seltzerizfriend 6 months
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my own calendar from what has already happened in March
the way things went: remembered cal trackers exist and then forgot again. relapsed then took a break and now i'm back really deep into it
found my calorie tracking calendars for this month and next month!
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seltzerizfriend 6 months
found my calorie tracking calendars for this month and next month!
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seltzerizfriend 6 months
looking for more 18+ edblr mutuals reblog if you鈥檙e active and 18+!!
i feel uncomfortable following minors and am looking for more moots :)
active: august 2023
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seltzerizfriend 6 months
can yall reblog this post if ur an ed blog? my dash is lowkey dead lol and i need more moots :)
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seltzerizfriend 6 months
i've returned
which is not exactly the type of post one is looking for on this type of blog
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seltzerizfriend 1 year
i am so fucking bad at doing things for more than 2 days in a row
However, while I was off not doing things, I was thinking about why I'm back here on this side of tumblr, and its more because other people want me to be skinny and I don't really know how to do so in any other ways. During my recovery, I got over a fuckton of internalised fatphobia and now I'm pretty happy with what my body looks like. After saying all this, I am going on indefinite hiatus (will this be recovery? i don't know, i don't think i truly relapsed) but i will not be deleting this blog as I do expect to find myself back here at some point. Stay safe, everyone!
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seltzerizfriend 1 year
fatphobia is pathetic; sure we can hate ourselves, but hating someone else for their body ? fuck off, no. keep other people out of your misery.
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seltzerizfriend 1 year
Logs for August 22 & 23
I'm combining these two and not putting that much effort in because I can barely generate enough joules of energy to not fall asleep sitting up.
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August 22: Got in a good workout in the morning and studied for three hours for my precalc exam. However, I got a little more tired (mentally more so than physically) towards the evening and wasn't able to do as much studying as I wanted.
Breakfast (0950):
Oatmeal, 258 cals
Lunch (1410):
Deviled eggs, 185 cals
Buckwheat with relish, 194 cals (honestly if you haven't tried buckwheat yet its a great safe food and I highly recommend it because its low in cals (155 for a cup), filling, and nutritious. unfortunately it can be pretty expensive and difficult to find in the usa in my experience)
Sausage, 180 cals
Yogurt, 90 cals
Total: 622 cals
Snack? (1430):
Despite having a rather substantial meal, I was still hungry 20 minutes after eating and I decided to have a bit more food since I was still under and I hadn't eaten that much for a few days beforehand. Unfortunately, I did not stop to wait another 20 minutes after eating my first snack and right away started eating to satiety. This could be counted as a b*nge, but when I b*nge I usually premeditate it more or I completely lose control, and none of those things happened here so I am not counting it as one despite going over my cals for the day.
Bagel, 246 cals
Cream cheese, 100 cals
Chicken nuggets, 475 cals
Condiments, 83 cals
Protein bars, 420 cals
Milk, 163 cals
Total: 1487 cals
Dinner (2050):
Raspberries, 10 cals
Day total: 2377 cals
45 minutes of various bodyweight exercises, 201 cals
Net total: 2176
August 23:
I had my precalculus exam in the morning, I don't think I did great but I think I passed. After that, I practiced my driving for a bit. I was planning to go for a walk, practice my languages, and go to karate, but I started having horrendous period cramps even with medication and was unable to do any physical activity so I just laid in a hot bath for 3 hours instead.
Breakfast (0800):
Oatmeal, 258 cals
Oat milk, 45 cals (i'm a big milk fan, but it does have quite a bit of calories even if its fat free (and i can't really stomach the taste and texture of fat free milk in the first place) and this delivers the texture without the calories. unfortunately its not as sweet as cow milk because that has lactose, a sugar, and this was unsweetened. but still it was pretty good and i can definitely get used to it)
Total: 303 cals
Lunch (1245):
Crab casserole, 295 cals
Banana, 121 cals
Total: 416 cals
Dinner (1915):
Egg salad, 316 cals
Seaweed salad, 15 cals
Lettuce, 4 cals (i am a guy who eats lettuce raw and plain and have been told that this is a red flag)
Banana, 121 cals
Total: 456 cals
Net total: 1175 cals
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seltzerizfriend 1 year
So fucking tired of always being the fat one at every place I go.
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seltzerizfriend 1 year
Hello new followers! And old followers!
And now for the meat of this message: I'm going to post my log/report for August 22 tomorrow because it took me way too fucking long yesterday and I'm already late for bed now. Stay safe!
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seltzerizfriend 1 year
can yall reblog this post if ur an ed blog? my dash is lowkey dead lol and i need more moots :)
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seltzerizfriend 1 year
August 21
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Altogether, today was a very productive day. I woke up pretty early for this summer and I went to the gym in the morning. I studied a lot for my pre calculus test (feeling much better about it now!) and also was able to devote over an hour to studying languages. On top of that, I completed all my dailies on .... .- -... .. - .. -.-. .- (its a habit tracking app/website, I just don't want this post occurring when someone searches for it on tumblr). Unfortunately, I did no go to karate today, but passing my pre calc exam is a little more important, especially since I already went to the gym.
Lunch (1315):
Nectarine, 60 cals
Oatmeal, 258 cals
Total: 318 cals
Snack (1740):
3 cherry tomatoes, 16 cals
4 deviled eggs, 158 cals
Glass of milk, 163 cals
Fortune cookie, 30 cals
Total: 367 cals
Dinner (2050):
Protein shake, 561 cals
Day Total: 1246 cals
I walked to the gym and back (30 mins) and burned 161 cals doing so. At the gym, I warmed up on a stationary bike for 15 minutes (209 cals), then I did an hour of various bodyweight exercises (268 cals) before running.
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Week 6 Day of C25K
The run didn't go too great, I probably was lacking energy from not eating much the past two days (read: not at all), so I mainly speedwalked and still managed to cover over 2 miles.
Total exercise: 985 cals
Net Total: 261 cals
0 notes
seltzerizfriend 1 year
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Been a rough few days lately, but hopefully I can finally get the willpower and energy to turn it all around. I didn't actually eat anything after my binge at like 3 am because I started feeling a little unwell (love having chronic gi issues) so I fasted for the rest of the day (with the exception of a small bit of yogurt and toast).
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seltzerizfriend 1 year
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To commemorate my . -.. returning, I shall be trying to follow these four images as diligently as possible from August 21 to September 19 (which shall certainly be a great task as my adhd forbids me from formulating routines without outside enforcement). I got these images from tumblr and pintrest and if anyone wants to join in, feel free!
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seltzerizfriend 1 year
You can call me Ahab and I use it/its pronouns. I am 18.
I've had disordered eating habits since October 2014, but I was in recovery from September 2021~June 2023, and now I've relapsed, so here I am, back to posting questionable diet content on tumblr (pretty sure my old blog was called @/a-lad-named-mia).
Mainly going to be posting updates about how my progress is going
Original posts will be tagged seltzer thoughts
sw: 240 (got over my fear of the scale one time. Will it happen again? Who knows (likely not))
gw: 145 (not super low for my height but I don't really want to lose muscle mass)
DNI: people 21+, racists, fascists, anti-semites, transphobes, people who are against neopronouns, ableists, fatphobes (your mental illness gives you no excuse to be shitty to fat people), & non-ed blogs (if yours is a sideblog that's fine, just shoot me an ask first)
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