#let us sing in unison ❀ ic.
sereneshymn · 2 months
Prologue [mastery drabble: Dancer]
Welcome o eldest son of the sacred woods Inheritor of their serenity and grace Open your wings as pure as fresh snow Sing and dance in the great trees’ embrace
Order casts a heavy mist veil over the land Chaos echoes in ringing of fangs and blades And thus is your sacred duty to uphold With voice loud and clear shall you Balance the scales
So spoke the Goddess in her mercy and radiance This ancient covenant the torn world’s salvation The power to guard and defend this promise Bestowed upon the great Lehran’s nation
As you open your wings and look to the sky With feather-light steps and raised hands So too shall from your lips flow forth The sacred words that rule over our lands
When spirit falters and strength wanes But sword arm must yet stay in control You sing to the valiant warriors of Vigor And restore alike the body and soul
Sing praise to the brave soldier and his talons May his Valor be blessed and his heart fight true To the sick and wounded you offer Recovery And life returns to all, restored anew
Upon the lost, ailing and yearning for hope You descend with Bliss and show them the way Meanwhile the arrogant who defy our Goddess Shall always know Sorrow as they wander astray
Sing quietly, o guardian of ancient covenants May your gentle voice put the Chaos to Slumber May your loving hand forever stay calamity’s avatar May you save this world from being torn asunder
Yet if all hope dies and if salvation’s light fades And the right time comes to pray for Release You will stand silently behind Lehran’s kin Accept price of failure and watch all life cease
So says the great promise the Goddess accepted In her benevolence as she left this world to you So sing and dance in the calm shade of sacred tree Along with your kin until the sworn day is due
Sing to her of peace, sing to her of love Dance to your sister’s tune, join hands with your brother Always shall your heart know love and purity Forever shall her children look out for each other
Even if some of them are deaf to your message And meet you with stone, chain, hatred, cage and flame You must never lose yourself to tears, grief and despair Your soul must forever remain just the same
Sing even through silence, dance even if it hurts For to souls most weary you must offer repose As they cry out to you in fog at life’s crossroads Hold out your hands to them and to your heart close
For if you too falter and lose faith in tomorrow It will come at a too great to entire world’s cost The skies shall collapse and Chaos shall prevail And all hope for Rebirth will forever be lost.
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thesakuragarnet · 11 months
Birthday (LOV Found Family Vibes)
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'Twice: Hey, Dabi, why are you drinking so much on a Monday afternoon?' 
'Dabi: I'm trying to forget tomorrow is my birthday.'
Tags: slight DabiHawks, implied sexual content, swearing, found family, some blood (see GIF), hurt/comfort, fluff, angst, drinking
Word Count: 1,767 words
AO3 link
The sounds of party horns jolt Dabi out of his alcohol-induced slumber, making his hangover headache infinitely worse. 
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" He screams as he jerks upright, sitting straight up on the couch as Toga and Twice jump around him with the obnoxious noisemakers while Hawks and Spinner pop confetti cannons. 
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DABI!" Toga shrieks at the top of her lungs, and Toya puts his head in his hands, palming his forehead aggressively as he remembers the conversation from the night before. 
'Twice: Hey, Dabi, why are you drinking so much on a Monday afternoon?' 
'Dabi: I'm trying to forget tomorrow is my birthday.'
Granted, he was already a bottle and a half in at that point, which is why he'd let it slip. Regretfully, his Quirk made it impossible to get alcohol poisoning; his body processed it too fast to fuel his flames, meaning he sobered up almost as quickly as he became intoxicated. 
Twice and Toga continue to chant and sing, jumping up and down as Dabi blinks, taking in the scene. There's an obnoxious "Happy Birthday" banner that looks like it was dragged out of a trash can and an obscene amount of balloons in the corner (which is an extreme fire hazard).
"HAPPY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! HAPPY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Toga and Twice scream in unison, dancing with one another.
"Come on, make a wish!" Hawks' voice is suddenly in his ear, and Dabi turns his head to see a sorry excuse for a cake with a crude "24" in the center written in icing. The candles are unlit. Between the racing adrenaline from being scared awake, the overwhelming noise of the dynamic duo, and all of the bright colors, it tips Dabi over the edge. Smoke curls out of the side of his mouth as he grits his teeth, glaring up at his boyfriend. 
He shoves the cake into Hawks' face, and Toga and Twice stop singing while Spinner's party horn comically trails off in a melancholy note. 
"WHAT PART OF I WAS DRINKING TO FORGET MY BIRTHDAY DID YOU IDIOTS NOT UNDERSTAND?! LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" He screams angrily before getting up and storming to his room, slamming the door behind him. 
"I knew it was a bad idea!" Shigaraki calls from the bar, too busy playing his Nintendo to bother with the festivities. Hawks sends his feathers to grab a towel and slowly rubs the cake off his face. 
"I told you go with blue icing but nooooo," Spinner mutters sarcastically, waving his hands as if that's the real reason Dabi got pissed. Hawks rolls his eyes, throwing the remains of the cake away before he walks toward Dabi's bedroom. 
Knock. Knock. Knock. 
Hawks waits patiently for Dabi to open the door, but the villain doesn't hear him knocking. Instead, Toya's staring up at his ceiling with his earbuds in his ears, blaring his typical angsty emo music to drown out everything around him. He hated his birthday. Growing up, he didn't really have friends. No one ever showed up to the birthday parties, no matter how many invitations he handed out to his classmates or how many emails his mom sent. Thus, Toya's birthdays were strictly family affairs. Ever since his accident, after he came home to find his death wasn't enough to change his father, family was a bad taste in his mouth. It didn't help that Shoto's birthday was a week before his; it hung over his head like an impending raincloud of doom, reminding him of what was coming...and what was missing. He used to have fun on his birthday, spending time with Natsuo and Fuyumi; hell, even with his mom and his dad...before Shoto came along. Then, everything changed. Every birthday he'd had since was incredibly shitty and always left him feeling more empty and forgotten. In fact, this was the first time anyone had wished him happy birthday in ten years. 
Flit. Flit. Flit. 
Dabi takes out his earbuds when he sees a red feather twirling up above his head, twisting and pointing toward the door. The scarred man exhales dramatically through his nose as he stalks toward the door, unlocking it and opening it.
"What do you want," He snaps, making Hawks flinch.
"To...uh...I don't know," Hawks trails off, twiddling his thumbs in defeat. Dabi sighs and jerks his head back, gesturing for Hawks to come in as he steps to the side. He closes the door behind his boyfriend, who awkwardly sits on the edge of the bed. 
"So...wanna tell me what all that was about?" Hawks offers hesitantly. Dabi's clenched jaw and stone-cold expression don't change. 
Hawks' wings droop; he should've anticipated that answer, but it wasn't the one he was hoping for. Dabi walks over to the singular window before he leans up against the wall, staring at the sunrise through the fire escape. 
"There anything I can do?" Hawks asks eagerly, deciding to try a different approach. 
"No," Dabi repeats monotonously. Hawks' eyes narrow, and he scrunches up his face in thought before his expression softens. Dabi's attention shifts from the color-changing sky to his boyfriend as he suddenly feels hands unbuckling his belt. 
"You sure?" Hawks murmurs seductively as he starts to unzip Dabi's pants. 
"GET OFF ME!" Dabi seethes, eyes flashing in irritation as he roughly shoves Hawks before zipping his fly back up and fixing his belt. The Pro lands on his wings, grimacing in pain and frowning in confusion.
"WHAT PART OF LEAVE ME ALONE DIDN'T YOU GET? YOU'RE A FUCKING PRO HERO! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO UNDERSTAND BASIC SOCIAL CUES!" The villain shouts, anxiously pulling at his hair before stomping out and slamming the door behind him. 
"Can't even get fucking peace in my own space," Dabi mutters bitterly as he crosses his arms, feeling his chest tighten from all the stress and pent-up emotions. He was so used to spending birthdays alone. He opens the door to the hallway bathroom and locks it, slowly sinking to the floor up against the door. He nervously chews his scarred bottom lip, trying to repress memories from when he was actually happy, but to no avail. Blood seeps beneath his eye scars, and his shattered breathing is barely audible. This is the only way he can cry. 
While Dabi spent all day locked in the bathroom, the League held an emergency meeting.
"We can't just let him feel so shitty on his birthday!" Toga pouts, putting her head down on the table. 
"I concur! Why not!" Twice shakes his head in agreement, and Spinner groans. 
"I think we should just leave the guy alone. We've clearly fucked up. Let's not make it any worse," The lizard points out, but Toga and Twice protest. 
"We're family! Plus, do we all really want him to stay mad at us? You know how much of a vengeful bitch he can be," Toga adds.
"We don't know the first thing about the burnt bastard. Where do we even start?" Shigaraki grumbles, putting up his Switch to enter the conversation. Kurogiri, who sits at the head of the table, turns to Hawks, who is staring off into space. 
"Ahem," The wispy man grunts, jarring the Pro out of his daydreams. 
"Yeah?" Hawks mutters as if waiting for instructions. 
"Well, you're his partner, or...whatever. Do you know what he likes?" Compress offers, gesturing to Hawks. 
A smile plays at the hero's lips.
"As a matter of fact. I do."
Dabi jolts awake, still propped up against the bathroom door, and immediately gets to his feet. 
"WHAT DID I SAY ABOU-" His angry tirade stops short as he yanks open the door to find no one on the other side. He raises his eyebrow, poking his head out into the hallway, but there's no sign of life. It's pitch-black outside all of the windows. 
He looks down to find a note under his boot with an arrow pointing to the left and the words "FOLLOW ME" scrawled in Twice's messy handwriting. Dabi's curiosity gets the best of him; besides, what are the odds that this is something important? Dabi walks down the hallway and finds a suspicious bottle of Captain Morgan sitting at the foot of the stairs, along with another arrow pointing up the winding staircase with the words "THIS WAY" in Toga's pink cursive. 
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me," He sighs, shaking his head as he snatches the bottle and makes the long trek up and up and up until, finally, he reaches the door that leads to the rooftop. In front of the door is a little cardboard box and on the door is another sheet of paper that says: "OPEN" in big letters and "the box and the door" in small letters, presumably Spinner's. 
"This is stupid," The villain gripes as he rips open the small box. Inside is a laminated card that reads "No one will bother you until sunrise" in Kurogiri's calligraphy. A content smirk plays at Dabi's lips as he shoves the card in his pocket before he roughly shoves the door open. 
Toya's breath is taken away. He'd never been to the rooftop at night, and he was vehemently regretting that he hadn't. In the dead of night, because they live in the shadier part of town, the night sky is visibly filled with glittering stars. In the center of the rooftop, a hammock rests between two steel posts. Beside the hammock sits a foldable table with a singular piece of cake on a paper plate; a candle burns brightly in the center of the dessert. Dabi is trying so hard not to smile, but he feels an achingly familiar feeling in his chest that he thought would never spark again. He walks over to the table and sees one last sheet of paper, folded up beneath the plate like a card. He opens it. 
Our shitty family isn't complete without you. Hope this makes up for fucking up so bad.
- Shigaraki, Toga, Twice, Mister Compress, Kurogiri, Spinner, & Hawks
The fact that they all willingly did this. Maybe it wasn't so bad. Truthfully, this morning had been terrible. It was obnoxious, excruciating, and all around too much. But this. This was what he appreciated because it was tailored specifically to him. Lowkey, subtle, yet meaningful. He knew Hawks had a large part in this. He's the only person that he ever told about his love of stargazing. Maybe he'd burn him later for spilling a guarded secret, but, for now, he was...happy.
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devildomwriter · 2 years
Obey Me As Tumblr #21
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MC: My best friend just called me to ask what color he should wear to prom and I was like “umm?? Idk??” And he goes “well we have to match, so like what color is ur outfit?” But he never asked me to go so I was kinda confused so I told him “hey, yeah since when are we going to prom??” And the line goes silent for a bit and he very quietly whispers “shit I forgot to ask you.”
Leviathan: If you think about it the whole process of singing the birthday song and cutting the cake is extremely satanic
Leviathan: No but seriously imagine it this way
A small gathering of people huddle around an object on fire, chanting ritualistically a repetitive song in unison until the fire is blown out and a knife is stabbed into the object
Solomon: You must be fun at parties
Mammon: Do you ever eat something and think “man I don’t even want this”
But then you just keep eating it
Raphael: Are you living or are you just jumping around from one obsession to the other to run away from yourself
Belphegor: What are you the coping mechanism police or something
Asmodeus: One time my brother was being stupid so I said
“Well you can’t spell stupid without u”
And he got really angry and shouted
And I just stared at him for a rly long time
Diavolo: How do we even decide what our favorite colors are, are our brains just like “I like green because yeah”
Luke: “Oh you sing? Are you a good singer? SING SOMETHING FOR ME RIGHT NOW!”
Leviathan: “Do you draw? You do? DRAW ME”
Like no
Asmodeus: “You act? CRY FOR ME RIGHT NOW”
Satan: “You speak that language!? Say something in it!”
Belphegor: “You murder? KILL ME RIGHT NOW!”
Lucifer: The last one seems more doable
Satan: So, today a girl in my class asked what the word procrastination mean and I said ‘can I explain that later?’ And my teacher laughed for like five minutes and when he stopped the girl whispered ‘I don’t get it’
Solomon: Someday in the distant future humans will once again be capable of hearing the phrase “what is love” without also feeling the primal urge to respond “baby don’t hurt me”
Asmodeus: So at that point, people will say “baby don’t hurt me” …no more?
