reverience · 9 years
Total Lunar Eclipse + Supermoon tonight!
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It should be visible for most of Europe, Africa, and the Americas.
Think of all the witchy things you could do with that!
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reverience · 9 years
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The Loop
Sun sign
Under the Earthy card
Is there any card as frustrating as The Loop? It can bend space and time into a continuous loop that repeats over and over. Anyone caught in the loop will be trapped unless they can find the one place where it connects and break it. Sakura and Co. don’t even notice they’re trapped within a time warp until they’ve run it a few times. Sakura and Syaoran manage to find the connection break it together using their swords. Teamwork FTW!
I’ve found that The Loop can be a very dichotomous card. It can be encouraging: keep trying! Don’t give up! Try try again! Or, it can be that somber tap on the shoulder letting you know that perhaps you’re running around in circles and it’s time to cut your loses. As with some other cards under Earthy, be careful that stability doesn’t become stagnation. It seems to be quite sensitive to the cards around it and its placement in your spread, and this will help you discern which side of the coin you’re facing. When matched with a more action-oriented card, it can be your cheerleader. If its sitting next to a more passive card (like The Time)? Perhaps you’re wasting your time on your current endeavor and it’s time to move on.
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reverience · 10 years
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reverience · 10 years
So apparently, the site I used to help with sigils has disappeared into the internetz.
Anyone have a good recommendation for a sigil generator?
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reverience · 10 years
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In the dead of winter be wary of birds in flight
their hunger’ll take off your head with a single bite. 
The Song of Swords has been revealed. You can view it in it’s entirety on www.prismavisionstarot.com
Prisma Visions Tarot decks are currently available for pre-order on Kickstarter for $45 with free U.S. shipping, ends November 3rd at 5PM!
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reverience · 10 years
A new study shows that internet trolls really are just terrible human beings.
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reverience · 10 years
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Don’t get on my bad side today.
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reverience · 10 years
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The Fight
Sun sign
Under the Firey card
Like several of the cards under Firey, The Fight is an aggressive attack card, skilled in martial arts. It is highly competitive and will seek out the strongest opponents to challenge. It defeats several renowned martial artists in town before Sakura and Co. finally confront it in the park. The Fight must be defeated in combat before it can be captured, but it beats both Meiling and Syaoran. Sakura uses The Power card to increase her strength and knocks The Fight out cold.
There are multiple Clow cards that represent conflicts and challenges, but The Fight card is primarily focused on interpersonal clashes. It could be that there is a big argument brewing. Or, it may represent a rival, someone you have to compete with for whatever it is that you want, whether it is a contest, promotion, or love interest. The Fight card takes on any challenge and gives it 100%, but you’ll have to discern whether this battle is one worth fighting.
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reverience · 10 years
OMG I just realized that Heir of Fire comes out tomorrow and I'm so freaking excited and if Raonn isn't in it anymore I'm going to cry because he was my favorite.
Now I'm having nostalgic FictionPress feels.
Why the hell didn't I become a writer?
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reverience · 10 years
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Alright, my chronically ill witchy friends, I have something nice to bestow upon you today!
The Extra Spoon Spell
If you’re not familiar with The Spoon Theory, this is not going to make a lick of sense, so if that’s the case, go read it.
Now, because my idea of ritual is a wibbly-wobbly magicky-wagicky ball of stuff and not a Proper Ritual™, the list of required things is really up to you, but if you do best with solid rules, here is what I used:
A spoon (I lied, this is the only non-optional part, you’re really going to want a spoon for this). I got a cute one at Cost Plus for like, twobux, with a little curly black handle, and it’s all stainless steel, and just has a great feel in the hand. Get something that you will enjoy handling, as this is a pretty tactile spell and to activate it later you’ll again be playing with your spoon and so you want it to make you happy.
Some symbols that represent strength — I first got into magic through crystals so here I used some of my stones. Hematite, sodalite, a labradorite Fox gave me, a red sedimentary thing L brought me from Arizona, red tiger’s eye, a tektite I dedicated to Lilith, and a bloodstone. Use what works for me, or if you don’t use stones, you can sub anything here: herbs, tarot cards, runes, pictures of things that make you happy, any symbols that work for you. My friends are a great source of strength to me so I definitely wanted to include things that they brought me to help me. You can even use your own pill bottles if that’s what makes sense to you.
I’ve been working with runes a bit so I have an Uruz pendant in there too.
A candle representing the element that helps you the most. With fibromyalgia, heat is one of the most beneficial non-medicinal things you can apply to your pain, so I used my red tealight holder to represent fire. (You can use incense for air, a cup of water for water, a bit of salt or soil for earth, a figurine of Twilight Sparkle to represent magic, whatever jives with your system, man, it’s all good.)
