scnreiis · 4 years
What does Rei need right now? From mun's point of view? From Rei's?
Personally, I feel like what Rei needs is to let things go and start over a little bit. She definitely dwells on the past a lot and I feel like she needs to let that go. 
Rei thinks she needs to find her dad and once she does that, she’ll be able to find a little bit more about herself. She feels like once she actually knows where the other half of her comes from, she’ll feel a little bit more aware of her own identity.
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scnreiis · 4 years
🔥 — Describe a mistake you made this last year.
Rei thinks her biggest mistake happened in the latest half of the year. Bumping into your ex and making a fool of yourself isn’t the greatest but on top of that, she just had a terrible day that specific day. She wasted drinking water and basically had a mild breakdown so that was terrible for her. 
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scnreiis · 4 years
⚖️ — Who do you buy presents for? Who buys presents for you?
Rei doesn’t buy present for anyone. That’s not her style, however, her staff buys her presents and sometimes, her friends do. Her manager buys presents for the staff at the club and puts her name on them but in reality, she has nothing to do with that. She simply gives him a budget and he goes wild. 
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scnreiis · 4 years
🪔 — Are there any traditions you want to start this year?
Rei will probably start the tradition of lighting a room full of candles and mediating for her first task at home in the new year. The reason for this is because she feels like she needs  little bit of cleansing as the new year comes in so she’s excited to be basically attempting to let go in her life. 
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scnreiis · 4 years
🔻 — What traditions do you find most odd this time of year?
To be honest, Rei thinks all traditions are weird and that’s mostly because the Sun family doesn’t have any. They did once but when she was small, she mostly learned her father’s. When he left, she slowly forgot them all and didn’t keep them up so she’s not exactly sure how to to do anything that he dad did. She knows there are certain recipes that he left for her but she definitely doesn’t cook them. She thinks traditions are pretty silly at this point. 
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scnreiis · 4 years
👹 — Describe a fear you have about the upcoming year.
Rei’s biggest fear is being alone or failure. Next year, however, she doesn’t feel afraid of those things. Her biggest fear for the upcoming year is for her business. It’s not about failure or anything like that. Instead, it’s about not being able to carry out the vision that she has for the club
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scnreiis · 4 years
🕯️ — How do you feel about this ending year?
Rei feels pretty much indifferent to the year ending. After all, to her it feels a lot like absolutely nothing is changing and yet everything is changing at the same time. Yeon Nen used to be her favorite time of year when she was younger and now, it’s a touchy area for her because since her mother is gone and she has no idea where or who her father is, it’s mostly about the party, instead of actual change. She doesn’t deal well with change, anyway. 
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scnreiis · 4 years
🍁 — What is your New Years Resolution? 
Rei would tell you that she doesn’t have one but it’s actually a little complex. She’s never been too good at interpersonal relationships so one of her goals is to improve on those. She feels like she’s just sort of drifting. In the past, it was clear to her who was wrapped around her finger, who was under her foot being crushed by her grace and who was defiant and needed to be turned around. Now, she sort of feels like she’s on the outside looking in and she feels detached, even though, she may not be. She’s basically faking all the right feelings and all the right faces to be in the moment but she’s the further thing from it. 
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scnreiis · 4 years
Yeon Nen; Meme
🧧 — Do you hand out tao hongbao? Receive tao hongbao?
🧨 — Describe a close-call you’ve had with another species this year.
🀄 — What is your favorite part of the holiday season? 
🔻 — What traditions do you find most odd this time of year?
🎁 — Is there anything you do yearly, without fail?
🍁 — What is your New Years Resolution? 
🥛 — What is your favorite beverage to drink in cold weather?
⚖️ — Who do you buy presents for? Who buys presents for you?
❤️ — Is there a species you tend to date?  and one you wouldn’t?
🕯️ — How do you feel about this ending year?
🥁 — What was your biggest accomplishment this year? Failure?
🔥 — Describe a mistake you made this last year.
👑 — What species have you dated?
💮 — How do you feel about the Yeon Nen decorations?
🪔 — Are there any traditions you want to start this year?
🏮 — Does your family have any holiday traditions? Your species?
🤍 — Do you want a snow white Yeon Nen?
👹 — Describe a fear you have about the upcoming year.
🥮 — What is your favorite meal to eat at this time of year?
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scnreiis · 4 years
There weren’t too many who knew what Sparrow did – what he was. Rei was one of the blessed few. Or cursed, more likely. And he had to admit, the fact that she knew and still had the goddamn audacity to grab his face–
Well, it was one of the things Sparrow just happened to like about her.
Rex earned himself a wink and a pat to one tree-trunk of a bicep for his trouble, Sparrow unable to ascertain the look he was getting but only assuming it meant murder. He’d gotten looks like that more than often enough that he ought to know.
