Hey love, hope you're having a nice day
My mom strongly believes Taemin has a thing for using some sort of element to cover his head in most of his MVs. Obviously we're both too dumb to catch the symbolism (if any) so I thought why not ask someone who knows?
So what do you think? Is there any deep reason behind the head bags or is it just an aesthetic thing?
anon!!!! mwah!!! i'm having a better day because you sent this in!!!!
your mom is right, taemin absolutely has a thing for covering his head, specifically his face! you can see masks and/or veils (under the cut):
in the hit the stage performance of sayonara hitori
in the offsick concert teaser
in the nippon budokan performance of i’m crying
in the move mv here (there are several shots from this scene), and here
in the want mv here
there’s a quick shot of him pulling off a veil in criminal
and of course, advice. and again.
also some other images:
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1. from the ngda act 1 promo photos
2. from the 2kids promo photos
3. from the move album scans
4. the cover of ngda act 2 messiah version
5. an actual bag over his head in the criminal mv
6. from the most recent short vcr in the ngda beyond live
7. from the sayonara hitori album scans
this is not an exhaustive list because i know i’ve missed some; i'm 80% sure there was a mask with the red outfit in the ngda act 1 scans but this is enough examples i think to show that it’s definitely deliberate. and i'm not even bringing up all the times he physically covers his face with a body part or it’s obscured through an effect, because then we gotta talk about the famous choreography, the idea choreography, the just me and you vcr, and countless promo photos and album scans from essentially every era in his entire solo career.
the backbone of the kpop industry in its current state is the idols' faces. human nature has proven time and time again that the easiest way to catch an audience is through a pretty face (by whatever the standards are at the time), and in an industry built on militant commercialism, of course the emphasis is going to be on those faces. you can see it in every bit of content. turning physical albums into mass collectibles, with multiple versions, giant photobooks, photocards. an idol’s face IS their uniform. when an idol doesn’t want to be seen, what's the first thing they do? cover their face. (and people still take pictures of them anyways). i’ve seen countless times on vlives and ig lives where an idol is wearing a mask and there will be a stream of “show us your face <3”’s until they do. their face is their brand. every decision a stylist, a publicist, a company makes is to optimize exactly how beautiful they can make their idols look, because that’s by and large what the fans want. obviously it's a product of the larger trend in unattainable beauty standards fueled by social media, but i'm not going to talk much about that, because it's a lot. if you’ve followed me for long enough (probably just for more than a few days tbh, since i talk about it constantly), you’ll have noticed that i'm a huge proponent of ‘ugly’ hair trends, and i'm a huge proponent of ugly styling in general. when idols have to be fashion models as well as inhuman performing machines, you’re setting them up to everything that plagues that industry as well, which means massive complexes about their faces and bodies, in the most mild of terms.
‘ugliness’ has freedom in it. part of the reason why i’ve gone extra insane for advice as a whole is because it IS ugly. taemin’s extensions ARE awful. his hands are blackened and dirty the whole mv, and so are portions of his body. he’s visibly flaunting his real tattoos*, which are still deeply stigmatized in the east. we see him get in a car crash. in arguably the most flattering/conventionally attractive outfit, he’s got heavy mascara tear tracks. the song isn’t particularly melodic, the choreography is childish and jerky, the lyrics directly call out the people that treat him like an object. and of course, the mask. all of these are cracks in the facade, confronting us, on purpose, with the crumbling of his perpetually pretty, perfect persona. he's hurt, he's angry, he's got his hands deep in the grime of living in the public eye that the public refuses to see, and now he's going to smear it all over himself until you DO see it. at the end of the mv his triumph is not that he washes himself clean, but that he paints overtop. gesso on an old canvas; a fresh start, but fundamentally informed by the things underneath.
taemin uses masks as a way to deface himself. both in the literal sense of removing his face from the equation but also in the synonomic sense of the destruction, the obliteration, the vandalization of himself. of his brand. known as sm’s pretty boy since he was 14, who is he if he doesn’t have his face?
as a general device the masks are an entreaty to address him on his own artistic merit. but they do often have specific meanings within their contexts. in the i’m crying performance it is to remove himself as an entity all together; he is anonymous now, an unseen narrator to the performers on stage.** in move and want it’s for emphasis on his body; proof that he can still ensnare you with his limbs alone. pulling off the veil/reversing it back on in criminal as a revealing/concealing of the two sides of himself on display in the mv. the literal suffocation of one of those sides with a plastic bag. the voice in idea says ‘you are my messiah,’ but the cover of the album denies confirmation of that identity.
there’s more to be dug into here, especially with the ngda act 2 photos but i’d have to go back through my catholic iconography notes again and this would be a lot longer than it already is. i’m also looking at this from a western perspective, there are undoubtedly double meanings specific to a korean context that i haven’t clocked. but that’s the reason i love his work so much! it stands up to a lot of rigorous analysis and there’s always going to be something that i don’t catch right away, something more to learn.
