sereneshymn · 1 day
And I Thought, I'm Alive
The first thing in front of his eyes when he comes to is an ornate stone ceiling, though his vision is far too blurry and unfocused to make out any details, nor does he try to. His body, still beholden to the law of nature in spite of his feelings, continues to take the weak, shallow breaths in its very last attempt to keep on living, and through that small movement, he can feel the fine silks surrounding him for comfort.
His exhausted eyes do not recognize the room. This is not Lord Hetzel’s mansion. Maybe he was caught by another Senator.
It doesn’t matter.
With the next breath he takes, his arm moves slightly, and at the edge of his mind, he registers the grains of sand in his sleeve. Sand. Why sand. Where sand…
Where was he. Where is he.
It doesn’t matter.
He is alive. Why is he alive. He should not be alive. He does not want to be a—
Behind the door, two voices reach him, quiet and muffled. One belongs to a woman, one to a man. Bits and pieces reach his exhausted mind through the fog in a disorderly manner.
“— — changes?”
“No, — doesn’t — react — — all.”
“— try. I’m not — — give up —”
The door then creaks quietly open. Steps – someone walks in. He doesn’t move. It doesn’t matter.
Within his blurry vision appears a woman’s head, surrounded by locks of lilac hair and adorned with pointy ears. One eye is covered by an eyepatch; the other looks at him softly and gently, trying to find him and connect with him.
His blank eyes stare through her, empty, unfocused, half-closed – as though he is not here at all.
“— — hear me?”
She raises her hand, and soon he feels her fingers stroking gently his hair and the side of his head. The feeling is pleasant. Even in its shattered state, his mind can register the genuine concern and care behind the gesture. It continues to reject them all, however.
She speaks again. “Can you hear me?”
He can, but he doesn’t answer. (It doesn’t matter.)
He feels her other hand moving to hold his own feeble fingers. Through that gesture, he feels how warm she is – or rather, perhaps, how cold he has become. Her hand is strong, reliable, stabilizing. Trying to offer him something to hold on to, to save himself from falling into the void.
He doesn’t want to.
She speaks to him again, to no avail. However, after a moment of troubled silence, she seems to get a new idea.
Perhaps he simply didn’t understand. Or perhaps her words cannot reach him for some other reason.
So, she switches languages.
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The moment she speaks again in the melodious language of the ancients, a tremble passes through him. The sound of home, the sound of family, the sound of the forest – it rings in his ears. It reverberates all the way through his body, down to the very depths of his shattered heart, filling every corner of his broken mind with warmth.
It shakes the next breath he takes, turning it into a gasp for air – his body’s first weak, desperate attempt to connect.
(Does it matter?)
Eventually, two tears slowly roll down the sides of his head. Her fingers gently wipe them away, and finally, after she softly rubs his eyelids, his eyes flutter open again – and this time, he sees her.
────── ❀•°❀°•❀ ──────
Slowly, bit by bit, the world around him begins to take shape again.
He eventually understands that he somehow crossed the Desert of Death and found himself in the kingdom of Hatari, home to wolf laguz, and that his savior’s name is Nailah and she is their queen.
It takes a few more days before, through a labored whisper, he manages to also give her his name.
He learns that in this place, laguz, beorc and parentless live together in harmony. He doesn’t want to believe it at first, but later he remembers that multiple times, his food and water have been brought to him by beorc – and not once has he overheard them discussing his market price.
Queen Nailah quickly figures out his dietary needs. Assorted fruit, mashed into a pudding for easy swallowing, slowly but surely restores his fragile body’s strength with each passing day. She personally gives him water, as well; an assistant carefully holds up his head, while she brings the cup to his lips.
Days go by calmly, surrounded by light and the idle chatter of the castle life. Nights are still difficult, however. Sometimes he has to be woken up, because he cries in his sleep. Other times, he won’t stop screaming.
One night, he cannot calm down, no matter how hard he tries, no matter what they say and do to try and comfort him. Every time he closes his eyes, he sees devastation. His mind warps the voices of those around him into the pleas and agony of his kin.
