rose--nebula · 4 years
Wherever You Are (Ch 1/?)
Rating: Teen 
Relationship: Ten x Rose
Summary: A post-GITF sick-fic UA. What if Rose had come away with more than nightmares after her run-in with the clockwork droids? What if her trust in the Doctor had been so fractured that she’d been afraid to tell him? And what if that broken trust might just lead to a dangerous situation for Rose? Will the Doctor be able fix it in time?
Notes: Hi lovely people! So this is chapter 1 of my submission for the @doctor-rose-events Classic Tropes event. It’s a bit darker than anything I’ve written in a while, and it deals with the effect of broken trust and abandonment after that confounded episode (SCREW YOU MOFFAT, AND HUZZAH FOR THE HORSE THAT REFUSED TO LET YOU RIDE IT). Trigger warning for non-explicit DV, self-loathing, PTSD, medical emergency (which will come later). This is a sick-fic, with lots of hurt-comfort, a surprise guest or two, loads of telepathy and some seriously difficult introspection. I am an unabashed Doctor x Rose shipper, I love Ten X Rose, but the Doctor we got in this stupid episode was a complete jerk and if we want the babies to be ok, they need to deal with the train-wreck that Moffat wrote. The Doctor needs to do some serious thinking and repair Rose’s trust in him because in this ep, he sucked. This is my attempt to do that in a rather dramatic and different way. Many, many thanks to @rose–nebula for the multiple read-throughs, wonderful beta and talking me off the ledge and/or setting this whole fic on fire. You’re the best! <3
“Right, you two, that’s enough lying about. Time we got the rest of the ship turned off.”
Rose stared in shock and confusion as the restraints were removed, the disabled droids frozen above her, blades out. Her heart still pounding in terror, she bit back her disbelieving questions and demands for an explanation and forced herself to shift slowly off the table and stand, gently working her burning muscles. 
Mickey wasn’t anywhere near as subtle, groaning and grumbling as he worked out the aches and pains. The Doctor didn’t seem to notice, though, dashing around and chattering about thick robots and milometers and thirty-seven years. And her- Madame de Pompadour.
She inhaled quietly, trying to keep a firm hand on her roiling emotions.
So far, the Doctor didn’t seem at all bothered to find them strapped to a table with killer robots intent on hacking them to pieces. When he’d first arrived, seemingly drunk and uncaring, she’d thought that his indifference was a ruse, that he was trying to catch the robots off-guard before destroying them with the anti-oil. Only, now that it was over, he hadn’t even bothered to check them over. He hadn’t even asked if they were alright, if they’d been hurt, or anything . He always asked, he always cared. Or at least he had , and now he was acting as if they’d just had tea in the TARDIS and there was nothing to bother about at all.
He hadn’t even looked her in the eye. 
When she thought of how different it had been before he’d changed, her throat closed with pain and looming dread. Before, he’d been frantic after every close call and determined to ensure she hadn’t come to any harm, blaming himself if she got so much as a scratch (and disguising it in a lengthy lecture on the evils of fragile humans wandering off).
And now…
She exhaled, forcibly pushing the thoughts away. So he didn’t have time to bother about her just now- they were in a bit of a tight spot, she told herself. There wasn’t time. That was all.
She swallowed.
Trouble was, that was hard to believe when he’d still found time to insult her for being angry about being strapped to a table while he’d been off partying with the king’s bit on the side. He’d had time to insult the robots and swish about being smug. He’d had time to make snarky comments about lazing about. He’d had time to rush about being pleased with his own cleverness and ignoring her as best he could. 
He just hadn’t had any time to bother about her. 
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rose--nebula · 4 years
Wtf even is the dwfandomcardexchange?
Hi y’all! I know a lot of you are returners (it always makes me so excited to see folks coming back year after year), but I figured it can’t hurt to have a little info post for any newbies thinking of joining in the wintry fun, or general reminders for our returners. So here is a list of common questions you may have, but if you have a question that I don’t address here, feel free to send an ask to this blog, and I’ll be happy to answer.
What is the general timeline of this event?
