seaweed-whump · 3 months
Pulling up to tumblr.com's search bar like it's my personal whump drive-through:
Yeah, lemme get the fucking uuuuuuuuhhhhhh...
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seaweed-whump · 3 months
A piece of media before it starts: This show/game/movie/etc contains graphic violence and blood. Viewer discretion is advised.
The whump community:
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seaweed-whump · 4 months
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lmao i mean. i have 4 if you wanna know more social things about how people act w/ dogs?
So you know how when you get a new dog you socialize them by having them meet other dogs? its so they dont get freaked out by other dogs being around but anyway I was thinking about that w/ pet whump and then I started thinking about all the other ways we treat dogs (they're not all bad but doing it to a person seems like fun prompts yknow?)
(note that not all of these are ok but they are somewhat common)
Anyways we got
- kennel training
- restaurants that set out a bowl of water for pets on hot days (yknow the ones that look like theyre most slobber than water bc all the pets drink out of the same bowl that doesnt get replaced all day)
- letting random kids pet your pet so they learn to put up w/ bullshit
- hand gesture commands
- only feeding them once or twice a day/forgetting to feed them
- spiked collars
- public washing places in pet stores (like petco)
- pet halloween costumes
- kids being assholes to pets bc they wont get in trouble
- leaving in cars
- outside pets
- flavored treats
- those brain stimulation toys (like you put the treat in the ball and they gotta try and get it out)
- social media accounts for pets
- posts about pranking pets
- *ahem* breeding places
- animal control being called on loose pets
anyways im sure theres more but. i was thinking about these ones
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seaweed-whump · 4 months
So you know how when you get a new dog you socialize them by having them meet other dogs? its so they dont get freaked out by other dogs being around but anyway I was thinking about that w/ pet whump and then I started thinking about all the other ways we treat dogs (they're not all bad but doing it to a person seems like fun prompts yknow?)
(note that not all of these are ok but they are somewhat common)
Anyways we got
- kennel training
- restaurants that set out a bowl of water for pets on hot days (yknow the ones that look like theyre most slobber than water bc all the pets drink out of the same bowl that doesnt get replaced all day)
- letting random kids pet your pet so they learn to put up w/ bullshit
- hand gesture commands
- only feeding them once or twice a day/forgetting to feed them
- spiked collars
- public washing places in pet stores (like petco)
- pet halloween costumes
- kids being assholes to pets bc they wont get in trouble
- leaving in cars
- outside pets
- flavored treats
- those brain stimulation toys (like you put the treat in the ball and they gotta try and get it out)
- social media accounts for pets
- posts about pranking pets
- *ahem* breeding places
- animal control being called on loose pets
anyways im sure theres more but. i was thinking about these ones
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seaweed-whump · 4 months
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seaweed-whump · 4 months
Send me emoji(s) and I'll write a drabble
🫂 Comforting hugs
🧠 Traumatic event
⚡ Scared of thunderstorms
🤝🏽 Hand holding
🎮 Games
💕 Kisses (specify)
🛁 Bathing together/platonic bathing (specifiy)
🩸 Patching up a wound
💪🏽 Bridal carry
🥰 Saying 'I love you' without saying it
🐾 Pet-names
🎶 Dancing
🎁 Presents
🌧️ Rainy day activities
💞 Post-nightmare cuddles
🥶 Cold
🍽️ Dinner date
✊🏽 Protecting
🤒 Needing to be looked after
💀 Near-death experience
❤️‍🩹 Reunited after a long time apart
Tried to keep this limited to things that can be both platonic or romantic <3 Please specify as much as you'd like when sending requests to people!
