rhiannonelf ¡ 7 hours
I think I know the answer to the toy vs pasta thing in English.
If you typically have only one at a time it’s a singular object but if you have many or it cannot be counted, it’s a collective and so is treated like a substance.
For example, “Jewelry” is a collective noun that refers to a group of two or more types of accessory, while each type is a singular object “she wore two necklaces and three rings” vs “she wore jewelry”
There are definitely exceptions as English loves borrowing from other languages without worrying about the grammar.
In American English, “noodles” and “pasta” are the same thing even though noodles are treated as individual objects grammatically and pasta isn’t.
Generally though, if it makes sense to walk around holding one or it is too big to hold, it is singular and it doesn’t make sense to carry only one or you don’t even know how that would work (as with liquids and gases), then it’s collective by default and must be treated as a plural.
The exemption is when the multiple collectives are inside an even bigger collective. (If someone says they have pastas, they probably mean they have multiple shapes of pasta to choose from.)
Flabbergasted at the sudden realization that in english, "pasta" is considered a substance, like air or water or sand (maybe inherited from Italian grammar?)
Wait so is "candy"
You guys have a theme of conceptualizing processed foods as primordial elements
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rhiannonelf ¡ 2 days
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rhiannonelf ¡ 4 days
I hear you but also I think the children of Athena would have probably tested their DNA at some point so it’s possible that the demigods don’t have DNA. That would mean that they’re some kind of synthetic being made it the image of humans.
I think that idea could be supported by the fact that Helen of Troy hatched from an egg after Zeus assaulted her human mother in swan form. Also after Dionysus’s mom died, Zeus sewed fetus-Dionysus into his thigh and then carried him to term even though Dionysus was born a demigod.
Also Medusa and Poseidon conceived a winged horse together.
There seems to be some kind of creation magic that allows gods to just make stuff when they get horny enough.
Heck, Annabeth’s parents didn’t have sex and yet she still looks like both of them so maybe sex and pregnancy are only correlated for gods in the Riordan-verse and there’s some kind of sex+ that actually makes the kids.
All things considered it makes more sense to assume the demigods are kept alive by divine power than that they have stable cells that do normal cell things.
We need to discuss all the implications of being a pregnant mortal in the Riordanverse when the baby you're carryingn is a greecoroman demigod
Because you can't look me dead in the eyes and tell me that that thing would be a normal pregnancy down any standards
I mean, there's a good chance that this it's only Rick forgetting about the math once again, but Sally's pregnancy should haven been either 3 months or between 11-14 months, and i feel like baby Percy would have wanted to stay there the longest possible because idk, just being comfy in his momma belly full of liquid
And i don't even want to think about being esperanza Valdez with a fetus capable of fuckin combust at any moment, beryl grace getting electroshocks everytime that Thalia kicked or anything that could happen with Maria di Angelo and her Two kids of the lord of the death
And Also exist the possibility that the mortal body isn't taking well having a interspecies fetus that maybe has a chance to act like ambrosia or nectar making that you feel like if you were burning from your insides because way too much Divinity too handle
And there's more
A Demigod can be born troug a C-section without the Doctors seeing something that a mortal definitely shouldn't? Who knows how a Demigod looks when they still in the uterus, there's even a chance of them having a minor scale "real" form as their parents, a now the doctor is fuckin blind
And how many times some of the mortal parents being really freaked out about this and knowing that they can't keep the baby have tried to get an abortion, in the best case it would work and now everything is ok..... But you can even abort a Demigod?? At least trough mortal methods, because i feel like there's a pretty big chance of this doesn't working
There's also a chance of this doesn't looking like a pregnancy at all, being honest this born from my headcanon of the Apollo kids gestations being unnoticeable ( since that apollos reaction towards sally pregnancy was really weird) and that i already mentioned in a previos post , but what if there's also the chance of you being completely oblivious towards this and then BOOM !! Baby
And then we have that the possibilities are low but never zero for a "pregnancy" like the ones of Castor and Pollux and Helen and Clytemnestra happening nowadays
And ofc... That we shouldn't look away for the possibilities of Mpreg with mortals being the ones carrying the baby, the limit with weird things here is inexistent to this point ( I'm not talking about Darren Knowles here btw, unless that you pull out the trans!Darren headcanon it's obvious that the one that give birth to kayla was Apollo, not for being a god, but because this man is such a bottom)
As a summary: Don't get pregnant from a god, theres a chance of it being terrifying
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rhiannonelf ¡ 4 days
I think a 3 month pregnancy with Percy is more likely than an 11-14 month pregnancy based on Apollo’s comments. He was surprised how big Sally was carrying but stunned that she’d been pregnant for 8 months.
