seishironagi2 · 3 months
A Love Across Eras
A/N: I recently found the best dividers. I love the ones from @saradika-graphics. and I absolutely adore daisies, so those are the ones I chose to use. also. today is my birthday :p. (June 10th, I just forgot to post this. Sorry, my loves)
summary: final goodbyes hurt more than you thought, but then again, goodbyes never are final.
James Sirius Potter x muggleborn!reader
word count:
warnings: none
read the previous parts: part one part two part three part four part five
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Sirius hugged you tightly, his tears making a wet puddle on your shoulder. you pat his back softly, letting him cry it out.
upon looking around the room, you see James the first on Albus, as he hugs the boy. Albus was never good with comforting people who were crying.
and seeing him trying to do so and failing. miserably. was hilarious. you couldn't help but laugh. causing everyone to look at where you were laughing.
"w-what're you laughing at," Albus says, clearly flustered as he pats James back, unsure how to react.
"You look so stupid right now. I can't." You say as you laugh,causing sirius to just sob harder.
"Siri.. hey, don't cry. I swear we'll meet again, hm? I won't have it any other way." You say comforting the boy
"Y/n, you have two shoulders, right? take this one." Albus says as he hands James to you.
"Now, now stop your crying and let's have some fun on your last day hm?" You say as you pat the boys shoulders
"alright. bet." sirius says as he stands up, causing you to give him a look. you slowly move James to your James' lap, letting him rest there.
"sirius black. were you pretending to cry your heart out all this while." You say calmly as you slip your shoe off.
"uhm yeah. what did you think of my acting skills?" He responds smugly while crossing his arms.
"Sirius, I advise you to start running." your James says as he rubs other James' hair.
you smile at him, throwing your shoe at the boy.
"no! not my face. it's my 2nd best attribute!" he says as he runs around the dorm.
"oh yeah? then what's the first." You say, running after the boy.
"My hair, of course." he says, throwing his hair behind his shoulder.
"well then maybe I'll just cut it all off." You say, finally catching him,his screams echoing through the room
minutes later, you two sit in front of Albus and Remus. your hair was dishevelled, and Sirius had a bruise on his cheek.
"Now, what do you say?" Remus says as he looks at the two of you. both the james' in a corner sliently laughing as they hug each other.
"Sorry, y/n." he says
"Sorry, siri." You respond
"and?" Albus adds as you go in for the hug.
"good job." The two say in unison.
"since it is our last day tomorrow. maybe we can sneak out to Hogsmeade?" Your James say
"Yeah!!, I'm craving a nice warm butterbeer." You say smiling.
you reach out to your james, ruffling his hair as you sit on his lap.
"so what's the plan again? I zoned out." Albus says as he rubs his eyes.
"well tomorrow morning, 11am we meet here and y/n has to reverse whatever spell she put here. then we head to hogsmeade and chill there." Remus says rolling his eyes.
"Siri, come and talk to me outside. Will ya?" You say, grabbing his hands as you take him to a small balcony at your house.
"siri. Do you know how the summer holidays are starting soon?" You ask, smiling at the boy who nods.
"yeah. I'm spending the summer at james' this year." he responds wondering where your going with this.
"can you do me a favour?" you ask smiling softly.
"Yeah, y/n. anything." he says, smiling back
"You'll be going to your house for the last time, right? I want you to take regulus with you." You finish smiling softly as Sirius gives you a bewildered look.
"I'm not supposed to tell you this. but if he stays in that house for any longer. he will die in the next year." You say softly as the boy's eyes fill with tears.
"he's not one of those typical slytherins, siri. he's doing it because he has to survive." You finish as the boy erupts into tears, holding you tightly
after a while, sirius calms down, a determined look on his face as he walks back into the room, you following behind.
"now what?" albus asks as he looks at the two of you while Remus walks over, taking sirius' face in his hands.
"did you cry more?" he asks, a soft and caring tone in his voice as he hugs sirius.
"Now. we get ready to leave." You say, grabbing the bag filled with your notes before you all walk back into the hallway.
you point your wand at the door, "domum abire." You mutter, before whooshing sounds are heard.
making your way downstairs into the common room as James takes the bag from your shoulder, putting it on his as he holds your hand, occasionally rubbing his thumb over your knuckles
"Let's go home, boys." You say before putting the number in, waving bye-bye one last time as the whooshing sound comes back,this time, taking you guys back to the future.
