self-ship-cuteness · 2 years
I’ve got no idea why but this particular gif is driving me fucking nuts at the moment like he’s so into it he’s climbing on the table?? Yes baby 😍The sassy little toss of his hair? Perfection.
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self-ship-cuteness · 4 years
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🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 uhm hes my precious sunshine 🥺🥰
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self-ship-cuteness · 4 years
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Big softie alert??? Probably?? My partner is making me watch the first episode as I type. Heres a lovely Ford Pines for @mysterypinesx ! 💙❤
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self-ship-cuteness · 4 years
I was wondering if I could get a romantic Ford Pines from Gravity Falls? 🥺 thank you for getting back to me!
That was fast! Of course I can! Its a first for Gravity Falls! 💙❤
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self-ship-cuteness · 4 years
Oh you still taking moodboard requests? :)
I can! You have s specific character in mind, bean? 😌💛
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self-ship-cuteness · 4 years
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“I became the hero that I wanted to be… but at what cost?”
Finished images of my Hawks wallpaper/lockscreen project!
Angst inspired Hawks vector arts because those BNHA ASMRs on YT are giving me life. I now believe that woman thank you queen Yagami.
Progress Vids: 1 | 2
Reblog if you save!
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self-ship-cuteness · 4 years
“i was busy thinkin bout boys” af 🎶
💜 Shinsou 💜
💜 video calls all night into the morning only to see each other at school anyway
💜 black teddy jackets
💜 the shade of periwinkle that the sky gets when it’s not quite dawn yet
💜 the headspace you’re in while waiting for hot water
💜 office chairs with half your closet stacked / hanging on it
💜 laundry baskets full of clean clothes
💜 zoom but the gallery view is jus ppl’s foreheads
💜 texts like “it tastes how wet socks feel”
💜 your phone randomly shutting down at night then blinding you when it turns back on
💜 the Goldilocks zone where you’re underneath 18 layers of blankets but there’s an air pocket so you can still breathe
🌟 Hawks 🌟
🌟 warm chocolate chip cookies and cold orange slices
🌟 tart beer
🌟 vacuuming with headphones on
🌟 the little areas where the paint job is uneven but there’s a smiley face on the white border
🌟 shaking all the soda cans at a party and waiting for ppl to open them
🌟 smiling at yourself in the mirror
🌟 wondering if you’ve already met who you’re spend the rest of your life w/
🌟 cupcake wrappers that have negative a billion function but are so cute you feel bad taking it off
🌟 balancing a water bottle on your chest while you lie down so you can drink with zero effort and maybe choke
🌟 referencing vines to ppl who don’t get it but you get it
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self-ship-cuteness · 4 years
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"I know you're strong on your own, but it would make me so happy to protect you with everything I've got, little pebble!"
Kirishima Eijirou coming up and breaking my heart strings one smile at a time 🥺🥺❤❤❤❤
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self-ship-cuteness · 4 years
so everyone sees Aizawa as a black coffee guy but tbh I think he probably loads his up w creamer and sugar, while MIC is actually the black coffee guy and has a ton of espresso shots in his.
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self-ship-cuteness · 4 years
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werezawa werezawa werezaw--!!!! 🐺
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self-ship-cuteness · 4 years
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wanted to draw these two scruffy grump boys together
also as a bonus:
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self-ship-cuteness · 4 years
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aizawa time babeey
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self-ship-cuteness · 4 years
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self-ship-cuteness · 4 years
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Couldn’t decide which version to go with. Anyway this was 100% self indulgence. A reward to myself for finishing a batch of commissions. I love him. He’s beautiful. 
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self-ship-cuteness · 4 years
ABO (A) Villain/Mafia Bakugo Katsuki x (O) Reader His Light (Part One)
Word count: 1870
Warnings: Cursing cause of spiky boi. 
Title:  ABO (A) Villain/Mafia Bakugo Katsuki x (O) Reader His Light (Part One)
Summary: Katskui meets an Omega that makes his Alpha settle down. 
(Gif not mine) 
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💥-Things did not go as planned. You were supposed to have your friend meet you at the airport. You were from a small town and one of your friends from high school moved to Musutafu to go to college.
💥-You had planned this entire trip to both see her and check out her college campus to see if you wanted to transfer over. Your parents were against it from the start.