Sign-ups will open in late September/early October (depending how well I stay on top of things), and will close at the end of October/early November. I will compile the list of participants into a Google Sheet and share the list with all participants sometime in early November. I recommend getting your cards in the mail by the beginning of December so that we can all enjoy the festive cheer all month long. For sending cards internationally, you may want to consider mailing them in late November, just in case.
Should I be worried about giving out my contact information to virtual strangers?
As a child who grew up with all the internet stranger danger talks, this was a fear of mine when I first started participating. However, I’ve been participating ever since the beginning and I’ve never had an issue, nor have any of our other participants. Nobody shares the contact list with anyone else, nor does anyone creepily stalk you and show up at your house. If an issue ever DOES arise, please please please let me know, and that individual will be blocked from any future exchanges.
And as far as your email address goes, I am the only person who will see that. I will compile the list of names/addresses of the participants and share the Google Sheets link with everyone using the Blind Carbon Copy function, so nobody will be able to see anyone else’s email.
How many people usually participate?
Last year there were 20 participants. 15 of whom lived in the US, and 5 of whom were scattered internationally. I’ve seen upwards of 30 or so participants in the past, it just all depends on the year.
How many people do I have to send a card to?
It would be nice if you could send a card to everybody on the list, but it’s not required (and there is no way for me to enforce this). I definitely understand that buying cards and postage can get expensive. There are usually enough of us that are able to send a card to everybody, so nobody will ever be left out.
Do the cards have to be Christmassy?
Nope! They don’t need to have any religious holiday affiliations to them. It’s nice to keep them wintry-themed, because it’s winter (except for you lot down in the southern hemisphere), but it’s not mandatory that they be Christmassy or wintry.
Do the cards have to be fandomy?
Nope again! Find some cards you vibe with and have at it!
Do the cards need to be store-bought?
Nope again (again)! Homemade cards are just as special and wonderful, and they’re very much welcome! It’s so much fun to see people’s artsy/creative sides.
Do I need to send anything with my card?
In the past, some participants choose to include little goodies (tea bags, stickers, art prints, doodles, etc), but this is NOT mandatory. All you have to do is send a card to the people on the list. It’s nice to jot down a small sentiment, but you don’t need to do any more than that. If you want to add small goodies with your card, that is completely up to you, but it’s not required.
What do I do when I receive a card?
Open it! Grin like an idiot! Bask in the love! Then take and post photos, @ mention the blog and the sender, and use #dwfandomcardexchange (and #username of the sender) within the first five tags of your post so we can all see the beautiful cards and share in the love! (Remember to not share photos that display anyone else’s personal info/address!)
Hopefully this hits all of the most common questions, but again, feel free to send me a message if you think of anything else! I can’t wait to spread the holiday cheer with you all!!
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rose--nebula · 4 years
Double Blind
Characters: Rose Tyler; Tenth Doctor; Reinette; Adam Mitchell
Tags: AU - human; blind date; fluff; romance; humour
Summary: Rose Tyler has been set up on a blind date with a bloke she’s having a lot of misgivings about, but when he arrives, she finds he isn’t anything like she expected him to be.
Notes: This was written as part of a Classic Trope challenge on the Doctor x Rose Discord group. I got “Blind Date”. The story was actually inspired by one of the cute little stories on my French course on DuoLingo! To my brilliant beta team, @rose–nebula and mrsbertucci, my undying gratitude, as always. You got me on the right track more than a few times, and with the amazing @aintfraidanoghosts, you helped me plan out the rough patches. My love to you all! 
Read also at: AO3; FF.net; TSP
Double Blind
Rose Tyler shifted in her seat and straightened the pale blue rose on the white table linens for the umpteenth time. She glanced covertly at the other tables around her: men and women dressed in nice suits and fine fabrics, eating meticulously presented food from china plates. Rose wriggled again, brushing invisible motes of lint from the cuffs of her white blouse, hoping she looked presentable. She told herself she couldn’t look too terribly out of place; the maître ’d hadn’t blinked an eye. 
