seducedbyseverus · 4 years
Hello my loves. I've been away for a while for personal reasons, but am back now. :) Here's a little something I'm sure allll the Rickmaniancs want to hear Alan say. Enjoy my lovelies. 💚🖤💚🖤
Tagging: @mostlyrickman @i-sold-danny-elfman-my-soul
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seducedbyseverus · 4 years
Forbidden Love
Title: Forbidden Love
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Severus Snape x Reader
Rating: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Artist: @the-witches-son
Author: @seducedbyseverus  
Word count: 5,733
Tags: Acromantula, mentions of blood, death of a mythical creature, gore, angst, fluff, smut, bullying, broken bones, hippogriffs, unicorns, fluffy, centaurs, syringes, major character injury, near-death experience, age gap, teacher/18-year-old student relationship, unprotected sex, fingering, begging, forced reveal of feelings, forbidden forest, family drama, and I think that’s it.
Beta: @winecatsandpizza
Written for: @snapebang and @harrypotterbingo  
Square Filled: Acromantula
A/N: I altered the timeline a little to make this flow better. I realize that Gilderoy lost his memory during the Chamber of Secrets era. I also realize that Severus didn't take on the DADA teaching position until Harry's 6th year. I just wanted to make that clear for everyone. :) Enjoy! 
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"Hmm…difficult, very difficult. Mmm yes, lots of ambition and very loyal too. A hint of creativity, but you seem to mask it well with your bravery...” As the sorting hat’s voice echoed throughout the Great Hall, your mind began to flood with the past week’s events. 
It was the day after your eighteenth birthday when you discovered your Hogwarts letter. Your grandmother had been a great witch and even taught at Hogwarts after she finished her seventh year. From the moment you were born, she knew you were destined for good things. Your parents had forbidden her from using magic around you and even went so far as to hide your letter of acceptance on your eleventh birthday. It wasn’t until you were going through some of your childhood toys in the attic that you came across it. 
The letter was stuck to the back of an old photo album, and the writing had nearly faded completely. You ran your fingers over the yellowing parchment, the tip of your index finger raising slightly as it slid over the sealing wax. You recognized the symbol immediately. Your grandmother had it all over her house, and you’d thought it to be your family’s crest. The wax gave way easily and you pulled the letter out as carefully as you could. Your heart began to race and your breath caught in your throat. The letter was for you! You had been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 
You blinked and brought yourself back to reality, the hat seemed to be finishing up his assessment. “...better make it...Slytherin!” The table full of students to the far-right of the hall erupted in cheer as you walked towards them. You took your seat and after the rest of the first years were sorted into their houses, the Headmaster approached the podium. He raised his hands and without saying a word, the whole room went silent. 
“Welcome! Welcome, everyone! It is my great pleasure to start off a new school year with a few minor changes. As many of you know, Gilderoy Lockhart is no longer capable of teaching. It seems a memory charm backfired and he’s lost all memory of who he is. Be that as it may, I am very pleased to announce that our own Severus Snape will be the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.” Your eyes scanned the teachers at the head table and stopped when they landed on a man who looked slightly younger than the others. He stood and nodded ever so slightly before taking his seat again. Your gaze lingered on him as Professor Dumbledore continued on with his speech.
“Thus it’s only fitting that the one and only Professor Horace Slughorn takes Severus’ place as Potions teacher.” Another professor stood up from the table and smiled as a round of applause reverberated off the walls. “Now that we’ve determined who will be teaching what subject, I have an additional announcement to make. All students will refrain from entering the forbidden forest. Anyone who isn’t experienced enough to handle themselves will most certainly die a very horrible death. Now, without further interruption, let the feast begin!” 
With a wave of his hand, the empty plates filled with a delicious looking meal. You ate quietly as the other Slytherins talked and carried on. Every so often, you turned to look at the mysterious man with the all-black attire. Mysterious didn’t even begin to describe him. Even though it wasn’t classified as magic, you had always found yourself skilled in reading people. He looked particularly confident, his shoulder-length black hair bouncing slightly as he talked among the other teachers. There was just something you couldn’t quite put your finger on. Was it pain? The very moment you thought the word to yourself, his eyes snapped up to yours. Horrified that you were caught staring, you quickly turned your attention to your plate. Had he read your mind? 
Deciding not to dwell on it any longer, you continued eating your meal thinking about the new chapter in your life. Though you didn’t know much about Hogwarts and the world of magic, you did know that this house, in particular, had a bad reputation. Your grandmother was a Ravenclaw, and would sometimes divulge knowledge about the other houses. The one thing you remembered about Slytherin was that its founder believed only certain people should be allowed to attend this school and practice magic. Purebloods. 
You were the farthest thing from being a pureblood. In fact, you were what other witches and wizards would call a Muggle. That was another thing you learned from your grandma. Muggle was a term used to describe someone who had non-magic blood, or the less liked derogatory name, mud-blood. The fork in your left hand scraped across your plate as you pushed your food around aimlessly. Why on Earth would the sorting hat put you in Slytherin? 
Soon, dinner was over and the prefects led the students back to their respective common rooms. You followed the other female students to the girl’s dormitory and found your trunk and owl had already been brought in. Nova chirped and tilted her head when she saw you, and you couldn’t help but giggle. “Miss me already, sweetheart? Well, I missed you too.” The soft feathers on her head slid between your fingers while you talked to her. Even though she didn’t talk back, it was always nice to feel like someone was listening. 
You settled on your bed and began drawing in your sketchpad as the other girls in your room talked among themselves. Their conversation hardly registered with you, your focus solely on the drawing of Nova you were currently working on. It wasn’t until one of the other girls tapped you on your shoulder that you noticed they were talking to you. “Hellooo? Were you even listening to us?” You set your sketch pad next to you on the bed and looked up at the three girls staring at you intently. “S-Sorry, I didn’t realize you were talking to me. I was um … I was focused on my drawing.” 
The girl closest to you rolled her eyes and huffed impatiently. “I said, why aren’t you eleven like the other first years?” There it was, the question you knew would be asked eventually. You just didn’t think you’d have to answer it this soon. “My um… Well, I suppose it’s because my parents hid my acceptance letter from me.” The one with the blonde hair began to laugh. “Why that’s absurd. Why anyone would hide a Hogwarts letter from their child is beyond me. Unless… wait… are you not a pureblood?”
A sudden feeling of shame overtook you and your gaze wandered to your lap, a loose string on your blanket became instantly more interesting. “I-I… Well, no… I’ve got non-magic parents actually.” The third girl scoffed.  “Daphne, can you believe they let scum like this into our house?” Blondie, who you presumed to be Daphne, snatched your sketchbook off the bed and tore it in two and laughed. “Serves her right. Mud-bloods don’t belong in Slytherin.” She drew her wand and pushed the tip into the skin of your throat making your whole body quake in fear. “Listen up you vile little wretch, you’d better not lose us any house points if you value your life at all. Understand?” 
Tears pricked your eyes as you nodded quickly. “Y-Yes… Yes, I-I understand.” She removed her wand and the two other girls followed close behind as they left the room. Closing your eyes, you took a few deep breaths trying to slow the rapid beating of your heart. A few minutes later, you let out a shaky breath and began to clean up the remnants of your sketch pad. Luckily, this was a brand new one and Daphne hadn’t torn up anything too valuable. 
Once you were finished, you slipped on your shoes and held out your arm to Nova. She chirped happily and sidestepped to your shoulder. Staying in your room anywhere near the other Slytherin girls was the last thing you wanted to do, so you decided to explore the castle grounds a little before bed. After all, it was only Friday night, and classes didn’t start for another two weeks. 
The crisp fall air licked at your skin the moment you stepped out in the courtyard. It felt good to breathe the fresh air and you suspected that Nova felt the same. She immediately took flight and let out a happy screech. Part of you envied her. Being able to soar as high as the clouds away from all the negativity was something you could only dream of doing. 
You wandered around the castle grounds until you spotted a hut nestled at the edge of a tree line. The stone exterior and the pointed roof reminded you of the fairy tales your parents used to read as bedtime stories when you were little. Light grey smoke billowed out of the chimney and you could faintly hear someone humming. Curiosity got the better of you, and you soon found yourself at the foot of the steps. 
Before you could knock, the front door swung open and none other than Hagrid looked down at you. “Why ‘ello there, lass! Teh what do I owe yeh the pleasure?” You’d only known him for a few hours, but you could tell that Hagrid had a big heart and good intentions. “I just needed some fresh air that's all. Things are… a bit much in my house.” Hagrid studied you as you spoke. It didn’t take a genius to know something was bothering you, and he saw right through the fake smile plastered on your face. “Why don’t yeh come in fer a spot of tea? I can tell something is troublin’ yeh.” 
