roleplay-cafe · 1 year
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roleplay-cafe · 1 year
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72K notes · View notes
roleplay-cafe · 1 year
Writing Resources: WORDS ARE HARD
60 Synonyms for “Walk”
A list of sounds/onomatopoeias for writers
American vs British terms
Insult names to use instead of "idiot”
Looking for a word you can’t remember
OneLook Reverse Dictionary
One look thesaurus
Power Thesaurus
Researching for WIPs : A Collection
Reverse Dictionary
Synonyms for Very
Using the appropriate vocabulary in your novel
Wild vs feral
Words to use instead of: cry/cried/crying
Writing websites
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roleplay-cafe · 1 year
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roleplay-cafe · 1 year
Words to replace said, except this actually helps
I got pretty fed up with looking for words to replace said because they weren’t sorted in a way I could easily use/find them for the right time. So I did some myself.
IN RESPONSE TO Acknowledged Answered Protested
INPUT/JOIN CONVERSATION/ASK Added Implored Inquired Insisted Proposed Queried Questioned Recommended Testified
GUILTY/RELUCTANCE/SORRY Admitted Apologized Conceded Confessed Professed
FOR SOMEONE ELSE Advised Criticized Suggested
JUST CHECKING Affirmed Agreed Alleged Confirmed
LOUD Announced Chanted Crowed
LEWD/CUTE/SECRET SPY FEEL Appealed Disclosed Moaned
ANGRY FUCK OFF MATE WANNA FIGHT Argued Barked Challenged Cursed Fumed Growled Hissed Roared Swore
SMARTASS Articulated Asserted Assured Avowed Claimed Commanded Cross-examined Demanded Digressed Directed Foretold Instructed Interrupted Predicted Proclaimed Quoted Theorized
ASSHOLE Bellowed Boasted Bragged
NERVOUS TRAINWRECK Babbled Bawled Mumbled Sputtered Stammered Stuttered
SUAVE MOTHERFUCKER Bargained Divulged Disclosed Exhorted
LASTLY Concluded Concurred
WEAK PUSY Begged Blurted Complained Cried Faltered Fretted
HAPPY/LOL Cajoled Exclaimed Gushed Jested Joked Laughed
WEIRDLY HAPPY/EXCITED Extolled Jabbered Raved
BRUH, CHILL Cautioned Warned
ACTUALLY, YOU’RE WRONG Chided Contended Corrected Countered Debated Elaborated Objected Ranted Retorted
CHILL SAVAGE Commented Continued Observed Surmised
LISTEN BUDDY Enunciated Explained Elaborated Hinted Implied Lectured Reiterated Recited Reminded Stressed
BRUH I NEED U AND U NEED ME Confided Offered Urged
FINE Consented Decided
TOO EMO FULL OF EMOTIONS Croaked Lamented Pledged Sobbed Sympathized Wailed Whimpered
JUST SAYING Declared Decreed Mentioned Noted Pointed out Postulated Speculated Stated Told Vouched
WASN’T ME Denied Lied
EVIL SMARTASS Dictated Equivocated Ordered Reprimanded Threatened
BORED Droned Sighed
SHHHH IT’S QUIET TIME Echoed Mumbled Murmured Muttered Uttered Whispered
DRAMA QUEEN Exaggerated Panted Pleaded Prayed Preached
OH SHIT Gasped Marveled Screamed Screeched Shouted Shrieked Yelped Yelled
ANNOYED Grumbled Grunted Jeered Quipped Scolded Snapped Snarled Sneered
I WONDER Pondered Voiced Wondered
OH, YEAH, WHOOPS Recalled Recited Remembered
BITCHY Tattled Taunted Teased
Edit: People, I’m an English and creative writing double major in college; I understand that there’s nothing wrong with simply using “said.” This was just for fun, and it comes in handy when I need to add pizzazz. 
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roleplay-cafe · 1 year
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471K notes · View notes
roleplay-cafe · 1 year
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roleplay-cafe · 2 years
I just love *clenches fist* talking about character analysis and why characters act the way they do. It’s supremely satisfying to figure out motivations of characters and see how that ties into their core nature and how they perceive the world around them.
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roleplay-cafe · 3 years
To all RPers:
Take as damn long as you want replying to shit. You don’t owe us shit. Your health comes first. You’re choosing to share a vulnerable part of yourself with us and sometimes that’s really hard! Don’t you fucking worry.
We love you!
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roleplay-cafe · 3 years
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Don’t be a dick!
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roleplay-cafe · 4 years
The Villain's Ending: How to Serve Your Villain Their Comeuppance
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The Villain is one of the most important characters in your story, the driving force for everything that happens your heroes and your world. The Villain must be dealt with, we can all agree on this one point. The Villain has been tormenting our hero and they must be punished. And not by a falling brick, Dave and Dan. The audience deserves a real ending and your villain must be punished accordingly for their actions.
