s-afespace · 3 years
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s-afespace · 3 years
scrolling through my own blog thinking wow this person is insane
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s-afespace · 4 years
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s-afespace · 4 years
“That paradox would begin to run my life: to know that what you are doing is hurting you, maybe killing you, and to be afraid of that fact – but to cling to the idea that this will save you, it will, in the end, make things okay.”
— Marya Hornbacher, “Wasted” (via lifeinpoetry)
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s-afespace · 4 years
20. 06 Cloudy Diet Day 20 ☁️
breakfast - coffee with almond milk (41 kcal)
lunch - scrambled eggs, crispy bread with cream cheese and veggies (306 kcal)
snack - homemade strawberry ice cream (117 kcal)
dinner - tortilla with cream cheese and veggies (212 kcal)
for all: 678 / 700 kcal
water: 2300 ml
activity: home workout, 10km walk
I fell in love with Chloe Ting workout videos on yt, she’s amazing. Im gonna do one of her challenges when i start recovery, which is tuesday (?)
Yeah guys, it’s only 2 days left
On the one hand im excited about getting normal etc. but on the other hand it makes me sad... i literally feel safe and loved here on my tumblr... i get used to posting and i got into this community so much again... I know i’ll miss it. Eating disorders are one of the hardest addictions.
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s-afespace · 4 years
19. 06 Cloudy Diet Day 19 ☁️
breakfast - coffee with almond milk (43 kcal)
lunch - tortilla with veggies and cheese (322 kcal)
snack - cherries (158 kcal)
dinner - 2 bowls of tomatoe soup with noodles (251 kcal)
for all: 776 / 800 kcal
water: 2400 ml
activity: cleaning, home workout
So I AtE cHeEsE tOdAy and it WASN’T WORTH IT lol
Srsly it was distasteful, i better like my tortilla with cream cheese really
I also felt like a pig after eating more than 300cal in one meal but i just did some workout and endorfins are keeping me alive
The new recipe is already on my blog! I really really really love you all guys, you keep me going 🌸
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s-afespace · 4 years
you’ve been asking for this one, let’s go angels
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3 egg whites (51 kcal)
1 egg yolk (61 kcal)
20g of flavoured pudding powder (or cornstarch, same thing) (68 kcal)
0 kcal sweetener
1 teaspoon of baking powder
beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt
add the rest of the ingredients to your whipped foam
slowly mix everything together
fry on a dry pan
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Easy, right? I made 7 medium pancakes from this ingredients and the whole serving has 180 kcal only. My favourite low cal toppings for this badass: berries, yoghurt, 0 cal syrup.
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s-afespace · 4 years
18. 06 Cloudy Diet Day 18 ☁️
breakfast - coffee with almond milk (43 kcal)
lunch - vanilla pancakes with strawberries (198 kcal)
snack - rice cakes with mozzarella (249 kcal)
dinner - penne with curry and veggies (257 kcal)
for all: 748 / 750 kcal
water: 2400 ml
activity: walk, home workout
I’m proud of those pancakes, there’s 7 of them and it’s only 198 kcal (with strawberries!!)
It’s only 4 days left!!! Do you believe?! I made 18 days without a binge! (okay it was one extra porridge but who cares)
Wish i could weight myself..
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s-afespace · 4 years
i don’t want to be scared of eating >300 kcal meal anymore
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s-afespace · 4 years
17. 06 Cloudy Diet Day 17 ☁️
breakfast - coffee with almond milk (46 kcal)
lunch - chocolate porridge with strawberries (228 kcal)
snack - rice waffles (201 kcal)
dinner - tortilla wrap with veggies and fries (265 kcal)
for all: 741 / 750 kcal
water: 2500 ml
activity: walk, home workout
As I said, there is no "day 17" on this diet (pathetic me hadn’t seen that before) so i made today limit the same as tomorrow one.
I feel ok, at this point i get so used to this that on days when i have +700 cal i don’t feel like on a diet.
I’m watching a lot of happy fit girls with dream healthy bodies on the internet and i can’t wait to start recovery and this time eat like a normal girl with energy for training. I deserve that, i deserve to treat myself gentle, you all deserve 🌸
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s-afespace · 4 years
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s-afespace · 4 years
how’s the cloudy diet been for u ? are u ok ?
I’ll make a huge masterpost with pros and cons about this diet when i finish it, for now i can tell you that there are good and bad moments... sometimes i feel super good and healthy, sometimes i’m exhausted and i feel pain in my chest or my heart. I also stopped working out and running outside cause im just scared of blackout.
What I need to say is I DON’T SUPPORT HAVING DIET LIKE THIS, you all deserve health and happiness, please stay safe and be kind to your beautiful body.
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s-afespace · 4 years
16. 06 Cloudy Diet Day 16 ☁️
breakfast - coffee with almond milk (46 kcal)
lunch - tortilla with tofu and veggies (274 kcal)
snack - cacao yoghurt (106 kcal)
dinner - rice waffles (251 kcal)
for all: 679 / 700 kcal
water: 2200 ml
activity: walk, cleaning
I just realized that there is no "17 day" at this stupid diet, it’s 16 and 18 after that lol So tomorrow i’ll skip to day 18 or just made my own limit
My first recipe is already on my blog, please let me know if you want stuff like this here 💗
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s-afespace · 4 years
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s-afespace · 4 years
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really filling, so nutritious, easy to make, tasty as fuck - let’s go
1 wholemeal tortilla (179 kcal)
1/4 (45g) of tofu (53 kcal)
10g of soy souce (3 kcal)
20g of light cream cheese (20 kcal)
favorite veggies - in mine it’s onion, cucumber, tomatoe and parsley (20 kcal)
spread the cream cheese on tortilla
put your favorite vegetables in the middle
season with salt and pepper
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crush tofu with a fork and fry with soy souce in a dry pan
put your tofu on tortilla
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wrap tortilla and grill on dry pan both sides
cut on half, I also add some parsley on top
The whole portion has 275 kcal (or 255 if you don’t count veggies). You can also eat one half, then it’s less than 140 kcal per serving.
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s-afespace · 4 years
15. 06 Cloudy Diet Day 15 ☁️
breakfast - coffee with milk (41 kcal)
lunch - konjac based creamy risotto (302 kcal)
dinner - tortilla pizza with mozarella and rucola (292 kcal)
for all: 635 / 650 kcal
water: 2300 ml
activity: walk
I feel a lil bit tired of tumblr... I’ll answer all your questions tomorrow, im also thinking about adding here recipes for ya, im just too lazy to do it right now lol
funfact that i noticed today: im hungry only when im eating, does it even have sense? funny how my eating disorder still can suprise me after all this years
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s-afespace · 4 years
It’s been 2 weeks since I started Cloudy Diet ☁️
start weight: 130 lbs / 59 kg
current weight: 122 lbs / 55,5 kg
cheers to that! 🌸
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