Eventually, they send for Queen Nailah, and after some time, she finally manages to wake him.
What do you see in your dreams, she asks. He looks down at her hands, holding his, ready and willing to support him and the burden he carries. Still, he hesitates, the words struggling to pass through his throat. He takes a deep breath. A long while of silence passes before he can bring himself to acknowledge what exactly it is that he left behind – that he had originally thought would claim him, just as it did everything and everyone he loved.
Finally, two tears roll down his face as he whispers:
Fire. And death.
And then he breaks down.
────── ❀•°❀°•❀ ──────
Days continue to pass, and his strength continues to return. It seems as though the day he told his tale and washed his soul and memory with tears was a day of awakening.
Slowly, day by day, he grows to understand that he’s going to survive. And with that, for the first time since his arrival in this new world – he has long lost track of exactly how much time has passed, he can only guess it should be counted in weeks – the thought of getting out of bed crosses his mind.
Through the last remnants of the fog in his mind, he still remembers the time he had no intention, no will to carry on. And still, he cannot help but wonder: what is a worse affront to the departed? To keep going instead of joining them? Or to waste the new life with which he had been blessed?
He inhales, and then he raises his head. He digs up his arms from under the silks and slowly, as though it is an excruciating effort, he supports his upper body – first on his elbows, then his hands. He can feel the weight of his wings – weak, useless, dragging him down.
Still, he manages to sit up. Then, he moves his legs. Slowly, he pushes them through the bedsheets, until finally, for the first time in forever, his feet touch the ground.
He gasps, and two tears fall on his lap. Slowly, stiffly, he wipes them with his sleeve. I'm sorry, everyone. But I'm staying.
After a while, he manages to call for an assistant. A Wolf laguz soon arrives, lending him his strength to help him walk. It’s difficult, but he perseveres, stubbornly taking one step after the next.
It is tremendous, exhausting effort, to live again after waiting for death for so long.
As soon as they’re outside, he needs to rest. The Wolf carefully sets him down on the grass, and he takes slow, deep breaths, taking in the sun and the fresh air. He has almost forgotten how they felt.
In the broad daylight, he looks horrendously pale. Even though it’s warm, his body trembles – another assistant comes with a blanket, covering his arms and back. His wings are spread carelessly on the ground, a few feathers having already fallen off as he moved.
But on his face, there is a faint shade of a smile, and through the labored breaths, he raises his tear-filled eyes to the sky, understanding, and at long last, accepting:
he’s alive.
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sereneshymn · 17 days
To dearest Elincia,
Your declaration and promise of friendship fill my heart with great joy and gratitude. To me, few things in this world matter more than beloved family and cherished friends that one can always depend on. I do hope that you are aware the feelings are mutual, and will also think of me should you ever find yourself in need of a friend's support.
My impression so far is that the Academy, being the prestigious institution that it is, has great expectations placed upon it and places them upon its students in turn - and the majority of the young souls here are brimming with enthusiasm and determination to fulfill them. I find this to be something of a double-edged sword - of course, it is wonderful that they wish to do their best and most of them need not be pushed or forced into it, but they must remember not to neglect their health and safety, something I find all too easy for some to do...
None of them are currently giving me what I would consider anything close to trouble, but please, do look out for them when you have the chance. It would be such a shame to lose such brimming enthusiasm and potential to exhaustion and burnout.
The ball was truly wonderful, and that is with me arriving late and thus missing a part of it. It certainly introduced me to a few new, interesting faces - and as I now dwell at the monastery, I encounter more still on a regular basis. I cannot say I am short on company, indeed - but if you know of people you believe I should meet, by all means, I would be more than happy to arrange something! I would say this goes both ways, but with how long you have been around here, I doubt I could have run into someone you have not.
I would not overthink the learning and teaching question, personally. We learn our entire lives - I have lived more than four of your lifetimes, and how much I still continue to learn myself! However, at the same time, I believe everyone has knowledge and experience to impart upon others, and that without a doubt includes you! Even setting aside the more practical matters of running a country, you can teach them kindness, solidarity, respect and the strength of determination. And if you say that that IS what you wish to teach them? I think they would be hard-pressed to find someone better.