She had never set foot inside a restaurant this upscale before. They didn’t have posh spots like this near the Powell Estate. But the French restaurant, Révélations, was where her date had insisted they meet. He’d texted her instructions to place a blue rose on the table in front of her so he could identify her when he arrived. The idea of the rose was obvious (her name) and the blue was, according to him, for hope that their date would be “just the first of many”. He hadn’t liked the idea of exchanging photos, which would have made identifying each other simple. He’d informed her that “a blind date is a blind date” and he wanted “to meet without any preconceived notions” or some rubbish like that. But Rose already had preconceived the notion that this bloke was a bit too sure of himself. It was just a bloody first date, after all, blind or not. He sounded like he was already practically planning their wedding.
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rose--nebula · 4 years
What You See
Rating: Teen (trigger warning for non-explicit references to DV)
Pairing: Nine x Rose
Summary: The Doctor knows exactly who and what he is, or so he thinks. Until one Rose Tyler shows him otherwise.
Notes: Helloooooo my lovelies! I wrote this fic for 9/9 but it ended up taking forever to edit and fix because it just wasn’t coming out right. But, better late than never and so here is my belated 9/9 offering, or as @rose–nebula called it, my love letter to Nine. I’m still uncertain about this fic because I wasn’t in a good place when I wrote it, but it’s been gone over VERY thoroughly by the lovely @rose–nebula so I’ll trust her and ignore my brain.As you’ve probably gathered, rose–nebula was absolutely instrumental in bringing this fic to life, because she gave me the original idea of writing a ‘love letter to Nine’, she’s revised and beta’d multiple times (all mistakes are mine, because I can’t help fiddling), helped me brainstorm tags and summaries and literally watched me type and delete words at one point. And so my dear, this fic is for you. Thank you for all of your love and help and support. <3 Happy Nine Month all and now on with the show!
“Forget it.”
“But why not?” Jack marched to the crawl-space and glared down at him. “Why won’t you let the TARDIS translate Gallifreyan for us?”
“Because I said so.” The Doctor shifted under the console and reached for a wire.
“Half the messages around here are in Gallifreyan,” Jack pointed out. “And the TARDIS service messages- at least this way I’d be able to read them!”
“An’ who said you need to read them?” The Doctor rolled his eyes. “The TARDIS can communicate in every language in the universe, and a few that aren’t. If she wants you to know something, you’ll know it.” 
“Oh come on!” Jack protested. “This is ridiculous! If you don’t want to teach us Gallifreyan, fine! But you won’t let the TARDIS do it, and you’ve taken any kind of book on the language or the history of Gallifrey out of the library!” He glared. “There’s not a single book with a glimmer of  useful information on this bus, Doctor. Nothing I can’t find anywhere else, anyway.”
“And?” The Doctor frowned and reached for the soldering iron. “What of it?”
“What of… Doctor, do you understand what an opportunity this is?” Jack demanded in frustration. “To most of the universe, Gallifrey is legend, nothing more than a myth! And here I am travelling with an authentic, one hundred percent prime-pedigree Time Lord who won’t say a damn word about it!”
“Very touching, that.” The Doctor slid out from under the console and stood fluidly, wiping his hands on an oily cloth nearby. “Still won’t change my mind.”
“Why not?”
“Told you why.” The Doctor shrugged into his leather jacket, his eyes boring into Jack all the while. “You’ve no need to, and I said so. And that’s an end to it. Not a zoo exhibit, me.”
“Honestly, Doctor, from the outside it looks like you’re trying to pretend that Gallifrey doesn’t exist.” Jack glared.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” The Doctor’s eyes heated dangerously as the constant, turbulent swells of guilt and sorrow and rage he kept tightly banked started to shift.
“You know it’s true!” Jack dragged a hand through his hair in frustration. “It was your home, for heaven’s sake, you were part of it, and now you’re pretending that it was never even there to begin with!”
“Harkness,” the Doctor growled, tamping it all down. “Enough.”
“I get there was a war, I know that, but this was your home and I’ve never heard you talk about it once, no happy memories, no sad memories, nothing. Just a vacuum. Was it that bad? Did you hate it that much?”
The Doctor’s gaze burned into Jack with all the intensity he tried to hide, the guilt and the rage almost seething against his restraint. 
Jack started, perhaps realising that he’d gone too far.