Diavolo: Beautiful set up, perfect follow-through. Great teamwork everybody
Mammon: So on the bus this morning we stop at a red light and this lady gets off then goes about a half block down and then we saw her freeze and run after the bus
Mephistopheles: I love the use of the word entire as in she could’ve just left the leg of the baby but no she left the entire baby
Belphegor: Have you ever finished a test in 30 minutes and no one else was even close to being done
I’m either really smart or I fucked up entirely
Thirteen: Nailed it or failed it
MC: There are rowdy troublemakers in the alley behind my apartment I’m gonna open my window and scream at them
MC: I screamed at them
I didn’t scream any specific words I just kinda screeched and it got silent but then I heard one of them say ‘what the hell was that, fucking Satan?’ and I just screamed again and let me tell you this is a good way to get rid of people
Satan: Well done
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fckinwild-kiwi · 9 months
Dec. 17th: Ice Skating
Day 17: Shared Hobbies/Conversations at 3 am
Day seventeen of @comp-lady’s Domestic December writing challenge has arrived!
Warnings: Swearing (This is an 18+ blog, minors dni)  Word Counts: 0.7k+ Words Pairings: Steve Harrington x Reader
“Hey, Y/n,” Dustin called from Steve’s kitchen. “Do you wanna play D&D with us next week?”
“I think I’d be free,” I called back.
Steve recoiled as he jumped off the couch. “Since when did you play Dungeons and Dragons?”
“She’s been playing with us since before you, Steve,” Dustin said as he came back into the living room. Steve looked between the two of you, confusion still plastered across his face. 
“I’m sure you have hobbies that she doesn’t know about too,” Dustin said as he rolled his eyes. 
“Well, I like to sing sometimes,” Steve whispered, looking at the ground.
“I’m not sure what’s happening right now,” I said, looking between the two boys who were having a weird nonverbal argument. “Stevie, baby, I know you like to sing. I hear you in the shower every night, it’s beautiful. I enjoy playing D&D sometimes. Why are you both being defensive?”
“The kids made a comment about us earlier this week,” Steve said, looking up to make eye contact. 
“That’s not quite what happened,” Dustin said, crossing his arms as he prepared to start going in on Steve. “We asked him what you two like to do together and he said that you guys couldn’t be bothered with any of the ‘kid’ hobbies.”
“What are ‘kid’ hobbies, Stevie?”
“I just meant-“
“I know what you meant, Steve,” Dustin said, rolling his eyes again. “But it was rude, and it hurt my feelings. I’m not a child and you don’t have to enjoy doing everything I do but you don’t get to make me feel bad about them.”
“Steven,” I said as I stood up and wrapped my arms around Dustin’s shoulders. 
“Look Henderson, I’m sorry,” Steve said, sitting back down on the couch. “I was insecure. Shit excuse but that’s what it was.  You guys have these hobbies that you love and can do as a group. I don’t have anything like that and of course, instead of asking to join I just lashed out...”
“We’ll work on it,” I said, letting go of Dustin and moving towards the couch to sit next to Steve. 
“The only thing I’m good at is ice skating and what kind of group activity is that?”
“I love ice skating!” You and Dustin said in unison making all three of you laugh. 
“How about we go together? We can invite the rest of the party too. It’ll be fun to have people of all kinds of experience levels,” Dustin said, walking to the couch to sit on the other side of Steve.
“If we have enough people, we can even play a quick game of hockey,” I whispered, nudging Steve to get his attention before winking at him. 
“You’re on,” He whispered back, placing a quick kiss on your cheek.
Three days later, the entire party was filing out of cars at the outdoor ice rink. Eddie groaned the entire way about how dangerous this was going to be, trailing behind the group. “Eds, I know you’re kinda nervous, but I can help you out,” Steve reassured quietly so nobody but Eddie could hear him. 
“You’re not going to make a punchline?” Eddie asked.
“Cross my heart, no punchlines.”
Twenty minutes later, everyone had their skates laced up and were walking towards the open ice. Excited to be the first to skate on the freshly Zabonied ice, I raced ahead of everyone. Steve also had the same idea. He raced up beside me, grabbed my hand, and together we skated a lap around the ice careful to avoid the timid newbies as they entered.
After a few minutes of free skating, I raced over to the hockey sticks and pucks lined up along the side of the rink. Steve, noticing my actions, came over to grab his own. On a mission to demonstrate his stick-handling skills, Steve skated down the length of the rink, shooting a slapshot into the net. “Now that I know my man is a hockey pro, we’re going to have to make a point to skate more often,” I shouted across the rink.
His laugh echoed through the room, even over the sounds of skates and swearing. “Wanna see who has better stick-handling skills?” I challenged, raising my eyebrows. 
“I’d say you,” Steve said before winking.
“You’re impossible,” I said, laughing as I skated away. I looked around the rink and I couldn’t help but smile. While Steve and I were having a fun little moment, everyone else was stuck holding on to the railing at the entrance. 
“Okay, guys,” I began, skating towards the group. “Let’s learn to skate!”
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distort1xn · 2 years
Love and Death
The push and pull of the ocean.
For millennia, its gentle, distant roar has lulled the world to sleep, inspiring calm and dreams. Enticing with a promise that this world still holds magic.
To him, it always means she’s close.
Despite waking on the ground, he’s never uncomfortable; the grass beneath him softer than any bed he’s, frankly, had the misfortune of sleeping in.
He lays there a while, breathing in the refreshing seaspray and letting it wake him fully; wanting to be as alert as possible for her. He could never stand to miss a moment of her – her every move a miracle performed before his very eyes.
Her voice is warm, pleasant, like the most heartening and loving of embraces. Above all, however, she sounds happy.
He smiles. “You look beautiful, as always.”
She tucks her wings – dark and iridescent like a raven’s, though all the more lovely – behind her.
“Always the charmer.”
She reaches out to help him up, but he pulls her down on top of him. Her abundant, sunny laugh rolls through them both at their proximity, and he holds her closer still.
This visit is not merely because any plane of existence not permeated by her essence is one not even bearing consideration, but because he is now certain he never wants to be without her again.
Before he has the opportunity to express as much, however, a call draws her attention away.
She uses her wings to propel herself upright. The breeze they stir up smells of smokey incense and cinnamon.
Together, hands clasped between them, they go in search of the small voice that has summoned her so desperately. Someone as important as her is never called on for no reason.
The tiny voice belongs to one of her flowers. By the looks of her, this particular flower used to be a little girl: face young, growing in an almost overcrowded bedding with others like her. One of the others is tugging on one of her petals.
“Mara, please?” the little one cries. “It hurts!”
“Now, Christopher,” Mara warns the tugger, “what have we said about hurting our friends.”
“They won’t want to play with us anymore,” the bed sings in unison.
“And we don’t want that, do we?” she asks, giving Christopher a gentle look.
“No,” he answers, shaking his little head with such vigour that his petals ruffle about his lively face.
“But is it alright to hurt yourself?” the flower who had called them over asks.
She frowns. “Jessie, why would you ask such a thing?”
Jessie looks indignant at Mara’s tone. “Because Gabriel keeps doing it to come visit!”
Until then, threads of copper and gold had veined her flawless dark skin and hair. Now, the air dims. Thunder brews in the distance. The sea crashes louder and higher against the cliff beneath their feet.
Turning her back on the flowers, she sweeps out of the garden, her scent of incense and cinnamon replaced by ice and decay. He scrambles after her.
“How long, Gabriel?” she demands once they’re alone.
Her words are punctuated by simultaneous crashes of stormy waves and thunder.
Knowing she’s justifiably upset, he does not flinch or protest; merely answers her question.
“A few months now,” he confesses, keeping his voice calm, “but I assure you it has always been safe.”
“Safe? You call dying ‘safe’?” Her voice and the thunder are indistinguishable now.
“How else am I meant to see you?” he pleads.
“Gabriel, you’re an angel. The only cosmic plane you cannot freely enter is Hell.”
At this, he falls quiet. There is no safe way to progress from here. If it’s a question of power, none rival hers. The only reason she would not get her way is if she wished it so. The Queen of Death holds dominion over all. He knows he must choose his words very carefully.
This is, naturally, moot when she draws the conclusion herself.
“You’re not an angel anymore.”
He says nothing; only keeps pleading with his eyes. For her love, her understanding. Even her pity would be preferable to her wrath.
“That petty bastard. Bloody megalomaniac!”
A dangerously close lightning strike sets a nearby tree aflame.
“Mara, please?”
His voice is quiet, shot through with as much emotion as he can spare without breaking down.
The rage leaves her in a great gust, extinguishing the tree and blowing the charged storm away. The rising light turns the edges of her hair and wings to silver.
“I would be mortan ten times over to be, however life-threateningly, close to you.” He rests his hands on her arms. “Don’t you see? Being celestial was the punishment. The closer I am to the Creator, the more control He has over me. As a mortal, I have free will! I can die. I can live in your realm for all eternity.”
There is a beat of silence between them – a beat that echoes on into infinity. Despite the change to her expression being minute, it nevertheless destroys him.
“I couldn’t take you,” she whispers. “As a human, your life is in my hands. I can’t take you before your time.”
He shakes his head in disbelief. “Surely it’s my time if I choose—”
“Your time is pre-ordained. As the Endless, our purpose is to maintain balance in the domains over which we preside. I am Death – by definition I cannot simply take lives as I please.”
“I have to send you back.” Tears spill soundlessly down her beautiful face.
“No!” he protests, the world around him becoming immaterial. “I love you!”
“And I you, angel.”
* * *
“Dear God!”
“Oh, fuck Him,” Gabriel grumbles, sitting up.
“Mate, you scared the pants off me!” Josh Dekker, med student and Gabriel’s free ride to Mara, laments.
Gabriel glates at him. “Liar. One sight of your little pickle might’ve been just enough for Mara to take me back.”
“Blew it, did ya?” Josh’s tone is amused as he sits back in his chair.
“Fuck off, you tosser.”
Gabriel hops down from the gurney they’d spirited into the medical campus basement. He doesn’t even feel tired or achy this time, which he’s certain is her doing.
Speaking of her, he knows she only did her job. He understands cosmic responsibility as much as the next product of Divinity. That doesn’t leave his heart any fuller. He doesn’t blame her – could never – but powers beyond comprehension have ripped out his newly acquired heart.
He reckons he’s allowed to feel a little cut up.
“C’mon, mate,” Josh gives him a slap on the shoulder. “Let’s go for a pint. I’ll shout.”
If there’s one thing Gabriel’s gotten a taste for since losing his wings, it’s alcohol. The only states to be human in are either dead or drunk.
He wonders if there’s a D-named sibling in charge of the latter.
Turns out, getting out of a campus building after dark is a lot easier than getting in. Could have something to do with no one expecting anyone to come out of a cadaver lab after office hours.
They trek across campus in miserable silence. Well, Gabriel is miserable. Josh is smoking a joint disguised as a fag and not offering Gabriel any because apparently he’s “got a script for it”.
Stingy bastard.
To add insult to injury, when the lorry with no brakes comes careening down the street they’re crossing, it doesn’t hit Junkie Josh.
Oh, no.
The last recollection Gabriel has as he lays, broken and bleeding, is of a pair of iridescent black wings, coming down to envelope him.
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Jolteon, Leafeon, and Glaceon have taken Umbreon to the hospital
Flareon: Well, what do we do now? Espeon: I don’t know. It feels weird now that Jolteon and Leafeon aren’t causing constant chaos. Espeon: This feels wrong.
Vaporeon, singing: He's making a list, checking it twice, gonna find out who's on thin fucking ice Eevee, also singing: Santa Claus is calling you out!
Sylveon, making a cup of tea: Yeah, get into that leaf juice, you sexy, sexy bee sauce. Espeon: Hey, do you take constructive criticism? Sylveon: I absolutely fucking do not.
The sounds of distant chaos echo in the city. Eevee: Leafeon and Jolteon? Vaporeon: Yeah, probably. Eevee: And Glaceon and Umbreon can’t stop them? Vaporeon: Yep. Sylveon: Well, let’s go stop them. Flareon: Wait, how do we get to them? They’re halfway across the city! Vaporeon: Well, there’s a car, but none of us can drive. Espeon, with a floating cup of coffee near them: What’re we talking about? Eevee: I have an idea.
Vaporeon teaching Espeon to drive and taking The Squad along for the ride Vaporeon: That's a pothole. To the left! Espeon: Take it back now y'all Drives into pothole Flareon, sticking their face into the front over the center console: Cha Cha real smooth. Espeon: I don't think that's how the song goes. Vaporeon, crying and gripping the handle: Please just take me home. Espeon: Country Roads. Flareon: To the place. Espeon and Flareon in unison: I Belong! Vaporeon, crying harder: What the fuck?
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shouldershimmycity · 2 years
It's Not Easy Pt. 4 (Bradley Bradshaw x Reader)
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Summary: You and Bradley were friends for years before you became more, and had to go through a lot of trials and heartache before that. You were always there for him when he needed you most. This is the story of how you grew to love Bradley, and how he grew to love you in return.
TW: 18+ (ish) (Smut, but I tried to write it in a vague yet descriptive way because I don't normally write smut; that being said it's pretty underwhelming compared to some of the stuff on this website so yeah) Swearing, Suggestion of self pleasure. (That's right, we're getting SPICYYYY). The fluffiest goddamn ending I have ever written.
Friends to Lovers requested by @iefitzgerald-blog
I hope you guys like it, please comment and let me know 🥰 I love reading them.
The smell of blueberry toaster waffles floated into your bedroom, and slowly but surely eyes cracked open and you were making your way into the kitchen where warm morning light filtered in. Bradley was shimmying around the kitchen singing to himself, just in his jeans (which he must have slept in) and seeing him again made you happy. Although things had ended in an unexpected way the night before, you were content; it didn’t feel wrong. 
