#sarcastic whumpee
defire · 1 month
Whumpees getting knocked to the ground.
It's so vulnerable and I love it
Content: language, mild body horror
(some defiant/sarcastic whunpee stuff here)
Falling to their knees clutching a broken hand/arm and just curling in and screaming
Whumper trips them--"what the fuck!" "What? It was an accident!"
Or being shoved so hard they fall and get hurt on the way down "I'm cooperating, alright!"
Not daring to get back up "so you want me on the floor. Ok. Coulda just asked."
Curled up in a fetal position on the ground after torture-- "no don't--don't touch it.. don't touch me. Please."
Curling up in a fetal position, while being kicked to protect organs and face. The silent struggle between kicks and taunts to avoid the worst injuries.
When they were standing but they fall on their own knees to show they're not a threat "no no no let's not do this the hard way. Is there an easy way? Yeah? Can we do that?"
A gut punch that hits hard enough to make them fall to their knees
"Get up." (But they can't, and they're trying so hard)
A martial arts throw that ends with them hitting the ground hard on their back
Or a twist that lands them face-down and cringing as the pressure increases in their shoulder (bonus: it knocks the wind out of them)
Whumpee squirming away trying to hide their injuries because they know whumper will target them
Waiting till whumper leaves to collapse so they don't look pathetic "...ohhhh fuck..."
Unable to stand due to weakness or an injury (like a broken leg) "do you not see this bone projecting from my skin sir?!"
Falling so hard their forehead hits the ground
Falling on hard/painful surfaces like cement or a table or construction tools
Falling on gross things like dirt, the bathroom floor. "Do we have to do this here?" (Bonus: it's on purpose)
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chaotic-orphan · 1 month
Partners in Crime (2)
Read part one here
Casper peeled himself off the ground, his limbs exhausted as if he had just donated every drop of his blood. Even if he did donate all his blood, Monroe would still expect him to show up to work, or get Dante to grab his corpse for another fucking job.
He wobbled when he got his feet under him. It felt weird, like Monroe had cut off one of his senses; taken his eyes, or deafened him, or plucked every nerve from his body.
Monroe smiled at him as he grabbed the wall for support coming in from the balcony. “There you go, Casper. Taking it like a champ.”
“Oh fuck off, Monroe.”
Gavin laughed at that, eyes darting between the strange pair. Casper settled heavy into one of the chairs at the island, where Monroe was sitting when Casper arrived.
“Was any of this necessary?” Casper asked, not thanking Monroe as he slid a cup of coffee across to Casper. Little bit of milk, two sugars, just the way he liked it. “You still haven’t told me why you did it.”
Monroe inclined his head. “I thought I told you playing coy doesn’t suit you, Fox.”
“You think that I somehow betrayed you and used my power for someone else?”
Monroe just stared at Casper across the marble countertop. It was Gavin who answered. “He doesn’t think, Casper. He knows that—”
“Oh fuck off, Gavin, nobody wants you here,” Casper replied without looking at him. “You know that, right?”
“At least Gavin understands loyalty,” Monroe replied, heavy eyes pinning Casper to his chair. Casper rolled his eyes, bringing the steaming mug to his lips and gulping down two mouthfuls, gathering his thoughts.
“Like a dog,” Casper replied finally, casting his attention back to Monroe. “Well, I won’t be useful to whatever plans you want to discuss for the next few days. You’ve ensured that, dickhead.”
Monroe waved the insult away. “Nonsense. You know me, Casper, I like to plan well in advance. Your abilities should be up and running by the time I have use for them.”
“How convenient.”
“It really is. Just remember how you got to where you are today, Fox. How quickly your life changed after you met me.”
“Not for the better,” Casper grumbled.
Monroe raised his mug of coffee in a sardonic toast. “And yet, you can pay your rent.”
“As can you in your fancy hotel,” Casper shot back, raising his own cup. “Partners, remember?”
Monroe’s eyes glimmered with a dangerous smugness that Casper hated. It was just so irritatingly superior. “Partners,” he replied coolly.
They both took a sip of their coffee. Even with the two sugars, somehow Casper’s coffee tasted bitter, or maybe it was the eerie emptiness in his body. The dreadful absence of something he couldn’t quite describe.
“Now,” Monroe said, setting his cup down and clasping his hands on the table in front of him. “To business. Gavin, be a dear and grab my papers for me.”
Gavin stood and nodded, as if following Monroe’s commands were his life purpose. His reason to breathe. Casper kept his eyes trained on Gavin’s back as he left the room.
Stupid git.
Monroe inclined his head. “He’s useful.”
“Yeah, as a footstool. Or maybe with a gag, he would be.”
Monroe smiled. “Mmm, so tempting, Casper. I could get the pair of you a matching set. I’m sure Dante knows a guy.”
Dante answered with deathly silence as he so usually did. Casper could picture him in his usual spot, sprawled out across the couch in the living room, a book in his hand.
Casper scoffed. “I’m sure he does.”
Gavin returned, sliding a manilla folder across the countertop to Casper. Casper stopped it with his hand and looked down at the stupid file. He didn’t want to do this again, last time was supposed to be his last job. He wanted to wash his hands of this life already, he was tired of it.
“Do you need Gavin to open the file for you, Fox?”
Casper raised his eyes to Monroe’s across the table. He clenched his jaw and pushed the file a little away from him. “I don’t want to do this anymore.”
“Open files?” Monroe asked innocently.
