saneandrocking · 8 hours
Do y'all think about Sakura, the freshly made genin little girl who had only few months ago realized she needed to be so much more than what she could be at the moment in front of the chance to not only die but 2/4 of her team die in front of her, alone? Alone in a village full of disdain for her teammates, one that she watched get away from the barrier of said village in a night she would remember everyday untill she saw him again? Alone without the blonde kid she only recently learn to understand and to care for, who left with a promisse that she would discover to be one more reason for sadness in his heart? Alone without her teacher to guide her through the feeling of grief...while she was having her body changed by a new routine to become useful and, in some way, to not be left behid again? Cause I do. I think a lot about her.
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saneandrocking · 8 hours
A parte mais interessante da personalidade da Sakura, o que pode ser tanto uma eventualidade (vendo como o Kishimoto parece ter fobia a desenvolvimento de personagem), quanto uma ironia da obra, é que ela é, essencialmente, sozinha. E, mesmo assim, quando mencionada está sempre associada a outro personagem. Essa é pra mim a tragédia pessoal dela.
Como criança, ela sofre uma rejeição baseada na sua aparência e você pensa: nossa, Kishimoto não sabia mesmo o que fazer do passado dela e resolveu só dizer que ela sofreu bullying. Nem os pais dela nós vemos no mangá. E aí entra a Ino, a rivalidade e relação mais essencial para a construção da personalidade da Sakura ao longo da série ao meu ver, mas que para todos os efeitos se torna mais uma pessoa que a Sakura vê se afastar (e se afasta).
Durante o clássico, ela é um plano de fundo para a relação do Sasuke com o Naruto. Ela está lá, ela faz parte da dinâmica, mas ela não está ativamente envolvida na forma como esses dois reagem um ao outro. Isso não é dizer que os dois não tem obviamente laços com ela, porém, inegavelmente, a presença dela não é uma força capaz de promover uma mudança significativa. Para constar, o Kakashi também não é de muita ajuda: tudo (e isso é bem limitado) que vemos da Sakura vem de alguma coisa que ela fez fora do foco do enredo que nós não vimos acontecer. Obrigatoriamente, para isso fazer sentido, ela aprendeu sozinha.
Quando Sasuke deixa a vila e depois Naruto faz o mesmo, é Sakura quem fica. Não Sakura e Kakashi, mas sim só Sakura. O time 7 não basta se não tiver um dos dois outros, porque a Sakura, mais uma vez, é uma peça essencial na trama, mas não na dinâmica. O crescimento que ela tem sob a tutela da Tsunade com menos tempo de treinamento que todos seus outros contemporâneos não é tratado como fruto de um prodígio, mesmo sendo. Ela se torna a personagem feminina mais forte do anime sozinha, sem nós, visualizadores, ou o time 7, para ver isso acontecer. Eles só vêm o resultado.
E, embora isso seja mais uma percepção individual, existe uma complexidade não intencional nisso. Talvez eu pense assim por ela estar num time não só marcado por prodígios e poderes herdados, mas pela separação que cada um deles experimenta dos outros personagens e da própria sociedade. O Kakashi abraça essa diferenciação, o Sasuke utiliza dela como motor e o Naruto procura dissuadir a todos que ela não existe - mas a Sakura simplesmente é solitária e independente de quanto tempo passe, ela permanece assim. Tentar pertencer ao time 7 é um recurso que parece muito mais interessante sob essa perspectiva também, porque ela de fato quer entender o Sasuke e o Naruto num nível mais profundo, mas ela não constrói o mesmo tipo de laço que eles tem por inúmeros motivos.
Sakura Haruno basicamente se constrói sozinha para ser sozinha.
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saneandrocking · 3 days
This blog will NEVER be a safe space for transphobes. If I ever see one of you interact with my shit, I'm blocking on sight.