“Y’know, in the entire time that I have both visited and lived here, I don’t think your family has ever not had blueberry toaster waffles in your freezer,” he mused, looking over at you with bright eyes. You could tell he was happy to have you around too. 
“What can I say, it’s a staple,” shrugging, you took the plate he handed you, gratefully; and he placed a kiss into your messy bed hair. Smiling softly, the both of you sat to enjoy said breakfast staple. After a short moment of comfortable silence, Bradley spoke up.
“So… North Island,” he asked.
“How’d you know about North Island?” you questioned him, and he answered by tipping his head in the direction of your family’s empty rooms.
“Did you just go out there by yourself?” he sounded concerned, “what made you do that?”
“I didn’t go by myself, Maverick took me out there,” you stated casually, and Bradley stopped chewing for a second.
“Oh,” was all he could think to say.
“I’m still pissed at him for what he did, but that’s not my fight Bradley,” you explained, sighing, “I got you where you wanted to be. Mav has been so alone since we both left, so yes, sue me; I visit him every now and then. If you have a problem with it, I’ll stick you back outside and eat your waffles.” You snagged a bite off his plate, and he picked it up to move it away from you.
“Fine, fine. Yes Ma’am,” he laughed, putting his other hand up. 
“Besides, I was actually answering orders,” you defended further, but goodnaturedly. 
“From who?” he asked, then it made sense.
“Iceman,” you stated in unison, and Bradley smiled at the mention of his other uncle. He obviously wasn’t as close to him as he had been to Pete, but he respected him immensely.
“He wanted me to pass on our squadron assignment to you,” you shoved the final bite of waffles in your mouth, “The War Party in Oceana.” Bradley looked pleased, then he stopped, looking at you quizzically.
“Our squadron?” he clarified, and confirmed with a head nod.
“Ice kept us together, he said he didn’t want the navy to split us up,” you took his plate from him, and he followed you into the kitchen, “he also expects us both to be top of our classes in Top Gun, by the way.”
When you noticed how quiet he had become you shut the faucet off, and turned your attention to Bradley.
“I’m glad I get to stay with you,” he whispered, and you crossed the room to wrap him in a hug, and he kissed your forehead gently. 
Falling into your relationship with Bradley wasn’t hard. It was actually the easiest thing ever, and you both kicked yourselves for wasting all that time thinking it would be. There was no awkward stage of trying to get comfortable with each other, Bradley was surprisingly affectionate so you didn’t need to work towards that, and you knew so much about each other already. You just fit in with each other. 
Opting to keep it a relative secret from your family at first (because you knew your mom would go batshit and assume you and him had been canoodling this whole time) you were happy in the privacy you and Bradley had. The only other person who knew was Mav, who was happy for you both; but of course he didn’t intrude on your life let alone your relationship.
Your introduction into the Golden Warriors that summer was smooth, and you and Bradley quickly became acquainted with the members. 
Six months later, when a few of those members decided to go out for a few drinks, one of them began to talk about their… exploits.
He was going on and on about how many women he had slept with (and how many husbands he had angered) when he turned his attention towards you and Bradley; both of you were too sober to like his antics, having opted to forgo alcohol.
“I’d like to make Bradshaw one of those angry men, Knuckles,” Lieutenant Marshall winked, and you didn’t bat an eye. Neither did Bradley. When he strutted up to you and Rooster, he asked why he wasn’t coming to your rescue; to be your knight in shining armor. He was picking a fight, but he was picking it with the wrong person in the pair.
“You know why we call her Knuckles, right?” he deadpanned, and Marshall looked a little taken aback, “I’ve been on the receiving end, and I do not recommend,” he warned, remembering how you nailed him between his eyes months ago.
That was enough for him to back off, and you decided to leave; having grown uncomfortable with the atmosphere.
You and Bradley found yourself in a little diner you both frequented, a short distance from his old house, which you had both moved into. It was actually more for work convenience, but neither of you minded. He made a whole show of asking you to move in with him. 
“Would you like to live with me?”
“We’ve lived together for the past few years, Bradley.”
“I mean at my old house.”
Of course, you smiled and accepted.
Bradley was quietly running his finger up and down your wrist, trying in vain to read your mind.
“Talk to me, Knucks,” he whispered, and you shrugged, not really sure what to say.
“He made me uncomfortable is all,” you reassured him, but he didn’t back down just yet. You had been a little off lately, and Bradley wasn’t sure why. He didn’t like to see you that way.
“No, what’s really going on?” he pushed gently, and you sighed.
“Alright.. I, uhm..” you fiddled with the straw wrapper, “I’ve been worried about… doing things… with you.” 
“Why? Have I done something to make you worry?” he asked, wanting to understand. He knew you were referring to sex, but he never thought he had pressured you in any way.
“No, no! You haven’t done anything… It’s actually more… It’s more of what I, uhm… haven’t done,” you muttered.
“You’re still a virgin?!” he coughed, trying not to choke on his beverage, and you couldn’t help but blush at Bradley’s surprise.
“Uhm.. yeah?” you asked him, getting a bit defensive when the waitress behind the counter glanced over.
“No, it’s not bad, it– it’s just I never thought about it before I guess..” his face was incredibly red too.
“What? You never noticed that I never liked any other boys or went on any dates? Who did you think I was having sex with?” you laughed, and he shrugged sheepishly.
“I don’t know, I guess I never questioned it? I assumed that mayb- maybe you had a fling or something at the academy?” he was tripping over his words, and it made you laugh.
“No, Bradley, I did not have a ‘fling’ at the academy,” you cleared up, smiling at him, “I mean it’s a relatively special thing for girls, y’know. Sometimes girls just want sex, and that’s fine, but mostly I wanted to wait for the right person. Besides, it’s not like I’ve never done anything myself–”
As soon as you said the words you regretted them slightly, and Bradley smirked a little when he caught what you meant. You shrugged your shoulders as if it wasn’t that big of a deal, trying to avoid the inevitable teasing.
“What kinds of things?” he asked, a shit eating grin appearing behind his mustache. 
“What do you think? Bradley?” your eyes met his. You had meant for it to come out in a “fuck you” tone, but the way it fell from your lips was not at all close. Bradley licked his lips a little, and your eyes flicked down when he bit his lip to keep his grin from growing. 
“What do you think about? When you do it?” he asked quietly, honestly wanting an answer. The way your own eyes gazed back into his told him what he needed to know, and you could cut the tension between the two of you with a knife. 
Him, of course.
The waitress was back, and you damn near jumped out of your skin when she piped up from behind you.
“Okay!” she began, “I have the burger for you, and the reuben sandwich for you!” she placed both orders down in front of their respective recipients, and you squeaked out a quiet thank you as she did. 
You took the opportunity to change the subject, ignoring the way he made you squirm when you found him staring at you. Dreading the car ride back to the house, you twiddled your thumbs quietly in the passenger seat.
“You know I would never make you do anything if you didn’t want it or weren’t ready for it right?” Bradley spoke up after five minutes of uncomfortable silence, “I was only teasing, and I don’t want you to spend the next fifteen minutes thinking I’m expecting something when we get home,” as soon as the words left his mouth you breathed a sigh of relief. In everything else, you were so comfortable with Bradley, but this was just a hard step. It made you nervous.
“It’s okay, Bradley,” you assured him, “I’m just a little… embarrassed is all.”
“Being a virgin is nothing to be embarrassed about,” he reassured, and that got you thinking. 
“Wait a minute,” you started, putting your thoughts together in your head, “When did you lose your virginity?” Raising an eyebrow, you squinted at him, and now it was his turn to be put under the microscope. When Bradley turned a shade lighter than a Rhode Island Red, you laughed out loud. 
“Oh my God! It was her wasn’t it?! Did you lose it your sophomore year?” you all but shrieked, and Bradley nervously laughed. 
Sophomore year, he had taken a mutual friend of yours to the homecoming dance. He had a small crush on her at the time and she was down bad for him. Bradley had been suspiciously frugal on the details when you had returned from your vacation, having been unable to attend the dance. At the time, you had assumed that they had sex; but as your own attraction grew it was pushed out of your mind due to jealousy. 
“No, uh, it wasn’t,” he corrected, and you recalculated your guess.
“You had a fling then? During college?” you asked, surprised and somewhat hurt. During that time you and Bradley had been closer than friends but not quite an item. Could you really feel that way if he wasn’t yours at that point? 
“What? No,” he was firm in his answer, and your worry flitted away as the two of you pulled up to a red light.
“Then when?” you gave up, surprised that you didn’t know.
It was now his turn to look into your eyes, and you put two and two together slowly. Your lips parted and your breathing was heavier now.
“Oh,” you whispered.
“I mean… We did stuff after homecoming but, not, y’know,” he said quietly, “after that, I kinda realized the only person for me was you, and I just… never did it,” he trailed off. 
A car horn honking broke the silence between you two and the bronco lurched forward as Bradley began driving again, through the now green light. 
“I’m sorry… if I made it seem–” 
“Don’t be sorry, now you know and like you said, it’s not a big deal,” he answered, shrugging at you and smiling. On the way back to his house, you thought about all the times you had been alone in your bed at night; and thought about Bradley alone in his.
Thinking of you.
A week later, you and Bradley had another free day. You had been busting your butt for the past couple days, and Bradley was going off on a short mission in a few days. The two of you decided to make the most of your free day.
You and Bradley went to get breakfast from a little bakery just down the road, and got some yard work done around the house. It was a relatively pleasant day for winter, and the two of you ended up sweating your asses off. 
When you were done, you headed into the house to shower while Bradley cleaned up the branches you had removed from Caroles old garden. You and him had plans to replant it for her soon. When he came into the bedroom after his shower, he wore only a towel that hung on his hips. He smiled at you, with your wet hair and your own towel wrapped around your body. 
Before you could overthink it, you had gotten off the bed and pulled Bradley down to you and into a kiss. He eagerly reciprocated, pulling you into him. You pulled his hand up to the place where the towel was tucked at your breasts, and he pulled away from the kiss, breathing heavily. 
“Are you sure?” his eyes looked so deeply into yours that you wanted to look away, but all you could do was nod your head, his fingers moving against your jawline as you did. 
“We can take it slow, just tell me if you want me to stop, okay?” he spoke gently, and you leaned up to kiss him once more. He pulled your cover away, pulling you close to him one more and you could feel him through his own towel.
He was so gentle with you, and you had never felt so loved in your entire life. The both of you were afraid to take that next step with the other, but once you did you were elated. You were made for each other, and the way he made you feel was indescribable. Finally being with him in a way that you both had craved for so long was all the more satisfying. It wasn’t bumpy or awkward because you were familiar, and getting to know each other’s bodies was only a small, new part of that familiarity.
It was something you would remember for a long time, the way his hands brushed down your bare body, causing you to shiver. How his tongue pressed against the sensitive parts of your chest, lips caressing them gently, and how he had kissed his way lower. Bradley took his responsibility as your first very seriously, even though you were his, too; and made absolutely sure you felt pleasure that filled your whole body in a way that left you breathless. 
He had gone slow at first, not wanting to hurt you, and when you were finally joined at the waist, he ran his fingers through your hair; removing the pieces that clung to your face from the sweat and the water that still remained. It was a new sensation but addictive all the same, and asking him to move, you had pursed your lips to contain the sounds you were afraid to make. Whimpering from the delicate pace he set, he lifted his head from where he had been kissing your neck and Bradley’s thumb had come up to your lips, begging to hear from you; and you obliged. Softly, sounds of pleasure and whispers of each other's name fell off both of your lips.
Sweat dripped from his brow onto your chest, which was red with heat and you begged him to touch you. He sat up onto his knees, bringing one hand to rest on your waist. When Bradley ran his fingers over the spot you had waited for him to touch for so long, you gripped the arm that rested on your hip, and when you broke, he would mentally replay the sounds you made like he needed them to live. Your other hand came to rest over his where he touched you, holding him to you while you cried out. Frequently, you would find yourself thinking back to the look of pure bliss he had on his face before he pressed his head into your shoulder, crying out your name over and over; once the friction had built to the point where it was just enough to send him into the release you had enjoyed before him. When he lifted his head, his eyes were full of overwhelming delight.
When you ran your fingers across his lips, featherlight, later in the evening; he hummed, closing his eyes and kissing the tips of your digits lightly. The sun was setting, casting a bright orange glow across your face, and Bradley admired the way it made your eyes illuminate.
“You know, for someone who was a virgin a few hours ago, you sure knew what you were doing,” you chuckled before you could finish the sentence, the laugh coming from deep in your throat. Bradley pulled you in closer against his bare chest, kissing into your hair over and over and you settled into his body, feeling safe there.
“Well, I’m not gonna lie. Sophomore year I found a stash of dirty magazines in Mav’s house and I noted a thing or two,” he winked and you sat up, your legs folded underneath you and your hair falling around your face; Bradley tucking it behind your ear.
“Bradley?” you asked, squinting, and he raised his eyes to yours in response, “I will pay you to never mention that to me again, ever,” you were, once again, wheezing before you could get all the words out. 
Sitting up against the headboard he leaned in to kiss you, something you gladly returned; smiling into the kiss. He pulled you over so that you were straddling his waist, and you cheekily ground your hips against him; agreeing with his body, which you had quickly realized was begging to go for a third time that day. The noise that came from his throat was half growl and half laugh, and you winked at him.
You could stay there forever, and if you had the chance you would happily take it.
"Waffles!" Bradley was calling after the small golden retriever puppy that was lolloping through the warm grass, and having the time of his life. It was the next summer, and you and Bradley had decided to adopt a puppy when one of your squadron members was fostering.