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seaweed-whump · 4 months
good morning (its 11 pm) ive been thinking about pet whump again
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seaweed-whump · 4 months
Tagging this with gay fandoms sorry
There's currently a European proposition to ban conversion practice in Europe
If you're European please sigh it
If you're not please reblog
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seaweed-whump · 4 months
Whumper that never lies
Whumper that never lies. Think about it. Whumpee knows. Caretaker/Whumpee's team knows. Whumper says they'll never kill Whumpee, so Whumpee knows they're safe from death. Whumper says they won't hurt Whumpee today; Whumpee knows they'll get a break day. Whumpee begs for the torture to stop, so Whumper gives them an offer: Some today, some tomorrow, or none today, lots tomorrow. And Whumpee knows Whumper will follow through.
Whumper says they'll brand Whumpee? Whumpee doesn't bother begging for them to not, just for the brand to be somewhere inconspicuous. Whumper says they'll destroy Whumpee's legs? Whumper knows they'll never walk again.
Whumper sends a message to Caretaker/Whumpee's team, saying they have one week or they'll never see Whumpee again? They know they have to act, now, before they lose Whumpee forever. Does it matter that they may be walking into a trap, or to their doom? What choice do they have? The alternative is Whumper's guarantee.
A blessing and a curse, a Whumper that never lies. You'll know exactly what they will and won't do, but you know they mean it.
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seaweed-whump · 5 months
ay who said we didnt like rap
fuck killing a victorian child by making them listen to hyperpop all you gotta do is make a white tumblr user listen to rap
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seaweed-whump · 5 months
ig i can also throw out some lore
I think I'll start with tossing OCs into the void and seeing how that goes. Then I'll decide who gets development first
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seaweed-whump · 5 months
This is Creo
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He's Rye's mentor and the IHN's golden boy, he specializes in preemptive missions and bringing villain in. More off the books he's also very good at getting information out of the villains he brings back.
It's not as relevant to the actual plot but Creo also found Blitz and brought them back to the Center, at the time he was a trainee himself and partnered with Wren. That team didn't work out very well due to uh. moral differences
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seaweed-whump · 5 months
This is Rye
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She's Blitz's best friend and Creo's sidekick.
She wants to be the very best Hero, which means following all of the Center's teachings. Blitz doesn't share that ideology and they recently got into a big fight about it, with Blitz asking what she plans to do if she's ordered to do something that would hurt innocents and Rye telling Blitz to go the fuck away. They haven't really talked since, and it was three weeks ago.
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seaweed-whump · 5 months
Whumpees that were exclusively tortured on a psychological level so they leave without a scratch on them. They feel like they shouldn't have broken so much because hell, Whumper barely even touched them. They hardly ever felt any actual pain, how could they have been so ruined over nothing?
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seaweed-whump · 5 months
This this Wren
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He's Blitz's mentor and a hero who specializes in public affairs and deescalation, like hostage situations and press conferences.
He's also who Blitz will eventually go to for help with Hyacinth, since he knows more about health than Blitz.
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seaweed-whump · 5 months
This is Hyacinth
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A villain known to target the International Hero Network and considered too dangerous for sidekick aided missions.
He's 24 and having a very bad few months. I'd go into more detail but it's kinda spoilers for later.
But he wakes up, very cold and under a bed. Then apparently his only real shot at both medical treatment and escape is a hyperactive teenager who apparently brought him to the Training Center. Which is a very bad place for villains to be. Hope no one else finds out he's there.
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seaweed-whump · 5 months
Right so this is Blitz or Bee
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They're the sidekick to Wren, one of the heroes in my little universe.
Blitz is 15, they live in the dorms of the training center with the rest of the sidekicks (they're the heroes in training) and they are the one who finds Hyacinth.
Basically, after being told to go look for people trapped under a recently collapsed building, Blitz finds Hyacinth in a meat freezer. They move him and finish their sweep before bringing him back to their dorm and hiding the still unconscious villain under their bed while they complete their daily schedule after being dismissed by Wren.
Later when Hyacinth wakes up under Blitz'z bed, Blitz tries to patch him up not knowing that he's doing a lot worse than he looks. He also isn't saying exactly how he got so hurt and Blitz doesn't want to push it too much.
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