It became a sort of routine, the evenings you’d spend with the Hogwarts groundskeeper. After Hagrid had learned the way the other Slytherins were treating you, he’d made it clear that you could spend the night in his spare room any time you needed to. You insisted on paying him for his hospitality, but he always refused. All he had ever asked in return was help taking care of the mythical creatures. Most would probably view it as a chore, but you found it extremely therapeutic. 
Friday evening before school started, you noticed Hagrid was missing from the teacher’s table. After dinner, you jogged along the path to his house and noticed the lights inside his hut were off. Hmm...that’s weird, you thought to yourself. Normally, he’d be making a pot of tea right about now. Tentatively, you walked up the steps and lightly knocked on his door. “Hagrid? Hey, are you home? It’s Y/N…” You tried the door, and it opened easily. “Hagrid? I’m coming in…” Fang peeked at you over his paw and yawned lazily. Other than the glow of the fire, nothing showed signs that he was home. As quietly as you could you walked to the back towards his bedroom. There, wrapped up in blankets and looking beyond miserable, was the half-giant himself. 
“Oh, Hagrid… what’s the matter? You look like you feel awful.” He coughed and sneezed a few times before blowing his nose into a hankey. His skin was clammy, and he looked like he hadn’t slept in days. “I’m sick, lass. Yeh shouldn’t come near me if ye know what’s good fer ya.” Out of instinct you put the underside of your wrist against his forehead and grimaced. “Hagrid, you’re burning up! Come on! We have to get you to Madame Pomfrey.” 
You helped him stand and carefully started to lead him towards the castle. It took nearly fifteen minutes, but finally, you were able to get him to the hospital wing. Madame Pomfrey motioned to a bed and helped you lay him down. She insisted that she keep him overnight so she could monitor him, but Hagrid was having none of it. “No! Absolutely not! I can’t stay ‘ere overnight. Who’ll feed Fang an all me other beasts? Buckbeak ain’t the nicest Hippogriff when he’s missed a meal yeh know.” 
Your hand came down to cover his as you looked him in the eyes. “Hagrid, please...stay here and let Madame Pomfrey take care of you. I’ll take care of feeding them tonight, okay? It’s not like I haven’t helped you make your rounds for the past week and a half.” The groundskeeper sighed with defeat and nodded. “Alright Y/N, I’ll stay an let yeh take care o’ my pets, but yeh have ta promise me you’ll be careful.” 
You gave him a soft smile and stood to smooth out your robes. “Don’t worry, Hagrid. I’ll be quick and efficient just like you taught me. I even made myself a list so I remember which animal eats what as well as where they’re all located. I’ve got this!” Before he could change his mind, you hurried out of the room and back to his hut to grab what you needed. According to the list, you had five different species to feed tonight. The unicorns, Buckbeak the hippogriff, Fluffy the three-headed dog, the centaurs, and Aragog the acromantula.
None of these mythical beasts ever acted like they were harmful, but they weren’t to be taken lightly either. Not to mention you were with Hagrid every time you’d fed them before. After loading up the bags with their food, you made sure you had your wand before approaching the edge of the forest. It didn’t matter what time of day it was, the shadow from the trees always made the forest dark and a thin layer of mist lingered near the forest floor. 
Fluffy was first on your list. His doghouse was about fifty feet within the forest. Brandishing your wand, you cast Lumos Maxima and took the trail to the west. A few minutes later, you could hear light snores echoing off the trees. Making sure you had the three slabs of meat at the ready, you whistled to get the giant beast’s attention. 
"Fluffy! I got you some dinner!" The dog's left head yawned enthusiastically and you couldn't help but chuckle. "Alright, that's enough sleeping. It's time for some yummy meat!" The middle head began to growl and bare its teeth at you while the one on the right shook its head back and forth violently. "There we go, nice and easy…" You slowly got closer and gently set the slabs of meat within his reach before backing off." 
You stuck around long enough to make sure he saw the food and then walked north towards the part of the forest where unicorns made their homes. It surprised you to learn that they preferred witches over wizards. Hagrid had told you that they were very fast, so much so that they could outrun a werewolf. 
Instead of trying to seek them out, he set up feed pails around their homes and filled them with food. As you were filling the pails, you saw a golden blur out of the corner of your eye. It startled you at first, but then you remembered Hagrid telling you that unicorn fouls were gold in color. 
Staying completely still, you waited until it poked its head out from behind the tree. "Hi, sweetheart. You want some food?" At the mention of food, the foul whinnied and slowly approached your outstretched hand. It broke your heart that these beautiful creatures were nearly extinct. You gave light scratches to the tufts of fur behind its ears, the serene moment nearly making you forget where you were. 
After hand-feeding the baby for a few minutes, you quickly filled the rest of the pails before heading towards the centaurs. Hagrid always made sure you remembered how proud the centaur breed was. They didn't like to be classified as "beasts" along with thestrals, merfolk, or werewolves. They also ate both human and equine food. 
It was a good thing you remembered to grab both types. You didn't want to upset them at all, let alone do so without Hagrid around to protect you. As you approached their den, a familiar face came to greet you. "Good evening, Y/N." Firenze stood tall as he looked down at you, his unwavering gaze making you a bit nervous. "H-Hey! Sorry, it took me a bit to get here. Hagrid isn't feeling well, and I had to take him to the hospital wing." 
The creature nodded and uncrossed his arms. "That's quite alright. I see you brought my colony dinner." You offered a smile and held out two big knapsacks of food. "I did! I wasn't sure what you would prefer so I came bearing a variety of things...I-I hope that's okay." Firenze chuckled and placed one of his large hands on your shoulder. "That's very kind of you, Y/N. Please give Hagrid my best. I do hope he recovers quickly." With a nod and a wave, you watched him until he was out of sight. 
Adjusting the bag on your shoulder, you turned east and walked in the direction of the area Buckbeak frequented. You’d come to love the Hippogriff ever since Hagrid introduced you to him. It only took you about five minutes to navigate the trail before you could hear the excited bleats coming from a group of trees. Making sure to stop the moment you crested the hill, you made eye contact with Buckbeak and bowed low. The Hippogriff turned and tilted its head momentarily and then bowed in return. You took the dead ferrets out of the bag and tossed them in the air for him to catch. When you ran out he nudged the side of your face and chirped happily. “Yes, I love you too, Beaky. You’re a good boy!” Kissing his beak sweetly, you bade him goodnight and walked south toward the heart of the forest. Time to feed the final species on your list. Aragog.
Even though they were capable of human speech, acromantulas were the one beast you had a fear of. As you approached Aragog’s lair, hundreds of tiny spiders crawled on the ground next to you. Taking a few deep breaths to compose yourself, you crept into the pitch-black den with your senses on high alert. At the heart of it sat the beast himself. “Who dares to come into my home?” With a shaky hand, you reached into your bag and quickly pulled out a dead fox as an offering. 
“A-Aragog? It’s um…it’s Y/N, the one who has been coming with Hagrid to feed you. I have umm… I have some birds and foxes for you.” The large arachnid stalked closer to you, it’s eyes like black holes as it seemed to stare into your soul. “Yes… the young fleshy girl who claims to be a friend of Hagrid. Tell me, where is my keeper? What have you done to him?” 
The hairs on the back of your neck stood on end and your fight or flight instincts began to kick in. “I-I-I didn’t do anything to him. He… he isn’t feeling well and I told him I’d come and bring you dinner…” You hadn’t realized you were backing up until your heel caught a crooked root poking through the ground. Pain shot through your ankle as you fell against the floor of the den. Aragog clicked his fangs together and you flinched as his voice boomed around you angrily. “I don’t believe you! I’ve known Hagrid for over fifty years, and not once has he gotten sick!”
As graceful as your sprained ankle would allow, you scrambled to your feet and dumped the dead birds and foxes on the ground in front of you. “H-Here’s your food… I… I’m just gonna go…” The venom from his fangs began to drip on the ground as he moved even closer to you. “Go? Oh, I don’t think so, friend of Hagrid. Those foxes and birds may sate my son's and daughter's hunger, but they won't satisfy me."
Ignoring the throb in your injured foot, you clambered out of the den as fast as you could. Branches swatted you in the face as you sprinted toward Hagrid's hut. Aragog was hot on your heels as the castle grounds became more and more visible. Just a few more feet and you'd be safe. 