You watched Bradley from the back porch, as he got down on the ground to pat the dog's tummy.
"He loves you, boy let me tell you what," you laughed as his little tongue flopped out from his mouth and his teeny tail beat against the ground.
"I know but he's just so cute," he cooed, and you frowned.
"Are you leaving me for the dog?" you asked, cracking from your fake sadness with a tiny laugh.
"Maybe?" he smirked and you put your hand to your chest dramatically.
"Bradley!" you gasped, and he scooped up the dog and made his way over to you.
"Can't I keep you both?" he asked, leaning in for a kiss.
"Hmmm, maybe," you mused, standing to head into the kitchen, "at least I won't pee on you, Bradshaw," you laughed, stepping back into the house and leaving him on the porch.
You assumed Bradley looked down to see his jeans now wet from the puppy, because you heard him cry out in surprise. Not two seconds later, Waffles moseyed on into the house. You were just proud that he went potty outside.
It wasn’t until a few years later that you ended up back in San Diego, and having to leave Bradley for a few months was hard but not unheard of. You weren’t separated by squadrons, but deployments were a necessary part of life and you had dealt with it before. Bradley would be in the following Top Gun class.
There, you were a personal guest of Iceman at a few events outside of the weapons school. While it was fun, and a very generous gesture, it made you the target from some of your classmates. You didn’t care, you had brought Bradley back in touch with Ice, and he was once again, grateful to you. Besides, your flying proved your worth more than an invitation from an Admiral ever would.
Then came a day that would be full of surprises. 
First, you had been called up for an in air exercise. Everyone who came down previously had done so within a short period of time, complaining about the exercise. Each exercise was kept secret until in the air, to keep the students on their toes; so no one could share what everyone was so angry about. 
Pulling in to your left, you spoke over the radio to your wingman for the day, “Poker, do you see anything out there? I got nothing.” 
“I don’t see anything Knucks,” he said, then excitedly, “Wait– tally two, one o’clock moving west bound.” The both of you whooped on the radio, beginning to pursue the aircraft. 
“Good morning, Aviators. I’m here to collect my coupon for one dogfight, if you please, Knuckles,” Maverick’s voice chimed in over the radio, and you couldn’t help the laugh that filled the canopy. Of course. That’s why everyone was pissed, no one could beat Maverick.
Except you.
“Awww, Mav. Did you come out here just for me?” you asked sweetly, and you could hear the older man actually giggling over the radio, “You got yourself a deal, Mav. Fight’s on!”
What ensued was a wild chase through the air, both you and Poker against Mav and your instructor. You were constantly engaged with Mav, Poker making no attempt to interfere; opting to go for the other bogey instead. 
Somehow, within a few minutes Mav was behind you. Bringing yourself every which way to avoid his weapons systems, you pulled high right, and brought yourself down behind him. You got a missile lock on him just before your own instructor took you out. 
“What the fuck?” Mav’s laugh was shocked, and you were wheezing from your own seat.
“She got you good, Mav. I’m impressed,” your instructor pulled up alongside you, giving you a thumbs up. 
“I want a rematch,” he proclaimed, and you just laughed harder.
“No take backsies,” you said, absolutely sputtering with giggles.
“No take backsies?” he yelled, incredulous.
You had far too much fun kicking Maverick’s ass in the sky, and when you came down for the day, you gave him a big hug. 
Second, before you realized it, the sun had gone down, and the sky was painted with all sorts of colors. You and Mav sat in Ice’s office, chatting away when your instructor came in.
“Lieutenant, there is something I would like to address with you in Hangar B,” he stated. That was a little odd, it was past training hours. You had been hoping to go home and change out of your flight suit, but Maverick and Ice volunteered to walk with you; and everyone continued bullshitting with each other along the way. 
The large hangar door was cracked open ever so slightly, and when you squeezed through, the two older gentlemen stayed behind. When you gestured for them to follow, Mav said they were going to wait outside. 
Alright, whatever.
You followed your instructor's footsteps through the dark, and suddenly they stopped. You had no idea where he had gone and you stood to the side of the room, outlines of old aircraft hulking in the dark. One loomed next to you while you attempted to focus your eyes.
“Uhh, Commander Grey?” you asked, “I can’t see anything, are there lights? I’ve never been in this hangar.”
The lights flicked on, and a soft warm glow filled the large building as opposed to the industrial fluorescent lights that usually hung from above. You looked around, mesmerized by the many fairy lights that had been meticulously hung around the building. Three pairs of planes filled the room, one pair of F-4s, a pair of A-4s, and of course, F-14s. Smiling up at the old airplane, you looked around at the vintage navy memorabilia from the sixties and seventies that hung on the walls; taking it all in, slowly turning and spinning into the center of the room, when you noticed you were being watched. Your eyes flicked down to the man standing about twenty feet away from you, in the center of the hangar and of course you smiled because how could you not? 
The boy you loved, who was all grown up now, stood there in his dress whites. He had always looked good in his whites, but he looked extra sharp on this particular day. His hair was neatly trimmed, he was freshly shaved save for his mustache. 
“Bradley,” you smiled, happier than ever to see him. You could see the shine in his eyes from where you stood, and you began to cross the floor to him. That’s when it all clicked together for you: the lights, the set up, the uniform. It was a special occasion. Bradley took a deep breath and spoke up, making his way over to meet you; hands and lips trembling.
“Hey,” he said, grinning while wiping the tears that had spilled over onto your cheeks, and you laughed lightly seeing the tears in his own eyes.
“I haven’t been around to tell you how much I love you in a while, and that’s just a crime. Because I need you to know that I do. I’ve loved you since the first day of fourth grade,” he choked on his words, and swallowed before addressing you with your full name, middle and everything. 
“You are the most amazing person I have ever had the privilege to meet in this life, and I wouldn't trade you for anything. You've always been the backbone of our friendship and you've always kept me in check when I needed it most. You have always been such a light in my life and if you’ll allow me, I’d like to spend the rest of my life loving you in every way you could possibly be loved and every way you deserve; I want to be that someone in your corner,” he wiped one more tear from your cheek and of course, he knelt to the ground on one knee, with his heart on display, “Will you marry me?” 
You were both a blubbering mess, and if you didn’t know what a proposal was you might have asked him to repeat himself; he was so emotional the strangled question was hard to understand. You understood him just perfectly, though, and you fell to your knees, nodding fervently. Unable to speak from the way your throat tightened, you kissed him, bringing his face into your hands tenderly. 
The both of you held each other, calming yourselves from all the emotion of the moment when Bradley pulled away. He helped you stand, pulling out an old box from his pocket, opening it to reveal Carole’s old ring; and of course you cried more.
“She told me to only give this to you… she knew… all those years ago and she knew” he whispered, pushing it gently onto your finger. It fit perfectly, just like you and Bradley.
Looking at the ring, the gold glinting in the soft light, you sniffled, and Bradley pulled you in once more for a hug and kissed the side of your forehead lovingly. 
That ring would remain on your finger for a few hours, until you put it on a chain for safe keeping whenever you flew. Bradley would grow to fiddle with it when laying in bed with you throughout your life, and you would play with the gold ring on his own chain in return.
Years would pass before Mav was brought back into Bradley's life, but you would help him back just as you had Ice.
You would meet new friends, and lose some. Although terrifying at first, you and Bradley would have children; who would run around the yard and play with Waffles.
You had never expected your life would end up this way, this perfect, but here you were; and all because you had gotten pushed off the monkey bars in the fourth grade.
It’s not easy falling in love, but when the right person finds you it’s worth it.
Tag List: @seriouslyseresin @rintheemolion @auggie2000 @wishingwell-2 @luckyladycreator2 @lets-be-gay-for-the-angel @multiple-fandoms-girl @gretagerwigsmuse @fandom-life-12 @strawbxrrybuxky
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montysstuffs · 2 years
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Dark Red
Jealous!Abi x Nick
A little bit of angst ya know. Had to find a plot somewhere!
Warning: Arguing, degrading, cunnilingus, a little bit of choking
AN: just letting you know, I inserted a character named Anna, only for plot purposes. She’s irrelevant, only to progress the story forward. I know i keep writing about them being in college together, but PLEASE! LET ME HAVE THE ENDING I NEVER GOT! On another note, I am PUMPING 👏🏾 OUT 👏🏾 CONTENT 👏🏾
"Oh no,” everyone groaned in unison as Dylan suggested truth or dare. Everyone remembers the last time he suggested a game like that. It got very VERY messy. "okay okay okay," dylan put his hands up defensively,"-I see that you guys dont wanna have fun. What about spin the bottle?" Kaitlyn scoffs at the suggestion, "Dylan, stop giving ideas. What are we, 16?" Kaitlyn doesnt wait for an answer, "i suggest we play some music and just enjoy our last weekend before finals." Ryan raises his hand and nods," i second that." Anna claps her hands excitedly at the suggestion, “I love music! Nick, dance with me,” she pulls Nick out of the kitchen and into the living room. The groovy music filled the space between all of them. Emitting a warm and sensual vibe that they danced in tandem with. Anna sings along to the music, swaying side to side as Nick does the same. He places one of his hands on her hips as they dance to gratifying music.
Within seconds of the music ending and another playing, Anna and Nick were back up and dancing with each other, giggling and carrying on. They honestly seemed like they were having more fun than anyone else. Abi was far too heated to pay attention to a thing being said. Grant it, she didnt know who to be more jealous of; Anna or Nick. She had to admit, Anna was gorgeous. She had a strange, ethereal pull on Abigail. Almost supernatural. But what wasn’t there to like. She had short, bluntly chopped hair. Small tendrils framed her face in the most flattering way. There were two little pigtails on with ribbons on the very ends of them. Matching perfectly with her bubbly personality.
"OH OH I got a game," Jacob joined the group from the kitchen. Carrying more takeout for the group to eat. "why so much food jacob?" Emma giggles to herself, moving over to help the boy carry his arm full of food. "Just want everyone to get enough to eat. What kind of host would i be if i just got you all drunk and didnt get food in your systems? a bad one, thats what."
Emma smiles at his wholesomeness. Quite a few people forget that jacob is very caring. Just not very bright. Jacob successfully balances all of the food and places it on the table, "BOOM! Skills. Anyway, I think we all should play Mario kart!" He nudges dylan in the side while wiggling his eyebrows at him. He sits down next to Ryan on the couch with kaitlyn. effectively forming a circle around the livingroom. Nick looks around the circle, “hey, where’s Abi?” Emma, promptly pulling out her phone to message her, chimes in, "last time i talked to her, she said she was going to step out for some air."
Nick had begun to worry when Abi didn't come back to the party. His thoughts had begun to spiral. Did Abi really leave the party without letting him know? At this time of night? She's so vulnerable, a strong wind could knock her over.
Nick had used his spare key that abi had let him borrow to entire into her and emma's shared apartment. There, he found the girl climbing up her counter. A wave of relief washes over him once he ensures that she is safe. It is immediately followed by anger and frustration.
“Why aren’t you picking up your phone," he crosses his arms in front of his chest. Closing and locking the door behind him. Abigail gives no answer, only continuing to reach for her ice cream cones on top of the refridgerator.
“Put the ice cream down, and answer me," he says in a more authoritative voice. From the look on her face, he knew that the tone fell on deaf ears. Finally she spoke, "I turned it on silent. Didnt feel like talking." Nick is taken aback by her laissez faire attitude. As if she really doesnt care that her friends are worried about her.
“Because you don’t feel like it? You can’t just leave without telling me what’s going on. You could’ve text me," Nick approaches her slowly. Scanning oveer her body to see if there are any injuries. Now that he is close enough, he can see that there arent any. So he can mentally check off someone hurting her. Still not being able to wrap his mind around what would possess her to leave in the middle of the night, all alone. "I can do whatever i please, nick. Youre not my guardian," she shrugs her shoulders. But theres something more behind her words. More than just malice and annoyance.
“What’s with that tone?"
"i dont have a tone"
"Abigail, yes you do."
"Well maybe you do as well, Nicholas."
"Oh? Oh? we're doing full names now." He takes a deep breath to regroup. Catching himself from saying something he may regret later. "I’m not trying to stifle your independence,
"If this is about anna, i swear babe. There's nothing going on. She's not trying to get with me, and im not trying to get with her.
Abigail puts her hand up for him to stop abruptly, "Don't- don't make me seem like I'm the crazy one. Like I'm some asshole that just goes around thinking everyone who looks in your direction wants to fuck you. Why cant you just believe me? This new girl doesnt have good intentions."
"So youre speculating that she's trying to take you away from me?
"no! i just want you to be on my side for once! Is my word not good enough for you? Does she have to pounce on you before you realize that she's trying to seduce you?" At this point Abi's voice was hoarse from all of the yelling going on between them.
"Maybe i will go fuck her. At least maybe she'll let me know her feelings instead of running away like always. And we were talking about how you think it’s okay for you to just leave unannounced. Don’t go flipping this back onto me.” Nick and Abi stared wide-eyed at one another. Both in disbelief that he would say something like that. "I'm sorry. I didnt mean that. I'm just frustrated," he panics in anticipation. Waiting for Abi's next move or word. Silence. She puts her face into her hands and sighs, "I know you didnt mean it. And I'm not jealous. You're just mine, that's all.”
“Maybe we both need to work on our communication skills,” Nick and Abi both share a small chuckle amongst each other. “Come here,” Nick pulls Abigail’s arm with him. Making her follow him to her bedroom. “Why? I don’t wanna go,” she shuffles and drags her feel along the carpet, but still follows him. “Because you’re so cute when you’re jealous.” He sits on her bed with a creaky flop, now at her eye level.
