rimzyy · 6 years
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood [Part 1]
So, I just finished JBA part 3 and i really feel the need to put down my thoughts in these posts about each of the seasons because theres just so much i want to talk about but no one to talk with. heh. 
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In this post, I'm going to be talking about part 1 of JBA; Phantom Blood. its going to be mostly spoiler-free so if you're looking to get into JBA i suggest reading this post, it might just push you to do just that. i will put up a lil alert if there are spoilers incoming. 
Phantom Blood is seriously such an underrated season, I wish people would hype Part 1 up more because personally i feel like it really deserves it. its a really nice little introduction to the Joestar family and we get to see one of the nicer Jojo’s; Jonathan Joestar. as far as i know though, a lot of people really dislike part 1 and i can't understand why. if you do, please lets have a healthy discussion! i like to hear about other peoples opinions :)
so what is the anime about? one day, a man called Dario Brando stumbles upon the rich and wealthy George Joestar I’s unconscious body and sees this as an opportunity to rob him. George mistakes the situation and thinks that Dario rescued him from his carriage crash and feels indebted towards him. Fast forward many years later, Dario is on his deathbed and asks his son, Dio Brando, to seek the Joestar family. George wholeheartedly accepts Dio as his own son but fails to see how he mistreats his actual son Jonathan Joestar, nicknamed Jojo. The story then carries on from there revolving around how Jojo has to deal with Dio and his antics. this might sound like a typical storyline but trust me, its a lot more than just that. it will rope you in from the very first episode itself and take you one beautiful, manly, muscular ride. 
It has some of the most stunning art i have ever seen in anime. and that was also one of the main reasons why i started watching the anime. (I'm a sucker for some good art styles heh) its so colourful and gorgeous! when i first saw this though, i couldn't help but see the similarities between JBA and Fist of the North Star. i mean Jojo does look a lot like Kenshiro and Hamon is reaaaaalllyyyy similar to Kenshiro’s Hokuto Shinken. but i understand that Hirohiko Araki is a huge fan of FOTNS and it influenced his art.
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I swear Jonathan is SO underrated! Its really hard for me to choose a favourite Jojo because i love them all so much, but ill have you know that Jonathan does not fall far behind in my list. there wouldn't be much difference between each of them for me. i feel like if we got to see more of Jonathan he would definitely be a lot more popular and would be a big favorite among Jojo fans. his super nice nature is what reeled me in and made me love him so much. 
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ALSO CAN WE TALK ABOUT THESE ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL COVERS? THEY ARE SO GORGEOUS AAAHHHHH. i really cannot express how much i love this art style. if anyone knows any other animes with a similar art style please let me know!! 
so yeah, thats all i had to say about part 1. hope you'll give it a shot!
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rimzyy · 7 years
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Let’s face it, we bookworms tend to put a lot of pressure on ourselves, when it comes to our reading, because we’re weird like that, but in a good way. And, the truth is that reading should always be fun. Guilt free. ALL THE FUN SO MUCH OF THE FUN BECAUSE WORDS ON PAGES *insert screech* You know what I’m talking about. So I thought that compiling a list of the reasons that bookworms feel guilty and why they should just stop would be a great idea
  1. Not reaching our Goodreads challenge/lowering our goal for the year
In the past few years, the Goodreads challenge has become a staple of measuring achievement when it comes to reading. It has become insanely popular and it’s honestly such a good tool to keep track of everything you’re reading. But it also adds an immense amount of pressure. I’ve been there. When December rolls around and you see that you’re to the Goodreads challenge what Pluto is to being a planet in the Solar System (a.k.a. not even close; also VIVA LA PLUTO because Pluto deserved better smh), the panic sets in. You’re left with two options: lowering your goal or not finishing the challenge. Both make you feel like crap. But honestly, life makes us feel like crap far too many times, thank you very much, so let’s not let reading add to the ever growing pile of crap, am I right?
There’s no reason to feel guilty. If you read one book that year, you’re still a bookworm and it’s still a HUGE achievement. It doesn’t matter if you didn’t reach your challenge. It’s just a stupid tracking tool on the internet, it’s not something to measure your worth as a reader or as a person. You’re still awesome, even if you read just a page. Even one page counts. We’re busy, school and work get in the way 99% of the times. Unexpected life events occur. Shit happens. It’s normal and it’s expected, because life is fun and all that jazz.