Casper’s expression dropped, exposing his irritation. “This. This fucking whatever we have here. Aren’t you tired? We got everything we want, Bass, let’s quit while we’re ahead.”
Monroe crossed his arms over his chest, cocking a brow at Casper. “You want to stop making money?”
“We have enough,” Casper grumbled. “The two of us, okay. You have your passive income now from your hotels and your real estate and I am secure. I have savings and shit. We don’t have to keep living like it’s all going to disappear tomorrow! We can stop.”
“I don’t want to stop.”
“Easy to say when you’re not the one taking the risks!” Casper snapped. The air seemed to chill with the snap of a book behind Casper and he straightened in his seat as he heard Dante move behind him.
Gavin, the idiot, broke the silence with a sneer. “You’re such a fucking pussy, Casp—”
“Dante, please show Gavin out.”
Gavin’s head whipped to Monroe, but Monroe didn’t even look at him, his hard gaze fixed on Casper instead.
“What? Why, I can help.”
“I know, but it’s getting late, and Casper and I need a chat.”
Before Gavin could protest further, Dante put a hand on his shoulder. Gavin looked between the two at the counter before letting out a disapproving groan and shrugging Dante’s hand off.
“Fine. Call me when you need me.”
“I will.”
Dread pooled in Casper as he watched Dante and Gavin leave. Somehow, Monroe still made him uneasy when he shouldn’t. Casper had known Monroe way before the other two did, but Monroe had a lethal way about him. In his words and his quiet power. The fact that he could beat the shit out of Casper but paid someone else to do it said everything about the man.
Only when the doors to the penthouse shut did Monroe begin to walk around the counter towards Casper. Casper set his jaw, not letting any of his anxiety show as Monroe undid the button of his waist coat.
“You’re right you know,” Monroe said casually, attempting to disarm Casper. Casper had grown with Monroe; he’d seen him do this same set up right before he added the dagger to your kidney with a smile. “I don’t take the risks.”
“I know.”
A razor-sharp smile spread across Monroe’s lips that seemed too large for his face. “Do you know why I don’t take the risks?”
Casper scoffed and looked away. That was a mistake. If there was one thing Casper should’ve known — one thing Monroe taught him — it was to never take your eyes off the enemy. A flash of movement caught his eye and before he could face Monroe again there was a hand in his hair.
Casper flinched, then froze, his blood pounding an erratic war drumbeat in his ears as the hand ruffled his hair. Casper turned a wide-eyed glance to see Monroe smiling, genuinely this time. Casper wanted to slap Monroe’s hand away like he always did, but there was something wrong with this picture. Some void opened up in the pit of his stomach ready to swallow him whole, but he couldn’t put his finger on what.
“It’s because I don’t have to, Caspy,” Monroe said simply with a casual shrug, but his eyes… the way Monroe was staring at him reminded Casper of a wolf looking at a particular vulnerable piece of meat. “I pay Dante to do most of it.”
Casper batted Monroe’s hand away with his forearm, steeling his expression once more. “Yeah, and I do the rest, putting my life and freedom on the line.”
A flash of movement and Casper’s head slammed against the marble island counter. Casper’s hands shot to the hand on the back of his neck which pinched harder as he tried to pry it off.
“Casper…” Monroe sighed as Casper groaned, trying to push himself from the chair and out of Monroe’s reach. Monroe hooked his leg around the chair and slammed Casper’s head down again. The thump of his head off the counter resounded through his entire skull, rattling his brain. Casper cried out, letting go of Monroe’s hand and instead pushed against the countertop. “Sometimes you can be a real brat, y’know that?”
“Fuck you!” Casper spat, spit flying from his mouth as he cried out, Monroe crushing his skull against the cool stone. “Get off of me!”
“Remind me again, Caspy, why don’t I take the risks?”
Casper didn’t answer initially. Monroe’s fingers went to Casper’s hair at the nape of his neck, fisting a clump and yanking Casper’s head back over the chair. Frightened eyes met warm blue eyes, smiling down at him.
“I’m a patient man, Casper. I can wait for your answer.”
“Bas... let me–”
“EHH!” Monroe said, mimicking the sound of a wrong answer buzzer on a gameshow. “Try again.”
“Okay! Fine! I don’t know! Why don’t you take the risks?!” Casper spat, the words rushing out of him as his head snapped up again.
Monroe stared at him as if he were a piece of meat. Casper reached for his ability pathetically, finding nothing comforting when he found the usual well of magic inside him.
“I don’t take the risks, Casper,” Monroe began softly, crowding Casper as he lowered himself slightly to stand over him. “Because I’m not the unregistered powered individual between us.”
Casper’s lips curled back into a snarl. “You bastard! You were the one who told me not to register!”
“Potato-potahto.” Monroe’s hand in Casper’s hair snaked over his shoulder as he leaned in closer to Casper’s face, a mock comfort that only made Casper’s heart race in his chest. “Point is, if you want to cash out and settle now when we have so much potential, well then… my good morality would win out and I’d have to report you to the proper authorities.”
The words stung something deep inside Casper’s chest, as if one of his arteries to his heart had just been severed. Like Monroe reached into Casper’s chest, plucked at the wire connecting his heart to his body and snapped the chord with a sickening smile on his face.
Monroe… he wouldn’t do something like that. Not to Casper, not after everything they had been through. Casper was the only family Monroe had— not blood, but as close to it or better.