"my god, james, you are never doing that again." you say, standing up as you dust yourself off
"My mistake for being a caring boyfriend, I guess. what else must a not sigma male like me do." he jokes
albus rolls his eyes as he stands up.
"y/n, this isn't the right year." he says as the two of you look shocked, seeing most of the marauders and regulus.
"my gods, angel you had one job." james says groaning as sirius engulfs you and albus in a hug
"you're back!" he says as you hear a younger harry asking his dad who we are.
"fuck you y/n." albus says, flipping you off
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it's so late as I write this so it has not been proofread. goodnight
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seishironagi2 · 4 months
A Love Across Eras
A/n: Hi, my angels! I know this chapter took a bit longer, but that homework pile kept staring. (it's all math,school starts on the 5th help)
summary: James learns about your little slip up.
James Sirius Potter x muggle-born!reader
word count: 1419
warnings: corny shit, inappropriate pickup lines?
read the previous parts: part one part two part three part four
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James carried you in his arms– bridal style, walking upstairs, the other James being held by Remus and Sirius.
you had a low alcohol tolerance. you knew that. James knew that. and now, everyone knows that.
"Jamie, you know I loveee you." You say, drunkenly expressing your love for the boy.
the boy softly smiles, kissing your forehead while he opens the door in one hand.
"Why aren't you saying it back, Jamie? you don't love me?" You say as the boy carries you to your shared room.
"I love you to the moon and to Saturn angel," he says while he helps you change into more comfortable clothing
your giggles never seem to stop, and the smile doesn't dissappear.
"You're so handsome, Jamie." You say as the boy tucks you into bed, kissing your forehead.
"Thank you, baby," he says softly, chuckling a bit at your words. James gets in the bed beside you, joining you.
"Jamie. I made a mistake a couple of days ago, but I didn't tell you." You babble, almost about to fall asleep.
"Why didn't you tell me, angel?" He says, putting a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
" 'was scared how you'd react. I knew you'd be mad." You respond
"Now it's alright, tell me what happened. I'll try my hardest not to be mad." he says softly. He bites his lip, wondering what it was.
"i- I told Remus everything Jamie, he knows that We're from 43 years later and how to prevent their deaths. that's why Peter isn't hanging out with them anymore." You say sitting up, tears spilling from your eyes
"That's okay, my angel. how about we talk about this tomorrow, hm?" James says, a soft and sad smile on his face. his hands cupping your face and slowly wiping tears away.
you nod softly, heading into the boy's arms. the boy holds you, patting your back as you fall asleep, softly snoring.
you wake up to an empty bed. all the memories of last night rushing to you as James walks in, holding two teas in his hands
"Oh, you're up. good, we need to talk." he says softly as he hands you the tea. you smile, taking the tea from the boy.
the moment he says that all the sounds around you stop, and a small panic fills your body as your hands slowly shake.
you pause, taking a deep breath as you look at him. -hands still shaking-
"what's wrong Jamie?" You say looking up at the boy, twiddling your thumbs
"y/n. why would you do that. fuck, what about our future. are you ready to risk all that just to prevent a war?" james says, pacing around the room.
"James, he doesn't know much. I swear to you. I only told him things relevant to himself." You say, nervous
"y/n, this could've changed everything." he says, halting as he heads outside the door.
hours pass, and James is ignoring you every chance he gets. that doesn't stop you from running after him, saying your apologies over and over again.
"Jamie, please forgive me. I'm so sorry." You say as you kiss his face repeatedly. his hands resting on your waist while you do so.
he ignores you completely, looking over at sirius as the two of them continue to plan the biggest prank yet.
you continue to stick with the boy, his ignorance not once stopping. you knew he was stubborn, but damn.
you needed him to break, and you needed him to break fast. because you couldn't work with him being mad at you.
"hey Jamie, are you the school stairs?" You say as sirius pauses, giving you a puzzled look.
"cause you take my breath away." You say, looking straight into the boy's eyes. sirius' laugh breaks your silence. as it echos through the room
"Hey, Jamie." You start once again. "Are you crispy chicken and fries?" You say while Sirius looks at you.
"cause no matter how many options I have, I'll always choose you," I say, softly giggling.
"Aw, come on y/n? Is that all you got?" Sirius questions while James holds his face in his hands.
"James, you know. I'd never play hide and seek with you." sirius says as he looks at your boyfriend.
"and whys that sirius?" You question,clearly teasing your loving boyfriend now.
"Because y/n, I can't risk ever losing someone like him," Sirius finishes, causing you to giggle loudly.
