shamefullymadethis · 2 years
been a minute! might start using this blog again to write stuff. been feeling it again recently. gonna write artist AUs for everything i consume haha
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shamefullymadethis · 4 years
I watched Darling in the Franxx and I have a lot of opinions on it, but I have decided that I will never speak about it ever again. I am now placing Darling in the Franxx on my “shows that I watched, but won’t tell people I watched” list.
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shamefullymadethis · 4 years
Do any of you have any requests? I'm currently working on uploading new parts for Just a Fan and also a 3rd part for the Art School AU one I have.
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shamefullymadethis · 4 years
In this essay I will explain why Shinji is not a 9w1, but is actually a 2w3:
9’s are peacemakers so I can understand why some might think that he is in this category. He is a very passive and submissive character and will go with what the majority says. With the type 1 it gives a sense that he would have an idea of just and unjust. They want to seek peace in the chaos, and will do so by taking a back seat and being uninvolved. Also by doing as told so that they have little resistance as they move. My biggest reason for saying Shinji is a 2w3 is his motivations. Being a 9w1 means you are observant of the world around you and take into account the things happening so you can maneuver in a way that is least obstructive. But Shinji does not care about the world. Shinji is an extremely selfish character, and that’s why he is a 2w3. 2w3 types could be mistaken for 9w1 in their submissiveness, but the biggest difference is that while a 9 will look for peace, a 2 will look for love. One of the biggest motifs of Shinji’s character through the series is needing praise and wanting to be loved. He goes out of his way to do things for the people he cares about in hopes that he will be loved back. His father doesn’t love him, so he goes and pilots the EVA in an attempt to earn his love. He is happiest when he is praised for his accomplishments, namely in the testing where Misato praises him for getting the highest score. He argues with himself constantly in the consciousness train (as I like to call it) about wanting what feels good, or wanting praise. One of the things a 2w3 might struggle with is when they do all these things for people, they still don’t feel that they are receiving the love they have worked hard to earn. They don’t feel that the love they receive is equivalent to the work they put in to get it. In these moments they may lash out in a way to try and make others feel bad for not praising them for doing what is just and good. Shinji has done this several times, where he has left NERV because he felt he was lacking praise or he felt unwanted there. If a 2w3 does not feel wanted, then they will leave. He even goes as far as to lash out at his father when he uses the dummy plug, because while he would like to earn his fathers love he had not received it at that point. He was being pushed to a point where he couldn’t take it anymore and for a moment realized he didn’t want to do unjust things even at the sake of being unwanted. Shinji doesn’t care about the world, because the world doesn’t care about him. He can’t make every single person love him, so why not focus on those closest? His greatest motivator is wanting to be loved by the people closest to himself. He plays off this desire as doing it for them because he cares, or wants whats best. But in reality Shinji doesn’t care about what would come of the city if he didn’t pilot the EVA. He only does these things in hopes that one day someone will finally say they love him. If he had not befriended Misato or cared about his father, he would have no motivation to save the city. He is even scolded by Asuka, Misato, and in the psychological last 2 episodes for never doing anything for himself but instead doing things for others because he wants them to love him. The happiest I’ve seen Shinji through the series is when he is with Kaworu, who is the only person in the series who truly says that he loves him (I stand by that, screw you Netflix.) Shinji is most at peace when he is loved by Kaworu, and when that is taken away he loses all sense of motivation. If Shinji was a 9w1 he would have killed Kaworu without the hesitation, and he wouldn’t have continued the impact. In conclusion, Shinji only wants to be loved, even if it was at the cost of the world.
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shamefullymadethis · 4 years
I’m on chapter 18 of Obey Me and WOW I love Belphegor :’^)
Did he kill me?
Do I still love him?
Also yeah.
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shamefullymadethis · 4 years
The Mess You Made (Shoto x Reader)
Part 2/?