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rose--nebula · 5 years
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Hello, dear readers and writers of this beloved fandom! We are back and ready to receive the nominations of your favorite Doctor/Rose fics for the Doctor/Rose Fic Awards! All nominations must be in by midnight on March 15, 2020 to be eligible for the May 1 awards.
The categories you can nominate for are:
The Golden Banana - for Excellence in Nine
The Molto Bene Award - for Excellence in Ten
The Just One Heart Award - for Excellence in Tentoo
The Your Fic is Cool Award - for Excellence in Eleven
The Platinum Spoon - for Excellence in Twelve
The Future’s All Girl - for Excellence in Thirteen
The Jelly Baby Award - for Excellence in any other Doctor
The Risking a Paradox Award - for Excellence in Multiple Doctors
The Every Me Loves Every You Award - for outstanding fics featuring Doctor Who actors as other characters
Outstanding One-Shot - for short, one-chapter stories that have that special something
Outstanding Drabble - for one hundred words of wonderful
Outstanding AU - for alternate universes we want to live in forever
The Keyboard Smash Award - for those stories that make us feel so much, we can’t articulate it
This Should Be Canon - for those stories that really should be what actually happened
We’ll Be In Our Bunk Award - for Excellence in Smut
Not Enough Kudos For This - for those underappreciated diamonds in the rough
Please For the Love of Rassilon Write a Sequel - for those completed stories we desperately want more of
We’ll Sell You Our Firstborn To Finish This - for those unfinished stories we desperately want more of (story must have been abandoned for at least one year)
We Need A Dentist Now - for Excellence in Fluff
We Cried Real Tears - for Excellence in Angst
Literal LOL - for those stories that leave us in stitches
The 2am (On A Streetcorner) Award - for those stories we just couldn’t stop reading until we were finished
The Lazarus Award - for great stories that rose from the dead
The Mary Who Award - for stories with an outstanding Original Character
The Time Tot Award - for Excellence in pregnancy/baby/kid fic
The We Ship It Award - for secondary pairings that captured our heart
The Must Read Award - for those fics that are so good they’re on Everyone’s recommended list
You can nominate by sending us a message or ask here with the fic you’re nominating and the category you’re nominating it for, or you can do so on Ao3 by leaving a comment. We are compiling a list of every nominated fic and reading each story carefully. Please remember that with the exception of We’ll Sell You Our Firstborn to Finish This, all fics must be complete by March 15 to be eligible.
When we’ve received your nomination and it’s been added to the list, we will notify you either by replying to your message/comment or by answering your ask. Don’t be discouraged if we don’t respond right away! We don’t automatically get notifications when we’ve gotten nomination, but we’ll be checking in every couple of days.
So dig through those bookmarks and saved fics and tell us what you’ve loved! We can’t wait to read them.
All our love,
Jackie, Osgood, and Idris
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rose--nebula · 5 years
Rating: All ages Pairing: Nine x Rose Summary: It was complicated, and it wasn’t. Words: 300 (3 x 100 word drabbles) Also available on A03 
Notes: For this week’s @timepetalsprompts prompt: Complications This is my very first drabble/collection of drabbles, so feedback is very much appreciated. Hopefully, I didn’t break it….
Rose Tyler was a complicated little human.
He never knew what to expect, could never predict her words or actions. She was so human, so domestic sometimes, chattering about her mum and Mickey and her mate Shareen…and yet she was perfectly suited to life on the TARDIS. She thrived on the adventure, the unexpected danger and having the chance to help, to really make a difference.
She knew the world was bigger than her small corner and welcomed the knowledge. She wasn’t afraid or intimidated by it- she was exhilarated.
She didn’t fit in a box.
She was fantastic.  
Rose Tyler had caused some serious complications in his life.
He liked her, this pink and yellow human with a penchant for adventure. He liked having her around, having her fill the silence in his ship, and blocking the silence in his mind.
He liked her compassion, her zest for life and living. He liked the way her brown eyes burned gold when she was excited or angry, the way she flicked her hair out of her face.
He loved the compassion she showed for everyone she met, even a damaged and dying Dalek.
