romance-addict · 3 years
The more I think about it, the more I like the thought of Voldemort being V from V for Vendetta. Like, with how much of a drama king he is with his grandiose monologues that span pages in the books, I can’t help but imagine him giving V’s introductory speech to Evey, with 47 words that start with V, the TV broadcast speech, and the final showdown speech with Creedy about bullets and bulletproof ideas. 
He would be absolutely stellar 🤩 and even Harry couldn’t deny how good he would look and sound doing it.
Hell, now I kind of want a Tomarrymort featuring V for Vendetta AU, with Voldemort as V, Dumbledore as Adam Sutler, Harry as Evey, the Order as the Ear, the Mouth, the Finger and the Nose... I can just imagine Voldemort blowing things up while laughing manically, torturing Harry in order to free him from his fear, being all philosophical and anarchistic with his “People shouldn’t be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people”.😍
Of course, we would have to change the ending and make Voldemort live, because I’m a sucker for happy endings, but other than that, placing HP characters in the movie plot of V for Vendetta would be absolutely amazing.
Chef’s kiss!👌
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romance-addict · 3 years
As an avid Tomarrymort shipper, who loves both parties of the ship equally, Tom/Voldemort and Harry (not necessarily their canon depictions), I admit that I’m biased about them (as a couple as well as individually). 
While I do my best to avoid content that annoys/unsettles/depresses/angers me whenever these two are involved it is inevitable for me to accidentally stumble across things that manage to upset me. 
I’m aware that not everyone will see things my way about ships and fictional characters and I (grudgingly) respect that, but it would be unrealistic (and hypocritical) to say that I don’t feel like raging whenever I stumble upon undesirable content. 
Oh, my rage would never be overtly targeted at the person who wrote the upsetting things, I would never write anything hateful to the person or negatively interact with their content (after all it’s their content, their platform, and they can say what they please without feeling like they can’t say something for fear of getting hate), but I would rant on my own in my room, until the worst of my dissatisfaction was over and, if I felt brave enough (like now), voice my discontent in an abstract way on the internet on my own platform.
So, what’s all this about... well, I found a few tumblr posts discussing Tomarry and not being the biggest fans of the ship (if at all) and being in favour of one character more than the other from the ship. 
Again, the logical part of my brain is telling me that it’s normal for different people to like and dislike different things - just like the saying goes: a hundred people; a hundred tastes - and that I’m ridiculous for getting emotional over fictional characters, but the emotional part of my brain is telling me that what I’ve read in those posts is blasphemy and hypocrisy at its finest, or at the very least, the way certain things were presented rubbed me the wrong way. 
For example: 
Discussing Tom and Harry’s similarities (which are used as a basis for this pairing). 
Apparently, they don’t have many or, if they do, they’re more of a technical and superficial nature rather than of any real significance that could be used as a base to build a plausible romantic relationship. According to them, Tom and Harry’s childhood situations were nothing alike, because Harry hadn’t grown up in the middle of a war like Tom and had a Gringotts vault filled with money and was famous unlike Tom who was dirt poor and had been presumed a muggleborn nobody/penniless orphan. 
Oh, they acknowledge neither of them receiving any love from their respective guardians, but apparently Harry had it better than Tom. Forget that he didn’t have his own clothes until he started Hogwarts, suffered from neglect, malnutrition, emotional/verbal and mild physical abuse at the Dursleys, treated like a freak for being a wizard, being made to live in a cupboard for ten years. Nothing Harry went through can compare to surviving what Tom went through at the orphanage and during the war. 
Now, is spending your summers at the orphanage while world war II is raging around you horrible? Fuck yeah. It’s terrible and scary, since you never knew when something deadly could drop on you and kill you. But guess what, Tom technically spent the Blitz at Hogwarts, because if you look at the dates for “The Blitz” on Wikipedia (7 September 1940 - 11 May 1941), it basically covered Tom’s third year and since Tom only spent the summers at the orphanage well... according to the Wikipedia, there was no way for him to have personally experienced the worst of the bombing in Muggle London. I’m no expert on World War II and how many bombs the Germans dropped on British soil and at what exact intervals, but if you only look at those dates, you can clearly see that Tom was spared the worst of world war II.