Todoroki x Reader
Art College AU
Word Count: 1242
Summary: Y/n has had their life under wraps at all times. They give little room for things to mess up what they’ve built when they have the control over it. So what happens when the new student, Shoto, indirectly starts to unravel the carefully crafted life Y/n has built for themself?
Trigger Warnings: None in this chapter.
Previous Part // Next Part (lmk if you want more parts! I’m based off your interest in it :) )
Your newest assignment is to do a large scale close-up portrait in oil painting. During class you work on thumbnails and sketches to get approved by Professor Aizawa. The only other guideline is it couldn’t be a self portrait. Which while proving to be a difficult task for your classmates, it wasn’t difficult for you. You flip through the sketchbook that you’ve taken to the cafe countless times as if it was a catalogue. Turning through the pages you find yourself coming back to the newest page you finished that morning several times. The line quality was rough enough, that at a quick glance you wouldn’t be able to see the resemblance of your new classmate. But you still worry about actually following through with the project, as you thought it could be misconstrued as strange. You couldn’t help but think that Shoto does look like a painting brought to life though. Even the scar on his face resembled a paint blotch, he was a perfect muse. Feeling torn you decide to approach Aizawa with some of the sketches and talk about the issue you’re having.
“Ah, Y/n, have you decided what sketches you wanted to show me?” He asks looking up from his own sketchbook.
“Sorta? I’m having a bit of trouble,” you say as you take a seat at the stool across from his table, “I’ve been flipping through my sketchbook and none of them really pique my interest, but I keep coming back to one. But also I’m very worried that I would make the person uncomfortable if I painted him.”
Aizawa holds a hand out motioning for you to hand your sketchbook over. You hesitantly place it in his hand and he immediately goes to flip through the book. As he flips you see him reach the newest page and pause to examine it. He squints for a moment, looks up to Shoto, then back down at the sketch. You feel your palms start to sweat, and you reach to take the sketchbook back from him. He hands it over and crosses his arms.
“I’m not sure I understand the issue,” he states.
“Wouldn’t it be weird? To paint him? I don’t even know him,” you say in a rushed way.
“Do you know anyone in that sketchbook?” Aizawa inquires glancing down at the book.
You paused for a moment, “No I guess I don’t.”
Professor Aizawa leans forward to place his elbows on the table, “You find muses in the most unlikely places. Half the people in the class are painting their other classmates. It’d be a hell of a welcoming gift.”
You feel heat rush to you cheeks, “I guess…”
He smiles and leans back on the stool, “I’d say go for it, even if it wasn’t him I’d tell you to do that sketch. It’s the one that seems the most interesting and thought out. Think about it like this,” he leans in to whisper, “if he wasn’t your classmate would it bother you?”
You shake your head shyly.
“If you’re really bothered by it, you can always ask him if you can,” he states flatly.
The idea of telling someone you met a few moments ago that you wanted to paint him was more mortifying than doing it and feeling embarrassed later. You shake your head furiously and Aizawa gestures for you to head back to your seat with a wave of your hand. As you get up from the stool you see Shoto approach the table with his sketchbook. You exchange quick glances and he gives you a small smile. You try to smile back, but find yourself being a bit too enthusiastic about it. You quickly head back to your seat as he takes the spot you were just sitting in. Back at your desk Mina leans over to you and asks, “So did you get your sketch approved?”
“Yeah I did, kinda nervous about it,” you say quietly.
Mina gives you a slap on the shoulder and clasps on and says, “You’re an amazing artist, whatever you do it’ll look wonderful anyways.”
As you give Mina a smile you hear Aizawa laugh out loud at the front of the class room, but he quickly sniffles it.
Aizawa and Shoto exchange a few words that are out of earshot. Aizawa hands Shoto his sketchbook back and gives a thumbs up before waving him off. You quickly look away from the scene before either can notice that you have been staring all this time. Instead you invest yourself in a conversation with Mina about her sketch ideas, and giggle at the silly doodles strewn about her pages. What you didn’t notice was Shoto’s gaze watching you as you laughed with Mina and smiled.