"Jamie, are you a candle? .. cause I'm gonna blow you." You say, straight-faced, causing James to choke on his spit and sirius to break into the biggest laugh.
james starts to blush as his hands leave your waist, covering his face.
"knock knock." sirius says.
"who's there." james responds
"where when?" sirius says
"where when who?" james asks
"your place, tonight, just me and you." Sirius finishes as James groans, resting his head on your shoulder.
you wink at sirius, thanking him for his help.
"hey Jamie." You start
"Is your name highway. cause I want to ride you all night long." You say, causing james to groan, his grip on your waist tightening.
" hey jamie" you start as one of his hands leave your waist, covering your mouth
"Shut up, please." he says as he holds you tighter. sirius takes the cue and makes his leave, closing our dorm door behind him.
"Jamie, I'm truly sorry. I am, but. you've heard the stories about your dad's childhood. you know how rough it was for him?" You say, holding James' face in your hands.
"I know, but. we haven't gone too deep into the consequences yet. what if it changes everything y/n. what if I lose you. I can't do that y/n I just can't risk it." he says as he finally looks at you. tears brimming on his waterline.
"Jamie, that'll never happen. you and I, We're soulmates, and I'm sorry to disappoint you, but you are stuck with me. forever and always dumbass. we are together in every universe." I say softly, kissing your cheek.
you break the silence. "So forgive me, my love?" You ask, looking at the boy.
"only if you help us with a prank." he responds, a cheeky smile on his face
a couple of days pass, while the marauders, james, albus, and you start to plan 'the greatest prank ever' and for some bizzare reason, it all revolved around animals.
there were multiple ideas, and all of them were going to happen.
James' idea was to let five pigs into the school, numbering them each as 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, making them search around the school endlessly.
Sirius added to that idea by saying they can put a spell on them. so that to anyone other than the group. they would look like a crocodile, adding an element of fear.
Remus said, having a ghost band following dumbledore will ruffle his feathers.
the group divided into two. albus remus and you and James Sirius and your james
the three of you started working on your park for a day each. once you were done. the six of you met outside the room of requirements. remus had the ghosts ready to go, and sirius, james and your james had their cages for the pigs.
"on your count y/n." Sirius says as they finish getting ready.
"Three. two. one." You say as the boys let go of everything. immediately chaos begins to errupt as you all run back to the common room, your laughs echoing through the stairwell. the group immediately runs to your dorm.
"Ready to forgive me, Jamie?" You ask, struggling to catch your breath
"Angel, I forgave you ages ago. I just wanted to prank with you." james says a smile on his face as you lay down in the boy's lap.
the group talk for hours and hours occasional giggles are heard. you abruptly stand up, causing you to get some looks.
"Guys, I have some news." You say
"Oh gods don't tell me your pregnant." Sirius says
"Ew, i don't want to be an uncle already" Albus adds
"Now , Alfred. I'm sure you'll be a great uncle." James, the first teases
"Aww, look at the father. His face is so pink." Remus says, accidentally snorting, which causes everyone to break into laughter.
"no guys im not pregnant, but, in my free time. I've been doing more then just that." You say winking as James nods in agreement.
"I have officially finished all of our research. and we will be sadly heading home tomorrow." You say as a tear falls from Sirius' eyes.
"but trust me when I tell you. we will meet again." I say softly as I smile. my arms instantly wrapping around sirius
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hey angels :) next chapter will be out soon, I'm hoping to finish this before my schools starts on Wednesday :)
part 6
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seishironagi2 · 4 months
A Love Across Eras
A/n: I took a fat nap in the evening, which made me procrastinate HARD. honestly, my bad that I succumbed to the evening nap. anyway, the new chapter is out, and any tips for me leave them in the comments
summary: worries flood james' mind as Remus, and you finish your research and some secrets spilled along the way
James Sirius Potter x muggleborn! reader
word count: 1693
warnings: none
read the previous parts: part one part two part three
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you and James make your way to the shared room, and you go to change into your nightwear as James sits on the bed, staring into the walls filled with pictures of you.
"Do you think Dad would be disappointed in me if he finds out?" James asks, breaking the comfortable silence as you join him on the bed.
"I think instead of being disappointed, he'd be concerned for you, Jamie." You say grabbing the boy's face. your thumb rubbing over his cheek in a comforting manner.
"I mean, he won't let you off lightly, but he could never be disappointed in you, Jamie. I think he might laugh at your idiocy." You say, softly chuckling as you hug the boy softly.