Hell, even for him.
This was more than a complication.
He was a Time Lord, the last of the Time Lords. He wouldn’t allow himself to become overly attached to this ephemeral, fleeting human. She was like summer lightening- fast and furious, strong and fleeting.
He couldn’t love her.  Of course he didn’t.
Then she’d been taken from him, drugged and her mind almost destroyed. He’d punished those who’d taken her and carried her back to the TARDIS, cradling her close. At that moment, he gave up the fight.
He loved her.
It wasn’t complicated at all.
It was very, very simple.
Rose Tyler was his. 
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rose--nebula · 5 years
Why do you keep writing nine x rose? I looked at your fic on a03 and that is a huge chunk of what you write. I saw some ten x rose but that's not really much better. why do keep writing this things? why not write something new and interesting? We're on the 13th Doctor now, not the 9th. So boring. Do yourself a favour and write something people actually want to read. - a friend
You know, I haven’t received one of these in quite a while. I reenabled anonymous asks on request as it seems to help some people, and I didn’t want to make them pay for the actions of a few jerks. It had been so long that I thought I was safe. Thank you for disabusing me of that notion.
I’m still not turning off anon though. 
I’m also not going to (as I have done in the past) ignore your bullshite, because maybe if you’re called out on your bad behaviour you might think twice about trying it again.
Here’s the thing. I actually don’t care what you think of me or my writing. At all. I don’t know you, and you don’t even have the courage to log in to comment, so I’ve no idea who you are. And in the end it doesn’t matter, because you’re just another person in a long line of bullies sending cowardly messages from the shadows to people who are just doing what they enjoy and sharing it for free.
I write Nine x Rose because that is what I love. I also write Ten x Rose because I love that too. Since I’m the one writing, it is entirely up to me what I write. I do this for free, because I love to write and I love to share with fellow Doctor x Rose shippers. I write about topics I care about, or random inspiration as it hits, because I want to. I am very well aware there is a Thirteenth Doctor, and I enjoy watching the new seasons (Season 12 is shaping up to be especially good). There are plenty of people who write Thirteen fic, and the later Doctors, and that’s great. More power to them. But I don’t want to and I’m not going to. 
I love writing Nine x Rose and Ten x Rose in a multitude of iterations and situations and that is where I am happy to live. It might interest you to know that the actors for Doctors 11-13 have all said they wish they could travel with Rose Tyler. It might also interest you to know that Christoper Eccleston says not only that the Ninth Doctor is in love with Rose, but that he would never travel with any other companion, every time he is asked this question. And he’s been asked it a lot. David Tennant has been very clear on the love between Ten and Rose. So as much as you might dislike the Doctor x Rose fandom and pairing, which is fair enough, you should know that there are many who still love it, including the actors themselves. Don’t insult other people just because you don’t like it.
I’m not Shakespeare, and I don’t pretend my writing is perfect. It’s certainly not for everybody. I know there are lots of people who like it and probably many more who don’t. But that doesn’t give anyone the right to come into my inbox and send hate. You don’t like it, fair enough. I’m sure there’re lots of things out there you’ll like more, and good luck to you. But don’t insult my work and the things I love and then pretend you’re doing it in the name of friendship. That is manipulative, borderline abusive behaviour trying to disguise itself as ‘kindness’ and I will not tolerate it.
You don’t like my stuff? Fine, no problem. Don’t read it. Solved. But don’t come looking for my blog or post rude comments on my fic and expect me to take it, because I won’t. Don’t do it to anyone- there is no excuse for that. If you can’t say anything positive about someone’s work, then, unless you’ve been specifically asked for critical feedback, don’t say anything at all.
Just a little friendly advice- you’ve probably noticed that your browser has a ‘back’ button, and a ‘close’ button. I suggest you use them and find something you do like.