‘You know, one day, you’re going to have to dress your rank to come here.’
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“No,” Sparrow said simply, sliding her a cheeky grin in return as he brushed past to lead their weaving through the press of people. Besides, he figured he was dressed his rank. The J at his wrist might be the ‘true’ rank the Gods – or demons, or whatever – wanted to brand him with, but it didn’t mean any more to Sparrow than the Q had when he was young.
It meant far less, actually, because a Q meant too many reminders. Never wanting to see a Q again meant that red bar nestled comfortably among all his other tattoos would remain forever unfilled.
“You really tryna tell me you’ll turn me away at some point?” Sparrow turned to walk backwards for a moment, facing her with an exaggerated version of the pout she’d stretched and squished onto his face moments before. He bumped a couple of patrons’ shoulders as he wasn’t watching where he was going, and at least one highranker shot him a look of disdain.
Sparrow ignored it, if he even noticed. He’d gotten looks like that more than often enough, too.
And anyway, he was too busy digging inside the draped knit folds of his inappropriate attire to afford her a quick glance at a leather bag he had safely secured. “I mean, I brought presents. Not gonna turn down presents, are ya?” He waggled his eyebrows meaningfully. “Got somewhere private we can chat?”
( ♡ ) —             She smirks a little at his immediate denial. She’d known it was coming, yet she’d given him a stern warning, anyway to appease herself moreso than anyone around. Of course, she wouldn’t turn him away. Even if she snuck him around the side just to keep up appearances. She gave him a gentle shove to the chest a she managed a scowl.  ❝ Maybe I’ll have them handcuff you to the front door as a warning, ❞ she shrugged as a customer gave her a disapproving glare.           As if that meant anything. It was her place and she’d have them kicked out if she wanted to but Sparrow stayed. That wasn’t up for negotiation so she traded a glare right back. Her eyes landed back on him as she looked at the bag he’d suddenly procured. Gifts weren’t exactly common between her and those she out-ranked but she knew that meant nothing to him. After all, whenever they hung out, rank was the last thing on either of their minds. After giving a cut nod to the manager letting them know she’d be un available for a bit, she tilted her head towards her office.           ❝ Through here, ❞ She tugged him in the right direction by the hem of his garments. It was a small childish thing that she’d never really grown out of the habit of, yet only let show with the friends that she trusted enough not to make fun of her for it. 
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scnreiis · 4 years
EROS: • scornful jealousy • pink • presents a certain decorum • heavy air in a nightclub • has a tattoo they regret • sex & love therapist for their friends • juvenescent • uses enchantments • aloof • wears rose-coloured glasses • velvet, latex, & lingerie • milk baths with champagne bubbles • impetuous in love • intense eye contact is a sport • kinky • soft lips • wears stacked rings • sets fashion trends • graceful movements • marble floors • heavy perfume or cologne • deeply emotional • born glamorous •  [ 13/23]
HECATE: • prefers canine companions • wears symbolic jewelry • can see spirits • melting wax • uses hexes • feels most comfortable at night • smell of cinnamon • moonlight • red wine • understands poisons & herbs • collects bones or feathers • partakes in rituals • black • fog at night • is aware of their shadow self • embraces the unknown • enjoys collecting secrets • approves of necromancy • meditates • has prophetic dreams • lace • knowing too many secrets • fishnet stockings  • [ 10/23]
PAN: • enjoys poetry & prose • wool • smell of decaying leaves in autumn • prefers to be barefoot  • tends to overindulge  • easily excitable • thriving in social circles • loves being around campfire  • antlers • dirt paths • the sound of wind chimes • penchant for sticky fingers • pine trees • stamina for days • falls in lust • vagabond • physically stronger than given credit for • foxglove • welcomes luxury • non-confrontational • charming words • talking to animals • nature for jewelry • [ 10/23]
NEMESIS: • angry • protective of their values • balance & harmony • looks like an angel but isn’t • more perceptive than people realize • snow capped mountains • grey • wears leather • silver jewelry • likes snakes • can’t stand ignorance • believes in retribution • analytical of own emotions • well read • marble columns • has very rigid morals • bruised knuckles • humorous under the sarcasm • clean workspace • everything in moderation • cold morning air • resting glare face • fluent in curse words  • [ 20/23]
HYPNOS: • very calm demeanor • easily overwhelmed • relaxing is their vice • transactional friendships • has a soft voice • head in the clouds • carries drugs with them • has a sibling they’re close with • drawn to winged animals • lavender • has plush furniture/blankets  • starry eyed • horrible money management  • gives amazing hugs • dreaming big as a full time job • wears comfy or loose clothes • existential questions • not good at memory based skills • fairy lights • can’t sleep somewhere unfamiliar • crystalline chandeliers • dislikes bright sun • fluttering eyelashes  • [ 9/23]
IRIS: • life’s a technicolor spectrum • has a lot to say • beaming smiles • always has candy with them • flirting by accident • walking to the beat of their own drum • gossamer curtains • has a surprising amount of connections • blushes very easily • confident laughter • uses a staff • fresh fruit slices • decorated handwritten letters • a social chameleon • blood made of honey • treating people with kindness • sentimental heart  • vases full of wildflowers • feels fulfilled when helping others • has a healing aura • always travelling • stained glass windows • just trying to be a good person  • [ 8/23]
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scnreiis · 4 years
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scnreiis · 4 years
         i know better than to ask for help 
                   i learned that the hard way 
                         when i reached out 
                   and my hand was ground 
                       beneath the boot of 
                 one who was supposed to 
                             protect  me 
             i didn’t have to be  ‘ taught ‘  twice 
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scnreiis · 4 years
Friday, 6th November 2020; late evening Hearts territory; Olympus @scnreiis
Sparrow always did enjoy pushing a good boundary, and unfortunately those with the dubious honor of being considered his friends were no exception.