A rotted tree trunk caught your eye, but it was too late for you to avoid it. You hit the ground with a sickening thud, your wrist that broke your fall was surely broken. Turning to face the fast approaching acromantula, you pleaded for him to stop. "Aragog, please! ….I...I didn't do anything to Hagrid… please don't hurt me!" 
The giant spider loomed over you, it's fangs clicking together violently. "Goodbye, friend of Hagrid…" You let out a blood-curdling scream as its pincers tore into your flesh, the moonlight fading away until you slipped into unconsciousness.
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Nights were usually the time Severus took to think. It was his free time, save for the occasional disobedient student wandering the corridors. He'd just walked past the open courtyard when a small owl flew down to land on his shoulder. "Get off me you insolent bird!" It let out a screech and circled him before settling on his other arm. 
"Merlin’s beard, what is it that you want?!" Just as he was about to send it away, he noticed a small charm bracelet attached to the owl's left leg. Curious, he cast Lumos and read the inscription. 
Name: Nova Jane
Property of: Y/F/N Y/L/N
"I see...you're the property of the new Slytherin girl. Go on then! Go back to the dormitory." Nova nipped at the buttons on his sleeve and screeched loudly. Just as Severus was about to scare it off, your scream echoed throughout the castle grounds.
"Take me to her! Now!" Nova took flight and soared in the direction of the Forbidden Forest. Severus ran as quickly as he could, his robes flowing behind him like a cape. His heart thundered against his chest as he broke through the treeline. 
The moment he saw Hagrid's acromantula towering over you, he drew his wand and aimed for its head. "AVADA KEDAVRA!" The spell sent Aragog catapulting backward, its body falling lifeless against the base of a large tree.
Seeing you lying there motionless made his blood run cold. "Oh, Merlin…no no no..." He sank down in the mud and put two fingers against your neck, a breath of relief falling from his lips when a faint pulse fluttered against them. His eyes scanned your body, worry prickling his skin at the number of deep cuts you had. He knew you wouldn't survive if he didn't act now. 
With a shaky hand, he pointed his wand to the deep gash in your abdomen. "Vulnera sanentur…" A glow illuminated from it and within seconds it was as if the wound never existed. He did the same for the other large wounds as well as your wrist and ankle before lifting you into his arms. He may have stopped the bleeding, but you still had the acromantula's venom flowing freely in your veins. He only had a few minutes to reverse the toxins. 
Closing his eyes, he apparated to his sleeping chambers and gently laid you on his bed. Severus worked quickly to mix up the antivenom. Once it was mixed properly, he used a syringe to inject it into all of your main arteries. 
It became a waiting game. You'd lost a lot of blood, nearly too much, and all Severus could do now was hope you'd wake up. He found himself pacing, checking your pulse every so often to make sure you were still breathing. Eventually, the adrenaline in his body wore off, and it made him realize how tired he was. 
He shed his robe, toed his shoes off, and with a snap of his fingers, a fire began to crackle and pop in the fireplace. He sat and pondered to himself. What was he supposed to do with you? It wasn't like he could take you to Madame Pomfrey now. Not after he'd healed you the best he could. Plus, he was sure the other Hogwarts staff would question him on why he took you back to his chambers. Honestly, he wasn't even sure why he'd done it. He acted on pure instinct. 
His gaze wandered over to where you were laying. Severus felt himself relax upon seeing your chest rise and fall. He'd done it. He'd saved you. His eyes began to get heavy as he listened to your soft breathing. Unable to stay awake any longer, he let sleep consume him.
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The smell of tea filled your nostrils as you tried to recall where you were. Last night's events flooded your mind and your eyes immediately snapped open. 
Scanning the room, your brows furrowed in confusion. This wasn't the hospital wing, and it definitely wasn't Hagrid's. You sat up, your back against the headboard, and scanned your exposed skin. Other than a few bruises, there wasn't any sign of injury on you at all. Had it all been a dream? 
The sound of the door opening brought you out of your thoughts. Your eyes widened at the sight of your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher carrying a teacup and saucer. "Oh, you're up. Good." He strode over and set the cup down on the nightstand next to you. "Drink this. It'll help you feel better." 
You blinked up at him, your eyes staring into his obsidian ones. Even though he wore a scowl ninety percent of the time, your professor wasn't bad looking. In fact, you found him quite attractive. His form-fitting robes with all those buttons and his confidence drew you in almost immediately. 
It was then that you remembered he'd spoken to you. Forcing your brain to form words, you stuttered out a response. "I...um…th-thank you, Professor…" His stone-faced expression didn't waver as he sat down on the comforter next to you. "Why, Y/N? Why would you put yourself in danger like that?! You could have been killed! Merlin, if it wasn't for your insolent bird, you would have been!" 
You focused on your lap, your cheeks red with shame. "M'sorry… I was just t-trying to help Hagrid fe-" You slapped your hand over your mouth and internally cursed yourself. Hagrid made you promise not to tell anyone you were helping him, and here you've almost told none other than Professor Snape! 
"Go on…" Shaking your head, you moved to get off the bed. "I… I can't… Thank you for saving me, Professor. I'll just be going…" His firm hand came to rest on your thigh and with little force, he pushed you back down onto the bed. "Listen to me, Y/N. I'm your Head of House. Either you tell me what you were doing in that forest, or I'll make you tell me. 
The demand in his tone sent shivers down your spine. It really should be a sin to have a voice like his. "I-I...um…" Severus rolled his eyes and stood to walk across the room. He came back with a vial, a small amount of liquid in the bottom. "Know what this is?" You shook your head. "This is Veritaserum. Three drops of this, and it'll make you spill your darkest...of secrets…" 
You watched as he poured the small amount of liquid into a glass of butterbeer. "Drink…" Instead of obeying his orders you grabbed the teacup off the saucer and swallowed its contents. "Thank you, Professor, but I’m no longer thirsty and I don't like butterbeer." 
For the first time since you arrived at Hogwarts, his lips gave a hint of a smile. "It's no matter. What do you suppose I did with the rest of the serum, hm?" All the color drained from your face, your mouth opening and closing like you were a fish out of water. 
"The tea…" Your professor chuckled, "Yes, the tea. Now, tell me, what were you doing in the Forbidden Forest after curfew?" You couldn't stop them. It was as if you were possessed. The words came flowing out of you on their own accord. "I was helping Hagrid feed his mythical creatures. He's in the infirmary sick and I offered to do it so he didn't have to." 
Severus narrowed his eyes. "How long have you been doing this?" You swallowed thickly. “Since the first day of school. Some of the other Slytherin girls were bullying me so I went for a walk. It was then that I formally met Hagrid. He offered me his spare bedroom, and I’ve been sleeping there ever since…” He rose to his feet and began pacing again, his hands behind his back. “And he lets you stay...for free?” 
“I can stay as long as I help him tend to the mythical creatures that live in the forest. He taught me everything he knows and I help him with feedings.” Severus stopped and turned to face you. “Did you ever think of coming to me for help with the bullying? I am the Head of Slytherin you know.” 
Oh, how you wished you could hold back the words threatening to escape. No matter how hard you tried, it was no use. “I was too nervous to come to you, Professor.” He raised an eyebrow, his hands fidgeting out in front of him. He knew his presence intimidated most of the children attending Hogwarts, but he decided to use this to his advantage. “Obviously...And why, do you suppose, I make you so nervous, Y/N?” 
“I suppose it’s because I’m in love with you.” Your response came out just above a whisper, but he still heard every word. Out of every scenario in his mind, Severus did not expect you, a young woman, to say that. For a rare moment in his life, he was rendered speechless. It took him a moment to collect himself, but once he did he noticed your face was buried in your hands. Merlin, help him, you were crying and it was all his fault. 
He slowly moved to where you were laying and sat down so he was at your level. Without giving it any thought, he pulled you into his chest and began rubbing small circles on your back to soothe you. “Merlin, what was I thinking? I shouldn’t have forced the truth out of you like that. Please...forgive me.” You clutched at his robes and moved your tear-filled eyes to his. “I forgave you the moment it happened, Professor.” A few silent moments passed between the two of you and he continued to hold your gaze. Severus was the first to move. Ever so slowly, he leaned down to capture your lips. 
His mouth melded with yours perfectly, and he didn’t stop until his lungs demanded it. Your eyes closed, your forehead coming to rest against his. “Professor I-” He silenced you with another chaste kiss. “Severus…Call me Severus, Y/N.” 