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saneandrocking · 5 days
Imagining what it must have been like for Stan to contemplate that all the merits associated with him were under his brother's name, always in the shadow of the successful twin. Can you imagine how irritated he would get when he heard someone say something bad about Stanford and then suddenly had to remind himself that it was him they were talking about? Do you think Shermie ever said something about Stanley, his dead brother, and Stan thought, So that's what I am to the world. Because all the other people who knew the true Stanley Pines were out of his reach. The dream of always being by his brother's side, on a level of codependency, led Stan to lose his identity as well. It also symbolizes the only companionship that Stanford could offer to him.
The thing I can't get over is how Ford just fails to grapple with the enormity of Stan's thirty year lie. He's angry at Stan for taking over his life, which is fair, but also means that he can't see all the ways in which Stan made it his own. Like him or not, everyone in town is familiar with Stan Pines. He's fully established himself as a part of the community, and on top of that he's been running a successful business and teaching himself interdimensional physics. Ford writes in Journal 3 that "it's hard to believe the parents would trust these kids with Stanley; they clearly thought he was ME!" because he can't grasp the fact that, to Mr. and Mrs. Pines, there's only ever been one "Uncle Stanford," and he's the wacky old conman who fought off his brother to hold the newborn Dipper and Mabel just a little longer.
I'm saying this because I love Stan and thinks he deserves credit for all the ways he's pulled his life together, but also because I love Ford and need to talk about the existential horror of having your whole ass identity literally taken from you. He can't accept that Stan could be seen as a responsible guardian, but what's even worse is that "Stanford Pines" is beloved not through Ford's merits but Stan's. He left so little impact on his town and on his family that Stan could completely take over without anyone noticing. Shermie is his fucking brother, and he couldn't tell the difference because both twins were equally absent from his life.
On the flip side, Stan finally got to settle down and succeed at life, to do all the things his dad said he couldn't; but he only escaped his role of "the screwup twin" by literally taking over the identity of "the successful twin." No matter what Stan did, how reconnected with his family, it was always as someone else. Stanford could do it all, but first Stanley had to die.
I feel like this got a little depressing, but what I love about the Stans is that their story is fundamentally about hope and possibility. They may have both spent their twenties fucking around and finding out, but the story didn't end with the darkest hour. They've got time to be a family, to get to know the Pines' and the town of Gravity Falls as themselves. I adore the little detail at the end of Weirdmageddon, when Shandra Jimenez says "local hero, Stanley Pines" in her broadcast, because it proves that they're both finally getting the credit they deserve under their own names. Stanley and Stanford, distinct yet united.
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saneandrocking · 6 days
I don't like reading fanfics with original characters or self inserts. I find it annoying and uninteresting, after all I don't know who this character is and I don't see any reason for him to be there. BUT you will never see me commenting shit on someone's OC post regarding any fandom. Like NEVER. This is lame.
When I don't like content I simply don't look for it, and if by chance I find something related to it I have two options: ignore it or block the account/tag/whatever to avoid it. IT IS NEVER SOMEONE'S ELSE PROBLEM THAT I DON'T LIKE SOMETHING THEY'RE MADE IN HARMLESS ATTEMPT TO PRODUCE CONTENT ABOUT SOMETHING THEY LOVE.
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saneandrocking · 7 days
I was rewatching Gideon Rises and that scene in which he taunts Dipper by saying he has no muscle nor brains to fight back by himself without the Journal's help really gets to me...
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And you know what? Ignore Ford's biased by society's expectations on a 1960's man: Dipper's greatest strenght was NEVER his brains.
I mean, he's incredibly smart, there's no doubt. But Gravity Falls is not a place in which you can survive with that alone despite Gideon and Ford saying so.
Dipper's greatest strenght was always the same as Stan: it's how much he loves his family and how far he's willing to go for his sister.
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That same love was what made him stand up to the weirdness in Gravity Falls and always find a way out countless times. It's the reason he could sacrifice things for Mabel again and again and never once feel like she was in debt. The reason he could rescue her from Bill's perfect prison in Mabeland and EVEN THE REASON FORD WAS STILL HERE FOR WEIRDMAGEDDON.
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The only thing able to subdue Dipper's very naturally human fear of death was his love for his new great uncle.
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On a parallel note, Ford's strenght was actually the same as Mabel all along. His love for the unconventional and ability to think outside the box.
