sapphic-poems · 7 years
snow falls, entangled in the twirling wind and the sharp breeze that seems inescapable these days.
you, the epitome of warmth, stand there. even when shivers run through you and your teeth chatter, the light in your eyes and the smile that entertains itself on your lips shines brightly and cozy like a sweet summer day full of morning dew and flowers.
you warm my soul and I can’t wait to spend every day with you, so I’ll never be cold again, and as long as we’re together i know I’ll be okay, with your sunshine smile and springtime eyes and your heart full of bliss.
— warm // 11.7.17
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sapphic-poems · 7 years
tick tick
i figit in class
i want to flee
bad people everywhere
new room but still so old
loud, too loud
and no one cares for me
i sit alone
i breathe heavily and push back tears
tock tick
when will it ring? when when when when when when
i can't focus
numbers and letters stream past my eyes
who are they?
im so lost
im afraid
i just scribble and scribble
tick tick tick tock tick tock tick tock tock tick tock-
i step through quieter halls
and I eagerly await you're responses
numbers fade out into black
panic settles back down to sleep
I see you're face
and I smile
- You Keep Me From Crying, Daily (9/28/17)
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sapphic-poems · 7 years
let's wake up together one morning
one of us will make breakfast
it doesn't really matter what
what matters? hands on hips as we prepare for the day
kisses and mumbles
sounds of a city playing in the background
honestly, all i want
is a sickly sweet
domestic life with you
- A Morning Far Away (9/28/17)
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sapphic-poems · 7 years
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sapphic-poems · 7 years
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sapphic-poems · 7 years
Ask Things About My S.O. or Crush!
1) Describe them in 3 words 2) Their favourite style of clothing 3) What mannerisms do they have? 4) Do they play an instrument? 5) How did you meet/become introduced to them? 6) Favourite thing they’ve ever said/texted/messaged? 7) What do you like doing with them? 8) Their favourite colour 9) Do they keep up to date on pop culture? 10) Sweetest thing they’ve done for you? 11) Have you dreamed about them? 12) Have they dreamed about you? (if you know) 13) Can they dance? 14) What does hugging them feel like? 15) Your favourite thing about them? 16) Their favourite thing about you? 17) Best memory of you together? 18) What are they like when they’re tired? 19) Could you imagine growing old together with them? 20) Could they imagine growing old together with you? 21) What would an ideal date with them be? 22) Are they competitive? 23) What do you do together? 24) Which smells remind you of them? 25) Do they remind you of any music? 26) Could you tell them your biggest secret? 27) Could they tell you their biggest secret? 28) How do you greet each other? 29) What makes you blush that they do? 30) What makes them blush that you do? 31) Would you say you love them? 32) Would they say they love you?
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sapphic-poems · 7 years
I hope you kiss me really hard when I see you.
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sapphic-poems · 7 years
girls can want to have sex w other girls. it doesnt have to be “cute” and “pure” to be good. wlw that are sexually attracted to other women are great. dont feel bad for fantasizing about girls. theres nothing wrong about that.
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sapphic-poems · 7 years
(Nsfw) I want my girlfriend to make me cum so badly oh my g o d
A Mood
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sapphic-poems · 7 years
us far away is not how it was meant to be
it was meant to be us, together, wrapped in warmth under starlight
it was meant to be us, waking along a rode with hands locked together and smiles and laughs filling the world
hands on necks and lazy kisses
my name heavy on your lips
that's how it was meant to be.
- A Complaint To Our Author (9/14/17)
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sapphic-poems · 7 years
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sapphic-poems · 7 years
i want to leave lipstick stains on your neck
i want bites to blossom along your collar
let me leave scratches along your legs, your thighs
i only wish to entangle my hands in your hair
to love you, softly or roughly or both
to love you until you scream
- Are These Wishes Okay (9/14/17)
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sapphic-poems · 7 years
boys whom???? all I see are beautiful stunning wonderful angels and frogs
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sapphic-poems · 7 years
nothing feels better then seeing my gf say she loves me!!!! I'm so happy!!!!!!!
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sapphic-poems · 7 years
Are you a jean jacket wlw or leather jacket wlw?
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sapphic-poems · 7 years
are you a french fries lesbian or a tater tots lesbian
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sapphic-poems · 7 years
an arm falls across my waist
lips hover over a neck
covered already in sweet marks
I cling to you;
her to me
three girls to a bed
breathing in tune
morning light is drizzled over us-
the day calls.
but we can ignore it
hands, lips, kisses, sheets
safe in a heaven
of our own creation
- Waking Up To Dreams (9/13/17)
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