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rose--nebula · 5 years
The Perfect Blend Chapter 1
Characters: Tenth Doctor (aka James Noble); Rose Tyler; Clara Oswald; Amy Pond; Jeanne Poisson; Donna Noble; Sylvia Noble; Wilfred Mott
Tags: Human AU; fake relationship AU; coffee shop AU; stalkerish!Reinette; hurt/comfort; angst; romance; fluff; Christmas; New Year; New Year’s kiss
Story Summary:
Trying to escape from an predatory ex-girlfriend who will not accept their break-up, James Noble (aka The Doctor) finds himself in a coffee shop where he meets a barista (aka Rose Tyler) who makes him the perfect cup of tea and lends a sympathetic ear to his tale of woe.
A gift for my fellow Fangirl and Secret Santa recipient, @lizann5869.
I hope you like it, hon. You offered me loads of brilliant suggestions and prompts to work from, and I produced quite a bit for several of them, but none that felt quite right. Then I looked over your prompt list again, under the category “Tropes I Like” and fake dating was right there! I added a dash of coffee shop AU and this was born.
Merry Christmas!
Many thanks, as always, to my wonderful betas, @rose–nebula  and mrsbertucci. You make me so much better. mrsbertucci is the Empress of Title-Creation: she came to my rescue once again with both the title for this fic and the name of Rose’s coffee shop.
Read also at: AO3; Teaspoon; FF
James Noble peered furtively past the swags of garland, fairy lights, and tinsel to the damp, snowy London evening beyond the coffee shop window.
Nothing. No one there.
He blew a shaky breath past his lips. It had been a narrow escape. He was safe for now, but really, it was only a matter of time before she found him.
He was doomed.
Running a hand through his wild, brown hair, he stepped into line and turned his attention to the menu above the counter, skimming over the bewildering selection of beverages with long, complicated titles and eccentric, festive flavours, piled high with whipped creams and syrups. Any other day he would have relished one of the sweet, creamy concoctions.
But today was different.
Today, he wanted to get back to basics.
Today he wanted to get away from drinks for overbearing people with expensive tastes and the need to impress. Today he wanted to take a break from extravagance and pretensions.
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rose--nebula · 5 years
sir doctor & dame rose
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rose--nebula · 5 years
Hugging His Treasure
Characters: Tentoo; Rose Tyler; Jackie Tyler
Rating: High Teen to Mature; NOT explicit
Tags: Fluff; Hurt/Comfort; Romance; Crack; Mild Whump; Mild Sexual Content; Pregnancy; KidFic; Pete’s World
Summary: The Doctor has devised a plan to prove to Rose how much he loves her on their fifth anniversary. But when do the Doctor’s plans ever go quite the way they were intended?
Notes: So, long story short, a photo was posted by @caedmonfaith with the caption “Imagine your OTP” (link to the add from which the original photo was taken below… in case you don’t want spoilers.) So, I did imagine and then I wrote my imaginings. My mind could have taken it to full-on smut, but this turned out to be fluff and fun, with some gentle whump and a little, mild sexual content.
Please find the photo that started it all right here!
Eternal thanks, as always to @rose–nebula and mrsbertucci, for their brilliant beta work. They pushed me to make this so much better!
Read also at: AO3; FF; Teaspoon (when approved)
The Doctor hid inside his study, listening as the front door squeaked opened and closed, and his single human heart thrashed in his chest. Finally! Rose was home. It seemed he’d been waiting hours for her return, the long-stemmed rose he clenched in his fist wilting a little more with each passing second.
It was their fifth wedding anniversary and he’d managed to convince Jackie and Pete to look after Hope overnight. Weeell, it actually hadn’t taken a lot of convincing… or any at all, if he was being honest. The proud grandparents were only too delighted to look after the toddler, and nine-year-old Uncle Tony couldn’t wait to play all sorts of games with her now that she was able to walk and talk properly.
The best bit was that it was a complete surprise for Rose.
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rose--nebula · 5 years
Length: about 5 minutes
So, inspired by @kelkat9​, who posted an audio copy of one of her fics earlier today, I decided to jump on the proverbial bandwagon and try it for myself. Many attempts later, I got a decentish recording. I still have one or two glitches or dialogue I would like to say a bit differently, but meh, enough is enough! LOL
To give you some perspective on how long I have been “working” on this story (the writing, not the recording), it was a prompt from timepetalsprompts, back when they were active! A Chance Meeting.