“You wouldn’t,” Casper challenged, his voice coming out far smaller than he intended, trying to call his bluff. This was the first time Monroe said anything like this to him. Granted, it was also the first time that Casper talked about quitting but…
Monroe’s smile was anything but warm as he pulled back, patting Casper’s shoulder with his hand. A gesture of mock reassurance. “Do I look like I’m joking?”
Monroe straightened, pulling back altogether and began to undo his cufflinks as Casper straightened, trying to catch his breath and mulled over the threat silently. He felt sick, more so than he did when his powers were muted, but this was on a whole new level of control. Even for Monroe.
“Listen, Caspy, it’s not a bad thing we’re doing, and it’s not like I’m forcing you to do it.” Casper remained silent. He didn’t bother to point out the fact that Monroe was forcing him by blackmailing him into staying. Monroe’s voice turned soft, honey-coated words adding: “It’s for our mutual benefit, and you know – you know – I’d never let anything actually happen to you.”
Casper looked away from him, opting to stare forward instead out to the night-soaked sky that fell like a shudder over the city.
“You’ll see in time,” he said, unclipping his pocket watch and leaving it in front of Casper. “I haven’t steered us wrong before; I don’t plan on doing it now.”
When Casper still didn’t reply or look at him, Monroe sighed. From the corner of his eye, Casper could see Monroe run a hand through his hair. He was uncomfortable with his threat at least, Casper noted. At least he was still somewhat human.
“Tell ya what. I’ll have your bed made up in your room, huh? You’ll stay the night.”
“No thank you.”
“Nonsense. It’s already late.” Monroe said, gesturing to the windows. “Your room hasn’t been touched; I think your bed was stripped but other than that it’s golden.”
Casper crossed his arms across his chest. “I have an apartment. I’d rather go home.”
Monroe paused, glancing over his shoulder at Casper. Casper could feel the eyes boring into the side of his face, but he refused to look at the man. Even though his heart sped up in his chest. Was this considered being a brat in Monroe’s eyes? Would he hurt him again?
Casper stiffened, preparing for the blow.
Monroe hummed.
Casper risked a glance. It was a mistake.
“I wasn’t asking.” Monroe told him with a smile. “We haven’t had family time in a while. We should relax, hmm? Just the two of us. Catch up. How about a movie?”
“Bas—” Casper protested getting to his feet.
“You can choose the film. And we can order takeaway, that sushi place you like? I haven’t touched your room, but I can get one of the maids to make up your bed?”
Casper sighed. Monroe grinned at him, knowing he had won.
“Choose whatever, I’ll be a few minutes.” Monroe said before ruffling Casper’s hair again and turning away. The protests died on Casper’s tongue as he watched Monroe retreat to his bedroom to get changed.
He didn’t want to stay here ever again. That’s why he moved out in the first place. He had outgrown living with Monroe who blurred the lines between family and business associates in the blink of an eye. It gave him whiplash. To go from the caring, protective older brother to the cold-blooded bastard that was Monroe.
“Fuck,” Casper muttered under his breath. He really shouldn’t stay. He should disappear while Monroe was distracted and move country, or continent. Or planet if he didn’t want Dante to find him and drag him back.
He dropped his head, running a hand through his hair and pulling at the strands on the back of his neck, letting out a long, tired sigh. Pale eyes flicked to the golden pocket watch that Monroe had discarded on the counter. Casper glanced up, making sure Monroe wasn’t lingering as he grabbed it, turning it over in his hand to read the inscription.
Fight. The world has enough doormats anyways. - C
Casper ran a thumb over the indents of the letters in the metal. It was old. It was old when he got it from a backstreet merchant known only as Grouse. Definitely stolen, but Grouse always had a soft spot for Casper. And Monroe. The only real cost was the engraving that crippled Casper financially for a week, but it was worth it. To see Monroe’s face light up when he gave him the gift was worth it.
Casper sighed, putting the watch down and getting to his feet. After all this time, Monroe was still the only shred of family he had in this world, the same way Casper was Monroe’s only family. Monroe had found him on the streets — the two of them scrawny and skinny — and taught him how to live instead of just survive.
Casper remembered looking up at the terrifying boy a couple years older than him that had just taken out three guys double his size, probably triple Casper’s. Monroe’s eyes gleamed with something monstrous when he turned to face Caspe, his chest heaving as he threw down the lid to the trashcan he had used to fight the other boys.
Monroe’s gaze softened when they fixed on Casper’s half concealed body. “You just gonna lay there and die, or are you gonna fight?”
Casper blinked owlishly at the boy. People rarely noticed him, let alone spoke to him when they saw him. He risked sticking his neck out a little to get a better look at the hot-blooded boy. He had blood gushing down from his hairline, staining the right side of his face.
Casper’s eyes widened as he saw one of the boys get to his feet behind the boy. Casper didn’t think, he just moved. He dashed past the other boy, standing between his saviour and the other boy. He scooped the metal lid from the ground and mimicked how the nice boy fought. He smashed the lid up, not quite reaching the taller boy’s chin like his saviour, but instead slammed it into the other boy’s chest, then below his ribs before sweeping it against the back of the bully’s legs.
The hulk fell with a thud. Wordlessly, Casper turned to face his saviour who was beaming down at him. Up close, Casper could see the dirt on the boy’s face and the small red stream down his nose. His teeth-stained red. The boy put a hand in Casper’s hair and ruffled it.
“A fighter. Good. The world has enough doormats anyways.”
The words were the nugget of wisdom Monroe had told Casper, back when they were kids. It wasn’t the full quote because the engraver said that it wouldn’t fit on the back of the pocket watch, so Casper pulled out the important parts and cut the rest.
