scholarliee · 6 years
i think tumblr’s idea of boys is utterly misguided at times. 
boys are just as deserving of love as girls are. a woman fighting to break down a man’s walls is not “a waste of time”, a woman being concerned of a man’s mental health/feelings is not wrong. i think tumblr constantly spreads the idea that men are not worth women’s time and that their emotions are somehow less valid than women’s, and it’s just not true. at least not in all cases. 
good young men who are struggling with mental illness need to know that they deserve happiness and that their feelings matter. if we constantly dismiss men’s emotions and act like they’re not worth our time, we’re just encouraging ideas of toxic masculinity.
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scholarliee · 6 years
just watch it
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scholarliee · 6 years
How to stream Taylor’s set at BBC Radio 1 Biggest Weekend
Use Google Chrome
Install an extension called “Hola”
Change your location to the UK
stream the show here on BBC radio 1 website
Taylor will perform on the main stage at 7:55pm UK time
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scholarliee · 6 years
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1, 8, 9
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scholarliee · 6 years
masterpost for writers creating their own worlds, or even just characters
names that have specific meanings
meanings of any names
popular baby names
upper class names
common last names
fancy last names
aristocratic/royal names
random name generator
random place name generator
list of latin words
english to latin translator
english to greek translat
greek mythology database
the culture of ancient rome
list of legendary creatures
fantasy name generator
feel free to add in any links!
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scholarliee · 6 years
Transition Words For Your Essays
Transition Signals:
Transitions are words and phrases that connect ideas and show how they are related.
To repeat and ideas just stated:
In other words,
That is,
To repeat,
To illustrate an idea:
For example,
For instance,
In particular,
To illustrate,
In this manner,
To announce a contrast, a change in direction:
On the other hand,
In contrast,
Instead of,
On the contrary,
In spite of this,
At once,
In the interim,
At length,
At last,
In the meantime,
At the same time,
In the end,
To restate an idea more precisely:
To be exact,
To be specific,
To be precise,
More specifically,
More precisely,
To mark a new idea as an addition to what has been said:
In addition,
To show cause and effect:
As a result,
For this reason,
In short,
To conclude,
In brief,
On the whole,
In summary,
To sum up,
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scholarliee · 6 years
How to improve your handwriting quickly
To no surprise, studyblr is absolutely full of handwriting to be envious of. There is no shortage of note-taking photos which look like an angel wrote them. Whilst your handwriting is a part of who you are and there is no shame in having wonderfully messy writing, sometimes you just fancy a change. With this technique I’ve managed to adjust my handwriting in a short space of time. I cannot guarantee this will work for everyone, but hopefully it will be of use! Here  is my step-by-step guide to improving your writing:
Figure out what you want - what part of your writing do you want to change? Are you wanting to learn how to write more cursive or just make your writing more legible? Do you need to write faster or smaller? Write a random paragraph out and see what you like or don’t like about it. That way you can figure out what you need to change. 
Pick a pen - find a pen that you love to write with it! Different pens can influence your writing so try out as many as you can. There is ballpoint, gel pen, fineliner, rollerball, etc! My favourites are Muji Gel Pens and the Pilot G2.
Find inspiration - as I said studyblr is full of inspiring handwriting and beautiful bullet journals. Find a few of your faves and save them. Same with Pinterest! Search around for some examples and save them. 
Download your inspiration - the quickest way to retrain your hand is to copy. Whilst a handwriting sample from your favourite blog might be available, it can be extremely hard to recreate with accuracy. For this, I suggest picking a similar downloadable font. Sites such as dafont.com, fontsquirrel.com, myfonts.com and etsy.com offer hundreds of fonts for your choosing. Obviously choosing a handwritten style is going to be the easiest to recreate so start there. Here are my top handwritten fonts are Shoreline Script, Halo Handletter, MF I Love Glitter, Chocolate Coloured Raindrops, and Handwriting CR. 
Make a cheatsheet - once you’ve picked and downloaded the font you want to make your handwriting like, you can make a cheatsheet. By this I mean opening a word/pages document and typing uppercase and lowercase letters, words and numbers in your chosen font. Pick a size that you think will be easy for you to write on, probably 12pt+. Then print! If you’re not bothered about making your own, you can download ones I have created from Google Drive. Click here for cursive handwriting and here for normal handwriting.
