sane-one · 2 years
Stress and spotting
Bleeding when you’re not on your period is called spotting. It is light bleeding, which can be taken care of with a panty liner. You won't require a pad or tampon. 
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Can stress cause spotting in between periods? 
Absolutely, yes! Stress not only causes spotting in between periods but can also affect your cycle, either making it lengthy or missing your periods altogether. 
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Stress is your body's response to the external environment you are in and has a negative impact on your body in many ways. Stress can lead to the following health issues, to name a few: - 
Immune system deficiency 
Stomach problems 
Tense muscles 
Low-sex drive 
Menstrual irregularities 
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Finding healthy ways to manage stress can make a big difference to your overall well-being, menstrual regularity included. You can do the following to help improve your menstrual health and stress: -- 
Exercising regularly 
Practicing meditation 
Managing stress with a 
few lifestyle changes 
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If your menstrual health isn't improving, then it may be time to visit your medical health provider. 
To avoid spots on your clothes, you can use a panty liner. 
Take care!
Happy Periods with Lemme Be!
~Lokeshwari H Naidu,
Team @lemmebegirls
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sane-one · 2 years
What are some things that a guy should know about a woman's periods?
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You might be thinking what you can do or what are the things that you must do for your partner when they are bleeding down there. Here are a few things that you must know and pay attention to:-
PMS is as real as it can get.
And so are period cravings
The cramps can get worser than you think
How can we forget, the moods that are on a rollercoaster ride
Also, they aren't untouchables
Period sex is helpful to relieve the cramps
They can still get pregnant while on periods
Being nice has never done harm to anyone
Try to be understanding
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Pampering them with good menstrual products and food will earn you some brownie points 😉
Disc N' Glow bundle is here to your rescue!
~Lokeshwari H Naidu,
Team @lemmebegirls
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sane-one · 2 years
Acne and periods
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As if periods in themselves is less overwhelming, a menstruator has to go through bloating, mood swings, tons of pain and yes, Period Acne. Premenstrual acne is a flare-up of acne every cycle that coincides with your period.
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Why do we have Acne before periods?
The estrogen and progesterone levels drop as one is approaching their menstrual cycle. This is said to trigger your sebaceous glands to secrete more sebum, an oily substance acting as a natural lubricant for skin. When it's released in excess, it leads to blockage of pores and skin breakouts. Hormones tend to increase skin inflammation and the production of acne-causing bacteria.
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It's symptoms might look like:-
Oily skin
Inflammation of skin
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How do we prevent premenstrural acnes?
Make lifestyle changes:
- Reduce stress levels
-Sleep better
-Eat a healthy diet
Use skincare products that won’t clog pores.
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Discuss treatment options with your healthcare provider for persistent acne.
Be period ready with the Perfect Period Kit and Acne Gel!!
Take care! Happy Periods with Lemme Be!
~Lokeshwari H Naidu,
Team @lemmebegirls
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sane-one · 2 years
The Role of Support Groups for Cancer Patients
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Many people diagnosed with cancer find it helpful to be part of a cancer support group. It acts as a safe place where family or patients themselves can talk about and work through the feelings and challenges experienced with other people who have gone through similar experiences. Support groups give people diagnosed with cancer and their caregivers a chance to learn from and support each other.
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It acts like a ray of hope when one feels low and are in need of mental support that can only be given by people who've actually been through the same experience.
~Lokeshwari H Naidu,
Team @lemmebegirls
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sane-one · 2 years
Irregular Periods : here's what can help!
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Irregular periods are relatively common, but sometimes, they can indicate pregnancy or an underlying condition, it may not always be the case though. A few lifestyle changes can help you keep irregular periods at bay. It may look like you cannot do anything but here are some ways that can help you to regulate your periods.
Let's dive right into it:-
•Reduce Stress
Researchers suggest that high levels of emotional stress have links to irregular periods.
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• Meditation
It may sound odd but yes, meditation helps with stress which in turn helps in reducing the chances of irregular cycles.
• Excercising/doing yoga daily
Excercising or practicing some yoga on a daily basis is known to be linked with regularisation of periods.
• Weight management
If your body weight is on the extremes, it tends to affect your cycle. If you are underweight then try to increase your body weight. Likewise, if you are on the obese side that too can affect your periods. Maintaining a healthy weight is essential for reproductive health.
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• Reduce your exercise
As much as excercising help in regulating, if extreme excercise is practiced, that too can be one of the causes for Irregular Periods. So try to do moderate intensity excercise daily.
• Consume Vitamin D
Research shows that vitamin D may also help regulate ovulation. A 2015 studyTrusted Source found links between low levels of vitamin D and irregular periods.
Consumption of the following too can help:-
•Apple cider vinegar
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Irregular periods have many causes. Making lifestyle changes to reduce or manage stress and maintain a healthy body weight may help regulate periods.
Stay healthy! Happy Periods!
