#words on the wind ❀ ooc.
sereneshymn · 2 months
hc + courtesy
one word headcanon prompts | accepting
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Well, overall, Rafiel is a very courteous person indeed - polite, well-mannered and considerate. Most of the time, talking to him is a positive experience, both because of his pleasant tone of voice and demeanor, and because he tends to be easy and effortless to communicate with.
I also mentioned in the reply about preferences that he tends to adapt to others and let them have their way, but I should specify that this doesn't necessarily make him a complete pushover. If necessary, he will engage in a discussion and present arguments for or against, and stand his ground - although he will be much more confident and comfortable doing so in the presence of others. But no matter what, he will always be cordial and respectful. Even someone who, by all accounts, would be considered his enemy, will not hear an impolite word from him.
Although in some situations, the latter will be due to the fact that - as we saw with Hetzel - Rafiel's resentment and bitterness, or however close he is capable to getting to such emotions, present themselves in silence and refusal to speak if allowed. That's the only situation where he denies courtesy; it takes a lot to get him there, but once it happens, it hurts.
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kentocalls · 2 months
umemiya hajime | captain an idea that wouldn't leave my head. vauge military!au, sfw.
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it's no secret captain umemiya trains solo into the late hours of the night. why you thought he'd not be here is beyond reason. or maybe the pain medication. you're favoring your injured knee as you steady yourself, admiring your captain as he moves so effortlessly.
he's a close combat specialist, skill second to none.  joined the cause so young it makes you embarrassed to be just two years shy from his age. he's such a decorated thirty something captain and somehow you managed to level your skills to be recruited to his team.
vice captain hiragi  had warned you, captain umemiya does not take injuries lightly, don't do something reckless. the vice captain would always let you sneak off and start training after injury early. granted, he'd stick you on desk duty for a whole month as punishment but he never stopped you from working out.
in your spacing out, umemiya notices your lingering form near an incline bench press. with 55lbs loaded. he normally, wouldn't care if subordinates train late; understands the need to work off tension, especially  after an extensive extermination job. but you? the one his eyes undeniable glue to?
"what are you doing out of bed? shouldn't you be icing that knee and resting?" his voice stern, not the usual playful tone he keeps during daylight. putting away his training blade as he approaches you, body gracefully light despite the weight of his presence.
"some light, rehabilitation?" you smile, soft and sweet. that usually works on vice captain hiragi. 
"rehabilitation, already? not sure the doc put that in your chart for another 3-4 weeks."  he watches closely, looking for any evidence of discomfort, knowing full well your left knee hasn't been the same for a few weeks. and the last extermination job had you taking a nasty fall. no amount of stretching, massage or light runs are going to aide the recovery. 
captain umemiya reviewed your charts personally, the best thing to do is rest. you gotta go slow, take a break. all things hiragi told him you hate doing.  she's restless if she's not helpful, reckless if she has something to protect. and you did protect him after all. that nasty fall was his fault. what kind of captain is he?
you stumble when attempting to sit up from the bench press. the captain's eyebrows furrow, "really shouldn't be doing any of that."
"and what about you? thought it was lights out for everyone on base, captain." stay formal, it's so easy to slip and act like you're friends. captain umemiya has that charm about him, none of the military formality seems to last.
he puts his hands up, offering a grin and "touche."
"couldn't sleep so i thought i'd get extra taining in. don't think i'll be getting any rest tonight though."
"too much paperwork again?" concern etched on your face, you don't like when the captain stresses. especially on paperwork, you've been lucky enough to catch a sight of his pretty face wearing glasses, staring into 12pt font forms with a glare so deadly, it sends shivers down your back now. 
he exhales, looking you up and down, "again, you should be in bed, solider."
"what's on your mind captain?" 
the last extermination, the fact that he wasn't fast enough, he has to travel to HQ to report on the damage. and you. he'll be gone for seven days and knows your mandatory best rest won't happen.  he doesn't trust you to actually rest, without him to supervise you're going to push back into training and risk a worse injury. 
he already feels guilty for dragging you into the fight, your platoon was supposed to keep guard of the rear, not provide additional support. but the extermination priority escalated and you were the closet solider with the strongest rank. 
the attack, you tripping and being pelted with debris....well, it isn't a sight his mind seems to let go. 
"hey...this isn't your fault, captain." you point at your knee. "it's been creaking like an old rocking chair for weeks. it was going to flare up, i was bound to trip."