A seminar guest, you say? I have not yet attended any seminars at all myself, so I should first pay a visit and see what it entails... but perhaps, if you think I could provide something of use to the students, I could give it a try! Could you tell me how you plan and construct your seminars for example, perhaps?
Looking forward to your next reply.
Warmest regards, Rafiel
Stars in the Same Sky || Rafiel & Elincia
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sereneshymn · 17 days
Alfred's greeting was met with a warm smile from Rafiel. "Thank you, I will. And of course, same to you. As an infirmary assistant, I still have quite a lot to learn, but I help wherever and however I can."
To one such as him, after all, few things shone brighter than the cheerful summer's sun and the smiles of those to whom he was able to reach out with a helping hand.
Alfred seemed quite enthusiastic about the question Rafiel had posed, and the Heron happily allowed him to speak freely of that which ignites a spark in his heart, without interrupting him. Only when the young man finished and took a pause did he nod, his smile warm and made warmer still through Alfred's joy.
"Retainer, you say? I take it to mean you're someone of higher standing, then?... In any case, it's good to see young people practicing healthy habits. Health is such a precious thing, and too often are those forgotten until it's too late..."
Although, as the other voiced his proposal, Rafiel could not help but chuckle sheepishly. Well, that was perhaps somewhat rich coming from him of all people.
"Haha... I appreciate the invitation, but I do not believe I could accompany you. I cannot run with any reasonable speed or for any extended distance... We Herons are, well, we're exceptionally frail beings by nature, and there is little to be done about it, I fear." He sighed, shaking his head - although his smile remained still. "I was told my brother once punched a man in a fit of anger, but all he achieved was breaking multiple bones in his own hand... to give you an idea."
It was only in that moment that his serene expression faded a hint.
"... And after an illness ravaged my body, I grew even weaker than I had been previously. I cannot even fly anymore."
Keep Going, Keep Smiling || Rafiel & Alfred
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sereneshymn · 18 days
@thelightofcreation ; Gauntlet +1
If Rafiel were a more disillusioned and embittered person than he is capable of being, he would probably think something along the lines of sometimes the gods just like to pull a fast one on you.
But he isn't, so all he does at first is stare blankly in silence, unsure as to what would be appropriate for him to say.
This was supposed to be nothing more than a normal, everyday walk. In between shifts at the infirmary, Rafiel enjoys getting some fresh air, although usually, he does not have enough time to visit the woods, and must satisfy himself with a simple walk around the courtyard. With some extra free time today, the chance was perfect to breathe in the aura of the forest, which, in spite of the time he has spent living in the desert among Queen Nailah's folk, is still the first place he will always name when asked about his home.
He did not expect this walk to turn into an encounter with a face from the past. Both his own, and that of his family as a whole. An encounter he did not expect to ever happen, and whether it is a good or a bad one, he is not entirely decided on.
(He recalls Father describing that one's soul as shattered. He can understand why, now. But can he do anything to help?)
It takes a moment before he speaks.
"Lord Lehran," he says, his voice calm and quiet. He pauses briefly, before correcting himself. "Or do you perhaps prefer Sephiran? You seem distressed... Has something happened?"
A Little Violence. As a Treat || Rafiel & Sephiran
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sereneshymn · 18 days
@egittae ; Riding +1
Rafiel, of course, has ample experience being around wolves. More than he ever expected to get in his younger years - after all, the mere existence of Wolf Laguz was a fact known to none. More, too, than an average person would have, he imagines. Not your regular wolves, either - exceptionally large ones, powerful beyond compare, big enough to ride on comfortably, smart, crafty and highly intelligent. In his case, capable of speech, sometimes in multiple languages.
All in all, the kind of wolves that most people would likely approach with a high dose of fear; to them, they've been friends, or almost more like a surrogate family. They took him in when he had nothing and no one else, after all. For that reason, he has fondness for them, too - even though he is fully aware the Academy's wolves are not quite the same. They are no laguz, of course, and he knows that.
