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Here it is, plain and simple. No need to fear the 5G! All our posts are verified by scientists working in relevant fields. This post was kindly verified by Dr. Lydia-Ann Ghuneim, PhD. [Bachelors in Interdisciplinary physics with biochemistry @ University of Michigan. Masters in Molecular, cellular, and developmental biology @ University of Michigan. PhD is Environmental Science @ Bangor University] We encourage you to continue your exploration of this topic, and to start you out, here are some articles we think you'd be interested in! https://www.fda.gov/radiation-emitting-products/cell-phones/do-cell-phones-pose-health-hazard https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4350886/
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Meet the team! These are the wonderful nerds behind the blog and soon-to-be-released podcast, s[He] b[Li]nded me with scie[N]ce! Between us, we have 4 diplomas, 13 subjects of specialization, and 6 arms dragging you into the rapidly expanding world of scientific discovery. Take a minute to puruse our qualifications and personal philosophies above, then follow our instagram and facebook (below) to stay up to date with our productions and scientific news you won't want to miss!
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About the author
2020 Nov 8
This is my very first blog and I am so excited to share this experience with y’all! Before I jump right into all the science, I wanted to tell everyone a bit about myself and the purpose of this blog.
Background info
My name is Lauren (she/her or they/them) and I'm from Michigan in the good ol’ US of A. I graduated from Michigan State University (MSU) with a B.S. in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Biotechnology with a second major in Genomics and Molecular Genetics and a concentration in Bioinformatics. Basically, I study small stuff and can make computers do complicated math things for me.
I'm currently part of the Biochemistry Research Trainee Program (BRTP) at MSU. As such, I’m working in a lab at MSU studying the effects of a new drug that treats cystic fibrosis (CF) on the CF metabolome and microbiome (wow, big words, I'll explain them in a post I promise). Before this job, I worked in a computational biology lab. The project I was on involved creating a web application that can predict the function of any protein (bacteria, mammals, fungi – pretty much anything), as well as a whole bunch of other information related to that protein and the organism it came from.
Interests related to science
I am super interested in all things pathogenic or disease related. How something so small and seemingly insignificant can make such a huge impact is incredible to me. Psychology is also really fascinating, but I didn’t think I could do that as a career. Side note – the Dunning-Kruger effect has always fascinated me and we will be making a post about that in the future.
Animal science and zoonotic diseases are of special interest to me. I basically grew up in the animal clinic my mom (now) owns, so our discussions usually revolve around such topics when we’re not talking about life. Individuals need to be incredibly compassionate, dedicated, and hard-working to go into animal science. Veterinarians and veterinary technicians have difficult jobs and do not get enough credit for all the time, energy, and heart they give to their clients and patients. Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk.
Interests UNrelated to science
My dog, Minnie, is the love of my life and I will cherish her forever, as denoted by the tattoo on my thigh of her little paw print. She’s a 34lb (14.5kg) Olde English Bulldogge, the best cuddler ever, and such a sweetheart. Bella (our pug/Boston terrier mix) puppy is her best friend in the whole world and they love playing with their giant, red soccer ball. As for my other interests, I’m passionate about music and the arts (listening to, performing, and a tiny bit into creating). Once theatres are able to open again, I want to get back into the performing arts! I mainly perform in musicals, but I will be forcing my partner to take dance lessons with me at least once a week.
Other contributors to the blog
I’m proud to be working with several of my friends to get this project up and running, so let me introduce them: Ben (he/him) is double majoring in Biochemistry as well as History, Philosophy, and Sociology of Science at MSU in the hopes of getting into scientific communications. As our graphic designer, he works on our logo, infographics, animation and more. Collin received his B.S. from Central Michigan University where he spent three years on the airwaves, and will be our audio producer once we start our podcast. Nwanyioma is majoring in Animal Science at MSU and will be an editor and fact-checker for our growing team.
Enjoy the science!!
<3 the SBMWS team
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