"i should've moved faster. you got hit and i couldn't do anything ot prevent it. i should've seen it coming." he wears guilt like an expensive, delicate coat. too careful to place it anywhere but on his own shoulders.
you see now why vice captain hiragi told you to be careful. it wasn't for your sake really, it's for your captain that dotes on everyone in the platoon. 
"we can't control the world captain. you used you best judgement in that moment, we completed the extermination and prevented damage to the city. please, this injury is not your fault. don't put that on yourself."
you see his jaw clench, frustration and exhaustion bleeding into his face. "but it is," his voice firmer, "i know when priorities escalate to wait for reinforcement, i lost my cool and we both...as was captain, it was my responsibility to protect you."
"we worked as a great team captain. we won."
but sweet, doting captain huffs and defaults. why is he having such a hard time brushing this off? you've had worse injuries and vice captain hiragi has never looked like this...almost ... sad.
he almost returns to his normal self, that soft gaze, eyes on your knee, "won't change the fact this happened on my watch..."
"no, the fault is actually mine, captain?" voice firm, a bit annoyed, why does he look at you like that?  "i could've been faster and better aware of my surroundings. i should've taken the first yers up on practicing."
"it's not your fault, you did your best and that's all i asked for. but--"
"if you say its your fault one more time captain, i will" you look for the most menacing object you can reach for, "throw this medicine ball at you." it's an empty threat, he'd probably dodge it easily.
he laughs, finally.  but that pit at the bottom of your stomach doesn't go away. it's been there for months. the way captain umemiya's eyes look at you... you've tried to deny it but it's different. you don't know if it's your adoration of him, the way he's completed so many successful exterminations, captured back land from the invaded monsters. he's so...different.
you shouldn't think of him like that. the way his lips are probably not the softest but against your own, maybe--
"if you push yourself too hard you'll run the risk of aggravating your knee. it'll take even longer to have you back on the field, i don't want that solider."  solider. he's putting distance between you two, isn't he? yeah, you definitely shouldn't think of him like that. 
you're genuinely sad as he removes and restocks the weight plates from the bench press. it's not fair how cute you look to umemiya, so he busies himself with cleaning up, anything to avoid looking at your face. he can play off his protective nature as looking out for the team and you, professionally. that this is for your benefit. has nothing to do with the overwhelming concern that is totally normal for a captain to have. "you gotta trust me on this one, its for your own good."
and yet, you always have your eyes on him, so keen about the tension he's holding, the way you know his eyes trail back to your bandaged knee with guilt. "captain?"
his beautiful velvet sleepy blue eyes meet yours, "hmm?"
"it's really....bothering you a lot? what happened?"
umemiya nods, hesitant to share the depths of guilt and dread he's stuffed down. seeing you fall and not get up, your teary face in the emergency medic facility... if he was strong enough, fast enough, smart enough....
your still unbalanced as you walk over ot him, the need to pull him out of his spiral stronger than remembering you're not friends nad he's your captain. don't touch him, don't speak informally. 
"i don't  blame you for this. nor does the platoon, nor HQ. and you got me outta there quick, you even yelled at a charge nurse to get me pain meds and held my hand when they moved the ligaments back into place. you were by my side the whole time, even though i know you hate hospitals. which makes you the absolute best captain, okay?  so thank you, i mean it. i'd follow you into any extermination captain umemiya."
your words of gratitude and loyalty lift some of the emotional baggage, his eyes searching yours, how do you have so much compassion, care and consideration for him? why? your willingness to stand with him after he got you hurt? 
and maybe he hasn't imagined your lingering glances, maybe the way your breath hitches when he's close isn't out of fear...maybe the way your eyes dart to his lips at the most inappropriate moments aren't in his head.  
"and you'll stay by my side, even after all this?" what is he saying, he's your captain!
your smile is that big goofy one you gave him the first day he met you, infectious. as you literally move to his side, he finds himself loosening the cage around his heart "lead the way captain!"
finally, you get to see captain umemiya's  pretty pretty grin, "oh no, that contagious smile." he chuckles.
"we're all gonna get infected! evacuate the base."  playful, silly, light.
"infect us all, hiragi deserves needs the positivity." 
you mock salute, "aye aye captain!" moving a bit too quickly and off balance. like umemiya  isn't going to point out how uneven your hips are, your gait is far more telling of the pain that your face tries to hide.  "get to bed."
"i will later, captain, promise."