~Lokeshwari H Naidu,
Team @lemmebegirls
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sane-one · 2 years
Things to say to someone dealing with mental health issues
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I'm reminded of a famous quote by Aisha Mirza,
"It is not the bruises on the body that hurt. It is the wounds of the heart and the scars on the mind."
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We've all come across many things one must not say to a person dealing with mental health issues. It's time we look at it from another perspective, it maybe difficult now, but here are a list of few things that you can tell your loved ones in their tough times.
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•Do you want to talk about it? I'm always here for you.
•What can I do to help?
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•That sounds really difficult. How are you coping?
•Let's go somewhere quiet or take a walk
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•I'm really sorry you're going through this. I'm here for you if you need me
•Are you looking for my perspective or do you want me to listen?
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As much as it's important to look after someone else's mental health and it's also important to take care of yourself too. So make sure if you can't help or if difficult on you to just tell them that you may not be available always but you do care about them and that you need sometime for yourself.
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Take care! Sending warm hugs your way!
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~Lokeshwari H Naidu,
Team @lemmebegirls
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sane-one · 2 years
Ways to take care of yourself during Periods
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The whole menstrual cycle could be very overwhelming and a difficult process for each individual dealing with it in a different way. But what one needs to understand is that it's very important to take care of oneself while bleeding.
Below are some ways to take care of yourself during periods:-
•Nourish your body with iron-rich foods
It is suggested to make dietary changes, adding nutrients to your everyday meals. Having nutrient rich food boy just regulates your cycle but also helps with bloating.
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•Stay hydrated
Avoid caffeine as it'll only make your cramps worse, but make sure to drink enough water to avoid dehydration. In fact, drinking warm water is known to help with cramps.
•Taking Warm Showers
Warm showers help you to relax and helps with cramps/period pains.
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•Go easy on your workouts
It's true that excercise helps with pain and blood flow but you must keep in mind to not exert yourself a lot which will make you feel exhausted.
•Use heating pad or hottle water bottle
They too like warm shower help in making the cramps less painful.
•Get enough sleep
Resting yourself and letting your body recharge is a must.
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•Consider alternative menstrual products
Although you may be comfortable with the products you've been using its important to understand that they are both costly and are not good for the environment either. Not only are sustainable products good on the environment but also on the skin, plus they are way too cost effective over non- sustainable products.
Let us know below how do you take care of yourself during those days!
Take care! Happy Periods!
~Lokeshwari H Naidu,
Team @lemmebegirls
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sane-one · 2 years
A guide to Period Products
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In this era where the climate change is way too fast and our environment is in utter danger, almost 1 billion sanitary pads are disposed every year, that take up almost 500-800years to decompose.
But do not worry, Lemme Be, an Eco-friendly Menstrual Brand has come up with Sustainable Products which would not only help the environment but also is skin friendly and is made with the idea that products must cater to both the customers and their environment.
Here's your guide to menstrual products in the market that you might not know about or wish to know:-
•Day Pads - 235mm long, ultra soft organic cotton pads with a capacity of 80ml that can be used upto 4-6 hours.
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•Night Pads - worrying about having to wake up in night for those pad changing sessions? Don't worry, here's your sleep angel, this 345mm long pads with a 150ml capacity, not only is made of 100% cotton but also has enhanced coverage for extra protection for that good night's sleep.
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•Xxtra Long Pads - 360 mm long with a capacity of 130ml, made of 100% organically certified cotton.
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•Tampons - These tampons come in the different sizes wherein you can choose the right one for you according to your flow. It's FDA approved and is chemical free reducing the chances of any reaction or toxic shock syndrome. Also, it's hydrophobic strings makes it easier for removal and disposal.
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•Panty liners - This Europe designed panty liners has 10 certified cotton units in per pack with a 150mm coverage perfect for spotting or discharges.
The Z-Range
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•Z-Cup - This Menstrual Cup is gade with Medical Grade Silicone in two sizes i.e. 20ml and 25ml each. Not only does it have 3 beautiful colours but is specially designed in an angular way to make it easier for instertion. It also has its stem a bit extended to make it easier for removal. And guess what, it can easily last for about 8 hours straight.
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•Z-Disc - Lemme Be’s Z Disc is a double rim flat disc that helps you stay leak free up to 8 to 12 hours. This reusable menstrual disc is toxin free, phthalate free and sustainable with the capacity to hold 5 times more than an average sanitary pad. It again comes is two sizes: 30 ml and 55 ml each.
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•Z-Drip Max - Don't want to insert anything but don't want to use a pad either then Z-Drip Max is the right thing for you. Reusable Period Panty made up of Sustainable Cotton Fiber, it comes in 5 different sizes for your comfort. It has 4 layers that can lock your period blood for almost 6-8 hours with 120ml capacity with a lifespan of 6 months. Not just bleeding but it also helps in locking discharges, leaky bladder and sweat.