Human Apollo only faintly remembers fathering children as a god, but if the resulting pregnancies were normal he would have probably been like “oh yeah, humans are weird.” Instead of like “WHAT?!” When reminded of the length of a typical human pregnancy.
For me the weirdest part is that demigods don’t share DNA with their godly parent but aren’t clones of their human parent.
That casts doubt on the whole sperm and egg method of conception despite the fact that the books hint that most of the children are conceived normally.
So like what if you’re sterile, hook up with a guy and then have his fully developed baby 3 months later? That seems possible while also confusing as hell.
We need to discuss all the implications of being a pregnant mortal in the Riordanverse when the baby you're carryingn is a greecoroman demigod
Because you can't look me dead in the eyes and tell me that that thing would be a normal pregnancy down any standards
I mean, there's a good chance that this it's only Rick forgetting about the math once again, but Sally's pregnancy should haven been either 3 months or between 11-14 months, and i feel like baby Percy would have wanted to stay there the longest possible because idk, just being comfy in his momma belly full of liquid
And i don't even want to think about being esperanza Valdez with a fetus capable of fuckin combust at any moment, beryl grace getting electroshocks everytime that Thalia kicked or anything that could happen with Maria di Angelo and her Two kids of the lord of the death
And Also exist the possibility that the mortal body isn't taking well having a interspecies fetus that maybe has a chance to act like ambrosia or nectar making that you feel like if you were burning from your insides because way too much Divinity too handle
And there's more
A Demigod can be born troug a C-section without the Doctors seeing something that a mortal definitely shouldn't? Who knows how a Demigod looks when they still in the uterus, there's even a chance of them having a minor scale "real" form as their parents, a now the doctor is fuckin blind
And how many times some of the mortal parents being really freaked out about this and knowing that they can't keep the baby have tried to get an abortion, in the best case it would work and now everything is ok..... But you can even abort a Demigod?? At least trough mortal methods, because i feel like there's a pretty big chance of this doesn't working
There's also a chance of this doesn't looking like a pregnancy at all, being honest this born from my headcanon of the Apollo kids gestations being unnoticeable ( since that apollos reaction towards sally pregnancy was really weird) and that i already mentioned in a previos post , but what if there's also the chance of you being completely oblivious towards this and then BOOM !! Baby
And then we have that the possibilities are low but never zero for a "pregnancy" like the ones of Castor and Pollux and Helen and Clytemnestra happening nowadays
And ofc... That we shouldn't look away for the possibilities of Mpreg with mortals being the ones carrying the baby, the limit with weird things here is inexistent to this point ( I'm not talking about Darren Knowles here btw, unless that you pull out the trans!Darren headcanon it's obvious that the one that give birth to kayla was Apollo, not for being a god, but because this man is such a bottom)
As a summary: Don't get pregnant from a god, theres a chance of it being terrifying
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rhiannonelf ¡ 4 days
Trials of Apollo spoiler:
If we’re going with alternative interpretations I think that the best explanation would be that Jason Grace was the hero of the great prophecy
A Half-Blood of the eldest gods,
Shall reach sixteen against all odds
And see the world in endless sleep
The hero's soul, cursed blade shall reap
A single choice shall end his days
Olympus to preserve or raze
He was a child of the eldest gods who reached 16 against all odds
He saw the world in endless sleep by insuring Gaia didn’t wake up
It’s not clear if Caligula’s spear was a cursed blade but it did reap Jason’s soul.
One choice did end his days when he told Piper and Apollo to leave him and then was stabbed immediately afterwards.
He persevered Olympus by becoming a martyr for the cause
Arguably this works better than a prophecy about Luke starting with a line about Percy. The cursed blade thing is the only hitch and they established in the last Olympian that a blade could become cursed through broken promises so a two faced monster like Caligula having one is extremely likely.