💥-They had raised you in a pretty traditional household so the thought of an Omega going off on their own was unheard of. They wanted you to be accompanied by an Alpha but you left before they had the chance to.  
💥-Things had started off iffy from the moment your plane landed.
💥-Your friend was supposed to meet up with you but she found out she had a test today so she said she had to take that instead. You understood her education was important but leaving you at the airport kinda sucked.
💥-You calmly told her you would think of something before hanging up the phone. You were internally panicking. You quickly located a bus that would take you near the campus.
💥-Once you dragged your luggage and carry-on onto the bus you realized problems would keep coming. A couple of sleaze Beta’s were on board. The spent way too many times accidentally bumping into you during the ride.  
💥-You didn’t feel safe enough getting off the bus until they did so you traveled way farther from the campus then you had planned. When you were finally forced off the bus by the unsympathetic bus driver it was already starting to get dark.
💥-You really felt like crying when you tried to call your friend but your phone straight-up died. So here you were standing under a lamppost that flickered on and off like it was also about to go out.
💥-The sun was long gone and it wasn’t coming back anytime soon.
💥-Your arm was aching from you trying to lug around your luggage in an attempt to figure out just where the heck you were before giving up and stand under the only light lit up on the dark street.
💥-The tightness in your chest intensified. The fact that you were lost and alone in a big city made your throat clog up. Tears burned against your eyes, threatening to fall.
💥-You had all but given up hope before you heard an alleyway door slam closed and a smoky scent of an Alpha nearby wafted to your nose. The smell was comforting and warm.
💥-Without thought, you tried to locate the Alpha. Hope to filling your chest with every step. The smell intensified near a dark alley. You peered down it hoping to see some form of light.
💥-You didn’t want to walk down it but so far it was your only hope. You weren’t completely naive so you left your luggage on the sidewalk. Hoping that if someone found it they would know to look for you.
💥-With a hesitant step, you walked into the dark alley.
💥-Bakugo was leaning against the cold cement wall. He wanted to get away from the hustle and bustle of the bar. It was a good night so multiple villains enjoyed the alcohol and music.
💥-He had his own VIP area just to keep most people out but even there he still had to put up his villainous persona.  His right-hand man Kirishima kept most of them at bay.
💥-When he had enough of the loud music and Beta girls rubbing on him he finally stood up and headed towards the back exit. He pulled out a cigarette and lit one up.
💥-He inhaled the toxic smoke deeply before slowly letting it out. He knew these things were death but right now he couldn’t give a fuck. He needed one every once in a while to calm him down.
💥-Without them, he was sure a few more guys would end up dead. He didn’t particularly enjoy killing, but it was part of the job and it helped relieve a bit of stress.
💥-He was enjoying his stick of death when suddenly his Alpha senses kicked in. He felt a presence to his left, in an instant he had the figure pressed up against the wall with an arm pressed up against their neck.
💥-He realized his mistake too late.
💥-You let out a distressed chirp. Your chest falling up and down at his rough touch. Your teary eyes looking up into his shocked ones. In an instant, he let you go and held you to his chest.
💥-He let out a soft purr.
💥-“I’m sorry, Omega. I couldn’t smell you with the smoke. Are you okay?” He asked, smoothing a hand down your back.
💥-He might have been a villain but that didn’t mean he roughed up Omegas. His mother taught him right. If she saw him now he was sure he would end up dead in the dumpster a few feet away.
💥-“No.” You whimpered, tears finally spilling over.
💥-Today has been a horrible day. Everything just came crashing down on you at once. So while you were wrapped in this warm Alpha’s embrace you fell apart. Sobs racked your chest and you felt like you couldn’t breathe.
💥-“Shh. No none of that. Tell me what’s wrong, Omega.” He cooed, rubbing your back even more.
💥-“It has just been a really bad day.” You cried, trying to focus on his gentle purrs to help calm you down.
💥-“I can understand that. Wanna tell me why?” He prodded, his Alpha eager to help calm the Omega in any way he could.
💥-With tearful eyes and a wobbly voice, you told him about your day. Once you had gotten it out you felt slightly better. You nuzzled more into his embrace even after you felt settled enough to pull away.
💥-“That does sound like a pretty shit day.” He rumbled, looking down at your tear-stained face.
💥-The thought of those Betas made his Alpha snarl in blood lust. He didn’t think too highly of your friend but he shoved those thoughts aside.