* we learned like yesterday that his hip tattoo is a peony, which he named as symbolizing freedom. peonies tend to have primarily positive meanings across east asian cultures, but in victorian floriography, they mean shame and sometimes anger.
** this style of performance is very common in cirque du soleil shows, especially the older ones from the early 2000s. it's pretty common to have a ballad or operatic singer featured as a ‘narrator’ to a specific story section of routine. i’m sure this is probably frequent in other places as well, but i’m naming cirque specifically because that’s where i’ve seen it the most, and also because there is an actual circus performer on stage during this. plus there’s a guy in a pierrot costume, who is probably the most famous clown***. (although the costume is technically wrong because pierrot is supposed to be unmasked. (ironic plays loudly in the distance))
*** clown of the technical variety and not clown of the honk honk birthday variety.
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The real-life Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng - A tale of two brothers
I’ve been asked this before when talking about topics such as Qiongqi beast and its symbolism in Wei Wuxian’s death, the various hints that Wei Wuxian might be long lost royal, the historical background behind the Yin tiger tally, and why the tiger symbol seemingly being bad juju for Wuxian. 
It’s all connected, of course, through a historical basis. I have some free time today, so let’s get! 
Meet Wei Wuji, also known as Lord Xinling, the second Prince of Wei Kingdom (circa 2nd century BCE), the first person in recorded history to handle a Tiger Tally, and very very likely to be the real-life basis for Wei Wuxian. 
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How very likely? Well, there’s no word of god, of course. But I’ll just let the facts speak for themselves, and you be the judge. 
1. Let’s start with names:
Wei Wuji 魏無忌
Wei Wuxian 魏无羡
Wei 魏 = Wei 魏. An exact match. As a matter of fact, Wei Wuji’s Wei kingdom is the first kingdom to bear this Wei name in recorded history. 
Wu 無 is the traditional form of Wu 无. In the Japanese, Taiwanese, and traditional Mandarin versions, Wei Wuxian is also written with this Wu 無. 
The original meaning of Ji is ‘envy, hatred’ in ancient times (as per the Kangxi dictionary and the original text of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms). In modern times, the meaning of Ji has morphed to represent ‘fear, avoid’ more than ‘envy’ and ‘hatred. 
The meaning of Xian is envy in both ancient and modern times. 
So Wei Wuxian is effectively an alternate way to write Wei Wuji. 
2. The life and death of Wei Wuji and the first Tiger Tally recorded in history:
a. Genius second son, a friend of many, the brightest 4th Young Master:
Wei Wuji was born the second son of King Wei Zhao and the second prince of the Wei Kingdom. He had an elder half-brother: Wei Anli, crown prince and, afterward, King of the Wei Kingdom. 
Despite being the younger brother and not the heir to the throne, Wei Wuji eclipsed his elder brother in talent, courage, military and political acumen, and sheer popularity. 
Wei Wuji was also unique among his period peers for being very open-minded when it came to castes. He lived during the warring state period, during which there existed an extremely strict caste system where the lower and slave castes didn’t even count as humans and could be executed for silly things like being in the presence of their higher caste masters and ‘tainting the air’ they breathed. Not only did Wei Wuji give no thought to this caste system, he would often go out of his way to listen to the lower castes and treat them with respect as if they were of the same caste. 
In one legend (Sima Qian Historical Records, circa 135 BCE), Wei Wuji walked away from a banquet raised in his name to go sit and talk to an old, wise prison guard (Hou Ying). He would then invite this prison guard to his banquet with the highest of honor, even giving the guard his seat (noble seat) and driving the chariot in his place. When other noble banquet guests protested this lowly guard’s presence by vilifying the old prison guard for not knowing his place, Wei Wuji stood up for him and gave him the highest of toasts, thus silencing the guests.   
