rockleeloveofmylife · 3 years
just recently finished the original Naruto series and moved on to shippuden and this came to me like a vivid nightmare
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rockleeloveofmylife · 3 years
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rockleeloveofmylife · 3 years
do you support wheatley kinnies
@all wheatley kinnies
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rockleeloveofmylife · 3 years
momojirou headcanons for the soul
I love them more than life itself. I’ve never done a post like this before, so please bear with me! I’m not super familiar with tumblr. HCs below the cut (all very SFW)
-They go on lunch dates a lot. Surprisingly, Jirou is a lot more nervous about holding hands in public than Momo, but once they get into a rhythm she’s able to relax a bit. She’s not worried about judgement from the public, per se, but she is secretly worried that Momo is embarrassed being seen with her. 
-Momo gives hugs and cuddles,,, her sweaters are always very warm and comfortable, and there’s nothing nicer than burying your face in one after a long day. It’s especially nice when Jirou is feeling upset- Momo is always there to offer any kind of comfort, physical or otherwise. Sometimes, no talking is necessary. Jirou will just come up to her and curl up in her lap like a puppy. 
-Jirou loves brushing Momo’s hair. No one can convince me otherwise
-Jirou is the big spoon!!
-They both have issues with self-doubt when it comes to their relationship, but they are able to work it out with simple communication. This keeps them rock solid even through tough times. The other students will joke about Momo and Jirou being secretly married
-Lots of forehead kisses. Momo will brush Jirou’s hair out of her face to give her a lil smooch and Jirou always turns bright red
-Jirou loves dogs and will drag Momo across the street just to ask an owner if she can pet their dog
-Momo and Jirou listen to heavy metal together with Tokoyami. Most of the time, they’re all completely quiet, just doing their own thing, but there’s an undeniable sense of companionship that comes with it
-They don’t take many pictures together, but whenever they hang around Mina she always insists on taking at least one group photo. There’s a picture floating around of Jirou kissing Momo just as the photo is taken, and Mina’s face is blurred from her excitement.
-They are both expert kissers! Jirou likes to kiss Momo’s hand occasionally; and Momo secretly feels like a princess whenever she does.
-They are in love your honor
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