💥-Your warm eyes made his heart race and pulse thump. He was used to being the villain but with you looking up at him with such warm eyes he felt like a hero. He still felt like shit for shoving you up against the wall so he couldn’t fully enjoy the warm feeling he felt.
💥-“Yeah.” You mumbled, wiping away the tears on your face.
💥-Bakugo was upset he didn’t get the chance to do it himself. With a soft purr, he finally pulled away. He didn’t want to but he knew he had to get you sorted.
💥-“Are you hungry? I can have my men make you something.” He asked, putting a hand on your back, leading you into his bar. You softly nodded before walking in.
💥-He came in right after you but before the door closed he tossed out his carton of cigarettes. He didn’t think he would be needing them anytime soon. And he might not care about dying anytime soon but he would be damned if you had to breath in his second-hand smoke.
💥-He had told a few of his men to go out and get your luggage. You sat in an empty booth across from him shoving food into your mouth. He didn’t want to admit that the sight caused his Alpha to settle.
💥-Usually, his Alpha was pacing around in an agitated mood but in your presence, he felt calm.
💥-“When you are done I will take you to your friend’s college.” He said, leaning back against the booth, spreading his arms out on the frame.
💥-You had to admit you were slightly embarrassed about breaking down into this Alpha’s arm. Under the lights of the club, he looked nothing short of intimidating. You almost didn’t believe he was the soft Alpha comforting you in the dark alleyway.  
💥-You saw bits of his soft side when he walked back to the table with a steaming plate and told you to be careful on the hot dish. You saw it in the way he went behind the bar and grabbed a glass and a canned soda to bring back to the booth.
💥-He opened and poured it into the glass in front of you just so you wouldn’t have to worry about what could possibly be in it. He didn’t rush you, he was content scrolling through his phone while waiting for you to finish eating.
💥-He honestly didn’t want you to leave.
💥-When it was finally time for you to go he asked Kirishima if he could borrow his car. He had driven to the bar on his motorcycle and the thought of you riding on one made his Alpha stand up and growl in warning.
💥-He swore he was gonna get rid of the thing as soon as he got back home. His mom would be happy to see it go. She was always worried she would get a call to find out he had crashed it and ended up in a ditch.
💥-Kirishima was more than happy to lend his car, calling up Denki to pick him up. Once he had made sure your stuff was put into the car and you were buckled up before he pulled that car away from the curb.
💥-You sat in slightly awkward silence the entire car ride. He didn’t know what to say and you didn’t know how to thank him. When he pulled up to the campus and turned off the car he knew it was time to say goodbye to you.
💥-“Do you want me to walk you to your friend’s dorm?” He asked, his Alpha silently hoping he would get to stay with you a bit longer.
💥-“No, it is fine. She told me where to go from here. I wouldn’t want to take up more of your night.” You responded, reaching for the door handle.
💥-He nodded, trying to reign in his Alpha who was already pacing angrily at the thought of your upcoming absence. He hopped out of the car and came around to help you pull out your luggage from the car.
💥-“I guess this is goodbye.” He remarked, leaning against the car so he didn’t pull you into his arms again.
💥-“Yeah. Thank you for everything.” You peered up into his ruby eyes, gripping the handle of your luggage a little tighter.
💥-“Yeah.” He breathed, he knew you didn’t belong in his dark and tainted world, and he didn’t belong to your bright and spotless one.
💥-“Do you want to give me your number so I can treat you to coffee or something? I would really like to thank you for what you did today.” You offered, shyly looking at him.
💥-He didn’t care that he didn’t belong. His world might be dark and tainted but with you, in it, it seemed a little brighter a little less cloudy. He knew it was selfish but he couldn’t give up his light.
💥-“Yeah, sure.” He agreed.
My cat totally almost deleted this whole thing. I was about to shut my laptop and go to bed if she did. Anyways, I had so much fun writing this. I hope you guys enjoy it! 💗💗
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self-ship-cuteness · 4 years
This can help you make a difference between shots in my masterlist:
Smut: It has not only sex but also slices of life, and there are described feelings and other things. Those will be the longest shots. 
Porn: Starts with sex and ends with sex. It’s centered around the action itself, little to no feelings described. (4 to 5 pages)
Drabble: short scenario written on the spur of the moment ( usually up to 3 pages at max.)