"You think so?" he asks, hugging you back and resting his head on your chest.
"I know so." You say as you hold the boy in your arms, falling asleep like that.
the next morning, when you wake up, your eyes are still closed as you look for your boyfriend. The spot on the bed beside you is empty as you sit up, groaning while rubbing your eyes.
"Jamie?" You say as you look around the room, James slowly walks in, with a tray filled with your favourite breakfast foods
"Shut up. you did not." You say covering your face with your hands, mouth becoming agape.
James places the tray on your lap, kissing you softly. "Good morning, angel." he says with a smile as he sits beside you
you gasp, still shocked as you look down at the tray. an iced coffee, some fruits and pancakes with a smiley face on them, along with some crispy bacon on the side. just how you like it
"James, you didn't have to." You say with a soft smile as you grab your knife, cutting a small piece of the pancake.
"I know I didn't have to, I wanted to," he says as he watches you take a bite of the food. you accidentally let out a soft moan, loving the taste.
"Is it good?" he says as his hand reaches up and wipes some of the whipped cream from your lips and licking it.
"It's amazing. here, try some." You say as you make a bite for the boy, feeding him a piece of the pancakes with some of the crispy bacon.
"Where's Al?" You ask curiously.
"He left early morning to eat food at the hall. don't worry, I let him borrow my Gryffindor robe and everything he won't be noticed," he says, taking a sip of the iced tea.
The two of you sit together, enjoying the meal together, occasionally giggling at whatever stupid joke he made.
after the meal, you head for the shower first, while James makes your shared bed, setting your stuffed toys on the bed neatly.
you head out of the shower, softly drying your hair with a towel. you smile at the boy, kissing him softly, wrapping your arms around the boy.
you break the kiss, holding his face in your hands, now leaving pepper kisses all over his face, muttering small love yous between them. his hands wrapping around your waist as he pulls you to his lap. your kisses, not staggering.
"Don't you need to head to the library soon, angel?" James says, his hands not leaving your waist as your eyes meet.
"You're more important," you say, grabbing his face as he chuckles at your words, kissing your forehead as you take a look at him, noticing the red lipstick marks all over his face. you smile.
"I should go now. love you." You say satisfied with your work as you wave bye with a soft smile as you grab your bag, the brown-haired boy following you, not knowing of the bright red kisses all over his face.
"I'll walk you to the library," he says, grabbing your hand as he walks with you to the library, not knowing why people are giving him looks and laughing at the lovesick boy.
that is until he reaches the library where he bumps into the marauders and Albus, who can't help but laugh loudly at the boy while you blush.
"Godric Y/n went a little crazy with the kisses, did ya?" James says with a teasing tone
"Who says if it ended it at that Prongs," Sirius adds as you cover your face in your hands, earning a laugh from the group
"What's going on y/n/n?" your James says, looking at you curiously.
you lean up to the tall boy, who looks at you, grabbing your waist as he leans down slightly as you tell him about the marks on his face. the boy smirks.
"You should go rub them off." You say as your hand reaches to his face to wipe them off, but he immediately dodges it.
"I like them."
the marauders grab ahold of your James as they lead him away from the two of you, planning some prank on Snape.
"Sorry about that." You say softly, chuckling as you sit down, opening your notes and continuing to write on them
"You got a little something here, y/n," Remus says, smiling as he points to your face. You are struggling to get it off, and he leans over, his thumb slowly wiping off the lipstick.
"Thanks, but don't do that again, please. I'd hate for people to get the wrong idea." You say softly as you continue writing. eventually, the two of you talk for a little while.
this was the cycle for the next couple of days, eat, research, sleep– repeat. not that you were complaining since Remus was good company and the two of you started getting really close.
So close, that Remus told you about how he became a wolf. you hug the poor boy, biting your lips softly.
fuck it, you thought. "Remus, I have something to tell you." You say as the boy looks up, a curious look in his eyes
"What is y/n/n," he says as he puts his quill down, giving you his full attention.
"we lied. we are not from three years later. We're from 43 years later." You say, as fast as you can, the words now leaving your mouth without control.
"and you need to ditch Peter somehow, He gets you all killed. He has a dark mark on his arm. and tell Sirius to patch things up with Regulus. it's still early on in the year, so he isn't a follower yet. But Remus, Peter is, why else would he be wearing full sleeves in the summer." You say finishing your rant as you cover your mouth.
