sayonikaxd · 6 months
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bro owns a casino and looks like they kin fluttershy & stocking
how do you manage to do that man
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sayonikaxd · 6 months
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parappa stop imitating suggestive ddlc cgs!!! - probably sunny funny idk
I tried
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sayonikaxd · 7 months
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quiet down small man
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sayonikaxd · 7 months
Unofficial Title Page
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sayonikaxd · 7 months
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this happened to me and my gf xD
It was a Rick and Morty 15 in one book for 40$. We had 15 😔
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sayonikaxd · 7 months
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sayonikaxd · 7 months
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yay my favorite rodent babies <3
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sayonikaxd · 7 months
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geronimo stilton <3
i love him
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sayonikaxd · 7 months
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he’s trying his best ok 😭
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sayonikaxd · 7 months
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what does this mean-
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sayonikaxd · 7 months
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trans headcanon collection teehee
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sayonikaxd · 7 months
now this…
this is beautiful
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Ya ain’t supposed to mate
(commissions open)
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sayonikaxd · 7 months
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sayonikaxd · 8 months
Fear of Flights (it’s a pun for heights)
Today was the day.
The day that Squidward had been dreading for a whole month + 8 days now.
And what day was that you may ask?
Well, simple.
It was his birthday.
The ocean was serenely quiet, not even the scallops up yet, as the one and only Squidward Q Tentacles stepped out of his beloved moai with two suitcases in hand as he made his way towards his garage.
Slowly he set down his luggage as he began the process of opening up his garage with the remote that came along with it. The sound of the door creaking awfully loud throughout Conch street as the cephalopod began to sweat buckets, praying to Neptune that the sound wouldn’t awake his neighbors.
Eventually the door fully open as he stepped inside the small space with his bags as he opened up his trunk and shoved his bags inside, and shut the trunk in a flash as he got into the boat and let out relieved sigh
‘This is it Squiddy, now all you have to do is make sure those two buffoons don’t hear you leave’
He thought as he turned the keys and the engine roared loudly as the octopus shushed it harshly, the engine in turn whimpering as it went silent. After that outburst of noise Squidward, still paranoid as ever glanced around behind him and shakily put the car into reverse as he made it out the garage and closed the door with the remote
“Goodbye Conch street, hello vacation!”
He whispered cheerfully as he immediately sped off onto the main road not wasting anymore time dawdling.
As he drove he took the time to adjust his mirrors and hummed to himself in content before noticing his far right mirror as he frowned knowing he wouldn’t be able to adjust it to his liking. Suddenly a familiar voice piped up from the back seat of his boat as it said
“Here, I’ve got it!”
A yellow arm stretching past the cephalopod as it adjusted the right mirror and squidward half watched, half not since he was driving before he then focused back on the road entirely. Squidward smiled a bit grateful for the help as he responded to the other
“Thanks SpongeBob..I really appreciate t-“
Suddenly the boat swerved off the road and screeched to a halt as Squidward turned around eyes burning with rage and face red, steam practically pouring out of his nostrils as he breathed heavily
He started in a low tone, as the yellow nuisance stared at him innocently, blue eyes sparkling.
He shouted at the top of his lungs like he had so many times in the past at the porerifian.
“Going on vacation with you, silly!”
He laughed, that accursed rippling sound echoing as the pod only glared daggers at him
Soon enough with one swift motion SpongeBob was in the air, as Squidward shook him furiously
He started to rant and rave before suddenly his watch went off, an alarm practically screeching to remind him to get moving.
And now? Squidward was late to being early to his flight as he felt all his anger seep away and he dropped the other as the sponge let out a soft squeak when he hit the floor of the boat, and almost immediately forgetting the other, Squidward floored it to the airport.
He’d have to deal with the menace when they got there.
When they arrived Squidward quickly parked and grabbed his bags as he ran inside the building frantically, the sponge close behind. Soon enough the two reached security and finally it was time to part with the other as Squidward turned to him with a smug smirk
“Seems this is where we part ways, how…sad.”
He said chuckling a bit before the sponge joined in laughing too and squidward stopped looking at the other, confused
“Oh squidward! You’re so funny! I have a boarding pass right here!”
He said holding it up proudly, a big bright gap toothed smile on, as the pod’s jaw dropped to the floor.
Without a word the two had made it through security as they headed for their gate SpongeBob excitedly rambling all the while until finally squidward stopped walking altogether
He whispered as the frycook stopped and turned curiously
“How did you find out about any of this?”
He said growing more frustrated by the second, all the anger that had previously gone flooding back into his system
“I haven’t said a single word about this vacation! Much less where I was going or what flight I was taking! How..how do you always know?!”