Eros and Psyche: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]
Genre & Warnings: Romance, fantasy!AU, smut, slight angst, fluff
Tags: Vanilla, fingering, vaginal penetration
Summary: Inspired by the Greek Legend of Eros and Psyche.
2. The Prince and the Empress: [1] [2] [3 -coming soon]
Genre & Warnings: Romance, fantasy!AU, fluff, comedy-ish, slight yandere behavior.
Tags: none
Summary: A story in which Shouto is a bratty prince and wants the Empress. 
3. Mommy: One-shot 
Genre & Warnings: Romance, Smut, fluff
Tags: Somnophilia, Praise kink, mommy kink, cunnilingus, vaginal penetration
Summary: Shouto is turned into a child, and s/o has to take care of him.
4. Tease: One-shot 
Genre & Warnings: Porn 
Tags: oral (giving and receiving), deep throat, blowjob, vaginal sex, dirty talk, rough sex, spanking, anal fingering
Summary: You decide to tease Shouto during class. Bad idea. 
5. Let me love you: One-shot 
Genre & Warnings: Fluff, smut, romance (?)
Tags: blowjob, handjob, shower sex, semi-public
Summary: Shouto accidentally walks into the girl’s showers.
6. Needy: One-shot
Genre & Warnings: yandere-ish themes
Tags: none
Summary: In which you are the controlling one and Shouto is the needy/submissive partner
7. Friday Night: One-shot
Genre&Warnings: Fluff, slight angst(?), smut
Tags: blowjob, handjob, sub!Shouto, cowgirl, vaginal penetration, dry humping
Summary: Every Friday night you have a special routine. But What happens when Shouto crushes it? Oh, I’ll tell you: SEX.
8. Mania: One-shot 
Genre&Warnings: Fluff, slight yandere themes, smut
Tags: dubious consent yet consensual, blowjob, vaginal penetration, dom!shouto
Summary: In which Shouto is jealous and is ready to do anything he can to keep you to himself. 
9. Rude: One-shot    part 2 
Genre&Warnings: Crack-fic(?), swearing
Tags: none
Summary: You don’t approve of the arranged marriage, and try to be as rude as possible.
10. Greedy: One-shot 
Genre&Warnings: Porn (domestic at the very end)
Tags: fingering, cunnilingus, spanking, vaginal penetration, creampie, implied breeding kink.
Summary: Just Shouto being your horny husband.
11. Sex tape: One-shot 
Genre & Warnings: Porn
Tags: blowjob, cunnilingus, dirty talk, spanking, vaginal penetration, mirror sex, slight choking.
Summary: The title says it dear. 
12. Midnight affair: One-shot
Genre & Warnings: Fantasy/Renaissance!AU, Smut, Romance,
Tags: blowjob, cunnilingus, vaginal penetration
Summary: Shouto is a prince that is fascinated by mythical creatures. During a hang out with his friends, he encounters an Elf, and he cannot avoid falling for her.
13. Mistletoe: One-shot 
Genre &Warnings: drabble
Tags: none
14. Of Groceries and Panties: one-shot
Genre&Warnings: Crack-fic(?), swearing, drabble
Tags: none
15. Coequal: one-shot 
Genre&Warnings: Fantasy!AU
Tags: none
1. That’s my seat: [1], [2]
Genre & Warnings: Smut, slight angst(?), fluff
Tags: cunnilingus, slight dry humping. 
Summary: In which Bakugou and s/o fight over a seat.
2. The Kinky Bookworm: [1] [2]
Genre & Warnings: fluff, smut
Tags: slight dry humping, blowjob, dirty talk, vaginal penetration
Summary: Bakugou is punished with library duty for two weeks, and during that time he gets closer to s/o, someone he considered to be just an extra. 
3. Lust: One-shot. 
Genre & Warnings: Smut, fluff
Tags:  fingering, oral (giving & receiving), deep throat, shameless shit, read at your own risk.
Summary: S/o is a horny woman with a shitty sexual life; Bakugou, like the good friend he is, decides to help her out. 
4. Speechless: One-shot
Genre & Warnings: Domestic, Fluff, song-based scenario
Tags: none
Summary: Inspired by the song Dan + Shay - Speechless
5. Break up with your girlfriend: One-shot 
Genre & Warnings: Angst, song-based drabble
Tags: none
Summary: inspired by Ariana Grande – Break up with your boyfriend.  