In another legend, Wei Wuji hosted over 3000 guests in his princely fiefdom. He famously declared that so long as a person had ambitions and a will to do good in his heart, then Wei Wuji would receive him in his hall as a guest and friend regardless of what caste he was or from where he came.
For this, Wei Wuji was known as Lord Xinling and held the loyalty of many in his own brother’s kingdom.
He was one of the Four Gongzi of the Warring State Period (lit. Four Young Masters, Four Noblemen, Four Princes. During this period, Gong was a distinct noble class comparable to Duke. So this can also be understood as the Four Dukes). He was seen as the brightest among the Four. 
b. The tale of the first Tiger Tally in recorded history: 
Sima Qian Historical Records told the tale of the first Tiger Tally as such. It was a time of chaos where the strong trampled the weak, and big countries gobbled up small ones. Wei Kingdom was one of the seven strongest of the time. This meant that their position was precarious. 
Around this time, Wei Wuji’s elder brother, Wei Anli, had ascended the throne and adopted a policy of avoidance. Despite the ferocious fighting, the political struggles, and the easily foreseeable threats, Wei Anli was of the thought that if he did nothing and just closed his door, then trouble wouldn’t come knocking at his door. 
But this was not so. In 260 BC, the state of Qin (of Qin Shi Huang, yes) besieged the state of Zhao and captured the King of Zhao (who was related to the Wei through marriage). Zhao sent for Wei’s help. But King Wei Anli didn’t want to be Qin’s next target, and so refused to send aid. 
This was where the Wei brother’s opinions diverged. Wei Wuji saw that Qin was growing unchecked in power, and if not stopped, then Wei would be next on the chopping block anyway. So not only was Wei politically and morally responsible, but from a long-term strategic standpoint, Wei must respond if they didn’t want Qin to grow too strong and eventually be invaded and absorbed into Qin itself. 
The only problem: Wei Wuji had no right to make this decision. And regardless of his insistence and explanation to his elder brother, Wei Anli would not be moved. Meanwhile, the state of Zhao sent ever more desperate pleas for help (from the Wei’s sister who was Zhao Queen at the time no less). 
Pressured from all sides and with no alternative, Wei Wuji made a decision that would go down as a first in history. He would steal the Tiger Tally from his King’s hand, commandeer the army, and ride to answer Zhao’s pleas for help himself. 
This would eventually become the historical example of military brilliance that required the usurpation of the immediate superior. Wei Wuji’s own name would go down in history as brilliance that eclipsed his station. 
I’ve written on the tiger tally before. So I won’t write more about this now. 
To summarize things, Wei Wuji’s plan worked. Zhao was saved. But at the cost of a rift between brothers. After lifting the siege, Wei Wuji stayed in Zhao for ten years. 
He would only go back to Wei Kingdom when Wei was besieged by Qin in purported retaliation, bringing with him the 3000 guests that stayed loyal to him and went to Zhao for help. Wei Wuji successfully lifted the siege of Wei and the two brothers reunited after a decade of not seeing each other. They cried and embraced one another. Wei Anli made Wei Wuji the Grand General of Wei, and he then took over the safeguarding of Wei against the onslaught of Qin. 
c. The tale of two brothers. Or, as the Chinese say, the King has no brothers. The King has no equal. Fool is he who dares think himself the King’s brother and equal. 
Despite the fact that the brothers reunited, this tale does not end well. 
Wei Wuji was a brilliant general and a ferocious warrior. But more than that, his reputation far eclipsed his elder brother the King. Ever since they were young, Wei Anli had had to suffer being under the shadow of his little brother, despite his being the heir and then King. 
Wei Wuji not only successfully repelled Qin, but he also started making a plan to counterattack and nyx Qin Empire before it could take shape. Because his reputation was such that countless warriors and scholars answered his call to arms. Five other kingdoms also answered his request for an alliance.
The King of Qin was deathly afraid of Wei Wuji. Violence did not work, so the Qin King attempted the other way: through schemes and manipulation. The Qin King sent enormous fortunes and gifts to Wei Anli under the guise of normalizing relations between the two kingdoms and potential peace. Along with his gifts, he would send people, spies of all ranks and castes, to infiltrate Wei Anli’s court and territory. These spies would continuously do things to increase the friction and gap between the two brothers. 
