Summary: Trowa Barton is a clown (literally).
Inspired by this tumblr post.
Gen, general clownery, 592 words.
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put a fanfic trope in my inbox
and I will tell you:
how likely I am to write it
what character(s) or pairing I’d most likely write it for
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2018 Writing Plans
So! I haven’t said this here, but I’ve mentioned it on twitter; this year, I’m gonna be trying to write a drabble a day, based off the Merriam-Webster DIctionary’s word of the day, which I’m gonna use as prompts. So far I’ve been really happy with it! 
In nine days, I’ve written over 2k words of tiny drabbles in a few different fandoms, and I’m really happy with it. Hopefully I can keep it up!!
Y’all can read the series here; please let me know what y’all think! Comments make me happy :D
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Summary: A college-bound Nishinoya is looking for a roommate to share an apartment in Tokyo. The first person to reply to his enquiries is none other than Yaku Morisuke, old friend and current libero on the same university volleyball team.
(Part of @hqbb 2017.)
YakuNoya, 10.8k, College AU, Fluff, Angst, Slow Burn
Chapter 3 illustrated by @q195-arts ! [x]
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texts from last night prompts
because I have nothing better to do, here are 50 prompts because of tfln. some are sfw and some are nsfw, some of these were tweaked just a little Feel free to reblog if you want!
“Sorry I got drunk at Sunday brunch and  force-fed carrot sticks to your cat.”
“After last night, I’ve never not wanted to live so much in my life.”
“You’re going to love the baby’s room.” “I doubt it. I can’t have sex in there anymore. That severely limits the appeal of the room to me.”
“Every morning should start with 2 orgasms and a shoulder massage.”
“I told you I was good to drive.” “Dumbass I drove…you sat in the passenger’s seat and steered with a paper plate.”
Puking in one of the stalls, someone ran in and started puking in the other stall. In between heaves, we told each other our names; I found out that it was my old best friend that moved away.”
“Hi this is _____, I have to type for _____ because they’re convinced the tongs they’re holding are their real hands.”
“I may or may not be wearing a cape right now. Hint: I am.”
“I’m bringing home some absinthe and some holy water. One way or another, things are going to get spiritual.
“He’s like a perfect storm of amazing hair and horrible judgment.”
“I feel like a cleansing fire is the only way to purify this house.”
“Oh my god I need an adult. Wait, shit, I am an adult.”
“Wait, did you just flirt with me?” “Have been for the past year, but thanks for noticing.”
“He’s a snuggler. Every time I attempt to make a move to find my bra he reigns me in. Needless to say, I could be here a while.”
“It began the way the best stories do-with some naive jackasses in a place they had no business being at.”
“Details are irrelevant. Come bail me out of jail.”
“I don’t need inspirational quotes. If I’m going to be motivated, it will be by anger and spite.”
“You are single-handedly the most cursed object the universe has ever conceived,”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” “Do you want me to go chronologically or alphabetically?”
“Last night apparently I said ‘I need a break’ and then I just passed the fuck out for 3 hours.”
“I don’t see how I managed to fuck up so much shit in an hour and a half.”
“Sometimes self-care is taking a shot of vodka and moving on.”
“Remember how I such good luck that it’s almost bullshit?” “I’m afraid to ask, but go on.”
“Can now check off ‘Start bar fight with my dad’ on my bucket list.”
“I shouldn’t have to tell you to not throw knives at me.”
“Called the cops on a high school party then went in after all the kids ran away and took the rest of the beer. What are you doing tonight?”
“I doubt you are even in possession of a crowbar.” “I suggest you not find out the hard way.”
“If you think I’m not petty enough to drive to your house at 3 in the goddamn morning just to punch you, you underestimate me.”
“You have a point, an idiotic one, but a point.”
“Nothing like casual arson to brighten your day.”
“I need you there. I need someone to glance at when other people inevitable annoy me.”
“You almost set me on fire last night.” “You probably deserved it.”
“Don’t bite the hand that gives you multiple orgasms.”
“I thought my sex drive was gone but let me tell you it is back with a vengeance.”
“I’m dying of laughter, but I’m also just dying…send help.”
“All I heard was ‘I swear it’ll be funny’ and then we were in jail.”
“I thought I needed to get laid. Turns out I just needed pasta.”
“I just felt emotion and I’m not okay with it.” 
“This is a mass text. Does anyone know where I am?”
“Seriously iPhone. Stop autocorrecting all my fucks into ducks. You’re making all my strong worded texts look harmless and adorable.”
“We have sex, then he cooks. It’s like a fantasy.”
“He apologized for the shitty sex and he wants redemption sex. Gah, I love gentlemen.”
We couldn’t even have sex, we were both laughing so hard. I don’t know how I feel about the quality of that weed.”
“We just walked into this party and immediately got handed a grilled cheese sandwich…” 
“Thank you for holding my vodka while the police let me ride their horse.”
“I simply find it astounding that you spelled drunken wrong but pterodactyl right.”
“I don’t know where I am, but the food in the fridge is awesome.”
“Just found out I slapped a vegan in the face with meat last night.”