Does that mean that his fear of dying during the summer after year 3 is invalid and improbable? Hell no. The chances, however small, of him dying could still have turned against him and he had every reason to fear death, as well as being recruited by the Home Guard, formed in 1940, which encouraged men as young as 17 to join as the last line of defence. Hell, he could have been recruited into Dad’s Army at 16 because with how much Mrs Cole disliked him, she could’ve easily signed him up for it, because on 27 September 1942, the minimum age for a boy soldier was lowered to 16 and Tom turned 16 that same year on New Year’s Eve.
However, to suggest that Tom’s circumstances and situation make Harry’s circumstances and situation pale in comparison is like saying that if you don’t suffer certain types of abuse that you aren’t really abused or can’t be traumatised in the same way. Like, why should we even compare this? Both Harry and Tom were abused, both of them suffered great emotional distress as children, they both didn’t have things of their own, they both suffered from malnutrition, they were both ostracized, they were both mistreated by peers and adults.
Just because Tom never reached the level of fame at Hogwarts upon entry as Harry, that doesn’t mean that Harry was treated well by students and teachers. Hell, people acted all creepy about Harry and his supposed heroism... like they didn’t even treat him like an actual person with thoughts and feelings. Just how some people still treat celebrities in real life. Fame and hero worship are, in a way, another form of ostracism. The moment he said something controversial that didn’t sit well with them, what did they do? Slander him, harass him, invent crazy shit about him. Hell, when he spoke Parseltongue, people looked at him like he was a serial killer ready to slaughter Muggleborns at Hogwarts.
I don’t doubt that the pureblood pricks in Slytherin gave Tom a hard time and called him mudblood and bullied him for his presumed blood status and his financial status, but Tom was vicious and didn’t hold back when it came to defending himself. If he kept children at the orphanage in check by killing Billy’s rabbit and messing with Amy and Denis’ heads, then he could have been vicious with his Slytherin peers. Maybe his methods wouldn’t have worked on older Slytherins but who knows. 
In any case, both Tom and Harry had fucked up childhoods and summer holidays, had people treat them like garbage and let us not forget that Voldemort himself had mentioned how similar they were in many ways. 
Tom and Harry’s equality
What does it mean to be equal to someone? Equality could come in a variety of ways: biological age, sex, gender, intelligence, personality, mind-set, beliefs, values, social status, blood status, life experiences. Apparently, if it weren’t for the prophecy and Harry being the Chosen One, Tom and Harry could never be equals. Not only is there a massive age gap between them, but because of that same age difference, their life experiences, knowledge and magical power would never be on an equal footing without involving time travel. Do you know who apparently is Voldemort’s equal (according to some)? An obscure Pureblood contemporary from Slytherin. Just because he might have known the circumstances behind Voldemort’s situation (the orphan status, the poverty, the blood status, etc) doesn’t mean he actually knew how being in Tom’s position actually felt. They might come from the same era and the same Hogwarts house, but they most certainly don’t have remotely similar/equal experiences to even suggest that some random rich Pureblood dude from Slytherin knows more or is more of Tom’s equal than Harry because of that. It’s like saying that because you’re someone’s classmate you are more deserving of being their partner than a potential several-years-younger partner the person might choose. Just because you go to the same school and are of the same age doesn’t make you an equal, just like how people of the same ages go through different shit in their lives. Some might have a job, some may be jobless, some may have spouses and kids, some may not have either, some may live on their own, some may still live with their parents, etc. You get the drift.
Sure, by the time Harry was born, Voldemort had already travelled the world, experimented with all kinds of magic and was on his way to winning a bloody war. What could he possibly have in common with Harry at that point? It isn’t until he decides to “prevent” the prophecy from happening (really, Tom, you should have read Oedipus Rex before you went and decided to go against the prophecy, you would’ve seen that nothing good happens when you try to go against prophecies, because then you make them come true), that he marks Harry as an equal and even then one is left wondering in what way. Harry is still 54 years younger than Voldemort and with far less experience in life and knowledge of magic. However, by going after Harry, Voldemort made Harry his equal. Maybe Harry could never have been Tom’s equal, but after Voldemort attacked him, he was... at least in Voldemort's eyes.