The same episode Mabel meets her favorite magical creature and finds out they're an asshole we get the flashback of Ford experiencing the exact same thing.
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saneandrocking · 7 days
This is how I like to write Ford. For a change I think he's the one who should know nothing.
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Dysfunctional without his other half
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saneandrocking · 7 days
Dear Friends,
I am writing to you in extremely difficult circumstances. Unfortunately, my original account on ‏tumblr‏, which I relied on to collect donations and share my story, has been suspended. The account was under the name majedgaza1, and this has deeply affected us.💔
We have lost our home and everything we own due to the harsh conditions, and we are in desperate need of your support. Every donation, no matter how small, can make a big difference in our lives and help us get through this hardship.😢
I sincerely ask for your help and support for my new account, to help us ease our suffering. Your love and generosity mean the world to us in these tough times.
Thank you so much for your support and for standing by us.🙌
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saneandrocking · 8 days
Please don't ignore me
Hello, I'm Lina from Gaza🇵🇸🍉. I'm part of a family of 8. I'm married with two young children. We've been bombed, besieged, and starved. Sadly, I've lost many of my family members❗ and I can't afford to lose any more. With a heavy heart, I'm asking you to help me spread my campaign. Please, what I'm asking is too much. Can you write a post about my story and share it with your friends? I desperately need your support. My father and brother were injured in the bombing and are in critical condition. They need to travel for treatment. I need your support. The genocide is still going on
You are my only hope for survival.
Campaign verified by
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saneandrocking · 8 days
How about angst about old men yaoi featuring old man Mcgucket??? IT'S THAT THE FLAVOR YOU GUYS APPROVE OF????
Funniest thing about modern gravity falls fans is probably the fact they're seeing so much scientist yaoi recently and they'll come into the show completely spoiled. however, 2012 gravity falls fans did not have the luxury of knowing they would draw gay fanart of this thing
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saneandrocking · 8 days
Stupid ass takes like ''Mabel was childish and selfish-'' SHE WAS A KID AND ACTED LIKE ONE. ''Well, but Dipper was much more selfless and aware-'' HE ACTED LIKE A CHILD TOO. HE DIDN'T GIVE UP ON HIS BIG DREAMS BECAUSE OF MABEL, HE WAS PRETTY MUCH A HIGH ACHIVER LITTLE BOY TRYING TO TAKE BIG STEPS IN A DIRECTION HE DIDN'T KNOW ENOUGH ABOUT. FORD WAS PROJECTING ON HIM AND HE ENJOYED BEING PERCEIVED BY SOMEONE! MABEL IMPACTS HIS DECISIONS BY SIMPLY BEING A BOND HE COULD NEVER IGNORE AND THAT'S ALSO SOMEHOW THE ROOT OF THEIR CHARACTERS. Everytime you guys put their actions against eachother you're replicating what happened with Ford and Stan, because even though the show screams at you all how important family and trust is, you can't accept that the growth of one character comes from the fact that he is allowed to make mistakes in the first place.
Also, I'm not gonna ellaborate on that further, but can you all see that every single character of the shows does act selfish at some point? Besides, half of the episodes is Dipper getting in problems by acting having in mind only his one-sided crush on Wendy, let's just be real about this when complaining about Mabel.
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dead meme format ik, but this is basically what pops into my head whenever i see a dumb take on their dynamic
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saneandrocking · 11 days
Com concordo com você, o Ford realmente não acreditava ser O Escolhido por maldade mas sim porque foi o que ele arranjou para se conformar consigo mesmo. E realmente, o Filbrick metendo na cabeça do menino que ele era o filho que tinha que dar certo de todos os jeitos e o único que realmente tinha chance também não ajudou em nada. Acho que ultimamente fandom não sabe mais traçar a linha entre demonizar um personagem e criticar um personagem. E me desculpa pelo "bate na madeira, cruz credo", eu estava tentando descontrair e fazer graça mas ficou parecendo que eu estava demonizando o coitado do Ford, mil perdões essa não foi minha intenção, juro.
KKKKK Tá tudo bem!