Some of them would falsely congratulate Wei Wuji for having ascended to the throne. 
Some more would treat Wei Wuji with more deference than Wei Anli. 
Some would then whisper into Wei Anli’s ears: “Prince Wei was away from his own Kingdom for 10 years. And yet when he calls, thousands in Wei Kingdom answer him. Why is it him and not you, the King? Do your people only know Wei Wuji and not Wei Anli. Are you sure it’s still you who is the King? He should know his place!”    
Wei Anli… fell for their tactics. So he demoted Wei Wuji and effectively isolated him from the court. He would then give this position to someone else. So, of course, the plan to counterattack Qin with the 5 ally kingdoms fell apart miserably.
Wei Wuji was heartbroken by his own brother’s action. He descended into alcoholism and purportedly died from depression and failing health. In other words, he died from the betrayal of someone who saw as a brother but that same brother saw him not as a brother but as a rival and a carrier of problems. 
Wei Anli died in the same year as Wei Wuji, purportedly from illness. 
18 years later, just as Wei Wuji predicted, Wei Kingdom was conquered and subsumed by Qin. Qin would then go on to become the first true Empire in Chinese History. 
Wei Anli was not technically the last monarch of Wei. But it’s historically agreed that he’s the one who laid the foundation for the fall of Wei due to his suspicion of his own brother and removing the one person capable of turning the tide of Qin.  
So, I will leave this here for you to come to your own conclusion and come back another day for analysis on the parallels between history and story and a few other somewhat ironic anecdotes that I didn’t include here (Like the fact that between the 2 Wei brothers, it’s the real-life Jiang Cheng, Wei Anli, that was the gay one. How gay are we talking about? So gay he’s the origin of Chinese gay porn) 
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You know that feeling when you get settled into your car, set your GPS to this new location, push play on your favorite song, and then your GPS interrupts it every 2 seconds to tell you how to get out of the neighborhood you’ve lived in for the last 15 years? That’s what mansplaining feels like. 
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Digestivo-Hannibal (2015)//Giuditta che decapita Oloferne-Artemisia Gentileschi (1620 cr.) 
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Close, Beardy Pout, but I think I like your version better. Recipe can be found at @eatbiscuitdrinkflip's blog http://eatbiscuitdrinkflip.tumblr.com/post/142724226491/tristan-and-galahads-bogus-journey
TRISTHAD FEST April23th-30th
Starting tomorrow! I’ve really been looking forward to this event and I’m so excited to see and read your works!! Let’s ride this horse!!!
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originally posted by ixilecter
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I think a lot of people think of TV watching as passive, but for me it’s been a catalyst for a creative explosion like I have not had in years. It may be a little niche and obsessive, but it’s there.
Amy’s comment in a Facebook group conversation about a fandom unexpectedly take over your life, particularly when it changes your consumption habits. (via headfullofhannibal)
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Thanks @byronicwoman and @damejenn. Over the weekend I was reading up on platonic love after seeing tweets from the weekend, and this song popped into my mind. 
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[W]hen one … meets with his other half, the actual half of himself, … the pair are lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy, and one will not be out of the other’s sight, … even for a moment: these are the people who pass their whole lives together, and yet they could not explain what they desire of one another. For the intense yearning which each of them has towards the other does not appear to be the desire of lover’s intercourse, but of something else which the soul of either evidently desires and cannot tell, and of which she has only a dark and doubtful presentiment. … [H]uman nature was originally one and we were a whole, and the desire and pursuit of the whole is called love.”  - Aristophane’s Speech in Plato’s Symposium
(glorious gifs by @bosswaldcobblepot from this post.)
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Later, ya'll!
Bon voyage, Fannibals!
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As Fannibals across the world head to London this weekend, we thought we’d put out a reminder that we have 9 awesome episodes in our back catalog for your travel entertainment!  Links to our site are below, or check iTunes or your favorite Android podcast player. We’ll have a new episode up next week to help ease the post-con withdrawal. What we really want to know, though, is if Demore Barnes as charming as he seems from the video he posted last week?
Please find @byronicwoman and let her record some audio so we can hear your gorgeous voices and share them on the podcast! If you’re stuck on what to say, introduce yourself, and then remind us not to go in the Murder Basement.
We eagerly await your tweets and con recaps, so have a safe trip and fabulous adventures!