I’m probably not the first person to figure this out, but it just clicked for me. Percy Jackson never technically made a decision that would be the rise or fall of Olympus on his 16th birthday, he made one the day before. This is because he never actually turned sixteen. He, multiple times, got stuck in places where time was warped, like the lotus casino, and calypso island. He physically, never turned sixteen.
Instead, at the beginning of SoN, where he finds Juno (Hera) he makes the big choice of going into the water into safety or bringing her to Camp Jupiter. Thats roughly 2months after the Battle of Manhattan, as we don’t know how long went by before he went missing. In SoN, he said he’d been on the run for 2 months. If you go and add up the times where he was frozen in time, like calypso and the casino those two are 3 weeks, probably a little over a month including the Labyrinth.
This is a strong hypothetical, but if you went back and added up all the times he was frozen, my hypothesis assumes that they would add ip to, or near the rough two months between SoN and TLO. Don’t quote me on this, this is a stupid theory I’ve thought about before. Also, First post of Tumblr!
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rhiannonelf ¡ 6 days
I could never resent Annabeth when I read the books as a kid. Looking back on it, I did not have an emotionally happy home life. My dad was always stressed from work and that manifested as anger at everyone. My mom has narcissistic tendencies and became a full blown alcoholic around the time I turned 10. She homeschooled me and I really could only have one close friend at a time due in part to my isolation. As the oldest sibling in the family I was leaned on to look after the others. I maintained a full on codependent relationship with mom most of my childhood and all of my adolescence.
Annabeth wanted her friend back. She wanted to have a happy family. She wanted a boyfriend. Sure she was neurotic about it sometimes but that’s a normal reaction to being a lonely child.
People who portray her as deliberately manipulative towards Percy baffle me.
The wildest part is that there are people who are anti-Annabeth but pro-Nico.
When Nico lost the person he cared about the most he did not take it well. I dare say if joining Kronos would have reunited him with Bianca he would have probably done it.
Annabeth experienced that same loss of a most important person with Luke, yet she abided by her moral compass even though it hurt.
Nico even had jealousy over Percy despite not actually dating him just like Annabeth did in books 4 and 5.
At least be fair.
Here's the reason why I can never fully agree with anti Annabeth Chase and anti Luke Castellan. To me, these are the most damaged, traumatized children in the entire pjo (well, it just so happens that I share their main coping mechanisms too– only I have pills and a psychotherapist).
That is, yes, their reactions are slightly (and depending on the situation, NOT 'slightly') inadequate.
Annabeth is unhealthily obsessed with her attachments to people, her family, her sense of belonging, Percy and Luke. Her crush on Luke was normal at 12, but even after his death the narrative makes it clear (what the fandom insists on accepting as an admission that Luke had romantic feelings for her) – once again... NO – is in fact shows that ANNABETH HERSELF clearly DOESN'T consider her feelings for him as sisterly.
Well, Luke literally died as the sacrificial lion. What other stronger evidence could there be that he couldn’t cope with his trauma and it raze him? He also has a desperate desire to be part of the family, to feel loved. The obsession to fill a sense of belonging.
Both Annabeth and Luke are ideal victims for manipulation, but on different levels. Annabeth will always be a puppet of the gods and Chiron 'cause she is very loyal, but her loyalty is the status quo. It was never 'The gods failed Luke and the others so they change and the gods never tried, try or will try to change even a little', but 'May the gods curse him, he was never the same'. And (I won't for the life of me refuse these words) Luke IS loyal, but it can change if there are good reasons for this. However, he will not give up on them in the blink of an eye.
Literally, it've took years. He prayed Hermes for help for years before he ran away from home. In that one meeting, he literally begged his father to do something to show Luke his love (just tell him anything, damn you), but no. Then for another three years (and this is after Thalia's DEATH) he still retains a tiny bit of faith in Hermes, and only after the quest Luke is finally so furious and broken that he abandons the gods and this literally attracts Kronos.
Kronos needs TWO YEARS of manipulation for Luke to become the man we came to know in TLT.
Almost every book he continues to beg Annabeth to join him, although she invariably refuses.
This boy had too much faith and loyalty, but the gods managed to fuck it up.