Harry may never experience the things that Voldemort experienced (orphanage, war), he may never be Voldemort’s peer, but damn it, he wouldn’t have come even close to it, if Voldemort hadn’t killed his parents. Granted, it was Dumbledore who condemned Harry to a miserable childhood by leaving him at the Dursleys, but Tom’s actions led to this so... 🤷‍♀️ 
Again, if Tom and Harry are equals, it’s because of Voldemort’s decision to go after Harry and he had to have had a reasoning (however superficial) to pick Harry and not Neville, so really, it’s not that the prophecy makes Harry special, it was Voldemort, who decided to make him special.
Tom and Harry’s compatibility 
In another post, Tom and Harry’s compatibility is brought into question. Apparently, Tom/Voldemort could never find anything remotely attractive about Harry to pursue a genuine romantic/sexual relationship, because they’re just too different - at least their morals - and Harry would hinder Voldemort with “killing is bad; don’t kill” spiel.
I may love Tom and sympathise with his horrible treatment at the hands of so many people, but if we’re going to call Merope, who also suffered terribly at the hands of her father and brother, out for drugging and raping Tom’s father, and Harry for almost killing Draco with an unknown lethal spell in a heat of a duel, using the Cruciatus on Bellatrix and one of the Carrows and the Imperius on a goblin, then yeah we can absolutely call Voldemort out on how he went about dealing with his anger as a kid, teen and an adult. 
I love Tom/Voldemort, but I also don’t pretend he’s a saint. The same goes for Harry. I love him, but he’s no saint. They can both be mean and cruel. They can both be hotheaded and impulsive. The difference is that Harry isn’t actively trying to kill anyone (he talked big in PoA about Sirius, but yeah... in the end he didn’t even let Pettigrew get killed so... there’s that) while Voldemort is actively killing and trying to kill people who oppose him (not just Harry). Harry could have killed Voldemort with the Killing curse or any other lethal curse, but instead he decided to do so indirectly through Expelliarmus and making the Killing curse rebound. 
Also... I find it hypocritical for people to want to see character development yet in the same breath yell OOC for characters who go through significant change in character, be it Harry or Voldemort, either because of the drastic change in their circumstances or because they become a couple. I can understand people getting upset over enormous changes in behaviour and personality traits when they happen in a very short amount of time (see: a week or so), but if it takes anywhere from 18 to 254 days for a person to form a new habit and an average of 66 days for a new behavior to become automatic and for personality to be susceptible to change several times over a single life span then I don’t get how people expect for Harry and Voldemort to remain unchanged (whether separately or as a couple) if the fic spans months, years, decades or even centuries. If anything, I would say them remaining static or going through little change is unrealistic as fuck. At this point it’s much more believable to write Voldemort who is a happy, peaceful and sympathetic person and a loving, devoted husband and father who practices Shintoism/Buddhism/yoga or whatnot than the same angry, hateful and murderous person as in canon.
I love Dark Harry and Too-Nice-to-be-realistic Harry. I love Violent/Murderous Tom/Voldemort and I love Redeemed/Not-Evil Tom/Voldemort. Whether the redemption comes from Harry’s influence and Tom’s love for him or simply having a better childhood than he had in canon and consciously making a better choice instead of choosing torture or murder whenever he encounters significant opposition, I don’t care. But to suggest that Harry, who isn’t okay with murder as a coping mechanism, should inherently and automatically be fine with accepting Voldemort’s murdering tendencies for the ship to work or for Voldemort to find Harry attractive or consider him as a worthwhile partner is very shallow thinking.
Harry can disagree with Voldemort on how he goes about things and still love and support his husband. Voldemort can disagree with Harry’s view on things and still find him attractive and a worthy partner to spend his life with. Just because their views don’t align in every aspect, doesn’t make them any less compatible as a couple, because even in real life you don’t always agree with your partner and that doesn’t make you any less worthy of their love or them less worthy of yours. So, for some to say that Bellatrix or any other Death Eater character has automatically a better compatibility because they’re equally dark and murder-happy as Voldemort or that don’t judge, condemn or challenge him or his actions and that’s what Voldemort wants because he’s who he is is like saying that if someone you know and care about has an eating disorder (anorexia or bulimia) that you’re there encouraging them to keep having that disorder instead of seeking medical help. It’s like saying: yeah, you want to vomit after every meal, sure, go ahead, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it. Oh you want to starve yourself? Yeah, go ahead, who need calories anyway, am I right? Or if someone suffered from self-hatred, did self-harm and had suicidal thoughts? Oh, you want to kill yourself, that’s so amazing. Please do that. I support you 100%. You want to harm yourself, here, have this knife, I just sharpened it. Please, let me look, while you make yourself bleed (please, note the sarcasm and the absurdity of previous statements).