Punishment fits the crime/ Poetic Justic
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The Villain has been cruel, they have done horrible things to our hero. The world decides to get its own back in the most ironic and poetic way possible. These endings are perhaps the most enjoyable to both read and write, they allow both you and the audience to have closure but while making echoes in the story.
Carrie is one of my favourite novels. Carrie has been pushed far past breaking point by the conclusion of her story, she has been bullied, humiliated and betrayed. Every character who has ever hurt Carrie (either physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually) gets their just desserts. She has been tortured for her strangeness and inability to fit in... and now, her strangeness is what she wields against her villains. She destroys her bullies at the school dance (wiping them put at an event which was meant to be the happiest night of their life), getting rid of Chris Hargensen and Billy Nolan, the puppeteers of her humiliation (using Chris and Billy's status symbol [the car] against them and taking control of it away from them to hurt them with it) and good ol' Mama Margaret White dies at her daughter's hands, slowing her heartbeat with her TK (Margaret is punished by her own daughter, her life taken by the gene she passed to her own daughter and via the symbol of love, a commodity she denied her own child).
Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame is a beautifully shot film and one of Disney's gems. At the film's climax, Frollo is trying to kill Esmeralda and Quasimodo atop the apex of Notre Dame. Frollo has a sword in his hand and seems to be winning, raising his sword to smite Esmeralda as she tries to help Quasimodo, reciting "And He shall smite the wicked and plunge them into the fiery pit!" But he has weakened the stone gargoyle he stands on and his movements cause him to fall and cling to the gargoyle as it cracks, its eyes glowing with sudden divine rage. Frollo falls backwards into the fiery blaze of Paris to his death. Justice is served.
In Game of Thrones/ASOIAF, we see this in spades. Ramsay Snow has hunted down young women in the woods with his hounds, tormented Theon Greyjoy into madness, had his stepmother and half brother fed to his hounds only minutes after the boy is born, killed his father (though this is a service to society), might have killed his own elder half brother, burned Winterfell, raped Jeyne/Sansa and being a pretty bad human being. In the show, Ramsay is fed to his own dogs while Sansa watches. Tywin Lannister has also been a terrible human being: having his son's wife raped while he watches, arranging the Red Wedding, allowing Cersei to set Tyrion up for murder, punishing Alayaya, his actions against the Reynes and Tarbecks, his terrible parenting and his general evilness. He is shot while taking a dump by Tyrion, the child he disparaged most in a rather inglorious fashion. Tywin dies leaving his dreams of dynasty to crumble, his unsavory relationship with Shae to be uncovered and humiliated after his death. The Seven were truly good that day. And not to mention Walder Frey, being served his own dead sons in a pie and killed by the daughter and sister of the woman he had slain in the very room he sits in. You can see the confusion and fear in his face as he tries to work out why this is happening, mirroring Catelyn and Robb's own horror and fear. Arya cuts his throat, echoing her mother's death.
In Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, we are introduced to the hunter Ken Wheatley. He hunts the dinosaurs, helping the main villain in rounding them up. He has a habit of collecting the teeth of the animals he hunts. He pulls out a Stegosaurus's tooth, relishing in the prize without caring for the creature's fear and pain. Wheatley tries to do the same with the Indoraptor, thinking the beast has been tranquilized but Indy was just playing. The Indoraptor bites his arm off as he tries to pull her tooth, killing him in gory glorious fashion. Indy was a very good and clever girl.
Book Ends
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The Villain sometimes is treated to a walk down memory lane in their final moments. The beginning of their story is echoed in their final moments, bringing the circle to a finish and creating a nice clean break. The end feels earned in these circumstances, rounding off the arc nicely.
In Harry Potter, Voldemort fears death. He has done all he has done for his preservation and longevity. Voldemort faces off Harry in the Great Hall of Hogwarts, one on one as it had been when Voldemort stood in Harry's bedroom in Godric's Hollow. As before, the action that begun the tale ends it for Voldemort. He fires the Killing Curse at Harry and it gets turned on him. Voldemort dies simply, with no thunderous drama. He gets both his worst fears wrapped up in some poetic justice. The circle is complete.
Arya Stark faces all kinds of villains in her trek across the riverlands in A Clash of Kings. She and her gang of misfits (Gendry, Hotpie and an injured Lommy) are cornered by Lannister soldiers. The soldiers gather the gang to send them to Harrenhal. Raff the Sweetling, one of the soldiers asks Lommy "Is there something wrong with your leg, boy?" And Lommy replies, that yes he is hurt and he has to be carried. Raff stabs the boy through the throat and jokingly repeats Lommy's request. Arya encounters him again in Braavos in the Mercy Chapter of Winds of Winter. She stabs him in the thigh and feigns worry for his condition, asking him whether she should help him to the physician. Instead, Arya stabs him in the throat. The circle is complete.