I can’t hate them, no way. I can only feel sorry for them, love them and write fanfiction where they overcome all this crap.
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rhiannonelf ¡ 6 days
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@bogleech , I have decent sized breasts and this is what they look like in a loose shirt with a well fitting bra. The stripes bend so you can see the boobs’ outline but the separation is a bit subtle. That’s fine. It’s arguably a variation of @rubykgrant ‘s first correct chest. The problem is when the boobies are vacuum sealed into the shirt with 360 definition. The only way to get that would be to design a shirt with built in socks to put the individual breasts in. Most bras would not fit well under such a garment, and so the breasts would probably have minimal support (meaning that larger chests would probably be limp and floppy unless the shirt comes with specialized weapons grade underwear to make it work)
If it is shown in-universe that women’s shirts and bras are fundamentally different than they generally are on earth, then boobs that look like vacuum sealed fruits could be considered world building.
However, if there is no reason to assume that fashion has taken a drastically different approach to women’s tops in the world of the drawing/animation, then fully wrapped fully defined boobs are at best a misunderstanding of clothing/anatomy, and at worst a willful misrepresentation aimed at the male gaze.
reblog if you think
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is better than
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rhiannonelf ¡ 18 days
I’ve heard of this before and I think it’s kind of like when you’re alone but you can almost hear your parents/loved ones reacting to what you’re doing.
I have a bit of a complicated relationship with my parents but I still sometimes think they’d approve of what I’m doing and feel good. More often, I mess up and think that they would scold me for it.
I was homeschooled for all of K-12 and I’m still living at home at 21, so my parents are definitely strong influences on me.
In collectivist cultures, people are more likely to hallucinate nice voices that praise them for doing their best. Meanwhile in individualistic cultures, people are more likely to hallucinate voices that scold, harass, and belittle them.
Maybe if my mother had had a better support system when I was young, she wouldn’t have been an alcoholic who formed an unhealthy codependency with little me. Maybe then I would feel less like I have to succeed in all things or else dishonor her somehow by not being good enough with the tools she gave me.
I think I would have had some degree of mental illness even with a happy home life but I went from a nervous child to a full on anxiety ridden tween with a depressive streak about the time Mom starting drinking aggressively to cope with her own feelings of failure at providing a happy home.
So if your system is making everyone unhappy, children are more likely to internalize that the world is an unhappy place and despair accordingly while still very impressionable.
You can definitely still acquire mental illness as an adult, but warping the brain while it’s still growing and pruning away parts of itself that don’t seem to be useful to make room for the important thoughts is very serious.
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rhiannonelf ¡ 25 days
My parents taught me to never use the word “but” in an apology because it negates everything that came before it.
“I’m sorry I hit you but you were annoying me” is a thinly veiled threat. It means that you’re not that sorry and that more annoyance will result in more violence.
“We’re not an authoritarian state but….”Means the same thing as “I’m sorry but…” or “I’m not a racist but…” nothing that came before the “but” is going to support what came before it and probably negates it entirely.
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rhiannonelf ¡ 1 month
If I remember correctly, Athena was conceived before Zeus married Hera but “born” afterwards. Zeus received a prophecy that if he had a son with Athena’s mom, that son would overthrow him. So he vored her. Then she somehow turned into a being of pure thought and lived in his brain. She also gave birth to Athena in there. However, Athena didn’t get born into the world until she gave her dad a migraine so intense he had Hephaestus (Hera’s son who she created asexually out of jealousy over Zeus having babies with other women despite being married to her.) split his skull open and out sprang Athena, fully grown and somehow wearing battle armor.
So Athena’s bastard status is yesn’t because her parents’ marriage was probably negated by her dad sort of killing her mom before she was born and taking a second wife.
If anyone knows the relevant laws for children born of an intangible ghost and her husband who swallowed her alive before remarrying 3,000+ years ago HMU.
As one of Zeus bastard children, you are doomed to be targeted by Hera, however you found a way to get on the queens good side before she found out who your father is.