Start writing - after you’ve printed start writing over the words. By tracing over the letters you’ll eventually retain yourself to write that way more naturally. Take it slow and be sure to properly trace the letters. This might take a while and some hard work but when it works it will be worth it. Try printing your cheatsheet 3 or 4 times and going over them all. Once you feel you’ve got the hang off it try copying without the font underneath and see how similar it is.
Persistence - changing your writing is undoubtedly going to take time so don’t be disheartened if you don’t get it quickly. It is also important to remember that being able to recreate your desired handwriting exactly can be tricky and might not be totally possible. However practicing should help your normal handwriting adapt to have some of the features that the writing you want has. 
I did this over the past few days and have managed to improve my cursive style writing. You can see my normal writing vs the writing style I learnt in 2ish days. I hope this helps! If you are practicing using these tips, I’d love to see. Tag me on here or Instagram! :~)
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scholarliee · 6 years
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For the printable here it is. It’s smaller than an A4 so I recommend printing it in A5 unless you don’t mind the lines not being super sharp. I figured it’s simpler to have it printed than to have to find the post again or if you’re in class you could just throw the paper in your binder for later or things like that.
If you do print it, please do tell me it would make my day. 
as i said above i’m going to tag all the wonderful people that served as my ressources and references (I highly encourage you to check them out they’re all so amazing and inspiring.) @studyign @studyquill @tbhstudying @burgundycafe @studywithinspo @studywithmariana @analyctics @myriadinklings as well as Noshi over on Youtube. Thank you guys so much for being out there inspiring people. 
Also thank you to @tealovingstudies for being so awesome. 
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scholarliee · 7 years
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hey guys! since i just graduated from high school (which means ap exams are finally finally finished), i thought i would give others quick tips from what i remember from the courses. 
i took 17 ap courses and 15 ap exams over high school and some tips will be a bit more detailed than others since they, well, happened later. 
(tips under the cut) 
calculus bc
+ please learn this during the year, because there is no way you can learn the entire subject a week before the exam
+ listen well during the entire period and take notes on ALL the examples
+ work through all the homework and take advantage of practice tests
+ there’s also a lot of online resources if you need clarification
+ the exam is... pretty hard, at least for someone like me, who doesn’t come from a math ground, but the good thing is since everyone does badly, the curve is amazing (you need like a 57 to get a 5)
+ give yourself about a minute and a half per question, if you don’t get it by then, GUESS and move on. a 25% chance is better than 0%. 
+ the course is not so hard, but it’s very facts-dense, so pay attention during lectures
+ if you’re desperate, i’m not gonna lie, you can pretty much memorize an ap book and do well. i took the course in the summer, and the ap exam like 9 months later and still got a 5 using the princeton review book.
+ the ap has a lot of super specific terms, some of which were never mentioned in the actual course, so definitely try to get an ap book for this one.
spanish iv
+ the listening section is unclear a lot of the time and the speaker speaks really fast so concentrate hard on hearing everything. 
+ most of the readings were easier than in class, but were still chock-full of unfamiliar vocab
+ super easy for native speakers, not so much for other students
+ pay close attention to context
+ the conversation section happens REALLY fast, so you have to think quickly on your feet. 
english language
+ the ap questions are pretty confusing, but because everyone finds them confusing, the curve is good
+ manage your time well for the essays!!! i can’t emphasize this enough. 
+ have a small stockpile in your head of examples that can apply to a bunch of topics for argumentative essays especially (for example, Gandhi, Hitler, etc)
english literature
+ i didn’t take this ap exam, but according to my friends, it is REALLY hard
+ in the class, you have to basically strip the books and readings down to their bare bones and make connections you’d never have thought of
+ again though, the curve is pretty good
physics 1
+ our teacher made this class pretty easy and fun, so we had projects, lectures, interspersed with A LOT of labs
+ the ap exam was so hard i almost cried. you have to apply a bunch of different topics together since the topics aren’t separated between questions. there was stuff we never learned on it.
+ STUDY YOUR LABS. very important for free response especially.
physics 2
+ similar to physics 1, but the first semester of the class is actually easier. 
+ try to study some of the concepts on your own time as well since physics is hard to understand quickly.
+ take very good notes and listen closely during lectures. there’s so many concepts and specific topics that it’s easy to get confused.