“Gimme a kiss,” Nick puckers his lips slightly at the momentarily taller girl. Rolling her eyes, she sighs. Placing a chaste, meaningless kiss against his lips. “Nu uh! No, like you mean it. I won't bite. Unless you're into that sort of thing," Nick flashes his canines at her. Making her shudder at one of their previous encounter being alone like this together. He trails his fingers down her back lightly. Leaving goosebumps in their wake. He expertly unclasps her bra as he captures her lips in a soft kiss. She whimpers into the kiss, not sure if she should forgive him just yet. He places a kiss lower, onto her neck. Grazing his larger teeth across her heavily scented pulse. Some effects of the curse still lingering after all this time. Not that he was complaining. He brushes his lips across her collar bone, finally lifting her shirt over her head. The anticipation had begun to sink lower into her stomach. She hated to admit it, but she loves it when he works her up. Makes her speak up and defend herself. He also loved it. Loved how she'd get mad, scream at him, maybe even throw something at him. Ultimately ending up with them screaming in each other's faces. The sexual tension building and building unto it bursts in a fiery explosion of hands and nails and teeth.
Until Nick is sliding down of of the bed and onto the floor under her. Silently groveling as he kisses up her calves. All the while he pulls her shorts down and tossing them to the side. "Youre so fucking pretty when youre angry. Almost makes me want to submit to you. Just to see what would happen. Abi lets out what could only be described as a desperate cry for more attention. His lingering finger tips running up her inner thighs was getting to her a little to much.
“You like me on my knees baby,” he smirks in between licks. He steadies her shaking legs with his hands as he sucks gingerly. His course, rough tongue lapped at her clit. He takes one finger into his mouth. Coating it in spit before slowly easing it into her. Abi shuts her eyes and whimpers at the slight stretch, “No no baby. Watch me. Watch me on my knees for you,” he returns his tongue back her aching clit. Licking up the juices that spilled down his hand. It was an indulgence filled with warmth and sensitivity. One that left Abi at a loss for words. Nothing could compare to the way Nick loved up on her when she felt insecure. No one could make her fall apart and put her back together like Nick could. He slips in one more finger. This time, pistoning into her faster. Abi gripped and pulled at his long locks hard enough to earn a lustful groan from the boy. His eyes flash yellow up at her.He had begun to salivate at he way she tasted and smelled. She lets out a yelp as his fingers brush past her sweet spot. "Mmm there it is," he grazes over the sensitive bundle of nerves over and over again. making her ride and grind down onto his fingers and tongue. Her build up was coming to an end. Just a little bit more, a little bit longer.
"Fuck you taste good. Give it to me baby. Ride my fa-," he is cut off by abi pulling his face deeper into her cunt as the coil in her lower abdomen snapped. Nick gratiously drank up her juices. His eyes fluttering in satisfaction as he does so. “I belong to you, Abi. Let me fuck you like I belong to you. But i need you to say it," he smirks up at her before getting back on his feet. Flipping them around, he stlaks forward. Making her fall onto the bed. "I wanna hear you beg me, baby. Got such a pretty voice when you beg for my cock," he is now towering over the small girl. Caging her in between his arms, his clothed erection presses up against her wetness. Leaving a stain on his boxers. She dips her hand in the waistband of his underwear and with the biggest puppy-dog eyes, she begs him.
"Please fuck me, Nicky. I need it," she couldnt believe she made a desperate plea. But it always ends up like this. With her legs up to her ears and Nick driving into her with an exorbitant amount of force. She whimpers at how much he stretches her. The burn brought tears to the corners of her eyes. But in the best, delicious way possible. “Are you gonna be sore? Aww you can take it. You won’t break, baby," his cock shoved into her pussy. It begins to quiver at his constant penetration. He pushes frantically against her hips; placing a sloppy, messy kiss against her panting lips. Her walls flutter as he hits the spongy patch of nerves again. "Let everyone hear how pretty you sound while taking my cock." She sounded so sinful. "Look at you cumming on my cock already. Youre not mad anymore, huh? So easy to please." He places his hand around her neck. No doubt leaving a faint bruise later on, "Tell me you love me. I'm not choking you that hard. C'mon, you can do it." She stumbles to form words as her orgasm hits. She forms lewd moans as she rides her orgasm out. "I love you. S-so much." Nick smirks down at her He rocks his hips against hers, "You can take all of my cum can't you baby? You wont let a drop slip out, right?" Abi nods at the boy, mouth agape. Teetering the line from being overstimulated. "Push down onto my cock baby," he felt himself getting closer to his own orgasm. He halts his hips as he cums. His hot seed spilling out in ropes into her soft body. "Mmm so so easy to please. But we dont have to argue to have that kinda sex baby. Just tell me next time, okay?" Abi's eyes were already closing to slip into a blissful sleep.
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strawberrystrangers · 3 years
Little, Teeny Crush | sebastian stan
Synopsis: Chris and Sam hook you and Sebastian up on Chris’ birthday night out, knowing you like him.
A/N: This is really rough for my first piece lol but hope you enjoy anyway. Requests are open for Sebastian Stan/Chris Evans/Tom Holland related topics. I have a few of my own story ideas I’m putting out, so if you do request bear with me.
“I honestly hope he doesn’t come,” you say, twirling the straw in your drink as a hopeful distraction. You focus on the ice cubes that circle the glass, feeling your chest pulsating at the same pace. It was June and that meant, really, only one thing: Chris demanding a night out for his birthday. You and Anthony had already planned the night, intending it as a surprise, but Chris ended up finding out and wanted to stay updated. So, now, the three of you were sat in The Wooden Crown Arms—because Chris always had an interest in British pubs—in a booth in the corner, waiting for Sebastian to arrive… Well, they were waiting, you were dreading.
     “Why?” Anthony asks, sitting opposite you and laughing. “He’s just late, what’s he ever done to you?”
     An already tipsy Chris giggles. “She has a little crush on him,” he points at you and then boops your nose. “A little, teeny crush.”
     You roll your eyes and try to suppress a laugh. “I’m gonna need a lot more to drink if I’m gonna catch up with you, Evans.”
     “A crush?” Anthony leans closer to you from across the table excitedly. “Really?”
     Before you can reply, you watch Sebastian walk through the entrance on the other end of the room. “Shut up,” you say. “He’s coming over.”
     Chris turns around but Sebastian still hasn’t seen you guys. “Oh, you mean Sebastian Stan?” He says loudly, almost falling off the seat. Anthony manages to pull him back before he completely hits the ground. 
     That’s when Sebastian sees you.
     He only looks at you first and it’s like the two of you are having some film-like slow-motion moment. But then Chris’ loud voice breaks it, and he engulfs Sebastian in a hug. You feel Sebastian still looking at you but you try and keep your focus on Anthony, too worried that you’ll blush if you look long enough. 
     “Sorry, I’m late,” he says, sitting down next to you. His thigh brushes yours and you gulp, but he seemingly ignores it, greeting Anthony across the table. “Traffic was a bitch.”
     “I think Y/N wants you to say that last part again,” Chris giggles. You widen your eyes at him and grit your teeth. Fuck.
     “Why?” Sebastian is looking right at you, obviously waiting for an answer but you can’t meet his eyes—and you see Chris staring, evidently manifesting you to look at each other.
     Still looking at Chris, you say, “My hearing is really bad in this place. I just didn’t catch it.”
     “Right,” Seb laughs in confusion. “I guess I’m gonna need a lot to drink if I’m gonna catch up with you, Chris.”
     Anthony and Chris turned to you, eyes wide at Sebastian’s similar line to yours earlier.
     “It’s a common phrase, guys,” you sigh.
     “A what?” Sebastian laughs confused again.
     “Common phrase.”
     “A common phrase?”
     “We said the same thing,” you explain. “They think it means something. I think it means Chris is too drunk already.”
     “I’m perfectly fine, Y/N! Look, it’s like this… when you have a time and you have a moment, it’s going to be pretty interesting.”
     “Chris, what the fuck are you saying?” You laugh.
     Sebastian laughs. “I’m gonna go get a drink. Anyone want another?” He looks at Anthony, who shows his full bottle, and then to Chris, and Anthony shakes his head. Then he finally looks at you, and you finally look back at him which causes your stomach to feel like a whole circus.
     “Southern Comfort and lemonade.” You smile.
     He nods and heads towards the bar. As soon as he’s out of sight, you lean across the table. “I should smack you both, what are you doing!”
     “Did you just say you’ll smack us?” Chris giggles.
     Anthony ignores Chris and says, “Trying to hook you up.”
     “You don’t even know if he’s attracted to me. Can you not put me out there when I haven’t done it myself? I can’t handle rejection. Especially not from someone as hot as Sebast—“
     “Here you go.” Sebastian sings, sliding your drink towards you. “Got you a straw too, saw you had one in your last drink.”
     In unison, Chris and Anthony shout, “Gentleman!”
     “This is so weird,” Sebastian laughs. “I love it.”
Chris and Sebastian are deep in conversation while you and Anthony scan the food menu for snacks. Sebastian stretches his arm across the back of the booth seat behind you—his focus still on Chris. Anthony’s eyes widen at you, face not really containing his excitement. You mouth to him to “chill out”. 
     “I need the bathroom!” Anthony bursts out abruptly. Everyone looks at him. “Yeah, I need the bathroom. Move Chris…”
     After a short moment, Chris’ phone dings and he looks at it. Then he quickly looks up, grinning at both you and Sebastian. You give Chris a look of, don’t you fucking dare leave me alone with him. But his grin only grows larger.
     “I have to go to the bathroom.”
     You sigh, “did Anthony just text—“
     “I just have to go to the bathroom. I can’t hold it any longer, I guess.” 
     And then he’s gone… leaving you and Sebastian left alone. With his arm still behind your head, he taps the seat with his fingers and you feel your heartbeat get faster. You’re getting nervous—or rather more nervous than before. You can hear his fingers on the leather so close by your ear.
     “Y/N?” He says, and you snap out of your daze. “Were you not listening?” He laughs, a smile wide on his face.
     “I don’t think I was, I’m sorry. Say that again.”
     “I was asking if you were having a good time.”
     “I’m having a great time.” You’re still facing frontwards but you notice and feel Sebastian turn his body towards you. “What about you?” You give a quick glance and then sip your drink again.
     “I’m having a good time…” he’s chuckling to himself. You can hear the leather squeaking as he’s shaking his leg. “I’m having a really good time, yeah.”
     “Seems Chris is too,” you joke.
     “Yeah,” he says. “Chris is definitely going for it tonight.”
     “Why were they shouting my name when I first arrived?”
     You gulp and hope he didn’t hear it. “They must have seen you come in.”
     “They were facing you,” he says with a smile still on his face. “You were the one to see me. I saw you look at me and look away.” You drink faster through the straw. “Did you say something about me?” He laughs. 
     You choke as you swallow your drink, coughing and catching the attention of the other people in the bar. He rubs your back and puts a hand on your arm. “Oh my god, that was embarrassing.”
     “Are you okay?” When he asks this, you turn to him. Properly looking at him now and you wonder if you can trust yourself. While looking at him, you notice one of his collar sides is sticking up. You unfold it and caress it down so it’s in its right place.
     “Sorry,” you say overly apologetic. You completely forgot where you were for a moment. “It was bugging me. One side up. One side down.”
     He just stays smiling and shakes his head. “No problem, I liked it… I mean, I appreciated it. Appreciated it, yeah.”
     He’s looking at you in the eyes and you don’t think you’ve ever met someone who makes such great eye contact like him. It’s making you nervous again. His eyes flicker from your eyes to your lips then back to your eyes, licking his lips every now and then.
     Then you move your hands down to the hem of his top, twisting it around your fingertip to ease your nerves. “Is this okay?” You ask and he nods.
     He moves his free hand—with his other still in the back of the booth seat behind you—onto your thigh, his thumb gently caressing the inside of it. “Is this okay?” He asks and you nod. You feel your insides becoming giddy, goosebumps forming across your skin.
     Just as you think Sebastian is leaning in, Anthony approaches the table and you retract your hand from his shirt but his hand stays still on your thigh.
     “I’m gonna give Chris a ride home,” he says. “He’s gone a little bit overboard. You two good, here?”
     You nod. “Yeah, I’ll grab a cab home.”
     “We can share and split the cost,” Sebastian says. “Then we know you get home safe.”
The cab finally pulls up outside your apartment building, and you hesitate for a moment. The rain is pattering on the car windows and with your light alcoholic buzz, everything feels so calm and soothing.
     “You okay?” He asks.
     You want to ask him up, but you don’t want to feel rejected. Maybe you were imagining the moment in the bar?
     “I’d like that,” he says.
     You’re brought out of your thoughts, “Huh?”
     “Coming up to your apartment,” he laughs.
     “Did I say that out loud?”
     He nods, laughing. “Did you not mean to?”
     The cab driver sighs. “Look, man, this is cute and all but I’m running gas, here. Are you getting out or not?”
     Sebastian looks at you to make sure you want him to come up. You nod at him knowingly. He lets you out of the cab first before he paying the driver. When he exits, he puts a hand to the small of your back. You’re both quiet when you walk through the lobby and into the elevator—maybe it’s tension or maybe it’s just awkwardness. You’re not quite sure.
     “Which number?” He asks.
     “Oh, yeah, sorry,” you laugh. “It’s the third floor.”
     He presses the button for number 3 and stands close by your side, his hand still on the small of your back. The doors open on your floor and you walk down the hall to your apartment, Sebastian now trailing behind you instead of beside you. You put the key in the lock and turn it, open the door.
