sad-lutin Ā· 1 year
Chapter 423
ā€¦i think i said i wouldnā€™t write another analysis lol. But Iā€™ve been sad lately, and tired, wanna do something mindlessā€¦ or mind-numbing?..Ā Ā 
(And im going according to translation which probably leaves out a lot of in-between so..a pinch of salt, pls, just the initial flow)
Straight up itā€™s nice to see, though awkward about it, Mo is *after everything* lol, warming up to his friends. Gee, about time. :DĀ 
But, uhm.. This is the side of He Tian thatā€™s rather unpleasant. His possessiveness makes him brash and rude. At times what can be viewed as a real turn on vibe, in other settings makes him look insecure and annoying af. And that much can be confirmed by Moā€™s tutting (which likely also applies to JianYiā€™s loudness :D).Ā 
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JianYi is over the moon because.. Well, heā€™s the one thatā€™s always been very tuned to Mo, he had his back from the beginning:
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and all he ever wanted was for Mo to reciprocate and ease into the group.
And unlike He Tian whoā€™s motives were largely selfish and dubious at the beginning, JianYi really just wanted to be friends, even getting upset with Mo when heā€™d be aloof, calling him out several times on his dismissive attitude that barred them from helping him with his problem.Ā 
Itā€™s nice to see that not only Moā€™s academic side and personal life are getting developed, also his social skills and networking are much better. He seems to be in a much better place mentally and physically. Healing.Ā 
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Once again itā€™s JianYiā€™s super positive energy that sparks the action. And also, his cash lol, which heā€™s happy to spend, true to self, proving he has no concept of moneyā€™s worth, just like He Tian. Tsk, tsk, them rich boys..Ā 
And ehh, talk about innuendos lolol. Seem like JianYi is after a large lobster, but XiXi knows what he can handle. :DĀ 
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Another interesting point was JianYi claiming his noble heritage (if thatā€™s really what itā€™s meant to mean). Ever since his mother told him about his father, seems like he was able to connect a dot or two. Donā€™t exactly know what that means, but if his dad was aĀ ā€œyoung masterā€, then we can assume that JianYiā€™s fatherā€™s side of family is some kind of nobility/ upper caste, and with his grandpa calling the shots stillā€¦Ā 
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Maybe he will get to meet his high-standing grandpa one day. Cuz he really does care about his grandson a great deal despite the difficult arrangements.
Anddd just like all of the times, ZhanXiĀ  brings his flamboyant JianYi back to earth and grounds his free spirit. :) Stability, normalcy, control, safety. Thatā€™s all ZhanXi.Ā 
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Look at that scolded brat lol. :D
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Itā€™s like a dumb kid getting lured with candy fish lol. Mo:
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Thenā€¦what were you gonna pay with, rich kiddo? :D :D Totally detached.Ā 
AndĀ ā€œout of nowhereā€ appears brother Qiu! How..totally random. I cant believe the shit ppl are spinning. He Tian being jealous of Qiu is so fucking farfetched lol get real. :DĀ 
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Qiu is probably the second most important adult in He Tianā€™s life. Not only he took care of his dog all those years, as an adult man, he has no interest in some dumbass teen boys. He could not care less about some red head.