The same should apply here. Why would you want Voldemort to stay the same murder and torture happy person, when it should be in his best interest to want to change how he goes about things? I’m not saying he should suddenly become a human right’s activist or a humanitarian or a politician and go about things the “right” or “legal” way, I’m just saying that if he’s already going to kill, let it have meaning, let it have purpose, and while Harry may not like it, he could eventually come to understand and accept that sometimes violence and assassinations are the only answer to achieve something, but still feel uncomfortable about it. It’s not as if Harry will stay an emotional teenager with black-and-white morality forever.
Adults change. Sometimes there’s an external incentive for that change and sometimes it’s a conscious decision because it benefits the person or it’s simply the right thing to do. And sometimes people change because of time. It’s ridiculous to expect Voldemort and Harry to always be the same, think the same, act the same whether as individuals or as a couple. So yeah, just because Harry and Voldemort are a hero/villain ship with a large age gap doesn’t mean that they aren’t compatible or don’t have things in common. 
Loving one character more than the other (in this case loving Tom more than Harry)
Like I said. I like both equally, I want both of them to be happy (on their own and together), I write fics from both their perspectives, sometimes one character’s perspective is more prevalent than the other, usually it’s a narrative choice, and one character’s perspective will suit the story better than the other’s etc. I also understand liking and disliking characters from a ship (as individual characters or as a couple), but to be like: Tom is my baby, he’s the best, I know he’s done some horrible shit, but he’s been through so much and Harry is a terrible friend, has anger issues, is the Chosen One and rich because of who his father was and that’s awful, I hate him... that’s where you fucking lose me. 
During the entire series Harry is a fucking teen, just because he fights in a war and becomes a legal adult according to the wizarding law at 17, doesn’t mean he’s not a fucking teen that’s still developing and maturing biologically, emotionally and mentally. It’s said that the human brain is maturing until we reach 25. So yeah, he’s going to fuck shit up, intentionally or unintentionally. He’s going to make some terrible and questionable decisions and learn consequences to his actions the hard way. Voldemort on the other hand is 70 by the end of the series, his brain has reached its peak. He’s had decades to improve and change himself to be the best version of himself, to learn the basic principle that for every action there’s an equal reaction, and did he do that? No. Does that make me love him less as a character? Hell no, but again for someone to be all heart eyes for Tom and him alone and whatever minor, obscure secondary character from the same series or a character from some other series you ship him with is ridiculous to me.
Then again just like how I ship Tomarrymort and don’t really understand or like other ships involving either Harry or Tom, no matter their arguments, I suppose people no matter the arguments I present will still firmly like and defend their own ships... and that’s fine. I don’t want to fight with other people, I’ve had to listen to too many discussions of the same kind over and over in real life to see that nothing good can come out of it when both sides firmly believe their arguments and don’t even consider the other side, so yeah. Ship what you want, I still am not going to like your ships if it features Tom and Harry with other people, but other than have rants in the privacy of my room and this little corner of the internet, I don’t wish to start any fights.
(Damn, that was long, but I got to let off some steam and now I’m good again.😇)
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romance-addict · 3 years
Like, damn! 
Another two medals for Japan in skateboarding at the Olympics in the women’s category. The gold medal for Sakura Yosozumi (JPN) and the silver medal for Kokona Hiraki (JPN). There was almost a queen sweep if Misugu Okamoto placed third instead of fourth but, damn!
Now we just need the men to compete tomorrow and just maybe, the Japanese can take another gold in skateboarding. Like, four for four. It would be surreal.
To think the Japanese were this good and talented in skateboarding? Unbelievable.
Another day where Ainosuke would be losing his shit and just maybe, he would be like: Tadashi, I’ve made a decision. I’m going to participate as a skater in the next summer Olympics and I’m going to be the Olympic champion in both skating events for men.
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romance-addict · 3 years
Unbreakable Bond - Tadashi/Ainosuke
Here’s my contribution for @tadaaiweek that I was rambling about in an earlier post.
