seekingsimple91 · 5 years
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I have been wanting to homeschool my future children since as long as I started planning to have a family. Especially in today’s climate, public schools can be dangerous places for multiple reasons. Bullying, being left behind academically, violence, peer pressure, and being away from family are some reasons I would personally like to keep my children out of public schools. I, myself, have experienced a school shooting, and I would do anything to keep my future brood away from that trauma. Plus, we will be able to do “field trips” nearly every day! It is so important to learn inside as well as outside. 
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seekingsimple91 · 5 years
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Expecting severe thunderstorms over northern Illinois tonight! As long as nothing gets damaged, I’m excited!
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seekingsimple91 · 5 years
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So, I’m looking for religion in my life. I’ve narrowed it down to Baptist or Anabaptist. I love the modest clothing, family-oriented ways, community support, and mindful living of both denominations. I’m excited to get more experience in both areas so I can make the right choice for me. I’ll be church hopping soon!
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seekingsimple91 · 5 years
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I found this photo of the Illinois countryside online, and I love it. It perfectly depicts the every day beauty of where I live. 
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seekingsimple91 · 5 years
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So, confession...I’m obsessed with the Duggar family!! I’ve been watching them since they started on TLC, first out of fascination at their large family, homeschooling, fundamental ways, and then, as time went on, I learned to love them.
So, as of today...congratulations, Jessa! Ivy Jane is adorable!!
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seekingsimple91 · 5 years
About Me
Hello, again! Let me introduce myself.
I am a 27-year-old woman who lives in the American Midwest. I love reading, taking walks in nature, playing instruments and singing, horseback riding, being with my family, drinking tea, and traveling. I also love a long, flowy skirt or dress, singing my heart out in the car, fun family outings, thunderstorms, and food!
I have two Bachelor’s degrees from a Big Ten university, one of which is French, the other, Anthropology. I have two minors in German and Medieval & Renaissance Studies. I am currently working on my Master’s in Library & Information Science from another Big Ten University.  Unfortunately, I am not stranger to being busy and constantly staring at a screen.
I currently work as a librarian in a rural library in Illinois. I’ve always said if I have to work, let it be with books!
I was born and raised in the Midwest, where I have lived in four different states. I currently live with my parents as well as my younger sister, and an adorable puppy. I am happy living at home with my loved ones, but I see the value in being able to make a living wage where I can live on my own and support myself if needed. Hence, the graduate degree I am pursuing. 
The rest of me, you know! I am constantly seeking a simpler life, hoping to find peace and joy in the life I have been given. I value “me-time” and being with my loved ones. I truly believe life isn’t worth living if I can’t spend it with those I love. So, I try my best to live how I feel, and grit my teeth and bear it through the tough times. In the end, I will find my peace and simplicity.
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seekingsimple91 · 5 years
Welcome, Simple Seeker!
Hello and welcome! I started this blog to connect with, inspire, and share with people who are living in this fast world, but craving a slower pace. Here, I want to explore how people slow down, take a breath, and live in the moment. 
We live in a society that takes pride in the go-go-go mentality. Children are expected to be content running out the door of their homes at age 18, whether they’re ready or not. Independence is glorified. Ladders need to be climbed. Those who are ambitious are praised. Work hours have been longer than ever, and no one gets time off when email exists. Coffee (not that coffee is a problem!) is consumed at rates never seen before simply because we need to keep going. Technology, while a fantastic advancement for humans that has many positives, can make more work for us, take us from the present moment, and even give us anxiety and/or depression. 
This blog has been made as a safe place away from all the noise. It’s for people who love nature, quiet, reading, crafting, listening to music, sipping a hot drink, being with family, and taking a moment to look away from your screen. Even though this blog is found on a screen, I hope it can encourage people to seek simplicity every once in a while and find peace in the present moment. No one is expecting you to be the best. No one is waiting on that email or paper you need to write. Just join me, and live the moment!
This blog is also a place where I will share my story. As a millennial in a world that chronically cannot slow down, I crave peace. I find beauty in silence. But I also live in this century, and I experience chaos on a daily basis. How do I deal with that? How can you help me? How can we both grow together?
Welcome, Simple Seeker.
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