6. Lunch Break: One-shot 
Genre&Warnings: Porn
Tags: Handjob, Blow job, cock worship (?)
Summary: Just you sucking off Bakugou instead of eating
7. Mommy: One-shot 
Genre & Warnings: Slice of life, Smut, fluff
Tags: dry humping, handjob, cunnilingus, fem!dom,  praise kink, mommy kink. 
Summary: Bakugou is turned into a child, and s/o has to take care of him.
8. Babyface: One-shot 
Genre & Warnings: Mature, Smut
Tags: quickie, light handjob, vaginal penetration, wall sex
Summary: In which Bakugou likes you but thinks you’re a minor due to your babyface and rejects all your advances.
9. Lovebirds: One-shot
Genre & Warnings: Slice of Life, Fluff (kind of), bakusquad being nosy af, drabble
Tags: none
10. Complicated: One-shot
Genre & Warnings: slice of life, fluff, age gap (for reference, Bakugou is 19 while you’re 25)
Tags: some touchin’ but nothing too explicit, implied sexual activity.
1. Ugly Christmas sweater: One-shot 
Genre &Warnings: AU, fluff, drabble
Tags: none
2. Dumb Texts: [1]
3. What nobody knows: One-shot
Genre & Warnings: Slice of life, smut, fluff
Tags: masturbation, cunnilingus, vaginal penetration, blowjob, light bondage, cockwarming
Summary: In which nobody knows that you have an affair with a criminal.
4. Promised: One-shot
Genre & Warnings: Angst, Fluff, arranged marriage!AU, romance, Yakuza!AU(?)
Tags: none
Summary: Your wedding with Overhaul
5. Babydoll: One-shot 
Genre & Warnings: Porn + a sprinkle of fluff
Tags: blowjob, fingering, vaginal penetration, pretty much vanilla
Summary: Overhaul loses his V card
6. Of Love and Crimes: [A date gone wrong]; 
Genre & Warnings: Comedy, Police procedural, romance, fluff, mentions of death, mentions of drugs, eventual smut, stand-alone shots
Tags: none
Summary: Inspired by Brooklyn 99
7. Sugar baby: One-shot
Genre & Warnings: Smut, sugar daddy/sugar baby dynamic (kind of)
Tags: dry humping, light spanking, blowjob, clothed sex
8. Stress Relief: one-shot (coming soon)
Genre & Warnings: Porn
Tags: Fully clothed, Handjob, Blow job, cock worship
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Todoroki x Reader x Bakugou (poly)
1. Sugar and Spice: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]
Genre & Warnings: Romance, slight angst(?), fluff, smut
Tags: Double penetration, verbal humiliation, slight dry humping, blowjob
Summary: Bakugou falls in love at first sight, but later finds out that s/o is already in a relationship.  
2. Mommy: One-shot (coming soon)
Genre & Warnings: Slice of life, fluff, love rivalry, smut
Tags: dry humping, handjob, blowjob, cunnilingus, fem!dom,  praise kink, mommy kink, double penetration, somnophilia, dub-con yet consensual.
Summary: Bakugou and Todoroki got turned into kids, and it’s up to you to take care of them.
HC:  Todoroki with a s/o with braces
HC: Todoroki and Bakugou (sep) jealous of you spending time with the other
HC: Todoroki with a s/o who works at a flower shop 
HC: Todoroki with a s/o who works at a coffee shop
HC: Todo x Reader x Bakugou (poly) with a s/o who owns a flower shop 
HC: Midoriya with a S/o that hates him at first
HC: Bakugou with a s/o that asks him on a date 
HC: Shouto with a s/o that is scared of her quirk
HC: Bakugou with an s/o that uses him as a reference for her drawings + brother Shinsou
HC: Todoroki with a s/o than can see spirits 
HC: Overhaul in a quirkless!AU
Random stuff/opinions
Overhaul as a virgin
Overhaul preferences when it comes to s/o’s style
Baku and Todo with Fairy!reader
Artists Appreciation Post
What kind of lingerie they enjoy: [Overhaul]  [Todoroki]  [Bakugou]
Drunk Chisaki 
Reacting to s/o sending nudes
The boys as cats
Updated on 11/02/2020
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self-ship-cuteness · 4 years
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Hawks from my music!au, where is he the biggest star and bad-ass 😏
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