Ok, sidenote:
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what looks like a dealer showroom, He Cheng paying of course (that poor man, he just a piggy bank), Qiu assisting with the pick (clearly having some knowledge on fast motorbikes)Ā 
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But no, ppl here actually thinking that Qiu is getting a ā€œpaybackā€ for allegedly luring Mo with his motorbike way back.. as in..He Tian gets a motorcycle..and..gets to take Mo for a ride? thats..thats the payback?? :) are you..fucking 12 years old?? wait, yes, majority of you are :D
:D He Tian is only jealous of Qiu in your wet dreams lol. Mo also is not into some 30-something yo random mafia man. You all treat Mo like some traumatized jumpy little whore that needs to be possessed and controlled at all times or his little thin legs might come wide open. No wonder, the shit that gets you going lolā€¦
Anyway the only reason He Tian is annoyed is that heā€™s been found/ interrupted. Qiu is He Chengā€™s messenger, itā€™s like He Cheng himself coming around. And since He Tian doesnā€™t have his credit card back, one could assume the brothers arenā€™t on good terms, which is weird cuz He Cheng did provideā€¦Ā 
He Tian wants Qiu gone, but they get outed by superloud energy beam JianYi lol. Qiuā€™s ā€˜are you fucking with meā€™ stare omfg.. :D Hereā€™s He Tianā€™s ā€œbustedā€ face, and itā€™s funny how he always gets this faceā€¦
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The same busted face, cuz he knows what Qiu can do.
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And I would bet that Qiu was the one to train He Tian in the past. Cuz Qiu also knows whatā€™s He Tian capable of, which would make sense if he trained him or observed/ oversaw his training.Ā 
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Ā There is a whole part of He Tianā€™s childhood thatā€™s not been revealed. Where did he learn martial arts? why? just for self protection? or for future?ā€¦
I feel like itā€™s so clear theyā€™re more than familiar and thereā€™s always respect but also a bit of secrecy between them when the other boys are present. He Tian must know a lot about what his family doesā€¦and more specifically, what position does Qiu have in all that.Ā 
I think this only adds to the difficulty of grasping that he really canā€™t move without his familyā€™s money and support in this world, yet he disagrees with how his father does shit..and how He Cheng obeys their fatherā€™s orders. And Qiu is also part of it, but he is not exactly family, so he has no beef with him, so itā€™s a little different.Ā 
IMO the feeling between Qiu and He Tian is something of mentor/student, but very much on the low and way in the past.Ā 
Either way. The instant ramen is something of a theme. Pls tell me you donā€™t actually believe someone like Qiu goes around slurping instant ramen to satiate his hunger. Come on. Not only is he muscular as fuck, therefore real nutrition is needed to maintain that kind of muscle mass, he is also rich. He may come from a poor family/background, but he literally gets paid stacks for the things he does.
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Ā Clearly itā€™s his cover/ time passingĀ ā€œactivityā€, the whole ramen/noodles theme. Like how fucking ridiculous is that plastic baggy on him lol. :D Lemme just uhh, get off here and go to this co-op real quick, gotta get me some noodles and shit for tonightā€™s din-dins. what
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Also, in the past, Qiu patiently treated the boys to some kind of treat, before taking one of them away. And just like then, he would ask theseĀ ā€œcuriousā€ questions, just to get to where they need to be.Ā 
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So, him asking about dinner, then offering to buy a treatā€¦ Oh, shit. Someoneā€™s getting taken tonight.Ā 
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:D And they just eaaaat it up, look how happy they are for a crab :D, completely oblivious as to whatā€™s this really about. Qiu got them teens in his palm lol.
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Cuz Qiuā€™s job is:
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And since JianYi was meant to be trained by Qiu to take care of himself (which again brings me to think Qiu is more than qualified to train someone to become a killing machine like He Tian):
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But after the last fiasco:
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He Cheng had to explain himself:
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My guess is either JianYi is in danger again/his grandpa wants to see him finally, or the papers are finally done:
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sad-lutin Ā· 1 year
Like I promsied I got more in depth of a couple of figures and tried to apply them to our boys. Here is an interpetation:
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I will start by saying that there are some similarities between Mo and Ophelia, but differences as well: for example Ophelia, like Hamlet, is part of the royal court, and her father, Polonius, is a lord, so although she isnā€™t royalty like Hamlet, she would be a suitable match for him in Danish society; meanwhile Mo, even if is father was a buisnessman probably involved with the Mafia, is from one of the lowest rank in society, therefore is not a suitable partner for He Tian , and above all he is even a "male partner". He is totally inadeguate for this role, but that's a difference that's not important since Ophelia shares this oddity with all the other pre-raphaelite women in general.
