godshousecat · 1 month
Four days until my baptism!!
My friends and my fiancé will all be there to witness my joy! And in the evening is my church’s annual ice cream social which is a perfect way to celebrate with my community!
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sometiktoksarevalid · 8 months
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spurgie-cousin · 6 months
I deleted my long rambly text post, here's the video I made saying all the same shit lol
I'm so sorry for: 1. no captions, tiktok will not let me use the caption function without completely ruining the sound on my video 😭 2. how fast I'm talking, the video is sped up bc people on tiktok have no attention span 3. the birds doing mating calls in the background apparently
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kelly-danger · 4 months
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism by Max Weber is kinda making me go "wow he gets it" cause my deep seated hatred for reform calvanistic theology goes all the way back to when I was like 9 at a anabaptist christian camp and they hired a bunch of nazarines for some reason and they were all like, strict and boring losers!!! They beleived in predestination which anabaptists arent about and also I feel that the music that year was lacking as well for that reason. Also id bible quiz againt nazarines and they just like, were taking it way to seriously. Im Like bruh fr lighten up, acting like youre gonna get paddled of you dont know the answer to a situation question (who said it...and to whom? "Feed my lambs") but they probably would. Thats just the vibe of the nazarines
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montyshistoryblog · 5 months
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I found a quote of a Hutterite yelling at a pastor in 1525, and I couldn't stop myself turning it into something. Sloppy as fuck cause this is like, 10 minutes work.
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theinwardlight · 2 years
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From Foundations of our faith and calling, the Bruderhof
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iwouldkillforhim · 8 days
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poutine und roll kuchen 💕🌻
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divinum-pacis · 2 months
The Amish Explained
The Amish appear a lot in pop culture, but they're also frequently misrepresented and mythologized. So what do the Amish actually believe and practice?
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theriu · 2 years
Ok but like, what is a Mennonite?
Great question! I’d first like to preface that I am far, far from an expert on this; I go to and was raised in a Mennonite Church, but we are a little odd because we’re the only Mennonite church around (you often find several in a community) and we don’t uphold the typical dress code of head coverings and skirts. Also my mom was the daughter of an army chaplain, so because of her experiences growing up and being around people of many Christian groups combined, we are pretty comfortable with many denominations. Here are some basics, though:
Mennonites are part of the Anabaptist movement, which is largely noted (among other things) for believing that people should choose baptism as adults as a sign of their commitment to Christ, rather than be baptized as infants.
We do still do dedications, which is where the parents and baby go up front at church and oil is put on the baby’s head and the congregation verbally commits to helping raise the child to know the Lord - basically showing they plan to be a good and supportive church family for this new member and the family.
Another notable difference is peaceful noncombatance. Mennonites generally hold that using force is wrong and that we shouldn’t join the military because it divides our allegiance between God and our country. This is another one that my church, at least, is more relaxed on - at least one of our members is a police officer, and my brother wanted to join the national guard (he couldn’t due to a minor but chronic medical issue). Also, as mentioned, my grandpa (who was not a Mennonite) was an army chaplain. I support my brothers and sisters in Christ who choose military service, but I also respect those who feel they should stay apart from it (and count myself one of them).
Fun Fact: Mennonites and German Baptists and other Anabaptist denominations are often confused with Amish because we are all Anabaptists and we all have a tradition of the women wearing head coverings and old-fashioned-ish skirts/dresses. However, the Amish came after the Mennonites, and Mennonites aren’t against using electricity or owning technology and such. I wont speak further on that because I am even less of an expert on Amish customs. (I mentioned German Baptists because I see them frequently around where I live; I know little of their differences from Mennonites except their head coverings are typically a cute boxy shape instead of the flat lace circle traditional Mennonite women wear.)
These next ones are, I think, pretty common across many or most denominations, and they are what I consider the core tenets of faith in Christ:
Jesus Christ is the Son of God and part of the Trinity (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are all one God but are also distinct persons).
Jesus came to Earth as both fully man and fully God, He lived a sinless life and died on the cross to pay the debt of our sins so we could be reunited with God, and He rose from the dead to defeat the death that is the just punishment for our sin.
The Bible is the Word of God and it is true and good for guiding, teaching, comforting, and correcting.
We all have free will, and while God desires all people to be saved, the gift of salvation is freely offered, and we must choose to take it. We are saved by accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior and asking forgiveness of our sins, accepting his payment of our debt.
We cannot “earn” our salvation through good works, but genuine faith in Christ should lead to doing good works as a demonstration of our love for Him and of His love for others.
The Holy Spirit is the one mediator between us and God, and we can ask the Holy Spirit to pray through us when we don’t know how to express what we want to pray. God always answers our prayers, even if the answer is “No” or “Wait,” and we can trust that His answers are for our good and His glory, even when we can’t see how from our limited perspective here on Earth.
I think that’s a decent summary, but let me know if you have questions or are interested in the Bible verses that support the different points. And thanks for asking!
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atheostic · 8 months
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beefwizard91 · 1 year
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godshousecat · 2 months
I will be getting baptized on August 25th!!!!
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Submission Form
I think most of y'all kinda know the drill here. Submit as many denominations as you want (INDIVIDUALLY), but don't spam the form.
This poll is for PROTESTANT denominations and sub-denominations. Do not submit catholicism, JWs, or Mormons. This poll can also include "non-denominational" organizations so long as they have multiple churches and a distinct interpretation of faith. For example, the IBLP and the New Independent Fundamentalist Baptists can be submitted.
You can also submit denominations just because they suck and you want to see them beaten into the ground.
Here's the link. I'll be taking Top 32 make it into the bracket. The submission form will remain open until I feel that response is sufficient (so probably like 2000 responses).
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polishedjellyfish · 2 months
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theinwardlight · 2 years
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From Foundations of our faith and calling, the Bruderhof
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