     “You’re not some secret serial killer, are you?” You ask. “Only you’re trailing behind me…”
     “I figured I’d give you some space in case you felt like you wanted to slam the door in my face and not let me in.” He says this as he’s walking through the hallway of your apartment. When he sees your couch he asks if he can sit on it and you nod.
     “Water or coffee?” You call to him from the kitchen.
     “Coffee, please, Y/N.”
     You walk into the room holding a glass of water for yourself and a coffee for Sebastian. You sit opposite him on the couch. “Tonight was fun,” you say.
     “Very fun,” he agrees, sipping from the mug. Then there’s a moment of silence. “Did you like my hand on your thigh?”
     “Did I?” You stutter nervously, taken aback by the question.
     “I should really stop making you choke, shouldn’t I?” He chuckles. “So, did you? Like my hand on your thigh?”
     “That’s a sexy way of asking for consent,” you giggle. “But I did, yeah.”
     He looks at you deeply again, and you’re getting nervous again. “Would you like it…” he moves closer to you, and you do the same.
     “I would,” you whisper.
     He places the mug on the table and rests his hand on your thigh like earlier. His thumb gently caressing the inside of it.
Sebastian’s hand was cold when it slid up your body to rest his hand by your collar bone, his palm flat feeling your heartbeat get faster and faster, and his wrist resting between your boobs. His other hand slipped into your underwear, finger sliding down your slit.
     “You’re soaking,” he whispered in your ear, his breath warm. A jarring difference from his cold hands. “Have you been like this all night?”
     You tilt your head back onto his shoulder. And he loves the sight, you in pleasure heaven, your neck on show for him, your body quivering back into his. “Have you been like this all night?”
     “Y-yes,” you manage to make out. “Oh, daddy, yes. All night.”
     “Good thing I came up to you, then?” He asks. “Are you glad I came up to you?” He emphasises the word “came” and he feels you clench against his finger.
     “Not yet, baby, you don’t get me inside of you yet. Just be patient, baby.”
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I’m not sure if anyone requested this yet, but can you write some sweet headcanons where Malleus, Vil, Riddle, Azul and f!s/o bond with their child? Like they've all graduated from NRC and they're adults and parents now. Thanks Raven!
Curiouser and Curiouser...
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As the ruling family of the Valley of Thorns, you are often busy with political and economic affairs. One day, your child will become the next monarch, so they follow you around to important meetings (when they’re not with their royal tutors) and sit in to watch you and father work. This way, they are able to learn while also spending time with their parents.
A beloved family past time is taking a stroll in the palace gardens, hand in hand--your child holding one of yours, and one of dad’s. Malleus knows just what their favorite flower is, and sometimes does little magic tricks to get them to giggle--a shower of petals, or perhaps making all of their favorite flowers bloom in unison.
Sometimes Malleus joins his child for their lessons! It can be boring studying history books or practicing the violin alone, so he might read aloud to them, or take up a string instrument himself to show them the ropes!
Malleus also joins his child for the occasional spar. Of course, he never really goes all-out, but he does try to push them to think quick on their feet. Each battle tends to end with Malleus lying on the floor and pretending he has been “slain”--and when his child cautiously approaches to check on him, Malleus strikes back by tickling them until they’re squealing with laughter.
He knows it can be hard to get a grasp on magic, so when the first sparks start to appear in his child, he makes the time to help them control it. Malleus keeps mint candies in his robes to help cool fiery belches, and he kindly guides his child through shifting from humanoid to dragon and back.
There’s always ice-cream--the king’s favorite treat--on hand! He loves to share it with his child (especially if they’ve expelled a fiery burp earlier). Malleus constructs large and elaborate sundae boats to surprise them after a long day of their studies.
Malleus’s imposing height actually makes him the perfect playground for his child! They love to cling to his back or ride his shoulders, all while reaching up for the sky--which they hope to one day soar through with their father.
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His status as an A-list celebrity tends to keep Vil away from home for extended periods of time, but he keeps in touch with his beloved family! That means lots of video calls with you and his child--and it makes all the moments you do spend together all the more meaningful. (Your child has a habit of pointing at magazine covers and the TV screen whenever they see their father on.)
Whenever Vil returns from work, he typically has a gift in hand for his child. It could be merchandise from whatever brand he has partnered with at the moment, a souvenir from abroad, or a plushie, flowers, or candy from his fans. It always brings a smile to his kid’s face--because their dad is thinking of them, even when they aren’t together.
Vil’s his child’s greatest supporter. He believes they can do anything they set their mind to, and he actively encourages them to work hard toward those goals. No matter how busy he is, Vil will show up to every sports game, every dance recital, every awards show his child is in.
He takes his child on lots of outings! The movies, restaurants, parks, spas, stores... anywhere, really! He thinks it is important for his child to see and experience as much of the world as they can--and besides, he loves doing anything and everything with them.
Vil allows his child to dig into his vanity and wardrobe for things to use for playing dress-up! He’ll sit at the kitchen counter and pretend to be a commentator as his child struts out in various outfits and looks they’ve thrown together.
Occasionally, Vil will sit down and let his kid make him “absolutely beautiful” with his own cosmetics. There’s a whole photo album in your phone of your husband in crooked lipstick and liner, or wildly messy eyeshadow, courtesy of your child.
If they have trouble sleeping,  Vil will read a fairy tale to them--and he’ll crack a little smile when his child tells him he’s like the prince in the story. Other times, he’ll sing lullabies to soothe them. When they’ve, at last, settled into sleep, Vil will brush their hair aside and kiss them on the forehead, wishing them sweet dreams.
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Riddle is stern, but not emotionally closed off. He has sworn to never be like the tyrant his mother was to him in his youth. Though he may be upset when his child does an oopsie, he takes a deep breath, brings himself down to eye level with them, and calmly explains why it is he feels the way he does. Together, they’ll talk out their feelings and find a compromise that works for both of them.
He plays tea party with his child, even going out of his way to properly address each of their stuffed animals by their full name and title. Riddle sits down in a small plastic chair and pretends to sip his “tea” (cola heavily diluted with water) and eat his “scones and sandwiches” (colored clay cut into lopsided triangles).
They look after the family pets--a pair of hedgehogs--together. Riddle shows hid child where the hedgehogs like to be scratched, and how to properly hold them and bathe them. They love to give the hedgehogs their food, the lie on their bellies and proper their faces up to watch the pets eat.
He sits down with them to help with their homework. If there’s something they don’t understand, Riddle can talk them through it--though he won’t just spout out the answer. He wants his child to be able to think critically for themselves--he’s there to provide a little nudge, if needed.
Riddle and his child often experiment in the kitchen. He’s sure to pick simple, kid-friendly and easy recipes, and makes sure that his kid follows proper safety precautions. They serve you up the dishes they make, from fruit sandwiches to pasta salads to no-bake cheesecakes.
Whenever he’s eating something with strawberries on it, he offers the fruit to his child, since he knows they also enjoy them. They typically banter back and forth a bit before agreeing to split the strawberries in half so both of them can enjoy~
He often takes his child out on strolls through the neighborhood so they can see what life is like outside of the house. If some neighborhood kids want to play with them, Riddle lets his child run freely--he’ll just keep a careful eye on them from a distance.
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Like their father, your child is ambitious and intelligent for their age. You can often find them trying to negotiate with their father for various things: later bed times, more allowance for the week, cake for dessert instead of fruit tonight... Azul usually still wins in the end, but he’s a good sport about it and allows the conversations to drag on a little to encourage his kid to put together a coherent argument.
Speaking of allowance, Azul is sure to make sure his child earns that money through various small acts, like doing the dishes or taking out the trash. That’s part of how he shows his love: by instilling values of fairness and working hard into his kid. He also does his part to teach them about the benefits healthy eating and exercise, so his kid can live a long and healthy life!
His child sometimes surprises him at his workplace. Whenever that happens, Azul grants them their own special table in the corner and serves them himself. There’s plenty of free finger foods and endless refills for them, but he’ll gently scold them if they run the risk of overeating or indulging in too many unhealthy foods.
Azul takes his child to the pool or to the beach to swim! He’s notably less enthusiastic about it if he has to do so in his true form, but he’ll do it if his child begs enough. They’re fascinated by his many arms--and to be honest, they come in handy when Azul needs to make a quick rescue or prevent them from drifting too far out on their own. When they’re old enough, Azul holds their hand, and they dive deep to explore the depths.
When the winter comes, Azul personally secures his child in a scarf and several other warm layers before sending them out into the cold. The Coral Sea can get to frigid temperatures during these times of the year, and he tends to worry for his child’s wellbeing and health because of it.
Azul doesn’t give his child gifts often (he wants them to be appreciative for what they already have), but when he does, they are generous ones--a big kitchen playset, a cash register with tons of play money, a lightning-magic powered car they can actually ride in...
Family board game night! Azul has a cabinet full of tabletop card games and board games specifically for these occasions. Monopoly in particular is especially... stiff competition. There’s betrayal and drama around every corner, but you still have tons of fun regardless.
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morbidanthem · 3 years
Growth and Evolution (Pregnancy Headcanon)
-> A03 Here <-
Continuity - Pokémon Sword and Shield Character(s) - Raihan | Fem!Reader Parring - Raihan/Fem!Reader Genre - Cute, Fluffy Rating - T for Teen and Up Warning - Mentions of Sickness
Word Count - 892
[Piers]  | [Raihan]  | [Leon]
✏️Written 06/22/2021✏️
You didn't have time to wait around for the Doctor to call you back.
You didn't have time to wait out your mysterious sickness, either.
You were doing what you've always done.
Take some pain medication, drink plenty of ice water, and eat nothing but carbs and protein.
"Alright! Let's run the drill again, people! This time, I want to see Haxorus on the ground!" You shouted, trying to motivate the Gym Trainers to fight harder.
Haxorus shouted, as he ran forward onto the battlefield.
You had begun to skirt around the field swiftly, watching every strike against your Pokémon.
"C'mon, step it up Sliggo- you won't always have the weather advantage!" You shouted, watching as the Pokémon became a little Sluggish with the harsh sunlight.
"Y-You heard The Coach! C'mon, Sligoo!" Sebastion shouted, watching as the two Pokémon went head to head.
In a moment of distraction, as you had slightly bent over to hold your queasy stomach, you felt a forceful gust of wind above your head.
You turned your gaze up to see Raihan's Duraludon, who was blocking Haxorus' Claws from slashing you to ribbons.
Haxorus was pushed back by Sliggo's attack.
Haxorus was about to fall right into you.
You must've zoned out, as you normally are very careful when having to get so close to the action.
"Oh, thank Arceus." You whispered, as Haxorus corrected itself and stood at attention.
"Breaktime." Raihan spoke, as he sauntered onto the field.
"Good call…" you muttered, adrenalin still coursing through your body. "Take 15, everyone! We'll pick up again after."
"Yes, Coach!" The Gym Trainers shouted in unison, as they raced back to the Locker Room.
"You're still not feeling well, you know." Raihan said, pulling you into him from behind.
"Yeah, I don't think my medicine is working." You muttered, pulling your phone from your tracksuit pocket.
4 Missed Calls
2 Voice Messages
"Oops- it's probably the doctor's office." You muttered, seeing the last four calls were from the same number.
You heard Raihan Humm, as he rested his chin on top of your head, sticking his hands into your tracksuits pockets.
You played your phone on speaker.
'First Message: Good Morning, Doctor Rosie's office calling! Please call us back at your earliest convenience- Thank You!'
Message Received 2 Hours Ago.
'Second Message: Good Morning, once again, this is Doctor Rosie's office calling once more. We have the results of your most recent test, please, give us a call back soon.'
Message Received 1 Hour ago.
"Oops… let me, uhh, call them back." You muttered, tapping the phone's screen to initiate a call back.
"Doctor Rosie's office, this is Rosie, how can I help you?" The cheery voice of your doctor greeted you on the other end of the line.
After exchanging a few pleasantries, and confirming your identity over the phone,  it was time to get down to business.
"Well, going over your blood and urine samples, we have some very exciting news." She spoke in a Sing song tone of voice. You tilted your head to raise an eyebrow at Raihan, who simply shrugged in response.
That was when you felt your blood run cold, and practically turn to ice in your veins.
"Congratulations, You're Pregnant!" She chimed, "almost exactly One Month according to the levels in your test."
You felt Raihan's arms tense in your jacket, as your breath was hitched in your throat.
The doctor was trying to give you a lot of information, but after dropping that bomb on you, you were hardly absorbing it.
"I'll make sure to schedule you a follow up appointment as well. We'll message you the details!" She spoke out.
You thanked her and promptly ended the phone call.
You clutched at the phone that was still in your hands, as you felt a little too vulnerable in the moment to look back at Raihan.
This was… unexpected.
It also wasn't something you both had really discussed in great lengths either.
This was going to change your whole life- the career you've worked so hard to build around helping Trainers toughen up their pokemon for battle!
Your mind was racing a mile a minute, thinking about all the things you would have to buy and all of the new things you were going to have to learn.
But your mind froze, when you felt Riahan finally react to the news.
You felt Raihan's shoulders and arms begin to shake, and you braced for the worst outcome of the scenario.
The worst outcome never came though.
You let out a shout, nearly dropping your phone on the ground, as you were lifted up into the air by Raihan.
His laughing could be heard louder than your shouting.
Duraludon and Haxorus began to dance around in excitement as well, sensing their trainer's happiness.
"Incredible! Can you believe it? We're going to have a baby!" He shouted, as you noticed his Rotom Phone spinning around the both of you.
The camera shutters could be heard softly, but they were being drowned out by Raihan's incredibly loud laughter and excitement.
