woman in a victorian novel: *develops a fever from worrying too much*
me, shivering and sweating with stress-induced anxiety: wtf that’s so unrealistic lol
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She no longer feared what brewed within her, and she was done making apologies for who she was
— Adalyn Grace
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The feminine urge to start a business just to make money and buy books but having no business idea due to your lack of talents (just me)
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Everyone who is into Dark Academia now either had a Greek mythology phrase in middle school, was and still kind of is really into poetry and philosophy, great at history and lives listening to true crime podcasts-
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i’m back with a study post after a while! i don’t have any close deadlines for now, so i’m working on the assignments i’m supposed to submit at the end of the semester.
🎧 don’t ever say love me by colde, rm
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Effort today, success tomorrow
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In a day that is so hot and sunny---a day in summer.... Children get to go out and play, Dogs get to go on short walks, and I get to stay at home and study physics. 🫤🙃
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March highlights!
I’m back! March was a busy month and I went on a trip to Oslo as a reward for finishing exams💗
I hope you had a great March, if you did anything interesting let me know in the comments🤍
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2023.02.17 // 20:20  hypnotic vibes in the uni library as i go through papers on pubmed
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“Dreaming of the person you want to be is wasting the person you already are.”
— Kurt Cobain
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I haven’t updated my studyblr/bookblr since last year but I’m back and giving a rundown of my day and to-do list. I was at school today and was assigned a lot of work which is usual and for one of my classes, my teacher used my assignment as an example for other students to know what they’re supposed to do and I felt honored honestly. I came home and did a mid workout (wasn’t intense), worked on both legs and arms and I feel pretty good.
My to-do list for today:
English SBA group google meet at 5:30 (I’m in it right now)
English comparison essay on 2 poems
History essay questions
Principles of Business 2020 CSEC p1
EDPM Assignment 2 to complete
Geography SBA draft to complete
Soil leaching research and make small notes
Also, currently reading Good Girl Bad Blood and I’m hooked to this series.
I have until 12am to complete all or at least the first 3 tasks which is in approximately (5hrs and 34mins). Wish me luck!
(Damn I wish I had discipline)
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Things I accomplished:
I attended the google meet and finish my English SBA
I wrote and printed my English comparison essay
Did the history essay questions (left out an entire question which i didn’t understand and a small point from another question)
I’m disappointed that I only got 3 tasks done but I’m also proud that I did because those were my main tasks.
My mistakes:
I spent almost 2 hours rewatching httyd:thw, hence, 2 hours wasted where I could’ve done more work.
I spent a good 20 minutes walking around my room and ranting to myself when I only had like 30 mins to finish my essay.
I need to work on my discipline but I am satisfied with what I’ve done.
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I haven’t updated my studyblr/bookblr since last year but I’m back and giving a rundown of my day and to-do list. I was at school today and was assigned a lot of work which is usual and for one of my classes, my teacher used my assignment as an example for other students to know what they’re supposed to do and I felt honored honestly. I came home and did a mid workout (wasn’t intense), worked on both legs and arms and I feel pretty good.
My to-do list for today:
English SBA group google meet at 5:30 (I’m in it right now)
English comparison essay on 2 poems
History essay questions
Principles of Business 2020 CSEC p1
EDPM Assignment 2 to complete
Geography SBA draft to complete
Soil leaching research and make small notes
Also, currently reading Good Girl Bad Blood and I’m hooked to this series.
I have until 12am to complete all or at least the first 3 tasks which is in approximately (5hrs and 34mins). Wish me luck!
(Damn I wish I had discipline)
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I haven’t updated my studyblr/bookblr since last year but I’m back and giving a rundown of my day and to-do list. I was at school today and was assigned a lot of work which is usual and for one of my classes, my teacher used my assignment as an example for other students to know what they’re supposed to do and I felt honored honestly. I came home and did a mid workout (wasn’t intense), worked on both legs and arms and I feel pretty good.
My to-do list for today:
English SBA group google meet at 5:30 (I’m in it right now)
English comparison essay on 2 poems
History essay questions
Principles of Business 2020 CSEC p1
EDPM Assignment 2 to complete
Geography SBA draft to complete
Soil leaching research and make small notes
Also, currently reading Good Girl Bad Blood and I’m hooked to this series.
I have until 12am to complete all or at least the first 3 tasks which is in approximately (5hrs and 34mins). Wish me luck!
(Damn I wish I had discipline)
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how to get yourself out of a study rut 😧📚
tips for all my dear professional procrastinators 😏
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okay okay now don't get too excited about this 😌 BUT this is the ultimate "get out of study rut" package.
- planning : this is what i did. i snatched the entire syllabus and wrote it down in my planner. i planned out my entire 3 weeks, when to study what. included breaks as well. i filled my entire day with 9 hours of study + exercise + classes + self-care stuff + sleep.
- time limit : you literally can't afford to sit for an entire day with one page of studying to do. that's such a wastage, babe. in a time deficiet, the first thing you need to do to allot a time limit to certain subjects. for example, i spend three hours studying biology and another three hours with dear old physics. if it exceeds three hours, i give up and come back to it later at the end of the day. time is galleons 💸
- distractions & autopilot mode : absolutely no distractions when you sit to study. no reading through with autopilot mode on. i know there are other better ways than reading through but i still do the ancient trick and that's reading, alright? coz you can't just jump into active recall methods without even reading through the chapter and knowing what it is about. while reading, ask and frame questions like you're the teacher.
- timer & techniques : set a timer, kiddo. i study for an hour and then take a 15 min break. work out which study technique works for you best and study accordingly. don't you dare lose your sleep to study 😤 sleep is important too! honestly, i always prioritize my health over studies coz if im not feeling good, how on earth can i expect my studying to be good?
- stress : pain is temporary but rewards are forever. i reminded myself how this stress is gonna last for only 3 weeks but the exam results are gonna leave a lasting good impression on me. it will lead to my self-motivation, improve the relationship i have with my teachers and encourage me to do even better next time. you have to realize that this will take a lot of hard work & consistency but do you want a good result? yeah? then go for it. take this challenge as an opportunity to learn new things. yes you pushed it beyond your limits and you're gonna achieve it. you just gotta push harder.
kiddo, you got this. you have me here to help you out with study ruts and holes and what not. i provide you weapons 😌 yes yes im your fairy godmother – and a very proud one too coz i see your efforts – but make this your own cindrella story. bring in a twist. shock everyone. just don't give up and lose your glass slipper, alright?
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I saw this thing that was like "choose consistency over intensity" and thats some good advice right there.
Like seriously say you want to make a habit of working out everyday. It's more likely to stick if you start with 10 minutes everyday than if you try to jump in and workout for an hour everyday. Or you want to read a book every week. Start by just reading everyday then slowly kick up the intensity.
You're never gonna get where you want to be if you tire yourself out before you even start. It's a marathon not a sprint bb.
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“We don’t have to be smarter than the rest. We have to be more disciplined than the rest”
Warren Buffet
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