riyel-arcangel · 2 years
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My “draw the squad” memes so far
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riyel-arcangel · 4 years
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riyel-arcangel · 4 years
I was tagged by the sweet  @diaphanouz, and I’m very flattered over it. Thank you! nwn I’m not sure if have any actual comfort movies in the sense that I don’t actively seek out movies when I’m down so instead I’ll list 7 movies which always get me emotional for some reason. Unsurprisingly plenty of them are from Ghibli XDD
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
Moulin Rouge!
Spirited Away
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
Howl’s Moving Castle 
Practical Magic (1998)
Toy Story 2 (I love the whole saga but every time Jessie’s story approaches I start sniffling preemptively)   
Tagging whoever wants to join in, this was fun 8D
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riyel-arcangel · 4 years
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Chap 2:  Seiyuu Talk Time: Todoroki Shoto & Midoriya Izuku
Chap 1 <<
Extra & next chap preview!!
“You’ve been saying “Midoriya” a lot of times, aren’t you, Kaji-san?”
“Yes I do! Even now, I feel the urge to say ‘Midoriya’ without any apparent reasons *laugh*”
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riyel-arcangel · 4 years
So in russian, nouns are either animate or inanimate gramatically, depending on whether they move.
Well, the russian word for corpse, мертвец, is animate, which raises quite a few terrifying questions about russia’s past
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riyel-arcangel · 5 years
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The Galra don’t make promises.
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riyel-arcangel · 5 years
Hi Everybody!
I’m gonna be as honest as I can be. I’m not ok. I haven’t been ok for a long time before this pandemic actually but now I’m just worried for everyone I know.
I may have gathered the courage to write this before but I live with my mother so now she’s around 24/7 and that’s... not good for me. I’m I swear I’m not trying to complain, I know there are others in much worse situations than me who’s at least unaffected by this virus. But I know how having my mother around is messing *me* up, I know that regardless of my own feelings I may not have dared write this if she spoke English and I know it was still a struggle. But I also know I’m not the only one around with a bad family situation. If you could drop a line or a like so I know you are ok that would be awesome. And if you too are trapped with an abuser please be strong. We’ve got to survive this.
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riyel-arcangel · 6 years
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“Yeye the Hippo”
You can check out my twitter, since I post my jam there first (and, uh, somtiems forget to post here)
And/or support my online foolery by buying me coffees as I push out more silly comics while on a caffeine high!
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riyel-arcangel · 6 years
Sé que ya dije esto antes pero realmente me gusta cómo manejaste el shock cultural. El hecho que sea mutuo nos muestra mucho sobre ambas culturas de una forma que se siente natural y no expositoria, además el pequeño desliz involuntario de Martín al confundir un sobrenombre tan personal con un título es excelente para mostrar lo incomodo que Pedro se siente con su situación a pesar de admitir objetivamente que su prometido no sólo es atractivo pero que está dando su mejor esfuerzo y por razones con las que él concuerda. La familia y el hogar siempre me parecieron conceptos muy importantes para Pedro así que me resulta muy realista que semejante separación se sienta una pérdida para él.
Corazón verde, muros de piedra [1/?] (Argenmex, AU)
Título: Corazón verde, muros de piedra Pareja: Argenmex El rey de Argentum está de pie ahí, con algunas personas más a quienes Pedro no presta atención realmente. Ve los ojos verdes del hombre a unos pasos de él y, por un momento, piensa que en esos ojos verdes está toda la naturaleza que las paredes y el suelo de piedra de aquella ciudad no tienen. O el arranged marriage fantasy medieval au argenmex que nadie pidió que escribiera.   
Cuando Pedro llega a la puerta del castillo de Argentum, tiene que detenerse por unos minutos. Sus acompañantes (algunos sirvientes de su propia casa y Sebastián, el embajador enviado por Argentum, quien le mira discretamente a unos pasos, en silencio) esperan pacientemente a que dé la indicación de continuar con el camino. Observa la construcción de piedra que se erige a sólo unos metros y lo primero que le llega a la mente es que no percibe a la naturaleza andar libremente dentro de aquel lugar. Ese pensamiento le provoca un escalofrío, pero antes de que su instinto le haga salir corriendo de ahí para no regresar jamás, aunque eso signifique romper el acuerdo, cierra sus ojos y respira profundamente.
Puedes hacer esto, piensa. Debes hacer esto.
Seguir leyendo
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riyel-arcangel · 6 years
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Forget only defunding ICE or even abolishing ICE!
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riyel-arcangel · 6 years
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I need more icons as I only have like 6 frames from canon for this doofus and that’s clearly not enough to convey all that makes up this Princely douchebag. So I commissioned a lovely artist whom I love the work of! Cocky! Who can be found here @cockismybusiness !! They open commissions monday night/tuesday afternoons!
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riyel-arcangel · 6 years
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will always live in my heart. him and his ragnarok vibes
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riyel-arcangel · 6 years
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I guess only white children are “precious gifts from god”
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riyel-arcangel · 6 years
Honestly, I just love incongruously modern inciting incidents for classic folkloric motifs. Like, some poor shmuck being sent to the middle of the deep, dark forest just as evening is rolling in to fix Baba Yaga’s wi-fi. She likes to update her recipe blog at midnight sharp, and if she’s not back online by then, there’s gonna be hell to pay!
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riyel-arcangel · 6 years
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ghosts can garden too
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riyel-arcangel · 6 years
uh guys please i beg u if u have the choice DO NOT INSTALL THE LATEST WINDOWS UPDATE theres a good chance itll destroy your pc
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riyel-arcangel · 6 years
brazilian crisis for gringos, part 2
here’s part 1 for those of you who missed it
special thanks to @lazy-universes for explaining me shit
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