ribsxcats · 10 years
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ribsxcats · 10 years
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HEY EVERY PONY TODAY IS PINKIE PIE BIRTHDAY!!!!¡¡¡¡ And May the Fourth be with you!!!!
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ribsxcats · 10 years
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ribsxcats · 10 years
Being ignored is a great lesson to obtain in life, as a positive thing. Downfall is, however, once you practice being ignored on a daily basis, or close to it, eventually you'll shy away from people and life. Probably become the description of a dwelling hoard, but that's OK, at least "The Invisible Hand" will guide you through something-- so in the long run you're not technically alone.
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ribsxcats · 10 years
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I wanted to draw this for one of my friends, in French class, yesterday.. No kinky message behind it, just a random sketch is all >___
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ribsxcats · 10 years
Fact: If you don't give a shit about the things that upset you, and you begin to concentrate on the things that you need to focus on, life will become more smoother. Until then keep stressing over Little Johnny not calling you back because having a 'brace face' isn't cool.
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ribsxcats · 10 years
Everyone has HIV (Highly Intense Vaginas)
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ribsxcats · 10 years
Urgent security update
Bad news: A major vulnerability has been disclosed for the technology that powers encryption across the majority of the internet. That includes Tumblr. Our team took immediate action to fix the issue, but you should still take some time to change your password, not only here but on any other sites you visit.  You should also strongly consider enabling two-factor authentication. It’ll go a long way to ensure that no one besides you can access your account. Thanks, and take care.
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ribsxcats · 10 years
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Submitted by elsie-wang
Click here to follow a super duper blog
My friend at school >-
When guys wear that one cologne where all you want to do is bury your face in their chest and sniff because they smell that damn good.
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ribsxcats · 10 years
That awkward moment when the entire Slytherin house gets punished for Pansy Parkinson's single outburst.
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ribsxcats · 10 years
A comma splice walks into a bar, it has a drink and then leaves.
A question mark walks into a bar?
Two quotation marks “Walk into” a bar.
A gerund and an infinitive walk into a bar, drinking to drink.
The bar was walked into by a passive voice.
Three intransitive verbs walk into a bar. They sit. They drink. They leave.
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ribsxcats · 10 years
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If my cats can sustain a better relationship than you then that's a problem. Lean to love instead of judge and resent each other. (´・_・`)> I have no room to talk but I try..
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ribsxcats · 10 years
Already liking someone, a lot, over using the term 'I love you' to each other, and I still feel distant. It's like there is a divided amount of care and fucks to give to where.... I'm left with nothing but an empty feeling in the palm of my hands..
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ribsxcats · 10 years
Being Human By Expressing Emotions
When you're in an emotional state of mind, you are not yourself. The people change, some leave while others stay. Your personality switches from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde, probably something that's quite severe. Being emotional can take a heavy toll on a weak and fragile soul. Your childhood hero will become your greatest enemy, tolerance and patience will run thin, but the personal desire to know everything will remain in the palm of your hands. Being emotional isn't all bad, but when matters call upon you to answer, the truth will set you free-- that is if you're willing to let the truth escape your confused and sensitive lips.
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ribsxcats · 10 years
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Chat with me on @Meow_App: nekochibi. Meow is Fun & Random! Get the app: http://meow.me/?app
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ribsxcats · 11 years
Marriage Proposal After 2 days of dating, Samuel L. Jackson decided to propose to the love of his life, Morgan Freeman. Samuel L. Jackson planned a kill evening of diving at On The Border. When their diving was complete, Samuel L. Jackson got down on his butt hole and handed Morgan Freeman a glass of salvia. At the bottom of the glass was a sticky engagement goat. Samuel L. Jackson said, "Will you chew me?" "FLUTTER FLUTTER MOTHER FUCKER! That's the most Straight goat I have ever seen! Of course I will chew you!" said Morgan Freeman. So Samuel L. Jackson did chew Morgan Freeman, and Morgan Freeman gave birth to three curvy wolves.
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ribsxcats · 11 years
Weather Forecast Hi, I'm Kitten with your weak weather forecast. Today, we will have a high of 44 degrees and the sun will be yellow. It looks like we have some pee clouds moving in from the east in the late afternoon, which should make the 5 o'clock penis sharpener more sticky than usual. This evening after the pee clouds pass though there will be gusty boobies with a boobies chill of 5 degrees. If you're going to kill out during this time, make sure you wear your boobies-breaker. The rest of the week will be very fluffy, good weather for singing. Again, I'm Kitten and that's my weak forecast.
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