Monroe taught him the way to survive the streets. He taught him everything he knows; rumours were power, favours currency, and of everything Monroe had taught him, only the smart ones survive.
That initial mantra – you just gonna lay there and die? – echoed in Casper’s mind like an earworm, every time someone hit him to the ground, he’d hear Monroe’s voice and get back up.
Casper walked into his room and stood in the doorway, taking it all in. Everything was how he left it. His bed took up most of the room, a super king and softer than any bed he had ever slept in. His PC was set up on his desk in the corner of the room, his screensaver lighting up the screen. Casper made a point not to look at it as he took the first door to his right.
His wardrobe, a small box room with shelves panelled into each wall and a hanging space in the back. Casper grabbed black tracksuit bottoms and a hoodie, getting dressed in the wardrobe. Hanging his signature leather leather jacket up with care and throwing the rest of his clothes wherever they landed.
It felt good, like old times as he stepped out of the wardrobe and walked to his ensuite. He missed him, the old Monroe; the version that was like an older brother. Bass. Not the dictator who had taken over Bass’s body, the hard businessman Monroe, who took whatever he wanted and left nothing for anyone else.
Casper made a point of ignoring the small voice in the back of his head that told him that’s the way Bass had always been. That it was Casper who changed. He didn’t have the energy to deal with that kind of revelation tonight.
He stopped in front of the mirror and sighed. He didn’t look into it, but he could see the gash on his forehead from the corner of his eye.
Just wash your face, Casper, he told himself. Tiredness pulled at his mind, fraying the edges slightly. He didn’t notice he was tired before, but the weight of everything felt too great. Or maybe it was because he was in comfortable clothes.
Just remember how you got here, Casper, Monroe isn’t there for you. He really wished that voice would shut up for two seconds. Thankfully there was a knock at his door.
“You ready?” Monroe called from the other side. Casper nodded, realising after that Monroe couldn’t see him right now. “Yeah,” he said back, walking to the door and opening it. Monroe grinned at him. He was dressed in red and black chequered pyjama pants and a white t-shirt. His grin exposed his faint dimple that was so much more prominent when they were kids.
Casper followed him to the couch, settling in while Monroe pressed a button on a remote to lower the blinds over the windows. They closed with a soft hum while Casper scrolled through Netflix looking for something to watch. He had one hand on the armrest of the sofa, propping his chin up while he scanned the films idly.
“I called for Maid to come up and change your bed, and asked Butler to place the order for sushi.” Monroe told him, scrolling through his phone casually.
Casper hummed in reply. From the corner of his eye he saw Monroe pause his scrolling on his phone and turn to face him.
“Oi, don’t tell me you’re still mad about today,” Monroe said. Casper shrugged one shoulder, eyes still focused on the TV. “Caspy,” Monroe whined like a child, slamming his foot at Casper’s leg. “Come on.”
“You got your dog to force me to drink some fucking potion that cuts me off from my powers for who knows how long, and then threatened to expose me to the government for being an unregistered Supe.” Casper said, turning his head to glare at Monroe now. “Sorry if I’m a little pissed off.”
“That’s business, Casp. You know that.” Casper studied Monroe’s face, his jaw clenched. Monroe’s face softened, a cheeky grin exposing his dimple again. “Casper~” he sang, setting his phone down on the armchair. “You can’t be mad at me forever.”
Before Casper could reply, Monroe lunged and caught Casper around the neck. His elbow locked around Casper’s throat while his other hand went to his hair, knuckles poised and ready. Casper kicked out, forcing the pair of them back against the couch cushions, trying to break free. Monroe responded in kind, locking his legs around Casper’s waist, immobilising him completely.
“Say you love me.”
“Say you love me.”
“No way!” Casper grunted, pulling on the elbow locked around his neck and pulling it off slightly. He couldn’t help the smile that came to his face. “Get off me, idiot!”
“Say you love me or I won’t let go.”
“I’m going to punch you,” Casper told him.
Monroe sighed, tightening his grip on Casper’s waist with his legs. “Then you forced my hand.” His voice grave.
Casper cried out when Monroe gave him a nuggie, bucking wildly as his hands reached for Monroe’s wrists and yanked his hands off Casper’s head. Casper planted his foot on the couch and launched them off the side, rolling until he was free of Monroe’s clutches, a wide grin on his face.
Monroe got to his hands and knees with a small laugh. “Say you love me or I’ll eat all the sushi in front of you.”
“Like you could.”
“I’m serious,” Monroe said, pushing himself to his feet. “I’ll get Butler to tie you up and you can watch me eat all the beautiful dead fish.”
The doorbell rang. The brother’s locked eyes for a moment. Then it was a mad dash for the door. Casper reached it first, smiling at Butler, hand out to get the food before Monroe barrelled into him from the side, and pushed him to the ground.
“Thank you, Butler,” Monroe said, fixing his hair and grabbing the bag. “You are a star.”
“Of course, Mr Monroe.” Butler said, his eyes drifting behind Monroe. Casper’s hand darted over Monroe’s shoulder, kicking the older man in his shins and grabbing the bag of food.
“Thank you Butler!” Casper called over his shoulder, dashing to the kitchen and quickly unpacking the dishes.
Butler hummed while Monroe groaned, taking Butler’s outstretched hand. “It’s good to see you both together again,” he said earnestly.
Monroe’s grin melted to a genuine smile. “He’s still a little shit.”