"You crossed a line y/n." the boy says as he packs his things up, heading back to the dorm.
"Check it first." You yell after the boy, as he ignores you. packing up your bags as you head out. suddenly, the silence you were once so comfortable with feeling heavy.
days pass, Remus is ignoring you, but you come to notice that they don't hang out with Peter anymore. so maybe the boy did take your advice.
on your way to the library, you hear loud footsteps behind you, knowing they're not James' since he left with Sirius and other James for Hogsmeade early morning.
you clutch your tote bag, speeding up as you enter the library, quickly sitting down at your table, pretending you've been here for hours on end.
"y/n." a familiar voice says as he sits down beside you. your head automatically looking up as you make eye contact
"Remus." You say, softly smiling at the boy
"tell me more. how do we kill you-know-who." Remus asks as he sits down beside you.
"Woah. how are you just going to bring it up to everyone." You say, looking at the boy, wondering if he revealed your secrets.
"im telling them I had a vision in divination class, I know it seems farfetched, but I'm sure it'll work." Remus says with a soft smile at you, his eyes full of trust
"Well, I'm glad you trust me, but you know killing him won't be easy, right? I hope you know what Horcruxes are." You say, grabbing a book about them and giving it to the boy
"Of course I do. A horcrux is a small piece of a person's soul, divided and placed into an object," Remus replies
"Well, moldy had 7 of them. he split his soul 7 times to avoid death. One was his diary, then his father's ring, a locket that belonged to Salazar Slytherin, Helga Hufflepuff's cup, Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem –you pause, trying to think of the rest– oh! his pet snake Nagini. those are the only ones made as of right now. kill them, and he'll be easy to kill." You say standing up, placing your notes in your bag.
"Wait, I came to help you with the notes!" Remus says as he looks at you.
"I finished all of them already, Rem." You say softly smiling as you notice your boyfriend standing at the door.
"Hi Jamie," you say as you hug the boy. He immediately takes your bag, holding your hand.
"Hi, angel. how was your day?" he asks while the two of you walk back to the common room
"Good, we finished all of the notes today! now I have to begin scanning through them and figuring out a way home. how was your day?" You question, looking up at the boy with a smile.
"Amazing. I feel so close to him right now, y/n. Gods, I just wished Dad knew how it felt." he says, his smile slowly fading
"Hey, don't worry. he'll like it that you got to know him." You say while he mumbles the password to the painting.
"You think?" he asks as he squeezes your hand. Sirius calls out for the two of you, asking if you'd play some drinking game.
James looks at you as you nod, needing a small break as you all sit around a table, now drinking your hearts out.
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and that's chapter 4. I hope you liked it <3 I know it seems rushed, but the next few chaps are a lot!
part five
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seishironagi2 · 4 months
A Love Across Eras
A/n: Hi, I'm back. Sorry, I broke my posting daily streak :( I will try harder, my angels, ily. PS, I hope you like the new chapter and, as usual, please leave any tips for me in the comments!
summary: you guys settle into your situation and begin to find your way home.
James Sirius Potter x muggleborn!reader
word count:2118 words
warnings: none
read the previous parts: part one part two
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"So that's pretty much it," you say, clapping your hands together as you rest them on your knees.
"So your saying, you are from three years later and, this thing," the long black hair boy says playing with the time-turner when the three of you flinch, Albus reaches out, pocketing the broken object
"brought you here," he says, finishing his sentence as he looks over at his three friends' reactions. the three of you nod in sync while you look over at James, his eyes filled with awe as he looks at the man who he's named after.
"what's with him?" Remus says as he points at James, still staring at the two boys unfazed.
"Oh, don't mind him. He's a little slow. plus, when we entered Hogwarts, we heard a lot about you guys and your pranks. he kinda idolises you guys," you say as you groan, snapping your fingers in front of the boys face.
"What are your names?" Peter says, finally speaking up as he makes eye contact with Albus when who looks away after hearing stories from his father.
"I'm Y/n L/n. This is James Walker, my boyfriend and Alfred Walker. and as you know, we need to go back home soon," I say, introducing the two boys with a smile.
James Potter and his girlfriend Lily walk in, hand in hand, as they take a seat beside the boys.
"Who are you guys" Lily questions with a smile as she looks at you
"I'm Y/n, this is James, and this is Alfred. you probably haven't seen us around because We're a couple years from the future, and we got stuck in this year cause someone put the year wrong," you say, looking at James with a look.