So what are you waiting for take that sustainable plung today with Lemme Be😉
~Lokeshwari H Naidu,
Team @lemmebegirls
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sane-one · 2 years
Period facts that everyone must know
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From the time of puberty till menopause, menstural cycle becomes a huge part of Menstruators life. It becomes such a normal thing in our lives that we may not pay much of attention, so here are some facts that all of us should know and understand about Periods:-
• On an average, a menstruator spends about 10 years of their lives bleeding, yes you read that right
• Menarche or the first period can be met with either celebration, fear or concern. What's important to understand here is that it is a very important transition for menstruators, and the support of their friends and family can make it better.
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• One can be on their periods and still be pregnant, yes, it may be difficult to understand but it's true.
• Cold weather can affect your cycle to become worse.
• Over the years, the average age of Menarche has changed. Earlier it was very normal to get your period even at the age of 17 while in the recent times there's been a transaction wherein children aged 8 too can bleed.
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• It may look like you one is loosing a lot of blood although on an average one can loose anywhere from a spoonful of blood to a cup of blood. But, in some cases, people do have lose excessive blood, do consult a doctor in such cases.
• Your body odour may change while on periods.
• A few irregular periods are normal in both the beginning years and the later stage of life.
• Although cramps and PMS are a part of a menstural cycle but if it's too much, it maybe the time to visit your Gynaecologist.
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• It may look like a lot of task, but to actually keep a track of your periods would help you've more aware about your body and the changes it's going through.
• Spotting in between periods may not always be a sign of something bad.
• Eco friendly options not just help the earth but also your pocket and is not just skin friendly but also very comfortable.
Switch today with Lemme Be!
~Lokeshwari H Naidu,
Team @lemmebegirls
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sane-one · 2 years
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sane-one · 2 years
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sane-one · 2 years
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sane-one · 2 years
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sane-one · 2 years
4 hormones in the menstrual cycle
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Every month menstruators face many changes in their body. Let's get to know more about them.
The menstrual cycle is regulated by the complex interaction of hormones: luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and the female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone. Let's find out a bit more about these:-
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Luteinizing Hormone
LH is made by your pituitary gland. In women, the pituitary sends out LH during the ovulation part of the menstrual cycle. This tells the ovaries to release a mature egg.
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Follicle-stimulating Hormone
FSH helps control the menstrual cycle and stimulates the growth of eggs in the ovaries. FSH levels in women change throughout the menstrual cycle, with the highest levels happening just before an egg is released by the ovary. This is known as ovulation.
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In addition to regulating the menstrual cycle, estrogen affects the reproductive tract, the urinary tract, the heart and blood vessels, bones, breasts, skin, hair, mucous membranes, pelvic muscles, and the brain.
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Progesterone prepares the endometrium for the potential of pregnancy after ovulation. It triggers the lining to thicken to accept a fertilized egg. It also prohibits the muscle contractions in the uterus that would cause the body to reject an egg.
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Your body goes through all of these and continues to do it until you reach menopause, so be a bit more kind to yourself. And yes, uses products that are both comforting to your skin and the environment, switch to eco-friendly and economical products with Lemme Be.
~Lokeshwari H Naidu,
Team @lemmebegirls
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sane-one · 2 years
4 phases of menstrual cycle
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Every month, starting from puberty until menopause, a mensturator goes through several changes in their body, in order to get ready for a possible pregnancy. This series of hormone-driven events is the menstrual cycle.
A menstrual cycle is divided into four phases:
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-Menstrual phase
It's when one gets periods(lasting for 3-7 days), starting when an egg from the previous cycle isn't fertilized, making the levels of estrogen and progesterone drop. The thickened uterus lining is shed, leading to cramps, tender breasts, bloating, mood swings, irritability, headaches, tiredness, low back pain.
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-Follicular phase
The follicular phase starts on the first day of your period and ends when you ovulate. The hypothalamus sends a signal to your pituitary gland to release follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). This hormone stimulates your ovaries to produce around 5 to 20 small sacs called follicles. Each follicle contains an immature egg.
The average follicular phase lasts for about 16 days. It can range from 11 to 27 days, depending on your cycle.
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-Ovulation phase
Ovulation is when your ovary releases a mature egg. The egg travels down the fallopian tube toward the uterus to be fertilized, also the only time when pregnancy can take place. The symptoms may be a slight rise in basal body temperature, thicker discharge that has the texture of egg whites. It generally happens on the 14th day in a 28 day cycle and last only for 24 hours.
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-Luteal phase
The released egg changes to corpus luteum, releasing progesterone and some estrogen leading to thickening of the uterine lining for the implantation of a fertilized egg. If you get pregnant, then the uterine lining would remain thick due to human chorionic gonadotropin. If not, the corpus luteum will shrink away and be resorbed, leading to yet another cycle of period.
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Let's try to understand our body better and as to what goes on in it. Happy Periods!
~Lokeshwari H Naidu,
Team @lemmebegirls
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sane-one · 2 years
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sane-one · 2 years
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