But he still loves and appreciates them all the same, for they remind him of the only light he had in his life for twenty long years. And perhaps these pups are able to sense his positive feelings towards them, surrounding him while he sits on the floor, pushing themselves onto his lap as he carefully brushes their soft fur one after another, or playing off to the side, nibbling on his feathers, eliciting soft chuckling from him.
That is how someone would find him, were they to enter the kennel in this very moment. Rafiel stirs at the sound of the noise before looking up to see a tall, blonde man coming in. A few pups, curious, roll towards the entrance to examine the newcomer.
The Heron smiles and nods in greeting.
"Oh, hello. Here to look after the pups as well? I'm Rafiel, please come in... Helping hands would be appreciated, it's almost feeding time."
Pubby......... || Rafiel & Lambert
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sereneshymn · 24 days
Activity Check: August 2024
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Status: passed
Skill points gained: - Knowledge Gem (Faith: C ½ → C+) - Activity (Authority: C → C ½)
Total: 2; 9 → 11
Obtained: - Knowledge Gem, Hand Maiden's Mirror, Blank Pages, Ebon Ribbon (Happyland 2024; claim pending)
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sereneshymn · 29 days
Yuri's words and smile are met with a soft chuckle, equally apologetic in nature. "No offense taken, I am incapable of combat, so in small teams and enclosed spaces I am often more liability than I am help." Brutal honesty, perhaps, but there is no time, place and need to sugarcoat it. Here and now, facts are what maters. He nods.
"If you'd rather I withdraw and check more of the lower floor, that is what I'll do. I'll be careful, and you remember to take care of yourself... I do apologize for being of little help."
Of course, not the first time his ability and constitution prevent him from doing less than many others would be able to. But it stings harder than usual when Yuri has no one else to turn to, except for him. At the very least, however, Rafiel has full faith that the skilled youth will be fine still.
With that in mind, he does as they had planned, returning downstairs. Wary of the monsters still prowling around, he opts to examine first and foremost the immediate area. Two rooms, previously locked, now open their doors before him without any more resistance; he finds a few trinkets in the first, while the second, smaller room, offers a more comfortable environment to rest and take a proper break, with its peace, quiet, and a soft carpet to sit on. Rafiel decides to do just that, sitting with his legs close to his chest and his wings wrapped around him, wondering quietly about the adventures of the last weeks.
He is not sure how much time passes before the door handle moves again, and he perks up. At the sight of the familiar lilac head, he smiles.
"You're back. Glad to see you're safe. Why don't we rest for a while?"
And with that, they take a break, chatting in between the verses of Heron songs.
— Thread End
   ❛ stone cog ii, north island — yuri & rafiel
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sereneshymn · 1 month
Though there is still a bit of distance between them, Rafiel needs not any further explanation for the gesture Yuri gives him. Looks like this time, the adventure spans between multiple floors. It looks like they have acquired everything that their current location will allow, and at this point the most natural next step is to press forward.
Rafiel takes his time to carefully sneak around the wolf patrolling the hallway. It's a little funny, really - he has more experience with enormous wolves than most people could ever claim, and yet that does not make approaching this one any easier. Though he supposes that the knowledge this one is hostile is a good explanation indeed. Luckily, he manages to make his way across just behind his back, and it does not give chase, even in spite of his wings letting out a clearly audible hum. How peculiar, truly. Not a single one of Nailah's kin would fall for so amateur an attempt. A freshborn pup would have captured him.
And yet, he makes it past the beast, rendezvousing with Yuri on the upper floor. Probably best not to overthink it.
When Yuri points out the other doors, Rafiel tilts his head lightly, his expression, though still calm and serene, now displaying mild concern.
"We could try, perhaps, although who knows what dangers may await us behind them... If you don't think the keys will fit, perhaps..."
Rafiel flinches at the sudden sound, freezing for a moment, before looking to his companion.
"... Or maybe I jinxed it."