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saneandrocking · 12 days
I still love this right here. Please, useeeee!
Sasusaku prompt - ''I am stronger than you today''
Sakura, gazing into the eyes of a tormented Sasuke Uchiha, poised to sacrifice the world for the sins committed against his clan, declares: "You believe power is strength, that all your potential is defined by what your eyes can achieve, by what you can summon, by the way you fight, by the way you kill, but you are mistaken. Strength is witnessing a world filled with injustice and malevolence and still choosing to fight to preserve the good. Strength is recognizing the reasons to rise against those who are corrupt, but understanding there is no justification to become the source of further cruelty. Strength is not forsaking your ideals to conform to what the world has made of you and how it has treated you.
You think I am weak for loving you and believing that you are lost in the darkness, as you scorn my feelings and my inability to kill you, but once more, you are wrong. I see in you someone who has been wronged and isolated, condemned to be a pawn in a game you were never even informed about. I see in you a child in pain, loneliness, and hatred, and, much to your chagrin, I see in you the capacity to love. Between the two of us, Sasuke, only I have remained true to my ideals and to who I am. You can kill me here, something you will have to fight for from beginning to end because I will never die without knowing that I avenged the person Naruto and I have mourned since we were thirteen. I am stronger than you today, not on the battlefield, but in mind. I am stronger than you, and it may be that I perish today because of it, but you will fall with me."
Bonus: A Sasuke who faces a Sakura Haruno who is simultaneously the same as the one he abandoned on the bench and so different that he needs to remind himself that this adversary is dangerous in a way that no other ever will be.
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saneandrocking · 12 days
Hello! 🍉🇵🇸 I'm Nadine from Gaza Asking for help is not easy, I'm asking for a small donation of 20 or 25 euros from each person. I need your help, you can donate to save my life and the life of my family, my donation link is in my bio, every donation, even the small one, is a good thing and makes a big difference in my life Help me and my family Thank you for your support I hope you can help me even a little to save us from death
Daily sharing.
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saneandrocking · 12 days
Hello! 🍉🇵🇸 I'm Nadine from Gaza Asking for help is not easy, I'm asking for a small donation of 20 or 25 euros from each person. I need your help, you can donate to save my life and the life of my family, my donation link is in my bio, every donation, even the small one, is a good thing and makes a big difference in my life Help me and my family Thank you for your support I hope you can help me even a little to save us from death
As of September 7th:
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saneandrocking · 13 days
‼️Please don’t skip taking a look 🍉🇵🇸
I am Lina from Gaza, 25 years old. I have been married for 4 years. I have a son named Saif, who is 2 years old, and a daughter named Sidra, who was born in the October War, who is 3 months old. They were born by caesarean section. Help me and my children evacuate Gaza. I need your help to evacuate my family from Gaza. I hope you and your loved ones find you safe and sound. I am coming to you with a very urgent and time-sensitive appeal. We face a constant and imminent threat of death, injury and disease, even during the so-called “truce”. My home has been bombed and destroyed beyond repair. My family’s home. We have been under occupation all our lives, and none of us have experienced anything like what is happening now. There is now an opportunity to get the entire family out of Gaza to Egypt via the Rafah crossing. We do not know how long this opportunity will last, which makes it imperative that we raise the necessary funds as soon as possible. The longer it takes, the more vulnerable they will be. No one knows how long the bombing of Gaza will continue. It will continue, regardless of the cost in human lives. For my family’s future, your help is essential. I am deeply concerned about my children.
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The money you contribute will: Cover the enormous costs of safe passage to Egypt. The vast majority of the money will be used for this purpose.
Provide temporary housing for the family in Egypt while the best way forward is determined for them.
Cover some of their initial living expenses while they are in Egypt. We hope to provide them with at least two months’ worth of money. They need time and space to breathe after being gassed during this genocide
Once all of this is done, additional funds will be used to help me move past my current situation so that I can provide more support to my family. I have taken on the responsibility of caring for them during this critical and uncertain time and into the future.
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saneandrocking · 13 days
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some gravity falls highschool twins headcanons 😮 i kept dipper midwest emo hope thats okay
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