"am i gonna have to throw you over my shoulder and haul your cute butt into bed?" what is he saying, why is he being so friendly.
you roll your eyes at him. HIM, your captain. oh you don't believe him do you? he starts to walk toward you. "could always carry you bridal style, make sure everyone see's me do it too. make a lesson for the whole platoon"
"i can walk back to the room just fine, captain." you are NOT blushing. maybe, it's the late hour, maybe it's all the feelings he's been hiding for weeks.
"oh i know," he's walking closer, "but i'd be doing you a disservice by not properly escorting you back to your room right? what kind of captain would i be then?"
"you don't have to carry me...holding my hand is enough." that. oh, isn't that a bit too...initiate? too close? he didn't expect you to suggest something so innocent and somehow more personal. 
ah, crap, you messed it up didn't you? the playful banter, you're not the best at reading things and your own feelings for captain umemiya have never been hidden well according to your platoon member suo. shit, you always do this, going one step too far ahead. captain umemiya is a sweet guy, talented, friendly, playful. h-
you both speak at the same time 
"sorry, i didn't--"
"sorry that...made me nervous."  he's scratching the back of his head, the tips of his ears dusty red.
huh? THE captain umemiya hajime  being nervous to hold your hand? you tilt your head in confusion. but he's...held in such high regard. shaken so many hands, held so many peoples hands... he takes out monsters for a living and somehow is nervous to...hold you hand? your brain does not understand how that is even mildly scary to him. 
umemiya watches your face, gosh you're so easy to read. he's always liked that about you. despite being a highly lauded military situation, you don't hide your confusion. "yeah, i know, the great captain umemiya hajime can exterminate a whole 20ft beast by himself but holding a cute girl's hand? scary."
what cute girl? what's he talking about? "you need, practice? i can help you practice. then you'll be ready to hold that cute girls hand." you reply so earnestly. if you can help him in anyway, you're going to do it. 
his eyes widen at your offer,  did you not catch the hint that the cute girl is you?  do you not realize, you're the only girl in the room? "you wanna practice, hand-holding?"  his tone is half bemused.
you hold your hand out, wiggling the fingers, "take it, practiceee, my hands are extra soft." what are you doing, what are you doing, be still your beating heart because clearly you've lost your god damn mind.
your hand is small as fuck compared to his, umemiya eyes the outstretched hand with consideration. he's actually going to do this, with you?  
he's held so many hands in his life, and yet none jolt through him like this. like you're plugged into a 14V battery. 
"see, nothing to be nervous about." you give his hand a light squeeze. "that cute girl is gonna be so swooning over you in no time captain!"
you're the cute girl stupid, he wants to say. totally convinced lieutenant tsubaki was right, he's going to have to spell out his feelings in a letter, email, text and phone call for you to understand. he's doesn't inject himself training plans or doctors appointments for everyone.
he's suddenly aware of the calloused palm and fingertips from years of handling assault rifles, and electric blades. your skin feels so delicate, smooth, unharmed. the way your fingers intertwine with his look pretty. 
"feels nice, yeah?"
"i guess." he squeezes. "your hands are way softer than i thought they'd be."
"of course, tsubaki told me to take care of them now, otherwise they'll be like kaji."
umemiya chuckles at that, knows exactly what you're talking about "yeah, his are as rough as sandpaper, aren't they?"
"they are captain, they are. despite all my attempts to get him to use lotion too. he rather suffer with dry hands." 
"you tired to get him to use lotin? i admire your spirit." so you are entirely reckless like hiragi told him. kaji is someone most avoid and approach with extreme caution.
"well once i knew how dry they were," you move a hand to your cheek, "gosh i can still feel his hand, it was like getting hit with a sharp rock, i thought my skin would bleed. but once i knew, i had to intervene." 
his frown is instant, his brain is stuck on the fact that at some point, kaji's hand has made contact with your face. and it was not friendly.  "your hands are kinda rough too..."
you pull his hand up, examining the rough rigids with your own delicate fingers. you keep your nails neat and short, it seems umemiya does too. you're tracing each of his fingers when he barely whispers,  "yeah...occupational hazard and all..." 
you smile up at him, "i can bring you my favorite hand cream. it shouldn't be too hard to heal these", you still trace your fingers softly over the palm of his hand, "definitely not as bad as kaji"
umemiya's heart is running a marathon, he's trying to stop the shivers running down his spine. you're looking so tenderly at his hand, in such awe and care. he should end this, he's your captain, you report up to him. and yet, he doesn't want your touch to stop. 
"yeah? think it's possible for this old things?"