His eyes land on one of the nearest door handles, deliberating briefly, before something else catches his attention. He closes his eyes and focuses his other senses, before opening them again and turning to Yuri again. The smile, previously faint, is all but gone now.
"I hear voices. We are not alone on this floor."
A pause.
"... And that heavy breathing does not belong to a human."
   ❛ stone cog ii, north island — yuri & rafiel
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sereneshymn · 1 month
When he was here last, the "adventure" ended with him snatched by one of the monsters and his vision eventually fading to black, only to find himself back on Central Island shortly after as though nothing happened. He still doesn't know exactly what that was about, he was well and truly convinced that was going to be the end of him. It evidently wasn't, but by the Goddess, this place is not good for his poor heart.
So why, in the name of blessed Yune's flight feathers, is he back here again now? That he doesn't know either, it certainly wasn't a choice made by him. The one silver lining in the situation is the now familiar face accompanying him on this hopeless endeavor.
"Yuri," Rafiel responds to the greeting with a nod and, in spite of the everything, flashes him a light smile. Even a brief chuckle escapes him in response to the other's remark, though one could almost describe it as pained. "Certainly, we should see about that in the future..."
But nothing to be done about that. The lilac-haired youth proceeds, and the Heron follows him, resolved to do whatever he can to help them both get out of here in a hopefully better manner than how he did it last time. At the mention of the key and an exploration needed to try and find it, Rafiel shakes his head lightly once Yuri mentions monsters. "Um, haha... if I could leave this to you, I would be grateful. I'll... see about taking a look around here. Please, be careful."
Yuri sneaks past the wolf, prompting the Heron to hold his breath for a moment - but they are successful, and vanish from his sight behind the corner soon after, leaving him to his own devices. He does indeed, as he said, examine the immediate area - but between the locked door and the wolf patrolling the hall his companion disappeared into, he comes empty-handed, though it is not as if he had expectations. In the end, he sits curled up in the corner of the first room, waiting, praying and humming a melody to himself to calm down.
He doesn't know how much time has passed by the time something glitters in the corner of his eye, and he picks it up, blinking in confusion at what appears to be a key, having suddenly manifested out of thin air before him.
... He's not going to ask.
Getting up, Rafiel tests the newly acquired key on the locked door, and indeed, it now stands open. He finds a packet in the next room - some kind of shroud, perhaps to help hide from the monsters - and chooses to take it with him as he moves on. The other door leading out of this room also opens with the same key, and he finds himself in a broader hallway. Behind the stone walls, he can see a ghoul, identical to the ones from last week, including the one that snatched him - and gulps, but forces his legs to move.
The monster is, luckily, easy for him to avoid, and he makes it past, taking notice of another door at the end. Once again, the key fits. Inside is a narrow corridor, and at the end of it, a small table. And on it... another key.
... Okay?
Doing his best to ignore the headache induced by the increasing confusion, Rafiel takes it and exits. With not much more to do around here, he decides to turn back and rendezvous with Yuri, successfully finding a few other potentially useful items along the way.
   ❛ stone cog ii, north island — yuri & rafiel
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sereneshymn · 1 month
In Rafiel's defense, his intentions were true and genuine, as they always are. When Yuri told him not to stress over everything so much, he did his best to calm down and let go. When Yuri suggested that they try to have fun in here, the Heron attempted to think of this little adventure as positively as he could.
But the moment he walked in and not only was he separated from his companion by a wall, but also he saw three spike balls swinging in front of his face at speed, all of that vanished in the blink of an eye.
His first instinctive response is to look behind him in panic - but the heavy stone door had already closed.
"Y-Yuri?" He calls, unable to fully conceal the tremble in his voice.
His eyes then return to the obstacle before him, and he takes a deep breath. I'll be counting on you, his companion had said. The only way out of here really does lead forward - for both of them.
He carefully takes a step forward, terrified but focused eyes watching the first spike ball. The first time he attempts to cross, there is too much hesitation in his step, and he almost takes a hit directly to his face, and he immediately feels nausea come over him. Sucking in air through his teeth, he shakes his head in an attempt to refresh his thoughts.
