sayitsienna-blog · 12 years
Finnenna Mini-Para: Jump Start My Kaleidoscope Heart.
Finn: Feeling her forehead against his, he smiled ever so softly, starting to feel happy again. "I'm still going to say thank you. I hope you know that." He reached his hand up, tucking some hair behind her ear, bumping his nose again hers. "So, thank you." He kissed the tip of her nose, looking at her again.
Sienna: She rolled her eyes playfully. "Wellllll, if you must." She teased sweetly, sticking her tongue out at him a little. She smiled as his hand brushed to tuck away her hair, nose scrunching when he kissed it. "You're not going to get rid of me so easy, you know. You're stuck with me."
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sayitsienna-blog · 12 years
Catherine Feeny - Mr. Blue
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sayitsienna-blog · 12 years
Well that certainly puts things in perspective! Hahaha, I know what you mean. I've been sleeping weird too-But you know what I heard? A lot of artists and writers got their best work done when they couldn't sleep. I can't wait to meet your baby!
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It’s actually tame compared to when I was doing chemo. All it affects is my sleeping, but who needs sleep? I can’t wait for my baby. And thank you!
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sayitsienna-blog · 12 years
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sayitsienna-blog · 12 years
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sayitsienna-blog · 12 years
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I made these Looking for Alaska Glass Pendants and they are on my etsy if you want to stop by! 10% off for Nerdfighters everyday with coupon code DFTBA. Cheers!
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sayitsienna-blog · 12 years
Rachel! Oh my gosh, that sounds harsh! I'll bet it will all be worth it when the baby is here, though. Break a leg, lady!
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I have morning sickness in the middle of the night and my show opens on Friday! How are you, Sienna?
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sayitsienna-blog · 12 years
Ugh this looks amazing.
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sayitsienna-blog · 12 years
When your table tells you they changed their mind after you already put their order in
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sayitsienna-blog · 12 years
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sayitsienna-blog · 12 years
Everything post Christmas til now has been craziness... I feel like I must have missed so much with all of you! How have you been? What have I missed? Spill!
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sayitsienna-blog · 12 years
Finnenna Mini-Para: Jump Start My Kaleidoscope Heart.
Finn: "Well, hopefully, this guy can help Burt," Finn whispered. As she started to talk again, he opened his eyes, looking right into hers. "Thank you." He smiled slightly before squeezing her knee. "Thank you for just being here," he whispered. "And thank you for trying to help. It really does mean a lot to me."
Sienna: Sienna nodded. "I hope so too..." She lifted her chin, resting her forehead to his when he looked into her eyes. "Hey... You really don't have to thank me. That's what I'm here for. You can count on me, okay? I promise."
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sayitsienna-blog · 12 years
Oh man, I know exactly how that goes! I'm okay, just trying to get some reading in. And get a hold of this oncologist friend of my dad's for Finn and Kurt.
I see I have followers,
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sayitsienna-blog · 12 years
Catching up on some reading on my day off---I know I haven't been blogging much! How've you all been?
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sayitsienna-blog · 12 years
Nice to meet you as well! How are you?
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I see I have followers,
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sayitsienna-blog · 12 years
Finnenna Mini-Para: Jump Start My Kaleidoscope Heart.
Finn: Feeling her arms around his shoulders, he took a deep breath, trying to calm down as much as he could, fingers ceasing on her knee. His mind definitely wouldn't know where to stop now. It was like a broken slot machine--always spinning. Hearing her voice though, it brought him back to reality. His head turned towards her as he swallowed hard, listening. "Oncologist," he repeated, nodding afterwards. "Hopefully, they're good at what they do so they can help him." He looked down for a moment before shaking his head, remembering what she said. "I want Burt to get better before me. I don't care about what I have right now. All I care about is keeping my mom and Kurt happy, and Burt does that for them." He pressed his forehead against hers, starting to draw patterns again.
Sienna: She took a deep breath, trying her best to soothe him. She knew in this situation all she could do was listen, and offer help in the only ways she could. She knew he had a lot on his plate, with his past that haunted him and now this. She nuzzled her chin gently against his shoulder. "He is... Or at least my dad says so. He's supposed to be one of the best in the country." She looked up as his forehead pressed against hers. "You're a good man, Finn. I know you want what's best for your family. I'll try to help in any way that I can."
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sayitsienna-blog · 12 years
Soap Net is doing a marathon and I am parked on my couch.
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tv meme: canceled/ended shows ↳ veronica mars (5/10)
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