Summary: Tadashi and Ainosuke have been a constant presence in each other’s lives for as long as they could remember. They were brothers, friends and lovers. They were everything to each other. Even when their pride, pain and stubbornness almost ruined the unbreakable bond that they had forged as children. Even when they were separated by an ocean.
A story of love, family, friendship, loyalty, intrigue, revenge and family drama, spanning twenty-four years and with Tadashi and Ainosuke in the centre of it all.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32961583/chapters/81807415
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romance-addict · 3 years
I’m listening to Phil Collins’ “Son of Man” and imagining a Tarzan AU with Tadashi and Ainosuke. 
Who do you think would be Tarzan and who would be “Jane”?
My imagination puts Tadashi as Tarzan (because Tarzan doesn’t really speak human and Tadashi doesn’t speak much in general) and Ainosuke as “Jane” (because he’s rich and likes to explore exotic places - if one counts his interest in Spain as exotic and the fact that he would pick an active volcano as a date site). 
Then there’s also the infamous Tarzan yell. 😂 Oh my God, could you imagine Tadashi yelling like that? 😂 And Ainosuke getting aroused by it? 😂 Oh, and Tadashi inspecting Ainosuke and trying to court him gorilla-style and mate with him and Ainosuke being super into it. Or Tadashi teaching Ainosuke how to vine-swing. 🤣
Priceless and hilarious. 🤣
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romance-addict · 3 years
me: *sees Tadaai week is happening the first week of August* Oh my god! This is so amazing and exciting! 😍🥰🤗
my brain: *sees the prompts* I like this one... and this one... oh, you could write this with this one. Yo, let’s participate!
me: Should I make a one shot for each day?😇
my brain: You could, but guess what would be even better than seven separate stories?
me: What?
my brain: One big story involving most of the prompts you want to write about!😎
me: How big? 😅
my brain: A trilogy! 😈
me: 😨😰😱😵🤯🥴💀 I won’t be able to write the entire trilogy in time! And does it have to be a trilogy, can’t I just do a duology? Why are you doing this to me?! 😭😭😭
my brain: If you can’t write the entire thing, just write the first part and you can take it more easy with the rest of it. Also, it doesn’t really matter whether it’s a duology or trilogy as long as the story is about Tadashi and Ainosuke having their well-deserved love story with some compelling OC characters that the readers don’t hate, and you better inlcude Mpreg, bitch, because those two gorgeous men deserve to have a kid with their genes, okay? Not to mention that you should definitely ruin Ainosuke’s paternal family.
me: *frantically takes notes, uses her brain meat, comes up with characters and a plot for 8 chapters, starts writing* I can do this! 
Two days until 1 August 
me: *ugly sobbing* 😭😭😭😭😭I CAN’T DO THIS! There’s no way I can do this by 7 August! I’m so fucking slow! I’m not even done with chapter 4! I also completely messed up the timeline and events before and during canon by giving Ainosuke a friend and a roommate during his stay in America, who studies psychology and is a native from Spain, including Ainosuke’s mama and making her into the “badass boss bitch mama bear” that she is (because Ainosuke definitely takes after his mother), there are supernatural elements that will probably sound like a cheap plot device, and there’s no “S”. 
I swear, with how I set up things, the anime doesn’t happen at all, because it wouldn’t fit with the character arcs I’ve created for Tadashi and Ainosuke, but I still found a way for Ainosuke to interact with the rest of the main cast and still be his eccentric, kinky, dramatic, over-the-top and violent self, who doesn’t give a shit about reputation and just wants to be himself, but like he isn’t violent with Reki or Cherry or any skater, but rather he’s violent with corrupt politicians and he’s a beast and a savage in politics and every corrupt politician is afraid of him, because he will destroy them to protect his people, as well as advance himself in the political hierarchy until he’s the Prime Minister because the people of Japan absolutely adore him and vote for him every fucking time.🥺🥺🥺
my brain: What are you so worried about? From what you’re telling me, you’re doing wonderful, darling. Everything sounds great so far. At the end of the day... it’s fiction. Fan fiction. And you’re allowed to write fan fiction of your favourite shows and even your own fan fiction, because it’s fun. 🥰 
me: Yeah, but what if nobody likes the story? What if the characters end up being too out of character? 😭
my brain: There’s no way nobody will not like your story. You’re just showing love to your favourite characters by helping Ainosuke find the strength to fight back his aunts, have friends, a lover and be the best version of himself that he can be without sacrificing aspects that make him him and by giving Ainosuke and Tadashi a happily ever after they deserve. 