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rhiannonelf ¡ 2 months
One time I was explaining to my dad how unfair it is that every big city has at least a couple gay bars but there are only like 20ish lesbian bars left in the country and he responded with "That's cause gay men have a good party culture. Lesbians don't have time to party, they're too busy debating the sociological implications of things and studying for postgrad degrees" and as much as I wanted to tell him he was out of line for that, as a lesbian who spends all her free time on Tumblr debating sociological implications and messaging other lesbians in discord servers where everyone has a PhD or masters for some reason I felt like I might not be the best person to make that argument
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rhiannonelf ¡ 2 months
I’m fully team Walrus, but I think being a clone is just like having parents in terms of being made of someone else who might not appreciate your existence.
Meanwhile being a robot would be probably be totally lonely if no one else is a robot.
Like I’d have to go on a whole begrudging quest to find out who made me and why if I were a robot but like if I’m just a fully human clone that’s fine?
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rhiannonelf ¡ 2 months
I kinda HC that their are fewer children of major gods at CJ than CHB because CJ doesn’t seem to have anyone scouting out talented demigods/their gods aren’t bound by the promise to claim children after the titan war.
But I really don’t know for sure so I’m just speculating that invading CHB is like starting a land war in Asia in terms of experienced guys being taken down by booby traps and improvised weapons until the price of continuing the fight is too high in terms of money and lives.
I mean maybe it wasn’t the original plan but we only know of one camp resorting to suicide bombing. (RIP Beckendorf)
The Romans seem more…conventional in their strategy
If Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter were to fight CHB would win. This is based solely on the fact that they actually know how to think outside the box.
They’re also crazy.
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rhiannonelf ¡ 2 months
That’s a good point, I just think that the 1st generation Demigods could use their powers in much more gory ways than we see in the books. I mean, just having Piper or Drew get on a loud speaker/megaphone and say “ROMANS SHOULD STAB THEMSELVES!!!” Could do a lot of damage.
I think we underestimate those kids because they only fight monsters in cannon.
Hazel and Frank are also terrifying, but most of their army fights human style, so I think CHB could use god-magic to slaughter their enemies in a way the irl Greeks could not.
If Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter were to fight CHB would win. This is based solely on the fact that they actually know how to think outside the box.
They’re also crazy.
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rhiannonelf ¡ 2 months
I think that both groups could defend their own home well but for Camp Halfblood victory is very dependent on who’s at camp and how much prep time they have. Percy and Nico are absolutely terrifying in terms of raw power while Annabeth and Leo + their siblings could probably rig some horrifyingly effective guerrilla war machines.
I think with the right strategy, Camp Halfblood could pull a successful “Home Alone” and take down a larger opponent through unorthodox means.
But their aces in the hole are definitely the “Summon Hurricane” guy and the “Summon Undead Army” guy. Without them, it’s much harder to overcome a ten to one disadvantage.
I think that for Camp Halfblood to beat Camp Jupiter on their own turf they’d probably need to have Percy stand behind some kind of super fortification while he causes a massive earthquake. (A thing he can do for some reason) and then have Nico send in the restless dead to pick off survivors. We saw in “The Trials of Apollo” that Romans can be killed by zombie Romans.
Otherwise, the Romans win.
If Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter were to fight CHB would win. This is based solely on the fact that they actually know how to think outside the box.
They’re also crazy.
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rhiannonelf ¡ 2 months
There’s a popular theory in the Hazbin Hotel fandom that Niffty was lobotomized in life and that’s why she’s so childish in death.
It seems plausible given when she was alive and how women with “behavioral issues” were treated back then.
Here’s my question: If part of her Hell experience is being brain damaged for eternity, would becoming an angel completely change her personality by healing her?
I love Niffty the way she is, but it would be fascinating to see a genuinely organized and mature version of her.
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rhiannonelf ¡ 2 months
Honestly, the fact that our ancestors had to survive so much crazy stuff is probably why we get so nervous about stuff now. Your brain prepares to cautiously hunt and gather in the wilderness even though you’re literally ordering a milkshake.
Once upon a time blowing it while trying to get food might mean your family starved to death. Now it means not getting a milkshake, which is also sad but less so.
kinda sick of all those posts that are like "my ancestors were surviving starvation and the plague meanwhile i get nervous ordering food at restaurants". as if jauffrey the woodworker didn't fumble his conversation with the fine maiden running the fruit stand and then tripped on a pebble as he left in a hurry
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