Episode 01 Everyday Travel Mug: Where we get our footing, introduce ourselves, and discuss Aperitif
Episode 02 Warning: Non-Consensual Friendship:  Tentative overtures of unhealthy friendship are magic and Amuse-Bouche
Episode 03 Bespoke Fanfic: Some of our favorite fanworks to-date, thank you all!
Episode 04 Worst. First. Date: We escape the heat and go to hell Bass Pro, podcast in public, and talk about Potage
Episode 05 The Exclusivity of Hannibal’s Sausage: A lot of local details, some mental health info, and Oeuf
Episode 06 When 95 Percent of Ancient Cultures Agree : Weird fat facts, peak Mads, Hannibal as Western canon, and Coquilles
Episode 07 A Very Hannibal Black Christmas: We turn @hermaia-moira‘s fic into a radio play and recruit friends to put on a show!
Episode 08: Science Facts save the Day: Our first guest gives us the science to support our post-TWOTL headcannons, we talk book vs T.V. vs film Hannibal, and cover Entrée
Episode 09: We Are Consistently Theatrical Cheese Folk: A lot of Rogue One talk, plus what are we going to do about Franklyn, and the awesomeness of Sorbet
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@damejenn, just because I believe in fairies doesn’t mean I have to believe in feelings, too.
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@clevermanka, you are the gift that keeps on giving! 
Today’s my birthday so it’s all Diego Luna all the time here today
You’re welcome
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20 Images Of Norwegian Architecture Plucked Straight From A Fairytale
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The Norwegian countryside is strewn with architecture that looks better suited to crown the pages of a fairytale book. More commonly known for its Vikings heritage and fjords, these photographs display a wide variety of architectural styles that have been used throughout the Middle Ages to the 19th century in Norway. Check out the stunning collection below.
Crooked and towering wooden churches beckoning like an old crone’s fingers, winding stone path weaving through a forest, hidden waterfalls and lonely wooden cabins overlooking a vast valley at its base are some of the outlandish homes and architectural designs we have featured in this series. Teetering Stave churches, eerie waterfalls cascading down like a creature with its own mind, wooden homes made in the typical Norwegian indigenous style called byggeskikk have none of the linearity or conformity that modern buildings do, and have whimsical elements that heighten its sense of magic.  
Each of these structures below have a particular way of being set into its own environment, standing out from the elements without obstructing nature. Most of the buildings and bridges and pathways have been built with stone and wood balance the scene it has been engineered upon.
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Barn In Valldal
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Ancient Road Vindhellavegen
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Bridge Over Låtefossen Waterfall
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Kvednafossen Waterfall In Norway
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Old Farmhouses
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At The End Of The World, Tjome
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Natural Swimming Pool In The Forest
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Old House
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House In Norway
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Fjord Houses
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Old Village
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Fisherman Hut, Undredal
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Bridge In Norway
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Rogaland, Gullingen
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Lake Bondhus
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Small House In Norway
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Fairy House In Hunderfossen, Lillehammer
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Under The Aurora
h/t: boredpanda
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if you put bryan fuller in a room with mark gatiss and steven moffat, we know who will win.
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@hyzenthlayplays, I was counting on you to remind me!
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These two are at it again, I love it, lol!
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I support you @damejenn
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we would not have lasted long.
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I want to pioneer a new* genre of fanfiction: the peacefic.
Peacefic simply follows characters through a day or week when everything goes fine.  Buffy goes to school and hangs out with her friends and goes on a quiet patrol; the Enterprise charts a new planet and finds it to be an entirely lovely place; the Doctor and Rose visit an era, enjoy the local color, and leave without any unexpected difficulty.
It may not make for great storytelling, but I feel like it would be extremely therapeutic.
*if this hasn’t already been thought of, which it probably has
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RDC3 reporting?
Our podcast is looking for it’s very own Freddie Lounds and wondering if you can help! If you are going to RDC3 and would like to record and report from the event, we would LOVE to put you on an upcoming podcast episode!
We (okay, actually producer Justin) would set you up with a way to record and leave it up to you as to content - from drunken fannibal shenanigans to actual interviews. Maybe a half hour to an hour of content? 
Amy and I are absolutely gutted that we can’t go, but money and time just isn’t with us this year. Send us a note if you are interested and we will set you up!
Tagging @the-winnowing-wind for signal boost. Thanks!
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