And people who love these two will appreciate you for that.
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romance-addict · 3 years
A while back I saw some fan art featuring Adam in a mariachi suit and I can’t stop thinking of Ainosuke dressed up as a mariachi, singing a serenata for Tadashi at “S” in front of everybody, changing a couple of lines of the song to fit Tadashi, because the original (Cielito Lindo) talks about black eyes (ojitos negros), so Ainosuke would change it to green eyes (ojitos verdes), and when it talks about a birthmark near the lips (ese lunar que tienes junto a la boca), Ainosuke would change it to birthmark near your eye (ese lunar que tienes junto a tu ojo).🥺🥺
The most awkward thing about it would probably be nobody but Tadashi understanding what the hell is going on (because knowing Ainosuke’s love for anything related to Spain, Tadashi took up Spanish lessons in his free time), but they kind of infer that it’s something romantic/embarrassing because Tadashi is blushing like crazy under his red cap and by the end of it, Ainosuke is bending Tadashi backwards to kiss him with passion.🥰
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romance-addict · 3 years
Another historical moment for Japanese skateboarding at the Olympics. This time it’s thanks to Momiji Nishiya (JPN), who won the gold in the women’s skateboarding competition and she’s only 13 years old!! 🎉🎉🎉 (imagine Miya Chinen in that situation.) Amazing!! Congratulations!! Double Japanese win!🎆🎆🎆
Oh, and let’s not forget the bronze medal as well that went to Funa Nakayama (JPN). 
Ainosuke as commentator would be losing his shit again not only over another gold medal, but two medals in one day. He would be so happy, he would end up opening champagne in the commentator booth and having a mini celebration with Tadashi, which may or may not involve kissing, touching and sex.
And they may or may not still be live for some of it. 
Imagine Ainosuke getting handsy with Tadashi while they are still live and despite his best efforts not to pant and moan, Tadashi ends up doing just that, Ainosuke ends up talking dirty to him and in like a minute or two, they are trending on social media for getting steamy on live TV. 🤣 
Not only that... imagine some of the article titles in the official press:
“Diet member Shindo Ainosuke celebrates another skateboarding gold for Japan by getting hot and heavy with his secretary on live TV”
“Bachelor Shindo Ainosuke in a passionate relationship with his male secretary!”
“Okinawan politician Shindo Ainosuke unleashes his passion on live TV!”
“After Nishiya wins gold, romance unleashes between Shindo Ainosuke and Kikuchi Tadashi”
“Celebratory frenzy or true love: Shindo Ainosuke gets steamy with Kikuchi Tadashi on live TV!”
“Skateboarding TV ratings skyrocket after a heated display of emotions between the commentators”
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romance-addict · 3 years
Oh my god, so I watched the skateboarding finale event at the Olympics in Tokyo and I’m so fucking happy to see that Yuto Horigome (JPN) won the gold.😭😭😭 I was rooting for him the whole time and was really on edge to see how he would do. 
Also, I’ve seen somebody on Twitter say that apparently the VA for Adam (Koyasu) was the narrator for the event and after listening really hard to the highlight video on YouTube there is an instance, where I think I hear him, but it might just be my imagination, so if a clip comes out with better raw audio footage to confirm it, that would be absolutely awesome.
Anyway, I would be so happy if that was true because like... Adam is commentating skateboarding at the Olympics.😍 And even if he isn’t, oh my god, can you just imagine Ainosuke and Tadashi commentating the entire thing for the Japanese TV?
Like, they would of course comment on the tricks, a bit about the athletes’ achievements and background (with Tadashi doing most of the research, of course) and the scoring system (since it’s the first time they’re trying something like that for the Olympics), but also like... Ainosuke would be totally flirting with Tadashi on live TV, with Tadashi at one point being “Please behave, Ainosuke-sama. We’re on live television right now.” 😆 (Granted, his aunts better not be in the picture anymore or watching that broadcast and if they are... oh, I hope they get a fucking stroke.)
And then, when Yuto wins, imagine Ainosuke just yelling into the mic, all emotional that Japan took the gold at the first skateboarding olympic event ever, hugging Tadashi.
