sallysetons · 9 years
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john/aeryn + aesthetic
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sallysetons · 9 years
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Light of my life.
I search for you.
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sallysetons · 9 years
Honestly, I think a lot of people have a wrong perception of Europe when it comes to this issue. We are so proud of our culture and the progress we've made together after the most terrible times in history, but a lot of countries here aren't actually as progressive as they want you to believe. Not at all.
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This is what I woke up to. [banner reads: [we’re] out of love for our children] and [we’re a million, we’re here to defend our children]
A million (yes, ONE MILLION) Italian Catholics flooded Rome’s main square to protest against gay civil unions.
Like, we’re not even talking about marriage (the mere idea is million light years away rn) we’re talking CIVIL PARTNERSHIPS here. one million shitty Italians decided that this is the battle they wanna pick. After mere weeks ago Hyper-Catholic Ireland overwhelmingly voted to allow gay MARRIAGE.
and we’re here discussing civil partnerships. not even insurance or things like that. just the right to visit a partner in a hospital, or to not get kicked out of the house if a partner passes and the house was registered in their name. 
welcome to fucking Italy :(
(and by the way YES this is the Vatican’s fault and your precious little Pope Francis’ fault as well)
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sallysetons · 9 years
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Aeryn: Sikozu, we have a mission. John: I’m happy to come with you. [Aeryn and Sikozu walk straight past him without looking back] Aeryn: Jirl power.
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sallysetons · 9 years
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sallysetons · 9 years
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It came to her suddenly that she had stood in this very spot before, on the day Lord Eddard Stark had lost his head. That was not supposed to happen. Joff was supposed to spare his life and send him to the Wall. […] If Joff had only done as he was told, Winterfell would never have gone to war, and Father would have dealt with Robert’s brothers. 
 Instead Joff had commanded that Stark’s head be struck off, and Lord Slynt and Ser Ilyn Payne had hastened to obey. It was just there, the queen recalled, gazing at the spot. Janos Slynt had lifted Ned Stark’s head by the hair as his life’s blood flowed down the steps, and after that there was no turning back. 
The memories seemed so distant. Joffrey was dead, and all Stark’s sons as well. Even her father had perished. And here she stood on the steps of the Great Sept again, only this time it was her the mob was staring at, not Eddard Stark.
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sallysetons · 9 years
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The Tudor Women on Cosmopolitan Magazine.
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sallysetons · 9 years
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The first Gay Pride parades
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sallysetons · 9 years
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Eliza Dushku as Raquel Laroque in White Collar (2011)
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sallysetons · 9 years
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sallysetons · 9 years
I am in blood Stepp’d in so far, that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er.
William Shakespeare, Macbeth   (via jaimelannister)
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sallysetons · 9 years
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aeryn sun meme ♔ [three/three] emotions → 100% done with your patriarchal bulldren
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sallysetons · 9 years
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sallysetons · 9 years
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orange is the new black - season 3 marathon ↳ ching chong chang (½)
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sallysetons · 9 years
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sallysetons · 9 years
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They think that this will break my pride, that it will make an end to me, but they are wrong.
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sallysetons · 9 years
I convinced 6 middle aged women that professed to hate action movies to go see Mad Max: Fury Road. You know how I did it? I said “The main character is a woman and she’s not sexualized at all.” And that was it. I had a whole speech prepared and I said one sentence before they all agreed to go see it. And they LOVED it. One woman saw it twice so she could bring her teenaged daughter.
All these years, all this industry moaning about how women don’t like action movies, and all it fucking took to change their minds was “The main character is a woman and she’s not sexualized.”
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