Another hour passes before Aizawa calls for a lunch break.
“Alright everyone, I’ve gone through all your sketches. If you have your sketch approved then make sure to head to the supply store before coming back from lunch to grab stretchers and canvas,” he announces, “If your sketch isn’t approved yet you’ll come back and continue working on them. As soon as it’s approved I’ll send you out to get supplies. Is that clear everyone?”
You hear scattered sounds of understanding from your classmates as you get up and stretch your arms and legs. Your friends Mina, Izuku, Kirishima, and Bakugo all approach your table. You exchange a few words about the project before you see Izuku look behind you and wave his hand at someone.
“Hey Shoto!” He exclaims trying to get his attention.
You feel your eyes go wide and your body go stiff refusing to turn around.
“Wanna join us for lunch? Since you’re new we can show you where everything is!” Izuku says with a wide, innocent smile.
You hear footsteps approach behind you, and finally get the courage to turn and face him. As you turn you see him stop right beside where you are.
“Sure, sounds good to me,” Shoto says with a smile.
“Alright let’s gooooo!” Mina says with a cheer before hooking her arm into yours and dragging you to march forward with the group.
Your mind starts racing, and as you notice your face starts to get warm you catch yourself. You feel yourself internally take a deep breath. He’s just another classmate, what was there to be nervous about? Sure, he looked like a literal masterpiece, but you don’t know him. He is your muse right now, nothing more nothing less. You find yourself cycling through reassurances and your shoulders relax a bit.
You had a tendency to not only expect the worst of a situation, but to also prepare for any situation. You rely on that instinctual and prepared part of yourself to feel a bit more assured about the feeling you felt stirring in your stomach that you quickly snuffed out. Or so you thought you snuffed it out. For now the only thing that was on your mind was making a painting for your class, and doing it well. There was no time in your tidy life for mixed up feelings. You hadn’t made room for them, so you sure as hell weren’t about to let them happen now. Well… at least you were trying your best to not let them in. Your biggest mistake that day was overestimating your ability to have control over things out of your hands.
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shamefullymadethis · 4 years
is anyone else having issues with editing previous posts? i’m tryna add links and all that but when i go to edit it it just comes up like a blank post :(
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shamefullymadethis · 4 years
i have so many drafts of just a fan right now. ill be posting them asap! ill continue the todoroki art college au thing as well since you guys seemed to like it :) lmk if y’all have requests for short blurbs bcus i just like writing things :)
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shamefullymadethis · 4 years
The Mess You Made
Part 1/?
Todoroki x Reader
Art College AU
Word Count: 1671
Summary: Y/n has had their life under wraps at all times. They give little room for things to mess up what they’ve built when they have the control over it. So what happens when the new student, Shoto, indirectly starts to unravel the carefully crafted life Y/n has built for themself?
Trigger Warnings: None in this chapter.
If you guys wanna see more parts of this lmk and I’ll continue it. This has just been on my mind recently. (Update! I’ve decided to add another chapter. Check it out if you’d like! I’ll continue to post chapters if you are all interested :) )
Next Part
Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine
You hear a familiar tune play off your phone laying on the dresser beside your bed. You slowly open your eyes and grab your phone letting the song play out, but turning it down. The time reads 7:30am, you groan and roll out of bed. You connect your headphones to your phone and place it in your pocket as you get ready for your 8:30 painting class. As you get up you see your other 2 roommates quietly sleeping. You stretch, put on some clothes, and head to the kitchen. On the counter there’s a plate of cinnamon buns wrapped with plastic. Judging by the crumbs, one has already been taken. A note beside it reads: I made these last night! Feel free to take some -Ochaco. You smile as you grab one, wrapping it in a napkin, then placing it in the pocket of your portfolio. You head to the door and grab your keys, as you open the door you hear your one of your roommates alarms go off.