Though Braveheart is a rather mixed bag of tricks, it does get this echo right. Muireann has her throat cut for both marrying without the Lord's permission and attacking the English soldier who tried to rape her. Enter William Wallace who takes on the garrison and raises the village to utterly destroy the soldiers. He marches into the Lord's fort (the place he felt safest in as Muireann did in her village and metaphorically in her marriage to Wallace) and drags the fucker to the same post he executed Muireann at, cutting the Lord's throat. The circle is complete.
In Captive Prince, the whole conflict of the series kicks off at Marlas where Damen kills the Veretian Prince in battle, brother to Prince Laurent. Kastor has taken his brother Damen's throne and forced him into slavery. Damen's opening chapter has him being readied for his ordeals in the slave's baths before being sent off to Vere to serve Laurent. Fast forward to our ending and Damen has come home for his throne. He confronts Kastor in the slave baths where Kastor tries to kill him. Laurent steps in and delivers a killing blow, killing Damen's brother as Damen killed his. Two circles are fulfilled.
In The Heroes of Olympus: The Blood of Olympus, Gaia has begun to destroy Camp Half Blood, levelling the forces of the gods and demigods. Gaia began the first first cycle of the PJO Universe by having her husband, Ouranos/Uranus killed. Gaia had Ouranos come down from his domain the sky, away from his source of power. She had him ambushed and killed, her son Kronos, the original antagonist do the deed. We fast forward to the present and Kronos has been taken down by Camp Half Blood and Camp Jupiter. Gaia is mad af and rises to take out the heroes. In the end, Gaia's fate is that of Ouranos, driven from her point of power, the earth and destroyed. The bookends are a couple of millennia apart but the circle is complete.
There is always somebody else.
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The Villain and hero are mortal enemies. The Hero has suffered at the Villain's hand for the length of the story, battling them in tests of strength, power and wills. The Hero must over come the Villain... or do they? The Villain must be beaten, that is a fact or else the story has no purpose or no meaning. One must triumph over the other. But there is no written rule that states that it must be the protagonist who must deal the blow and here is where justice can be done for even the most minor character.
The Captive Prince series has this ending in spades. Throughout the story we are pelted with the Regent's evil actions: Hurting Erasmus, killing Laurent's horse, setting his own nephew up to be sexually assaulted and murdered at the hands of the man who killed his brother, constantly being creepy, keeping children as pets, taunting Laurent about abusing him, killing his own brother the King, ordering the death of Pashcal's brother who knew the Regent ordered the King's death, of the killing Nicaise, corrupting Aimeric and his takeover of the Kingdoms of Vere and Akielon. We spend the story waiting for his downfall, waiting for Laurent or Damen to strike the blow. But it isn't them. Instead, the Regent seems to have won, trapping both heroes. Then comes the justice. The truth comes to light. Aimeric's mother testifies against the Regent. Evidence gathered by Nicaise and Pashcal's testimony of his brother's actions both prove to be a nail in the Regent's coffin. In the end, it is the ghosts of three of the Regent's victims who beat him and drive his supporters to abandon him. The victims get the revenge, not just the heroes. It isn't an empty victory for them.
In Outlander, Claire is kidnapped and subjected to torture and abuse at the hands of Lionel and his men. He broke into her home, snatched her, beat Marsali and tortured her. When Claire is rescued by the men of the Ridge, Jamie asks her which men attacked her but she cannot recall so he has them all killed excepting Lionel that is. He is kept because of his value to his brother and Claire's belief that a patient shouldn't be harmed by the doctor. Enter Marsali. She has hurt in the kidnapping and had to watch the strongest woman she has ever known subjected to horrors. She understands Claire will not take revenge because of her Hippocratic oath but she swore no such vow. Even the speech, is striking reminding us that Claire is not just the only one has hurt. "I've been learning the art of healing. Mistress Fraser taught me well. She took an oath to do no harm... I have taken no such oath. You hurt me, you hurt my family, you hurt my ma. I will watch you burn in hell before I let you harm another soul in this house..." Also, she kills him with a syringe which is a nod to his destruction of the one at the battle with the regulators. I for one hope it hurt.
In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, we see this happen a lot. Neville takes out the sword of Gryffindor and fucking charges at Nagini, a piece of Voldemort, avenging his parents' torture and his own brutal treatment in his final year. Bellatrix has killed Sirius and Dobby, both two characters very dear to Harry and his friends. They do not get to bring her down. It is Molly Weasley who gets to do it, a mother who has lost her brother, her son and almost her world to the ideals of Bellatrix. She fucking snaps and we cheered her on.