Hope you enjoy! It is angsty. Our babies have been going their separate ways in Pete’s World for quite some time… This is a story where they just can’t make it work… at least at the beginning. And goodness knows when I will write the rest, but I do promise a happy ending when I do! :D
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rose--nebula · 5 years
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Doctor Who Meme- Doctor Pairing
This shouldn’t be a huge surprise haha. Though I do also ship the hell out of the Doctor and River, unfortunately there could only be one.
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rose--nebula · 5 years
Hello! Welcome to DoctorRoseFicAwards!
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There are awards for everything these days. There are awards for film, television, radio, photography, journalism… just about anything you can think of, there’s likely an award for it. Yet fanfiction seems to be without anyone to give accolades to the deserving.
We aim to change that - at least for the Doctor/Rose fandom. We are DoctorRoseFicAwards - represented by “Idris”, “Jackie”, and “Osgood” - and we want to make sure that outstanding fanfictions get the recognition they deserve. There is only so much we can do, but we hope to lift up and inspire deserving authors. Our inaugural awards will be announced and given tomorrow, May 1.
Here’s how it works: The categories we will be giving awards in are listed below. You may nominate any fic you choose for any award, as many fics for as many awards as you like. You can do so by commenting on our post on ao3 submitting an ask to our tumblr with the name and author of the fic you’re nominating, along with the award you’re nominating it for. Links are always helpful and appreciated. You are welcome to nominate yourself, but we strongly encourage you to lift up other authors by nominating them, instead. You may nominate fics until August 15, and the fall awards will be given on October 1.
We will acknowledge that the nomination has been received by either replying to your comment or answering your ask on tumblr, then the three of us will read and assess the story. If we decide an award is merited, we will post the award in the fic’s comments and on our tumblr on October 1.
In order to qualify, a fic must feature some form of Doctor and Rose as the primary pairing and must be posted on AO3 or Whofic (Teaspoon). We will not be considering tumblr fics or fics posted to other websites at this time. All fics must be completed and nominated before the August 15th deadline in order to be considered for the October awards.
When you nominate, please be sure to give specifics - the author’s name, the fic you wish to nominate, and the category or categories you wish to nominate it for. Please do not nominate an author’s entire body of work. While we have favorite authors, too, we can only leave comments (and therefore awards) on one fic at a time.
There is no ‘first place’ or runners-up, simply a recognition of excellence by us: a metaphorical gold star for a job well done. Most awards will be given to more than one fic and some fics will earn more than one award. The awards that we’re giving out on May 1 are not comprehensive: the fandom is simply too large and spans so far back we couldn’t possibly award every deserving fic in one go. We’ll be further evaluating older fics as we move on, and urge you to nominate your old favorites as well as your more recent favorites.
The awards we intend to give are as follows:
The Golden Banana - for Excellence in Nine
The Molto Bene Award - for Excellence in Ten
The Just One Heart Award - for Excellence in Tentoo
The Your Fic is Cool Award - for Excellence in Eleven
The Platinum Spoon - for Excellence in Twelve
The Jelly Baby Award - for Excellence in any other Doctor
The Risking a Paradox Award - for Excellence in Multiple Doctors
The Every Me Loves Every You Award - for outstanding fics featuring Doctor Who actors as other characters
Outstanding One-Shot - for short, one-chapter stories that have that special something
Outstanding Drabble - for one hundred(ish) words of wonderful
Outstanding AU - for alternate universes we want to live in forever
The Keyboard Smash Award - for those stories that make us feel so much, we can’t articulate it
This Should Be Canon - for those stories that really should be what actually happened
We’ll Be In Our Bunk Award - for Excellence in Smut
Not Enough Kudos For This - for those underappreciated diamonds in the rough
Please For the Love of Rassilon Write a Sequel - for those completed stories we desperately want more of
We’ll Sell You Our Firstborn To Finish This - for those unfinished stories we desperately want more of (fic must be abandoned for a minimum of one year to qualify)
We Need A Dentist Now - for Excellence in Fluff
We Cried Real Tears - for Excellence in Angst
Literal LOL - for those stories that leave us in stitches
The 2am (On A Streetcorner) Award - for those stories we just couldn’t stop reading until we were finished
The Lazarus Award - for great stories that rose from the dead
The Mary Who Award - for stories with an outstanding Original Character; No Mary Sues here!