Therefore what makes Ophelia a pre-raphaelite woman? The answer is: her madness. She drowns herself; wich is a self-harm action that recalls Mo selfless personality, because Mo is the first to hurt himself, by isolating himself and getting blamed as the evil one in moments of difficulties, his first reaction to uncertainty is self-distruct for others (ex. getting the blame for the rapist boy for his mother sake, being used and molested by She Li for his father sake or getting away from He Tian to not him intrude his chaotic life). Ophelia goes mad for the death of his father and drowns herself. Like Mo, she have a strong attachment to the father figure and both of them suffer from their lost. Ophelia thus became one of Shakespeareā€™s most famous female tragic figures, along with Cleopatra, Cordelia, Desdemona, and, of course, Juliet (wich can all be analysed in the future if you want ;) )
Yet another similarity Ophelia shares with Mo is that, at some point, they get "turned away" by their partners: Hamlet says that Ophelia has a problem, wich lies not in herself but in what Danish society will encourage her to do: marry and give birth to ā€˜sinnersā€™ like him (wich, for Hamlet, all men are). Just like He Tian tried to shoo Mo away with all his "aren't you scared of darkness?" speech.
But the biggest similitude between Ophelia and Mo is that they both get used by men. Ophelia is used by two men, her father and Hamlet, as a pawn for them to enact their deceptions. And Mo is used by He Tian and She Li in the same way. They both try to use him to go against eachother. Unfortunally Mo is easily toyed with and used as a pawn. Even He Chen uses him to lure He Tian in doing what he wants, everyone in 19 days at some point deceived Mo to gain something, that's because (like Ophelia) he is the purest character of them all, he has a candid soul which tries to hide under a scowl, but it can be found with ease because he is not made to fool anyone, he IS the fool (say yes for a tarot cards analysis?). Luckily we can say that He Tian uses him in another way tho: to free himself from his shadows. (See the end my previous post) Because if He Tian is this dark figure, Mo is the candid light that can cleanse him. And like the Yin and Yang, light cannot shine without the dark. (But with this I will stop here or the analysis will be 2 days long)
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He Tian seems so different from Hamlet, but lets dig into it: Hamlet is the Prince of Denmark, although he is still a student, he is going to take an important role soon. Just like He Tian, but I don't even have to say it out loud, everyobody knows.
Hamlet is often characterised as ā€˜a man who cannot make up his mindā€™. The words that tend to come up when people try to analyse the character or personality of Hamlet areĀ indecisive,Ā delaying, andĀ uncertain, with ā€˜inactionā€™ being the key defining feature of what Hamlet actually does during the play. Wich can seem like the total opposite of the active and energetic He Tian. BUT HEAR ME OUT: He Tian is exactly that. He knows he is going to take his brother role, he knows he is going to study abroad, he knows he have to leave Mo behind. But what does he do? NOTHING. He keeps delaying everything. He is indecisive about his future with his brother, trying to run away from it without actively doing nothing, he is uncertain of how Mo will feel once he is gone ("will he miss me" note), he keeps delaying telling Mo everything because he is hoping that this solution will solve itself. And at the last She Li action, when he asked his brother for help, he knew he couldn't delay his destiny any longer. But right now what he is trying to do? NOTHING. He keeps running away from his duties, trying to live in the perfect and utopistic bubble that he built around Mo, and he will do this until it pops. But this pop is going to be fucking demaging. How will Mo take the lost of the only other male figure in his life? Will he succumb to madness like Ophelia?
Because like Hamlet contemplated suicide (to be or not to be monologue) but didn't take action, Ophelia drawned herself, the water (a super feminine energy symbol) took her life, and maybe Mo will walk the same path, but unfortunally, we have to wait to know it...
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La Belle Damme sans Merci is a short poem by Keats whom describes the encounter between an unnamed knight and a mysterious fairy; who, in this analysis, are obviusly He Tian and Mo Guan Shan (duh).