I mean... I will certainly use that in a fic somewhere soon (hopefully). I just can’t not make it happen in a canon-divergence AU story for these two, where Tokyo Olympic Games are a thing.😄
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romance-addict · 3 years
The more I think about it the more it makes sense to me in my head for teenage Ainosuke to listen to Marilyn Manson. Given how repressed he is and desperate for a way to be himself, I feel like Marilyn Manson’s music and his shocking music videos would speak to him on some soul-deep level and maybe as Adam in his adulthood he emulates some of that in his skating persona.
I mean, just imagine Ainosuke screaming the chorus of “The Fight Song” or “This is the New Shit”.
Another band that I think Ainosuke would greatly enjoy is Diablo Swing Orchestra. He would listen to both on full blast to drown out all the bad thoughts in his head and forget about his family and all the expectations on his shoulders.
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romance-addict · 3 years
I see ADAM from SK8 and Damiano from Måneskin being good friends, since they both give off the same kind of vibe.
Actually, I think that he would befriend the entire band and support their music, since they would totally be his style.
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romance-addict · 3 years
Listening to “Without Me” by Eminem made me think of Adam. Like... it’s his song. It’s over the top, troll-like, controversial, but you can’t help but sing along and bob your head to it, just like Adam. 
I love him even though he makes me uncomfortable sometimes with his antics.
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romance-addict · 3 years
Looking forward to this. Can’t wait to see all the new material for these two pop up, maybe I’ll find the time to write something as well. Really like the prompts 😃
Here is the list for the prompts! Expanding on the og post with visuals. For those who would need a small push of inspiration, here are what they inspire to the mod team! Have fun!
Day 1
Canon : Memories. For example, childhood/highschool fic, anything that could have happened before the start of the show.
AU : fairytales and myths. Example : CINDEREKI AU, but also beauty and the beast AU, Vampires/merfolks AUs, medieval fantasy AU, Greek Myths AU.
NSFW : Firsts. First times. Anything goes.
Day 2
Canon : Separation. Includes what happened while Ainosuke was in America, maybe a metaphorical separation? after what happened with the burning board incident.
AU : Historical AU. Could also mean: Prince/Knight AU, Samurai AU, Victorian AU, Gangster in the 30s’ AU...any kind of historical period!
NSFW: Ties. hm. I wonder, what kind of ties? Tadashi’s liliac ties? Or...something to tie him to bed? (Or perhaps Ainosuke??) You get the drift.
Day 3
Canon : Healing. It can be from physical wounds (skating is dangerous!) or less visible pain, or even their relationship slowly healing after the finale to what it was before…<3
AU : Soulmate. Be wild!
NSFW : Obedience. Who’s gonna be a good boy?
Day 4
Canon : Shall we dance? The only question is: will they skate as well?
AU : What if…? All you canon divergent AU ! what if they are genderbent? What if Ainosuke never left? What if Tadashi never forfeited??? WHAT IF TADASHI TURNS INTO A DOG
NSFW : a/b/o.
Day 5
Canon : Jealousy
AU : Contemporary AU. All your coffee shop AU / flower shop AU / tattoo artist AU /non ‘S‘AU / that happens in a modern setting.
NSFW : Rough/ Gentle
Day 6
Canon : Weddings & Honeymoons. Where would they go ?
AU : Sci fi AU
NSFW : Pet play. Who’s a good dog?
Day 7 : Free day !!
We hope the different prompts will inspire you to celebrate this wonderful ship ! See you in August !
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romance-addict · 3 years
Totally shipping Ainosuke (Adam) and Tadashi (Snake). 😍 
However, it pains me whenever I see them suffer and not communicating properly 😭 I’m glad that, by the end, they seem to have found each other again and improved/rekindled their relationship/friendship but I need more of these two happy. 
Also I’m fine with either of them being the top or bottom in the relationship, but somehow I have a preference for Top Tadashi and Bottom Ainosuke (and in the omegaverse, Alpha Tadashi and Omega Ainosuke). 
I don’t know, with how much shit Ainosuke had to endure from his family, especially his aunts, I think that he deserves to be pampered in the relationship and Tadashi seems more than eager to serve him and take care of him, so yeah. 
But again, I don’t mind the other way around either or them switching. As long as they’re together and happy, I’m fine.