"And that was the short version if you'd like. they can give you a longer one, where they argue for the most of it." Sirius says sarcastically, earning a small, secret pinch from Remus.
"I was trying to surprise her with our anniversary!!" he says, trying to reason for his mistake.
"Gods, you're lucky I love you." y/n says as she kisses the boy's cheek while Albus imitates gagging, earning a chuckle from the group.
"We need only a little help from you guys, then I promise we won't bother you." You say with pleading.
"Correction, she won't bother you, we will." James says, pointing at himself and Albus, who rolls his eyes.
"We just need an empty room to stay in. please!" you say, hitting james on his head, giving him a look that says shut up. the boy closes his mouth, immediately shutting up.
"we do have an empty room beside our dorm. but like it's fully empty, with no beds. nothing." Sirius says, trying to think.
you look at James and Albus, a look of glee in your eyes as you three say, "That's perfect."
"And that's not creepy at all." The other James mutters in Lily's ear, who gives him a small slap in return.
the group begins to lead you, up the stairs into a small and empty room. "Perfect." You say.
James and Albus take everyone outside, closing the door as you mutter the spell.
"domum trahere usque." (which roughly translates to house pull-up). your eyes sparkle as you notice your unfamiliar surroundings change into more familiar ones. your hand reaches towards the door, opening it.
"Come on in!" You say, opening the door as you head to your shared room with James, instantly grabbing a pair of pants and his hoodie, shuffling out of your red dress and into the comfortable clothing.
Everyone shuffles into the living room, mouth agape at how large it is. you make your way into the kitchen, getting out some sodas for everybody and placing them on the table.
"Please sit!" You say ushering them to sit as you hand them their sodas. your James and Albus run into their original rooms and change into more comfortable clothes
"h-how?" Lily asks, looking around the room.
"What spell did you use? how did you manage to create it?." Remus asks soon after
"Well, this is actually a spell I made later on in the future. it didn't take too long since I had help from my defence against the dark arts teachers' help," you say, answering everyone's questions in one go.
"oh right, we still haven't introduced ourselves," Sirius says as James and Albus walk back into the room, Albus taking the last seat on the sofa while James opts to sit with you, lifting you up and softly placing you on his lap.
you lean your head on his chest while everyone introduces themselves. Though you all know their names already, you pretend not to avoid blowing your cover.
soon after, all of them made their leave, each of them having a class to attend. you move from James' lap, opting to sit on the sofa, each one of you sucked deep into your thoughts as you abruptly stand up, causing the boys to flinch.
"we'll go to the library. find any books we can on time turners or time travel in general," you say, grabbing a house key, making your way outside the house. the boys following your lead.
upon entering the library, you split up, each of you trying to find a different book on time travel. Somehow, James finds nine books while you find three, and Albus finds eight,leaving you three with a total of 20 books to go through.
you reach for the book on the very top of the bookshelf, almost falling on your head when james catches you in his arms, smiling down on you.
"This reminding you of anything?" he says, helping you stand up again, crossing his arm around his chest, his eyes scanning you with a smirk.
"it reminds me of the time a very cocky 12-year-old boy helped me," I say with a teasing tone as I sit down, opening the book
"That's all you remember?" he says, smiling when he sits down beside you. "Because I remember you being so grateful, you stole my first kiss," he says, his smile never fading.
"it was an accident I didn't mean to." You respond, covering your face with your hands. "I was just trying to kiss your cheek." You continue. your face flushed a bright red.
"Keep telling yourself that." he responds smugly as Albus comes by, the environment immediately changing into a more serious tone, hoping to avoid a lecture for being too lovey in public.
the door of the library slams open, the four marauders entering as Remus grabs a book from the bookshelf, heading toward his table when he notices you three sitting there. seeing that you all look busy and focused, he sits at the other end and avoids making noise.
James, Sirius, and Peter run around the library, looking for their precious moony, and when they spot him with you guys. he receives a look that he doesn't mind.
"Moony, come on, we have this amazing prank to play on Severus Snake," James says, snickering as Albus flinches at the mention of his name but ignores it once you give him a soft smile.
"Nah, boys, I don't feel like it today, I might just stay here and read," he says, his eyes not once moving from his book, other than the eventual glances at you.
"What about you three? Are you in for pranking Severus?" Sirius asks, slowly warming up to you three. James' eyes meet yours at the request, filled with pleading looks.
"I'll pass, I need to finish this. but since these two aren't the greatest help. it'll be more help if they're gone." You say with a small smile as you continue to read, eventually marking things that seem important. James and Albus both stand up, giving you a tight hug and repeating thank yous.