The poem opens with a description of the kight in a barren landscape, "haggard" and "woe-begone", wich can represent the solitude of He Tian life before meeting Mo. He was alone surrounded by hypocrisy, sterility and fakeness (his cold and anaffective family, his fake frienships, all the attention-seeking girls... ecc).
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The knight tells the reader how he met a beautiful lady whose "eyes were wild" (this should be the perfect moment to analyze the expressions of Mo eyes but, again, you know what I'm talking about), how he set her on his horse (analogy of how He Tian "set" Mo on his wealth) and how they went together to her "elfin grot", where they began to make love. Falling asleep, the knight had a vision of "pale kings and princes", who warn him that the pity-less lady "has you in her charms". He awoke to find himself on the same "cold hill's side" where he is now "palely loitering".
A straightforward reading suggests that the Dame entraps him and punish him because he raped her, so this is a well deserved punishment. In the same way, He Tian, forcing Mo like he did in the beginning of their relationship, violated him, hence Mo decided to "kill him". Mo actively inquired into their relationship and they formed a profound bond. Mo destroyed his aspectation and accidentally seducted He Tian whom, falling for him, escaped the boring and barren life he lived before. Mo murdered He Tian meaningless self and punished his careless ass by letting him care for something (Mo himself and their other 2 friends). And with a further interpretation we could infer that, with falling for Mo, He Tian has now a weakness that could kill him for real if the wrong people get to know it. Like She Li almost killed him, in the future his love for Mo could be even more dangerous.
In this poem the knight is associated with images of death (again a symbol of how He Tian is the darkness): a lily ( a symbol of death in the Western culture), paleness, "fading", "witering",... hence he may well be dead himself at the time of the story. Meaning that He Tian, was already doomed from the start. His life had never been easy, and his fate was already decided. Mo encounter just gave him a last adventure, a reason to die eralier then expected. Because, just like the knight, who is clearly doomed to remain on the hillside, but the cause of this fate is unknown. We don't know what will actually happen to He Tian or Mo. We are just seeing a glimps of what happens and what is going to happen in the future.
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I hope that this is of your liking, I'm sorry if there are grammar error, english is not my native language.
If you have any other opinion, please, feel free to comment them, and the same thing apply if you want me to analyze something more specific, something else or something I quoted up here!
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sad-lutin Ā· 1 year
Omegaverse but instead of a wolf your inner animal is a beaver so, rather then nests, you build DAMS
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sad-lutin Ā· 1 year
I'm hoping too, but I see He Tian almost as a Hamlet, unable to make important decisions. Afraid of Mo's reaction he is just wandering if he is going to be missed without doing/saying anything. It has to be Mo the one doing something. If you look at my last post you will understand what I mean with this. I'm thinking about doing an analysis about He Tian/Hamlet and Mo/Ophelia. I wilk tag you if you want!
This isn't really an analysis or anything deep, only my small attempt at predicting what can happen next. Also some rambling, manifesting, wishful thinking or whatever.
Considering how much Old Xian loves references to earlier chapters/scenes/panels I wonder if it's possible that we'll see a parallel to the time He Tian asked Mo about the future and gifted him the black studs.
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We all love comparing similar panels and usually the conclusion is one - there's a shift, there's progress. Therefore, it isn't completely unreasonable of me to imagine that now, as we witnessed huge character development of both He Tian and Mo, Old Xian would maybe like to reuse the scene to match their current dynamic.
Through various hints and foreshadowing we already kind of know what we can anticipate. First of all, Mo wants to ask He Tian which high school he's going to attend, which inevitably leads to them talking about the future. Second of all, they plan to pierce Mo's ear, so that could happen too (I don't want to elaborate on that here, though). Finally, we can see in the future chapters that Mo wears black studs, but since the ones He Tian gave him before are broken we can assume that He Tian is going to give him new ones. All of this matches the scene perfectly.