Also, may I suggest a great idea: set your goal to one book for the year. Boom! Pressure off. You’ll still be able to see what books you read, how many pages and all that jazz, with the bonus that you don’t feel like hyperventilating every time you open your Goodreads account
  2. Not finishing books (the dreaded DNF)
Let me tell you something right off the bat: life is too short to waste on books that you’re not enjoying. Yes, I know, if you’re like me, you die a little on the inside every time you are at that point where you want to scream at the book you’re reading: BUT WHY ARE YOU NOT GOOD WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME WHO DID I OFFEND IN A PREVIOUS LIFE FML FML. It’s a reality. But let’s face it: you’re not going to enjoy every single book you pick up. It’s just not written in the stars. Which is why it’s perfectly acceptable to just…stop reading it. Put it down. Hug a kitten. Contemplate the universe. Leave it be. Maybe pick it up at a later time, maybe not. But don’t feel guilty. You didn’t disappoint the book, yourself, the book gods or literature as a whole. It just wasn’t meant to be and you should never force yourself to read a book you’re not enjoying. In my case, every time I force myself to keep going with a book I’m not enjoying, I tent to end up in The-Thing-That-Should-Not-Be-Named a.k.a. the Book Slump™. Just…no.
  3. Not reading classics
80% of the classics I’ve read have bored me to tears. I mean. I want me some dragons, magic and lost princesses. There are no such things in most classics (a huge oversight on the part of the writers, but I’m not pointing fingers). I’ve stumbled upon some that I really enjoyed, but too few to really make me actively pursue reading classics. The trouble is that a lot of people cringe so badly when you tell them that you don’t read classics.
“So yeah, I don’t really read or like classics” “OMG HOW DARE YOU I AM OFFENDED” “Um, I just..don’t really enjoy them/relate to the stories/want to live while I’m reading them” “BLASPHEMY. SACRILEGE. BEGONE HEATHEN. SHAAAAME”
Whenever people react like this, it puts me off reading classics even more, because I hate judgy people. But I digress. My point is, the amount of classics that you read or don’t read doesn’t indicate how “good” of a reader you are (fyi, there are no good or bad readers imo). It’s just indicative of the genres you enjoy reading. That is all. People who read classics aren’t THE BEST BOOKWORMS™. They’re just people. Like you.
  4. Rereading books
I will shout this from the rooftops: I LOVE REREADING BOOKS. It’s something so refreshing and comfortable to go back to a book universe you fell in love with. To revisit favourite characters and go on adventures with them again. I reread at least a few books every year. Last year, I actively tried to reread at least one book each month. It was so much fun!
Rereading books can get you out of The Slump™. Rereading books is an excellent alternative for when you can’t afford to buy new books because stupid life costs money booooo. Rereading can be so insightful, because you notice so many things you missed on your first (or second, or third or…you get my drift) read. Rereading can be a whole new experience years after reading that book for the first time. Rereading a certain book can be the best for you at a certain time, because everything is familiar and safe. Rereading is absolutely no reason to feel guilty – people usually say they’re wasting time when they’re rereading (um, no), missing out on new releases (they’ll still be there a week later when you finish rereading your favourite book thank you very much), they fear not liking it as much the second time around (fine, I’ll give you this, it’s a possibility, BUT I ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE). Long story short: reread more books 2k17.
  5. Neglecting books because life
We’re bookworms, yes. But we’re also People Who Need To Live and Function in Society. What does this mean? That we sometimes don’t have that much time to read (I know, it’s just so rude). Days may pass when we don’t read at all. Weeks. Sometimes months. Years? (all my college years were spent reading almost academic books exclusively; it was a dark time in my life). But that’s okay. There’s no reason to feel guilty for doing our best to live out lives. Doing that sometimes implies giving up certain things, because we simply don’t have the time or energy to do them. That doesn’t make us bad people or bad readers. Your books will still be waiting for you when you have the time to devote them your full attention. Books don’t judge.
Surprisingly or not, this is just part one. I have many feelings about this particular topic, because I really really want people to read books guilt free. And live the bookworm life to the fullest
I’d love to hear your thoughts on these points. And if there was ever a time you felt guilty for something book related
Happy reading, bookish people <3
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rimzyy · 7 years
Clannad: After Story
about a week back i watched Clannad and ohmygod this anime absolutely broke my heart. 
i feel like it was sort of predictable in the sense that you can tell that its going to be really really heartbreaking and Nagisa is probably going to die. but. i think what really got me was how real it was. it really takes you on an emotional rollercoaster and then just crashes into the abyss. 
the character development was AMAZING. i really felt like i was watching all of them grow and aw man it was just so heart warming and so..nice. we first meet Tomoya as a delinquent who doesn't really have a care in the world. and then he becomes a father and you can really see how his surroundings have affected him. 