In the Lion King, we watch waiting for Scar to get his comeuppance after he pushes his brother off a cliff, chases away his nephew and destroys the pride lands. Though Simba fights a good fight, he gets a case of Hero-itus and decides not to kill his uncle (it is a Disney movie after all) but events transpire and then Scar is trapped with the hyenas, the same hyenas he just tried to throw under the bus only a few seconds before this.
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roleplay-cafe · 4 years
It’s okay to time skip in a thread. It’s okay if you want to give a thread a proper ending. It’s okay if a thread is just one scene. It’s okay to give a thread a beginning, middle and end. It’s okay to make a thread whatever you want it to be. 
I love the idea of a thread being like a book. It can be as short or as long as you want. Don’t be afraid to talk with your roleplay partner about the life span of your thread. They don’t have to be indefinite. They can have an ending and then you can start a new one.
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roleplay-cafe · 4 years
How to Build a Plot from an Idea
I have had more than a few Asks about how to get an entire plot when you only have an idea, a character, or a fraction of the story. And to be honest, I haven’t responded to any of them because I could never articulate my thoughts on this.
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Many writer blogs and channels have tackled this topic, so I will be limiting this post solely to my own method: 
Write it Out
I know it can be hard, especially for writers like me who value outlines and planning, to just start writing. But it is the only way that I’m able to build up an idea.
I write at whatever point I can most easily visualize. Whether it’s at the beginning, middle, end, or a random scene that could fit anywhere. I just write out a scene and throw in all the elements I don’t have.
I usually have a set of 2-3 characters and not much more, so I throw them into an environment I’m familiar with and just have them talk to each other or try to solve a problem.
Usually, the characters and scene flesh themselves out and I get a few pages out of it. It doesn’t matter if I use these pages, that’s not the purpose.
The idea is to write with what you have until everything eventually falls into place. 
This could mean writing until the other plot points come to you for an outline or writing until you’ve gone from the point you began to the end. Somewhere in this, you’ll get the ideas you’ve been struggling with.
It’s a very organic method and it won’t work for everyone, but it sure does for me. Forcing myself to go with what I have quickly shows me what I do and do not want in the story. I use the conversation to deepen my characters and find their motivations. 
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You Don’t Know Until You Try
It’s exploratory. Like panning for gold. You’ve got the glint of gold in the sediment, but a bunch of other crap is in the way and the river is blurring everything.
But if you don’t go for it and shove your hands into the dirt, you’ll never even get close to picking out the gold. 
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If all else fails, play the What If? game.
What if this place had a shared secret? What if these characters decided to run away together? What if this plot point wasn’t the ending but the beginning?
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Question the Norms
One other thing I would suggest is to ask yourself if the traditional idea of plot structure is holding your story idea back. I’m going to use movie examples for this, forgive me, but hear me out.
Pulp Fiction, Lady Bird, Inside Llewyn Davis, No Country for Old Men, Hereditary, Y Tu Mama Tambien, Juno, and so many other critical and audience hits would not be as successful if their writers had not broken from the traditional 3-Act Story Structure.
Don’t limit yourself if you feel unmotivated or stuck by the traditional structure. There’s nothing wrong with it, per se, but it doesn’t fit all stories. 
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And remember that you’re no less of a writer or creator for struggling to mold your ideas into a plot line!
Writing is a craft and we all pave our own ways.
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roleplay-cafe · 4 years
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For all my writers struggling with weaponry of the sword variety. 
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roleplay-cafe · 4 years
How to see all reblogged tags on a post
When someone leaves some comments for you in the tags, it can be a difficult to find those nice comments again. Unlike a comment in a reblog, comments in the tags can be annoying to look back on because you have to go back to the reblogged post to see it. Maybe you missed someone asking to be on your tag list because you missed seeing that reblogged post, maybe someone said something really nice that made your day that you need to dig through to find again.
But there’s actually a way to see all tags on a post without skipping around! It took me way too long to figure this out, and I’m just making this little guide here because I’m sure there are other people who didn’t know about this too. 
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*Note: This only works on computers.
Step 1: Click on the human on the top right of your dashboard, then go to settings.
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Step 2: Go to the right hand side of your screen, and click on “Labs”
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Step 3: Enable Tumblr Labs
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Step 4: Scroll down, and enable “Tag Crawler”
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Congrats, you’ve enabled the tag crawler!  Now go to one of your posts, and click on the notes.
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Click the # in the little pop-up…
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Voila, now you can see every single tag people have left on your post!
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roleplay-cafe · 4 years
Let yourself be a beginner. Start something new that interests you, even if you don’t know where it will lead to. Make mistakes. It doesn’t matter how you do it, at least start.
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roleplay-cafe · 4 years
send in meme requests you'd love to see! also planning something for a big milestone ; thank you all for following ❤️
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