He shouted at him, exasperated, not caring if other people stared at his outburst
SpongeBob stared at him before quietly fiddling with his hands
“I.. heard you sleep talking and thought you could use a friend..”
Squidward deadpanned
“And why would I ever go with you?”
He asked harshly, the pod leaning in close to the others face, their noses touching.
SpongeBob opened his mouth to speak before suddenly they heard the flight attendant announce it was time to board, as Squidward glanced over and sighed, picking up his bags he made his way aboard the plane. All the way to his seat, while squeaky shoes followed before the two sat down and squidward crossed his arms, leaning back with a huff.
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Overhead the two suddenly hearing the announcement that indicated their flight would be taking off soon, and SpongeBob giddily looked out the window as the plane started, the little sponge having forgotten to buckle his seat belt as the plane started gaining speed.
As it did, SpongeBob found himself being sucked into his seat as the cephalopod glanced over as his eyes widened in slight surprise and he let out an annoyed breath of air as he grabbed the other by the nose and pulled him forward and buckled him properly, the yellow ball of sunshine in turn sending him a sweet and grateful smile.
Eventually they were in the air as the pod leaned back even further into his seat as his vision started to fade to black and he drifted off. SpongeBob all the while had his face once again pressed against the window as he stared down below at bikini bottom and sighed waving goodbye quietly, before he turned his attention to his dearest friend.
However, before he even tried to get a word out he noticed he was asleep as the sponge deflated slightly and frowned.
‘Darn I really wanted to ask Squidward what he had planned for his big day! Oh well, I suppose I should let him rest..for now at least..I’m sure he’ll wake up soon!’
The sponge thought to himself as his eyes flicked around the cabin. Boy did he have a lot of energy that morning as he excitedly bounced as quietly as he could in his seat.
Within about 30 minutes, the pod slowly regained consciousness to see the sponge still in his seat although the frycook looked beyond bored. Squidward, now much calmer thanks to his nap, was ready to finally get some answers from his co-worker before suddenly the lights in the cabin flickered and the whole plane shook causing all of the cephalopod’s calmness to completely drain out of him as he went a milky white and froze up, completely rigid.
Oh right.
Because it wasn’t an annoying plane ride with SpongeBob, without a bit of harsh turbulence.
Not to say that he didn’t expect the plane to have any, it’s just it wasn’t usually so bad.
Within a few more painful minutes the plane did eventually stop shaking, as over the intercom the pilots apologized for the lack of warning. SpongeBob of course, accepted the apology, even though they couldn’t hear him as he let out another laugh, until he turned his attention towards the octopus to see his current state as the joy vanished and bloomed into concern
He knew the other’s fear of heights was bad, but he didn’t know it was this bad. Ocean baby blue eyes stared into fearful mahogany as the smaller of the two reacted over and placed a gentle hand on the other’s shaking tentacle
“Squidward…? Are you ok?”
He asked softly, his voice seeming to snap the other out of it as the pale turquoise color was regained as all three of his hearts calmed down.
“Get your hand off of me!”
He snapped, as the other only smiled slightly seeing he was back to normal.
“I am perfectly fine, thank you very much! …No thanks to you.”
He added at the end bitterly
SpongeBob only shrinking down a bit at his neighbor’s aggressive behavior, although he had grown accustomed to it over the years. It’s just how Squidward was, no matter what SpongeBob did.
It was fine, even if it hurt a lot sometimes with how harsh he was, though he could never blame the cashier for it because most of the time it was his fault in the first place.
Like take today for instance, SpongeBob had behind Squidward’s back, bought a boarding pass to the same flight as him despite knowing fully well the other wanted to be alone, hid in his boat mobile, and then..now.
SpongeBob wasn’t stupid, he knew he wasn’t wanted. But even despite this he went for it anyway, with not a care in the world
And boy was he starting to regret it.
The whole reason he came was so that Squidward wouldn’t have to celebrate alone! I mean, who wants to be alone on their birthday?
And part of him even kind of hoped that this was a chance to be closer to his grouchy neighbor. Cause, truth be told, the sponge may have had a tiny itsy bitty crush on the other, for about what? A few years now? And everyone in bikini bottom knew, everyone except for the aspiring musician
“SpongeBob! Are you even listening to me you barnacle head?!”
He growled out as he shook the other snapping the sponge out of his brief thoughts
“S-sorry Squidward! I uh..I didn’t quite catch that..”
He stammered out, as his eyes focused on anywhere but the other guiltily
Squidward huffed in frustration as he let go of the other and rubbed at his temples
He murmured out
“Like I was saying, I want you to stay as far away from me as possible when we arrive to our destination-“
More turbulence sent the other into shock as he froze up again, beads of sweat forming as this brow as he clutched onto his seat wide eyed, like a clownfish in headlights.