"Raihan! Put me down!" You shouted, kicking your legs out in front of you to try and throw the man off balance.
You hated it when he manhandled you like this… but, secretly, you'll forgive him for doing it this one time.
He apologized and put you down on the ground softly, as you wobbled a little on your feet.
Your head was spinning, your stomach was queasy, and you swore you saw stars clouding your vision.
But, you've never felt happier than you do at this moment.
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sereneshymn · 2 days
And I Thought, I'm Alive
The first thing in front of his eyes when he comes to is an ornate stone ceiling, though his vision is far too blurry and unfocused to make out any details, nor does he try to. His body, still beholden to the law of nature in spite of his feelings, continues to take the weak, shallow breaths in its very last attempt to keep on living, and through that small movement, he can feel the fine silks surrounding him for comfort.
His exhausted eyes do not recognize the room. This is not Lord Hetzel’s mansion. Maybe he was caught by another Senator.
It doesn’t matter.
With the next breath he takes, his arm moves slightly, and at the edge of his mind, he registers the grains of sand in his sleeve. Sand. Why sand. Where sand…
Where was he. Where is he.
It doesn’t matter.
He is alive. Why is he alive. He should not be alive. He does not want to be a—
Behind the door, two voices reach him, quiet and muffled. One belongs to a woman, one to a man. Bits and pieces reach his exhausted mind through the fog in a disorderly manner.
“— — changes?”
“No, — doesn’t — react — — all.”
“— try. I’m not — — give up —”
The door then creaks quietly open. Steps – someone walks in. He doesn’t move. It doesn’t matter.
Within his blurry vision appears a woman’s head, surrounded by locks of lilac hair and adorned with pointy ears. One eye is covered by an eyepatch; the other looks at him softly and gently, trying to find him and connect with him.
His blank eyes stare through her, empty, unfocused, half-closed – as though he is not here at all.
“— — hear me?”
She raises her hand, and soon he feels her fingers stroking gently his hair and the side of his head. The feeling is pleasant. Even in its shattered state, his mind can register the genuine concern and care behind the gesture. It continues to reject them all, however.
She speaks again. “Can you hear me?”
He can, but he doesn’t answer. (It doesn’t matter.)
He feels her other hand moving to hold his own feeble fingers. Through that gesture, he feels how warm she is – or rather, perhaps, how cold he has become. Her hand is strong, reliable, stabilizing. Trying to offer him something to hold on to, to save himself from falling into the void.
He doesn’t want to.
She speaks to him again, to no avail. However, after a moment of troubled silence, she seems to get a new idea.
Perhaps he simply didn’t understand. Or perhaps her words cannot reach him for some other reason.
So, she switches languages.
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The moment she speaks again in the melodious language of the ancients, a tremble passes through him. The sound of home, the sound of family, the sound of the forest – it rings in his ears. It reverberates all the way through his body, down to the very depths of his shattered heart, filling every corner of his broken mind with warmth.
It shakes the next breath he takes, turning it into a gasp for air – his body’s first weak, desperate attempt to connect.
(Does it matter?)
Eventually, two tears slowly roll down the sides of his head. Her fingers gently wipe them away, and finally, after she softly rubs his eyelids, his eyes flutter open again – and this time, he sees her.
────── ❀•°❀°•❀ ──────
Slowly, bit by bit, the world around him begins to take shape again.
He eventually understands that he somehow crossed the Desert of Death and found himself in the kingdom of Hatari, home to wolf laguz, and that his savior’s name is Nailah and she is their queen.
It takes a few more days before, through a labored whisper, he manages to also give her his name.
He learns that in this place, laguz, beorc and parentless live together in harmony. He doesn’t want to believe it at first, but later he remembers that multiple times, his food and water have been brought to him by beorc – and not once has he overheard them discussing his market price.
Queen Nailah quickly figures out his dietary needs. Assorted fruit, mashed into a pudding for easy swallowing, slowly but surely restores his fragile body’s strength with each passing day. She personally gives him water, as well; an assistant carefully holds up his head, while she brings the cup to his lips.
Days go by calmly, surrounded by light and the idle chatter of the castle life. Nights are still difficult, however. Sometimes he has to be woken up, because he cries in his sleep. Other times, he won’t stop screaming.
One night, he cannot calm down, no matter how hard he tries, no matter what they say and do to try and comfort him. Every time he closes his eyes, he sees devastation. His mind warps the voices of those around him into the pleas and agony of his kin.
Eventually, they send for Queen Nailah, and after some time, she finally manages to wake him.
What do you see in your dreams, she asks. He looks down at her hands, holding his, ready and willing to support him and the burden he carries. Still, he hesitates, the words struggling to pass through his throat. He takes a deep breath. A long while of silence passes before he can bring himself to acknowledge what exactly it is that he left behind – that he had originally thought would claim him, just as it did everything and everyone he loved.
Finally, two tears roll down his face as he whispers:
Fire. And death.
And then he breaks down.
────── ❀•°❀°•❀ ──────
Days continue to pass, and his strength continues to return. It seems as though the day he told his tale and washed his soul and memory with tears was a day of awakening.
Slowly, day by day, he grows to understand that he’s going to survive. And with that, for the first time since his arrival in this new world – he has long lost track of exactly how much time has passed, he can only guess it should be counted in weeks – the thought of getting out of bed crosses his mind.
Through the last remnants of the fog in his mind, he still remembers the time he had no intention, no will to carry on. And still, he cannot help but wonder: what is a worse affront to the departed? To keep going instead of joining them? Or to waste the new life with which he had been blessed?
He inhales, and then he raises his head. He digs up his arms from under the silks and slowly, as though it is an excruciating effort, he supports his upper body – first on his elbows, then his hands. He can feel the weight of his wings – weak, useless, dragging him down.
Still, he manages to sit up. Then, he moves his legs. Slowly, he pushes them through the bedsheets, until finally, for the first time in forever, his feet touch the ground.
He gasps, and two tears fall on his lap. Slowly, stiffly, he wipes them with his sleeve. I'm sorry, everyone. But I'm staying.
After a while, he manages to call for an assistant. A Wolf laguz soon arrives, lending him his strength to help him walk. It’s difficult, but he perseveres, stubbornly taking one step after the next.
It is tremendous, exhausting effort, to live again after waiting for death for so long.
As soon as they’re outside, he needs to rest. The Wolf carefully sets him down on the grass, and he takes slow, deep breaths, taking in the sun and the fresh air. He has almost forgotten how they felt.
In the broad daylight, he looks horrendously pale. Even though it’s warm, his body trembles – another assistant comes with a blanket, covering his arms and back. His wings are spread carelessly on the ground, a few feathers having already fallen off as he moved.
But on his face, there is a faint shade of a smile, and through the labored breaths, he raises his tear-filled eyes to the sky, understanding, and at long last, accepting:
he’s alive.
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Tokyo Revengers: Heavenly Kings RockBand AU
In this ice cream parlour even in the deepest hours of the night we want to forget about what happened in last chapter so here:
RockBand AU, the band called “Heavenly Kings” formed by 5 people, imagine them playing: Maneskin - I Wanna Be Your Slave
Singer: Ran Haitani
Solo Guitar: Takashi Mitsuya
Rhythm Guitar: Shion Madarame
Bassist: Chifuyu Matsuno
Drums: Ken Ryuguji
Warnings: Mentions of Sex, 18+
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“Not again pigtail!” a voice shouts from the backstage, “Draken dressing like this means having girls, having girls means selling our new album and paying the rent for the house!” Ran explains putting the long customed kimono, Mitsuya’s sister specially prepared for him. Every member of the band trusted Mana for their stage clothes, “I don’t mind using them, it’s comfy and I don’t want to disappoint my little sister” Mitsuya says calm while according his guitar, “THAT’S BECAUSE YOU DON’T FUCKIN PLAY THE DRUMS!” Draken shouts, reality was that he felt ridicoulous wearing those eccentric clothes, “Then we can decide by show of hands” Chifuyu suggest, Ran smirks looking at Shion who’s asleep on the couch, “Wake up idiot it’s time to play!” Ran says to Shion who confused, opens his eyes, “Let me fuckin sleep, that fuckin girl got me dried wanting my cock all the day!” Shion says vulgarly says “Whatever Ran decides it’s ok by me!” he continues. A sigh comes from a defeated Draken who gets off his hoodie and start to put his western kimono jacket with bare chest showing. Heavenly Kings’ trade mark, elegant jackets, chiseled chest and abs on the view, Chifuyu smiling happily turns to Mitsuya and says “Maybe tonight I will find a girl!” a loud laugh is heard from Shion who says “If someone notices you let me know, otherwise I’ll give you one of the chicks on the first line”, but suddenly an arm surrounds Chifuyu’s shoulders “No one wants the loose chicks who fucks with every musician in Tokyo Shion”. It wasn’t that Ran hadn’t experience with people, but he prefer choosing someone more reserved than some girls who just wanted him for his figures, Draken has Emma and he wasn’t even looking other girls, Mitsuya only wanted to play and Chifuyu well, we know.
“Ok guys it’s time” the club’s manager says, indicating the way to the stage, a door opened and bright and colorful lights alert people that the long awaited 5 guys were starting! “HEAVENLY KINGS HERE FOR YOU!” Ran says as soon he hits the stage making girls and boys screaming in excitement “Ran I love you!” “DRAKEN!”Emma shouts from the bar with Mikey and Hina, Rindou staied in silence embarassed to say anything about his brother. “Ok this is I wanna be your slave, let’s sing together!”  “ I wanna be your slave, I wanna be your master... I wanna be a good boy, I wanna be a gangster ,'Cause you can be the beauty. And I could be the monster!” guitars and bass start following the rhythm and Chifuyu starts to jump hyping, someone launch him slip making him blush and mistake some notes. Ran sinously takes Mitsuya mic stand and watching him he smiles making fangirls scream at the scene, Mitsuya just smirks and from behind Draken look up to the ceiling because he can’t believe that his singer can be such a stupid. Sweat starts to form on the drummer after a while and suddenly when he recognize it’s time for his solo the one of the drumsticks flees from his sweaty hand making the drummer takes one from his behind and standing up he goes crazy leaving his jacket and starts crashing the drums cymbal singing the chorus making the public follow his lead, the delirium is everywhere, people drunk moshing, girls with bare chest who screams everyone of the band’ names hyping them, especially Shion who suddenly jumps from the stage and plays his only solo in front of some girls who try to hug tim. Time leaps and when Ran announces the end of the concert thanking everyone from the public and presenting his bandmates, “And finally the dork! Our singer, the one who can’t help but tease everyone from the public with his charm, RAN HAITANI!” Draken and Mitsuya say together making Ran protest like a whiny baby.
“Did you really needed to do that?” Ran says cleaning the make up with some cotton wet with makeup remover “We needed, you’ve been such a tease! I told it wasn’t comfy playing with this jacket!” Draken replies trying to explain his mistakes, suddenly a knock on the door is heard, “Don’t want to reject the nth bitch who came to fuck whoever she wants” Ran says a bit pissed off, “Hey it’s just us nii-san” Rindou says opening the door followed by Emma and Mikey, “Ah ok sit down” he says smiling with half face with make up. “Fuyu, did you get the numeber of slip’s owner!” Ran continous as he even forgot why he was angry, “Ohh-oh she’s waiting for me at the bar!” he says blushing, suddenly a rain of condoms falls on him, everyone of the band launched different condoms, of different size and Chifuyu blushed “I’m not fuckin her idiots!” Chifuyu says, bewildered by his bandmates act, “Rookie” they say in unison only Mitsuya seems to have some mercy for the bassplayer “Just do what you feel to do, we take your things, see you tomorrow!” “Yee tomorrow virgin!” Shion shouts, “Tomorrow atta boy” Draken says patting his head, and Ran just smirks and says “Have fun!”.
“Bets?” Emma says suddenly making everyone flinch, “W-what?!” Draken replied shocked, “Mmm I’m in, 6 rounds the first one 1 minute and the others increase every of ten minutes everytime” Rindou says “I agree with Rin” Ran says, “Just two long 20 minutes each” Mitsuya says, “He runs away after coming 2 minutes after starting” Shion says placing a piece of 50, “Are we really using money’s merch to bet about Chifuyu first fuck?” Draken says still shocked, “The one that loose is going to bring back everything from here” Ran says as it was nothing “Ok I agree with Mitsuya, but then he will run cause he can’t leave Peke J alone for too much” .
Who’s gonna win? We will discover only on next story!
@httptamaki @thesimphouse​ @nymphoglia​ @nkogneatho​
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interlagosed · 3 years
Hi, I failed an exam and I am sad. :(
Could you give me a happy headcanon, please? 🥺
Oh beloved, I am so sorry!
Here’s some Carlandads for you!
Charlie has the single brain cell in the Sainz-Norris household. Carlos used to have it, but ever since becoming a trophy husband and raising children, he bequeathed all the brain cells he held in trust to Charlie. So poor Charlie gets the dubious honor of holding his ridiculous family accountable when they’re being, well, ridiculous. For example, Charlie sits his fathers down after Lan’s birthday party one year. He’s like 10 at this point, and he’s staring at them with his arms crossed. Lando and Carlos both look very abashed. Allegra’s off with Lan, buying them ice cream.
“So,” Charlie says, his voice curt. “What are we not going to do next year?”
Lando cringes, and Carlos blushes. “Well?” Charlie demands.
“We’re not going to put me and papá on different teams when we play games on Lan’s birthday,” Lando mutters.
Charlie nods once, then turns to Carlos. He waits.
“I am not going to force the game to keep going even though the kids don’t want to play anymore just because daddy and I are tied and I want to win.” Carlos is looking at the ground; he wonders how his sweet boy’s gaze got so intense.