More than once he’d shown up to Rei’s Olympus in dress code that… left something to be desired, enough that he was typically held up at the door. It’d gone on long enough that the majority of the front staff recognized him and his antics by now, but Rei must’ve made some new hires. Tonight, clad head-to-toe in the kind of artfully distressed and monochrome drapery that might have plenty suspecting him for a Club, Sparrow was stopped by a meaty hand pushing against his chest.
“Excuse me?” Sparrow turned a droopy-eyed disinterest to the offending bouncer, words drawled. “I’m a facecard, mate. Pretty sure that’s the only requirement.”
Tonight he was wearing his Sunday best, or at least: he was as far as his rank was concerned. Sparrow raised his hand and, displaying the J and the newly emblazoned Heart symbol directly underneath as they poked out of his sleeve, tapped a condescending finger inside his wrist. Read it and weep. If they cared to check the other – and Sparrow wouldn’t put it past some establishments to start enforcing this particular brand of prejudice – they’d find the red bar filled nearly to the top. They had little reason to assume Sparrow might drop a rank just for showing up.
“So, if you don’t mind. Ta.” Again, Sparrow took a step forward. Again, the massive hand stopped him. The stoic mountain of a man provided Sparrow with few clues as to what he could do to gain entry – beyond going home and changing. Which he wasn’t going to do.
“Alright, listen. I didn’t want to have to do this, but I’m thinking you must be new around here.” Sparrow folded his arms over his slender chest, hardly intimidating in opposition. “I’m gonna have to ask to speak to the manager.”
( ♡ ) — 
             Rei hated anyone coming into her office. All of her employees knew that and it was why she’d had the bells rigged through the club. An easy way to reach her from three different places in the club: the dressing room, the entryway, and the bar. All places where customers were known to get a little rowdy or where employees could report the rowdiness. Of course, her club had a certain reputation and so while two of those bells collected dust, one was always active. Because of this, when she looks up to see what bell is ringing, she’s almost dead set on making her way to the bar. 
              She’s stuck in her place for a moment, though, when she sees that it’s the entryway bell that’s only been rung three or four times since they opened. She shrugs on her velvet robes and flips up her hood quietly leaving her office. This robe was notorious. Some customers thought she was some sort of strip club phantom but regulars knew, it was just Rei, who loved anything that could be called a cloak. She quietly slipped behind the customers not wanting to obstruct their view of the show and made her way behind the bouncer. At first, she didn’t know what the issue was. The only person she saw standing in front of her was...
              That was when it clicked. The problem was Sparrow. This didn’t come as much of a shock to her, of course. Once her eyes took a look at what he was wearing, it immediately registered. She patted her bouncer on the arm and made those eyes she always made at her male employees. The eyes that made her look soft and charming for all of two seconds. 
               ❝ Come on, Rex. Let this one go. He’s my guest and even so- ❞ She reached up lowering her hood and grabbing Sparrow’s cheeks. She squishes them gently forcing his lips into a pout.  ❝ Look at this face. Isn’t he so cute? Just wanna give him a little smooch. He’s so adorable. He wouldn’t hurt a fly. ❞ It takes all of her to not burst into laughter at the last statement and she gives him a side-eye hoping he won’t laugh, either. It’s a statement that they both know is all too untrue. It would be like saying Rei would never hurt a man. That one would give her a real cackle. She doesn’t give the bouncer a chance to answer before she grabs Sparrow hand and nudges the bouncer aside.  ❝ You know, one day, you’re going to have to dress your rank to come here, ❞ She gives him a sly look before nodding inside as a gesture for him to lead the way to where he wanted to go as she pulled her hood up, once again shadowing her face.
