safeplace101-blog · 5 years
my little stars, 
you may not notice it as you gaze at the stars
but there still is hope left in your tired heart.
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safeplace101-blog · 5 years
dear intrusive thoughts, insecurities, and negative mindsets,
please calm down and show yourself out. thanks.
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safeplace101-blog · 5 years
my little stars, 
Make sure that the only thing you are running away from is negativity, limitations and altered self-belief.
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safeplace101-blog · 5 years
💗 Things to tell yourself on a bad day 💗
• This is not the end, tomorrow will be a new day, a new beginning, a fresh start.
• I am not failing, I am just taking a break and that’s completely fine and necessary.
• I will allow myself to feel whatever I am feeling without judgement. Sometimes I’m down and that’s okay; sometimes all I can do is breathe and that is the greatest achievement of all.
• I will get through this. I have survived every single bad day so far, I can do it again. I am so capable.
• I forgive myself again and again - as many times as it takes until I finally feel okay again.
• I am so proud of myself. I give myself far less credit than I actually deserve. I’ve pushed through so many bad things, yet here I am, still fighting, still believing that everything will be fine again. 🌻
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safeplace101-blog · 5 years
hey if you’re not feeling great today i just want to remind you that today won’t last forever and neither will your current troubles. there’s always going to be room for something much better, and i hope it finds you soon
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safeplace101-blog · 5 years
my little stars, 
Just know that before anyone else, I believe in you.   
 And you should too.
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safeplace101-blog · 5 years
my little stars, sometimes the best thing to do is to choose yourself.
There are so many instances in life where you can feel forced to go on a certain path just because it is what is expected out of you. Remember that you have the power to do what is best for you and put yourself first, always.
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safeplace101-blog · 5 years
my little stars,  your voice matters.
it always mattered and will always do. don't let anyone tell you different or try to belittle you as we all are free to speak up for a better world (be it the entire Globe or our own Mikrokosmos)
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safeplace101-blog · 5 years
my little stars, maybe we all are made the same way ;
we were born whole, lost ourselves in the way, found our truest selves again and thought 'screw it, i might as well try to reach my dream.'
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