Goddess, help me.
Focusing, he makes a run for it and makes it past the first spike ball, which only lightly grazes his feathers. Before the other two, he stops again, breathes to try and forget that he's on the verge of panicking, and then runs.
"Yuri! Are you alright?" He calls once on the other side, still fighting not to faint.
Such Are the Whims of the Gods || Rafiel & Yuri
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sereneshymn · 1 month
"Haha, probably." Rafiel does his best to sound good-humored, but the hint of nervousness in his quiet chuckle is still very much there.
His first thought in response to Yuri's reassurance is yes, I'm sorry - but he catches himself in time before he says it out loud. He may have been through this already, more than once, but old habits die hard, as they say. He moves on to the youth's further observations.
"Herons like me are a type of being known as laguz. We originate from the continent of Tellius," he explains. The focus shifting away from that which awaits them and to a more familiar topic allows him to relax a little more as he continues. "There are Hawk laguz, Ravens, Herons, Cats, Tigers, Lions, Wolves... and Dragons. We have the ability to transform into a full animal form at will. That is how most laguz would fight... except for us Herons. We have no combat abilities. Instead, we can use special magic and sing galdrar to imbue our allies with strength."
A soft, short laugh escapes him before he continues. "And this inability to fight does, in a sense, extend to our personalities, so to answer your question... yes, a little bit. We can fight neither in battle, nor verbally..." He lets out a sigh, betraying both fondness and something else that he hesitates to put into words.
"I... suppose that's not how it is anymore, though." The light smile previously present on his face fades entirely. "That's how it was. My father and I, we have preserved the nature typical of the people of our tribe. My brother and sister, who spent much time under the care of the Hawks, have grown a lot stronger and more resilient."
He shakes his head as he looks up at Yuri.
"... And that is all that's left. About two and a half decades ago, the Heron tribe was accused of a crime we did not commit and wiped out. And as you can probably guess from what I've said previously... We had no means of defending ourselves."
He sighs again. "Sorry. Er... I know you told me to stop apologizing... but I did not mean to throw all that on you."
Just You, Me, and This Totally Not Ominous Ruin || Rafiel & Yuri
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sereneshymn · 1 month
"I see," is all Rafiel initially says in response to the information Yuri shares - though when the other offers some reassurance, the Heron does finally manage to smile again. "Hah... You're right, of course. My attitude isn't going to help in this situation, now is it? I'm sorry. Of course... I'll do my best to help you."
He then pauses, before letting out a stronger exhale. "Fun, huh?... As you mention it, I come to realize that this idea did not cross my mind at all the entire time. Perhaps... I really am too stiff."
In his defense, this is not how and where a Heron would try to have fun, so him not thinking of it at all is rather natural, but still... maybe he should not close his heart so much just because of his own insecurities.
"During the previous game, my partner also seemed... rather tense and worried about everything that was happening around us. Meanwhile, as far as I was concerned, we simply found and befriended some curious creatures. I wish I had been able to help her relax more, but..." He sighs quietly. He could tell that there was something tragic Fiora had kept locked deep in her heart, but to pry would have been rude, so he never did.
In spite of himself, he lets out a weak chuckle. "It was... fun, indeed, for me." When he meets Yuri's eyes again, his gaze is calmer than before. "I apologize for being like this. This... sometimes happens with us Herons."
Well, it did, once upon a time. These days, it only happens to him. But he abandons the thought before it can take root in his mind and pull him back down.
Just You, Me, and This Totally Not Ominous Ruin || Rafiel & Yuri
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sereneshymn · 1 month
Much as it is rare for Rafiel of all people to openly complain, he would have to admit if asked that he is not exactly... thrilled to be here.
In spite of the midday, the North Island is not as warm as the Central Island was, though the humidity of the dense forest they pass through makes up for it. In all honesty, Rafiel doesn't pay the weather that much attention. It doesn't make him feel worse than he already is, but it certainly isn't helping, either.