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scnreiis · 4 years
     there’s familiarity in their position, their situation, familiarity most - welcomed when it comes to mercy. he may not be the best at comfort, though he tries. he may not be the best at offering advice, more of a ‘ do as i say, not as i do ’ type person, but he tries. he tries for her, because he can’t imagine anyone else he’d ever work so hard for. anyone else he considers close, they know all the gritty details. the truth behind his mannerisms and the logic behind his thinking. there’s no need to be any different around them.
     then again, he wonders, as fingers comb carefully through her hair and he hopes he can provide some inkling of comfort — is he acting any different truly ? or is this simply another side of him, a side he once thought lost ? his head rests against the headboard, eyes on the ceiling as he listens to her speak. 
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     he assumed this situation one in which he had to choose his words carefully. calculated, well-thought out, picked with precision. then he realized, if he chose his words in such a manner, then they wouldn’t be real. they wouldn’t convey the meaning they needed to. so, mercy finds himself taking a breath, eyes closing as he lets that last sentence she spoke, truly sink in. “ it’s not stupid, ” he begins slowly, arms a touch tighter around her. “ to assume anything you’re feeling, whether you think it warranted or not, is stupid … is assuming wrong, my darling. despite how things ended, you’re allowed to feel how you feel. nobody can tell you those feelings are stupid, or wrong, or ridiculous in any way. ”
     the man’s eyes finally open, though they don’t stray from the particular spot he’s begun to fixate on. it’s easier to speak, in a moment such as this, when he isn’t looking at her directly. “ no one is incapable of love. not in its essence, really. love isn’t necessarily an act of romance, my darling. love comes in a million and one different forms. you are not incapable of love, not from what i’ve seen. the act of love, regardless of the circumstance or the meaning thereof, is not one that can be perfected. ”
    at first, rei’s eyes are trained on him because even from this angle, he’s so...beautiful. while these were thoughts that she always had, they seemed to be more common lately. she’d always thought he was incredibly handsome but the offers to braid his hair had become little more than an excuse to touch him as time went on. out of habit, when he closed his eyes, she did, too and suddenly, a thought crossed her mind about the concept of mimicking the body language of the people you love. the idea hadn’t even had time to root itself before she shook it free from her mind, though. instead, she opened her eyes again simply to watch him and let the thoughts drift away from her mind until her head was empty from all but his words. Then, when her head is finally clear, he does that thing that always ruins her. 
    the words slip from his lips. ‘my darling’ and all at once, her chest begins to feel warm and every inch of her body that touches his begins to get this strange, tingly feeling. this unfamiliar sensation spreads while the place of it’s origin begins to feel like a field of sunflowers are sprouting just beneath her chin. it’s almost revolting how warm and fuzzy she feels at the uttering of those syllables from his lips. her cheeks threaten to flush and she feels it coming so she does as usual and places her palms over her face pretending to be overwhelmed by his words. in actuality, it’s his presence that staggering her ability to fully function. 
    she sighs out and her next words leave in a whisper,  ❝ How do you always do that? It’s like you know just what to say. It’s never too...mushy or- You’re never too tough on me. It’s always...just right. Give me a real reason to make fun of you for once, huh?  ❞ She shook her head chuckling a little as the warmth in her cheeks finally passed and she moved her hands from her own face to his. her hands squished his cheeks a little bit before she sat up straddling his lap.
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     she tucks a strand of his hair behind his ear and tilts her head whispering,  ❝ Did you know that you’re my favourite person? I know it seems like an exaggeration but I never have to pretend with you... You’re always okay with who I am. That’s rare-  ❞  She pouts a little before leaning forward and kissing his forehead softly.  ❝ Thank you, Mer. I don’t know what I would do without you. I’d be kind of hopeless, really,   ❞ She laughed and shook her head as she looked at him reaching out to boop his nose.
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scnreiis · 4 years
31 October 2020; 22:20. Tylee Jones you have been accused by Sir Reginald Keel @prosperoleon and Felicity Chazz @its-max-oaky of poisoning the butler!
Please respond to this accusation!
( ♡ ) — 
            ‘Tylee’ sighed aloud as she shook her head. She had been people watching all night and of course, that made her suspicious. People were always suspicious of the quiet ones! ( It’s why Rei always made such a big noise. ) She sat down on the edge of a chair flipping her hair and huffing visibly upset. Of course, people thought she was the murderer and while she wanted to be, unfortunately, they were wrong. ( Oh, how Rei does delight in a bit of murder. ) Tylee was innocent. She pulled her card from her bosom where she’d tucked it smacked it down on the table. 
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            ❝ I’ve hated the butler for years but tonight he was going finally let me see my son. I’m no murderer. Arrest someone else.   ❞
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scnreiis · 4 years
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she looks so happy with herself 😆
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