“As are you, sir.” Butler said with a wink. Monroe waved the old man’s comment away with a breath through his teeth.
“Psssh, me? Never.”
The rustling of cartons and paper bags drew Monroe to the kitchen, where he saw Casper sitting on the edge of the countertop, a piece of California roll between two chopsticks.
Monroe smiled at the scene. It was good to be together again, to see his little shithead of a brother again. Compared to what he was when they were kids, Casper was a man now, same as him. He didn’t need as much protection as before, Monroe would always be there for him. Always.
Even when Casper didn’t want him to be anymore.
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seaweed-whump · 5 months
This is Hyacinth
Tumblr media
A villain known to target the International Hero Network and considered too dangerous for sidekick aided missions.
He's 24 and having a very bad few months. I'd go into more detail but it's kinda spoilers for later.
But he wakes up, very cold and under a bed. Then apparently his only real shot at both medical treatment and escape is a hyperactive teenager who apparently brought him to the Training Center. Which is a very bad place for villains to be. Hope no one else finds out he's there.
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whump-in-the-closet · 2 years
Whump Prompt
cw: implied mouth whump, interrogation whump, defiant whumpee, demeaning language, knives, manhandling
“If you weren’t so stupid, this would be over by now.” Whumper turned their back on the captive, surveying the blades lines on the table in front of them.
Whumpee pretended they weren’t watching. But their eyes never left the long fingers trailing along the hilts of the knives. Fingers with rings and blood for decoration.
Whumpee shuddered. They tilted their head back to stare at the fluorescent lights. Better than staring at the interrogator.
“If,” they squinted at the ceiling, wishing their throat wasn't so raw, “If this was over, I think I could happily say I won’t miss you.”
“Don’t worry. It’s not.” Whumper had finally settled on a knife. “Should I start with your mouth? I don’t think you’ll be needing it for much longer.” They turned, smiling.
Whumpee closed their mouth with an audible snap, backing themselves further into the corner as Whumper approached, the knife a whirl of metal in their hands.
For once, all urge to be sarcastic left them. And cold horror seeped into their bones, cracking them in a hundred ways.
They crumpled. Silently. Eyes wide.
Their heart in their throat.
The cold walls offered no protection and Whumper easily hauled Whumpee to their feet, shoving their back up against the wall. With their free hand, Whumper grabbed Whumpee’s chin, tilting it towards them.
“I would say this won’t hurt. But,” again that insufferable smile. “It really will.”
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whump-bunny · 7 months
Whumper overestimates how much torture Whumpee can take. The once-defiant Whumpee is broken and catatonic, not speaking or reacting to anything anymore. And Whumper isn't happy about it. Though they loathe to admit it, they liked Whumpee's defiance. It was entertaining. Whumpee was entertaining. With them not speaking anymore, Whumper realizes that they miss the sound of Whumpee's voice. The snarky little comments, the sarcastic jokes, the curses screamed in rage.
Now Whumper is desperate to get the old Whumpee back. They're being extra "nice," giving Whumpee medical treatment and food, anything to make them go back to how they were before. Anything to fix their favorite toy.
Because like it or not, Whumper doesn't have anyone else.
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whumporama · 1 month
A Whumper for who torturing someone is just a job. Their organization needs information from Whumpee, and Whumper is sent to get it.
Whumpee is resilient, and it takes a while.
Whumper is quite lonely, and the time spent with Whumpee is basically their only social life. Maybe Whumpee snaps back, is sarcastic, or just talks to Whumper.
They both keep it professional, Whumpee knows Whumper doesn't care about either side in this fight, they just have a job to do.
But Whumper grows attached to Whumpee. Maybe they actually like them. And they know once they have the information, the organization will kill Whumpee.
Life just became a lot more complicated.
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defire · 3 months
Defiant whumpee:
"just can't get enough of me can you."
Villain slaps them hard across the face.
Whumpee grunts.
"mkay, that was uncalled-for."
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justwhumptypethings · 2 months
tw: caretaker dealing with whump aftermath, grief for alive whumpee
caretaker who knew whumpee before, especially if they were close or grew up together
whumpee who used to be so snarky and sarcastic, rude and unapologetic
whumpee who comes home completely silent, agreeing to any and everything they’re asked to do and taking it as an order
caretaker who feels so much grief about the person they used to know
caretaker who feels so much guilt about it because whumpee is here, they’re alive, but they’re not the same and caretaker can’t help but miss them despite the fact that they’re here
whumpee who’s whump lasted for an extended period of time, and now they act in direct opposition of how they used to. when whumpee is there, they’re finally back, but they’re not
caretaker who’s constantly confronted by just how much whumpee was broken when whumpee is so quiet they almost forget they’re there
caretaker watching whumpee hold themselves distinctly different, or take up less space or not eat as much to be ‘polite’ or not mention when they’re hurt or in pain, whumpee who never asks for things, whumpee who never jokes or talks back or acts out, whumpee who never teases or mocks
whumpee who remembers before
whumpee’s guilt when they can see just how much it pains caretaker when they can’t bring themselves to act the way they used to but they’re still just so scared
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a-living-canvas · 4 months
Sprinkles of Stardust
'Good pet.'
That's the first time Whumper praised Whumpee, along with the head pat. Maybe they weren't so bad after all. Maybe Whumpee was just overreacting. Like Whumper always said, 'It's not even that hurt.' 'It's not even that bad.'
The sound of the door being unlocked filling Whumpee's ears. Oh, it's master. Whumpee put the broom in their hands to the side and immediately kneeling on the floor with their eyes looking down.
