my bf got pink eye so i cant go over to his house and use his pool and AC. what even is the point of a boyfriend, if you cant use his pool or AC? 
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If there was anyone who could fuck Bigfoot, it'd be Shane.
Ryan Bergara at some point, probably 
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not to be dramatic. but if anything ever happened to shane or ryan, i would kill everyone in this room, and then myself.
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Ryan: hey! i was sitting there! you took my spot!
Shane: you took my happiness Ryan.
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Ryan: when you meet people for the first time, whats the first thing you want to know about them?
Shane: if they're real.
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Ryan doesn’t like the Hotdaga?
Oh yeah? Then why is the new channel called the Buzzfeed Unsolved Network?
What has a bun? Hot dogs. Check and mate, Boogaras
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today my boyfriend kissed me really low on the cheek, and i was like, “wtf are you doing?” and he responded “i didnt want to mess up your highlight”. my gay ass has chosen well.
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