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Just imagine them both sitting on the floor at He Tian's place again. This time it would be Mo asking He Tian what he wants to do in the future ( I know he already once asked He Tian if he thinks about the future at all but this was vague, now he's genuinely interested and wants to ask specific questions as opposed to all the times he said he doesn't care about anything that involves He Tian).
He Tian would take out the small box and give it to Mo.
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Last time Mo said the studs were so-so. I imagine that this time he'd be speechless and teary eyed, remembering what happened to the original pair, what happened to him, what happened and changed between them. He'd be moved at He Tian's thoughtfulness. Happy how they both cherish this symbol of He Tian's protection and Mo's trust in him.
Maybe He Tian would say that whatever happens they'll figure it out. That whatever happens this is their promise to each other to keep believing in each other and support each other. If He Tian tells Mo he's going away, and they cry and mourn their upcoming separation, he might then tell Mo he's gonna do everything to keep in touch, that he'll be back for him. Asking Mo to wait for him. Or saying he can't ask him that but he wishes he would.
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Mo wouldn't run to the bathroom to put on the studs himself. He would let He Tian do it.
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And I can only wish that similar to the part where He Tian pushes Mo to the floor, there'd be a different angle of him doing it again. We'd be looking at them from behind the bed. This time He Tian would be leaning in gently, closing the distance between them and Mo letting him as they slowly lay down with Mo's hands wrapped around He Tian's back...
Just some additional thoughts...
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While the thought of Mo being left behind is painful and everyone knows how hurt he's gonna be, I can't stop thinking about what He Tian must be going through. He knew about the transfer forever, and then he met Mo and fell in love and even though his feelings only grew stronger he also knew that eventually he'd be forced to move somewhere he doesn't want to go and part with the person he cares about the most.
He Tian has probably been heartbroken ever since he realized his feelings for Mo. This one fact in itself is tragic. Whatever happens next it's going to be so devastating for the both of them.
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sad-lutin Ā· 1 year
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I just had a revelation.
I was just analyzing how future Mo dresses up so prettily.
We always knew he was handsome, since he was asked to model, but never realized how much. And of course He Tian is such a rich bastard who loves pretty things. And I think that Mo has always been aware and quite scared of being the "trophy wife" for rich He Tian.
But in the future he seems to kinda accept his beauty and grew accustomized to it, almost playing with it. He KNOWS he is handsome and he takes advantage of it.
At first to me it seemed like he kinda accepted his fate to be the trophy wife, but knowing him he would have looked defeated by this, but he seems so natural and smug with this shit that this cannot be a coincidence, he totally is a famme fatale who enjoys giving jealous He Tian an hard time.
But his future famme fatale behaviour made me realize one thing... Mo is beautiful, tall, with pale skin, red hair, scarlet lips, sharp features and melancholic expressions. And you know who this adjectives describes? Those willowy pre-raphaelite women. And you know what pre-raphaelite women do? They LURE men by making them falling in love and then they DESTROY them. I'm not saying that Mo will murder He Tian, maybe he will figuratively kill some aspect of him.
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But he just exude this fucking powerful aura and we can totally see how much he is in charge in the TianShan dynamic. He EMPOWERS He Tian, and He Tian cannot do more than to fall limp in his charms like putty in Mo's hands.
Mo canonically is like those "fallen woman" (who, for the majority of time, were witches, mistresses or low-ranking swindlers)Ā those female models were uneducated and from the working-class but bolder and more self-assured than their high-class equivalent.
But the most interesting thing to me is that we can see He Tian not as the victim of the famme fatale who is being toyed with, but as the artist himself. He is just like those young bold artist that protest against respectable and well-established rules of propriety and elegance with angry irriverence. Just to annoy others he loves to shock the respectable and bigott high-ranking society with someone they have absolutely no power amd control on (just as much as He Tian has none either) And not only he makes a use of Mo's rebellious presence, but he let Mo thrive in it, he helps him cultivate it. He basks in his nutricious vitality because it's his form of escapism from his boring life, where he is forced to work for his brother and oblige to the strict ambient.
