sakuwritestkafics · 4 years
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Let’s start the new year of 2021 with an event for both authors and artists! A birthday event for our beloved characters of Quan Zhi Gao Shou also known as The King’s Avatar. Please read the following text to know how to participate in the event!  What is QZGS Birthday Event? As the name itself suggested, for this events artists and authors alike gift presents for QZGS of their choice, on the characters birthday! Due to this, the event with launch on Jan 3rd with An Wenyi’s birthday and end on Dec 22nd when it’s Wu Yuce’s birthday.  What do I need to do?  Due to being such a long running event, the requirements for this event aren’t high. I wanted to keep it stress-friendly event that you can choose to participate in whenever you have time. The requirements are following: 
Writers: a fic of minimum of 200 words Artists: a sketch  
There is no requirements for theme/prompt, it doesn’t have to be about the characters birthday. Ships are also allowed as long as you keep in mind who is the birthday baby. :)  How do I participate?  You can join the event by filling up the questionnaire sheet at the end of this post. You will apply for 2 months at a time, because life is unpredictable and no one knows what they will do in December :) There’s is couple things to keep in mind while filling up the form: 
- The first person to apply for a certain character is the committed work. Each character also has two extra sports, in case more people are interested to write for the same character.  - The minimum amount of commissions is 1 and it can be for an extra spot.  - The application is open for 2 months at a time, you can apply for both months, or one month only.  - You can apply as many times as you want.
After sending in the form, I will contact you to confirm the submission, so please leave me with an address/account that I can reach you in.
Additional Special Days On the spreadsheet you can spot Additional Special Days, and might wonder what that is. Not all QZGS characters have fixed birthday so these are the chosen days where we post our gifts for these characters. The following days are as following. 
5th of Each Month: The Retired Gods - Includes all the characters who have retired before the beginning of the novel, such as For the Glory characters.  19th of Each Month: Active Babies - Includes all the rookies that have debuted after season 8 and other active players without birthdays. 
As these are special birthdays, there are special circumstances to unlock these characters. These are 
1. You write for a character on the list  2. 75% of the list character have already been assigned to someone (and you don’t write to any character on the list.  
Where do I submit my gift? 
You can choose any platform to submit your gift, but I have specifically created an AO3 Collection for the birthday event. My wish is to compile all work in to that collection, but if you not in AO3 but want to participate, fear not! You can still do it :)  For those on AO3, once you’re finished writing add the fic to “QZGS Birthday Event 2021″ collection, before posting it. Each fic is to be posted on the characters birthday and you can also tag the fic as QZGS Birthday Event 2021 if you like. :) There’s many birthday babies, so we need all the help we can get!  Links, links, links!?
[This is the link to QZGS Birthday Event MAY-JUNE]  [This is the link to QZGS Birthday Spreadsheet]  
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sakuwritestkafics · 4 years
Dream Lantern - Alliance Timeline
Here’s a short bullet point timeline for Glory Pro Alliance in my Dream Lantern fic, for you guys to enjoy (and for me not to forget). 
S1 - yx and smq 1st win S2 - yx and smq 2nd win S3 - yx and smq 3rd win S4 - smq fail, he's sent to another team S5 - smq team relegated S6 - smq in challengers, team disbands S7 - yx retires and starts his own team with smq S8 - challengers S9 - sqy debuts, pro-scene first win, smq and yx retire S10 - smq and yx open café excellent era, qyf and gyj work for them S11 - lu hanwen debuts
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sakuwritestkafics · 4 years
This idea has now evolved into a possible hanahaki au, and I have no idea if this possible new addition is for the better or worse, only time will tell, I guess. 
Qiu Fei/Zou Yuan Soulmate Au
I nearly baited myself in TKAA discord, but I shall refrain myself from writing this for now. Maybe one day I will have less things to work on and can start working on this prompt. For now I’ll just leave it here to let it be known. It’s rough, and right now I don’t want to work on the idea any more than this. 
Zou Yuan has an unrequited love for Zhang Jiale, while knowing completely that Zhang Jiale is still chasing after the ghost of Sun Zheping (not that he has died, but rather left the team or otherwise is away). And Qiu Fei is in the same situation, but just with Ye Xiu who’s actually chasing the ghost of Su Muqiu.
They will both eventually suffer from separation anxiety, Zou Yuan when Zhang Jiale leaves in season 7 and Qiu Fei in Season 8 after Ye Xiu’s retirement is announced. It’ll be much angst, much bonding over their feelings towards their seniors, while somehow realising that maybe, just maybe the person they actually need with them is not their senior they love and admire but rather each other, the one who is closest and next to them. 
So far I don’t have much ideas for it, I will probably use some kind of Soulmate AU prompt into this. It can end up being a one-shot, or a shorter multichapter story. We will see once I start working on it. 
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sakuwritestkafics · 4 years
Qiu Fei/Zou Yuan Soulmate Au
I nearly baited myself in TKAA discord, but I shall refrain myself from writing this for now. Maybe one day I will have less things to work on and can start working on this prompt. For now I’ll just leave it here to let it be known. It’s rough, and right now I don’t want to work on the idea any more than this. 
