows furrowing in concern as he remained unresponsive, turning her head to tell someone behind her something, urgency in her actions as she gestured with obscure motions, her other hand gently but firmly clamped on his shoulder.
He wasn’t quite sure what she was saying, or what was happening, but that didn’t matter- she didn’t matter, not when he had to figure out how he was going to live now that his daddy wasn’t going to be around to teach him.
“God- Lou, baby boy, look at me.”
Louis frowned, troubled brows furrowing in deep concentration as the gentle words slowly started to filter into his woolly thoughts. He flinched harshly as a familiar- too familiar- warmth clamped down lightly on his shoulder; coupled with that slow velvety drawl, he almost believed that it was- but no, it couldn’t be.
Daddy didn’t want him.
All these people needed to leave him alone, because he didn’t want any of them, he wanted his daddy but that wasn’t a choice now, so he was trying to figure out how to fix- no, not fix; he didn’t know how to fix things, because he was a bad boy and he always broke things, just like he broke this-
Louis was abruptly snapped out of his thoughts as he was brought into a tight embrace; that very same warmth now surrounding him, the comforting mix of tea and baking and home and something uniquely daddy sending him straight back into brash sobs as his nose nudged into the smooth skin of his daddy’s neck.
“Shh, baby, it’s okay. Daddy’s here. You’re okay.”
“D-Daddy-” He whimpered, arms flinging to wrap around the taller male’s neck as he rubbed soothing circles into his back, whispering little assurances into his ear.
“Daddy, no, don’t- don’t leave me, please. N-No, don’t leave Lou, please. Louis is bad- bad, bad baby- and Daddy doesn’t want him anymore, but- but… please.” He babbled, distressed pleas tearing themselves from his throat as he clung on desperately, pressing quivery kisses to the elder’s neck in an attempt to convince him to keep him- to want him, to love him.
“What? Oh, baby, no. No, baby Lou, Daddy still wants you, of course I do- I’ll never not want you. I love you so, so much, Lou. Daddy’s good little boy, I love you so much, and I’m so sorry that I made you believe that I didn’t want you.” The words were strong, passionate, but Louis couldn’t understand them, stuck deep as he was in his little mindset, lost in the confusing whirlwind of emotions.
“I don’t- Daddy still loves me? Lou’s not bad?”
“No, baby boy, I’ll always love you, and you’re perfect. Now let’s go home, alright? Such a long tiring day for my poor little boy.” Harry cooed sympathetically as he eased the smaller male into his arms, standing with the caramel haired boy propped against his hip. He peppered little kisses all over Louis’ face, releasing a wave of teary giggles that were swiftly muffled when the younger male buried his face into his neck, giggles petering out into a happy sigh as Harry rocked him gently.
Louis yawned widely, clutching at his daddy’s collar with a small tight fist, lids fluttering tiredly as he nuzzled subconsciously closer to that reassuring warmth.
“Daddy?” He mumbled drowsily, pausing at the hum he received, heart overwhelmed with the gratitude and love he had for his daddy.
“I love you, Daddy.”
He drifted off to sleep with a blissful smile on his lips, a lingering kiss pressed to his forehead as the other male replied.
“I love you too, baby.”
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reilovely-blog · 8 years
New work in the... Works.
Just trying my hand at Baby!Lou and have a oneshot sidestory/timestamp bit written for it but I have a series planned in mind and the main part (which would be lengthier methinks) is.... not written at all.
Well! Here’s a sneakpeek at the oneshot at least, just a little teaser while I try to get my head back on enough to actually get on with the rest ;D
Harry hummed softly as he plated the last pancake and flicked the stove off, swaying his hips to the song blasting from the radio as he sashayed around the kitchen to fetch juice from the fridge. He shuffled towards their dining table, leaning down to press a chaste kiss to the top of feathery hair as large baby blue eyes stared up at him with doe eyed wonder, mouth sucking furiously at the pacifier trapped between thin lips.
“How’s my baby today? Good?” Harry smiled at the innocent male as he lowered a smaller stack of pancakes in front of the smaller male, chuckling fondly when he received no reply save for the steady suckling of plastic, one small hand reaching up to paw fascinatedly at the rough stubble decorating his chin. He nuzzled into Louis’ palm, turning to smack a loud wet kiss on the smooth skin before nipping playfully at those lithe fingers, dimpling at the melodic giggles bubbling from his little boy.
“You’re so cute, baby.” He muttered under his breath, glancing up just to catch the mischievous baby flooding his pancakes with chocolate sauce.
“Lou, no!” Harry chided, hurriedly snatching the bottle from nimble fingers as Louis shot him a curious look, head tilted inquisitively at his actions.
“No, Da?”
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