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I think that I will make a more specific analysis about Mo as some specific pre-raphaelite women like Ophelia or La Belle Dame sans Merci.
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sad-lutin Ā· 1 year
Nobody asked my opinionā€¦
I just need a moment to talk about this
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I could have cut it better but thereā€™s no way Iā€™m taking that beautiful face out of the image, anyway please note that the shirt says Momo and I know you guys can tell me that ā€œso what HT calls MGS like that ALL the timeā€ and yes, you are completely right about that, so why is it important for me that MGS is using a shirt that was specifically made for him by, chances are, He Tian?? And my reason is exactly that
Heā€™s about to go out with those clothes and probably nobody would think nothing about that but I dare anyone to go ahead and try to call him Momo in the street, exactly my point, I know thereā€™s usually some sort of H or tattoos but in this case in particular the name Momo is in FULL DISPLAY he isnā€™t covering nothing and that for me is priceless, thank you OX for this, the lords of shadows know how much I needed this or anything to make me forget for a little bit how fucked up life is, so grateful for He Cheng in this art
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sad-lutin Ā· 1 year
okay but mo trying and thinking maybe he can get into tianā€™s high school and giving this all a second chance despite everything awful heā€™s been through is actually the most heartwarming and wholesome thing iā€™ve witnessed in a while so šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹
like itā€™s so much easier to give up and give into cynicism and look to the worst side of the world. but itā€™s harder to start saying ā€˜good morningā€™ to classmates whoā€™ve looked down on you for years and actually be vulnerable enough to try hard in your work when youā€™re already fighting against bullying and the difficulties of your home situation šŸ˜­
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sad-lutin Ā· 1 year
I live for slutty Mo
He knows what power he holds against us, He Tian and everyone
That's not even a trophy wife material. THIS IS A WHOLE ASS FAMME FATALE BEHAVIOUR
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880 notes Ā· View notes
sad-lutin Ā· 1 year
I'm crying
mo: wait i like men
mos grades: šŸ“ˆšŸ“ˆšŸ“ˆšŸ“ˆšŸ“ˆšŸ“ˆšŸ“ˆšŸ“ˆšŸ“ˆšŸ“ˆšŸ“ˆšŸ“ˆšŸ“ˆ
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sad-lutin Ā· 1 year
You are so fucking real for this. I'm pretty sure that He Tian will gift him new studs as a promise to come back for him. I am hoping that, like you said, he will say something on the line of "I will come back for you, but I can/will not ask you to wait for me" And Mo will be too astonished to say something. But I think that Mo will let himself get pierced last minute, in some dramatic scene with a "you won't ask me to wait for you but I will do it anyway" kind of thing to seal their promise.
Or maybe this is just my helpless romantic self hoping for the best.
I just know that I'll be so fucking sad
This isn't really an analysis or anything deep, only my small attempt at predicting what can happen next. Also some rambling, manifesting, wishful thinking or whatever.
Considering how much Old Xian loves references to earlier chapters/scenes/panels I wonder if it's possible that we'll see a parallel to the time He Tian asked Mo about the future and gifted him the black studs.
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We all love comparing similar panels and usually the conclusion is one - there's a shift, there's progress. Therefore, it isn't completely unreasonable of me to imagine that now, as we witnessed huge character development of both He Tian and Mo, Old Xian would maybe like to reuse the scene to match their current dynamic.
Through various hints and foreshadowing we already kind of know what we can anticipate. First of all, Mo wants to ask He Tian which high school he's going to attend, which inevitably leads to them talking about the future. Second of all, they plan to pierce Mo's ear, so that could happen too (I don't want to elaborate on that here, though). Finally, we can see in the future chapters that Mo wears black studs, but since the ones He Tian gave him before are broken we can assume that He Tian is going to give him new ones. All of this matches the scene perfectly.