The two other Team Sheep members from the group head into the temple first, leaving the Heron waiting outside with his roommate. Yuri, he recalls.
Rafiel's voice is quiet as he asks the questions, nervously glancing from the enormous building to his companion and then back. He has never been great at concealing the emotion that course through him.
Finally, his eyes hang on Yuri for a longer while, before he lets out a quiet sigh.
"I probably should not have been sent here... D-Don't get me wrong, I will do my utmost, but if there truly are traps or something inside, I might just ruin things for you..." He shakes his head, trying to offer Yuri something at least akin to an apologetic smile.
"I'm sorry. Talking like this doesn't help us now. But, just so you know what to... not expect of me, in spite of my appearance..." Perhaps some information sharing would be useful before their time comes. "I cannot fly. I lost use of my wings long ago. So I won't be able to... do that, to help us in any way..."
It is in that moment that he realizes something.
"You... were here once already, weren't you?"
Just You, Me, and This Totally Not Ominous Ruin || Rafiel & Yuri
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sereneshymn · 1 month
Even on a beach island vacation, Camilla would find a way to keep her title of “juice lady.” Where she found the supplies, for both non alcoholic and alcoholic drinks, or the cart she managed to hitch to Barbie to drag everything along with her was unimportant. It was juice time. 
“Here darling! Keep yourself cool.”🍹
At the sound of a voice accompanied with a gentle aura, Rafiel turns to face its owner. Before him stands a beautiful lady with lilac hair, smiling as she offers him a cool beverage, perfect for this summer weather. Behind her is a wyvern - her mount, if he had to guess, based on past experiences - dragging along a reserve of those.
He gives her a friendly smile as he accepts the gift. "Why, thank you, my lady. That's very kind of you to offer. I do hope you remember to take care of yourself in this heat, as well."
The fruity drink is just as a Heron likes it, prompting his expression to widen. "These are very good! I'm sure many others will appreciate what you do, as well. Thank you again."
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sereneshymn · 1 month
Oblivious to the psychic damage her old comrade turned competitor might take from a certain other Macedonian, Maria happily waves as she approaches the man, lemonade in hand.
“Sir Rafiel!” He was part of the faculty, wasn’t he? Or… wasn’t he? She turns the title over on her tongue, briefly contemplating forms of address before abandoning the thought altogether. What matters is that she recognizes him, and recognizes the color of his bandana.
“Hee hee… here, take this! It’s light and refreshing — it reminds me of you!” Smiling, she passes the drink into his hands. “And you’re on the… sheep team, aren’t you?” A finger raises to tap her own blue bandana, tied into a bow on her head. “We’re not teammates this time, but you and my brother are! He’s kind of grouchy, but he’s really strong! So…” Another laugh. “…good luck! I’m rooting for all of us!”
A little star twinkles in the corner of his mind, and before he even turns his face towards her fully, it is already adorned with a warm smile ready to greet her. Amidst this confusion born of an unfamiliar situation, few comforts offer him as much solace as the knowledge that he is not alone in it all.
"Little Maria," he greets, light laughter bubbling behind his words. "Please, just call me Rafiel. There is no need to be so formal with me - I'm just an infirmary helper. I'd like it if you could think of me as little more than a friend."
The drink she offers him is accepted with gratitude and a smile brighter still than it was a moment ago. "That does seem to be the case," he says. He still doesn't quite understand what is going on, so the words lack confidence behind them, but his expression remains calm and serene. "Your brother, you say? I will be glad to become acquainted with him. No worries about the character - I have some experience in this field." Well, that's what he says, anyway. The exactly nature of this experience he chooses not to go into.
Her laugh is joined by his, for friendship is one of life's greatest joys and treasures that he always wishes to partake in together with others. "Haha, I will do my best. Good luck to you and your team too, of course! I'll be cheering for you."
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sereneshymn · 2 months
The consolation Fiora offers to Rafiel is accepted with gratitude, and though the long and stiff beak makes facial expressions more difficult than human-like lips, a shade of it can nonetheless be discerned on his features.