"not old captain"
"fine, well seasoned," you click your tongue at that, he corrects himself with a, "aged like fine wine."
"not even seasoned."
"what? am i still in the pinnacle of my youth?"
"okay, then what's that make you? a toddler?"
"hey!" you push his hand back. 
"just an observation. you look like you're barely able to walk." 
you're feeling playful, "oh and somehow i was recruited by the great captain umemiya hajime for his super duepr elite extermination team. a job many have applied for an failed."
"well i know you'd be competent and reliable. maybe i have a soft spot for toddlers."
he's making you pout with that, you should be happy he's back to that normal, playful side. but you don't like being teased, you don't like how much his laughter makes your heart dance.
"what? don't like being called a toddler? how about little one or baby girl then?"
he..what? oh, maybe he doesn't know. he started his military career pretty young and all, you've never heard about him dating before you joined either, it's only natural you help and correct your captain.  "that's a team of endearment captain, call that cute girl whose hand you wanna hold that."
god you're so frustrating. umemiya could convince platoom member sugishita and sakura to form a beach vollyball duo before he gets who the cute girl is through your head. 
"i'm just teasing."
"oh, were you baby boy?" there! ha! you...you just called your CAPTAIN baby boy. abort abort abort. clearly the pain medication is on overdrive (it's not you forgot to take it) and your feelings of him are not being contained.
he chokes on air, what .....he uses your laugh as a cover while he tries to reclaim his composure, despite his own cheeks burning.
it is amusing to see him flustered.  he's almost boyish now in a way you haven't gotten to see before. it makes you want to steal this moment, keep it all for yourself.  all because of a teeny tiny baby boy remark.  oh god, is he going to say you acted out in subordination and force you on desk duty? 
but it's funny right, it was a joke right? 
you can, joke with your captain?
he runs a hand through his hair, messing up his bangs. "you're enjoying this a bit too much aren't you."
"its a rare sight, you can't blame me if i want it all for myself." can you STOP talking.
the fuck are you trying to give him a heart attack for? you can't say things like that so readily. you wanna be the only one to see him like this? flustered and embarrassed and... "well consider yourself lucky."
"oh, i am so blessed." stop, right now, you need to stop talking.
he laughs, two can play this game. he takes a step closer, bodies nearly touching, brings your hand to his chest, placing it over his heart. the thin material of his shirt does little to hide the rapid beating underneath. "feel that?"
is that...you push against his chest, is that normal? oh my god he looks red in the face too, "...captain are you...are you okay do you need water?" you know he's known to overexert himself. holy crap is he in pain?
"hmm...i think its something serious." oh shit, and you missed all the signs! you gasp in alarm, eyes looking up at him with worry he knows he was someone good and kind in his past life. to have you care for him so easily. 
he leans in close, whispering "i think you make me a little nervous."
umemiya nods, eyes on you, bringing his free hand to rest at your him, touch firm, careful. when did he get so close? you can feel the wall behind you scrapping your elbows, when did you back into this?
"you make oh so nervous cute girl."
"captain umemiya..." his name rolls off your tongue like silk. he claims the distance between you two, body pressing against yours, one moving to wrap around your wasit, breath warm against your ear "call me hajime."
anyone can walk in. anyone can see this and..."captain umemiya hajime."
he shakes his head, "no, just my name."
the look he has is so intense, "captain hajime"
he shivers at the sound of his name dripping from your lips, voice honey sweet and soft.  "yeah, like that. just drop the captain, say it again." 
you're blushing, your captain! your crush! the one you've admired for years, here, like this, burning desire in his eyes, for you. it can't be, can it?
ever observant, umemiya picks up the nervousness, one of his hands wanders up to your cheek, gently caressing it with his thumb, "just a name, nothing to be nervous about."  
god, you're the cutest fucking thing. doe-eyed and blush cascading down your cheeks and neck. his eyes meet yours with "say it. my name."
umemiya inhales so sharply,  he's leaning so close to you, waiting, eager, "hajime"
trapped, happily, between the wall and his broad frame, he leans his forehead against yours, eyes closed. "again" he whispers, voice thick with need.
you swallow hard and whisper "hajime."
he leans forward, captures your lips in his, urgent, commanding, needy.
surprise hits you because if this is dream, never let it end. you've wanted him so bad and this, please let this be real. a tiny whimper before his demanding lips pull you back to this moment, back to him.  you relax into the kiss. it has him moving your against your mouth with even more intensity. has he always been this passionate about you?
umemiya presses into you harder, pushing you further against the wall, hands roaming over your body, hungry. and you're equally starved for him, pulling him in, crowding into his space. 
a hand in his messy hair, you swear he's growling, fuck, more more more. umemiya, caught in the moment, moves one hand around the back of your thigh and lifts -- you flinch and let out a gasp of pain. 