Also I’m considering writing a canon divergence AU fic with those two. I want to explore a bit of their childhood and adolescent years as well as Ainosuke’s time in America. Especially that period of time, because like... imagine if he was in a dorm and he met a psychology student (who is also his roommate) and the psychology student started psychoanalyzing him and they became friends but also client and therapist and like Ainosuke actually mentally benefits from his study abroad and when he comes back to Japan (after finishing his degree), he’s like in a good mental place and with said friend as his therapist and PR manager. I’m itching for some jealous Tadashi with yandere tendencies (in regards to Ainosuke’s aunts especially. I want to see those bitches suffer and pay for messing my poor baby Ainosuke so bad in the first place). 😈
However, I don’t think that starting another project would be a wise idea right now since I already have quite a few WIPs; I don’t want to add more unfinished projects to my repertoire. 😓
Oh well, I guess I’ll have to write for them whenever I can. 😃 Maybe by the time their appreciation week comes along in August I’ll have something ready to post on my AO3 account. 😉
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romance-addict · 3 years
I haven’t watched SK8 The Infinity except for a few scenes, but after seeing Adam in his matador suit and being so over the top in his looks and attitude I had an epiphany: he resembles the Joker... in a way. Like the visual and the crazy attitude are all there.
No? Okay, I’ll stop.
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romance-addict · 6 years
HP Fanfiction - What I like in Tomarry/Harrymort
So ... It’s been a while since I wrote a blog and I haven’t made much progress with my Master Thesis either, but I am proud to say that I started writing (and posting) a Voldemort/Female Harry fanfiction on AO3. (If you want to read it, you can look me up by typing A_Perverted_Romance_Addict or Aya Potter and The Dark Lord into the AO3 search engine.) 
Since the last blog was me ranting about the things that I hate in Tomarry/Harrymort, I thought I would post a blog telling you about some of the things that appeal to me when I read Tomarry/Harrymort fanfiction. 
A recent favourite is forced or arranged marriage, but sadly, the fics I’ve come across featuring this trope aren’t exactly handling the trope the way I would prefer it, but I love the idea of Voldemort (yes, I’m referring to the snake-like, red-eyed, nose-less, hairless Voldemort, not the pretty boy/man version of him) “forcing” (female) Harry into marriage, either because he’s already smitten with him/her or ends up developing deep feelings and vice versa.  Usually this trope is accompanied by a lot of drama and I’m honestly not a big fan of drama (especially if it’s pointless) so if this trope was treated with more comedy and fluff instead of drama and angst, I would greatly enjoy it. (I already have a fanfic idea for this trope, exactly how I like it, so when it will be done, I will share it with the rest of the world, if the law will permit me.)
I adore a well-written Dumbledore, Molly, Ron, Ginny-bashing because recently I’ve started to see these characters in a negative light and now that I think back on some of their actions as an adult, I can’t help but feel like they should be addressed by fans in fics. Okay, sometimes I do get tired of reading Ginny as nothing but a girl/woman obsessed with Harry’s fame/money. But Molly and Ron ... I don’t know. After reading several fanfics where the meeting between the Weasleys and Harry at King’s Cross was arranged and planned to influence Harry and his views on the wizarding world, I can’t get it out of my head anymore.
If there is bashing of the characters that are mentioned above, it will usually feature Dark or at least morally gray Harry, who is also powerful as fuck, which is always a treat to me. Like ... give me powerful Harry because he really needed to kick some ass in the original book series.
And finally, because I often times wish the canon could have developed or been handled differently, I am a huge fan of alternative universes, where a scene or larger chunks of the canon get a different perspective or get rewritten completely. Whether it changes Harry’s gender, adds a sibling or two, adds depth to Voldemort, or uses time-travel to get our pairing together, I enjoy them because it’s an interpretation or a rewrite of fans who were left unsatisfied with the original content. (That is why whatever HP fanfiction I will write, there will ALWAYS be some point in the plot, where I’m going to completely deviate from the canon material. And I’m not ashamed of doing it one bit.)
If I write another post on HP Fanfiction, it will most probably be a rant again, but I don’t know when I’ll be writing it. As you’ve probably noticed, I’ve not been very active recently. So, goodbye until next time.
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romance-addict · 6 years
Damn, that’s hot. Wish I could see more. 🤤
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