"Go on now before I change my mind." You say smiling bigger as the five boys run outside, their laughter echoing through the hallways.
"If you'd like, I could help?" A voice speaks up, shifting your attention back to the task at hand. you look up to spot Remus, standing in front of you.
"Are you sure you want to? it's a lot of work." You say with a soft chuckle that makes Remus smile softly after hearing your laugh.
"Of course, plus, this is the one type of books of which I haven't read yet," he says, rubbing his neck. He knew he was lying. He just didn't know why. so the boy sat beside you and began reading. the silence on the table was chilling, but it was broken on occasion with your humming.
Your thoughts go to James, wondering what prank he's trying to pull off now, and you smile, imagining his big goofy smile and his laugh.
Meanwhile, Your James was with the other James, who was getting scolded by Lily for pranking her childhood friend again. the boy just looked down, and James couldn't help but chuckle. the sight reminding him of his parents.
"So!" Remus starts, breaking the silence, "tell me more about yourself," he says, crossing his arms, looking at you in the exact way Teddy does.
you pause for a moment, thinking about what to say. "Well, I'm 17 right now, and I was born on June 16th. I'm a Gemini, my favourite colour is green and I like to sleep and hang out with James. i used to knit a lot, but i sadly lost my needles and then couldn't continue." You say, not looking up from your books.
He hums in response. "What about you? Tell me about Remus Lupin," you say, finally looking at the brown-haired boy.
"I'm also 17 as of right now, I was born on 10th March 1960, my zodiac sign is a piece, and my favourite colour is blue. I like chocolate and hanging out with my friends. I really like reading as well," he says, continuing to write.
After a couple of hours, the two of you finished talking (yapping) and made notes of 6 books. which helped you speed up your process by a lot. the two of you got close enough to be considered friends.
"You really did that?" Remus says laughing as he helps you pack the notes and your quills.
"We were twelve, and I was grateful for his help, I didn't know he'd turn at the same time," you say laughing softly, grabbing the bag as the two of you walk to the common room. finding all of the boys sitting there.
James grabs your hand and takes the bag off your shoulders. He calls Albus over. "Guys, it's really late, and We're gonna go to bed now! Goodnight." James says as he grabs the house key from your bag, opening the door as he drags the two of you to the sofa
"Remus! same time tomorrow?" You say as you look back, noticing his small nod. you smile and let James drag you to the sofa.
"Jamie, it's just 9:30. Why are we going to bed so early?" You ask, looking at the boy while he starts pacing around the room, running his hands through his hair nervously.
"I was bored, and I checked our phones even though we all decided to keep them hidden," James says while Albus rolls his eyes.
"Classic james, always wanting to stalk his girlfriend's instagram even when she's with you." he says, scoffing at the stupid boy in love.
"Aww, you stalk my Instagram when you miss me? Jamie, that's adorable," you say, blushing softly but still teasing him.
"Yes, I do, but that's not the point -" he continues, "y/n that's not even the gist of his love. he has pics of you everywhere in our house," he says, making fun of the already embarrassed boy.
"Awe Jamie, you love love me, hm?" You say, a big smile on your face as he stops covering his face, though the tip of his ears turning bright red.
James takes a deep breath in. "Yes, that's all true. My point is I have a bunch of texts, and can you guess from who?" he says, looking up.
"Who?" the two of you say in sync, curious who could be texting the boy to get him this shaken.
"It's my dad. he's left at least 50 texts on each of our phones and 20 missed calls," he says.
"Say we're at my house, visiting my family. we'll be back in a week or so." You say biting your nails again.
"That should work, right?" Albus asks, looking at the two of you.
"it will."
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ok, I'm done with part 3. I hope you like it xx
part four
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seishironagi2 · 4 months
A Love Across Eras
A/n:ok, guys, I'm back for part 2 🤪 I can't believe you guys actually want more. anyway here is the link to part one if you haven't read it already. It took me too long to figure out how to link something that was embrassing💀
summary: James, Albus, and you try to make a living here.
James Sirius Potter x muggleborn!reader
word count: 797 words
warnings: none
read the previous part: part one
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"James, how did you manage to send us 43 years back in time instead of three!" You hiss at the boy while flicking his forehead. "You have to now figure out how to get us home, ya big dumbass," you say, rolling your eyes.
