secrettoeverything7 · 4 years
Practitioner discussion about what is ascension what is is not?
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secrettoeverything7 · 4 years
Live and learn and learn and live again...
Live and learn and learn and live again…
I tend to make the same mistakes over and over with friends. I’m not sure why. I expect people to have my back and be loyal the same way I would have their back and be loyal. I have cut people off only to give in to their relentless knocking back on the door of my life again. This has always bit me in the you know what.
Recently I did this again and it was fine for awhile. The energy exchange…
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secrettoeverything7 · 5 years
THIS is not the American Dream any longer (thank goodness)
THIS is not the American Dream any longer (thank goodness)
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Seriously even looking at this makes me shudder. Why? I can’t even begin to tell you. First of all, that yellow door…..but I digress. There’s more here than meets the eye? This is a GIANT house on a small lot. It is 18 years old. You will see the roof and the deck in another pic. I personally think it should be one and done over a certain year in houses, like you should be forced to demolish your…
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secrettoeverything7 · 5 years
Rest Rest Work Cycle
Rest Rest Work Cycle
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I was doing an in person one on one yesterday and looking at the tech printout. It was obvious that this gentleman has the same issue I have. He’s driven. He’s successful and he’s damn tired.
His nervous system was fried. His adrenals were fried. And he was suffering from low grade depression and on anti depressants. His hormones were whack a do and many other symptoms and issues.
When I…
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secrettoeverything7 · 5 years
Feels like Spring
Now is the time to be deliberate about your life.
Now is the time to power stand which is what I call standing behind yourself.
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You can choose a new awakening at any time. Any hour, any day, any season. But spring is just as good a time as any.
You will find if you have lived on this planet for very long, that other people’s illusion is their truth and vice versa. You have a right as a…
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secrettoeverything7 · 5 years
The Tale of the Hummel Angels
The Tale of the Hummel Angels
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I have definitely noticed a trend in my area. People are plain and simple moving out of homes that are large, expensive to maintain and into tiny homes, cottages, cabins, modulars and trailers. The large multi million dollar homes are sitting on the market and seeing deep discounts of tens of thousands of dollars at a time. A home is not an investment. You’ve been lied to. Well, hopefully by now…
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secrettoeverything7 · 5 years
STOP .... participating in dark ritual rites like Black Friday
STOP …. participating in dark ritual rites like Black Friday
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First of all…let’s just be logical for a second. When the “3D” mainstream anything refers to something as “black” it probably isn’t good. You can justify the magic money babylonian system lingo all you like to justify your personal habits and behavior but facts are fact. There is NOTHING good about Black Friday. Nothing. It is a blatant promotion of hedonistic consumerism and worse behavior. It…
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secrettoeverything7 · 5 years
I do not need your approval
I do not need your approval
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I just received an eviscerating email which I am unfamiliar with getting. Oh no, not because we don’t receive them but because my amazing staff shields me from most of the negativity.
Once again, this person reminded me that I am not worth what I charge (mirroring), am a horrific human be-ing (mirroring) and provide no value to society. (mirroring)
Then she proceeded to itemize exactly what…
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secrettoeverything7 · 5 years
Eckhart Tolle: Guru or Troll? Exposed Junk Conciousness by his own energy!
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secrettoeverything7 · 5 years
I'm tired of hu-mans getting a bad rap
I’m tired of hu-mans getting a bad rap
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Yes I should have been working. It’s Monday and I have tons to do but I was posting in my group and got distracted on Facebook. Fancy that. Anyway,
Mamavation posted this article and I’m upset. They claim to be conscious and aware but obviously they don’t understand who we are as humans, how we got here or who our overlords are. Or worse. They do and its deliberate deception. Yes, we have…
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secrettoeverything7 · 5 years
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secrettoeverything7 · 5 years
Junk Consciousness Blind Items....(if you have a blind item we should know about...in the world of the paranormal, conspiracy or "consciousness" let us know. Email me or contact me at my website.)
Junk Consciousness Blind Items….(if you have a blind item we should know about…in the world of the paranormal, conspiracy or “consciousness” let us know. Email me or contact me at my website.)
The disgruntled author…..
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“The only thing I hate worse than junk consciousness is fake consciousness!”
Nothing better than a juicy little blind item.
Which Telesummit host about 5 years ago ripped off word for word LIVE…. a process from a book author. Well guess what? SHE was listening AND she wrote him and demanded that she be put on the telesummit. (sounds a bit like blackmail to me…
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secrettoeverything7 · 5 years
No absolute truth available here. Absorb it. Accept it. Stop watching the paid shills and junk conciousness gurus out to make a quick buck on your lack of knowledge.
No absolute truth available here. Absorb it. Accept it. Stop watching the paid shills and junk conciousness gurus out to make a quick buck on your lack of knowledge.
Most common email is the following. Is THIS person the ultimate truth on ______________? Is this person teaching 100 percent truth? Is this person 100 percent real? There ARE NO 100 percents in this reality. None. Not me. Not you. Especially not the Dalia Lama. That’s an inside joke for those in the know. Research NXVIM and him just for a start and by the way he speaks perfect English. He’s a bad…
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secrettoeverything7 · 5 years
The poison leaves bit by bit
The poison leaves bit by bit
Recently (last week) I was bit by a Brown Recluse spider. Well. Yeah. That was fun. I still have swelling and infection and did I forget to say I almost died?
However, it leaves room for multiple life lessons. The poison didn’t disappear all at once. Right now the swelling and redness still lingers. But it’s getting better.
Let’s apply this to us. First of all when we do our shadow work and…
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secrettoeverything7 · 5 years
Shocking Proof! Is Christopher Macklin a true healer?
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secrettoeverything7 · 5 years
Revealing aura reading
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secrettoeverything7 · 5 years
The False and Crazy Glorification of Atlantis
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Sigh. Oh my goodness. It’s such old and deceptive energy to use “Atlantis” to sell anything. Spiritual authors, websites, radio shows and telesummits are famous for dropping in Lemuria or Atlantis and the poor desperate sick and hurting people are hungry for this “glorious” culture that is mysterious and highly sought after as the paragon of wisdom and magic.
Let’s talk facts, after all. These…
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