rewyldling · 2 days
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This should fucking me my new life motto
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rewyldling · 2 days
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rewyldling · 22 days
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rewyldling · 22 days
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rewyldling · 1 month
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“Oscar Wilde said that if you know what you want to be, then you inevitably become it - that is your punishment, but if you never know, then you can be anything. There is a truth to that. We are not nouns, we are verbs. I am not a thing - an actor, a writer - I am a person who does things - I write, I act - and I never know what I am going to do next. I think you can be imprisoned if you think of yourself as a noun.”
~Stephen Fry
I have been suffering with these endless thoughts that I will never find my purpose. I will never have the - drive - to accomplish some special goal like other people seem to have - some undying vision that they seem to have to live out.
I don’t have that.
IDO have an endless desire for learning. For diving deep into the issues in my life to get through them.
But I do not have a desire for a singular thing.
It’s made me incredibly anxious seeing my peers be able to envision their goals and grab them while I seem to just grab the rings that land my way.
And maybe that’s how it’s supposed to be.
I am a verb , too. In many endless forms. And this post makes realize.
Once again.
I. Am. Not. Alone.
And. Either are you.
#Iamokay #YouAreToo
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rewyldling · 1 month
…”…Don’t ignore it. Don’t get depressed by it. Instead, transform darkness into light…”…
#Transform #Transformation #Light #Darkness #DarknessToLight #TheBurning #ThePurofication #ThePruning #TheOliveGrove
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rewyldling · 1 month
For some people, living their passion seems to come naturally. They throw themselves into the pursuits they love with no regard for what society expects of them. But it isn’t that easy for all of us.
You’ve made lists. You’ve asked your friends for advice. You’ve tried journaling and you’ve analyzed every thought you’ve ever had. Yet, you’re still asking yourself “what is my passion?”
That’s because passion comes from the heart, not the head. Chances are, you already know what your passion is. You just need to connect with it.
Do you need help unlocking your passion for life?
For many, living a life of passion feels unrealistic. Because they feel this way, some people aren’t optimistic about changing. If you enter the journey to discover your passion with this mindset, you’re setting yourself up for failure. The only way to succeed in finding your passion for life is to shift your mindset to one of positivity and possibility. Be open to the adventure you’re about to have. Get excited about what is possible. Look forward to the incredible life ahead of you. Only if you’re truly open and ready for change will you find what you’re passionate about. Realize that life happens for you, not to you – but you must listen to what it’s telling you.
As human beings, we all have Six Human Needs: certainty, significance, variety, love/connection, growth and contribution. Life is a delicate balance between these, but we all have one top need that is most essential to our happiness. Discovering your driving force can give you a window into how to find your passion for life by showing you what you need most to feel fulfilled.
Look at your bookshelf, favorite movies or the last play you saw – is there a common theme? Think about your favorite summer job or the last time you got so caught up in a project, you completely lost track of time. Think about what you loved to do as a child – drawing, writing, dancing. So often, we give up our passions when we become adults because we think we have to grow into something we aren’t. This isn’t true. Tap into the activities and topics that used to fill you up when you were younger. Ask yourself: What could you talk about for 30 minutes with no prep time? What topics make other people think of you? What do you love teaching others? These are all hints about how to find your passion in life.
Your hobbies aren’t necessarily the same as your true passion, but they can provide a hint. If you spend a lot of your free time reading, your passion could involve writing, teaching or research – anything that feeds your mind the way reading does. If you enjoy fixing things around the house, your passion likely involves creating and building. If you enjoy dancing or exercising, you are probably drawn to movement and expression. Think deeper about your extracurriculars and you could uncover your passion.
The human brain loves patterns. Sometimes this is a bad thing, as we get stuck in unhealthy habits. But sometimes, it can provide a clue into what really matters to us. Long-term patterns will often reveal hints on how to find your passion. Is there something that seems to come up in your life again and again? A need to travel means you crave new experiences. Gravitating toward a certain author, speaker or businessperson could mean they inspire you. Patterns aren’t coincidences – they’re how our subconscious communicates with us. When you start to recognize them, you’ll be one step closer to building a life you are passionate about.
Tony teaches the rocking chair test frequently at his events because it is one of the most powerful ways to unlock how to find your passion. Imagine yourself when you are 90 years old, sitting on your porch in your rocking chair and reminiscing about your life. What is your biggest regret? What do you wish you had experienced? What passion do you wish you had followed? How do you want to be remembered? All of these questions will unlock something in you and give you hints at what really matters to you. Chances are, it won’t be what society has conditioned you to think it is.