Charlie nods and looks back at Lando. Lando sighs.
“We’re not going to tackle each other and start wrestling because, uh-”
“Because we couldn’t agree on who sings ‘Eye of the Tiger’.”
“Okay. That’s a good start. Last one and then I’ll let you both go.”
Carlos and Lando both sigh, and speak in unison:
“No more Formula 1 drivers at birthday parties.”
“Thank you,” Charlie says, with his daddy’s perfect deadpan. “Not during the actual birthday party. Now you can go clean the champagne on the kitchen floor.”
Lando and Carlos get up and go to the kitchen, sullen. Charlie goes to get ice cream too. Later, Carlos and Lando talk about how proud they are of Charlie.
Many years later, Lan talks about this particular birthday with great glee. It’s one of their favorite memories, even if, at the time, it was greatly distressing.
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yakultberry · 3 years
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✪ summary: it's no surprise that doyoung spoils you on your birthday, but somehow, he still takes your breath away. ✪ pairing: law student!doyoung x reader ✪ genre(s): fluff, college au ✪ word count: 1.5k words
✪ a/n: another birthday fic i wrote, this time for my queen @secndlife !! love you, karol 💖 or should i say horanghae ADJFLAJSDLJF anyway, this is just a little snippet of a college au that we sometimes indulge ourselves with hehehe enjoy!
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“You have something on your lips, baby.”
You look across the small cafe table at your boyfriend, a small smile spreading on your icing-covered lips. “Well, maybe you should help me clean it up. It’s my birthday after all.”
Doyoung, used to your antics, just rolls his eyes as he grabs a napkin and reaches over to wipe at your mouth. “Ah, so you’re doing this on purpose,” he says with a raised eyebrow, his tone stern. But you don’t miss the subtle way his lips curl up at the corners or the way his eyes instantly soften when they meet yours.
“Maybe,” you hum playfully. Not quite satisfied with his reaction, you press on. “I thought you might have kissed it off, though. It’s more romantic, you know.”
He lets out a huff, scrunching his nose at you. “Oh, so now you’re teasing me!” Even after dating for over a year, Doyoung still can’t help feeling flustered whenever you bat your lashes at him (though he definitely exaggerates his reactions just to see you giggle like you are now). Again, he fails to hide the small smile on his own face. “Just eat the rest of your cake, we have to go soon!”
“Fine, I guess the kisses can wait until later,” you say through your laughter, only to double down when Doyoung lets out another exasperated sound. To everyone else, Doyoung is a put-together, intelligent pre-law student, expertly juggling his studies, vice president duties at the fraternity, and his personal life (that’s you). Those who know Doyoung less, might call him uptight, maybe even overbearing-- it is a common misconception of pre-law majors after all.
To you though, you know that underneath his cool, type A exterior, there is a soft, nurturing side to your boyfriend. As hard as he tried to keep up his facade, the boy never really stood a chance against you; and now, all his love simply flows out through each of his actions, constantly enveloping you in a warmth you’ve never felt before. Still, you can’t help but poke fun at him at times, loving the blush that would creep on his cheeks whenever he tried too hard to hide his affection for you.
“Should I let them know that we’re on our way back now?” you ask as Doyoung finishes up paying the bill.
“Wait no, don’t!”
Just as you pick up your phone, Doyoung places a hand over yours, his eyes wide. Your own narrow at him slowly. “...Why not?” When your dear boyfriend tries to only respond with a smile that more resembles a grimace, it is suddenly your turn to be stern. “Baby.”
“Well, I might have told Johnny and Lily that this was going to be a surprise party. Yuta and Daisy, too.”
You blink. “Doyoung, you do know that to throw a surprise party, the person has to be, you know, surprised. Also, you know I hate surprises!”
“Well yes, that’s why I told you that we’re having a party,” Doyoung explains. He takes your hand in his as you exit the cafe, simply walking up the street to get to your apartment. “I just thought it would be funny to tell Johnny and Lily that they had to go to the apartment early to decorate it before you arrive or something.”
“Oh my god.” The both of you meet eyes with mutual shit-eating grins. For the past summer, the two of you had been persistently trying to set up your two friends to confess their (very obvious) feelings for each other. As the months go on, one of your forms of entertainment has been creating situations where they could be alone. “How long have they been there for?”
“Maybe two hours?”
“Nooo, that’s probably the longest yet!” you cackle heartily, squeezing his hand in yours out of habit. “Oh god, this is why I love you.”
“I know, I know, I’m a genius,” Doyoung sing-songs, chuckling beside you.
“Wait, but if we walk in and find them making out on the couch, I will lowkey fight you,” you deadpan, only half joking. As much as you wanted the two to finally get together, you did not want to see them sucking face in your home. Where you live.
“You promise?”
“Shut up!” Your laughter echoes against the tall buildings lining the street.
The late afternoon sun streams between the gaps of the skyscrapers and washes the apples of your smiling cheeks in a warm summer glow. Although the fall semester has yet to begin, there are many young people bustling about, and your shoulder brushes against Doyoung’s as you leisurely stroll up the sidewalk. It’s moments like these that make him stop and remember how lucky he is to have someone as radiant as you.
He lifts your clasped hands to press a soft kiss to your knuckles. “I love you too, by the way.”
“Hmm, you better.”
It doesn’t take much longer for you to reach your apartment, the both of you excitedly talking about your plans for the evening up until you get on the elevator.
“I texted them we’re on the way up, but Yuta said they’re not ready,” Doyoung laughs.
“It’s fine, I already know anyway!” you say, impatient to start the night’s festivities already. According to Doyoung, he had even bought a table at one of the swankiest clubs in the city, and you did not plan on walking in even slightly sober.
“No but,” Doyoung whispers as you approach the door of your apartment. “You still have to act surprised when we go in, okay? They’ll kill me if they find out.”
“Ugh, fine!”
You can faintly hear frantic whispers and a small commotion behind your apartment door when you reach it, even making out a ‘Johnny, you can’t fit there!’ before everything seems to go still. Doyoung opens the door for you after a moment, and there is a short moment of silence before the lights flash on and streamers are popped.
“SURPRISE!” your friends cheer in unison. You place a hand over your chest in your best attempt to look shocked, though a genuine smile does spread on your face when you see them all there to celebrate with you
“Haha, say hi to the camera!” Johnny, a tall guy with a knack for photography, yells, capturing the exact moment you walk in.
Before you can say anything, your best friends, Lily and Daisy, pull you further into the apartment, which is elaborately decorated with balloons and streamers. There is even a shiny inflated ‘26’ hung on the wall. You can’t help but look at your friends with a pout. “You guys did all of this?”
“Of course we did, bestie!” Lily beams at you, clinging onto your arm. “But thank god you’re here, I was alone with Johnny for so long because Yuta and Daisy got here late.” You laugh at the dirty look she shoots over at Daisy, who simply shrugs.
“We were picking up the drinks and got a little distracted when we were on the way over!”
“Oh right, distracted--”
“Anyway, we brought tequila!” Daisy chirps, flashing the unopened bottle to you. You grin back. Your friends really know you. “Let’s get this party started!”
The pre-game starts off strong with everyone taking shots at your insistence. About three shots later, everyone is in a good mood to start getting ready to leave for the club (except Lily, who seems to already be there from the way she is dancing). Johnny attempts to copy her moves, causing Yuta and Daisy to fall over each other as they laugh loudly. You’re about to join the impromptu dance floor when you feel a hand slip into yours.
You barely have time to smile at Doyoung before he twirls you around, leaving you giggling and breathless. Then, without a word, he guides you out onto the balcony, where he pulls you into his arms. There is something sobering about the soft night air, which isn’t quite the vibe you’re going for. Your laugh cuts through the stillness of the atmosphere. “Doyoung, what are you--”
The way he is looking at you with so much affection makes your heart do a somersault in your chest. “Happy birthday, baby,” he whispers in that delicate, melodic voice of his. Suddenly, he pulls away so that you see that he is holding a large, flat case. He hands it to you, eyes sparkling excitedly. Your eyes, on the other hand, suddenly prick with several tears.
“Wh-what is this?”
“A surprise. Open it!”
With shaky hands, you open the case to reveal a beautiful, gold necklace with a simple diamond-encrusted pendant. You gasp. “Doyoung, you--” your voice gets caught in your throat. “You got this for me? It’s gorgeous, but you really sh-shouldn’t have. I--”
“Yes, I should have,” he laughs, seeing how emotional you’ve gotten. Doyoung pulls you into his embrace and presses a soft kiss to your temple before looking down to meet your eyes. “Do you like it?”
“I love it,” you whisper hoarsely, leaning up to peck him on the lips. You let out a sniffle. “You spoil me.”
“Of course I do, you’re my baby,” he says matter-of-factly. You giggle through your tears and hug him tighter.
And as beautiful as the necklace is, you can’t help but feel that being loved by Kim Doyoung is the best surprise present that life has given you.
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Birthday [Evan Buckley]
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story info: reader is bobby's daughter (from before the fire in Minnesota) authors note: this is my first fanfic on here so it might be shit ngl warnings: cursing word count: 1021
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The sun that streamed through my curtains casted a hazy yellow glow on my skin, spreading warmth through my body as my morning bed-head hair tickled the skin of my shoulders & face gently as I sat up slowly, enjoying the last few moments in the comfort of my bed before finally getting up & skulking into the shower.
The drive to work was nothing unusual for L.A, just the morning traffic, ignorant people barely look at the road from their phones. On the way to the 118, I had already seen on accident with the 133 already taking care of it.
When I walked into the station, it was as normal as it could get at the 118 but what put me off slightly is the lack of immediate birthday wishes. Most people wouldn't care but when a birthday came up in the 118, it was taken rather seriously with wishes, spontaneous gifts, & a party at the end of the day usually.
I jogged lightly up the stairs to find the lounge area as usual, Buck & Eddie fighting over a game, Bobby making breakfast while Hen & Chim sneak behind him continuously as I took a seat at a smaller, two person table. "What's today's date?" I asked, hoping they hadn't forgotten my birthday but I was let down, by each of them, my dad included "I think it's the 17th" Buck casually said through his gaming rage.
"No, it's the 19th, look at a calendar today Buck?" Chim replied with his usual sass towards Buck as I lightly sighed tapping away at my computer, rubbing my hands lightly on my face until the loud buzzing alarm disturbed me and I shot up, going down the pole & readying up for whatever this job would be.
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I panted heavy as I sat on the ground, chugging down water as I wiped sweat from my brows & threw my jacket off, leaning back against the cool metal of the fire truck, Buck dropping down next to me as I fan myself with my hand. "LA heat fucking sucks ass" Buck laughs & nods in agreement as we sit side-by-side to each other, the heat beating down & layering us with sweat.
The ride back to the station was better, letting the wind whistle & whip through my hair & cooling off my skin as we all jumped out of the truck, bitching & groaning as I pull out an ice-pack in hope of cooling down some, looking at whatever TV show replay was on.
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"You know what to do right Buck?" I nodded in response to Bobby's question as I clapped my hands together with a smile "Don't have to worry about anything Cap!" He just nods at me with a light chuckle "She's my kid so be safe with her" I grin, throwing my bag over my shoulder and I throw finger guns at him, walking out "Message me Cap!"
I slowed the jeep down to a stop infront of (Y/N)'s place, honking the horn a couple of times, waiting a bit before my eyes stopped on her exiting her house & damn she looked fine. I smile, lightly biting my lower lip & she gets into passenger, smiling at me, making my heart race. "So where we off to?" I shrug "Coffee?" She nods in simple agreement as gas the jeep & get going towards the nearest coffee shop.
Bobby: We're ready Buck: On the way
The wind is chill, nothing too cold but just right as the two of us happily sing along with no care in the world but each other in the moment & I felt at peace, like nothing bad would touch us. I pull into the drive way of Bobby & Athena's place as (Y/N) looked at me confused "They just wanted to hang out" She nodded as we both hopped out of the car as I rush over to cover her eyes with my hands. "It's okay, you'll love this. I promise you"
I kept my pace slow & careful as Buck shielded my vision with his hands, the sound of the front door clicking alerting me as I carefully took the step up into the house as he carefully stops me, removing his hands from my eyes, giving me a surprise I didn't expect for today.
"SURPRISE!!" Everyone shouts in unison my eyes widened in shock & surprise as I looked at Buck with a confused stare before back to everyone as I slowly make my way down the stairs "I honestly thought ya'll had forgotten my birthday" Bobby laughs, hugging me softly & gently kissing the top of my head "We'd never forget sweetheart"
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The party was great, food was beyond amazing as I chatted with May & Maddie of to the side out in the backyard, sipping on my drink before I feel a light tug on my shirt & look down to see a smiling Christopher, making me smile right back as I bend down to pick him up & standing straight "What's up little buddy?" He grins "B-Buck wants to ask you something. He's at the fireplace" I nod, excusing myself from the conversation & walking towards Buck as I set Christopher in a free chair.
"Little bird here told me you wanted to ask something?" I questioned to Buck as people look over, slowly quieting down as Buck came over, taking my hands gently in his as our eyes meet each other "I've honestly been thinking this over for a while & it took me longer then I wanted but uhm..." I saw the hesitation crinkle in his brows before he sighs & looking back at me with the most beautiful, soft blue eyes "Would you wanna be my girlfriend?" He took one of his hands away to itch the back of his neck nervously.
I snicker lightly with a soft smile, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek "I'd like that honestly" He grins, picking me up & spinning me as the others around us cheer, a red painting over my cheeks as I smile, holding onto Buck & embracing his soft scent.
Happy Birthday to me.
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