"Is that so? I have heard pegasi can take a considerable amount of effort before they open their heart to you, though I cannot claim to know it from experience. Perhaps you can tell me more of your stories someday, if you do not mind, of course."
Swimmole and Museon walk up closer to him, mouths agape. Rafiel chuckles softly before initiating another song, which Museon is quick to eagerly pick up. Swimmole, meanwhile, stares up at him with big eyes, and Rafiel soon understands what it wants. Once the tune ends, he sits down on the ground to allow the smaller of the creatures to climb onto his back. Nesting among his soft feathers, the little guy's happiness soon resonates with the Heron's heart.
He then turns his attention back to his human companion. "I do apologize if I surprised you with the transformation, by the way. I should have made my intentions clearer. I'll stay like this for a bit, if you don't mind - I think Swimmole is tired. Oh, and I don't mind being touched in this form."
As they continue, he remains in this form for the time being to allow Swimmole the ride, walking gracefully on the long legs of his bird form, Museon by his one side and Fiora by the other.
The valley between the mountains is lush and scenic, quite a reprieve for both of them from the view before. Eventually, they come upon a stretch of the river where the waters seem darker and deeper than before. And in one spot, the banks split off into an oxbow. Here, the waters dry up completely — at least so it seems, until they draw closer and realize there is actually a hole, leading deep into the ground, in the middle of the oxbow.
Near that hole, resting in the shallow waters along the bottom, is what looks like a brightly colored slug.
Immediately, Rafiel feels a sting of hesitation - surely, a slug would find itself intimidated by a large bird - but begins to softly hum nonetheless...
Rafiel attempts to Charm the fiend! Success! -1 Wildness Sligment is caught!
... and in spite of his worries, the colorful creature eyes him curiously, before coming closer, until it is right in front of him.
He lowers his head, the slug simply climbs on top of it, and as he raises his head back up, it simply sliiiiiides down his neck onto his back, where it cheerfully says hello to an excited Swimmole.
Rafiel then freezes as the orb begins to speak again.
Oh, okay.
"Well... looks like we have a new friend," he says to Fiora. "Certainly easier than the previous one. Should we keep going, or do we rest?"
Filling Our Emblemdex
Team Sheep, Team Four Creature Campaign
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sereneshymn · 2 months
Fiora's attempt to approach the little creature is not received well, but at least it has revealed their presence to it. Whether or not that is a good thing remains to be seen, but at the very least it is not fleeing yet, as though still curious to give them a chance.
As the young woman retreats and rejoins him, her suggestion that he give it a try is met with a sheepish glance. "Well, I was going to try something similar to you, to be honest," he whispers with a brief, soft chuckle. Oh dear, oh dear. The little guy has already heard his and Museon's singing and that did not do it, so... What else can he try to do?
Swimmole pokes his leg, grabbing his attention. He looks down, and the companion squeaks softly before spreading its stubby arms as wide as it can, as though to demonstrate something.
"Make... big?..."
An eager nod answers his inquiry, and Rafiel ponders it for a moment. He is not sure if he understands quite right, but maybe it's worth a shot. He gives Fiora a glance; he has already mentioned the shapeshifting part, so this should not surprise her too much...
With that, he steps forward and calls the spirit of the Heron within him. White and gold light envelops his figure, and soon a long neck and even longer tail can be seen, before his full silhouette, now in the form of a large bird, emerges from the transformation.
Shaking his head to refresh his mind - it has been some time since he last transformed - he takes a step towards the little creature -
Rafiel attempts to Guile the fiend. Failure, +1 Wariness Fiend flees
- which squeaks and flees across the water, leaving ripples in its wake.
Well, that did not go well... One less friend to make today.
"Hm... Did I misunderstand Swimmole, or do something else wrong?..." Rafiel wonders with a hint of sadness in his words, his voice unchanged in spite of his form, as he turns back to them. Swimmole drops its head and arms, as though in apology, and Museon pats its back with a sympathetic meow.
Filling Our Emblemdex
Team Sheep, Team Four Creature Campaign
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