One creative way to figure out how to find your passion in life is to think about what scares you. Have you thought about quitting your job to write, dance, start a business, bake cupcakes or walk dogs – and the thought absolutely terrified you? If you feel excitement and fear when you think about going all-in with a certain skill or pastime, that’s a sign it’s your passion. It’s time to stop letting that fear hold you back. You may fail at first but don’t let the fear of failure hold you back. Keep trying.
There is a reason that Tony says that “Passion is found in the field of the unreasonable.” Passions aren’t rational. They often directly conflict with what society teaches us to want: get a degree, get a boring office job, put up with a long commute and only have fun on the weekends. That’s why you need to listen to your heart instead of your limiting beliefs. Cut the word “unrealistic” from your vocabulary. Let yourself dream big. Create the most extraordinary life you possibly can. Anything is possible if you remain open to change and the unknown.
Still drawing a blank on how to find your passion in life? If you spend your days commuting, working and sitting in front of the TV, you’ll never figure out what ignites that spark of passion. You need to get out of your comfort zone and have new experiences. Take a class. Join a sport. Travel somewhere new. Try new foods. Research something you always thought seemed interesting. Answering the question “what are you passionate about?” is going to take some work. It will probably make you feel uncomfortable at first. Life – and finding your passion – begins at the end of your comfort zone.
Many times, the answer to how to discover your passion is right in front of you, but you’re refusing to see it. Open your eyes and believe that life can be extraordinary. To make your life a masterpiece, you must become unstoppable. Turn your “shoulds” into “musts,” eliminate excuses and accept nothing less than a life filled with joy. This may sound impossible at first – but once you commit to overcoming your fears, you’ll be able to overcome self-doubt and reservation, too. This is the first step to finding your passion.
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rewyldling · 2 months
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rewyldling · 2 months
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rewyldling · 2 months
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#IchooseYOU #Choices #Chosen #DragonFire #LoveLivesHere #FireAndIce
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rewyldling · 2 months
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rewyldling · 3 months
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rewyldling · 4 months
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“Your problem is you don't understand what that word means. People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that's holding you back, the person who brings you to your attention so you can change your life. A true soul mate is probably the most important person you'll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah. Too painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then they leave.”
― Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love
Painting - John William Waterhouse - Lamia 1905
#philosophy #art #quotes #life #wisdom #love #psychology #philosopher #motivation #poetry #philosophyquotes #stoicism #inspiration #meditation #quoteoftheday #spirituality #philosophymemes #thoughts #nature #stoic #philosophical #filosofia #mind #mindfulness #photography #knowledge #truth #quote #think #science
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rewyldling · 4 months
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rewyldling · 4 months
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rewyldling · 4 months
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This is for healers who want to heal themselves
Therapists, acupuncturists, energy workers, shamans, whatever you call yourself.
If you’re someone who helps people, maybe it’s time to heal yourself, too.
You help so many people, but maybe you feel a bit stuck in your own pain.
I know what it’s like because I’ve been there.
I’ve had those busy client weeks only to feel drained by my own emotional patterns.
It can feel overwhelming.
The truth is that you, as a healer, need a healer.
And after 11 years of helping healers heal at the subconscious root, this is some of what I’ve learned.
When you heal yourself, you’ll be able to help others much more effectively.
That means you’ll earn more and feel more fulfilled in your work.
Healing yourself is not a sidetrack; it's an investment. In your work, yourself, your life, and your relationships.
Surface level changes aren’t enough.
Because you’re a healer, you need to go deeper and do more powerful work to see change.
That's what I’ve helped thousands of people do.
You need to untangle the unconscious ecosystems that create stuck emotions.
When you do, you’ll wake up feeling like a new version of yourself.
The best way to heal is at the unconscious roots.
You may be wondering if you’ve already worked at that level.
If you had, you wouldn’t be feeling the same old emotions and behaviors.
That’s what I want to help you do.
So what’s next?
I put together a subconscious audio course designed to help you feel more peaceful, whole, and connected to your best self.
About 5000 people have used it and have had deep results with it.
It’s something I used to sell for hundreds of dollars, but I’d rather give it to you for free.
Listen to it and notice how you feel.
If you find it helpful we can talk more later.
It’s time to get to the unconscious roots and heal those old wounds once and for all.
Heal so you can finally be the person you want to be, live the life you want to live, and help people in the way you know you’re capable of.
I know you can.
I know because I’ve been where you are, and I’ve seen thousands make similar healing journeys.
This is where it begins.
Click the link and listen to the course.
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rewyldling · 4 months
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