+ definitely get an ap book for this one. there’s just A LOT of content to cover and a lot of classes don’t even manage to cover everything before the AP.
+ know how to put different topics together as well. 
human geography
+ one of the easiest exams imo
+ the free response was really easy as long as you have a basic understanding of the subject
+ another course you can literally learn straight out of an ap book if you’re desperate and have a month you can spend on it.
world history
+ content-based course, but depending on the teacher, can be really fun with lots of projects and discussions. 
+ this is not a course to argue in, although a lot of stuff you learn is divisive. stick with the facts.
+ even if stuff may be inaccurate to you, learn the college board version to get that five
+ an ap book is great for a refresher
+ if you time manage, you’ll probably finish with plenty of time to spare
us history
+ pretty much the same as world history, but depending on who you are, the topics may be even more controversial. 
+ the ap was pretty easy and again, i’d recommend an ap book for a refresher.
+ the ap is super easy. this is another class i took in the summer and got a 5 on. i just bought an ap book and skimmed it real quick a few days before the exam. 
+ this exam was actually really hard. 
+ since i had another six exams to study for, i put this one on the backburner and didn’t study for it as much. big mistake. since i forgot a lot of the smaller concepts. 
+ very graphs based. understand the graphs and relationships between the variables. 
environmental science
+ i didn’t take this exam, but my friends have told me that it’s pretty easy as long as you’ve listened during the year.
+ in my school at least, there were a lot of labs and projects. 
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scholarliee · 7 years
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hey guys! i’m shruti and i’ll be starting college in about a week. i made this studyblr because no matter how much i try, procrastination really is my biggest enemy. i hope being part of a studyblr will help me be more motivated!
i n t r o 
i’m 18 and i will be going to the university of toronto (class of 2021!)
my current focus is life sciences, but i’m always open to trying out new things
although i’m a canadian citizen, i’ve lived in the usa for the past six years. i’m so excited to be going back!
i can be shy, but once out of my shell, i love talking!
i n t e r e s t s 
reading - i read a bit of basically everything and i’m always looking for new recs!
music - my music tastes encompass literally every genre. as long as the song sounds good, i’m down. i’m also trying to listen to more foreign music lately (spanish, korean, japanese, bollywood, etc)
art - although i’m not that good, i enjoy sketching and doodling as a great way to relieve stress and boredom.
writing - i’ve been keeping a diary for the past few weeks and i also inadvertently word-vomit sometimes when i get really into discussions. i’m also trying to get more into fiction writing as well
ukelele - i’ve been learning for the last couple weeks, and so far i can still only play chords and a couple simple nursery songs. i’ll keep you all updated on my improvement :)
g o a l s 
have a high gpa (i know it’s a cliche, but my college is notoriously difficult)
not have a dead social life
join a few clubs
not burn-out
f a v e b l o g s 
i’m still really new, so these are the blogs i love seeing on my dash rn! (all super quality)
@destinystudies @mochistudies @educatier @emmastudies @chogistudies @paperchrome @elkstudies @emstudies @angelsstudy @studypetals @studyplants 
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scholarliee · 7 years
reblog if you’re a studyblr
doesn’t matter if you’re new or old, have few followers or quite a few followers
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scholarliee · 8 years
All tobacco smokers are murderers.
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scholarliee · 8 years
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33K notes · View notes
scholarliee · 8 years
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( ̄▽ ̄)ゞ
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scholarliee · 8 years
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HI GUYS I FINALLY DID IT!!! i made my own printables for you wonderful human beings (incase anyone is interested) here we have a calendar, weekly planner and a to do list, designed by yours truly (myself) and it comes in 3 different colours C: 
it would be awesome if you guys do end up using it, and if you do end up using it dont forget to tag me or mention me in your posts ^~^ 
// P I N K // • calendar • weekly planner • to-do list
// B L U E // • calendar • weekly planner • to-do list
// Y E L L O W // • calendar • weekly planner • to-do list
p.s the to-do list is A5 and the weekly planner + calendar are A4  p.p.s if you have any questions, my ask box is always open c: p.p.p.s i only have my name on the cover of the calendar but please do credit me please and thank you!!!!!!
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scholarliee · 8 years
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Friendly reminder from the Gilmore’s that it’s okay not give a 100% all the time and that it’ll be okay!
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scholarliee · 8 years
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You can achieve greatness! Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise.
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