FUCK, that's your left leg right? 
umemiya breaks the kiss, "sorry, are you okay, did i make it worse?"
this man is too beautiful and you need to breathe, you push at him with no effort, he loosens his grip and moves back. "i couldn't... tell..."
"i'm so sorry, i got carried away. i didn't mean to hurt--"
"hurt for just a second, nothing...nothing serious." with smile you're dispelling all his worry, all his tension. the late hour catching up with both of you now. 
reality settling back, the fire gone. you're in the training room, door wide open.  "let me walk you back, yeah?"
he's scratching the back of his neck, doesn't want this to end but, shit, he's unsure. his position, his presence, what if it's all in his head, but your hand on his face, thumb on his lips and eyes looking up at him like that
"you'll hold my hand?" but you make no motion to move away from him, pull him back into you, lips finding his again.
yeah, it's not in his head.
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gothamsaved · 25 days
Fell asleep sketching a few asks out. Safe to say what I thought looked amazing before conking out looks an lil awful now that I’m actually awake… time to fix and redraw before I post em.
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chronal-anomaly · 10 months
Today's brainrot is Lena in the veil of time and watching her friends and family live their lives,,, sometimes pretending she was right alongside them if only to feel like she belonged to something. Responding and ignoring the way that they'd ignore her, walk right through her. Beg them to see her, beg them to acknowledge that she existed,,, yeah.
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sillygum · 5 months
Thinking again about that one thread (that didn't go anywhere) where dragon Lu.ffy was sleepy whenever he felt any joy and everything pointed to him being sick. 🤔 It would go along with the godverse I have about N.ika not existing except in a human host and dragon Luff.y being his actual fruit. Body is trying to tell him something isn't right but since this is the first successful fruit to human transfer the elders only have a suspicion it's his fruit and have no Idea what'll happen when he's just asleep forever. Given that we haven't seen many illnesses in canon a sleeping one isn't farfetched at all. I'm connecting the dots.
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galeforged · 1 year
{ ooc } Right... this has been weighing heavily on the brain for a bit there, but part of me is wondering whether it's time I retire from the Bleach RPC on Tumblr. Bunny was of the same opinion just recently and is thinking of archiving her blog, and since the thought crossed her mind, it's honestly been something I've thought about a lot for myself as of late. I'm of the opinion that if it's not something I felt strongly about, I'd have let it go already, but... I'unno, here we are over a week in, I guess.
Case in point, it's gotten harder with time for me to keep Kōtarō and Shigeru's muses going, and these two were my flagship Bleach muses for as long as I can remember! Between reinventions and hiatuses—going as far back as high school and, of all things, deviantART—they were my longest-running OCs online and for quite some time, so naturally I'll always feel attached to them in some capacity. But lately though, it... kinda feels like they've run their course on here? There's no one reason for it, but there's certainly a few I can think about, including but not limited to the following...
I've already gotten to tell all the stories I could tell, and it doesn't feel like I'll get to expand on these that much further, or even tell new ones I've always wanted to for reasons I'm about to get into – which, ultimately, sucks monkey butt for me
Friends come and go, yes, but at least personally, I've seen more people leave than stick around even in spite of the anime's revival; plus, not everyone I actively wrote with is as active as they were (that's no one's fault, really - life's just like that, and I won't bemoan others for being busy or wanting to spread their wings elsewhere)
Something always seems to break out on the dash every couple of months or so, that ends up fracturing the community and splits my friend groups down further, which just sucks the joy out of writing on here all the more
As a result, that leaves only a select few (and I mean few) who're still keen on writing things at length with my boys, and making communication with other writers—even longtime mutuals—a bit more nerve-wracking to initiate
Thus, dwindling muses and waning interest in continuing to immerse myself in the Bleach RPC on Tumblr, which is outweighed by how much fun and easier it is for me to write on the Fire Emblem side of things, where I don't feel anywhere near this level of dread or hesitation
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So... yeah, I don't know what this will mean for the immediate future. Maybe I wrote this out for a pity party or simply wanted to vent, or I'll make the Bleach boys request-only, or I remove them outright (with... no other recourse for them anywhere else, which, again, sucks) and commit to other RPCs... or I just take a break for myself and refresh/reboot asks and threads for Kō and Shigs, and then see what happens?