i think after Nagisa’s death i was crying every episode. because every time i looked at Ushio she just reminded me of her mother so much and it just broke my heart and i constantly kept thinking how Nagisa and Ushio would get along so well and what an amazing mother she would be and they would be such a happy family. a big dango family. (i can already feel myself welling up again) 
ill be honest, after watching season 1 i REALLY did not want to watch season 2. i just went on with it because i was SO ANGRY that Tomoya chose Tomoyo and not Nagisa at the end of season 1 and i wanted to see how it all went down. i literally called my friend and started YELLING at him like WHAT THE HECK IS THE ENDING OF SEASON 1 I HATE THIS WHY TOMOYO WHERE DID SHE EVEN COME FROM WHAT ABOUT NAGISA and he yelled back JUST KEEP WATCHING TRUST ME and I'm so glad i did now lol. but now the Tomoyo thing sort of makes sense after reading up a bit on the visual novel (which i had no idea about!! thats really cool imo idk if i should check it out or nah) 
i feel like the ending just really wrapped things up really nicely. it was cute and happy and ahhhhhh i love this anime so much. really took me on a ride.  i really wish we got to know more about Sunohara and the others at the end of season 2 but oh well. I'm pretty satisfied with that. AND FUKOOO<3
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“Dango, dango, dango, dango, dango daikazoku”
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rimzyy · 7 years
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Hello and welcome to the Attack on Titan network! This is primarily a Skype Chat group for people to talk about aot together, if you love attack on titan please consider joining!
-Fill out this form -Have a skype -Like and Reblog this post to spread the word -Be active in the chat when you are accepted Pros;
-People to cry talk with about aot -Maybe streams of s2 -Did I mention new friends? -New friends!
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rimzyy · 7 years
Hard boiled wonderland & the end of the world - Murakami
this was my first ever Murakami book and it was an absolute GEM. i love this book. i can easily say it comes in my top 5. one thing that kinda scares me though is that i love this book so much, i have no idea how his other books are going to top this. i hope i didn't make a mistake by reading this first haha. 
i really loved how in this book, the two stories just blended so well together. in the beginning you cannot tell whats going on you're really confused, but then soon it all makes sense and its so beautiful and magical and AHH I LOVE THIS BOOK. it really kept me on the edge of my seat till the very last page. 
what intrigued me about this book is how it is split into two completely different stories and i wanted to see how they merge together to form one complete story. the odd numbered chapters are one story and the even numbered chapters another. 
i have been told before that you don't need drugs when you have Murakami and really that is very true. reading this book really took me to another world sometimes and my mind was getting blown and it was such a nice reading experience. 
his writing is so calming and pleasing. i can only imagine what the actual Japanese translation is like. i don't want to give too much away. i feel like its best to just go into this book without knowing much at all so you don't know what to expect. maybe in the beginning you might feel like its too dense and heavy with a lot of technical jargon, but trust me, keep reading.
ill just leave you with this: “The sun sliced through the windshield, sealing me in light. I closed my eyes and felt the warmth on my eyelids. Sunlight traveled a long distance to reach this planet; an infinitesimal portion of that sunlight was enough to warm my eyelids. I was moved. That something as insignificant as an eyelid had its place in the workings on the universe, that the cosmic order did not overlook this momentary fact.”
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rimzyy · 7 years
Attack on Titan - Chapter 95
*SPOIILER ALEERTT* If you haven't caught up with the manga, i would suggest not reading any further. if you are, read onnn. 
Im just going to talk about my thoughts on this chapter. 
SOOO, we FINALLY found out what the 9th titan shifter is; the War Hammer Titan. now some people did speculate this as we see in Chapter 86, when talking about the ‘Great Titan War’, (ill insert a picture so you'll know what I'm talking about) we recognise the female titan, the cart titan and then there is a titan wielding a hammer and a stone. personally, i don't think thats the war hammer titan, simply because any titan could be a war hammer titan in that case by holding a giant hammer. all we know about this titan is that it currently resides in the Taybar Family. i cannot wait to find out more about this titan.