“Please Severus…make love to me.” His resolve broke the moment the plea fell from your lips. Severus gently laid you back and gently rid you of your tattered robes. His calloused hands slid over your smooth skin making your breath hitch. He peppered kisses down into the crook of your neck, his path moving to the valley between your breasts. “S-Severus...please…need you…” He nipped playfully at your jaw and sat up slightly to take his shirt off. “Patience, Y/N… I’ll take care of you.” 
Once he was bare before you he made his way between your legs. His touch was tentative, his fingertips brushing your folds gingerly. He circled your clit making you arch off the bed. “Oh, Merlin!... Fuck!” Severus chuckled and slid two of his fingers inside you curling them upwards. “Bloody hell, you’re soaked, Y/N…” He easily found the sensitive spot inside of you, the coil in your core winding tighter and tighter with each passing second. “Please! Oh…shit… Se-Severus! M’gonna cum… please… please make me cum!” His cock twitched at your words, precum leaking from the tip. “Let go, Y/N...cum for me…” With a cry of his name, you fell over the edge. Your chest heaved as you pulled him up for a heated kiss. 
“Need you, Sev. Need you inside me. Please…” As carefully as he could, Severus lined himself up and pushed into you. “Merlin, you’re so tight!” His thrusts were steady and his kisses were fervent as he made love to you. “Oh, fuck! Sev! Oh, you’re so good… so good, baby…” Both of you wanted it to last, but it was clear you both needed the release more. “Y/N, I won’t last much longer like this… you feel amazing...so amazing.” You slid your fingers through his thick hair and pulled his mouth down to yours. “Cum with me, Severus…” 
A moment later, both of you soared into bliss together. His lips rested against your own and his body shook as he spilled into you, your own walls clenching around his cock. Severus was spent as he settled behind you, his arm wrapped protectively around your waist. “Y/N, I need to know you’re okay with this...with us…” Threading your fingers with his, you planted a sweet kiss to the back of his hand. “Severus, our love may be forbidden, but I’d choose you no matter what it cost me. I’ll take you as you are. Your highs, your lows, all of it. I’ll love you until my last breath.”
He turned you in his arms and cupped your cheek. “I never thought I’d ever love another. Not after Lily, but seeing you in the forest like that sparked something in me. Something I haven’t felt for nearly fourteen years. I’ll spend forever protecting and loving you. 
As your eyes grew heavy, you felt a new sense of worth. Coming to Hogwarts was something you’d only dreamed of growing up. The moment you found your acceptance letter, you knew your life would change. You never thought you’d find someone to love here, but for once you were happy, and that’s all you’d ever wanted. 
Tagging: @mostlyrickman​ @i-sold-danny-elfman-my-soul​ @fewtoria​ 
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seducedbyseverus · 5 years
Dear amazing Anons, I see your lovely asks and I will get to them as soon as I get my "work from home" area set up.
Please feel free to ask me anything :) I love interacting with my mutuals. Especially at a time like this when the world has gone tits up.
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seducedbyseverus · 5 years
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Anyone else follow the Snape account on Twitter? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@mostlyrickman @i-sold-danny-elfman-my-soul @fewtoria @i-reblog-gr8-things
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seducedbyseverus · 5 years
🎶 I LIKE middle aged men with blue or hazel eyes and smirks and darkish hair and stubble and BIG NOSES AND I CANNOT LIE 🎶
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seducedbyseverus · 5 years
@mostlyrickman @i-sold-danny-elfman-my-soul @fewtoria
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seducedbyseverus · 5 years
*~Simply Alan Sunday~*
Hello, all my lovelies! I’m sorry for the late SAS post, but my family and I have been scrambling to make sure we have the capabilities to work from home for the next three weeks. Now that I have some time, I wanted to give my amazing mutuals some Alan content. 
I’m putting the following below a cut because it’s somewhat NSFW. Enjoy my loves!
Today’s theme: Alan’s very evident bulge
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If you would like to be tagged in future Simply Alan Sunday posts, please send me an ask or a message. 
Tagging: @mostlyrickman @i-sold-danny-elfman-my-soul @wayamy @mrs-actor-agent-of-change @severusluciuslover @i-reblog-gr8-things @the-witches-son @adelinegryffindor @fewtoria @ford-stigma-brosnan @severus-snape-the-original-emo
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seducedbyseverus · 5 years
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He was so gentle with her when they made love. God, it was so beautiful. I love how caring he was. God I just have no words. None what would ever come close to expressing how amazing this ending was.
I love you and I love this fic! Thank you so much for writing this for me. I'm forever grateful 💚💚💚💚
The Final Chapter:
Christmas Eve with Hans
Tags: @seducedbyseverus @i-sold-danny-elfman-my-soul @i-reblog-gr8-things @psemon @half-blood-slytherpuff @everythingelseistaken8 @thecloudsinsecret
Warnings: MAJOR lemon 🍋, brief mention of suicide, plot twist ending
Norah was shaking. She didn’t know she was capable of this much fury. This much fear. And as much as she loathed it, this much sexual tension. The confidence, the dominant personality, the infuriating patronization...she couldn’t deny that it was incalculably evil and sexy.
“Come on,” hissed Holly as she grabbed Norah’s hand. Hans had already spun on his heels and was briskly walking in the opposite direction. “What an asshole. I hope John gets him soon. My husband is onto him,” whispered Holly when they were back in the lobby. Norah didn’t dare to speak.
Norah walked carefully- for fear she might burst- back to her corner and paced back and forth. Tears began to fall more freely this time. As much of a turn-on as his commanding presence had been, she also truly didn’t know what she was going to do. Her need was growing stronger by the second and she knew that by the end of the evening she would either die or piss herself. Truthfully, she was beginning to prefer the first option. She was crying, walking, shifting uncomfortably, and trying to distract herself when she heard a “psssstttt.”
Norah stopped in her tracks. She inched closer to the door.
“You didn’t really think I was going to let you suffer, did you?” For the first time of the night, Norah truly felt relief. Trying to speak without moving her lips, she responded “It seemed that way.”
“When the coast is clear, come back here,” Hans ordered. Norah looked across the room, awkwardly half-smiling at anyone who glanced her way. Finally, when everyone was preoccupied, she discreetly slid through the door.
The conference room had been completely transformed. There were couches, pillows, beverages, and snacks and the long conference table had been removed.
“What do you think?” Hans asked sheepishly. Norah was stunned.
“You...did this for me?” she stuttered. Hans nodded.
“I wanted you to be comfortable. Hopefully this won’t last much longer. Oh...and there is a bathroom to your left.”
Norah emitted a quick “thank you!” and made a run for it. When she returned, Hans was sitting on the couch waiting for her. He patted the cushion beside him, signaling her to sit. Norah did as she was asked.
“I do apologize for the discomfort...but you understand that I couldn’t show favoritism in front of another. It would look far too suspicious. Although I must admit, the panic in your eyes was...what’s the American word...adorable?” The eyes that had sent her into sheer terror only half an hour before were now glimmering with kindness. Norah felt herself blush again.
“I’m sure glad you thought it was. I was afraid I said something wrong earlier,” Norah admitted. Hans took her hand and slid his fingers between hers.
“It was...very right.”
Norah turned to face him and asked the question which answer she feared greatly.
“Why me, Hans? I’m certainly nothing special. I’m rarely noticed and yet you picked me out of a crowd. You’re out here doing...unspeakable things, and yet you want to save my life?”
Hans paused for a moment.
“In a way, I’ve been asking myself the same question, Ms. Freeman. Let’s just call it intuition. You’re wrong to say that you aren’t special...you are incredibly so. And beautiful. In one way, I want to shower you with praise and gently show you how stunning you are. In another way, I want to tease you and whisper filthy things in your ear. In one way, I love and even envy your demure innocence...in another way, I want to corrupt you as only I can.”
Norah was startled- then skeptical- and finally, ready to submit to what she has dreamed of since she met Hans.
She whispered softly in his ear,
“Corrupt me.”
Hans cocked his head as if to ask if she was sure. Norah nodded. His soft, but taut lips met hers in a slow, gentle kiss. Without warning, the kisses became rough and passionate. His tongue penetrated her mouth and they took turns flickering them back and forth. They needed to breathe, but could hardly be bothered to come up for air. Their hands explored each other’s bodies frantically and desperately as if they could disappear at any moment. Hans gently bit Norah’s lip and began suckling on her neck: not enough to hurt, but certainly enough to leave a mark. Norah’s breathing sped up as she enjoyed the warmth of his mouth on her cool skin. When Norah fell limp with pleasure and submission, Hans grabbed her by the arms and led her to sit atop his body and straddle him.