This is a normal morning for you. Everything is always perfectly timed and plays out the same each morning. You take comfort in the routine you have made for yourself. You head to the elevator and go through your playlist deciding on what best fit your mood for today. As the music starts to pick up, the elevator doors open and you wave to the guard at the front desk of your building. She gives you a tired smile and quietly says, “Have a good day, y/n.” You nod your head as you go to open the door, allowing the next guard to come in and relieve the current one from duty. You give a polite nod as they walk in and thank you. You walk down the street and around the corner, and everything couldn’t have gone more smoothly. You normally left for class 30 minutes before it started. With that time you are able open the door for the guard, go to your favorite cafe, grab some coffee and draw some of the regulars, then head to class given that it’s right next to the cafe.
Looking at yourself now versus who you were before you came to college, you wouldn’t even recognize who you were before. Most things had been out of your hand, and you hardly had control over the things that happened to you. But since getting to college you started to have more of a grip on the things around you. You have become a master of your own life, to a fault. You have carefully constructed the path you are on right now, down to every minute and breath. With that, it is a very delicate balance. But you have made sure to keep a guard up at all times, so as to not disturb the plans you have made for yourself. You are well known within your school and have many “friends,” because they admire how put together you seem. But there are only a few people who you actually trust within your life or plot. It is important to you that you maintain this distance with most people, as people tend to make things messy. You are happy with the neat life you have constructed, and it will stay that way as long as you have control over that.
You head to the coffee shop beside the building your class is in, and right on que you hear the owner call out to you as the small bell rings signaling your entrance.
“Y/n! Good morning, the usual I presume,” he asks while he already starts pouring syrups into a cup.
“You know it, thank you!” You reply as you stride up to the counter. You place a five dollar bill on the counter, and another barista, who you know as Mr. Sasaki, comes to put it in the register and hands you change. You take the change and place it in the tip jar. You make idle conversation with the owner and Mr. Sasaki. The owner’s name is Mr. Yagi, he is small in stature and one of the kindest people you know in this city. He spends time outside of work doing volunteer work and creating safe spaces for people. As Mr.Yagi hands you the cup he gives you his signature smile, and takes the next customer. You take a seat by the window and watch as people walk by. Your college is an open campus, so your school’s buildings blend in with the city around it. When you look outside you see every type of person from tourists, other students, and people heading to work. You grab a small sketchbook and pen from your bag and sketch out some of the passerby’s. As you do these gesture drawings, you notice another student with a portfolio headed towards the building your class is in. You don’t recognize this student, which would normally not bother you, but this person sticks out like a sore thumb. You freeze for a moment as you feel your brain trying to slow down time to study this stranger. His hair is dyed half white and half red, he was well dressed, and for a moment you thought you caught sight of blue eyes. You sit there for a moment, engraving this person’s face into your memory. You quickly turn to your sketchbook and sketch out what you could remember. You check the time, and jump out of your seat as you read the clock: 8:25am.
“Shit,” you hiss quietly.
You throw your sketchbook back into your bag, drink the rest of the lukewarm coffee, and bolt out the door giving a brief goodbye to Mr. Yagi and Mr. Sasaki. You grab your school ID from your pocket and flash it to the guard quickly as you enter the building. You walk down the hall to wait for the elevator. There are a few students, some which you recognize from your class, and of course the stranger who had distracted you in the cafe. You know that you shouldn’t blame him for your faulty timing, but a small part of you feels misguided resentment towards him. As the elevator stops on the floor you pile in with the other students. You reach to press the button for your floor, but at the same time the boy with half-and-half hair reaches for it as well. As he presses the button, you find yourself drawing your hand back a bit too late and accidentally brushing against his hand. You quickly turn your head to him and find yourself locked in eye contact with him as you both say apologize. Looking at him up close you could confirm that he has blue eyes. Eyes that are so startlingly blue that you almost feel cold. You find yourself getting lost for a moment, and then realize that you have spent an odd amount of time watching each other. So you quickly break eye contact and watch the numbers on the elevator climb.