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we also get a little bit more backstory on Reiner which i feel like was sort of a repetition. like Isayama pls don't show me Marcel’s death again ;-; we see that he actually wasn't going to be a warrior, he ended up becoming one because Marcel wanted to save his brother from the 13 year curse of being a titan. damn. what i find really ironic about that is that even though Reiner was the most looked down upon out of the rest of the warriors he ended up being the only one who survived out of the four that were sent to Paradis Island. well, technically Annie is still alive, but still. i really feel like Reiner is going to end up switching sides. and so will Falco. 
speaking of Annie, I really hope she will make a comeback. i really miss her. and i wonder how being trapped in the crystal for so long has affected her. and was she able to come out of it on her own? or did Hange create some new weapons or devices that could break the hard crystal? well it has been 4 years, so I'm guessing there must have been some sort of improvement in technology right? 
another random thing i just wanted to point out. up till now we've seen 3 different ‘Jaws Titan’; Ymir’s, Marcel’s and Galliard’s. just wondering, why does Ymir’s titan look really different from the others? the other titans had a very distinctive jaw shape, but hers just looked like.. sharp teeth? 
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awwwww maaaannn. i am so stoked for the next couple of chapters. its going to be great. i actually really really hope there isn't going to be a Marley-Paradis war. but like obviously its going to take place.. but.. so much death... nOO. and all the current titan shifters are going to die soon too... Reiner, Eren, Zeke, Armin.. i can't take this. 
anyways, I'm always open to an attack on titan discussion!
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rimzyy · 7 years
ok so i just found out in kimi no na wa Mitsuha was going to write “i love you” on Taki’s hand just like he did. ok i can't handle this. I'm crying. i love this movie way too much. help.
Also does anybody just start crying when listening to the soundtrack? no? just me...kbai. 
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rimzyy · 7 years
Attack on Titan Season 2 Episode 5
One of the coolest episodes of season 2 ohmygod. oh also, *SPOILER ALERT*
the name of the episode itself is kind of a spoiler. the name of the episode is ‘Historia’ and as we find out later on in the episode, Krista’s real name is Historia. Historia Reiss. we find out a lot about who Ymir and Krista/Historia really are and their relationship with each other. oh also idk if many of you noticed, but no one died in this episode! woo! that deserves a celebration. Anyways, on to the main points of this episode:
1) Krista/Historia the episode starts with a flashback to their training days where Krista, Ymir and an injured Daz are stuck in a blizzard and the chances of all three of them surviving look very slim. Ymir calls out Krista saying that she wants to die a hero’s death and that is why she is dragging Daz along. Ymir reveals that she is aware that Krista is the illegitimate daughter of a nobleman who had her name changed and forced to join the cadet corps in order to spare her life. it seems from this that both Krista and Ymir had troubling pasts but rather than accepting it and charging on like Ymir, Krista just wants to die, but die a heroic death so thats how people will remember her and her past will go away. but at the end of the episode after Ymir fights the titans we see that Krista has finally come to accept her past and who she really is: Historia Reiss. 
1) Ymir we learned in the last episode that Ymir is a titan shifter just like Eren and Annie. during the flashback, she mentions that she did not change her name to escape her past which leads us to believe that there is more to Ymir than what it seems. Coming back to Utgard Castle, she jumps off the tower and turns into a titan and decides to go on a suicide mission trying to protect the rest left on the tower. Krista yells at her saying that she can't die and go out glorious. kinda like how Ymir yelled at her in the flashback. she tells her that if she has to tear down the tower to survive then she should. and thats exactly what Ymir does. this scene has to be my favourite scene of the season by far. the way Ymir just starts throwing bricks at the titans and the camera pans and ah SO COOL. well the tower ends up falling but before it does Ymir rescues the others. she goes back to trying to kill the titans but she is overpowered and the titans start eating her. but yay! the survey corps come in and kill the remaining titans and rescue Ymir. 
we also learn in this episode that Ymir isn't just any titan, she is the titan that ate Reiner’s and Bertolts’s friend. thats kinda messed up. to find out your friend ate your friend.. yeaaaahh. i have to say though, i really love Ymir’s titan. the way she just jumps around is so cool. we can see that this titan’s speciality is agility and speed. and thats probably how Ymir got Daz to the bottom of the cliff safely. the focus really is on just Ymir and Historia in this episode, we don't learn much about whatever is going on with Connie’s village and the hole in the wall, but just more questions. why did Ymir hide her titan power? what more does she know? whose side is she on? what is Historia’s past? will Ymir ever tell Historia how much she loves her? i mean what? (ok yeah i really ship Ymir and Historia alright)
aw man so hyped for the next episode.
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rimzyy · 7 years
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rimzyy · 7 years
a random question: does anyone know what happened to Cryaotic? he hasn't posted any videos the past few days. I don't watch his videos very often but i do watch certain series. just curious and a little concerned. 
