s-lily · 8 days
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i didn't watch house but
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s-lily · 8 days
At least once a month I remember that Ozai ruled for ~3 years. That's shorter than one presidential term. That's nothing. In comparison Zuko - who suffered so much cruelty and was made to feel worthless under Ozai - ruled for ALMOST 70 YEARS. That's more than 22 times the length of Ozai's rule - and he will go down in history as one of the most influential and well loved Fire Lords of all time
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s-lily · 9 days
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s-lily · 9 days
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Do you ever think about how he was smiling like he didn't have a care in the world, so sincere and genuine, even while having an internal panic attack? Do you ever think about how he kept his composure, despite the past wounds he so tenderly bandaged before roughly covering them up to never look at them again being ripped open, even with everything going to complete shit, Do you ever think about how he made sure his crewmates would think he's okay, while his insides are clawing at him?
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s-lily · 10 days
Frobin Wedding Headcanons (that I may or may not ever write)
Luffy officiates. It's short and sweet and funny. He barely knows what he's doing and mostly wants to skip to the party, but he is happy that his friends are happy so. He cheers very loudly when they kiss
Jinbe tries to help him make a speech. Its a lost cause, he's just gonna wing it
Robin would have long eloquently written vows that ends on a morbid and/or sexual joke
Franky is crying and blubbering the whole time but when it's his turn he pulls out his guitar and sings his vows (Brook helped!)
Usopp and Chopper were in charge of decorations. Robin let him use her flowers to make her bouquet. Usopp makes everything beautiful and romantic, and Chopper is trying his best as his little helper
Robin would wear a beautiful goth black gown
Usopp and Nami does her hair and makeup
Franky nearly faints when he sees her
Franky has a suit jacket a tie and bedazzled speedos
Someone managed to wrestle Luffy into an ascot but he kept the flip flops
Sanji is crying more than Franky, somehow
Sanji also made the best goddamn wedding cake you've ever seen (half vanilla bean and half rum chocolate)
Zoro is surprisingly good at selecting a collection of booze for the feast
Nami is going to be the best goddamn maid of honor and party planner even if it kills her
Franky sends pics to Iceburg who nearly has a heart attack
"What do you mean you married the women who tried to kill me?!"
IDK if they would have wedding rings, but if they do Franky definetly made them himself
Brook writes approximately 1,000 love songs and is sobbing the entire time over young love and how they remind him of himself and Yorki. Don't touch him. Please hug him
Jinbe is just happy to be here. This might be the most normal thing this crew has ever done
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s-lily · 10 days
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their combined level of freak is unmatched
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s-lily · 11 days
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s-lily · 11 days
hey man was it platonic when you held me in your arms and gazed into my eyes lovingly
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s-lily · 21 days
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Childhood memories
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s-lily · 22 days
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where is the boothill ace content
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s-lily · 23 days
Smoker x Hina by PyroKnight98
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s-lily · 1 month
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the sillies!!!
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s-lily · 1 month
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s-lily · 1 month
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More modern au stuff this time with reiju :3
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s-lily · 1 month
This is a very cool concept, and it would actually make a lot of sense have the climatac on her arm, but I would cry a lot with that arc 😭
Nami and Franky are totally siblings LOL
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Nami based on her early concept art only she loses her arm later in the story & Franky builds her a fully automatic one!
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s-lily · 1 month
SaNami + Numbers (again)
I made a post a while ago about Sanji and Nami hints related to the numbers 3 and 7. (Part 1) Sanji x Nami hints - 373 If you haven’t read that post you might want to do that first since I didn’t want to repeat myself too much in this post.
I feel like with some new things that have happened in the latest chapters I want to add on some little pieces to that post. I also want to talk about some other number connections that I didn’t bring up last time. Basically this is just some more fun but most likely completely meaningless moments in where Oda could have possibly hinted at some SaNami with numbers. 
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This image is from chapter 380 and as you can see it shows how Sanji and Nami both have their names made in numbers; NaMi and SanJi. It’s interesting that Oda has been using these for only Nami and Sanji, because there is no one else in the crew with a number to represent their names. Of course they both also share the number 3 which we can also see in their shipping name SaNaMi (373). I also want to talk a little more about the numbers 3 and 7 than I did in my previous post.
This post will have some pretty unlikely “hints” in it, but like I said it’s all for fun anyways. It will also have SPOILERS up until the most recent chapter 829.
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s-lily · 1 month
(Part 1) Sanji x Nami hints - 373
With Oda recently granting us some glorious moments of Nami and Sanji I once again wonder why this pairing isn’t more popular? Personally I think it makes a lot of sense IF Oda ever decide to make any romantic relationships within the crew. (I know he’s said there won’t be any romance, though it’s debatable, but if there is Sanji and Nami seem quite likely.)
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I’ll make this into a series of posts, because there are many things to bring up as possible hints. First I want to talk about their names… and numbers.
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