sandydesertdays · 2 years
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villain!ochako is too lovely (like any ochako tho)
and thx for 200+ followers!! 
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sandydesertdays · 2 years
catradora headcanons (after season 5)
- catra has nightmares about horda, all the bad things that happened to her, war etc. she wakes up while everybody is asleep, but not adora. she always comforts catra and just sit with her. they cuddle till they're both safe ans asleep
- glimmer is so done with them. catra and adora are like kids, they're loud, always laughing. they always do mess and glimmer is the one that need to cleen after them
- adora often buys flowers for her girlfriend
- catra is the one who can cook, and she does. adora is terrible in kitchen, ofc she can make simple food, but it's better for everyone to keep her away from that
- adora is always warm at night, but catra is always cold. adora sleeps in her underwear or/w t-shirt and without any blanket etc, but catra sleeps in fcking kigurimi, with duvet and many pillows but she's still freezing
- they love movie nights
- adora can sing very well. catra often asks her to do that, and she loveeee when her gf says yes
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sandydesertdays · 2 years
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sandydesertdays · 2 years
Fill my Lungs with Sweetness (I’ll fill my head with You)
A short Catradora fluff fanfic about Catra waking up and remembering her new life. Title comes from The Paper Kites “Bloom.” Listen to the song while reading for maximum fluffiness. In the words of the great Charles Dickens, “I know writers who proof read and they’re all cowards.”
There was a split second, Catra would come to realize, in awakening, where Catra found herself lost in a post slumber daze. She found herself lost in a mesmerizing mist of warmth, a haze of feelings both physical and mental. Not living, just being. And then she saw her-All Golden blond hair and sky blue eyes, obscured by her sealed eyelids. Adora. Her best friend. Her Wife. the word alone makes her heart flutter. To think That the woman she had slashed, accosted, bruised would one day not only forgive her, but would one day welcome Catra into her arms, was a thought that made Catra bury smiles into her pillow, though she’d ever admit it. There were slight nanoseconds between slumber and Counsciousmness where Catra would forget who she was, where she was. But as this morning haze subsides, and Catra’s hetorochromic eyes fall on her wife, carelessly sleep against her, a gentle happiness envelopes her. She remembers nights alone, lying in the dank, grimey cellar of a barracks, trying not to cry, trying not to Admit her lonelines. There was a part of her that thought she would never find that affection ador once gave her, that her best friend had been vanquished forever by her own arrogance, her own selfishness. But with every gentle circle rubbed into Catra’s back, every small kiss Adira loved planting on her nose, it whispered tiny words, sweet nothings into her ears-“Shhh… I forgive you. . I’m here. I’ll Always be here.”When Catra wakes up, remembers who she is, where she is, her heart flutter and her ears twitch. She remembers the love Catra once thought she’d lost, now abundant in the way Adora would kiss catra’s neck as catras laugh would ring out. She remembers a futile love, lost seemingly by Catra’s own stubbornness , now surrounding her, in the way Adora would hold her hand beneath the table in meetings, or how Adora would bring her back flowers from her missions, and Catra would call her a dork and Pretend to hate them but secretly She kept a stash of them that Adora pretended not to know about,. It’s Catra’s favorite part of the day, waking up and remembering that she was here, , nuzzled against her dumb, dorky, beautiful wife. the light from the windows bathe both in a luminescent shower of light and the warmth serenades her fur .Catra grins, a gentle grin. She places A small kiss on Adora’s nose. Adora’s eyes shutter awake, her mouth contorting into a sloppy grin. “Morning, Dummy.” These were the first seconds of her morning, mentally recapping days of agonizing longing, a passionate kiss at the end of the world, and mornings tangled with her best friends. Yes, that was the best feeling, remembering the love that surrounded her all the time now. The second best feeling? The dopey smile that would fall to Adora’s face the same moment, and Catra knows Adora is remembering too.
Thanks for Reading! This is one of my first times writing fanfic and my first posting it to the interwebs so let me know what works and what doesn’t.
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sandydesertdays · 2 years
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Superman The Movie: the most super superhero movie ever made
Today, a June 12th, was National Superman day. How this came to be I do not know, (I personally imagine that someone at DC has dirt of Nancy Pelosi or something) but to celebrate I thought I might visit a classc for the very first time, 1978’s Superman:The Movie. And Good god, I’m glad I did.
Superhero films today are a commodity. I’m sure I don’t have to telll you this. They are produced en masse, stuffed into our televisions and cinema screens often at the expense of the success of more original, and often better films. Superman the movie comes from a time before these films were concerned with the next big cameo, or setting up the next Big crossover event-all This film wants from you is to marvel in the fact that a man is flying. A man is flying before your eyes, and this film understands all the wonder and marvel that comes with that. The wonder that a man who can leap tall buildings in a single bound would stop flying to help a little girl rescue her cat. That he would stress the dangers of smoking in an interview, or say stop to say good night. This isn’t a film concerned with maniacs who want to end the world or subverting the genre with some for of psychopathic hero to another, this film fully recognizes how absurd it’s innate concept is-the main villain has a humbling henchman, frequently refers to himself as a genius criminal mastermind, and dresses up in disgust- but also very much sees the beauty in the concept of a man like Superman believing in humanity this kind of examination of a character and displaying the inner concepts beneath the red tights, both narratively, audibly, and graphically-is something that hasn’t really been done before since. Is Superman:the Movie the best superhero film ever made? I don’t think so, but in the degree it believe in its characters, and embraces the absurdity of its concept without losing real stakes, it’s the most superhero movie ever made. It’s very much the gold standard, even decades later.
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sandydesertdays · 2 years
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The Florida Project (2017) Director Sean Baker
The Florida Project is honestly unlike anything iv seen before. It defies any traditional narrative structure in favor or something closer resembling a slice of life anime. Director Sean Baker uses bright, contrasting colors to create an almost indescribably as bright and wondrous as the world his child protagonists explore. At times wondrous and childlike and at times realistic and cruel, the Florida project taps into a very innate feeling-this movie makes you feel like a child again, it’s really quite incredible how Baker and co accomplished that. While it does meander at some points, the Florida project is magical, multifaceted and an unforgettable experience that’s quite unique in an ever changing landscape of modern Hollywood
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sandydesertdays · 4 years
Reblog if you support asexuals and aren’t a COWARD
RB if your blog is a safe, accepting space for asexuals!
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sandydesertdays · 4 years
Listen up!
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You see a post like this? Where OP might hurt/kill themselves? You hit that button that I circled
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Hit that.
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Click Suicide or Self-harm Concern
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Fill in the rest of it, and hit submit. The "content you reported" will fill itself in
Tumblr will follow up and help them.
Warning: this is only for mobile. If anyone knows how to do this for desktop, please add it!
And yes, REBLOG. Liking does no shit at all. This isn't ig.
You reblog, people see it. You don't, people don't see it. This shit's that simple.
This could save someone's life. It's not a joke.
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sandydesertdays · 4 years
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