The Time Tot Award - for Excellence in pregnancy/baby/kid fic
The We Ship It Award - for secondary pairings that captured our heart
The Must Read Award - for those fics that are so good they’re on Everyone’s recommended list
The Bible Discussion Award - for Excellence in kink or BDSM
So dig through your bookmarks! Tell us what fics you love, what fics you’ve tried to leave extra kudos on, which fics you’ve read so many times you almost have memorized. Tell us which stories made you cry, which stories made you laugh, which stories made you a little hot under the collar. Because we’d love to share those experiences with you - and honor the authors who created them.
All our best,
Idris, Jackie, and Osgood
P.S. Please reblog to help us spread the word! Thanks!
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rose--nebula · 6 years
Better With Two (Ch. 1)
This will be a collection of short Doctor/Rose fics, based on prompts I’ve saved and on Fangirlia Fic Bingo.  For chapter 1, I’m using the prompts “blossom and rainbow” from the bingo board.  Thank you to @rose–nebula for reading over the chapter.  Tagging @doctorroseprompts.    AO3  Teaspoon
The Doctor and Rose had taken two zeppelins, a train, and a truck (driven by an old farmer who was every bit the image of a proper country gentleman) to get to the mountainside cabin tucked into a peaceful corner of the Appalachian Mountains.  It had been the most inefficient means of transport the Doctor had ever endured.  His suit was sweaty and dusty from the truck ride, and he felt every single bump in the rural road radiating up his spine.  I’ll need the holiday to recover from the back injury…  He longed for the day when their tiny TARDIS would be grown and they could go anywhere, and anywhen they chose, in the blink of an eye.  He tried to match Rose’s enthusiasm for the little rustic cabin, but it was a challenge.  He managed a grin as she jogged to the edge a field leading to a sparkling lake, hurrying to catch up with her.
Rose turned to him, a rainbow of wildflowers behind her, and gave him that smile. Her beauty outshined all the nebulas and alien planets he’d ever seen.  In that instant, his melancholy mood disappeared.  
He bent down to pluck a flower.  The blossom was yellow, tipped with pink, and even if it wasn’t a rose, it suited his favorite human perfectly.  Grinning, he tucked the flower behind Rose’s ear.  
“Was wonderin’ if you liked it here,” she murmured.  “You were lookin’ a bit sad.”
“Not anymore,” he assured her.   “I was missin’ our TARDIS.  I suppose I’m a bit worn out after our long journey to get here.  But you know what?”  
“I realized, just now, when you smiled at me, all wide-eyed and excited about bein’ here… I have missed seeing the wonders of the universe through your eyes.  And it doesn’t matter where we are, as long as I can experience it with you.”  He leaned in for a gentle kiss.
As they broke apart,  Rose murmured,  “You know what else?”
He grinned.  “What?”
“It’s been such a long time since I’ve felt all wide-eyed and excited.  An’ that’s ‘cos I get to experience it with you.  Better with two, yeah?”
“Quite right,” he said as he stole another kiss..  
They’d travel the universe, eventually.  But right now, all he’d ever dreamed of was right there in front of him, right here on Earth.  And they’d have a fantastic time.
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rose--nebula · 6 years
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do you ever feel victimized by fanfic authors when you make them fanart and then they give YOU compliments and you try to give THEM compliments and its a vicious cycle??? ♥♥ ft. @nicolareed
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rose--nebula · 6 years
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The Sound of Joy
(Read it on the ao3)
“Sometimes, life throws a challenge at you and all you can do is gather your strength and meet it head on. But if you are clever, you may find ways to relieve the weight and make things easier to endure. Until the sun comes up again.”
Deviant art
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rose--nebula · 6 years
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The Sound of Joy
(Read it on the ao3)
"Sometimes, life throws a challenge at you and all you can do is gather your strength and meet it head on. But if you are clever, you may find ways to relieve the weight and make things easier to endure. Until the sun comes up again."
Deviant art
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