“Oh my GOD,” she exclaimed, pleasantly shocked by the massive erection underneath her. He half laughed, half growled and caressed her firm buttocks with both hands. Norah began to rock back and forth on his cock and he let out an involuntary moan. He breathed hotly in her ear,
“I knew it. Deep down, you’re a dirty little thing, aren’t you?” He used the leverage of his hands to bring her womanhood into even closer and harder grinds against him.
“Only for you,” she replied while peppering kisses from his chin down to his sternum.
Hans grabbed at her shirt and grunted, “How attached are you to this shirt?” Her lips never leaving his chest, she responded, “not very”.
Hans stopped all movement and looked up at her.
“Good,” he snarled. Hans ripped Norah’s button-up blouse apart and threw it on the floor with one fluid motion. Something in Norah seemed to snap. She hastily removed Hans’ suit jacket and tossed it carelessly behind her. Norah loosened his tie and began to undo his shirt buttons one by one as he simultaneously undid the clasp of her bra and threw it behind him. Hans’ shirt and tie were crumpled on the floor and she gazed on his bare chest. It was exactly as she had imagined it. Sparse, dark hair in the center of his chest contrasted the complete smoothness elsewhere until the trail of hair leading downward....
Before she could do anything else, Hans drew one of Norah’s swollen breasts to his mouth. He began with smooth, gentle licks, allowing the hotness of his mouth to contrast with the chilly air of the room. Norah’s nipples stood hardened and erect, begging for pleasure. Hans picked the pace, even gently biting her nipples, sending Norah into temporary ecstasy. Her clitoris was nearly painful as it craved sweet relief and attention. Hans very deliberately kissed all the way down Norah’s breasts to her belly button, to the edge of her skirt. He slid his fingers inside the waistband and slid the skirt to the floor. Norah kicked off her heels as Hans removed his own footwear.
“Now stand,” Hans commanded. Norah froze. Everything had been unbelievably hot and now surely everything would halt if he got a good look at her body. However, as she liked to do for him only- she did what she was told. Norah could feel Hans’ eyes deliberately taking in every inch of her- up and down, up-and down. With a cool half-smile, he moved toward her body - an enormous erection tenting his grey, John Phillips trousers. Hans slid his hands down her shoulders to her arms and then intentionally traced his fingers down the curves of her waist. Norah wasn’t like some of the bimbos he had slept with along the way...they were far too skinny and often left a literal residue of fake tan in his mouth. Norah was all real. He savored the curve of her hips, pulling his groin as close into her as possible so she could feel just how much he wanted all of her. He adored the realness of her body...the love handles and stretch marks somehow made her that much more alluring. His hands went back up to the swell of her breasts and massaged every inch of them. Norah wasn’t sure how much longer she could ask under his prowess.
“Please, Hans, please....” she gasped.
Hans let out a sexy, low chuckle. He inched closer, pushing his protruding erection even harder against her hip bone.
“Oh god....” she moaned as his hands reached the curve of her hips and entwined his fingers in the small patch of pubic hair near her sex. “Please...sir. I beg you.” Hans’ met her eyes.
“Well, since you asked nicely....” he ran his fingers from her pubic hair to her throbbing clitoris and she gasped. Laughing, he began to gently circle her sensitivity.
“Hans...more...please more...” she whined.
Instead he began to slow down.
“Oh, not just yet, impatient girl.” He took a finger and made its way inside of her. Norah gasped even louder. As he began to manipulate her from inside, he whispered,
“Now, now, you must have more control than that, Ms. Freeman. After all, we wouldn’t want anyone to hear us, would we?” he raised an eyebrow. God, she hated him but she LOVED him. He slid in another finger and Norah cupped her hand to prevent a moan from escaping. Norah could feel the tension mounting inside her. Release was coming...building......on the verge...........and then Hans slid his fingers out of her. Norah couldn’t help but whimper out of arousal and frustration. Hans examined his fingers and sucked her juices off of them.
“Ms. Freeman, we’ve only just begun and already you’re absolutely soaked. Tell me, who did this to you?”
“You did, sir.”
“Am I the only one who can make you wet like this, Ms. Freeman?”
“Yes sir...and no one else. Sometimes in the lobby, I soaked myself just daydreaming about you.” Norah bit her lip for an innocent, yet seductive effect.
With this admission, Hans hastily removed his trousers and boxer briefs, his significant manhood springing forth. Norah eyed it carefully and hungrily.
“And this, Ms. Freeman, is what you do to me, naughty girl.” The corners of his lips were curled into an unmistakable smile.
“I believe you dropped something, sir...” observed Norah, and bent to the ground, folding his expensive, grey pants. To his surprise, Norah remained on her knees and put her warm mouth around the tip of his cock. She pushed the entirety of his member into her mouth.
At this, Hans’ full body shuddered and his hips bucked involuntarily.
“Scheisse,” he hissed. Norah bobbed her head back and forth, her tongue occasionally swirling erotically at his tip. Norah cradled a testicle in each hand, caressing them as she sucked- enjoying the hitches in his breathing. Hans grabbed a handful of hair and began to pull her closer and then away from him.
“Norah, Norah, oh God...oh...fuck, yes...” he gasped. With one strong yank of her hair, Hans pulled her away from him. He took her hand and led her to the couch where he laid down in front of her.
Norah began to lay down on him when Hans stopped her.
“Norah are...are you okay with this? Are you ready?” Norah nearly broke down in tears. In that moment, it didn’t matter that he had killed others. He had made sure she was comfortable. And that was all that mattered.
In as sexy of a tone as Norah could manage, she sighed,
“I’ve been ready since you walked in the door tonight.”
Hans was surprisingly gentle as he inserted himself into her depths. Immediately, he moaned,
“Fuck, Norah. You’re so tight. Ahhh, you’re already so wet.” The praise only made Norah grind harder. She was still close to the edge from before and she knew it wouldn’t be long now. They thrusted together, their hips moving in rhythm, the pace accelerating from slow to rapid. Once again, Norah felt the pressure building.
“I’m close, I’m so close....” she cried.
“Cum for me, Norah. Cum for me. I don’t care who hears now. Scream my name, Norah.” In just a few more thrusts she was gone and moaned in his ear,
“Hans...oh Hans....oh my God, baby. Fuck!” Her affirmation was more than enough to send him over the edge and she finished her orgasm, his began and he cried out Norah’s name at his release.
When they had finished, the two sat up, not quite ready to look at each other. They panted heavily, desperately trying to catch their breath. Hans ran his hands through his now messy and sweaty hair. Norah noted how cute he looked with his hair mussed up. Though he was trying his best to hide it, Norah could tell he was shaking. She placed a hand on his hair said nothing. Hans turned to her and grinned weakly. He stood up and began to re-dress. Norah followed suit before holding up her ripped blouse and dangling it in front of Hans’ face.
“Now how am I supposed to put this back on?” she teased. Hans flashed his most charming smile.
“My apologies, I think I got a little carried away.” Norah laughed and did her best to wrap it around her torso. Norah made her way to a cabinet in the corner and after searching a few drawers, found safety pins and pinned the blouse together as best she could.
As wonderful at this has been, Norah couldn’t ignore the gnawing feeling in the pit of her stomach. It was guilt. She sat on the couch and Hans wordlessly sat beside her. Norah grabbed his hand and after a few moments of silence, she inquired,
“Why are you doing this?”
Hans laughed and answered,
“You asked me this already! You’re special to me, Norah.” Despite the flattery, Norah shook her head and jerker her thumb in the direction of the lobby.
“No. Why are you doing...THIS?”
It was a long time before Hans responded.
“You could never understand.”
With a kiss on the cheek, Norah grabbed his face and turned it towards hers.
“Try me.”
Hans didn’t want to begin. He wasn’t even sure if he could. How could he articulate this in words when he didn’t fully understand himself?
“When I was a kid...my father headed a business with Takagi Sr. Yes, your boss’s father. My father was a shrewd business man and one day, he and Takagi had a huge disagreement. Takagi told him he refused to work with him anymore. Because the business wasn’t in my dad’s name, he was left with nothing. Worse than that, Takagi slandered his name everyone. He was blacklisted. Unhireable. My mom left...and who could blame her? I never saw her again. We had nothing. NOTHING. After a couple years of stealing and trying to scrounge food from trash cans....” he paused as Norah physically recoiled. “We moved to the United States on my 13th birthday. It was a massive mistake. Even though the war was long over, people were still prejudiced against Germans and Takagi still had contacts in the States. We lived in my father’s car for a while. When the police found out, we had to move around from place to place. I hated it but my father hated it more. He couldn’t take the change of being wealthy to having nothing. But he kept telling me that he would find a job and things would be fine again.”