It's just kneeling. It's not a big deal.
Whumper pushed opened the door. Their exhausted faces turned into delighted ones when they saw Whumpee kneeling on the floor. "Aww, were you waiting for me?"
Whumper was about to ruffle Whumpee's hair when they stepped on the remaining trash on the floor. With a gritted teeth, they hissed. "Whumpee…"
Whumpee lifted their head, noticing the change of tone in Whumper's voice when their eyes widened in panic and fear. "M-master, I'm sorry! I still haven't finished cleaning the floor yet. I'm sorry!" 
Whumper sighed, "Why did you stop then?'
"I just…I wanted to greet you. I want to be good…!"
Whumper rolled their eyes. "Yeah, with leaving trash everywhere around my house " they said sarcastically.
Whumpee hanging their head low, muttering softly. "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to…"
Whumper stared at Whumpee for a few seconds before sitting on the couch, lifting their dirty feet. "That won't do, Whumpee…that won't do…"
Whumper beckoned their finger to Whumpee, watching as they came closer to them. They pushed Whumpee's head down, directing it right in front of their sole.
"Lick it."
Whumpee's eyes widened at the order. "M-master, please—"
"I said, lick it clean Whumpee. Don't make me say it again."
Whumpee stayed still. They couldn't do it. They just couldn't. They fingers curling up in a tight grip, hoping for an ounce of mercy from Whumper. 
Seeing them still glued to the floor made Whumper sighed loudly in frustration. They reached for their belt, slowly unbuckled it.
Whumpee flinched at the familiar sound. They immediately snapped their gazes back to Whumper and stopped their action. "Master, no please! Please! Anything but that…!"
Whumper raised an eyebrow at them. "You know what to do then."
Whumpee nodded hastily, sticking their tongue out and quickly licking Whumper's sole. They wanted it to end faster so they could forget that this day ever existed.
Whumper frowned, shaking their heads as they grabbed Whumpee's hair and pushed their head a few inches apart. "Slow down, pet. Do it again."
"Y-yes, Master…"
Whumper hummed in approval before letting go of their hair. Whumpee leaned closer again, started licking deliberately. 
"Just like that. Take your time, little one."
Whumpee felt disgusted. Disgusted at themselves for letting someone treat them like this. They grimaced at the awful taste that stuck on their tongue. They kept licking and licking, until their cheeks wet with tears.
"Hm? Why are you crying? It's not even that bad." Whumper leaned down and before Whumpee could pull away, they squished their cheeks with one hand. 
Whumper narrowed their eyes at them, "Stop crying. It's annoying."
"I-I'm sorry! I'm sorry…!"
Whumpee bite their bottom lip, trying to repress their sobbing. Whumper's eyes softened, brushing Whumpee's tears with their thumbs.
"Good…good pet. You don't want me to give you away to my friends, right?"
"N-no! No! Please don't…"
Whumper pushed a strand of hair behind Whumpee's ear. "They would treat you a lot worse than this. You should be grateful to be owned by someone like me."
"Y-yes, I'm grateful Master…I am…!"
Whumper chuckled, stroking Whumpee's hair. "I love you, Whumpee."
Whumpee froze. They weren't sure what to say. Obviously they needed to say the same thing back to Whumper, but they could only say those words to Caretaker. It seems foreign and weird for them to say that they love their kidnapper.
"I said, I love you Whumpee." Whumper glared at them, expecting a response.
Whumpee sighed, with a heavy heart, they muttered those tender words.
"I love you too, Master…"
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hellfire530 · 8 days
Random list of whumpy things I enjoy:
Internal bleeding/coughing up blood
Leaning against a wall for support, their legs give out and blood smears down the wall
Sarcastic whumpees
Suicidal whumpees/whumper getting annoyed because death threats don’t work on them like “I’ll fucking kill you” “I’ll help.”
Scolded for things like: bleeding on something, not smiling (“your prettier when you smile”) passing out
Whumper calling whumpee dear/darling/sweetie etc.
Whumper being so incredibly sweet to whumpee, combing hair with fingers, bandaging/caring for cuts, washing them, wiping away tears
When the whumper takes advantage of old cuts/wounds, ripping open, kicking stab wounds
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sunshiline-writes · 1 year
Rainbringer #2: Say That Again
Kyler starts regretting his decision about making a deal with a goddess. Claire finds out she likes it when Kyler begs.
CW: begging, aftermath of choking, noncon touching (nonsexual), begging, fear of choking, fear of death, brief mention of a knife at the end
Previous | Masterlist | Next
His head hurt. There was a deep throbbing ache on the front of his skull. It took a moment to realize that someone was touching him. Stroking his hair, playing with it. He groaned and tried to lift his head. Then he opened his eyes. Ah, he was still in the temple. Claire was stroking his hair. Oh, she was stroking his hair and his head was in her damn lap. No, no, he didn’t like that. But he felt so heavy. His eyes felt so heavy, he wondered for a moment if she was playing a trick. The gentle, soft touch. He didn’t expect this from her. 
“I passed out,” he mumbled, looking up at her. His brain was foggy, like everything was in slow motion. Even his tongue felt heavy. 
“Yes you did,” she agreed, smiling gently, “I went too far. I always forget..” 
Kyler didn’t say anything, he just started to push himself to sit up. Claire didn’t stop him. His hair had fallen out of its neat low ponytail and he groaned slightly when he righted himself. He brought a hand to his neck, suddenly remembering the feeling of her hands around it. Squeezing, letting go, squeezing. Suddenly he felt like he couldn’t breathe again. 