An oil or other liquid that represents comfort and strength. For me, this is lavender. If you can’t figure out why, jeez. I don’t know what to tell you. I mean. More seriously, another thing that benefits fibro is restorative sleep, which is something I get very little of due to the nature of the disease, and lavender is a very restful, sleep-promoting scent. Use what works for you, just don’t use something you shouldn’t be handling with your bare hands. (Allergic to essential oils or just don’t have any? Olive oil is an awesome anointing oil! Think of it like the clear quartz of oils: you can use it for nearly any purpose.)
…If you want to use literal liquid courage and anoint your spoon with whiskey, YOLO, bitchezzz.
I lit my candle and put a drop of lavender oil in the bowl of the spoon and began to anoint it all the way down the handle. As I did, I would usually have stayed quiet and just focused, but I know how y’all like to have the option of words in your spells, so after a while I settled on some words to add.
Save up some energy for me, little spoon,
So when I’m out of spoons I’ll always have one in reserve.
Once your spoon is anointed and you’ve had a good chat with it (you can really say whatever you want, or sing, or whatever floats ya) lay it down among the symbols of strength you’ve gathered by the candle and let it soak up the strength there.
When you’re really tired and stressed out and feel like you can’t possibly make it through the day, pull out that extra spoon and remember the things you have in your life that make it better, and tap into the energy you’ve stored in your extra spoon. You can continually recharge it when you’re feeling good, too, just by playing with it and focusing your positive emotions and feelings of health into it.
And that’s it!
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reverience · 10 years
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Anxiety, You’re Getting The Ax Tarot Spread.
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reverience · 10 years
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The Move
Moon sign
Under the Windy card
The Move is a mischievous card that can move objects. It is somewhat limited for a Clow card, as it can only move small, non-living objects, and can only move them a short distance. Even so, it can cause some trouble. It was first encountered in a library, where it inhabited a book that both Sakura and Syaoran needed and it led them on a wild chase throughout the library. It is eventually captured when Sakura uses her magical senses to predict where The Move would end up next.
In divination, this is a card of movement and action. When faced with the choice to go forward or stay put, this card encourages you to go for it! The Fly and The Move have similar messages. The difference is in degree. With The Move, your steps will be smaller. With that in mind, it may also be a reminder to consider your limits. If you want to take a big step forward, make sure you have the support and capabilities to be successful.
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reverience · 10 years
Attention tumble witches!!
Inspired by lockswitch’s post, let’s band together. Tonight there is a moment of silence for the people of Ferguson at 7 pm. Tonight, after that moment of silence, do what you can: cast a spell of protection for the citizens of Ferguson and the people sending us pictures and news… Curse the racists cops terrorizing the area… Petition your gods and goddesses of justice! If you’re seeing this after the fact, don’t let that stop you! Let’s make this entire weekend one of witch action!
Thurs august 14th - before or after 7pm EDT Fri august 15th - 10 pm EDT Sat August 16th - 10 pm EDT
Pass it on! Signal boost the fuck out of this!
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reverience · 10 years
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The Glow
Sun sign
Under the Light card
The Glow is a super cute, harmless card that creates little glowing lights. It was first encountered at a town festival, where it was mistaken for fireflies, setting a very romantic mood for Sakura to express her feelings for Yukito.  It is arguably one of the easiest cards to capture, causing no damage and displaying no hostility at all. It also comes in handy during one of Eriol’s trials, when it is able to illuminate the darkness after all of the other lights lose power.
The Glow is under The Light card. It reflects some of the most positive qualities, like hope and encouragement. It is that little twinkling light in the darkness, reminding you that you can do it. The Clow Card Fortune Book also says it is a sign of good luck coming your way. This is a pretty good card to pull, no matter what your spread.
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reverience · 10 years
So a Christian witch, a Jewish Buddhist, and a Texan atheist walk into a bar.
And they have a good fucking time.
The end.
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reverience · 10 years
I always get nervous when I meet an attractive, nice, respectful guy who also happens to be single and looking. Like, there's gotta be something wrong with you that some girl hasn't snatched you up already. 
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reverience · 10 years
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The Erase
Moon sign
Under the Dark card
The Erase can make anything disappear, including people and memories. It is first encountered when Sakura goes on a field trip to the beach. Students start disappearing within a cave that is said to be haunted. But ghosts aren’t causing mischief, it’s The Erase. Things that are erased by the card can come back once the card is captured. However, if too much time passes, then they are erased permanently!  Sakura has to overcome her fear of ghosts in order to capture the card.
In divination, The Erase card can represent getting rid some of the clutter in your life, figuratively or literally. What are the things that you are holding on to, perhaps too tightly? Which ones do you need and which ones have already served their purpose? Given that this card is under The Dark, there might be feelings of doubt or uncertainty influencing you. Are you staying in an unfulfilling relationship just because it is familiar? Learning to let go can be a tough lesson, but it is necessary if you want to become your most authentic self.
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