Hans was silent for a few moments.
“And did he?” Norah inquired impatiently.
Hans looked her in the eyes and she noticed that they seemed more watery than usual.
“My father committed suicide 6 months after we moved to America.”
“Oh Hans!” cried out Norah and enveloped him with an hug that he didn’t ask for. Once again, she could feel him shaking- this time in rage.
“I swore that I would never, EVER live in poverty again. I swore that I would get revenge on the man who forced my father into it. I worked hard in school and plotted tirelessly. I returned to Germany after college. When I heard that Takagi Sr. had passed, I still wasn’t satisfied...he still hadn’t paid for what he did. Takagi Jr. became my new target. I knew with him gone, I could access the fortune...”
Norah turned her head sharply and studied him quizzically.
“So you’re...you’re not a terrorist? You’re just here to pay for what Takagi Sr. did to your dad? To steal money?” Norah shrieked.
Hans hung his head but nodded.
“I’m nothing more than a common thief,” he admitted dejectedly. “To be honest with you, I don’t even really want to do this. But after planning it for years...down to every last detail...after getting my men involved...I just felt like I had to. I wanted to leave after I killed Takagi, but then John McClane kept trying to get in my way. That’s why I had to kill Ellis. Then John had to set the building on fire....”
Norah couldn’t even begin to process all of the information she was given. She was enraged that he would kill innocent people for revenge. Heartbroken by the trauma of his past. Relieved that he hadn’t committed arson as well as murderer. Frustrated that he still went through with a plan he no longer believed in.
“I don’t know what to say, Hans. I’m sorry for everything you went through. It’s unfair. I’m a bit more relaxed knowing that you aren’t a terrorist. But...for FUCK’S SAKE what were you thinking???”
Choked with emotion, Hans replied:
“I was thinking money and revenge would get my childhood back. Would repay my father.” He paused. “It didn’t.”
Norah could have never been prepared for what he could say next.
“Norah, as soon as I leave this room, I’m taking our jet back to Germany. I’m not causing any more damage. When I get there, I’m turning myself in. Because the crimes were committed in America and because I’m pleading innocent, I’ll get much less time than you Americans would think. Especially if I reveal the names of my accomplices. Norah, I would never ask you to wait for me or stay with me while I serve my time. But please know that the memory of you tonight is what I will hold on to as long as I’m in there.”
Norah began to weep. She knew he deserved his punishment. She knew it was right for him to admit to his wrongdoings, but this knowledge did little to numb the pain. She knew she couldn’t just pick up her life and move to Germany, could she?
Hans sauntered over to Norah and wiped the tears from her eyes. He wrapped his arms around her waist and drew her into a long, sensual kiss that neither ever wanted to end.
With a deep breath, Hans walked to the door. He turned around.
“And Norah...I won’t ever expect you to follow me. But please know that if you ever find yourself in Germany...my heart will forever belong to you. Merry Christmas, my love.”
How about that surprise ending???
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seducedbyseverus · 5 years
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Hans!! What?! No!! Please don't hurt Norah! Please tell me you're joking!
I'm immediately going on to the next chapter because I can't believe he'd do this to her. They have to love each other....
I love this story so much and your writing is keeping me in so much suspense!
Tagged: @seducedbyseverus @i-sold-danny-elfman-my-soul @thecloudsinsecret
After her uncharacteristically seductive remark, Hans stared at her- speechless- for what Norah perceived as an uncomfortably long time. Her inside were warm with...regret? No, not regret exactly, but shock of her own boldness. Now here Hans stood, mouth agape and wordless. Completely flustered, Norah snuck out of the door quickly and closed it behind her, muttering a “Wellthankyouforthewater!”
Norah sank back down in her corner. She had surely blown it. Tears appeared uninvited in the corner of her eyes. She tried to will them away and managed to stop them, but not until several tears had slowly streaked down her ashen cheeks. Norah was exhausted. Somehow in the past- how many hours was it now?- she had been held at gunpoint by German men, had become nearly obsessed with a murderer, sat in an uncomfortable corner, had been called into the murderer’s office, witnessed the aftermath of the death of two co-workers, and had managed to embarrass herself in front of said murderer. The panicked chatter, sobs, and screams from the others were now but a buzzing noise in the back of her mind. In fact, as she closed her eyes to replay the recent events with Hans, she found the noises comforting as they lulled her to sleep.
Norah sat up immediately. She didn’t know how long she had slept, but she knew she didn’t feel any more rested than before. From the window, she saw flames licking the side of the building, illuminating the dozens of police cars below. Forgetting her shyness, Norah ran up to the first person she could find. It was the same Japanese man she had spoken to before.
“What’s happening?” she interrogated breathlessly. The man shook his head solemnly.
“The police and FBI are here, but it is no use. There was an explosion. The fire is almost out...I think we are safe. But this is not a good sign. Not a good sign at all. I’d say our time is limited, Miss.”
Norah wanted to return to her solitude but she felt herself frozen in fear. Was Hans responsible for this? Would he spare her now? Norah needed to sleep. She needed to cry. She needed to scream. But more urgently, she had a more basic need that she had not realized in the frenzy of the moment...she needed to go to the bathroom.
The soda and water had gone straight through her. Norah looked around frantically. Didn’t they say Holly Gennero had asked for groups to go? She searched the room, but no one seemed to be leaving. Her eyes then scanned the room for Hans...even in spite of her blunder earlier, he would surely help. Trying to remain calm, Norah returned to her corner. She anxiously drummed her fingers, trying to focus on anything else. Surely any moment now, Hans would pop his head through and ask if she needed anything. Minutes later, she knew her circumstance had reached dire need. She had to find out if the groups had gone already. She strolled as nonchalantly as she could to a group of women and was relieved to see Holly among them.
“Holly,” she greeted timidly. “You don’t know me, my name is Norah Freeman. I was just wondering...hadn’t Ha....” she coughed, hoping Holly hadnt noticed the faux pas. She cleared her throat and began again. “Excuse me, allergies. Hadn’t the man agreed to bathroom breaks?” Holly nodded.
“He did, but we all went in rotations while you were asleep! I almost woke you, but I figured that was the first time you’d had peace all day.” Holly looked around the room for a glimpse of Hans. He was nowhere to be found.
“I’m not supposed to let anyone out alone,” she warned under her breath. “But I don’t see him anywhere...I think I can sneak you out.” Relieved, Norah followed Ms. Gennero out the lobby doors and into a dimly lit hallway. Their light footsteps echoed until a third set of heavier steps clopped behind them. A familiar bass voice with a touch of German accent spoke behind them.
“And just what do you two ladies think you’re doing?”
Holly Gennero and Norah Freeman whirled around to face the man behind the unmistakable voice. Hans wore a look of complete satisfaction at his ability to terrify the two women to their core. Norah’s heart nearly leapt from her chest and she opened her mouth to explain....but everything went dry and she couldn’t utter a single syllable. Holly, thankfully, was more brave.
“Well, you DID allow us to—“
Hans clicked his tongue in disapproval and held up a flat palm, signaling her to stop.
“Ms. Gennero, I did have the ah...misfortune of meeting with...Ms. Freeman, was it? Yes, well it seems that she is more than capable of speaking for herself. So if you don’t mind...” he walked toward her slowly, but menacingly. Norah was petrified...but equally aroused. Her lower region ached for two very different kinds of release. Norah’s heart picked up the pace as she realized she would have to explain her predicament to Hans.
“Well sir....I....that is, you told Ms. Gennero earlier...and I was sleeping....I missed it...”
Hans seemed even more pleased with himself at her flustered response.
“What is it that you need, Ms. Freeman?” he asked, almost amusedly.
Embarrassed, Norah spit out quickly, “Ineedtousetherestroom!” Hans grinned.
“Now, now, I didn’t quite understand. What was that again, please?”
Norah took a deep breath and looked into his undeniably smug face.
“I need to use the restroom.”
Hans smiled.
“You need to use the restroom....what?” he asked in a patronizing manner.
Norah was furious. She was anxious. She was....so, so turned on...
She looked straight into his eyes, flickering with mischief.
“I need to use the restroom, SIR.” A smile spread across Hans face. Through the grin, he responded.
“That’s kind of you to use your manners, Ms. Freeman. But the answer is no.”
Norah’s heart stopped and her pupils grew large. It was Holly, however, who exclaimed “WHAT?”
Hans began to pace, his hands fidgeting as he always did when he began a speech.
