secretsofabully · 9 years
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Made a random black and yellow puddle then it became a cave.
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secretsofabully · 9 years
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secretsofabully · 9 years
Me: *puts on foundation and lip tint*
Boyfriend: No... Don't bother.
Me: Huh?
Boyfriend: Don't bother putting anything on your face.
Me: WTF. Why? I want to look neat and presentable.
Boyfriend: But I like it when your face is all natural.
In moments like these, I swear he's just shitting on me. Haha.
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secretsofabully · 9 years
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Revamped my phone layout again. Launcher: Nova Prime Icon Pack: Min BG: Winter Road (OGQ HD BG) *Note: I got rid of the app drawer and made my Home my app drawer instead.
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secretsofabully · 9 years
Let's chase feelings. But avoid unpleasant ones too.
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secretsofabully · 9 years
Boyfriend: *Changes FB profile picture with a photo of the two of us*
Boyfriend: Hey, I've hidden my profile picture from my timeline.
Me: Why?
Boyfriend: So people won't post comments.
Me: Why don't you want them to?
Boyfriend: Then I'll need to reply to their comments.
Me: And so?
Boyfriend: Well I'm not fond of replying to comments if it's other people. You're just the only one I want to talk to.
Me: Oh.
And that was smooth AF, my friends.
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secretsofabully · 9 years
I think the reason why my single friends are still aren’t in a relationship is because of the fact that they’re just fond of the thought of being in love.
That the moment you’re going out with somebody, he is obliged to send you lengthy but sweet good morning texts, give you romantic surprises now and then, or sing songs for you even his voice sounds like shit.
That the moment you’ve decided that he’ll be your special someone, you two should start completing those #RelationshipGoals right away. 
Love isn’t like that. 
You just appreciate his own little ways to make you feel that you’re the most special person in his life. Love is not defined by how much effort he has done for your anniversary, nor the times he had written sweet posts about you in his Facebook.
You don’t push your partner to be super romantic. 
You don’t urge him to be cheesy and sweet. 
Because doing those things come naturally. You don’t plan them.
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secretsofabully · 9 years
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“Osmosis: a subtle or gradual absorption or mingling.”
To those fellow students out there who are still taking their exams, good luck! :)
PS. I changed my drawing style. :D
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secretsofabully · 9 years
What system do you play on?
Windows 7. :)
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secretsofabully · 9 years
My Game List
That never ends...
Dark Dreams Don’t Die
Delicious: Emily’s Hopes and Fears
Dreamfall Chapters
Dreamfall: The Longest Journey
Gone Home
Just Cause 2
La Noire
Life is Strange
Mafia 2
Mind Path to Thalamus
Ori and the Blind Forest
Remember Me
Resident Evil 5
Sribblenauts Unlimited
Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments
Sleeping Dogs
State of Decay: Base
State of Decay: Lifeline
Tales from the Borderlands
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter Redux
The Saboteur
The Walking Dead Season 1
The Walking Dead Season 2
The Wolf Among Us
To the Moon
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secretsofabully · 9 years
My Boyfriend Doesn't Write Nice Things About Me On Social Media, And That's OK
Scrolling through any one of my social media platforms, my feed is often saturated with cute photos of couples or back-and-forth commentary between two significant others. And, as time goes by and people get more and more comfortable with sharing their lives online, my timeline becomes increasingly clogged with dramatic love proclamations on a random, day-to-day basis instead of the occasional anniversary and birthday posts.
“So thankful for this beautiful lady, can’t live without her.”
"Love this guy so much!”
"She's the most amazing girlfriend in the world!”
Pretty cute, huh? Sappy, but cute.
Sometimes I’d see posts like these and roll my eyes at the pure mushiness of it all. Eventually, though, I realized the eye-rolling probably stemmed from the teensy tiny bit of jealousy I liked to pretend I didn’t have.
I've been with my boyfriend for two years now, and I’ve been tagged in a total of zero sappy and romantic posts on the Internet. I’ve never woken up to a long proclamation of love posted on my Facebook page, or been tagged in a cheesy photo collage on Instagram.
No, not even on my birthday.
At most, I think my Facebook followers are aware that my boyfriend thinks I can be “kind of awesome” on occasion.
It wasn’t until I was stuck in bed with a 102 fever during my short visit to my boyfriend’s university and he took care of everything I needed without complaint that I realized the lack of these things offered absolutely no reflection of our relationship.
Have I ever gotten to smile and blush over a cheesy note on Facebook? No.
But, without fail, I wake up to good morning texts every single day. I’ve gotten love notes and chocolates in the mail, and my favorite flowers delivered to my door.
He has endured ice-skating trips, frequent Disney movie marathons, and (per my request) watched far too many chick flicks.
He’s taken me on picnics in the park, walks downtown and hung out with me on the couch when the last thing I wanted to do was go out.
He supports every single one of my hopes and dreams, no matter how overly-ambitious they may seem.
He might not be engaging in the modern-day equivalent of shouting his love for me from the rooftops, but there isn’t a moment that passes when I don’t know he loves me.
When I see those cute posts on social media now, I smile. It’s sweet that some people express their love that way. But I’m not jealous. The world might not be able to see it, but there are one million different ways my boyfriend shows me love – and that’s more than enough for me.
- written by Jessica Banks
Orig post: http://theodysseyonline.com/central-florida/boyfriend-doesnt-write-nice-things-social-media/203036
PS . To that guy who decided to read my posts again on my blog and finished reading the article above… Hey stop it! Na kang kataba. But still, I love you Duday. :)
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secretsofabully · 9 years
Life is Strange OST. And this one makes me want to runaway. #NowPlaying Spanish Sahara by Foals
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secretsofabully · 9 years
Life is Strange OST. This song makes me want to cry. #NowPlaying Obstacles by Syd Matters
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secretsofabully · 9 years
Jersey Shore
Disclaimer: I only watched few episodes to know what the fuss is about.
Anyway, after several episodes, I can’t believe that these kinds people exist. People who shower from fake tans, drama queens who make big deals out of nothing, girls denying they’ve cheated with their boyfriends when it’s very clear they’re making out with some other men,etc.
What total sluts and dickheads. Ew.
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secretsofabully · 9 years
Witty Replies
Me: Days ago, I saw a woman using her handicapped son to get pitied by people and ask money from them. It's extortion. Like a syndicate thing.
Boyfriend: Just a mother and her son?
Me: Yeah.
Boyfriend: Then it's not a syndicate thing. Syndicates are groups of people.
Me: Then what do you call it then?
Boyfriend: Um... Family business?
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secretsofabully · 9 years
Life is Strange.
I never cried this hard since I watched Ano Hana.
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secretsofabully · 9 years
Grade Conscious
I have always been the student that didn’t gave much shit about my grades. As long as I’m passing the course, it’s all absolutely fine whatever grade I get. But yesterday, my prof gave our results from exams we took from a couple of weeks ago.
I got a freaking 74/100.
Actually , it’s a pretty good result. But noooo. It’s really not. You see, there were four parts of the exam, and to cut the story short, I aced all parts… except the first one… The definitions of some terms. Man, I only got 5/20 there.
What bums me out is that if weren’t for that part, I could have gotten 80-90/100. And it was also a math exam.
It's silly but I cried at my score. My boyfriend even called me and thought that I was just faking my tears. Haha. Well I hoped so. But he teased me that I sounded like a cat while I was weeping. Psh. Whatever, loser.
But I really studied hard for that exam. I guess I should just try harder next time.
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