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Just imagine them both sitting on the floor at He Tian's place again. This time it would be Mo asking He Tian what he wants to do in the future ( I know he already once asked He Tian if he thinks about the future at all but this was vague, now he's genuinely interested and wants to ask specific questions as opposed to all the times he said he doesn't care about anything that involves He Tian).
He Tian would take out the small box and give it to Mo.
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Last time Mo said the studs were so-so. I imagine that this time he'd be speechless and teary eyed, remembering what happened to the original pair, what happened to him, what happened and changed between them. He'd be moved at He Tian's thoughtfulness. Happy how they both cherish this symbol of He Tian's protection and Mo's trust in him.
Maybe He Tian would say that whatever happens they'll figure it out. That whatever happens this is their promise to each other to keep believing in each other and support each other. If He Tian tells Mo he's going away, and they cry and mourn their upcoming separation, he might then tell Mo he's gonna do everything to keep in touch, that he'll be back for him. Asking Mo to wait for him. Or saying he can't ask him that but he wishes he would.
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Mo wouldn't run to the bathroom to put on the studs himself. He would let He Tian do it.
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And I can only wish that similar to the part where He Tian pushes Mo to the floor, there'd be a different angle of him doing it again. We'd be looking at them from behind the bed. This time He Tian would be leaning in gently, closing the distance between them and Mo letting him as they slowly lay down with Mo's hands wrapped around He Tian's back...
Just some additional thoughts...
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While the thought of Mo being left behind is painful and everyone knows how hurt he's gonna be, I can't stop thinking about what He Tian must be going through. He knew about the transfer forever, and then he met Mo and fell in love and even though his feelings only grew stronger he also knew that eventually he'd be forced to move somewhere he doesn't want to go and part with the person he cares about the most.
He Tian has probably been heartbroken ever since he realized his feelings for Mo. This one fact in itself is tragic. Whatever happens next it's going to be so devastating for the both of them.
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123 notes Ā· View notes
sad-lutin Ā· 1 year
I just love how much he fucking hate insects.
He didn't even hesitate to come out of that fucking storage stall with He Tian in front of others just when 5 secs prior he ordered He Tian to be quiet to not be discovered in that "compromising" situation
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mo preferred to use he tian's ā€” injured!! ā€” hand rather than his own šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ as if it was a slipper LMAOO that boy was ON A MISSION he thought WHATEVER IT TAKESā€” as long as it didn't involve him šŸ˜­
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(look at his face he doesn't regret a single thing pls he aint slick
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sad-lutin Ā· 1 year
He even sacrificed his reputation for that cockroach. Bro completely forgot about being seen with a man coming out from a storage stall
The fact that Momo did not hesitate to sacrifice He Tianā€™s hand to smack the cockroach šŸ˜‚
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sad-lutin Ā· 1 year
Thats a great-ass analysis.
I just find He Tian a little creepy HAHAHAHA
This was so funny, and I love how Mo's instinct was to climb up He Tian like he was a tree, but on a serious note:
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Mo's first instinct when scared is to be held and comforted, because his mom was always there to do that when things were bad. He Tian's attitude is to overcome fear no matter how scared you are, because no one was ever there for him. He Cheng told him not to be weak and to become the strongest. It's just interesting to see where Mo and He Tian diverge in personality because of their upbringings.
620 notes Ā· View notes
sad-lutin Ā· 1 year
I really hope that this 2 will start rumors, the drama!
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they know what you are.
325 notes Ā· View notes
sad-lutin Ā· 1 year
Character developement is also discovering that He Tian is the playfully romantic and gentle one while Mo is the careless barbaric and opportunistic one. lol
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734 notes Ā· View notes
sad-lutin Ā· 2 years
I now want Mo to do this challenge
To do
Mo being a Moa, to do
Help me
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sad-lutin Ā· 2 years
Thats it, I'm crying
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