“Ms. Gennero, I am a man of my word. I promised to let you go in groups to the restroom and I did. I promised to get the lady with child a couch...and I did. I never promised to let others go after the designated time...and I will not. So the answer, you see.... is no.”
Norah scrutinized his face, looking for a hint that this was a joke. She knew she wouldn’t last much longer without a visit to the ladies room. Surely he wouldn’t torture her like this? Hans’ eyes met hers and she pleaded silently for him to change his mind.
“That is NOT fair...SIR! She was asleep!” Holly explained indignantly.
“Indeed. But that is not my fault. And so my answer is- and will unwaveringly be- no.” Though he was responding to Holly, his eyes never left Norah. “Now, Ms. Freeman....be a good little girl and go back to your corner where you belong.”
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seducedbyseverus · 5 years
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Okay, this chapter was so cute!!!! Norah is such a good actress! Good on her to isolate herself in the corner to make it look like she was scared.
I know it must be hard for her to know that Hans kills people, but maybe she can get him to stop?
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I mean, she really seems to bring out the good in him.
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OHHH MYYY GODDDDD I can't wait to see Hans' reaction to her brave remark!
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Tagged: @seducedbyseverus @i-sold-danny-elfman-my-soul @i-reblog-gr8-things @psemon
Norah drew a deep breath and put on her most anxiety ridden face. I have anxiety every day of my life. I’ve been practicing for this role since birth, she thought amusedly. Norah could feel the eyes of everyone in the room boring into her. She kept her eyes on the floor but made sure to add in a quivering lip for effect. She couldn’t help but feel a swell of pride sharing a secret with Hans. The others would never need to know how kind he was. Norah made her way back to her corner, her chest burning with embarrassment as everyone was still staring her way. She had never received so much attention in her life! Without her drawing pad, she felt lost. Norah sat down in the corner, her head resting in the crook of two walls. Making sure she maintained a terrified facial expression- per Hans orders- she closed her eyes. Only a few minutes later, she felt a presence in front of her. Her heart leaped and immediately plummeted as she saw that the person in front of her was James. His concerned eyes were magnified by his wire rimmed glasses.
“Norah, what happened? Are you alright?” He pushed his unkempt red hair out of his unusually sweaty forehead. He clearly cared about her wellbeing, and up until this day, Norah would have basked in his concern. But now...her thoughts gravitated to only one man. And he certainly didn’t wear his pants to his navel. Norah willed herself to shed a tear and vowed to put on a performance that Hans was worthy of.
“I’m f-f-fine,” she stuttered. “He’s such a terrible man. He...he thought I was writing an S.O.S letter...you know how I like to write. It was s-s-some of my best writing and he...he ripped it up!” With this statement, she allowed herself a fake sob and buried her face in her arms.
“Oh, Norah, I am so sorry! That’s awful. If I had a gun, I’d...I’d kill him myself!” Norah didn’t know whether she wanted to laugh or scream. On one hand, she was immediately furious at the thought of anyone insulting Hans...on the other hand, the idea of James shooting anyone was comical. Norah let out an involuntary laugh that she quickly disguised as a sob.
“Thank you, James. But I’m okay...I really am. Thank you for caring, but he didn’t shoot me. I’m fine. If you don’t mind I think I’d rather...be alone right now.” Yeah, alone...with Hans, she thought mischievously to herself. Who on earth AM I right now?
James nodded and leaned in as if he was thinking about giving her a hug- then turned away sharply, clearly losing his nerve. He walked back to his original seat and Norah leaned back and closed her eyes again. She felt bad, in a way...she really did. James was a kind, caring man, but Norah felt as thought she had lived her life vegetarian and had just been introduced to a thick, juicy steak...no matter how hard she tried, nothing could compare to Hans and no one ever could.
Her thoughts drifted to her time in his office. She loved his sharply tailored suit which accentuated his physique. He wasn’t a buff man...she imagined that there were no six pack abs or bulging pectorals, but she adored his lanky- but sturdy- frame. Slowly, in her brain, she began to remove his coat and loosen his tie. He removed the crimson tie and began to run his hands up and down her sides, enjoying every curve. She slowly began to unbutton his crisp dress shirt. He had only a slight thatch of hair on his chest and as she removed the shirt, she saw a little happy trail leading right down to the button on his pants. Norah’s fingers undid the top button and Hans helped her as they removed his trousers…
BOOM! Norah’s eyes shot open. Just as I was getting to the good part, she lamented. She heard scattered whispers saying “Ellis! It was Ellis! He shot Ellis!”
Norah’s heart sank, but not for Ellis. He had spent more time talking about himself and snorting cocaine than he ever had on his work. He also was known to speak inappropriately to women in the copy room...but never to Norah of course, as she was seemingly invisible. This was one time she certainly didn’t mind.
No, her heart sank knowing that the man she loved- no, was infatuated with- she reminded herself, had killed yet another person. She simply didn’t understand how someone who had been so kind to her could act this way. Sure, there had been multiple meetings where Norah had thought to herself, “Will someone just shoot this guy so he will shut up?” but never in a million years had she dreamed someone would actually do it. Norah looked around at the others in the room, doing her best to flood her eyes with panic. She was anxious to get back to her daydream about Hans, but surely closing her eyes in a situation like this would look suspicious. Norah got up and approached a kind looking Japanese man whose name she did not know.
“What happened?” she asked timidly, knowing full well what had happened. The man shook his head and looked grimly at her.
“The man shot Ellis. I always hated the man, but it is only a matter of time before it is another one of us. You were in there...I wonder why you were spared?” Norah panicked. Of course people would start to wonder. She racked her brain for an answer.
“I think it’s because I am a woman. Holly Gennero went in earlier and she was spared, too. He’s probably a sick, dirty man or something.” She bit her lip, hoping her lie would make sense. The man nodded without questioning her statement.
“I heard that Holly asked him to provide us with water and bathroom breaks...but so far, he has done nothing but get her a couch.” He jerked his head in the direction of a very pregnant woman.
“And see, she was spared, too…” Norah interjected.
“This guy must be a sick bastard,” the man said. Norah fought the urge to deck him. She walked back to her corner and slid down the walls until she was seated again. The situation had died down, so surely she could daydream in peace now.
Hans looked at her and moved his naturally puckered lips to hers, enveloping her in a hot, passionate kiss. She melted into his body and kissed back earnestly. He swirled his tongue on her mouth and she let a moan escape from her lips. He took both hands and snaked them up the back of her blouse He undid her bra clasps quickly and it dropped to the floor. His hands explored her taut breasts, the nipples already protruding and ready for him. He massaged the nipples gently at first, before pinching them between his index finger and thumb. “Oh, Norah”, he began to growl. “Norah, Norah Norah….”
It took her a moment to realize that she was in fact hearing Hans say her name in reality. Realizing that her underwear was already soaked, she blushed a shade of scarlet and looked around for the source of the voice. There was no one in front of her. Could it have just been in her head.
“Norah!” whispered the voice again. No, it had been real…
She turned to her left to see what she thought was a closet door opened just slightly. She scooted over a little. “Yes?” she asked discreetly.
“I hope you weren’t alarmed by Ellis. It had to be done. I was just wondering...you look uncomfortable in the corner. Would you like a pillow?”
WOULD SHE LIKE A PILLOW? These words came from a man who had already murdered two people...if not more in an evening. Yet he was concerned that she looked uncomfortable and was offering her a pillow?
“Wh...what?” she asked, surely misunderstanding his words. He sighed, but repeated himself.
“I’ve been watching...and you keep shifting uncomfortably. I know that corner can’t be cozy. I was wondering if you’d like a pillow and a glass of water.” Norah looked around. As usual, everyone seemed focused on themselves and no one was looking her direction. She got up slowly, making sure to keep her eyes on the crowd. When all was clear, she snuck into the door. It turned out to not be a closet at all...it was a conference room connected to his office...or Holly Gennero’s office, rather. He was holding two fluffy pillows (a funny sight) and a chilled glass of water. She looked him in the eyes, trying to read his expression. Finding herself unable to decipher his feelings, she downed the full glass of water in a single gulp. There was no telling how long they had been sitting in the lobby and she was thirsty yet again. She wondered how the others who hadn’t had water and soda were surviving. He thrust the pillows in her arms.
“Thank you, Mr. Gruber…” he looked at her with a fake sternness and raised an eyebrow. “Okay, thank you Hans…” He smiled. “But as much as I would like to take the pillows and as uncomfortable as I am...wouldn’t this look suspicious? He knitted his brow and pondered. Looking back into her eyes- his glare was always so intense!- he nodded. With a defeated sigh, he responded, “Yes, you’re probably right. I just hate seeing you uncomfortable. I will try to develop another plan. Have you been acting like I asked you to?” Norah nodded earnestly.