Once it reaches your floor you excuse yourself through the people and realize that the blue-eyed person you had shared a brief moment with has also exited the elevator. Logically that makes sense given that you were both going to press the same floor, but you still found yourself feeling a bit more stiff than usual as you process to your class with him close behind. You get to the door and as you open it you realize that he is entering with you. Your classmates are all chatting and you see your friend Mina from across the room. She excitedly waves at you, “Y/N GOOD MOOORNING!” You smile and walk over to her, feeling the tension in your shoulders relax a bit. As you settle down at the table next to her you see the stranger stand idly at the front of the classroom, almost looking a bit lost. A few moments later your professor, Mr. Aizawa enters the room looking tired as ever. He stands at the podium placing a bag down on a table by the podium which immediately grabs the attention of the room.
“Settle down everyone, we have a new student today. Would you like to introduce yourself,” he asks while looking at the boy standing by the door.
The boy nods, “My name is Shouto, I just transferred here.”
“What’s your major,” Mr. Aizawa inquires.
“I’m a painting major,” Shouto replies shortly.
Mr. Aizawa nods in acknowledgement, and points to the empty desk next to you.
“That desk is open next to y/n, feel free to set up there.”
Without meaning to you held your breath as he walked towards the desk next to you. He quietly places his things down and starts to set up brushes, paint tubes, and charcoal on his desk. He looks over to you which then makes you realize that you’ve been staring this whole time. You look up quickly to try and play it off, but from an outsiders’ point of view it would have been obvious that you were staring. Your gaze moves to your other side to look at Mina. She raises an eyebrow in confusion, then gestures for you to take a breath by raising her hands near her chest and then lowering them while exhaling. As you finally breathe out Mr.Aizawa starts to explain the new assignment.
For just a second, you felt your perfectly crafted life start to crack. You decide to brush it off, thinking that it’s nothing but a bothersome thought. You never thought of a plan for what to do if it should fall apart, and you don’t feel like that is something to worry about as of right now.
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shamefullymadethis · 4 years
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Chapter 9 - Just two lonely people
Writing below the cut! You don’t gotta read it to understand future chapters, but I think it’s really cute.
Pairing: Shinsou x Reader [BNHA]
Chapter Warnings: Alcohol reference (Slurred texting), angst (depression/trauma implied)
Summary: Y/n is a semi-well known artist online, and also a big fan of gaming youtuber, Shinsou. Shinsou has decided to start a new series of one of y/n's favorite games, so they decide to make fanart. Chaos ensues.
A/N: I had a l o t of fun writing this little bit. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it :)
Words: 1.1k
After sending the text “sure :)” you sit there watching your phone with restless eyes. It starts to settle in that being on call with Shinsou might make it more difficult to sleep. You hear your pulse in your ears and decide to lock your phone and throw it onto your bed as you put on some pajamas. You note to yourself that getting dressed for bed shouldn’t be this hard, but for some reason choosing what to wear was a difficult task. You hear your phone start buzzing as you are putting on your pants. You rush to pull up some soft christmas themed pants you have and practically lurch to grab your phone. You press the green button while tripping over the bottom of your pants. With a thud your phone is now on the floor facing the ceiling as you gather your bearings. 
“Hello?” With a questioning tone, a familiar deep and rough around the edges voice comes from your phone.
You groan as you sit up and rub your head, and grab your phone.
On your screen is Shinsou wearing a black shirt that looks a bit too big for him. This whole situation is strangely familiar, but also very new and different. You’ve seen this man’s face so much that you could draw it without reference. You’ve heard his voice so often over the years that you could pick him out of a line up of faceless people. But this time there’s no gameplay, and there’s no script. 
“Helloooo,” you say as you sit on your bed.
You prop your phone up on the lamp next to your alarm on the bedside table. You sit criss cross applesauce with your hands in your lap fidgeting with the loose string at the end of your pants. You still haven’t noticed the red mark on your forehead from your collision with the ground.