James stands up and runs his hand through his dark brown hair, the stress on his evident when he takes a seat on the sofa, the remaining following sut when they sit on the chair beside them
"uhm, there's more." Albus continues, his eyes never leaving the time turner as he fiddles with it. "it looks like this thing is gone. so we need to fix it first." he says pocketing the now broken time turner
"I have an idea, but it's gonna be risky." james says as he looks at you and Albus.
"What if we ask Uncle Remus to help?" he continues, "he's smart, and out of any of their group, he'd be the one to help us." he says as he scans our faces, looking for our reactions to his plan
"it is possible, but how are we going to convince him to help us, we're just strangers to him. I doubt if we say, 'We're 43 years from the future, and you're the father of our uncle, he'll for sure help us then'." Albus says sarcastically as he leans his head on my shoulder, tired from the travel while his eyes slowly close.
"hmm, what if we instead say We're three years from the future? and the turner stopped working, we could possibly convince him then?" I say as I grab the blanket, covering Albus while he sleeps
after first getting together with James, you made an active effort to get as close to his family as you could, hoping to fit in with them, and you did. all of his cousins and siblings consider you as a part of the family while James' parents made you call them mom and dad. Albus and Lily both considered you James' better half and were closer to you than they were to James.
"How about this - we'll very obviously have to change our name. so, James, your last name is now Walker. I'll keep my name since I'm a muggle-born and Al? your name is Alfred Walker." You say, tapping the boy softly as he hums in response.
"The real and harder question is. where do we sleep and like live? " You say as you bite your nails –a habit you picked up when you were stressed or deep in thought– James' hand grabs yours and holds it, occasionally rubbing his thumb over your hand in a comforting manner.
"Maybe the room of requirement?" he says, looking over at you.
"Remember the spell I was working on with your dad? I could probably use that, but I'd need an unused or empty room, which people wouldn't use much." you say as you look around, hoping to find an empty room
"Oh right, what even was that spell for," James asks, his hand now gently squeezing yours, trying to end those thoughts running around your mind.
"Well, that spell allowed me to make an exact copy of my house and have it with me wherever I go. I know it seems useless in retrospect, but considering who my boyfriend is. it's good to have on hand." you say, smiling with a teasing tone in my voice,grabbing his hand and kissing it.
James smirks and starts to respond when the painting of the common room suddenly slams open, causing Albus to flinch and sit up. a group of four boys enters, following a girl who seems to be angry
"Lily, it was just a joke." says the boy with the glasses as he follows her aimlessly while the rest of the boys make their way to the sofa when they spot you three.
"Who are you guys." the one with the scar says, crossing his arms around his chest as he scans you all, trying to figure out if he's seen you before
well,this is going to be harder than you guys thought.
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chap two is done! I hope u guys liked it and more chapters coming out soon :) again, if you have any suggestions or tips for me, please do tell as I want to be good at this :) also, the series name is A Love Across Eras.
part three
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seishironagi2 · 4 months
A Love Across Eras
A/n: I have this super specific storyline in my head, but idk if I should make it happen. lmk if you think it's good enough for an actual story
summary: James tried to surprise you for your anniversary but it doesn't go as plan
James Sirius Potter x muggleborn!reader
word count: 337 words (I'll do better trust)
warnings: none
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"James. where are we?" y/n says as she grabs his hands and stands up in the Gryffindor common room, dusting off the grime on her red dress
"Well, y/n. you mean when are we." he says, with a wink and continues, "If I did this correctly. we're back to three years ago, so you can experience me asking you out again," he says, smiling as he grabs your hand, leading you to a corner of the room where you both aren't visible
After the two of you sit down, a familiar woosh and a light grey cloud appear when a raven-haired boy stands up through the clouds.
"Albus?" the two of you say at the same time, curious as to how the boy got here
"Guys?" Albus says as he stands up, clutching the time turner. He spotted the two of you and made his way there."Why are we hiding?" The raven hair boy questions while squatting alongside the couple.
"Since it's our anniversary,james decided to surprise me and wanted to revisit our first date. we're hiding to see it happen." y/n says as she grabs a blanket from the basket
"Any second now, we'll see a younger, handsome version of me asking my dearest girlfriend out," he whispers, slowly grabbing his girlfriend's hand while Albus looks down at the Time Turner, his green eyes widening.
"I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we aren't in 2021, We're in 1978," Albus says as he holds his face in his hands, his disappointment in his brother evident.
"fuck." y/n says as she gives james a look
he was in for it now.
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OK lemme know if u think I should continue xx
part two
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