“I healed the bruising,” she stated plainly. 
Kyler sighed slightly but it came out more like a wheeze. It was the panic, not the damage. He knew he could breathe normally again but it was the memory of it that was making him feel unwell. Holding his head he groaned again. 
“Wow, thanks for that. Really helped me out there,” Kyler said sarcastically, grabbing onto a bench in the temple, and pushing himself into an awkward standing position. He stood half bent over the bench, eyes shut tightly. This headache wasn’t going away was it? No no, this was a different headache. 
“I thought we learned a lesson ten minutes ago about disrespect,” Claire said, her voice right next to his ear, breath hot. She was always so close. Did she need to be that close? “I figured I would get rid of the bruises as a favor. For when you go home tonight. Anyone waiting for you?” 
Kyler winced as he stood up, turning to face her. Lying would be met with punishment so he answered as vaguely as he could. “Yes.” 
“Knowing my personal life was not part of this agreement,” Kyler said warily, gauging her reaction. 
“True, but knowing makes you more interesting for me to play with.” 
“Great, I definitely want that for me.” Her eyes turned cruel again, and he raised his hands in surrender. “Sorry,” he mumbled. 
There was a pause in the room. Like even the air itself stopped moving. 
“Say that again,” Claire said, a bit giddily. A child. Why did she act like a child when she was the most cruel? 
“What?” he asked, licking his lips slightly. 
“You heard me Kyler,” again her eyes were lit up in childlike wonder at the way she was forcing him to apologize again. 
“I don’t-” 
She shoved him on the bench and he grabbed the front of it to stop himself from falling. He really should have just apologized in the first place. His sarcasm was getting him into trouble here. As per usual, but this was different. This was a goddess. As long as she didn’t put her hands around his throat again. Anything but that. 
“Don’t be stubborn, just apologize. Or I can keep you here for longer. I can make you pass out again. Worry whoever is waiting for you at home.” 
Kyler bit his lip and balled his fists. Step one to getting through this deal alive and not worrying Irvington: get over his pride. 
“No.. I’m sorry..” he finally said, swallowing hard. Picturing her hands around his throat again. “I’m sorry.. Please.. Please just let me go home.” 
Claire sighed contently, gently running her hand through his hair, moving it behind his ear. Always touching, always. What was with the touching? It took everything in him not to slap her hands away. 
“I love how sweet you sound when you’re begging. I’m going to ask for that more often,” she mused, running her fingers over his ear, tugging playfully on his earlobe. He stood up and she took a few steps back. 
“Can I leave now?” 
“Yes Kyler,” Claire said with a pout, “But we are going to have so much fun tomorrow.” 
So much fun, he thought to himself, as he started to walk past her. 
“Bring a knife tomorrow, I want to try something.” 
His heart stopped. 
Started again. 
He left the temple without another word. 
Kyler was starting to regret his deal with the goddess. Was the pain worth the rain? The answer was still yet to be answered.  tag list: @robinbugbanned @devourerofcheesecake @whumpinthepot @for-the-love-of-angst
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whumpshaped · 11 months
make!! ur whumpee!! feel little and stupid!!! patronise them!!! be sarcastic and condescending to them!!! coo at them and praise them for the simplest things!!! in fact only ever give them stupidly simple tasks and force them to do said tasks and act like it must be super hard for them!!! never ever give them proper enrichment or stimuli so that they cant keep up their original level of smarts and wit!!! chip away at their brain until they rly do get a little dumb!!! knock on their stupid empty head often and remark how hollow it sounds!!! not a thought in there!!!
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mj-iza-writer · 3 months
Requested by @electrons2006 , I hope you enjoy
"Whumpee come here", Whumper called as they sat at the table for breakfast.
Whumpee hurried into the room.
"Yes Master", they bowed to the floor.
"I remember asking for two pancakes along with the eggs and sausage", Whumper glared, "why do I have three?"
"Oh, uh", Whumpee cautiously looked at the plate, "I made too much batter, please forgive my mistake this morning."
"Are you sure you weren't making an extra one for yourself to eat secretly and you chickened out?", Whumper's glare deepened, "or maybe hoping this would be a morning I would let you have my leftovers."
"No Master, I just made a mistake in measuring the ingredients. I-I'm sorry", Whumpee gulped, "please punish me so I remember."
"You'd like that wouldn't you? Let me do all of the work", Whumper looked around the room, "you enjoy me punishing you."
"No, this morning you'll punish yourself, and I will watch", Whumper started to eat, "be creative... entertain me", they talked with their mouth full."
"Yes Master", Whumpee stood and looked around the room.
They noticed their shock collar sitting on the table.
"M-may I use this Master?", Whumpee held it up, "will this please you?"
"I don't care", Whumper sighed.
Whumpee looked it over and realized they were too dumb to figure out how to put it on the way Master did. Then they realized they didn't know how to turn it on either.
"Click it on", Whumper instructed, "here give it to me, I'd rather you didn't know how to turn it on and off", Whumper turned it on and handed it back to Whumpee.
"Thankyou Master", Whumpee bowed their head.
Whumpee took the remote and made sure it was turned to a high setting.
They held the prongs to their throat and pressed the button.
"Ymph", Whumpee groaned as they stiffened. They fell to the ground.
Whumpee looked up to Whumper for approval.
"You're trying but you need to try harder", Whumper sighed.
"Yes Master", Whumpee looked at the prongs.
