rheyninwrites · 3 years
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Arthur morgan sketches
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rheyninwrites · 3 years
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Have I recently mentioned I love Charles Smith a whole lot?
Finally, one that feels like I’m actually doing him justice (same reference I used before, and if anyone knows whose screenshot that is I’d appreciate letting me know so I can give credit where it’s due)
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rheyninwrites · 3 years
So, like, I keep having these troubles, where I come up with beautiful stories with depth and nuance, but then I try to write them out, and they’re not nearly as pretty on paper. It’s very frustrating. I know that’s what editing is for, but I always end up giving up because I get too frustrated or bored with the idea before I even write it out all of the way.
To make matters worse, I feel like on AO3, the stuff that I write that’s actually close to my vision gets almost no attention, but the stuff I just spit out randomly with little thought gets plenty.
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rheyninwrites · 3 years
Me. Definitely me.
writing sex scenes
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i’m cold and dry inside (also i have five year-old humour)
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rheyninwrites · 3 years
So. I just had to quit grad school because I was overwhelmed trying to homeschool my autistic son and keep up with ever all at once. I’m currently working on trying to start an Etsy shop, which probably won’t have listings until early next year. Hopefully, it’ll be under the name “my morbid valentine”, and will have various embroidery, sewing, jewelry, and such, all with a witchy aesthetic. On the off chance anybody still looks at this, I’ll be posting what I make somewhere on here as well.
I still write, though not as much as I used to, and pretty much exclusively on AO3.
I hope next year will be a better one for all of us.
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rheyninwrites · 4 years
CW: discussion of murder, police brutality, racism, and ableism.
When I stim, I risk a few things. More minor things, like being stared at or laughed at, are small but build up over time. They hurt, but are possible to ignore.
Other things, like being called names, being bullied, being isolated, being infantisised, being underestimated, can be difficult to cope with.
But whilst I've felt self conscious, embarrassed, worried, and anxious whilst stimming in public, I have never feared for my life.
Black autistic people do not have this luxury. If a Black autistic person stims in public, even completely non-harmful stimming, they are in danger of having others feel 'uncomfortable' and calling the police on them. They are in danger, not because their stimming is self-injurious, but because others might assault or kill them for it.
Black autistic people are unable to be themselves in public for fear of retribution from those supposed to protect others.
We cannot have autism acceptance without first making it safe for Black autistic people to exist as themselves. If you promote autism acceptance or neurodiversity and (like myself) are white, you also need to promote acceptance of Black autistic people. Black lives matter, and Black autistic lives matter too.
(Video description: my hand flapping and finger flicking in front of a white background).
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rheyninwrites · 4 years
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that’s it folks
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rheyninwrites · 4 years
Going through my likes & getting rid of some. I use likes to keep track of things I use for fic inspiration, and there are WAY too many sitting around for me to focus on. So just know that if a like disappears, it’s nothing personal. I just either already got the inspiration I needed, or decided I’m not going to ever get to writing it.
(I know I don’t have to say this, but I just want you guys to know I DO value what you guys do!)
Also, I’ve mostly been posting on AO3 lately, since it’s mostly impossible for me to write short things nowadays. I’m Rheynin over there, and I’ve been writing for RDR2, Dragon Age: Inquisition, and Fallout 4, so check me out if that interests you!
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rheyninwrites · 4 years
I feel like this is exactly what it’s like for people who are walking into the RedDead fandom knowing little to nothing about the game.
Red Dead Redemption 2: The MODDED Wacky West
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rheyninwrites · 4 years
It’s the Basic Ball!
A ball for the rest of the LGBT-cuties.
—A Black Lady Sketch Show 1x02
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rheyninwrites · 4 years
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Look, I don’t know if I’m going to have a career after this but fuck that! - John Boyega
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rheyninwrites · 4 years
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The first pride was a riot, more specifically a riot against police violence. Trans women of colour like Marsha P. Johnson paved the way for the celebration of pride today. You cannot celebrate your pride this month, or any month if you aren’t also supporting Black Lives Matter and the riots going on against police violence right now. Us white LGBTQ+ need to stand up for our black siblings and their rights, their struggles. We need to amplify their voices and show any support we can.
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rheyninwrites · 4 years
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Tonight, turn your weapons to the Capitol.
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rheyninwrites · 4 years
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rheyninwrites · 4 years
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Goths Against Fascism Lxs Fascistas no bailan en nuestra oscuridad (“The Fascists do not dance in our darkness”)
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rheyninwrites · 4 years
Hey, guess what guys?
Going for a masters in Social Sciences, so I can become a LCSW . I want to follow up with an expressive arts therapy certificate & work with LGBTQIA youth.
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rheyninwrites · 4 years
I see this, and all I can think is:
“Are you gonna get in this bed, or are you gonna make me come get ya?”
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