“Yes! It’s been a bit...thrilling, to be honest.” Hans was clearly pleased at these words. He took both hands and caressed her upper arms gently. Looking at her seductively, he smirked.
“I knew you could be my little actress. I saw you resting in the corner and a smile flitted across your face I sure hope you weren’t thinking about me. That would be awfully naughty…” he teased with a wink. Norah’s stomach churned- but in the best way.
She smiled and did her best to return the seductive smile. She took a chance that the shy girl inside of her never had.
“I could tell you that I wasn’t,” she began. “But that would be a lie.”
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seducedbyseverus · 5 years
Oh, definitely! Literally me at least 50 times a day 😂😂
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seducedbyseverus · 5 years
My 8 year old pointing to Snape's eyes to tell me they're pretty. 🥰💚 She's so pure. I love how big her heart is.
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seducedbyseverus · 5 years
Conversations with my 8 year old
Her: Mommy, is the coronavirus gonna make our kitty sick?
Me: I don't think so, baby. I think it's just humans that get it.
Her: Good because I don't want Rowe to get sick.
Me: I don't either, honey.
Her: Mommy?
Me: Yeah, baby?
Her: Did they make a medicine for it yet?
Me: No, but they're working on it.
Her: They should ask Snape to make a potion! He can fix it because he's smart!
Me: Aww, baby...I bet they will ask him.
Her: Good because Snapey is a good human.
Guys...... when I say I got tears in my eyes after she walked away..... lord.... I love my baby.
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seducedbyseverus · 5 years
Me: *Downloads random ass crossword app because I'm a nerd and like doing them* Hmm...let's check out this puzzle...
Crossword: *Shoves this clue in my face*
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Me: Oh, so now other apps are teasing me with Alan too?! This man will be the death of me i fucking swear...
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seducedbyseverus · 5 years
I See You
Pairing - Professor Snape x Student!Reader
Tags - Angst, crying, confessions of love, sneaking out, slight panic attack, and I think that’s it.
Word Count -  684 
Beta - None. All mistakes are my own.
The Prompt I Chose - “Y/N! Open the door!”
Written for - My 200 follower celebration drabble challenge!
Nights at Hogwarts were often calm. While the rest of the students slept peacefully in your dorm, you sat in the windowsill with your thoughts. It was nearly spring, and even closer to the day when you’d have to say goodbye to the place you practically grew up in. 
You’d miss so many people and things about this castle, but there was one person you’d miss more than anything else. Falling in love with Professor Snape hadn’t been your intention, but it’s what your heart decided. 
Most nights, you would look out across the grounds and let your mind race until you were tired enough to sleep. Other nights, much like this one, you knew it wouldn’t be enough. Quickly and quietly, you slid your shoes on and stepped out into the chilly dungeon corridor. 
Navigating these halls was something you’d grown accustomed to over the years, and you managed to get to your destination without using Lumos once. Once you were sure you weren’t followed, you slipped inside and breathed a sigh of relief. 
Unaware that Professor Snape watched you disappear behind the door, your eyes zeroed in on the one thing that brought you peace. The Mirror of Erised sat near the back of the room, and you felt as if you were drawn to it. 
Slowly, you walked up and ran your fingers along the grooves of its frame.  The detail in its design was beautiful, but that wasn’t why you came here. The floor beneath you was cold, but you sat anyway. Your knees were folded up to your chest and your eyes glistened with fresh tears as you took in the sight before you. 
It was you in an embrace. A hand coming up to cradle your face as obsidian eyes gazed lovingly into your soul. You were so enraptured by how real it all looked that you didn’t hear the door open behind you. “I could have you expelled for being out of bed, you know.” You felt the color drain from your face. Out of all the people to find you in here, why did it have to be him? “P-Professor Snape! I … I can expl-” 
Instead of taking points away from Y/H, he asked a question you weren’t expecting. “What do you see?” You wiped a few stray tears and shook your head. “You wouldn’t understand…” Snape crossed his arms, his expression becoming impossibly more impatient. “The fact that you think I wouldn’t understand only intrigues me more, Y/L/N. Either tell me what you see when you look in that mirror, or I’ll take you to Dumbledore myself.” 
Panic pricked at your skin. There was no way you could tell him, and he’d know if you lied, so you did the only thing you could at that moment. You ran. He called after you, but all you could think of was finding somewhere to hide. A closet caught your eye and you hurried inside, barricading yourself against the back of the door. 
Sobs racked your body and even though you knew the noise would lead him straight to you, nothing could stop them. His deep voice was muffled by the thick wood of the door, but you still heard him clear as day. “Did you really think you could hide from me in my own potions closet?” He muttered the unlocking spell and tried to get in, but you pushed back keeping him from entering. “Professor, please, just … let me go back to my room! Don’t break my heart anymore than it already is!” 
“Y/N! Open the door!” Snape never called you or any other student by their first name, and that was enough to get you to ease up on the door just enough. He opened it slowly and stepped into your space, his hand tilting your face up to meet his just like in the reflection you saw. “Tell me, what do you see?” Your lip quivered as you finally told him your secret. The welfare of your heart now laying completely in his hands. 
“I see you.”
Tagging: @mostlyrickman @i-sold-danny-elfman-my-soul
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seducedbyseverus · 5 years
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These will all become links once I have posted the drabble :) 
Angst Prompts
“Y/N! Open the door!”
“I can’t pretend anymore.”
“You lied to me.”
“Tell me I’m wrong.”
“You’re scaring me.”
“I thought you were dead.”
“Why do you care?”
“You’re not safe here.”
“That sounds a lot like ‘goodbye’.”
“What is this? What are we really?”
“I’m sorry, but...who are you?”
“Don’t shut me out.”
“This isn’t you.”
“I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression.”
“You’re bleeding.”
“Wake up! Please wake up!”
“Shh. Come here. It’s just a nightmare.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“I know it hurts, but you have to stay awake for me.”
“How much have you had to drink?”
“What the hell were you thinking?! You could have been hurt!”
“Let her go! Don’t touch her!”
“Come back to me.”
“Take me instead.”
“How is this possible? I watched you die.”
Fluff Prompts
“Tell me again.”
“Marry me.”
“It’s freezing. Come here.”
“Because I love you.”
“I’ve loved you for years.”
“I can’t imagine my life without you in it anymore.”
“Is that...my cloak?”
“I can’t sleep.”
“I’m pregnant.”
“You’re cute when you’re half asleep.”
“Are you...blushing?”
“How long have you been standing there?”
“Are we on a date right now?”
“They’re so cute when they’re asleep.”
“How is my wife more badass than me?”
“Let me take care of you.”
“I immediately regret this decision.”
“I’ll walk you.”
“Let me be the big spoon tonight.”
“You made this...for me?”
“Dance with me?”
“Keep it.”
“Move over.”
“I want a baby.”
Smut Prompts
“You’d better be quiet if you don’t want to get caught.”
“Touch yourself for me.”
“Did I stutter? Do as you’re told.”
“Look at you. I’ve barely started and you’re shaking.”
“You shouldn’t tease me you know.”
“Such a needy little thing, aren’t you?”
“Did I say you could stop?”
“Open your mouth.”
“You’re not going out in that outfit.”
“Like what you see?”
“I’m waiting.”
“What did you just say?”
“Bite me.”
“Want some help?”
“The way you bite your lip is distracting.”
“What are you going to do about it?”
“I see you’ve started without me.”
“No panties?”
“Louder, Y/N!”
“We’re in a meeting you know.”
“Don’t hide from me. I want to see you.”
“You’re a virgin?”
“The only way you’re going to get off is on my thigh.”
“Look at me. Now!”
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seducedbyseverus · 5 years
Seducedbyseverus' 200 Follower Appreciation Celebration!
As a thank you to all my amazing mutuals, I will be writing an array of different drabbles! A total of 75 drabbles will be posted over the next few weeks 😊.
Later on tonight, I'll post a Masterpost with all of the prompts I plan to write. Of course, Alan in some form or another (one of his characters etc.), will be a main character and these will all be reader insert. 💚
The first 25 will be angsty
The second 25 will be fluffy
The third 25 will be smutty
If you would like to be tagged in the drabbles as I post them, please message me or send me an ask. The main tag to look out for will be #seducedbyseverus200followercelebration 🥰.
Thank you for all the follows, likes, comments, reblogs, asks, and messages 💚. I love all of you. Always.
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