They stuck their tongue out and rested it on the prongs. This was bound to at least get a chuckle from Master.
Whumpee squealed as their tongue was shocked.
Whumpee noticed a slight grin from Whumper.
'One more and I may have pleased them enough', Whumpee told themself.
The looked over their body to see where next to shock themself. They looked over their old burn from when Whumper branded and claimed them as their own property.
'They know it hurts terribly when that gets shocked', Whumpee thought as they lowered it to their scar. Their lip quivered a little as their finger hovered over the button.
Whumpee screamed as the current went through their scar.
They weakly looked up to Whumper.
"Do you think that is enough of a punishment to suffice this mornings mistake?", Whumper frowned.
Whumpee couldn't tell if Whumper was seriously asking them or if they were being sarcastic.
"Master, forgive me, I don't know", Whumpee looked at the collar. The stress of pleasing Whumper was overwhelming.
"Ymhmm", Whumper continued to eat without saying another word.
Whumpee stayed on the floor. They were about to start crying when Whumper stood.
"You may finish eating my leftover scraps", Whumper started to walk away, "thankyou for making breakfast."
Whumpee watched in shocked disbelief. Did they really just receive praise.
They hurried to the plate. Three bites of sausage, a fork full of eggs, and half a pancake were left.
"Master left me a lot today, and they praised me", Whumpee excitedly started to eat.
"Whumpee, I'm heading to work", "Whumper called from the door.
Whumpee hurried to them and knelt down, "please have a safe day and come back home safely", they leaned in and kissed their Master's boot goodbye.
"You have a good day as well", Whumper grinned.
Whumpee almost melted to the floor while Whumper closed the door.
"They like me again", Whumpee whispered as they lay on the floor, "they really like me, and I almost messed up everything this morning. They could have had a bad day because of me."
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all.
@villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived
@sacredwrath @porschethemermaid
@monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz
@bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13
@notpeppermint @cyborg0109
@idontreallyexistyet @painfulplots
@whumpbump @everythingsscary
@skittles-the-whumpee @expressionless-fr
@theforeverdyingperson @legendarydelusiongoatee
@candleshopmenace @whumpanthems
@lavndvrr @ivymyers
@starfields08000 @a-living-canvas
@lumpofsand @watermeezer
@3-2-whump @risk606
@electrons2006 @paperprinxe
@whumprince @kaz-of-crows
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whump-in-the-closet · 2 years
I feel like I’m being too obvious but I definitely associate you with hero and villain whump
👀well can’t really argue with that *ahem* i do love villain and hero whump and i am not about to say otherwise
also like that’s the majority of the pieces i write
so there is that i suppose
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ibims1seb · 10 months
A little something about defiant Whumpee!
I know we like to see those feisty little boys crumble to the ground, utterly broken!
But, Let me pose you: A Whumper who likes the defiance. One who enjoys the sassy comments, rude remarks and sarcastic lines. Whumper who is amused by seeing Whumpee think they have some kind of power in the situation and they let them float in it, not really punishing them. And I hear you. That doesn’t really sound whumpy but now imagine that whumper snapping at Whumpee, who was just one tiny itty bitty bit above a nonexistent line.
Maybe they slap them hard across the face for a comment. The usual grin replaced by a frown and harsh narrow eyes. Or maybe they start yelling at Whumpee, the amused tone making room for a cold and not at all smug voice. Or Whumper doesn’t need to do anything, the dropped face being enough for Whumpee to shut up and know that they have crossed a line.
And now Imagine Whumpee, completely thrown back by the sudden change of emotions. They can do nothing but stare up at Whumper, all the defiance and sass erased from their eyes while they try to figure out what just happened. Where was that line? Was it just for fun or did they actually go to far? Who knows! Definitely not them. :)
And then Whumper’s smile returns again. But it isn’t the same! It’s a lot darker and creepier than what they usually wear. It is absolutely unnerving and terrifying for Whumpee.
So yeah, defiant Whumpee….
Please let me know where I can find something like this, thanks
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whumplump · 2 months
Day 6 of @augusnippets
Prompts used: car accident / plane crash / shipwreck
CW: immortal whumpee, stoic whumpee, implied character death, flashbacks
Whumpee looked in the mirror and felt several things. This time, however, they came all at once, one after the other.
Once, excruciating pain throughout the body, especially in the legs. Ah, the legs... They couldn't move them. They were broken. The bones cracked beneath the skin like saltine crackers.
In another case, dizziness, a constant shaking in the head, an illness so strong that it caused nausea and almost caused vomiting. But there was no time to vomit before the pressure injured the brain inside the skull and caused death.
In the latter case, the cold, muscle pain, both from the effort to swim and from the reduced temperature of the wind and water. Sinking them up to the neck, until it covers their entire body. The burning in the lungs... The lack of air... And as always, then came the darkness.
Whumpee shook their head, trying to shake the memories away. Caretaker appeared at the bathroom door, looking at them worriedly.
Whumpee took three pills for their stomach pain and swallowed them all at once, without the aid of water. Caretaker was startled.
"You shouldn't take so many at once," they said, "you might overdose, you might even die!"
Whumpee gave a sarcastic laugh. "If only it were that easy.”
Caretaker always said those same words. The day was repeating itself again. This maddening loop where, at the end of the day, Whumpee always died, but at the same time... never really died.
They passed Caretaker with a deliberate shoulder bump.
"I wonder how many times I'll have to die before the drug overdose is the next thing to kill me!”
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