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rimzyy · 7 years
Attack on Titan Season 2 Episode 4
before i even say something *SPOILER ALERT* for those of you who have not watched Attack on Titan. 
the episode is all about the survey corps members at the ruined castle JUST TRYING TO SURVIVE. the whole episode is pretty intense because you're just sitting there like “omfg whats gonna happen whats gonna happen”. but for a manga reader i guess its more like “when is that gonna happen when is that gonna happen”. 
in this episode we got to see a little bit more on the beast titan, Reiner’s past, a jealous Ymir, the death of some more soldiers (RIP Gelgar, Nanaba, Henning and Lynne) and a VERY unexpected ending. 
Im just going to go over the most important parts of this episode
1) Connie’s Village As we saw in the last episode the titan found on top of Connie’s house is rather unusual. its just lying there not doing anything. well it really can't do much because its limbs are too small to be able to move. so how did that titan even get there? Connie seems to believe that the titan is actually his mother. it even spoke to him! what is weird is how Reiner was just brushing this off as if nothing happened and tries to convince Connie that is was nothing. and also how Ymir just BURST out laughing and calling it ridiculous. hmm more on Ymir later. 
2) The Beast Titan We met the Beast Titan in the first episode and booooyyy that was some crazy shit. It seems like the Beast Titan has some sort of “titan controlling” power as we saw in the first episode. The beast titan climbed the wall and started throwing rocks at the castle. which i found kinda weird because if he wanted to kill those people he could EASILY just crush them given his size. instead he controls the other titans and makes THEM do it while he just watches and throws rocks from afar. 
and now the part that all of you have been waiting for
3) FREAKING YMIR.  so. Ymir is a titan-shifter. WHAT. HUH. HOW. AND WHAT EVEN MORE BIZARRE IS THAT SHE WAS THE TITAN THAT ATE REINER’S FRIEND. wow that is just messed up. which might explain why she was able to read a language no one else can. maybe she comes from somewhere else? does being a titan give her super multilingual abilities? and this ALSO explains why she completely freaked out laughing when Connie speculated that maybe the titan was his mother. she knows more! but damn THE EPISODE ENDED RIGHT WHEN SHE TURNED INTO A TITAN WHYYYY. well i knew this was going to happen because i read the manga. it really shocked me in the manga since Ymir was one of my favourite characters. she wasn't really given much attention but she always seemed really cool to me. what is really interesting though is why Ymir did hide her titan-shifting abilities? she could have also been able to help humanity like Eren and prevented so many deaths if she just revealed herself. or maybe she did not want to be used like that? (also i just love how protective Ymir is of Krista and how she got jealous when Krista was tending to Reiner’s arm). 
Well thats about it for this episode. for those of who you haven't read the manga i highly highly recommend it. its amazing and oh god. i can't even express how MIND BLOWING IT IS. and for those of you who would rather stick to the anime, you have no idea whats coming to you. 
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rimzyy · 7 years
91 days review.. sorta
so I just finished watching 91 days and holy shit. THAT WAS FREAKING AMAZING. the show wasn't at all what i expected it to be before going into it. the reason i decided to watch it is because i wanted something short and the plot intrigued me. and well, here i am. 
it may be a little hard to get into and in the beginning you might be like “wtf is going on what is happening how WHAT?!” but trust me, it gets gooooood. 
the plot revolves around a boy called Angelo Lagusa who witnessed his whole family get murdered right in front of his eyes. he manages to escape and seven years later receives an anonymous letter with the names of the people who murdered his family that night. Angelo hunts these people down hoping he can find a reason to live after killing the people and getting his revenge.
so for those of you who haven't watched 91 days you've been warned *SPOILERS AHEAD* 
the ending. omfg. the freaking ending. i really liked the way it ended. i see that some people were pissed that it was an open ending but i really liked it! well, id like to believe that Angelo survived. Nero shot at him in ode to what happened seven years ago. kinda poetic tbh. 
one thing that i really loved about this anime were the characters and the character development. in Corteo especially. (oh Corteo..) first he didn't want anything to do with the mafia and at the end he was ready to risk everything he has to save Angelo. gah. Corteo’s death really got me. THAT TOO HE DIED BECAUSE OF ANGELO AH MY HEART. 
I also really really liked Fango and was kinda disappointed when he died. the scene where he fed those guys Don Orco lasagna. OHHOHOHOHOHOOO. 
most of the deaths were unpredictable and i REALLYY loved that. Corteo, Fango, Don Galassio, Ronaldo, Frate.. i could go ONNN.
so overall i really enjoyed this anime. it was a little different that what i expected but enjoyable nonetheless. if someone asked me to rate this id probably rate it a 3.5/5 just because it was good, but not great. a nice anime to watch when you want a change or have nothing else to watch.
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