SpongeBob glanced up towards him again as he noticed the octopus’s rapid breaths as he only watched, knowing fully well if he touched the other it probably wouldn’t help
He frowned slightly at this predicament before eventually Squidward managed to calm down again.
It was hard being friends with him. He wasn’t even sure if they were on account of how many times the other shoved, kicked, threw, and yelled at him
But SpongeBob was still persistent as ever, even if it meant giving the other space
But being the sentimental sponge he was he felt his eyes begin to water slightly, knowing there was a possibility that all of his efforts were in vain and that Squidward Tentacles, would never accept him.
That SpongeBob would always just be they annoying neighbor next door and the cause of his misery even though he wanted nothing more than to see the other man smile more often and find peace with his inner demons
He couldn’t help it as those hideous thoughts, along with a few more insults plagued his head as a tear slipped down his face
How selfish he was! Crying on Squidward’s birthday..the waterworks only getting worse as he desperately scrubbed at his eyes in a stupid attempt to look like himself
But all of it seemed to clear away as a gentle hand was placed on his shoulder as he glanced over curiously to see Squidward, ever so slightly purple in the face as he muttered something that SpongeBob couldn’t quite make out before he was pulled into a small hug and his squishy body squeaked against him like chew toy.
Spongebob hugging back immediately although gentle as he stayed against him until the two dozed off
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Slowly maroon eyes sleepily blinked open, as Squidward awoke to see the sea sponge leaning against him, a tiny hand placed on his chest
He stared at the other, debating for a moment whether or not to wake him, before deciding he didn’t have the heart to as he glanced out the window
It was afternoon by now, as the pod sighed
This was stupid, all of it was.
I mean, what was he even expecting? Him? Actually getting away from the likes of the very bane of his existence?
What a dumb dream.
I mean when he got to bora bora bottom what was he even going to do in such a romantic place all by himself? Celebrate his life of failure and misery all by his lonesome?
Yeah..cause that sounded like a real hoot
At least thanks to the moron, he’d have someone else around..though Squidward did just shove him away..
Yet again.
Like the stubborn jackass he was.
Why did it always have to be such a complicated dance between the two of them? If SpongeBob went one way, Squidward went the other, and if SpongeBob stepped forward Squidward back and so on. They were always two sides of the same coin and yet somehow they would clash.
Not only that, but recently the other had been feeling off around the other. Off in the sense that his three hearts raced, and his breath was short and rapid. Almost as if he was flying.
He just couldn’t comprehend the complex emotions he felt for the imbecile beside him, but even so he wrapped an arm around the other and pulled him close.
For now he’d let it all go and for this one moment, he’d relax.
Or that’s what he thought until the other stirred awake as the pod retracted his arm swiftly, face burning all the while
SpongeBob’s eyes eventually finding their way towards the others as he smiled briefly although part of it seemed strained
“I’m..im sorry for coming with you on this trip, I didn’t mean to make you upset..I just didn’t want you to be all alone.”
He muttered quietly, his eyes shining with regret
And for a moment it was silent before the pod crossed his arms and glanced away as he said
“..it was bound to happen away, might as well make the most of it..”
��What are you saying…?”
The pineapple dweller asked
“I’m saying…you can…celebrate with me if you really want to.”
He mumbled under his breath out as quickly as he could, as to avoid embarrassment with the sponge, but it didn’t stop him from sneaking a glance only to see the others eyes watering and wide and sparkling as the smaller man leaped from his seat into Squidward’s lap as he embraced him tightly as the octopus held him with a beyond annoyed yet very flustered look
“Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! We’re going to have so much fun!”
“Yeah..don’t make me regret this, nitwit.”
“Not as much as you regret this flight every time it shakes!”
He teased slightly as his tongue stuck out stupidly giving him yet another adorable look that squidward couldn’t handle. Almost as much as he couldn’t handle the incoming turbulence that once again like it had before caused Squidward to freeze up as he sunk into the sponge’s arms like a puddle as the other did his very best to soothe him
But even with all of turbulence going on, one thing was for sure
At least Squidward wouldn’t be celebrating alone
And..he was ok with that.
Even with his fear of flights
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sayonikaxd · 8 months
dumbass arguement I had
I was at like the ymca and me and this girl got into an arguement about the lyrics to call me maybe by Katie perry. I was on the side of call me maybe and they thought it was call me baby. We literally got physical.
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sayonikaxd · 8 months
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art dump yipee
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sayonikaxd · 8 months
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@project-summerhome art :3
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