“How are you, is your head alright,” asks Shinsou as the corner of his mouth turns up into a smirk.
“Ahhhh, yeah it’s alright. I just tripped trying to get to my phone,” you say tapping your forehead.
He lets out a laugh, and you feel every muscle in your body relax. It starts to settle in that this isn’t just some Y/N fanfic, and that the real (and you mean REAL) Shinsou is on the phone with you right now. The way he laughs reminds you of his videos, but something feels a bit different. It feels so much more genuine now that you could see him react without video cuts between parts. Seeing him in real time is making you realize how human he is. Not to say that you didn’t know that before, afterall you have several other friends with large followings and they are human. But this time it really hits you, because you knew your friends before the fame. You feel a bit awkward as you start to realize how much you idolized him leading up to this.
“What can I say! I’m a bit of a klutz,” you say with a smile.
“Mhm. I do have to say, for someone who wants to go to sleep I don’t think that sitting straight up like that is doing you any good,” he remarks while grinning and resting his head on his hand.
“What time is it where you are,” you ask.
“Hmm, about 10:30 at night…”
“We’re in the same timezone then!”
“I assumed we were in the same area given we have the same area code in our numbers,” he replies with a small laugh.
You feel your face warm up as you realize that he paid attention to little details like that.
“Well for someone who should get more sleep I don’t think a desk is the best place to do that,” you retort while raising one brow.
He shrugs and replies, “Got me there.” He grabs his phone and turns off his lights. For a moment the whole screen is black and then you see him plop onto his pillow. The only thing illuminating his face is a dim light that you can’t see in the frame. He places his phone somewhere beside his bed and brings his arm under his head. You notice that his hair looks a bit looser now, with pieces falling out of place and in front of his face. A stark contrast to his wild, untamable, and stiff hair you’ve seen on screen. It looks almost as relaxed as he is right now.
You follow suit and turn your phone so it’s now in landscape mode. You slip under your blanket and mimic him unconsciously by putting your arm under your head. Soon after realizing that you did that, you readjust and settle on hugging your arms to your chest. You reach over briefly to turn off your light, when it turns off you start glowing under the blue LED lights you’ve placed around the perimeter of the ceiling in your room. 
“You have LED lights,” Shinsou inquires.
You reach over to grab the small color remote, and wave it at your phone.
“Yup! I have trouble sleeping in the dark, so having at least a little bit of light helps me sleep,” you answer.
He responds with a quiet “ooo” that rumbles in his chest. You smile and press the green button at the top.
“The green is cool, but this is my favorite one,” you say as you look for the red button and press it, “eviiiiiil.”
Shinsou gives you a breathy laugh as he watches you fiddle with the buttons on the remote. You give him a tour through the different colors and settings as he responds with more “ooo”s and “ahh”s. You go into detail on how each one makes you feel, the color theory behind it, and what kind of scene you picture with it. The two of you both go back and forth bouncing ideas off each other and building little worlds and stories for each color.
“I imagine a big,” you yawn, “field… with this one.”
“What else do you see,” he asks.
You close your eyes. 
“Mmmm… flowers, and… a black cat… there’s a radio… playing,” a fog starts to settle into your mind as you picture this world.
“That sounds like Kiki’s Delivery Service,” he replies.
“Yeah… just… like that,” you say as your hand goes loose and the remote falls beside your bed.
You start to drift into sleep as Shinsou quietly says, “Good night, y/n.”
That night you dream of laying in that field with the flowers and radio playing. Out of the corner of your eye you see the tall grass give way to someone who lays next to you. You feel warm as you turn your head to see Shinsou laying next to you. You spend the day gazing at clouds and telling each other stories about the things you see in them.