Zou Yuan has an unrequited love for Zhang Jiale, while knowing completely that Zhang Jiale is still chasing after the ghost of Sun Zheping (not that he has died, but rather left the team or otherwise is away). And Qiu Fei is in the same situation, but just with Ye Xiu who's actually chasing the ghost of Su Muqiu.
They will both eventually suffer from separation anxiety, Zou Yuan when Zhang Jiale leaves in season 7 and Qiu Fei in Season 8 after Ye Xiu's retirement is announced. It'll be much angst, much bonding over their feelings towards their seniors, while somehow realising that maybe, just maybe the person they actually need with them is not their senior they love and admire but rather each other, the one who is closest and next to them. 
So far I don’t have much ideas for it, I will probably use some kind of Soulmate AU prompt into this. It can end up being a one-shot, or a shorter multichapter story. We will see once I start working on it. 
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sakuwritestkafics · 4 years
If Life Throws Knives Your Direction, Just Slap It In The Face
I have finally finished my Women’s Day gift-fic! It’s a three chapter story about Su Mucheng who’s raising Dai Yanqi after they both lost their family in a plane accident - and Su Mucheng finally meeting her long time online girlfriend Chu Yunxiu. But how is Xia Ming connected to this?  Link To The Fic  
You would think only so much can happen in one day.
Su Mucheng goes crazy over finally meeting her long term online girlfriend, experiencing feelings unknown to her, whilst by simple coincidence is reunited with a long lost friend. Slapping an infamous gang leader in face is only the cherry on top.
Meanwhile Dai Yanqi learns she doesn't like knives poking out from her sides.
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sakuwritestkafics · 4 years
Reviving the Belief in Fate
I have updated my RAREPAIR Collection! Today’s couple is Ye Qiu and Zhang Xinjie who unexpectedly meet each other at a restaurant. 
Link To The Chapter 
Ye Qiu/Zhang Xinjie. Ye Qiu had stopped believing in fate, but meeting the cleric of Tyranny maybe had made him change his mind.
Enjoy the spilled water
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sakuwritestkafics · 4 years
Steal From Yu is Out
You (Shameless Dragon) Might've Stolen My (Mighty Tiger) Fiancé From Me, But I'm Not Giving My (Adorable Fox) Son To You ... or more friendly Steal From Yu is out. This is a project that started from a simple crack idea, and evolved into one of the most complicated series I currently have (be it tka or other fandoms). It’s A/B/O but it’s also Demihuman. It’s very serious but tries to present itself as a crack. It’s Ye Xiu stealing from Yu Wenzhou. 
Read it here: Steal From Yu Chapter 1
On Yu Wenzhou's wedding day the most shameless dragon he had ever met descended from the skies and proclaimed the horrifying words that would haunt the fox man for years.
"I came to steal from Yu."
Years later, when his son Lu Hanwen is finally born, Yu Wenzhou does everything he can to keep his son safe from the dragons, so that his kit won't be stolen just like his fiance was. In the end his efforts are futile against these sinister beings.
(Or. Dragon Ye Xiu seems to have an unhealthy obsession with Fox Yu Wenzhou.)
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sakuwritestkafics · 4 years
First Draft
I have finally finished the first draft of Steal from Yu, which is far from being the final one. I originally planned it to be short introduction, but its current length stands at 4.5K words. I might delete some scenes I deem unnecessary, but most likely the word count will only from here. *sweat drop*
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sakuwritestkafics · 4 years
The Struggle Is Real
saku: no politics in this fic
also saku: writes politics in the first chapter
saku: no royal power battles
also saku: Lin Jingyuan coup d'etat to fill the current plot holes I have
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sakuwritestkafics · 4 years
Change the New World
So, I’ve been rereading World Trigger lately and just reached the newest published chapter. And now I’m getting ideas for a TKA x Wold Trigger fic. 
More info and ideas will be added later. 
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sakuwritestkafics · 4 years
Steal Them Rabbits
Random fact of the day: Today I was checking out different rabbit breeds for Steal From Yu and I learned that a breed named Harlequin exists. I wonder what other breeds I should include. 
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sakuwritestkafics · 4 years
How Extra Can One Be
I’ve been working on a fic idea for over half a year now, and I’m still too afraid to finish writing the first chapter, even if I have already planned out everything I promised I would do. This is the longest I have worked on a fic without publishing a chapter of it.  Steal From Yu (as the series name has came to be) is an ABO verse with demi-human concept added to it. It contains multiple pairings but the main plot mover is the constant rivalry(?) between Ye Xiu and Yu Wenzhou - for reasons that will be revealed on the story.  This time around I’ve been working on Tiger Clan, finishing up their profiles and ages. Tigers come in different breed and especially White Tigers are a special class. Now, I have only 1 White Tiger in the series (at least from the canon TKA characters) but I spent at least a month trying to figure out their class and special characteristics. They are also heavily religion based, which meant I had to think gods and deities for Tiger Clan.
This all, just for that 1 character. 
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sakuwritestkafics · 4 years
Just an intro
So I finally decided to do a writing tumblr for TKA. Let’s see how I will keep this updated. Haha. 
Anyways, I’m meant to post links to my fics, updates, plans, snippets, ideas I might never write, info outside of fics and just general thoughts about TKA on this blog. I hope you’ll find them interesting and maybe hit the follow button. 
Let’s see how this blogs turns out to be! 
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