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regnumaves · 1 year
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Tibarn flying with Garreg Mach Monastery in the background, commission by rohkka
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sereneshymn · 2 months
[hc + cold]
one word headcanon prompts | accepting
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Rafiel does nnnnnot handle cold very well. Begnion and the Serenes Forest generally enjoy a warm climate - not particularly hot, but winters around the Serenes region would be mild at best, probably without snow at all in most years.
The time he has spent living in Hatari, a desert nation, certainly does not help him here either. Not that he handles extreme heat much better than he does cold, I imagine that he would not leave Nailah's palace often especially during the day, wandering outside only during early morning and after sunset. But after all the years spent in Hatari, he would have become accustomed to it to at least some degree, which in turn contributes further to him being more sensitive to lower temperatures.
His frail body's response would also likely be more than just a regular cold, so he has had to take due care to prepare himself during the war, especially for the period he spent in Daein. His clothes are actually warmer than they appear at a first glance, with multiple layers covering his entire body, so he's actually nice and bundled up. At the same time though, I imagine that being a prince and all, his clothes will be high quality and able to breathe, so they don't bother him in higher temperatures either.
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divineningyou · 2 years
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tag dump.
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duunswitch · 2 years
tag drop
ooc;; out of magic
main;; stars will never fall
worldbuilding;; this is our moment in history
divine concepts au;; under arid skyˌ with silk veils we weave a rainbow
wonderland au;; your heart's been ticking down
xiv au;; dark eyed dreamersˌ a dangerous pair
unsundered au;; my heart's an artifice
leanne/naz;; dream with meˌ by the sea
vanile; well i never saw you coming but i'm putting your heart back together
leanne/undertaker;; mixin' fireworks and gasoline
leanne/vash;; moon walk me home (reusignus)
pokemon au;; have a snickers
leanne/vash;; as your hands tremble against the autumn winds (flosalatus)
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talesxfelysium · 25 days
tag dump for future organization <3
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citrinitxs · 6 months
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jjentertainment · 6 months
tag dump part 1.
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sillygum · 5 months
Godverse Luf.fy can only inhabit a human host, otherwise he doesn't exist. A certain threshold of people hoping and praying to him or sadness of the population in general make him spawn. The reason he needs a human host is because he's very slow to wake up, needing to collect that energy over two decades(Think kura.ma from yy.h) I'm sure he also likes being human cause it's different every time.
As a human he can be harmed or killed. If that happens the energy he's converted up until then is released, usually it's followed by a changing in political power be it raising or falling. A mortal immortal that's around for a good time, not a long time.
Lu hasn't been at full power in nearly 2000 years be it people forgetting him or some force wanting to keep him quiet. Human memories don't transfer over completely since he's done this so many times.
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amillixnvoices · 7 months
tag drop
#;;you can read all about it ( memes )#;;it's time to turn it up game on ( queue )#;;you've got the words to change a nation ( ooc )#;;now it's just me myself and i ( lockwood )#;;don't rain on my parade ( rachel )#;;i don't have any reasons i've left them all behind ( marley )#;;here comes the sun ( dani )#;;when the bones are good the rest don't matter ( buck )#;;she's the king of new york ( katherine )#;;there's just no telling how far i'll go ( sarah )#;;everyone thinks that i have it all ( morgana )#;;i truly believe i am quite capable of something more ( eloise )#;;restless hearts sleep alone tonight ( brimsley )#;;sometimes you just jump and hope it's not a cliff ( henry )#;;i was born to run i don't belong to anyone ( june )#;;everybody stares as she goes by 'cause they can see the flame that's in her eyes ( nora )#;;it's so empty living behind these castle walls ( martha )#;;you can just...feel ( nick )#;;and sings a solitary song that whistles in the wind ( lucy )#;;and bring on all the pretenders i'm not afraid ( james )#;;not gone just lost ( nate )#;;au contraire mon frère ( mae )#;;and i'll be holding all the fines ( JJ )#;;second star to the right and then straight ahead 'til morning light ( wendy )#;;no one decides my fate but me ( belle )#;;someday maybe all my dreams will be repaid ( ryan )#;;i wanna listen to my own heart talking ( troy )#;;that's how superheroes learn to fly ( winn )#;;my shower head is very impressed with me ( ricky )#;;i haven't heard anyone try that since the noughties ( roxy )
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regnumaves · 2 years
ooc; tag dump
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