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shamefullymadethis · 4 years
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Chapter 8 - Family reunion
Pairing: Shinsou x Reader [BNHA]
Chapter Warnings: Cursing, very slight sexual references, drinking/alcohol mention
Summary: Y/n is a semi-well known artist online, and also a big fan of gaming youtuber, Shinsou. Shinsou has decided to start a new series of one of y/n's favorite games, so they decide to make fanart. Chaos ensues.
A/N: I had so much fun drawing the gang in a snap picture. Y/n just saved the snap after captioning and forgot to save a version without it haha. Definitely going on the snap story though B) Also Mina what’re you boutta say 👀
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shamefullymadethis · 4 years
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Chapter 7 - Safe and caring King
Pairing: Shinsou x Reader [BNHA]
Chapter Warnings: Drinking references, sexual references
Summary: Y/n is a semi-well known artist online, and also a big fan of gaming youtuber, Shinsou. Shinsou has decided to start a new series of one of y/n's favorite games, so they decide to make fanart. Chaos ensues.
A/N: Anyone else excited to see the gang come together? :) Boutta be interesting. We’re also gonna say that a day or two has passed between the end of the “roomBates” convo and the “the couple and their 3rd” convo ;)
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shamefullymadethis · 4 years
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Chapter 6 - High key friendzoned myself
Pairing: Shinsou x Reader [BNHA]
Chapter Warnings: Depression implied
Summary: Y/n is a semi-well known artist online, and also a big fan of gaming youtuber, Shinsou. Shinsou has decided to start a new series of one of y/n's favorite games, so they decide to make fanart. Chaos ensues.
A/N: Just two lonely people trying to make other people feel less lonely :’) Remember that cause that’s gonna be a theme 👀 But also I’ve done this so much. “Friendzoning” myself because I’m afraid of catching feelings haha. I also wanna emphasize that when I use “friendzone” I don’t mean it in a gross “you owe me” type of way. I mean it in a “I’m keeping this strictly platonic” way.
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shamefullymadethis · 4 years
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Chapter 5 - Google, how to keep a conversation going?
Pairing: Shinsou x Reader [BNHA]
Chapter Warnings: Cursing
Summary: Y/n is a semi-well known artist online, and also a big fan of gaming youtuber, Shinsou. Shinsou has decided to start a new series of one of y/n's favorite games, so they decide to make fanart. Chaos ensues.
A/N: Y/n is just trying their best :’) Wish them luck!
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shamefullymadethis · 4 years
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Chapter 4 - Don’t fuck it up
Pairing: Shinsou x Reader [BNHA]
Chapter Warnings: Cursing
Summary: Y/n is a semi-well known artist online, and also a big fan of gaming youtuber, Shinsou. Shinsou has decided to start a new series of one of y/n's favorite games, so they decide to make fanart. Chaos ensues.
A/N: Support your local artist, commission your friends, give credit! I think it’s fun to slip in some artist etiquette into this while I’m at it. There’s a couple typos here and there but I guess thats how texting really is lmao.
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shamefullymadethis · 4 years
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Pairing: Shinsou x Reader [BNHA]
Chapter Warnings: Cursing, emetophobia mention
Summary: Y/n is a semi-well known artist online, and also a big fan of gaming youtuber, Shinsou. Shinsou has decided to start a new series of one of y/n's favorite games, so they decide to make fanart. Chaos ensues.
A/N: I didn’t mention it last chapter, but it feels so weird to praise my own art lmao. Writing this is making me love my art a little bit more :’)
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shamefullymadethis · 4 years
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Chapter 2 - I just woke up
Pairing: Shinsou x Reader [BNHA]
Chapter Warnings: None for this chapter :)
Summary: Y/n is a semi-well known artist online, and also a big fan of gaming youtuber, Shinsou. Shinsou has decided to start a new series of one of y/n's favorite games, so they decide to make fanart. Chaos ensues.
A/N: Fanart time! How’s y/n gonna react to Shinsou commenting? 👀 Tune in next week to find out B) Also y/n really popped off! Probably gained a pretty big following from the post blowing up ;)
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