“Instead of having sex, we spent the entire night making pillow forts and have sword fights. I think I’m in love.”
“All I can remember is you climbing in a garbage can and said you were trashed.”
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Fandom: Haikyuu!! Rating: Multi, Other Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Nishinoya Yuu/Azumane Asahi/Yaku Morisuke Characters: Nishinoya Yuu, Azumane Asahi, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Sugawara Koushi, Yaku Morisuke, Sawamura Daichi Additional Tags: M/M/M, Fluff, happy birthday noya!!!
Summary: Noya's birthday is a day filled with joy, pie, and surprises. -- Happy birthday Noya, my fav son!!
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Written for @yakunoyaweek day 7!
Summary: Nishinoya has an important question for Yaku after competing against each other in Nationals. Written for YakuNoya Week, day 7: Nationals, Getting Together, and Future.
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Short drabble for @yakunoyaweek day 6, because I’m about to pass out ;-;
Summary: Nishinoya and Tanaka talk boyfriends. Short drabble for YakuNoya Week day 6: Rivals.
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Written for @yakunoyaweek day 5!
Summary: The first time Nishinoya Yuu heard another voice whisper in the back of his head, he was five years old. Written for YakuNoya Week Day 5: Telepathy.
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For @yakunoyaweek day 4!
Summary: A moment in the life of pirate captain Nishinoya Yuu, and his best friend. For YakuNoya Week Day 4: friendship and merpeople.
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A bit of a longer fic, written for @yakunoyaweek day 3!
Summary: Yaku has an important question for Nishinoya on the night of his birthday. Written for YakuNoya Week, day 3: wishes and birthdays.
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For @yakunoyaweek day 2! 
Summary: Yaku and Noya study together. For Day 2 of YakuNoya Week: Roommates.
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Tiny fic for @yakunoyaweek ! 
Summary: Short and sweet yakunoya week fic, wherein Yaku and Noya text, and Tanaka is disgruntled.
For day one prompts: libero, texting, and secret relationship.
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Tumblr media
Medieval castle stairs were often built to ascend in narrow, clockwise spirals so right-handed castle defenders could use their swords more easily. This design put those on the way up at a disadvantage (unless they were left-handed). The steps were also uneven to give defenders the advantage of anticipating each step’s size while attackers tripped over them. Source Source 2 Source 3
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asks for fanfic writers
drop a number and a fandom in my askbox and I’ll answer:
things that inspire you
things that motivate you
name three favorite writers
name three authors that were influential to your work and tell why
since how long do you write?
how did writing change you?
early influences on your writing
what time are you most productive?
do you set yourself deadlines?
how do you do your researches?
do you listen to music when writing?
favorite place to write
hardest character to write
easiest character to write
hardest verse to write
easiest verse to write
favorite AU to write
favorite pairing to write
favorite fandom to write
favorite character to write
least favorite character to write
favorite story you’ve ever written
least favorite story you’ve ever written
favorite scene you’ve ever written
favorite line you’ve ever written
story you’re most proud of
best review you ever got
worst review you ever got
favorite story/poem of another author
hardest part of writing
easiest part of writing
alternate title for (insert story title)
alternate ending for (insert story title)
alternate pairing for (insert story title)
single story or multi-part story?
one-shot or multi-chaptered story?
canon or AU?
do you reread your own stories?
do you want to be published some day?
which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series
one song that captures (insert story title)
do you plan or do you write whatever comes to your mind?
would you ever write a sequel for (insert fic title here)
do you write linear or do you write future scenes if you feel like it?
share the synopsis of a story you work on that you haven’t published yet
share a scene of a story that you haven’t published yet
how many unfinished ideas/stories are you working on at the same time?
three spoilers for (insert story title)
writing advice
open question to the writer
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Fandom: Haikyuu!! Rating: Gen, M/M Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Nishinoya Yuu/Yaku Morisuke Characters: Nishinoya Yuu, Yaku Morisuke, Sugawara Koushi, Hinata Shouyou, Kozume Kenma, Karasuno Volleyball Club, Nekoma Volleyball Club  Additional Tags: Texting, text fic, Fluff, Getting Together, suga's a schemer but that's nothing new
Nishinoya and Yaku strike up a friendship after Suga, schemer that he is, sets Yaku up with Noya's phone number.
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for @tendou-satori​. Happy birthday kat!!! ilysm
Fandom: Haikyuu!! Rating: Gen Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Tendou Satori & Ushijima Wakatoshi, Tendou Satori & Oohira Reon Additional Tags: Tendou Satori, Goshiki Tsutomu, Oohira Reon, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Yamagata Hayato, Tendou's cat, Kittens, Fluff, Mild Angst
'Tendou Satori was not, generally, a person that people saw as a cat person. His outward appearance rather suggest an exotic pet, perhaps; maybe a gecko, or even perhaps a spider? Most people agreed that if Tendou Satori even owned a pet, it would be some kind of creepy crawly, with scales and fangs.
These people would be patently wrong, as usual when people make assumptions about Tendou Satori.'
The adventures of Miracle Boy Tendou Satori and his wonderful fat cat.
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